path: root/lib/ExtUtils
diff options
authorYitzchak Scott-Thoennes <>2005-05-18 00:13:40 -0700
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2005-05-18 15:26:32 +0000
commit6b09c1601036c61459334bdedef5d7e29e07fcaf (patch)
tree9b0585caad1c293717d66a9e7b73761b8ecee46d /lib/ExtUtils
parent37ac43f5c5f6dad25a2bfe9c2dd1d819478704a5 (diff)
Re: [PATCH] ExtUtils-{ParseXS,CBuilder} into bleadperl (was: Re: [Module::Build] ANNOUNCE: Module::Build 0.2610 -> CPAN)
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@24500
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ExtUtils')
17 files changed, 3750 insertions, 1813 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ b/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..deb1fd88a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder;
+use File::Spec ();
+use File::Path ();
+use File::Basename ();
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.11_01';
+# Okay, this is the brute-force method of finding out what kind of
+# platform we're on. I don't know of a systematic way. These values
+# came from the latest (bleadperl) perlport.pod.
+my %OSTYPES = qw(
+ aix Unix
+ bsdos Unix
+ dgux Unix
+ dynixptx Unix
+ freebsd Unix
+ linux Unix
+ hpux Unix
+ irix Unix
+ darwin Unix
+ machten Unix
+ next Unix
+ openbsd Unix
+ netbsd Unix
+ dec_osf Unix
+ svr4 Unix
+ svr5 Unix
+ sco_sv Unix
+ unicos Unix
+ unicosmk Unix
+ solaris Unix
+ sunos Unix
+ cygwin Unix
+ os2 Unix
+ dos Windows
+ MSWin32 Windows
+ os390 EBCDIC
+ os400 EBCDIC
+ posix-bc EBCDIC
+ vmesa EBCDIC
+ MacOS MacOS
+ riscos RiscOS
+ amigaos Amiga
+ mpeix MPEiX
+ );
+# We only use this once - don't waste a symbol table entry on it.
+# More importantly, don't make it an inheritable method.
+my $load = sub {
+ my $mod = shift;
+ eval "use $mod";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ @ISA = ($mod);
+ my @package = split /::/, __PACKAGE__;
+ if (grep {-e File::Spec->catfile($_, @package, 'Platform', $^O) . '.pm'} @INC) {
+ $load->(__PACKAGE__ . "::Platform::$^O");
+ } elsif (exists $OSTYPES{$^O} and
+ grep {-e File::Spec->catfile($_, @package, 'Platform', $OSTYPES{$^O}) . '.pm'} @INC) {
+ $load->(__PACKAGE__ . "::Platform::$OSTYPES{$^O}");
+ } else {
+ $load->(__PACKAGE__ . "::Base");
+ }
+sub os_type { $OSTYPES{$^O} }
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::CBuilder - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::CBuilder;
+ my $b = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(%options);
+ $obj_file = $b->compile(source => 'MyModule.c');
+ $lib_file = $b->link(objects => $obj_file);
+This module can build the C portions of Perl modules by invoking the
+appropriate compilers and linkers in a cross-platform manner. It was
+motivated by the C<Module::Build> project, but may be useful for other
+purposes as well. However, it is I<not> intended as a general
+cross-platform interface to all your C building needs. That would
+have been a much more ambitious goal!
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item new
+Returns a new C<ExtUtils::CBuilder> object. A C<config> parameter
+lets you override C<> settings for all operations performed
+by the object, as in the following example:
+ # Use a different compiler than says
+ my $b = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new( config =>
+ { ld => 'gcc' } );
+=item have_compiler
+Returns true if the current system has a working C compiler and
+linker, false otherwise. To determine this, we actually compile and
+link a sample C library.
+=item compile
+Compiles a C source file and produces an object file. The name of the
+object file is returned. The source file is specified in a C<source>
+parameter, which is required; the other parameters listed below are
+=over 4
+=item C<object_file>
+Specifies the name of the output file to create. Otherwise the
+C<object_file()> method will be consulted, passing it the name of the
+C<source> file.
+=item C<include_dirs>
+Specifies any additional directories in which to search for header
+files. May be given as a string indicating a single directory, or as
+a list reference indicating multiple directories.
+=item C<extra_compiler_flags>
+Specifies any additional arguments to pass to the compiler. Should be
+given as a list reference containing the arguments individually, or if
+this is not possible, as a string containing all the arguments
+The operation of this method is also affected by the
+C<installarchlib>, C<cccdlflags>, C<ccflags>, C<optimize>, and C<cc>
+entries in C<>.
+=item link
+Invokes the linker to produce a library file from object files. In
+scalar context, the name of the library file is returned. In list
+context, the library file and any temporary files created are
+returned. A required C<objects> parameter contains the name of the
+object files to process, either in a string (for one object file) or
+list reference (for one or more files). The following parameters are
+=over 4
+=item lib_file
+Specifies the name of the output library file to create. Otherwise
+the C<lib_file()> method will be consulted, passing it the name of
+the first entry in C<objects>.
+=item module_name
+Specifies the name of the Perl module that will be created by linking.
+On platforms that need to do prelinking (Win32, OS/2, etc.) this is a
+required parameter.
+=item extra_linker_flags
+Any additional flags you wish to pass to the linker.
+On platforms where C<need_prelink()> returns true, C<prelink()>
+will be called automatically.
+The operation of this method is also affected by the C<lddlflags>,
+C<shrpenv>, and C<ld> entries in C<>.
+=item link_executable
+Invokes the linker to produce an executable file from object files. In
+scalar context, the name of the executable file is returned. In list
+context, the executable file and any temporary files created are
+returned. A required C<objects> parameter contains the name of the
+object files to process, either in a string (for one object file) or
+list reference (for one or more files). The optional parameters are
+the same as C<link> with exception for
+=over 4
+=item exe_file
+Specifies the name of the output executable file to create. Otherwise
+the C<exe_file()> method will be consulted, passing it the name of the
+first entry in C<objects>.
+=item object_file
+ my $object_file = $b->object_file($source_file);
+Converts the name of a C source file to the most natural name of an
+output object file to create from it. For instance, on Unix the
+source file F<foo.c> would result in the object file F<foo.o>.
+=item lib_file
+ my $lib_file = $b->lib_file($object_file);
+Converts the name of an object file to the most natural name of a
+output library file to create from it. For instance, on Mac OS X the
+object file F<foo.o> would result in the library file F<foo.bundle>.
+=item exe_file
+ my $exe_file = $b->exe_file($object_file);
+Converts the name of an object file to the most natural name of an
+executable file to create from it. For instance, on Mac OS X the
+object file F<foo.o> would result in the executable file F<foo>, and
+on Windows it would result in F<foo.exe>.
+=item prelink
+On certain platforms like Win32, OS/2, VMS, and AIX, it is necessary
+to perform some actions before invoking the linker. The
+C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists> module does this, writing files used by the
+linker during the creation of shared libraries for dynamic extensions.
+The names of any files written will be returned as a list.
+Several parameters correspond to C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists::Mksymlists()>
+options, as follows:
+ Mksymlists() prelink() type
+ -------------|-------------------|-------------------
+ NAME | dl_name | string (required)
+ DLBASE | dl_base | string
+ FILE | dl_file | string
+ DL_VARS | dl_vars | array reference
+ DL_FUNCS | dl_funcs | hash reference
+ FUNCLIST | dl_func_list | array reference
+ IMPORTS | dl_imports | hash reference
+Please see the documentation for C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists> for the
+details of what these parameters do.
+=item need_prelink
+Returns true on platforms where C<prelink()> should be called
+during linking, and false otherwise.
+=head1 TO DO
+Currently this has only been tested on Unix and doesn't contain any of
+the Windows-specific code from the C<Module::Build> project. I'll do
+that next.
+=head1 HISTORY
+This module is an outgrowth of the C<Module::Build> project, to which
+there have been many contributors. Notably, Randy W. Sims submitted
+lots of code to support 3 compilers on Windows and helped with various
+other platform-specific issues.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ken Williams,
+Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1), Module::Build(3)
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb20773a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base;
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Basename;
+use Config;
+use Text::ParseWords;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.00_02';
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {@_}, $class;
+ $self->{properties}{perl} = $class->find_perl_interpreter
+ or warn "Warning: Can't locate your perl binary";
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each %Config) {
+ $self->{config}{$k} = $v unless exists $self->{config}{$k};
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub find_perl_interpreter {
+ my $perl;
+ File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($perl = $^X)
+ or -f ($perl = $Config::Config{perlpath})
+ or ($perl = $^X);
+ return $perl;
+sub add_to_cleanup {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %files = map {$_, 1} @_;
+sub object_file {
+ my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+ # File name, minus the suffix
+ (my $file_base = $filename) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+ return "$file_base$self->{config}{obj_ext}";
+sub arg_include_dirs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return map {"-I$_"} @_;
+sub arg_nolink { '-c' }
+sub arg_object_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return ('-o', $file);
+sub arg_share_object_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return ($self->split_like_shell($self->{config}{lddlflags}), '-o', $file);
+sub arg_exec_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return ('-o', $file);
+sub compile {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ die "Missing 'source' argument to compile()" unless defined $args{source};
+ my $cf = $self->{config}; # For convenience
+ $args{object_file} ||= $self->object_file($args{source});
+ my @include_dirs = $self->arg_include_dirs
+ (@{$args{include_dirs} || []},
+ $self->perl_inc());
+ my @extra_compiler_flags = $self->split_like_shell($args{extra_compiler_flags});
+ my @cccdlflags = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{cccdlflags});
+ my @ccflags = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{ccflags});
+ my @optimize = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{optimize});
+ my @flags = (@include_dirs, @cccdlflags, @extra_compiler_flags,
+ $self->arg_nolink,
+ @ccflags, @optimize,
+ $self->arg_object_file($args{object_file}),
+ );
+ my @cc = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{cc});
+ $self->do_system(@cc, @flags, $args{source})
+ or die "error building $args{object_file} from '$args{source}'";
+ return $args{object_file};
+sub have_compiler {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{have_compiler} if defined $self->{have_compiler};
+ my $tmpfile = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir, 'compilet.c');
+ {
+ local *FH;
+ open FH, "> $tmpfile" or die "Can't create $tmpfile: $!";
+ print FH "int boot_compilet() { return 1; }\n";
+ close FH;
+ }
+ my ($obj_file, @lib_files);
+ eval {
+ $obj_file = $self->compile(source => $tmpfile);
+ @lib_files = $self->link(objects => $obj_file, module_name => 'compilet');
+ };
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ my $result = $self->{have_compiler} = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+ foreach (grep defined, $tmpfile, $obj_file, @lib_files) {
+ 1 while unlink;
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub lib_file {
+ my ($self, $dl_file) = @_;
+ $dl_file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+ $dl_file =~ tr/"//d;
+ return "$dl_file.$self->{config}{dlext}";
+sub exe_file {
+ my ($self, $dl_file) = @_;
+ $dl_file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+ $dl_file =~ tr/"//d;
+ return "$dl_file$self->{config}{_exe}";
+sub need_prelink { 0 }
+sub prelink {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ ($args{dl_file} = $args{dl_name}) =~ s/.*::// unless $args{dl_file};
+ require ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
+ ExtUtils::Mksymlists::Mksymlists( # dl. abbrev for dynamic library
+ DL_VARS => $args{dl_vars} || [],
+ DL_FUNCS => $args{dl_funcs} || {},
+ FUNCLIST => $args{dl_func_list} || [],
+ IMPORTS => $args{dl_imports} || {},
+ NAME => $args{dl_name},
+ DLBASE => $args{dl_base},
+ FILE => $args{dl_file},
+ );
+ # Mksymlists will create one of these files
+ return grep -e, map "$args{dl_file}.$_", qw(ext def opt);
+sub link {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ return $self->_do_link('lib_file', lddl => 1, %args);
+sub link_executable {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ return $self->_do_link('exe_file', lddl => 0, %args);
+sub _do_link {
+ my ($self, $type, %args) = @_;
+ my $cf = $self->{config}; # For convenience
+ my $objects = delete $args{objects};
+ $objects = [$objects] unless ref $objects;
+ my $out = $args{$type} || $self->$type($objects->[0]);
+ my @temp_files;
+ @temp_files =
+ $self->prelink(%args,
+ dl_name => $args{module_name}) if $self->need_prelink;
+ my @linker_flags = $self->split_like_shell($args{extra_linker_flags});
+ my @output = $args{lddl} ? $self->arg_share_object_file($out) : $self->arg_exec_file($out);
+ my @shrp = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{shrpenv});
+ my @ld = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{ld});
+ $self->do_system(@shrp, @ld, @output, @$objects, @linker_flags)
+ or die "error building $out from @$objects";
+ return wantarray ? ($out, @temp_files) : $out;
+sub do_system {
+ my ($self, @cmd) = @_;
+ print "@cmd\n" if !$self->{quiet};
+ return !system(@cmd);
+sub split_like_shell {
+ my ($self, $string) = @_;
+ return () unless defined($string);
+ return @$string if UNIVERSAL::isa($string, 'ARRAY');
+ $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ return () unless length($string);
+ return Text::ParseWords::shellwords($string);
+# if building perl, perl's main source directory
+sub perl_src {
+ # N.B. makemaker actually searches regardless of PERL_CORE, but
+ # only squawks at not finding it if PERL_CORE is set
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
+ my $Updir = File::Spec->updir;
+ my($dir);
+ foreach $dir ($Updir,
+ File::Spec->catdir($Updir,$Updir),
+ File::Spec->catdir($Updir,$Updir,$Updir),
+ File::Spec->catdir($Updir,$Updir,$Updir,$Updir),
+ File::Spec->catdir($Updir,$Updir,$Updir,$Updir,$Updir))
+ {
+ if (
+ -f File::Spec->catfile($dir,"config_h.SH")
+ &&
+ -f File::Spec->catfile($dir,"perl.h")
+ &&
+ -f File::Spec->catfile($dir,"lib","")
+ ) {
+ return $dir;
+ }
+ }
+ warn "PERL_CORE is set but I can't find your perl source!\n";
+ }
+ return;
+# directory of perl's include files
+sub perl_inc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->perl_src() || File::Spec->catdir($self->{config}{archlibexp},"CORE");
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63b725a69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix;
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base);
+sub link {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cf = $self->{config};
+ # Some platforms (notably Mac OS X 10.3, but some others too) expect
+ # the syntax "FOO=BAR /bin/command arg arg" to work in %Config
+ # (notably $Config{ld}). It usually works in system(SCALAR), but we
+ # use system(LIST). We fix it up here with 'env'.
+ local $cf->{ld} = $cf->{ld};
+ if (ref $cf->{ld}) {
+ unshift @{$cf->{ld}}, 'env' if $cf->{ld}[0] =~ /^\s*\w+=/;
+ } else {
+ $cf->{ld} =~ s/^(\s*\w+=)/env $1/;
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::link(@_);
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..383096093b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS;
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base);
+sub need_prelink { 0 }
+sub arg_include_dirs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return '/include=(' . join(',', @_) . ')';
+sub arg_nolink { return; }
+sub arg_object_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return "/obj=$file";
+sub arg_exec_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return ("/exe=$file");
+sub arg_share_object_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return ("$self->{config}{lddlflags}=$file");
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c0ec97ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base);
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ my $cf = $self->{config};
+ # Inherit from an appropriate compiler driver class
+ unshift @ISA, "ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::" . $self->_compiler_type;
+ return $self;
+sub _compiler_type {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cc = $self->{config}{cc};
+ return ( $cc =~ /cl(\.exe)?$/ ? 'MSVC'
+ : $cc =~ /bcc32(\.exe)?$/ ? 'BCC'
+ : 'GCC');
+sub split_like_shell {
+ # As it turns out, Windows command-parsing is very different from
+ # Unix command-parsing. Double-quotes mean different things,
+ # backslashes don't necessarily mean escapes, and so on. So we
+ # can't use Text::ParseWords::shellwords() to break a command string
+ # into words. The algorithm below was bashed out by Randy and Ken
+ # (mostly Randy), and there are a lot of regression tests, so we
+ # should feel free to adjust if desired.
+ (my $self, local $_) = @_;
+ return @$_ if defined() && UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'ARRAY');
+ my @argv;
+ return @argv unless defined() && length();
+ my $arg = '';
+ my( $i, $quote_mode ) = ( 0, 0 );
+ while ( $i < length() ) {
+ my $ch = substr( $_, $i , 1 );
+ my $next_ch = substr( $_, $i+1, 1 );
+ if ( $ch eq '\\' && $next_ch eq '"' ) {
+ $arg .= '"';
+ $i++;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '\\' && $next_ch eq '\\' ) {
+ $arg .= '\\';
+ $i++;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '"' && $next_ch eq '"' && $quote_mode ) {
+ $quote_mode = !$quote_mode;
+ $arg .= '"';
+ $i++;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '"' && $next_ch eq '"' && !$quote_mode &&
+ ( $i + 2 == length() ||
+ substr( $_, $i + 2, 1 ) eq ' ' )
+ ) { # for cases like: a"" => [ 'a' ]
+ push( @argv, $arg );
+ $arg = '';
+ $i += 2;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '"' ) {
+ $quote_mode = !$quote_mode;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq ' ' && !$quote_mode ) {
+ push( @argv, $arg ) if $arg;
+ $arg = '';
+ ++$i while substr( $_, $i + 1, 1 ) eq ' ';
+ } else {
+ $arg .= $ch;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ push( @argv, $arg ) if defined( $arg ) && length( $arg );
+ return @argv;
+sub compile {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $cf = $self->{config};
+ die "Missing 'source' argument to compile()" unless defined $args{source};
+ my ($basename, $srcdir) =
+ ( File::Basename::fileparse($args{source}, '\.[^.]+$') )[0,1];
+ $srcdir ||= File::Spec->curdir();
+ my %spec = (
+ srcdir => $srcdir,
+ builddir => $srcdir,
+ basename => $basename,
+ source => $args{source},
+ output => File::Spec->catfile($srcdir, $basename) . $cf->{obj_ext},
+ cc => $cf->{cc},
+ cflags => [
+ $self->split_like_shell($cf->{ccflags}),
+ $self->split_like_shell($cf->{cccdlflags}),
+ ],
+ optimize => [ $self->split_like_shell($cf->{optimize}) ],
+ defines => [ '' ],
+ includes => [ @{$args{include_dirs} || []} ],
+ perlinc => [
+ $self->perl_inc(),
+ $self->split_like_shell($cf->{incpath}),
+ ],
+ use_scripts => 1, # XXX provide user option to change this???
+ );
+ $self->add_to_cleanup($spec{output});
+ $self->normalize_filespecs(
+ \$spec{source},
+ \$spec{output},
+ $spec{includes},
+ $spec{perlinc},
+ );
+ my @cmds = $self->format_compiler_cmd(%spec);
+ while ( my $cmd = shift @cmds ) {
+ $self->do_system( @$cmd )
+ or die "error building $cf->{dlext} file from '$args{source}'";
+ }
+ (my $out = $spec{output}) =~ tr/'"//d;
+ return $out;
+sub need_prelink { 1 }
+sub link {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $cf = $self->{config};
+ my @objects = ( ref $args{objects} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$args{objects}} : $args{objects} );
+ my $to = join '', (File::Spec->splitpath($objects[0]))[0,1];
+ $to ||= File::Spec->curdir();
+ (my $file_base = $args{module_name}) =~ s/.*:://;
+ my $output = $args{lib_file} ||
+ File::Spec->catfile($to, "$file_base.$cf->{dlext}");
+ # if running in perl source tree, look for libs there, not installed
+ my $lddlflags = $cf->{lddlflags};
+ my $perl_src = $self->perl_src();
+ $lddlflags =~ s/\Q$cf->{archlibexp}\E\\CORE/$perl_src/ if $perl_src;
+ my %spec = (
+ srcdir => $to,
+ builddir => $to,
+ startup => [ ],
+ objects => \@objects,
+ libs => [ ],
+ output => $output,
+ ld => $cf->{ld},
+ libperl => $cf->{libperl},
+ perllibs => [ $self->split_like_shell($cf->{perllibs}) ],
+ libpath => [ $self->split_like_shell($cf->{libpth}) ],
+ lddlflags => [ $self->split_like_shell($lddlflags) ],
+ other_ldflags => [ $self->split_like_shell($args{extra_linker_flags} || '') ],
+ use_scripts => 1, # XXX provide user option to change this???
+ );
+ unless ( $spec{basename} ) {
+ ($spec{basename} = $args{module_name}) =~ s/.*:://;
+ }
+ $spec{srcdir} = File::Spec->canonpath( $spec{srcdir} );
+ $spec{builddir} = File::Spec->canonpath( $spec{builddir} );
+ $spec{output} ||= File::Spec->catfile( $spec{builddir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.'.$cf->{dlext} );
+ $spec{implib} ||= File::Spec->catfile( $spec{builddir},
+ $spec{basename} . $cf->{lib_ext} );
+ $spec{explib} ||= File::Spec->catfile( $spec{builddir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.exp' );
+ $spec{def_file} ||= File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir} ,
+ $spec{basename} . '.def' );
+ $spec{base_file} ||= File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir} ,
+ $spec{basename} . '.base' );
+ $self->add_to_cleanup(
+ grep defined,
+ @{[ @spec{qw(output implib explib def_file base_file map_file)} ]}
+ );
+ foreach my $opt ( qw(output implib explib def_file map_file base_file) ) {
+ $self->normalize_filespecs( \$spec{$opt} );
+ }
+ foreach my $opt ( qw(libpath startup objects) ) {
+ $self->normalize_filespecs( $spec{$opt} );
+ }
+ (my $def_base = $spec{def_file}) =~ tr/'"//d;
+ $def_base =~ s/\.def$//;
+ $self->prelink( dl_name => $args{module_name},
+ dl_file => $def_base,
+ dl_base => $spec{basename} );
+ my @cmds = $self->format_linker_cmd(%spec);
+ while ( my $cmd = shift @cmds ) {
+ $self->do_system( @$cmd );
+ }
+ $spec{output} =~ tr/'"//d;
+ return wantarray
+ ? grep defined, @spec{qw[output implib explib def_file map_file base_file]}
+ : $spec{output};
+# canonize & quote paths
+sub normalize_filespecs {
+ my ($self, @specs) = @_;
+ foreach my $spec ( grep defined, @specs ) {
+ if ( ref $spec eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $self->normalize_filespecs( map {\$_} grep defined, @$spec )
+ } elsif ( ref $spec eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ $$spec =~ tr/"//d if $$spec;
+ next unless $$spec;
+ $$spec = '"' . File::Spec->canonpath($$spec) . '"';
+ } elsif ( ref $spec eq '' ) {
+ $spec = '"' . File::Spec->canonpath($spec) . '"';
+ } else {
+ die "Don't know how to normalize " . (ref $spec || $spec) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+# directory of perl's include files
+sub perl_inc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $perl_src = $self->perl_src();
+ if ($perl_src) {
+ File::Spec->catdir($perl_src, "lib", "CORE");
+ } else {
+ File::Spec->catdir($self->{config}{archlibexp},"CORE");
+ }
+=begin comment
+The packages below implement functions for generating properly
+formated commandlines for the compiler being used. Each package
+defines two primary functions 'format_linker_cmd()' &
+'format_compiler_cmd()' that accepts a list of named arguments (a
+hash) and returns a list of formated options suitable for invoking the
+compiler. By default, if the compiler supports scripting of its
+operation then a script file is built containing the options while
+those options are removed from the commandline, and a reference to the
+script is pushed onto the commandline in their place. Scripting the
+compiler in this way helps to avoid the problems associated with long
+commandlines under some shells.
+=end comment
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC;
+sub format_compiler_cmd {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ foreach my $path ( @{ $spec{includes} || [] },
+ @{ $spec{perlinc} || [] } ) {
+ $path = '-I' . $path;
+ }
+ %spec = $self->write_compiler_script(%spec)
+ if $spec{use_scripts};
+ return [ grep {defined && length} (
+ $spec{cc},'-nologo','-c',
+ @{$spec{includes}} ,
+ @{$spec{cflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{optimize}} ,
+ @{$spec{defines}} ,
+ @{$spec{perlinc}} ,
+ "-Fo$spec{output}" ,
+ $spec{source} ,
+ ) ];
+sub write_compiler_script {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.ccs' );
+ $self->add_to_cleanup($script);
+ print "Generating script '$script'\n" if !$self->{quiet};
+ open( SCRIPT, ">$script" )
+ or die( "Could not create script '$script': $!" );
+ print SCRIPT join( "\n",
+ map { ref $_ ? @{$_} : $_ }
+ grep defined,
+ delete(
+ @spec{ qw(includes cflags optimize defines perlinc) } )
+ );
+ close SCRIPT;
+ push @{$spec{includes}}, '@"' . $script . '"';
+ return %spec;
+sub format_linker_cmd {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ foreach my $path ( @{$spec{libpath}} ) {
+ $path = "-libpath:$path";
+ }
+ $spec{def_file} &&= '-def:' . $spec{def_file};
+ $spec{output} &&= '-out:' . $spec{output};
+ $spec{implib} &&= '-implib:' . $spec{implib};
+ $spec{map_file} &&= '-map:' . $spec{map_file};
+ %spec = $self->write_linker_script(%spec)
+ if $spec{use_scripts};
+ return [ grep {defined && length} (
+ $spec{ld} ,
+ @{$spec{lddlflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{libpath}} ,
+ @{$spec{other_ldflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{startup}} ,
+ @{$spec{objects}} ,
+ $spec{map_file} ,
+ $spec{libperl} ,
+ @{$spec{perllibs}} ,
+ $spec{def_file} ,
+ $spec{implib} ,
+ $spec{output} ,
+ ) ];
+sub write_linker_script {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.lds' );
+ $self->add_to_cleanup($script);
+ print "Generating script '$script'\n" if !$self->{quiet};
+ open( SCRIPT, ">$script" )
+ or die( "Could not create script '$script': $!" );
+ print SCRIPT join( "\n",
+ map { ref $_ ? @{$_} : $_ }
+ grep defined,
+ delete(
+ @spec{ qw(lddlflags libpath other_ldflags
+ startup objects libperl perllibs
+ def_file implib map_file) } )
+ );
+ close SCRIPT;
+ push @{$spec{lddlflags}}, '@"' . $script . '"';
+ return %spec;
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC;
+sub format_compiler_cmd {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ foreach my $path ( @{ $spec{includes} || [] },
+ @{ $spec{perlinc} || [] } ) {
+ $path = '-I' . $path;
+ }
+ %spec = $self->write_compiler_script(%spec)
+ if $spec{use_scripts};
+ return [ grep {defined && length} (
+ $spec{cc}, '-c' ,
+ @{$spec{includes}} ,
+ @{$spec{cflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{optimize}} ,
+ @{$spec{defines}} ,
+ @{$spec{perlinc}} ,
+ "-o$spec{output}" ,
+ $spec{source} ,
+ ) ];
+sub write_compiler_script {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.ccs' );
+ $self->add_to_cleanup($script);
+ print "Generating script '$script'\n" if !$self->{quiet};
+ open( SCRIPT, ">$script" )
+ or die( "Could not create script '$script': $!" );
+ print SCRIPT join( "\n",
+ map { ref $_ ? @{$_} : $_ }
+ grep defined,
+ delete(
+ @spec{ qw(includes cflags optimize defines perlinc) } )
+ );
+ close SCRIPT;
+ push @{$spec{includes}}, '@"' . $script . '"';
+ return %spec;
+sub format_linker_cmd {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ foreach my $path ( @{$spec{libpath}} ) {
+ $path = "-L$path";
+ }
+ push( @{$spec{startup}}, 'c0d32.obj' )
+ unless ( $spec{starup} && @{$spec{startup}} );
+ %spec = $self->write_linker_script(%spec)
+ if $spec{use_scripts};
+ return [ grep {defined && length} (
+ $spec{ld} ,
+ @{$spec{lddlflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{libpath}} ,
+ @{$spec{other_ldflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{startup}} ,
+ @{$spec{objects}} , ',',
+ $spec{output} , ',',
+ $spec{map_file} , ',',
+ $spec{libperl} ,
+ @{$spec{perllibs}} , ',',
+ $spec{def_file}
+ ) ];
+sub write_linker_script {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ # To work around Borlands "unique" commandline syntax,
+ # two scripts are used:
+ my $ld_script = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.lds' );
+ my $ld_libs = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.lbs' );
+ $self->add_to_cleanup($ld_script, $ld_libs);
+ print "Generating scripts '$ld_script' and '$ld_libs'.\n" if !$self->{quiet};
+ # Script 1: contains options & names of object files.
+ open( LD_SCRIPT, ">$ld_script" )
+ or die( "Could not create linker script '$ld_script': $!" );
+ print LD_SCRIPT join( " +\n",
+ map { @{$_} }
+ grep defined,
+ delete(
+ @spec{ qw(lddlflags libpath other_ldflags startup objects) } )
+ );
+ close LD_SCRIPT;
+ # Script 2: contains name of libs to link against.
+ open( LD_LIBS, ">$ld_libs" )
+ or die( "Could not create linker script '$ld_libs': $!" );
+ print LD_LIBS join( " +\n",
+ (delete $spec{libperl} || ''),
+ @{delete $spec{perllibs} || []},
+ );
+ close LD_LIBS;
+ push @{$spec{lddlflags}}, '@"' . $ld_script . '"';
+ push @{$spec{perllibs}}, '@"' . $ld_libs . '"';
+ return %spec;
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC;
+sub format_compiler_cmd {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ foreach my $path ( @{ $spec{includes} || [] },
+ @{ $spec{perlinc} || [] } ) {
+ $path = '-I' . $path;
+ }
+ # split off any -arguments included in cc
+ my @cc = split / (?=-)/, $spec{cc};
+ return [ grep {defined && length} (
+ @cc, '-c' ,
+ @{$spec{includes}} ,
+ @{$spec{cflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{optimize}} ,
+ @{$spec{defines}} ,
+ @{$spec{perlinc}} ,
+ '-o', $spec{output} ,
+ $spec{source} ,
+ ) ];
+sub format_linker_cmd {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ # The variable 'libperl' is hardcoded to the full name
+ # of the perl import library (i.e. 'libperl56.a'). GCC will not
+ # find it unless the 'lib' prefix & the extension are stripped.
+ $spec{libperl} =~ s/^(?:lib)?([^.]+).*$/-l$1/;
+ unshift( @{$spec{other_ldflags}}, '-nostartfiles' )
+ if ( $spec{startup} && @{$spec{startup}} );
+ # From ExtUtils::MM_Win32:
+ #
+ ## one thing for GCC/Mingw32:
+ ## we try to overcome non-relocateable-DLL problems by generating
+ ## a (hopefully unique) image-base from the dll's name
+ ## -- BKS, 10-19-1999
+ File::Basename::basename( $spec{output} ) =~ /(....)(.{0,4})/;
+ $spec{image_base} = sprintf( "0x%x0000", unpack('n', $1 ^ $2) );
+ %spec = $self->write_linker_script(%spec)
+ if $spec{use_scripts};
+ foreach my $path ( @{$spec{libpath}} ) {
+ $path = "-L$path";
+ }
+ my @cmds; # Stores the series of commands needed to build the module.
+ push @cmds, [
+ 'dlltool', '--def' , $spec{def_file},
+ '--output-exp' , $spec{explib}
+ ];
+ # split off any -arguments included in ld
+ my @ld = split / (?=-)/, $spec{ld};
+ push @cmds, [ grep {defined && length} (
+ @ld ,
+ '-o', $spec{output} ,
+ "-Wl,--base-file,$spec{base_file}" ,
+ "-Wl,--image-base,$spec{image_base}" ,
+ @{$spec{lddlflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{libpath}} ,
+ @{$spec{startup}} ,
+ @{$spec{objects}} ,
+ @{$spec{other_ldflags}} ,
+ $spec{libperl} ,
+ @{$spec{perllibs}} ,
+ $spec{explib} ,
+ $spec{map_file} ? ('-Map', $spec{map_file}) : ''
+ ) ];
+ push @cmds, [
+ 'dlltool', '--def' , $spec{def_file},
+ '--output-exp' , $spec{explib},
+ '--base-file' , $spec{base_file}
+ ];
+ push @cmds, [ grep {defined && length} (
+ @ld ,
+ '-o', $spec{output} ,
+ "-Wl,--image-base,$spec{image_base}" ,
+ @{$spec{lddlflags}} ,
+ @{$spec{libpath}} ,
+ @{$spec{startup}} ,
+ @{$spec{objects}} ,
+ @{$spec{other_ldflags}} ,
+ $spec{libperl} ,
+ @{$spec{perllibs}} ,
+ $spec{explib} ,
+ $spec{map_file} ? ('-Map', $spec{map_file}) : ''
+ ) ];
+ return @cmds;
+sub write_linker_script {
+ my ($self, %spec) = @_;
+ my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
+ $spec{basename} . '.lds' );
+ $self->add_to_cleanup($script);
+ print "Generating script '$script'\n" if !$self->{quiet};
+ open( SCRIPT, ">$script" )
+ or die( "Could not create script '$script': $!" );
+ print( SCRIPT 'SEARCH_DIR(' . $_ . ")\n" )
+ for @{delete $spec{libpath} || []};
+ # gcc takes only one startup file, so the first object in startup is
+ # specified as the startup file and any others are shifted into the
+ # beginning of the list of objects.
+ if ( $spec{startup} && @{$spec{startup}} ) {
+ print SCRIPT 'STARTUP(' . shift( @{$spec{startup}} ) . ")\n";
+ unshift @{$spec{objects}},
+ @{delete $spec{startup} || []};
+ }
+ print SCRIPT 'INPUT(' . join( ',',
+ @{delete $spec{objects} || []}
+ ) . ")\n";
+ print SCRIPT 'INPUT(' . join( ' ',
+ (delete $spec{libperl} || ''),
+ @{delete $spec{perllibs} || []},
+ ) . ")\n";
+ close SCRIPT;
+ push @{$spec{other_ldflags}}, '"' . $script . '"';
+ return %spec;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows - Builder class for Windows platforms
+This module implements the Windows-specific parts of ExtUtils::CBuilder.
+Most of the Windows-specific stuff has to do with compiling and
+linking C code. Currently we support the 3 compilers perl itself
+supports: MSVC, BCC, and GCC.
+This module inherits from C<ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base>, so any functionality
+not implemented here will be implemented there. The interfaces are
+defined by the L<ExtUtils::CBuilder> documentation.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ken Williams <>
+Most of the code here was written by Randy W. Sims <>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1), ExtUtils::CBuilder(3), ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3)
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..892c3448cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix;
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix;
+use File::Spec;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix);
+sub need_prelink { 1 }
+sub link {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $cf = $self->{config};
+ (my $baseext = $args{module_name}) =~ s/.*:://;
+ my $perl_inc = $self->perl_inc();
+ # Massage some very naughty bits in %Config
+ local $cf->{lddlflags} = $cf->{lddlflags};
+ for ($cf->{lddlflags}) {
+ s/\Q$(BASEEXT)\E/$baseext/;
+ s/\Q$(PERL_INC)\E/$perl_inc/;
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::link(%args);
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b26c75aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin;
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix);
+sub link_executable {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # $Config{ld} is set up as a special script for building
+ # perl-linkable libraries. We don't want that here.
+ local $self->{config}{ld} = 'gcc';
+ return $self->SUPER::link_executable(@_);
+sub link {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ $args{extra_linker_flags} = [
+ File::Spec->catdir($self->perl_inc(), 'libperl.dll.a'),
+ $self->split_like_shell($args{extra_linker_flags})
+ ];
+ return $self->SUPER::link(%args);
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ea9114354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin;
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix);
+sub compile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cf = $self->{config};
+ # -flat_namespace isn't a compile flag, it's a linker flag. But
+ # it's mistakenly in as both. Make the correction here.
+ local $cf->{ccflags} = $cf->{ccflags};
+ $cf->{ccflags} =~ s/-flat_namespace//;
+ $self->SUPER::compile(@_);
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d02ae8a0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2;
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix);
+sub need_prelink { 1 }
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/t/01-basic.t b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/t/01-basic.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b62d9e0d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/t/01-basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#! perl -w
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ chdir '../lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder'
+ or die "Can't chdir to lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder: $!";
+ @INC = qw(../..);
+ }
+use strict;
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 11 }
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder;
+use File::Spec;
+ok 1;
+# TEST doesn't like extraneous output
+my $quiet = $ENV{PERL_CORE} && !$ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+my $b = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $quiet);
+ok $b;
+ok $b->have_compiler;
+my $source_file = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'compilet.c');
+ local *FH;
+ open FH, "> $source_file" or die "Can't create $source_file: $!";
+ print FH "int boot_compilet() { return 1; }\n";
+ close FH;
+ok -e $source_file;
+my $object_file = $b->object_file($source_file);
+ok 1;
+ok $object_file, $b->compile(source => $source_file);
+my $lib_file = $b->lib_file($object_file);
+ok 1;
+my ($lib, @temps) = $b->link(objects => $object_file,
+ module_name => 'compilet');
+$lib =~ tr/"'//d;
+ok $lib_file, $lib;
+for ($source_file, $lib_file, $object_file, @temps) {
+ tr/"'//d;
+ 1 while unlink;
+my @words = $b->split_like_shell(' foo bar');
+ok @words, 2;
+ok $words[0], 'foo';
+ok $words[1], 'bar';
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/t/02-link.t b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/t/02-link.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db9a1c36ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/t/02-link.t
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#! perl -w
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ chdir '../lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder'
+ or die "Can't chdir to lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder: $!";
+ @INC = qw(../..);
+ }
+use strict;
+use Test;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ print "1..0 # Skipped: link_executable() is not implemented yet on Win32\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ # So we can get the return value of system()
+ require vmsish;
+ import vmsish;
+ }
+ plan tests => 5;
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder;
+use File::Spec;
+# TEST doesn't like extraneous output
+my $quiet = $ENV{PERL_CORE} && !$ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+my $b = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $quiet);
+ok $b;
+my $source_file = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'compilet.c');
+ local *FH;
+ open FH, "> $source_file" or die "Can't create $source_file: $!";
+ print FH "int main(void) { return 11; }\n";
+ close FH;
+ok -e $source_file;
+# Compile
+my $object_file;
+ok $object_file = $b->compile(source => $source_file);
+# Link
+my ($exe_file, @temps);
+($exe_file, @temps) = $b->link_executable(objects => $object_file);
+ok $exe_file;
+# Try the executable
+ok my_system($exe_file), 11;
+# Clean up
+for ($source_file, $exe_file, $object_file, @temps) {
+ tr/"'//d;
+ 1 while unlink;
+sub my_system {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ return system("mcr $cmd");
+ }
+ return system($cmd) >> 8;
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ b/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd0e875af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,2016 @@
+package ExtUtils::ParseXS;
+use 5.006; # We use /??{}/ in regexes
+use Cwd;
+use Config;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(process_file);
+# use strict; # One of these days...
+my(@XSStack); # Stack of conditionals and INCLUDEs
+my($XSS_work_idx, $cpp_next_tmp);
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '2.09_01';
+use vars qw(%input_expr %output_expr $ProtoUsed @InitFileCode $FH $proto_re $Overload $errors $Fallback
+ $cplusplus $hiertype $WantPrototypes $WantVersionChk $except $WantLineNumbers
+ $WantOptimize $process_inout $process_argtypes @tm
+ $dir $filename $filepathname %IncludedFiles
+ %type_kind %proto_letter
+ %targetable $BLOCK_re $lastline $lastline_no
+ $Package $Prefix @line @BootCode %args_match %defaults %var_types %arg_list @proto_arg
+ $processing_arg_with_types %argtype_seen @outlist %in_out %lengthof
+ $proto_in_this_xsub $scope_in_this_xsub $interface $prepush_done $interface_macro $interface_macro_set
+ $ProtoThisXSUB $ScopeThisXSUB $xsreturn
+ @line_no $ret_type $func_header $orig_args
+ ); # Add these just to get compilation to happen.
+sub process_file {
+ # Allow for $package->process_file(%hash) in the future
+ my ($pkg, %args) = @_ % 2 ? @_ : (__PACKAGE__, @_);
+ $ProtoUsed = exists $args{prototypes};
+ # Set defaults.
+ %args = (
+ # 'C++' => 0, # Doesn't seem to *do* anything...
+ hiertype => 0,
+ except => 0,
+ prototypes => 0,
+ versioncheck => 1,
+ linenumbers => 1,
+ optimize => 1,
+ prototypes => 0,
+ inout => 1,
+ argtypes => 1,
+ typemap => [],
+ output => \*STDOUT,
+ %args,
+ );
+ # Global Constants
+ my ($Is_VMS, $SymSet);
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $Is_VMS = 1;
+ # Establish set of global symbols with max length 28, since xsubpp
+ # will later add the 'XS_' prefix.
+ require ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
+ $SymSet = new ExtUtils::XSSymSet 28;
+ }
+ @XSStack = ({type => 'none'});
+ ($XSS_work_idx, $cpp_next_tmp) = (0, "XSubPPtmpAAAA");
+ @InitFileCode = ();
+ $FH = 'File0000' ;
+ $proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;[]') . "]" ;
+ $Overload = 0;
+ $errors = 0;
+ $Fallback = 'PL_sv_undef';
+ # Most of the 1500 lines below uses these globals. We'll have to
+ # clean this up sometime, probably. For now, we just pull them out
+ # of %args. -Ken
+ $cplusplus = $args{'C++'};
+ $hiertype = $args{hiertype};
+ $WantPrototypes = $args{prototypes};
+ $WantVersionChk = $args{versioncheck};
+ $except = $args{except} ? ' TRY' : '';
+ $WantLineNumbers = $args{linenumbers};
+ $WantOptimize = $args{optimize};
+ $process_inout = $args{inout};
+ $process_argtypes = $args{argtypes};
+ @tm = ref $args{typemap} ? @{$args{typemap}} : ($args{typemap});
+ for ($args{filename}) {
+ die "Missing required parameter 'filename'" unless $_;
+ $filepathname = $_;
+ ($dir, $filename) = (dirname($_), basename($_));
+ $filepathname =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $IncludedFiles{$_}++;
+ }
+ # Open the input file
+ open($FH, $args{filename}) or die "cannot open $args{filename}: $!\n";
+ # Open the output file if given as a string. If they provide some
+ # other kind of reference, trust them that we can print to it.
+ if (not ref $args{output}) {
+ open my($fh), "> $args{output}" or die "Can't create $args{output}: $!";
+ $args{outfile} = $args{output};
+ $args{output} = $fh;
+ }
+ # Really, we shouldn't have to chdir() or select() in the first
+ # place. For now, just save & restore.
+ my $orig_cwd = cwd();
+ my $orig_fh = select();
+ chdir($dir);
+ my $pwd = cwd();
+ if ($WantLineNumbers) {
+ my $cfile;
+ if ( $args{outfile} ) {
+ $cfile = $args{outfile};
+ } else {
+ $cfile = $args{filename};
+ $cfile =~ s/\.xs$/.c/i or $cfile .= ".c";
+ }
+ tie(*PSEUDO_STDOUT, 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines', $cfile, $args{output});
+ } else {
+ select $args{output};
+ }
+ foreach my $typemap (@tm) {
+ die "Can't find $typemap in $pwd\n" unless -r $typemap;
+ }
+ push @tm, standard_typemap_locations();
+ foreach my $typemap (@tm) {
+ next unless -f $typemap ;
+ # skip directories, binary files etc.
+ warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap'\n"), next
+ unless -T $typemap ;
+ open(TYPEMAP, $typemap)
+ or warn ("Warning: could not open typemap file '$typemap': $!\n"), next;
+ my $mode = 'Typemap';
+ my $junk = "" ;
+ my $current = \$junk;
+ while (<TYPEMAP>) {
+ next if /^\s* #/;
+ my $line_no = $. + 1;
+ if (/^INPUT\s*$/) {
+ $mode = 'Input'; $current = \$junk; next;
+ }
+ if (/^OUTPUT\s*$/) {
+ $mode = 'Output'; $current = \$junk; next;
+ }
+ if (/^TYPEMAP\s*$/) {
+ $mode = 'Typemap'; $current = \$junk; next;
+ }
+ if ($mode eq 'Typemap') {
+ chomp;
+ my $line = $_ ;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ # skip blank lines and comment lines
+ next if /^$/ or /^#/ ;
+ my($type,$kind, $proto) = /^\s*(.*?\S)\s+(\S+)\s*($proto_re*)\s*$/ or
+ warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' TYPEMAP entry needs 2 or 3 columns\n"), next;
+ $type = TidyType($type) ;
+ $type_kind{$type} = $kind ;
+ # prototype defaults to '$'
+ $proto = "\$" unless $proto ;
+ warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' Invalid prototype '$proto'\n")
+ unless ValidProtoString($proto) ;
+ $proto_letter{$type} = C_string($proto) ;
+ } elsif (/^\s/) {
+ $$current .= $_;
+ } elsif ($mode eq 'Input') {
+ s/\s+$//;
+ $input_expr{$_} = '';
+ $current = \$input_expr{$_};
+ } else {
+ s/\s+$//;
+ $output_expr{$_} = '';
+ $current = \$output_expr{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ close(TYPEMAP);
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys %input_expr) {
+ $input_expr{$key} =~ s/;*\s+\z//;
+ }
+ my ($bal, $cast, $size);
+ $bal = qr[(?:(?>[^()]+)|\((??{ $bal })\))*]; # ()-balanced
+ $cast = qr[(?:\(\s*SV\s*\*\s*\)\s*)?]; # Optional (SV*) cast
+ $size = qr[,\s* (??{ $bal }) ]x; # Third arg (to setpvn)
+ foreach my $key (keys %output_expr) {
+ use re 'eval';
+ my ($t, $with_size, $arg, $sarg) =
+ ($output_expr{$key} =~
+ m[^ \s+ sv_set ( [iunp] ) v (n)? # Type, is_setpvn
+ \s* \( \s* $cast \$arg \s* ,
+ \s* ( (??{ $bal }) ) # Set from
+ ( (??{ $size }) )? # Possible sizeof set-from
+ \) \s* ; \s* $
+ ]x);
+ $targetable{$key} = [$t, $with_size, $arg, $sarg] if $t;
+ }
+ my $END = "!End!\n\n"; # "impossible" keyword (multiple newline)
+ # Match an XS keyword
+ $BLOCK_re= '\s*(' . join('|', qw(
+ )) . "|$END)\\s*:";
+ my ($C_group_rex, $C_arg);
+ # Group in C (no support for comments or literals)
+ $C_group_rex = qr/ [({\[]
+ (?: (?> [^()\[\]{}]+ ) | (??{ $C_group_rex }) )*
+ [)}\]] /x ;
+ # Chunk in C without comma at toplevel (no comments):
+ $C_arg = qr/ (?: (?> [^()\[\]{},"']+ )
+ | (??{ $C_group_rex })
+ | " (?: (?> [^\\"]+ )
+ | \\.
+ )* " # String literal
+ | ' (?: (?> [^\\']+ ) | \\. )* ' # Char literal
+ )* /xs;
+ # Identify the version of xsubpp used
+ print <<EOM ;
+ * This file was generated automatically by ExtUtils::ParseXS version $VERSION from the
+ * contents of $filename. Do not edit this file, edit $filename instead.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ print("#line 1 \"$filepathname\"\n")
+ if $WantLineNumbers;
+ firstmodule:
+ while (<$FH>) {
+ if (/^=/) {
+ my $podstartline = $.;
+ do {
+ if (/^=cut\s*$/) {
+ # We can't just write out a /* */ comment, as our embedded
+ # POD might itself be in a comment. We can't put a /**/
+ # comment inside #if 0, as the C standard says that the source
+ # file is decomposed into preprocessing characters in the stage
+ # before preprocessing commands are executed.
+ # I don't want to leave the text as barewords, because the spec
+ # isn't clear whether macros are expanded before or after
+ # preprocessing commands are executed, and someone pathological
+ # may just have defined one of the 3 words as a macro that does
+ # something strange. Multiline strings are illegal in C, so
+ # the "" we write must be a string literal. And they aren't
+ # concatenated until 2 steps later, so we are safe.
+ # - Nicholas Clark
+ print("#if 0\n \"Skipped embedded POD.\"\n#endif\n");
+ printf("#line %d \"$filepathname\"\n", $. + 1)
+ if $WantLineNumbers;
+ next firstmodule
+ }
+ } while (<$FH>);
+ # At this point $. is at end of file so die won't state the start
+ # of the problem, and as we haven't yet read any lines &death won't
+ # show the correct line in the message either.
+ die ("Error: Unterminated pod in $filename, line $podstartline\n")
+ unless $lastline;
+ }
+ last if ($Package, $Prefix) =
+ /^MODULE\s*=\s*[\w:]+(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/;
+ print $_;
+ }
+ unless (defined $_) {
+ warn "Didn't find a 'MODULE ... PACKAGE ... PREFIX' line\n";
+ exit 0; # Not a fatal error for the caller process
+ }
+ print <<"EOF";
+# define PERL_UNUSED_VAR(var) if (0) var = var
+ print 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'->end_marker, "\n" if $WantLineNumbers;
+ $lastline = $_;
+ $lastline_no = $.;
+ while (fetch_para()) {
+ # Print initial preprocessor statements and blank lines
+ while (@line && $line[0] !~ /^[^\#]/) {
+ my $line = shift(@line);
+ print $line, "\n";
+ next unless $line =~ /^\#\s*((if)(?:n?def)?|elsif|else|endif)\b/;
+ my $statement = $+;
+ if ($statement eq 'if') {
+ $XSS_work_idx = @XSStack;
+ push(@XSStack, {type => 'if'});
+ } else {
+ death ("Error: `$statement' with no matching `if'")
+ if $XSStack[-1]{type} ne 'if';
+ if ($XSStack[-1]{varname}) {
+ push(@InitFileCode, "#endif\n");
+ push(@BootCode, "#endif");
+ }
+ my(@fns) = keys %{$XSStack[-1]{functions}};
+ if ($statement ne 'endif') {
+ # Hide the functions defined in other #if branches, and reset.
+ @{$XSStack[-1]{other_functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns;
+ @{$XSStack[-1]}{qw(varname functions)} = ('', {});
+ } else {
+ my($tmp) = pop(@XSStack);
+ 0 while (--$XSS_work_idx
+ && $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{type} ne 'if');
+ # Keep all new defined functions
+ push(@fns, keys %{$tmp->{other_functions}});
+ @{$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ next PARAGRAPH unless @line;
+ if ($XSS_work_idx && !$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname}) {
+ # We are inside an #if, but have not yet #defined its xsubpp variable.
+ print "#define $cpp_next_tmp 1\n\n";
+ push(@InitFileCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp\n");
+ push(@BootCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp");
+ $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname} = $cpp_next_tmp++;
+ }
+ death ("Code is not inside a function"
+ ." (maybe last function was ended by a blank line "
+ ." followed by a statement on column one?)")
+ if $line[0] =~ /^\s/;
+ my ($class, $static, $elipsis, $wantRETVAL, $RETVAL_no_return);
+ my (@fake_INPUT_pre); # For length(s) generated variables
+ my (@fake_INPUT);
+ # initialize info arrays
+ undef(%args_match);
+ undef(%var_types);
+ undef(%defaults);
+ undef(%arg_list) ;
+ undef(@proto_arg) ;
+ undef($processing_arg_with_types) ;
+ undef(%argtype_seen) ;
+ undef(@outlist) ;
+ undef(%in_out) ;
+ undef(%lengthof) ;
+ undef($proto_in_this_xsub) ;
+ undef($scope_in_this_xsub) ;
+ undef($interface);
+ undef($prepush_done);
+ $interface_macro = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC' ;
+ $interface_macro_set = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET' ;
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = $WantPrototypes ;
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 0;
+ $xsreturn = 0;
+ $_ = shift(@line);
+ &{"${kwd}_handler"}() ;
+ next PARAGRAPH unless @line ;
+ $_ = shift(@line);
+ }
+ if (check_keyword("BOOT")) {
+ &check_cpp;
+ push (@BootCode, "#line $line_no[@line_no - @line] \"$filepathname\"")
+ if $WantLineNumbers && $line[0] !~ /^\s*#\s*line\b/;
+ push (@BootCode, @line, "") ;
+ next PARAGRAPH ;
+ }
+ # extract return type, function name and arguments
+ ($ret_type) = TidyType($_);
+ $RETVAL_no_return = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^NO_OUTPUT\s+//;
+ # Allow one-line ANSI-like declaration
+ unshift @line, $2
+ if $process_argtypes
+ and $ret_type =~ s/^(.*?\w.*?)\s*\b(\w+\s*\(.*)/$1/s;
+ # a function definition needs at least 2 lines
+ blurt ("Error: Function definition too short '$ret_type'"), next PARAGRAPH
+ unless @line ;
+ $static = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^static\s+//;
+ $func_header = shift(@line);
+ blurt ("Error: Cannot parse function definition from '$func_header'"), next PARAGRAPH
+ unless $func_header =~ /^(?:([\w:]*)::)?(\w+)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)\s*(const)?\s*(;\s*)?$/s;
+ ($class, $func_name, $orig_args) = ($1, $2, $3) ;
+ $class = "$4 $class" if $4;
+ ($pname = $func_name) =~ s/^($Prefix)?/$Packprefix/;
+ ($clean_func_name = $func_name) =~ s/^$Prefix//;
+ $Full_func_name = "${Packid}_$clean_func_name";
+ if ($Is_VMS) {
+ $Full_func_name = $SymSet->addsym($Full_func_name);
+ }
+ # Check for duplicate function definition
+ for my $tmp (@XSStack) {
+ next unless defined $tmp->{functions}{$Full_func_name};
+ Warn("Warning: duplicate function definition '$clean_func_name' detected");
+ last;
+ }
+ $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}{$Full_func_name} ++ ;
+ %XsubAliases = %XsubAliasValues = %Interfaces = @Attributes = ();
+ $DoSetMagic = 1;
+ $orig_args =~ s/\\\s*/ /g; # process line continuations
+ my @args;
+ my %only_C_inlist; # Not in the signature of Perl function
+ if ($process_argtypes and $orig_args =~ /\S/) {
+ my $args = "$orig_args ,";
+ if ($args =~ /^( (??{ $C_arg }) , )* $ /x) {
+ @args = ($args =~ /\G ( (??{ $C_arg }) ) , /xg);
+ for ( @args ) {
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ my ($arg, $default) = / ( [^=]* ) ( (?: = .* )? ) /x;
+ my ($pre, $name) = ($arg =~ /(.*?) \s*
+ \b ( \w+ | length\( \s*\w+\s* \) )
+ \s* $ /x);
+ next unless defined($pre) && length($pre);
+ my $out_type;
+ my $inout_var;
+ if ($process_inout and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//) {
+ my $type = $1;
+ $out_type = $type if $type ne 'IN';
+ $arg =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//;
+ $pre =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//;
+ }
+ my $islength;
+ if ($name =~ /^length\( \s* (\w+) \s* \)\z/x) {
+ $name = "XSauto_length_of_$1";
+ $islength = 1;
+ die "Default value on length() argument: `$_'"
+ if length $default;
+ }
+ if (length $pre or $islength) { # Has a type
+ if ($islength) {
+ push @fake_INPUT_pre, $arg;
+ } else {
+ push @fake_INPUT, $arg;
+ }
+ # warn "pushing '$arg'\n";
+ $argtype_seen{$name}++;
+ $_ = "$name$default"; # Assigns to @args
+ }
+ $only_C_inlist{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST" or $islength;
+ push @outlist, $name if $out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/;
+ $in_out{$name} = $out_type if $out_type;
+ }
+ } else {
+ @args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args);
+ Warn("Warning: cannot parse argument list '$orig_args', fallback to split");
+ }
+ } else {
+ @args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args);
+ for (@args) {
+ if ($process_inout and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|IN_OUT|OUT)\s+//) {
+ my $out_type = $1;
+ next if $out_type eq 'IN';
+ $only_C_inlist{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST";
+ push @outlist, $name if $out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/;
+ $in_out{$_} = $out_type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($class)) {
+ my $arg0 = ((defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new')
+ ? "CLASS" : "THIS");
+ unshift(@args, $arg0);
+ ($report_args = "$arg0, $report_args") =~ s/^\w+, $/$arg0/;
+ }
+ my $extra_args = 0;
+ @args_num = ();
+ $num_args = 0;
+ my $report_args = '';
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#args) {
+ if ($args[$i] =~ s/\.\.\.//) {
+ $elipsis = 1;
+ if ($args[$i] eq '' && $i == $#args) {
+ $report_args .= ", ...";
+ pop(@args);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($only_C_inlist{$args[$i]}) {
+ push @args_num, undef;
+ } else {
+ push @args_num, ++$num_args;
+ $report_args .= ", $args[$i]";
+ }
+ if ($args[$i] =~ /^([^=]*[^\s=])\s*=\s*(.*)/s) {
+ $extra_args++;
+ $args[$i] = $1;
+ $defaults{$args[$i]} = $2;
+ $defaults{$args[$i]} =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ }
+ $proto_arg[$i+1] = '$' ;
+ }
+ $min_args = $num_args - $extra_args;
+ $report_args =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ $report_args =~ s/^,\s+//;
+ my @func_args = @args;
+ shift @func_args if defined($class);
+ for (@func_args) {
+ s/^/&/ if $in_out{$_};
+ }
+ $func_args = join(", ", @func_args);
+ @args_match{@args} = @args_num;
+ $PPCODE = grep(/^\s*PPCODE\s*:/, @line);
+ $CODE = grep(/^\s*CODE\s*:/, @line);
+ # Detect CODE: blocks which use ST(n)= or XST_m*(n,v)
+ # to set explicit return values.
+ ("@line" =~ /(\bST\s*\([^;]*=) | (\bXST_m\w+\s*\()/x ));
+ $ALIAS = grep(/^\s*ALIAS\s*:/, @line);
+ $INTERFACE = grep(/^\s*INTERFACE\s*:/, @line);
+ $xsreturn = 1 if $EXPLICIT_RETURN;
+ # print function header
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+#XS(XS_${Full_func_name}); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $ALIAS ;
+# dXSI32;
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $INTERFACE ;
+# dXSFUNCTION($ret_type);
+ if ($elipsis) {
+ $cond = ($min_args ? qq(items < $min_args) : 0);
+ } elsif ($min_args == $num_args) {
+ $cond = qq(items != $min_args);
+ } else {
+ $cond = qq(items < $min_args || items > $num_args);
+ }
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $except;
+# char errbuf[1024];
+# *errbuf = '\0';
+ if ($ALIAS)
+ { print Q(<<"EOF") if $cond }
+# if ($cond)
+# Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: %s($report_args)", GvNAME(CvGV(cv)));
+ else
+ { print Q(<<"EOF") if $cond }
+# if ($cond)
+# Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $pname($report_args)");
+ # cv doesn't seem to be used, in most cases unless we go in
+ # the if of this else
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */
+ #gcc -Wall: if an xsub has PPCODE is used
+ #it is possible none of ST, XSRETURN or XSprePUSH macros are used
+ #hence `ax' (setup by dXSARGS) is unused
+ #XXX: could breakup the dXSARGS; into dSP;dMARK;dITEMS
+ #but such a move could break third-party extensions
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $PPCODE;
+# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(ax); /* -Wall */
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $PPCODE;
+# SP -= items;
+ # Now do a block of some sort.
+ $condnum = 0;
+ $cond = ''; # last CASE: condidional
+ push(@line, "$END:");
+ push(@line_no, $line_no[-1]);
+ $_ = '';
+ &check_cpp;
+ while (@line) {
+ &CASE_handler if check_keyword("CASE");
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+# $except [[
+ # do initialization of input variables
+ $thisdone = 0;
+ $retvaldone = 0;
+ $deferred = "";
+ %arg_list = () ;
+ $gotRETVAL = 0;
+ INPUT_handler() ;
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $ScopeThisXSUB;
+# [[
+ if (!$thisdone && defined($class)) {
+ if (defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new') {
+ print "\tchar *";
+ $var_types{"CLASS"} = "char *";
+ &generate_init("char *", 1, "CLASS");
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\t$class *";
+ $var_types{"THIS"} = "$class *";
+ &generate_init("$class *", 1, "THIS");
+ }
+ }
+ # do code
+ if (/^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/) {
+ print "\n\tPerl_croak(aTHX_ \"$pname: not implemented yet\");\n";
+ $_ = '' ;
+ } else {
+ if ($ret_type ne "void") {
+ print "\t" . &map_type($ret_type, 'RETVAL') . ";\n"
+ if !$retvaldone;
+ $args_match{"RETVAL"} = 0;
+ $var_types{"RETVAL"} = $ret_type;
+ print "\tdXSTARG;\n"
+ if $WantOptimize and $targetable{$type_kind{$ret_type}};
+ }
+ if (@fake_INPUT or @fake_INPUT_pre) {
+ unshift @line, @fake_INPUT_pre, @fake_INPUT, $_;
+ $_ = "";
+ $processing_arg_with_types = 1;
+ INPUT_handler() ;
+ }
+ print $deferred;
+ if (check_keyword("PPCODE")) {
+ print_section();
+ death ("PPCODE must be last thing") if @line;
+ print "\tLEAVE;\n" if $ScopeThisXSUB;
+ print "\tPUTBACK;\n\treturn;\n";
+ } elsif (check_keyword("CODE")) {
+ print_section() ;
+ } elsif (defined($class) and $func_name eq "DESTROY") {
+ print "\n\t";
+ print "delete THIS;\n";
+ } else {
+ print "\n\t";
+ if ($ret_type ne "void") {
+ print "RETVAL = ";
+ $wantRETVAL = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined($static)) {
+ if ($func_name eq 'new') {
+ $func_name = "$class";
+ } else {
+ print "${class}::";
+ }
+ } elsif (defined($class)) {
+ if ($func_name eq 'new') {
+ $func_name .= " $class";
+ } else {
+ print "THIS->";
+ }
+ }
+ $func_name =~ s/^\Q$args{'s'}//
+ if exists $args{'s'};
+ $func_name = 'XSFUNCTION' if $interface;
+ print "$func_name($func_args);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # do output variables
+ $gotRETVAL = 0; # 1 if RETVAL seen in OUTPUT section;
+ undef $RETVAL_code ; # code to set RETVAL (from OUTPUT section);
+ # $wantRETVAL set if 'RETVAL =' autogenerated
+ ($wantRETVAL, $ret_type) = (0, 'void') if $RETVAL_no_return;
+ undef %outargs ;
+ &generate_output($var_types{$_}, $args_match{$_}, $_, $DoSetMagic)
+ for grep $in_out{$_} =~ /OUT$/, keys %in_out;
+ # all OUTPUT done, so now push the return value on the stack
+ if ($gotRETVAL && $RETVAL_code) {
+ print "\t$RETVAL_code\n";
+ } elsif ($gotRETVAL || $wantRETVAL) {
+ my $t = $WantOptimize && $targetable{$type_kind{$ret_type}};
+ my $var = 'RETVAL';
+ my $type = $ret_type;
+ # 0: type, 1: with_size, 2: how, 3: how_size
+ if ($t and not $t->[1] and $t->[0] eq 'p') {
+ # PUSHp corresponds to setpvn. Treate setpv directly
+ my $what = eval qq("$t->[2]");
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tsv_setpv(TARG, $what); XSprePUSH; PUSHTARG;\n";
+ $prepush_done = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($t) {
+ my $what = eval qq("$t->[2]");
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ my $size = $t->[3];
+ $size = '' unless defined $size;
+ $size = eval qq("$size");
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tXSprePUSH; PUSH$t->[0]($what$size);\n";
+ $prepush_done = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # RETVAL almost never needs SvSETMAGIC()
+ &generate_output($ret_type, 0, 'RETVAL', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ $xsreturn = 1 if $ret_type ne "void";
+ my $num = $xsreturn;
+ my $c = @outlist;
+ print "\tXSprePUSH;" if $c and not $prepush_done;
+ print "\tEXTEND(SP,$c);\n" if $c;
+ $xsreturn += $c;
+ generate_output($var_types{$_}, $num++, $_, 0, 1) for @outlist;
+ # do cleanup
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $ScopeThisXSUB;
+# ]]
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $ScopeThisXSUB and not $PPCODE;
+ # print function trailer
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+# ]]
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $except;
+# sprintf(errbuf, "%s: %s\\tpropagated", Xname, Xreason);
+ if (check_keyword("CASE")) {
+ blurt ("Error: No `CASE:' at top of function")
+ unless $condnum;
+ $_ = "CASE: $_"; # Restore CASE: label
+ next;
+ }
+ last if $_ eq "$END:";
+ death(/^$BLOCK_re/o ? "Misplaced `$1:'" : "Junk at end of function");
+ }
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $except;
+# if (errbuf[0])
+# Perl_croak(aTHX_ errbuf);
+ if ($xsreturn) {
+ print Q(<<"EOF") unless $PPCODE;
+# XSRETURN($xsreturn);
+ } else {
+ print Q(<<"EOF") unless $PPCODE;
+ }
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+ my $newXS = "newXS" ;
+ my $proto = "" ;
+ # Build the prototype string for the xsub
+ if ($ProtoThisXSUB) {
+ $newXS = "newXSproto";
+ if ($ProtoThisXSUB eq 2) {
+ # User has specified empty prototype
+ }
+ elsif ($ProtoThisXSUB eq 1) {
+ my $s = ';';
+ if ($min_args < $num_args) {
+ $s = '';
+ $proto_arg[$min_args] .= ";" ;
+ }
+ push @proto_arg, "$s\@"
+ if $elipsis ;
+ $proto = join ("", grep defined, @proto_arg);
+ }
+ else {
+ # User has specified a prototype
+ $proto = $ProtoThisXSUB;
+ }
+ $proto = qq{, "$proto"};
+ }
+ if (%XsubAliases) {
+ $XsubAliases{$pname} = 0
+ unless defined $XsubAliases{$pname} ;
+ while ( ($name, $value) = each %XsubAliases) {
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF"));
+# cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
+# XSANY.any_i32 = $value ;
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF")) if $proto;
+# sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@Attributes) {
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF"));
+# cv = newXS(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
+# apply_attrs_string("$Package", cv, "@Attributes", 0);
+ }
+ elsif ($interface) {
+ while ( ($name, $value) = each %Interfaces) {
+ $name = "$Package\::$name" unless $name =~ /::/;
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF"));
+# cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
+# $interface_macro_set(cv,$value) ;
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF")) if $proto;
+# sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@InitFileCode,
+ " ${newXS}(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$proto);\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Overload) # make it findable with fetchmethod
+ {
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+#XS(XS_${Packid}_nil); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
+ unshift(@InitFileCode, <<"MAKE_FETCHMETHOD_WORK");
+ /* Making a sub named "${Package}::()" allows the package */
+ /* to be findable via fetchmethod(), and causes */
+ /* overload::Overloaded("${Package}") to return true. */
+ newXS("${Package}::()", XS_${Packid}_nil, file$proto);
+ }
+ # print initialization routine
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+##ifdef __cplusplus
+#extern "C"
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+#XS(boot_$Module_cname); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+ #-Wall: if there is no $Full_func_name there are no xsubs in this .xs
+ #so `file' is unused
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $Full_func_name;
+# char* file = __FILE__;
+ print Q("#\n");
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */
+# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(items); /* -W */
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if $WantVersionChk ;
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ;
+# {
+# CV * cv ;
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if ($Overload);
+# /* register the overloading (type 'A') magic */
+# PL_amagic_generation++;
+# /* The magic for overload gets a GV* via gv_fetchmeth as */
+# /* mentioned above, and looks in the SV* slot of it for */
+# /* the "fallback" status. */
+# sv_setsv(
+# get_sv( "${Package}::()", TRUE ),
+# $Fallback
+# );
+ print @InitFileCode;
+ print Q(<<"EOF") if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ;
+# }
+ if (@BootCode)
+ {
+ print "\n /* Initialisation Section */\n\n" ;
+ @line = @BootCode;
+ print_section();
+ print "\n /* End of Initialisation Section */\n\n" ;
+ }
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+ warn("Please specify prototyping behavior for $filename (see perlxs manual)\n")
+ unless $ProtoUsed ;
+ chdir($orig_cwd);
+ select($orig_fh);
+ return 1;
+sub errors { $errors }
+sub standard_typemap_locations {
+ # Add all the default typemap locations to the search path
+ my @tm = qw(typemap);
+ my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
+ foreach my $dir (File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 1), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 2),
+ File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 3), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 4)) {
+ unshift @tm, File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'typemap');
+ unshift @tm, File::Spec->catfile($dir, lib => ExtUtils => 'typemap');
+ }
+ foreach my $dir (@INC) {
+ my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, ExtUtils => 'typemap');
+ unshift @tm, $file if -e $file;
+ }
+ return @tm;
+sub TrimWhitespace
+ $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//go ;
+sub TidyType
+ {
+ local ($_) = @_ ;
+ # rationalise any '*' by joining them into bunches and removing whitespace
+ s#\s*(\*+)\s*#$1#g;
+ s#(\*+)# $1 #g ;
+ # change multiple whitespace into a single space
+ s/\s+/ /g ;
+ # trim leading & trailing whitespace
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ $_ ;
+# Input: ($_, @line) == unparsed input.
+# Output: ($_, @line) == (rest of line, following lines).
+# Return: the matched keyword if found, otherwise 0
+sub check_keyword {
+ $_ = shift(@line) while !/\S/ && @line;
+ s/^(\s*)($_[0])\s*:\s*(?:#.*)?/$1/s && $2;
+sub print_section {
+ # the "do" is required for right semantics
+ do { $_ = shift(@line) } while !/\S/ && @line;
+ print("#line ", $line_no[@line_no - @line -1], " \"$filepathname\"\n")
+ if $WantLineNumbers && !/^\s*#\s*line\b/ && !/^#if XSubPPtmp/;
+ for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ print "$_\n";
+ }
+ print 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'->end_marker, "\n" if $WantLineNumbers;
+sub merge_section {
+ my $in = '';
+ while (!/\S/ && @line) {
+ $_ = shift(@line);
+ }
+ for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ $in .= "$_\n";
+ }
+ chomp $in;
+ return $in;
+ }
+sub process_keyword($)
+ {
+ my($pattern) = @_ ;
+ my $kwd ;
+ &{"${kwd}_handler"}()
+ while $kwd = check_keyword($pattern) ;
+ }
+sub CASE_handler {
+ blurt ("Error: `CASE:' after unconditional `CASE:'")
+ if $condnum && $cond eq '';
+ $cond = $_;
+ TrimWhitespace($cond);
+ print " ", ($condnum++ ? " else" : ""), ($cond ? " if ($cond)\n" : "\n");
+ $_ = '' ;
+sub INPUT_handler {
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ last if /^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/;
+ next unless /\S/; # skip blank lines
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ my $line = $_ ;
+ # remove trailing semicolon if no initialisation
+ s/\s*;$//g unless /[=;+].*\S/ ;
+ # Process the length(foo) declarations
+ if (s/^([^=]*)\blength\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*$/$1 XSauto_length_of_$2=NO_INIT/x) {
+ print "\tSTRLEN\tSTRLEN_length_of_$2;\n";
+ $lengthof{$2} = $name;
+ # $islengthof{$name} = $1;
+ $deferred .= "\n\tXSauto_length_of_$2 = STRLEN_length_of_$2;";
+ }
+ # check for optional initialisation code
+ my $var_init = '' ;
+ $var_init = $1 if s/\s*([=;+].*)$//s ;
+ $var_init =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ s/\s+/ /g;
+ my ($var_type, $var_addr, $var_name) = /^(.*?[^&\s])\s*(\&?)\s*\b(\w+)$/s
+ or blurt("Error: invalid argument declaration '$line'"), next;
+ # Check for duplicate definitions
+ blurt ("Error: duplicate definition of argument '$var_name' ignored"), next
+ if $arg_list{$var_name}++
+ or defined $argtype_seen{$var_name} and not $processing_arg_with_types;
+ $thisdone |= $var_name eq "THIS";
+ $retvaldone |= $var_name eq "RETVAL";
+ $var_types{$var_name} = $var_type;
+ # XXXX This check is a safeguard against the unfinished conversion of
+ # generate_init(). When generate_init() is fixed,
+ # one can use 2-args map_type() unconditionally.
+ if ($var_type =~ / \( \s* \* \s* \) /x) {
+ # Function pointers are not yet supported with &output_init!
+ print "\t" . &map_type($var_type, $var_name);
+ $name_printed = 1;
+ } else {
+ print "\t" . &map_type($var_type);
+ $name_printed = 0;
+ }
+ $var_num = $args_match{$var_name};
+ $proto_arg[$var_num] = ProtoString($var_type)
+ if $var_num ;
+ $func_args =~ s/\b($var_name)\b/&$1/ if $var_addr;
+ if ($var_init =~ /^[=;]\s*NO_INIT\s*;?\s*$/
+ or $in_out{$var_name} and $in_out{$var_name} =~ /^OUT/
+ and $var_init !~ /\S/) {
+ if ($name_printed) {
+ print ";\n";
+ } else {
+ print "\t$var_name;\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ($var_init =~ /\S/) {
+ &output_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name, $var_init, $name_printed);
+ } elsif ($var_num) {
+ # generate initialization code
+ &generate_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name, $name_printed);
+ } else {
+ print ";\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub OUTPUT_handler {
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ if (/^\s*SETMAGIC\s*:\s*(ENABLE|DISABLE)\s*/) {
+ $DoSetMagic = ($1 eq "ENABLE" ? 1 : 0);
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($outarg, $outcode) = /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/s ;
+ blurt ("Error: duplicate OUTPUT argument '$outarg' ignored"), next
+ if $outargs{$outarg} ++ ;
+ if (!$gotRETVAL and $outarg eq 'RETVAL') {
+ # deal with RETVAL last
+ $RETVAL_code = $outcode ;
+ $gotRETVAL = 1 ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ blurt ("Error: OUTPUT $outarg not an argument"), next
+ unless defined($args_match{$outarg});
+ blurt("Error: No input definition for OUTPUT argument '$outarg' - ignored"), next
+ unless defined $var_types{$outarg} ;
+ $var_num = $args_match{$outarg};
+ if ($outcode) {
+ print "\t$outcode\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(" , $var_num-1 , "));\n" if $DoSetMagic;
+ } else {
+ &generate_output($var_types{$outarg}, $var_num, $outarg, $DoSetMagic);
+ }
+ delete $in_out{$outarg} # No need to auto-OUTPUT
+ if exists $in_out{$outarg} and $in_out{$outarg} =~ /OUT$/;
+ }
+sub C_ARGS_handler() {
+ my $in = merge_section();
+ TrimWhitespace($in);
+ $func_args = $in;
+sub INTERFACE_MACRO_handler() {
+ my $in = merge_section();
+ TrimWhitespace($in);
+ if ($in =~ /\s/) { # two
+ ($interface_macro, $interface_macro_set) = split ' ', $in;
+ } else {
+ $interface_macro = $in;
+ $interface_macro_set = 'UNKNOWN_CVT'; # catch later
+ }
+ $interface = 1; # local
+ $Interfaces = 1; # global
+sub INTERFACE_handler() {
+ my $in = merge_section();
+ TrimWhitespace($in);
+ foreach (split /[\s,]+/, $in) {
+ $Interfaces{$_} = $_;
+ }
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+# XSFUNCTION = $interface_macro($ret_type,cv,XSANY.any_dptr);
+ $interface = 1; # local
+ $Interfaces = 1; # global
+sub CLEANUP_handler() { print_section() }
+sub PREINIT_handler() { print_section() }
+sub POSTCALL_handler() { print_section() }
+sub INIT_handler() { print_section() }
+sub GetAliases
+ {
+ my ($line) = @_ ;
+ my ($orig) = $line ;
+ my ($alias) ;
+ my ($value) ;
+ # Parse alias definitions
+ # format is
+ # alias = value alias = value ...
+ while ($line =~ s/^\s*([\w:]+)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*//) {
+ $alias = $1 ;
+ $orig_alias = $alias ;
+ $value = $2 ;
+ # check for optional package definition in the alias
+ $alias = $Packprefix . $alias if $alias !~ /::/ ;
+ # check for duplicate alias name & duplicate value
+ Warn("Warning: Ignoring duplicate alias '$orig_alias'")
+ if defined $XsubAliases{$alias} ;
+ Warn("Warning: Aliases '$orig_alias' and '$XsubAliasValues{$value}' have identical values")
+ if $XsubAliasValues{$value} ;
+ $XsubAliases = 1;
+ $XsubAliases{$alias} = $value ;
+ $XsubAliasValues{$value} = $orig_alias ;
+ }
+ blurt("Error: Cannot parse ALIAS definitions from '$orig'")
+ if $line ;
+ }
+sub ATTRS_handler ()
+ {
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ push @Attributes, $_;
+ }
+ }
+sub ALIAS_handler ()
+ {
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ GetAliases($_) if $_ ;
+ }
+ }
+sub OVERLOAD_handler()
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ while ( s/^\s*([\w:"\\)\+\-\*\/\%\<\>\.\&\|\^\!\~\{\}\=]+)\s*//) {
+ $Overload = 1 unless $Overload;
+ my $overload = "$Package\::(".$1 ;
+ push(@InitFileCode,
+ " newXS(\"$overload\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$proto);\n");
+ }
+ }
+sub FALLBACK_handler()
+ # the rest of the current line should contain either TRUE,
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ my %map = (
+ TRUE => "PL_sv_yes", 1 => "PL_sv_yes",
+ FALSE => "PL_sv_no", 0 => "PL_sv_no",
+ UNDEF => "PL_sv_undef",
+ ) ;
+ # check for valid FALLBACK value
+ death ("Error: FALLBACK: TRUE/FALSE/UNDEF") unless exists $map{uc $_} ;
+ $Fallback = $map{uc $_} ;
+sub REQUIRE_handler ()
+ {
+ # the rest of the current line should contain a version number
+ my ($Ver) = $_ ;
+ TrimWhitespace($Ver) ;
+ death ("Error: REQUIRE expects a version number")
+ unless $Ver ;
+ # check that the version number is of the form n.n
+ death ("Error: REQUIRE: expected a number, got '$Ver'")
+ unless $Ver =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?/ ;
+ death ("Error: xsubpp $Ver (or better) required--this is only $VERSION.")
+ unless $VERSION >= $Ver ;
+ }
+sub VERSIONCHECK_handler ()
+ {
+ # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ # check for ENABLE/DISABLE
+ unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ;
+ $WantVersionChk = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ;
+ $WantVersionChk = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ;
+ }
+sub PROTOTYPE_handler ()
+ {
+ my $specified ;
+ death("Error: Only 1 PROTOTYPE definition allowed per xsub")
+ if $proto_in_this_xsub ++ ;
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ $specified = 1 ;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ if ($_ eq 'DISABLE') {
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = 0
+ } elsif ($_ eq 'ENABLE') {
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = 1
+ } else {
+ # remove any whitespace
+ s/\s+//g ;
+ death("Error: Invalid prototype '$_'")
+ unless ValidProtoString($_) ;
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = C_string($_) ;
+ }
+ }
+ # If no prototype specified, then assume empty prototype ""
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = 2 unless $specified ;
+ $ProtoUsed = 1 ;
+ }
+sub SCOPE_handler ()
+ {
+ death("Error: Only 1 SCOPE declaration allowed per xsub")
+ if $scope_in_this_xsub ++ ;
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ if ($_ =~ /^DISABLE/i) {
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 0
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^ENABLE/i) {
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub PROTOTYPES_handler ()
+ {
+ # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ # check for ENABLE/DISABLE
+ unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ;
+ $WantPrototypes = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ;
+ $WantPrototypes = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ;
+ $ProtoUsed = 1 ;
+ }
+sub INCLUDE_handler ()
+ {
+ # the rest of the current line should contain a valid filename
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ death("INCLUDE: filename missing")
+ unless $_ ;
+ death("INCLUDE: output pipe is illegal")
+ if /^\s*\|/ ;
+ # simple minded recursion detector
+ death("INCLUDE loop detected")
+ if $IncludedFiles{$_} ;
+ ++ $IncludedFiles{$_} unless /\|\s*$/ ;
+ # Save the current file context.
+ push(@XSStack, {
+ type => 'file',
+ LastLine => $lastline,
+ LastLineNo => $lastline_no,
+ Line => \@line,
+ LineNo => \@line_no,
+ Filename => $filename,
+ Handle => $FH,
+ }) ;
+ ++ $FH ;
+ # open the new file
+ open ($FH, "$_") or death("Cannot open '$_': $!") ;
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+#/* INCLUDE: Including '$_' from '$filename' */
+ $filename = $_ ;
+ # Prime the pump by reading the first
+ # non-blank line
+ # skip leading blank lines
+ while (<$FH>) {
+ last unless /^\s*$/ ;
+ }
+ $lastline = $_ ;
+ $lastline_no = $. ;
+ }
+sub PopFile()
+ {
+ return 0 unless $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'file' ;
+ my $data = pop @XSStack ;
+ my $ThisFile = $filename ;
+ my $isPipe = ($filename =~ /\|\s*$/) ;
+ -- $IncludedFiles{$filename}
+ unless $isPipe ;
+ close $FH ;
+ $FH = $data->{Handle} ;
+ $filename = $data->{Filename} ;
+ $lastline = $data->{LastLine} ;
+ $lastline_no = $data->{LastLineNo} ;
+ @line = @{ $data->{Line} } ;
+ @line_no = @{ $data->{LineNo} } ;
+ if ($isPipe and $? ) {
+ -- $lastline_no ;
+ print STDERR "Error reading from pipe '$ThisFile': $! in $filename, line $lastline_no\n" ;
+ exit 1 ;
+ }
+ print Q(<<"EOF");
+#/* INCLUDE: Returning to '$filename' from '$ThisFile' */
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+sub ValidProtoString ($)
+ {
+ my($string) = @_ ;
+ if ( $string =~ /^$proto_re+$/ ) {
+ return $string ;
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+sub C_string ($)
+ {
+ my($string) = @_ ;
+ $string =~ s[\\][\\\\]g ;
+ $string ;
+ }
+sub ProtoString ($)
+ {
+ my ($type) = @_ ;
+ $proto_letter{$type} or "\$" ;
+ }
+sub check_cpp {
+ my @cpp = grep(/^\#\s*(?:if|e\w+)/, @line);
+ if (@cpp) {
+ my ($cpp, $cpplevel);
+ for $cpp (@cpp) {
+ if ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*if/) {
+ $cpplevel++;
+ } elsif (!$cpplevel) {
+ Warn("Warning: #else/elif/endif without #if in this function");
+ print STDERR " (precede it with a blank line if the matching #if is outside the function)\n"
+ if $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if';
+ return;
+ } elsif ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*endif/) {
+ $cpplevel--;
+ }
+ }
+ Warn("Warning: #if without #endif in this function") if $cpplevel;
+ }
+sub Q {
+ my($text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^#//gm;
+ $text =~ s/\[\[/{/g;
+ $text =~ s/\]\]/}/g;
+ $text;
+# Read next xsub into @line from ($lastline, <$FH>).
+sub fetch_para {
+ # parse paragraph
+ death ("Error: Unterminated `#if/#ifdef/#ifndef'")
+ if !defined $lastline && $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if';
+ @line = ();
+ @line_no = () ;
+ return PopFile() if !defined $lastline;
+ if ($lastline =~
+ /^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/) {
+ $Module = $1;
+ $Package = defined($2) ? $2 : ''; # keep -w happy
+ $Prefix = defined($3) ? $3 : ''; # keep -w happy
+ $Prefix = quotemeta $Prefix ;
+ ($Module_cname = $Module) =~ s/\W/_/g;
+ ($Packid = $Package) =~ tr/:/_/;
+ $Packprefix = $Package;
+ $Packprefix .= "::" if $Packprefix ne "";
+ $lastline = "";
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ # Skip embedded PODs
+ while ($lastline =~ /^=/) {
+ while ($lastline = <$FH>) {
+ last if ($lastline =~ /^=cut\s*$/);
+ }
+ death ("Error: Unterminated pod") unless $lastline;
+ $lastline = <$FH>;
+ chomp $lastline;
+ $lastline =~ s/^\s+$//;
+ }
+ if ($lastline !~ /^\s*#/ ||
+ # CPP directives:
+ # ANSI: if ifdef ifndef elif else endif define undef
+ # line error pragma
+ # gcc: warning include_next
+ # obj-c: import
+ # others: ident (gcc notes that some cpps have this one)
+ $lastline =~ /^#[ \t]*(?:(?:if|ifn?def|elif|else|endif|define|undef|pragma|error|warning|line\s+\d+|ident)\b|(?:include(?:_next)?|import)\s*["<].*[>"])/) {
+ last if $lastline =~ /^\S/ && @line && $line[-1] eq "";
+ push(@line, $lastline);
+ push(@line_no, $lastline_no) ;
+ }
+ # Read next line and continuation lines
+ last unless defined($lastline = <$FH>);
+ $lastline_no = $.;
+ my $tmp_line;
+ $lastline .= $tmp_line
+ while ($lastline =~ /\\$/ && defined($tmp_line = <$FH>));
+ chomp $lastline;
+ $lastline =~ s/^\s+$//;
+ }
+ pop(@line), pop(@line_no) while @line && $line[-1] eq "";
+ 1;
+sub output_init {
+ local($type, $num, $var, $init, $name_printed) = @_;
+ local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")";
+ if ( $init =~ /^=/ ) {
+ if ($name_printed) {
+ eval qq/print " $init\\n"/;
+ } else {
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var $init\\n"/;
+ }
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ } else {
+ if ( $init =~ s/^\+// && $num ) {
+ &generate_init($type, $num, $var, $name_printed);
+ } elsif ($name_printed) {
+ print ";\n";
+ $init =~ s/^;//;
+ } else {
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ $init =~ s/^;//;
+ }
+ $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\t$init\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ }
+sub Warn
+ {
+ # work out the line number
+ my $line_no = $line_no[@line_no - @line -1] ;
+ print STDERR "@_ in $filename, line $line_no\n" ;
+ }
+sub blurt
+ {
+ Warn @_ ;
+ $errors ++
+ }
+sub death
+ {
+ Warn @_ ;
+ exit 1 ;
+ }
+sub generate_init {
+ local($type, $num, $var) = @_;
+ local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")";
+ local($argoff) = $num - 1;
+ local($ntype);
+ local($tk);
+ $type = TidyType($type) ;
+ blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$type});
+ ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
+ ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
+ $tk = $type_kind{$type};
+ $tk =~ s/OBJ$/REF/ if $func_name =~ /DESTROY$/;
+ if ($tk eq 'T_PV' and exists $lengthof{$var}) {
+ print "\t$var" unless $name_printed;
+ print " = ($type)SvPV($arg, STRLEN_length_of_$var);\n";
+ die "default value not supported with length(NAME) supplied"
+ if defined $defaults{$var};
+ return;
+ }
+ $type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $hiertype;
+ blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '$type_kind{$type}' found"), return
+ unless defined $input_expr{$tk} ;
+ $expr = $input_expr{$tk};
+ if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
+ blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$subtype});
+ blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '$type_kind{$subtype}' found"), return
+ unless defined $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ;
+ $subexpr = $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}};
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$type/\$subtype/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/is not of (.*\")/[arg %d] is not of $1, ix_$var + 1/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var - $argoff]/;
+ $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM/$subexpr/;
+ }
+ if ($expr =~ m#/\*.*scope.*\*/#i) { # "scope" in C comments
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined($defaults{$var})) {
+ $expr =~ s/(\t+)/$1 /g;
+ $expr =~ s/ /\t/g;
+ if ($name_printed) {
+ print ";\n";
+ } else {
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ }
+ if ($defaults{$var} eq 'NO_INIT') {
+ $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items >= $num) {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/;
+ } else {
+ $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items < $num)\\n\\t $var = $defaults{$var};\\n\\telse {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/;
+ }
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ } elsif ($ScopeThisXSUB or $expr !~ /^\s*\$var =/) {
+ if ($name_printed) {
+ print ";\n";
+ } else {
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ }
+ $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n$expr;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ } else {
+ die "panic: do not know how to handle this branch for function pointers"
+ if $name_printed;
+ eval qq/print "$expr;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ }
+sub generate_output {
+ local($type, $num, $var, $do_setmagic, $do_push) = @_;
+ local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - ($num != 0)) . ")";
+ local($argoff) = $num - 1;
+ local($ntype);
+ $type = TidyType($type) ;
+ if ($type =~ /^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\)/) {
+ print "\t$arg = sv_newmortal();\n";
+ print "\tsv_setpvn($arg, (char *)$var, $2 * sizeof($1));\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ } else {
+ blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$type});
+ blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '$type_kind{$type}' found"), return
+ unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}} ;
+ ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
+ $ntype =~ s/\(\)//g;
+ ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
+ $expr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}};
+ if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
+ blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$subtype});
+ blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '$type_kind{$subtype}' found"), return
+ unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ;
+ $subexpr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}};
+ $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var]/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
+ $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM\n/$subexpr/;
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\t\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(ix_$var));\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ } elsif ($var eq 'RETVAL') {
+ if ($expr =~ /^\t\$arg = new/) {
+ # We expect that $arg has refcnt 1, so we need to
+ # mortalize it.
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tsv_2mortal(ST($num));\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST($num));\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ } elsif ($expr =~ /^\s*\$arg\s*=/) {
+ # We expect that $arg has refcnt >=1, so we need
+ # to mortalize it!
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tsv_2mortal(ST(0));\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(0));\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ } else {
+ # Just hope that the entry would safely write it
+ # over an already mortalized value. By
+ # coincidence, something like $arg = &sv_undef
+ # works too.
+ print "\tST(0) = sv_newmortal();\n";
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ # new mortals don't have set magic
+ }
+ } elsif ($do_push) {
+ print "\tPUSHs(sv_newmortal());\n";
+ $arg = "ST($num)";
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ } elsif ($arg =~ /^ST\(\d+\)$/) {
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ }
+ }
+sub map_type {
+ my($type, $varname) = @_;
+ # C++ has :: in types too so skip this
+ $type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $hiertype;
+ $type =~ s/^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\).*/$1 */s;
+ if ($varname) {
+ if ($varname && $type =~ / \( \s* \* (?= \s* \) ) /xg) {
+ (substr $type, pos $type, 0) = " $varname ";
+ } else {
+ $type .= "\t$varname";
+ }
+ }
+ $type;
+ ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($SECTION_END_MARKER);
+ my ($class, $cfile, $fh) = @_;
+ $cfile =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $SECTION_END_MARKER = qq{#line --- "$cfile"};
+ return bless {buffer => '',
+ fh => $fh,
+ line_no => 1,
+ }, $class;
+sub PRINT {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ $self->{buffer} .= $_;
+ while ($self->{buffer} =~ s/^([^\n]*\n)//) {
+ my $line = $1;
+ ++ $self->{line_no};
+ $line =~ s|^\#line\s+---(?=\s)|#line $self->{line_no}|;
+ print {$self->{fh}} $line;
+ }
+ }
+sub PRINTF {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fmt = shift;
+ $self->PRINT(sprintf($fmt, @_));
+sub DESTROY {
+ # Not necessary if we're careful to end with a "\n"
+ my $self = shift;
+ print {$self->{fh}} $self->{buffer};
+sub UNTIE {
+ # This sub does nothing, but is neccessary for references to be released.
+sub end_marker {
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::ParseXS - converts Perl XS code into C code
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::ParseXS qw(process_file);
+ process_file( filename => 'foo.xs' );
+ process_file( filename => 'foo.xs',
+ output => 'bar.c',
+ 'C++' => 1,
+ typemap => 'path/to/typemap',
+ hiertype => 1,
+ except => 1,
+ prototypes => 1,
+ versioncheck => 1,
+ linenumbers => 1,
+ optimize => 1,
+ prototypes => 1,
+ );
+C<ExtUtils::ParseXS> will compile XS code into C code by embedding the constructs
+necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates the glue
+necessary to let Perl access those functions. The compiler uses typemaps to
+determine how to map C function parameters and variables to Perl values.
+The compiler will search for typemap files called I<typemap>. It will use
+the following search path to find default typemaps, with the rightmost
+typemap taking precedence.
+ ../../../typemap:../../typemap:../typemap:typemap
+=head1 EXPORT
+None by default. C<process_file()> may be exported upon request.
+=over 4
+=item process_xs()
+This function processes an XS file and sends output to a C file.
+Named parameters control how the processing is done. The following
+parameters are accepted:
+=over 4
+=item B<C++>
+Adds C<extern "C"> to the C code. Default is false.
+=item B<hiertype>
+Retains C<::> in type names so that C++ hierachical types can be
+mapped. Default is false.
+=item B<except>
+Adds exception handling stubs to the C code. Default is false.
+=item B<typemap>
+Indicates that a user-supplied typemap should take precedence over the
+default typemaps. A single typemap may be specified as a string, or
+multiple typemaps can be specified in an array reference, with the
+last typemap having the highest precedence.
+=item B<prototypes>
+Generates prototype code for all xsubs. Default is false.
+=item B<versioncheck>
+Makes sure at run time that the object file (derived from the C<.xs>
+file) and the C<.pm> files have the same version number. Default is
+=item B<linenumbers>
+Adds C<#line> directives to the C output so error messages will look
+like they came from the original XS file. Default is true.
+=item B<optimize>
+Enables certain optimizations. The only optimization that is currently
+affected is the use of I<target>s by the output C code (see L<perlguts>).
+Not optimizing may significantly slow down the generated code, but this is the way
+B<xsubpp> of 5.005 and earlier operated. Default is to optimize.
+=item B<inout>
+Enable recognition of C<IN>, C<OUT_LIST> and C<INOUT_LIST>
+declarations. Default is true.
+=item B<argtypes>
+Enable recognition of ANSI-like descriptions of function signature.
+Default is true.
+=item B<s>
+I have no clue what this does. Strips function prefixes?
+=item errors()
+This function returns the number of [a certain kind of] errors
+encountered during processing of the XS file.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Based on xsubpp code, written by Larry Wall.
+Maintained by Ken Williams, <>
+Copyright 2002-2003 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Based on the ExtUtils::xsubpp code by Larry Wall and the Perl 5
+Porters, which was released under the same license terms.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<perl>, ExtUtils::xsubpp, ExtUtils::MakeMaker, L<perlxs>, L<perlxstut>.
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..988ef472e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package XSTest;
+require DynaLoader;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+bootstrap XSTest $VERSION;
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/XSTest.xs b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/XSTest.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17586b8656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/XSTest.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+xstest_something (char * some_thing)
+ some_thing = some_thing;
+xstest_something2 (char * some_thing)
+ some_thing = some_thing;
+MODULE = XSTest PACKAGE = XSTest PREFIX = xstest_
+ int input
+ RETVAL = (input % 2 == 0);
+xstest_something (class, some_thing)
+ char * some_thing
+ some_thing
+xstest_something2 (some_thing)
+ char * some_thing
+xstest_something3 (class, some_thing)
+ SV * class
+ char * some_thing
+ int i;
+ /* it's up to us clear these warnings */
+ class = class;
+ some_thing = some_thing;
+ i = i;
+consts (class)
+ SV * class
+ const_one = 1
+ const_two = 2
+ const_three = 3
+ /* it's up to us clear these warnings */
+ class = class;
+ ix = ix;
+ RETVAL = 1;
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/basic.t b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/basic.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aeec44f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/t/basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ chdir '../lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS'
+ or die "Can't chdir to lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS: $!";
+ @INC = qw(../.. ../../.. .);
+ }
+use strict;
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 10 };
+use ExtUtils::ParseXS qw(process_file);
+use ExtUtils::CBuilder;
+ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're loaded.
+chdir 't' or die "Can't chdir to t/, $!";
+use Carp; $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;
+# Try sending to filehandle
+tie *FH, 'Foo';
+process_file( filename => 'XSTest.xs', output => \*FH, prototypes => 1 );
+ok tied(*FH)->content, '/is_even/', "Test that output contains some text";
+# Try sending to file
+process_file( filename => 'XSTest.xs', output => 'XSTest.c', prototypes => 0 );
+ok -e 'XSTest.c', 1, "Create an output file";
+# TEST doesn't like extraneous output
+my $quiet = $ENV{PERL_CORE} && !$ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+# Try to compile the file! Don't get too fancy, though.
+my $b = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $quiet);
+if ($b->have_compiler) {
+ my $module = 'XSTest';
+ my $obj_file = $b->compile( source => "$module.c" );
+ ok $obj_file;
+ ok -e $obj_file, 1, "Make sure $obj_file exists";
+ my $lib_file = $b->link( objects => $obj_file, module_name => $module );
+ ok $lib_file;
+ ok -e $lib_file, 1, "Make sure $lib_file exists";
+ eval {require XSTest};
+ ok $@, '';
+ ok XSTest::is_even(8);
+ ok !XSTest::is_even(9);
+} else {
+ skip "Skipped can't find a C compiler & linker", 1 for 1..6;
+sub Foo::TIEHANDLE { bless {}, 'Foo' }
+sub Foo::PRINT { shift->{buf} .= join '', @_ }
+sub Foo::content { shift->{buf} }
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/t/00compile.t b/lib/ExtUtils/t/00compile.t
index 5eb015b13d..e2995dc4a2 100644
--- a/lib/ExtUtils/t/00compile.t
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/t/00compile.t
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ chdir File::Spec->updir;
my $manifest = File::Spec->catfile('MANIFEST');
open(MANIFEST, $manifest) or die "Can't open $manifest: $!";
my @modules = map { m{^lib/(\S+)}; $1 }
- grep { m{^lib/ExtUtils/\S*\.pm} } <MANIFEST>;
+ grep { m{^lib/ExtUtils/\S*\.pm} }
+ grep { !m{/t/} } <MANIFEST>;
chomp @modules;
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp b/lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp
index 9be40e64ec..d49cbcf2f5 100755
--- a/lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp
@@ -1,12 +1,53 @@
+require 5.002;
+use ExtUtils::ParseXS qw(process_file);
+use Getopt::Long;
+my %args = ();
+my $usage = "Usage: xsubpp [-v] [-except] [-prototypes] [-noversioncheck] [-nolinenumbers] [-nooptimize] [-noinout] [-noargtypes] [-s pattern] [-typemap typemap]... file.xs\n";
+Getopt::Long::Configure qw(no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case);
+@ARGV = grep {$_ ne '-C++'} @ARGV; # Allow -C++ for backward compatibility
+GetOptions(\%args, qw(hiertype!
+ prototypes!
+ versioncheck!
+ linenumbers!
+ optimize!
+ inout!
+ argtypes!
+ object_capi!
+ except!
+ v
+ typemap=s@
+ output=s
+ s=s
+ ))
+ or die $usage;
+if ($args{v}) {
+ print "xsubpp version $ExtUtils::ParseXS::VERSION\n";
+ exit;
+@ARGV == 1 or die $usage;
+$args{filename} = shift @ARGV;
+exit( ExtUtils::ParseXS::errors() ? 1 : 0 );
=head1 NAME
xsubpp - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
-B<xsubpp> [B<-v>] [B<-C++>] [B<-csuffix csuffix>] [B<-except>] [B<-s pattern>] [B<-prototypes>] [B<-noversioncheck>] [B<-nolinenumbers>] [B<-nooptimize>] [B<-typemap typemap>] ... file.xs
+B<xsubpp> [B<-v>] [B<-except>] [B<-s pattern>] [B<-prototypes>] [B<-noversioncheck>] [B<-nolinenumbers>] [B<-nooptimize>] [B<-typemap typemap>] [B<-output filename>]... file.xs
@@ -23,6 +64,8 @@ typemap taking precedence.
+It will also use a default typemap installed as C<ExtUtils::typemap>.
=head1 OPTIONS
Note that the C<XSOPT> MakeMaker option may be used to add these options to
@@ -30,16 +73,6 @@ any makefiles generated by MakeMaker.
=over 5
-=item B<-C++>
-Adds ``extern "C"'' to the C code.
-=item B<-csuffix csuffix>
-Set the suffix used for the generated C or C++ code. Defaults to '.c'
-(even with B<-C++>), but some platforms might want to have e.g. '.cpp'.
-Don't forget the '.' from the front.
=item B<-hiertype>
Retains '::' in type names so that C++ hierachical types can be mapped.
@@ -54,6 +87,11 @@ Indicates that a user-supplied typemap should take precedence over the
default typemaps. This option may be used multiple times, with the last
typemap having the highest precedence.
+=item B<-output filename>
+Specifies the name of the output file to generate. If no file is
+specified, output will be written to standard output.
=item B<-v>
Prints the I<xsubpp> version number to standard output, then exits.
@@ -88,6 +126,12 @@ Disable recognition of C<IN>, C<OUT_LIST> and C<INOUT_LIST> declarations.
Disable recognition of ANSI-like descriptions of function signature.
+=item B<-C++>
+Currently doesn't do anything at all. This flag has been a no-op for
+many versions of perl, at least as far back as perl5.003_07. It's
+allowed here for backwards compatibility.
@@ -96,1813 +140,16 @@ No environment variables are used.
=head1 AUTHOR
-Larry Wall
+Originally by Larry Wall. Turned into the C<ExtUtils::ParseXS> module
+by Ken Williams.
-See the file F<changes.pod>.
+See the file F<Changes>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-perl(1), perlxs(1), perlxstut(1)
+perl(1), perlxs(1), perlxstut(1), ExtUtils::ParseXS
-require 5.002;
-use Cwd;
-use vars qw($cplusplus $hiertype);
-use vars '%v';
-use Config;
-sub Q ;
-# Global Constants
-$XSUBPP_version = "1.9508";
-my ($Is_VMS, $SymSet);
-if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- $Is_VMS = 1;
- # Establish set of global symbols with max length 28, since xsubpp
- # will later add the 'XS_' prefix.
- require ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
- $SymSet = new ExtUtils::XSSymSet 28;
-$FH = 'File0000' ;
-$usage = "Usage: xsubpp [-v] [-C++] [-csuffix csuffix] [-except] [-prototypes] [-noversioncheck] [-nolinenumbers] [-nooptimize] [-noinout] [-noargtypes] [-s pattern] [-typemap typemap]... file.xs\n";
-$proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;[]') . "]" ;
-$except = "";
-$WantPrototypes = -1 ;
-$WantVersionChk = 1 ;
-$ProtoUsed = 0 ;
-$WantLineNumbers = 1 ;
-$WantOptimize = 1 ;
-$Overload = 0;
-$Fallback = 'PL_sv_undef';
-my $process_inout = 1;
-my $process_argtypes = 1;
-my $csuffix = '.c';
-SWITCH: while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-./) {
- $flag = shift @ARGV;
- $flag =~ s/^-// ;
- $spat = quotemeta shift, next SWITCH if $flag eq 's';
- $cplusplus = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'C++';
- $csuffix = shift, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'csuffix';
- $hiertype = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'hiertype';
- $WantPrototypes = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'noprototypes';
- $WantPrototypes = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'prototypes';
- $WantVersionChk = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'noversioncheck';
- $WantVersionChk = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'versioncheck';
- # XXX left this in for compat
- next SWITCH if $flag eq 'object_capi';
- $except = " TRY", next SWITCH if $flag eq 'except';
- push(@tm,shift), next SWITCH if $flag eq 'typemap';
- $WantLineNumbers = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'nolinenumbers';
- $WantLineNumbers = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'linenumbers';
- $WantOptimize = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'nooptimize';
- $WantOptimize = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'optimize';
- $process_inout = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'noinout';
- $process_inout = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'inout';
- $process_argtypes = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'noargtypes';
- $process_argtypes = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'argtypes';
- (print "xsubpp version $XSUBPP_version\n"), exit
- if $flag eq 'v';
- die $usage;
-if ($WantPrototypes == -1)
- { $WantPrototypes = 0}
- { $ProtoUsed = 1 }
-@ARGV == 1 or die $usage;
-($dir, $filename) = $ARGV[0] =~ m#(.*)/(.*)#
- or ($dir, $filename) = $ARGV[0] =~ m#(.*)\\(.*)#
- or ($dir, $filename) = $ARGV[0] =~ m#(.*[>\]])(.*)#
- or ($dir, $filename) = ('.', $ARGV[0]);
-$pwd = cwd();
-++ $IncludedFiles{$ARGV[0]} ;
-my(@XSStack) = ({type => 'none'}); # Stack of conditionals and INCLUDEs
-my($XSS_work_idx, $cpp_next_tmp) = (0, "XSubPPtmpAAAA");
-sub TrimWhitespace
- $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//go ;
-sub TidyType
- local ($_) = @_ ;
- # rationalise any '*' by joining them into bunches and removing whitespace
- s#\s*(\*+)\s*#$1#g;
- s#(\*+)# $1 #g ;
- # change multiple whitespace into a single space
- s/\s+/ /g ;
- # trim leading & trailing whitespace
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- $_ ;
-$typemap = shift @ARGV;
-foreach $typemap (@tm) {
- die "Can't find $typemap in $pwd\n" unless -r $typemap;
-unshift @tm, qw(../../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap ../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap
- ../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap ../../../typemap ../../typemap
- ../typemap typemap);
-foreach $typemap (@tm) {
- next unless -f $typemap ;
- # skip directories, binary files etc.
- warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap'\n"), next
- unless -T $typemap ;
- open(TYPEMAP, $typemap)
- or warn ("Warning: could not open typemap file '$typemap': $!\n"), next;
- $mode = 'Typemap';
- $junk = "" ;
- $current = \$junk;
- while (<TYPEMAP>) {
- next if /^\s*#/;
- my $line_no = $. + 1;
- if (/^INPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Input'; $current = \$junk; next; }
- if (/^OUTPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Output'; $current = \$junk; next; }
- if (/^TYPEMAP\s*$/) { $mode = 'Typemap'; $current = \$junk; next; }
- if ($mode eq 'Typemap') {
- chomp;
- my $line = $_ ;
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- # skip blank lines and comment lines
- next if /^$/ or /^#/ ;
- my($type,$kind, $proto) = /^\s*(.*?\S)\s+(\S+)\s*($proto_re*)\s*$/ or
- warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' TYPEMAP entry needs 2 or 3 columns\n"), next;
- $type = TidyType($type) ;
- $type_kind{$type} = $kind ;
- # prototype defaults to '$'
- $proto = "\$" unless $proto ;
- warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' Invalid prototype '$proto'\n")
- unless ValidProtoString($proto) ;
- $proto_letter{$type} = C_string($proto) ;
- }
- elsif (/^\s/) {
- $$current .= $_;
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'Input') {
- s/\s+$//;
- $input_expr{$_} = '';
- $current = \$input_expr{$_};
- }
- else {
- s/\s+$//;
- $output_expr{$_} = '';
- $current = \$output_expr{$_};
- }
- }
- close(TYPEMAP);
-foreach $key (keys %input_expr) {
- $input_expr{$key} =~ s/;*\s+\z//;
-$bal = qr[(?:(?>[^()]+)|\((??{ $bal })\))*]; # ()-balanced
-$cast = qr[(?:\(\s*SV\s*\*\s*\)\s*)?]; # Optional (SV*) cast
-$size = qr[,\s* (??{ $bal }) ]x; # Third arg (to setpvn)
-foreach $key (keys %output_expr) {
- use re 'eval';
- my ($t, $with_size, $arg, $sarg) =
- ($output_expr{$key} =~
- m[^ \s+ sv_set ( [iunp] ) v (n)? # Type, is_setpvn
- \s* \( \s* $cast \$arg \s* ,
- \s* ( (??{ $bal }) ) # Set from
- ( (??{ $size }) )? # Possible sizeof set-from
- \) \s* ; \s* $
- ]x);
- $targetable{$key} = [$t, $with_size, $arg, $sarg] if $t;
-$END = "!End!\n\n"; # "impossible" keyword (multiple newline)
-# Match an XS keyword
-$BLOCK_re= '\s*(' . join('|', qw(
- )) . "|$END)\\s*:";
-# Input: ($_, @line) == unparsed input.
-# Output: ($_, @line) == (rest of line, following lines).
-# Return: the matched keyword if found, otherwise 0
-sub check_keyword {
- $_ = shift(@line) while !/\S/ && @line;
- s/^(\s*)($_[0])\s*:\s*(?:#.*)?/$1/s && $2;
-my ($C_group_rex, $C_arg);
-# Group in C (no support for comments or literals)
-$C_group_rex = qr/ [({\[]
- (?: (?> [^()\[\]{}]+ ) | (??{ $C_group_rex }) )*
- [)}\]] /x ;
-# Chunk in C without comma at toplevel (no comments):
-$C_arg = qr/ (?: (?> [^()\[\]{},"']+ )
- | (??{ $C_group_rex })
- | " (?: (?> [^\\"]+ )
- | \\.
- )* " # String literal
- | ' (?: (?> [^\\']+ ) | \\. )* ' # Char literal
- )* /xs;
-if ($WantLineNumbers) {
- {
- package xsubpp::counter;
- my ($class, $cfile) = @_;
- my $buf = "";
- $SECTION_END_MARKER = "#line --- \"$cfile\"";
- $line_no = 1;
- bless \$buf;
- }
- sub PRINT {
- my $self = shift;
- for (@_) {
- $$self .= $_;
- while ($$self =~ s/^([^\n]*\n)//) {
- my $line = $1;
- ++ $line_no;
- $line =~ s|^\#line\s+---(?=\s)|#line $line_no|;
- print STDOUT $line;
- }
- }
- }
- sub PRINTF {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fmt = shift;
- $self->PRINT(sprintf($fmt, @_));
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- # Not necessary if we're careful to end with a "\n"
- my $self = shift;
- print STDOUT $$self;
- }
- }
- my $cfile = $filename;
- $cfile =~ s/\.xs$/$csuffix/i or $cfile .= $csuffix;
- tie(*PSEUDO_STDOUT, 'xsubpp::counter', $cfile);
-sub print_section {
- # the "do" is required for right semantics
- do { $_ = shift(@line) } while !/\S/ && @line;
- print("#line ", $line_no[@line_no - @line -1], " \"$filename\"\n")
- if $WantLineNumbers && !/^\s*#\s*line\b/ && !/^#if XSubPPtmp/;
- for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- print "$_\n";
- }
- print "$xsubpp::counter::SECTION_END_MARKER\n" if $WantLineNumbers;
-sub merge_section {
- my $in = '';
- while (!/\S/ && @line) {
- $_ = shift(@line);
- }
- for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- $in .= "$_\n";
- }
- chomp $in;
- return $in;
-sub process_keyword($)
- my($pattern) = @_ ;
- my $kwd ;
- &{"${kwd}_handler"}()
- while $kwd = check_keyword($pattern) ;
-sub CASE_handler {
- blurt ("Error: `CASE:' after unconditional `CASE:'")
- if $condnum && $cond eq '';
- $cond = $_;
- TrimWhitespace($cond);
- print " ", ($condnum++ ? " else" : ""), ($cond ? " if ($cond)\n" : "\n");
- $_ = '' ;
-sub INPUT_handler {
- for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- last if /^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/;
- next unless /\S/; # skip blank lines
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- my $line = $_ ;
- # remove trailing semicolon if no initialisation
- s/\s*;$//g unless /[=;+].*\S/ ;
- # Process the length(foo) declarations
- if (s/^([^=]*)\blength\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*$/$1 XSauto_length_of_$2=NO_INIT/x) {
- print "\tSTRLEN\tSTRLEN_length_of_$2;\n";
- $lengthof{$2} = $name;
- # $islengthof{$name} = $1;
- $deferred .= "\n\tXSauto_length_of_$2 = STRLEN_length_of_$2;";
- }
- # check for optional initialisation code
- my $var_init = '' ;
- $var_init = $1 if s/\s*([=;+].*)$//s ;
- $var_init =~ s/"/\\"/g;
- s/\s+/ /g;
- my ($var_type, $var_addr, $var_name) = /^(.*?[^&\s])\s*(\&?)\s*\b(\w+)$/s
- or blurt("Error: invalid argument declaration '$line'"), next;
- # Check for duplicate definitions
- blurt ("Error: duplicate definition of argument '$var_name' ignored"), next
- if $arg_list{$var_name}++
- or defined $argtype_seen{$var_name} and not $processing_arg_with_types;
- $thisdone |= $var_name eq "THIS";
- $retvaldone |= $var_name eq "RETVAL";
- $var_types{$var_name} = $var_type;
- # XXXX This check is a safeguard against the unfinished conversion of
- # generate_init(). When generate_init() is fixed,
- # one can use 2-args map_type() unconditionally.
- if ($var_type =~ / \( \s* \* \s* \) /x) {
- # Function pointers are not yet supported with &output_init!
- print "\t" . &map_type($var_type, $var_name);
- $name_printed = 1;
- } else {
- print "\t" . &map_type($var_type);
- $name_printed = 0;
- }
- $var_num = $args_match{$var_name};
- $proto_arg[$var_num] = ProtoString($var_type)
- if $var_num ;
- $func_args =~ s/\b($var_name)\b/&$1/ if $var_addr;
- if ($var_init =~ /^[=;]\s*NO_INIT\s*;?\s*$/
- or $in_out{$var_name} and $in_out{$var_name} =~ /^OUT/
- and $var_init !~ /\S/) {
- if ($name_printed) {
- print ";\n";
- } else {
- print "\t$var_name;\n";
- }
- } elsif ($var_init =~ /\S/) {
- &output_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name, $var_init, $name_printed);
- } elsif ($var_num) {
- # generate initialization code
- &generate_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name, $name_printed);
- } else {
- print ";\n";
- }
- }
-sub OUTPUT_handler {
- for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- next unless /\S/;
- if (/^\s*SETMAGIC\s*:\s*(ENABLE|DISABLE)\s*/) {
- $DoSetMagic = ($1 eq "ENABLE" ? 1 : 0);
- next;
- }
- my ($outarg, $outcode) = /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/s ;
- blurt ("Error: duplicate OUTPUT argument '$outarg' ignored"), next
- if $outargs{$outarg} ++ ;
- if (!$gotRETVAL and $outarg eq 'RETVAL') {
- # deal with RETVAL last
- $RETVAL_code = $outcode ;
- $gotRETVAL = 1 ;
- next ;
- }
- blurt ("Error: OUTPUT $outarg not an argument"), next
- unless defined($args_match{$outarg});
- blurt("Error: No input definition for OUTPUT argument '$outarg' - ignored"), next
- unless defined $var_types{$outarg} ;
- $var_num = $args_match{$outarg};
- if ($outcode) {
- print "\t$outcode\n";
- print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(" , $var_num-1 , "));\n" if $DoSetMagic;
- } else {
- &generate_output($var_types{$outarg}, $var_num, $outarg, $DoSetMagic);
- }
- delete $in_out{$outarg} # No need to auto-OUTPUT
- if exists $in_out{$outarg} and $in_out{$outarg} =~ /OUT$/;
- }
-sub C_ARGS_handler() {
- my $in = merge_section();
- TrimWhitespace($in);
- $func_args = $in;
-sub INTERFACE_MACRO_handler() {
- my $in = merge_section();
- TrimWhitespace($in);
- if ($in =~ /\s/) { # two
- ($interface_macro, $interface_macro_set) = split ' ', $in;
- } else {
- $interface_macro = $in;
- $interface_macro_set = 'UNKNOWN_CVT'; # catch later
- }
- $interface = 1; # local
- $Interfaces = 1; # global
-sub INTERFACE_handler() {
- my $in = merge_section();
- TrimWhitespace($in);
- foreach (split /[\s,]+/, $in) {
- $Interfaces{$_} = $_;
- }
- print Q<<"EOF";
-# XSFUNCTION = $interface_macro($ret_type,cv,XSANY.any_dptr);
- $interface = 1; # local
- $Interfaces = 1; # global
-sub CLEANUP_handler() { print_section() }
-sub PREINIT_handler() { print_section() }
-sub POSTCALL_handler() { print_section() }
-sub INIT_handler() { print_section() }
-sub GetAliases
- my ($line) = @_ ;
- my ($orig) = $line ;
- my ($alias) ;
- my ($value) ;
- # Parse alias definitions
- # format is
- # alias = value alias = value ...
- while ($line =~ s/^\s*([\w:]+)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*//) {
- $alias = $1 ;
- $orig_alias = $alias ;
- $value = $2 ;
- # check for optional package definition in the alias
- $alias = $Packprefix . $alias if $alias !~ /::/ ;
- # check for duplicate alias name & duplicate value
- Warn("Warning: Ignoring duplicate alias '$orig_alias'")
- if defined $XsubAliases{$alias} ;
- Warn("Warning: Aliases '$orig_alias' and '$XsubAliasValues{$value}' have identical values")
- if $XsubAliasValues{$value} ;
- $XsubAliases = 1;
- $XsubAliases{$alias} = $value ;
- $XsubAliasValues{$value} = $orig_alias ;
- }
- blurt("Error: Cannot parse ALIAS definitions from '$orig'")
- if $line ;
-sub ATTRS_handler ()
- for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- next unless /\S/;
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- push @Attributes, $_;
- }
-sub ALIAS_handler ()
- for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- next unless /\S/;
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- GetAliases($_) if $_ ;
- }
-sub OVERLOAD_handler()
- for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- next unless /\S/;
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- while ( s/^\s*([\w:"\\)\+\-\*\/\%\<\>\.\&\|\^\!\~\{\}\=]+)\s*//) {
- $Overload = 1 unless $Overload;
- my $overload = "$Package\::(".$1 ;
- push(@InitFileCode,
- " newXS(\"$overload\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$proto);\n");
- }
- }
-sub FALLBACK_handler()
- # the rest of the current line should contain either TRUE,
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- my %map = (
- TRUE => "PL_sv_yes", 1 => "PL_sv_yes",
- FALSE => "PL_sv_no", 0 => "PL_sv_no",
- UNDEF => "PL_sv_undef",
- ) ;
- # check for valid FALLBACK value
- death ("Error: FALLBACK: TRUE/FALSE/UNDEF") unless exists $map{uc $_} ;
- $Fallback = $map{uc $_} ;
-sub REQUIRE_handler ()
- # the rest of the current line should contain a version number
- my ($Ver) = $_ ;
- TrimWhitespace($Ver) ;
- death ("Error: REQUIRE expects a version number")
- unless $Ver ;
- # check that the version number is of the form n.n
- death ("Error: REQUIRE: expected a number, got '$Ver'")
- unless $Ver =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?/ ;
- death ("Error: xsubpp $Ver (or better) required--this is only $XSUBPP_version.")
- unless $XSUBPP_version >= $Ver ;
-sub VERSIONCHECK_handler ()
- # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- # check for ENABLE/DISABLE
- unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ;
- $WantVersionChk = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ;
- $WantVersionChk = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ;
-sub PROTOTYPE_handler ()
- my $specified ;
- death("Error: Only 1 PROTOTYPE definition allowed per xsub")
- if $proto_in_this_xsub ++ ;
- for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- next unless /\S/;
- $specified = 1 ;
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- if ($_ eq 'DISABLE') {
- $ProtoThisXSUB = 0
- }
- elsif ($_ eq 'ENABLE') {
- $ProtoThisXSUB = 1
- }
- else {
- # remove any whitespace
- s/\s+//g ;
- death("Error: Invalid prototype '$_'")
- unless ValidProtoString($_) ;
- $ProtoThisXSUB = C_string($_) ;
- }
- }
- # If no prototype specified, then assume empty prototype ""
- $ProtoThisXSUB = 2 unless $specified ;
- $ProtoUsed = 1 ;
-sub SCOPE_handler ()
- death("Error: Only 1 SCOPE declaration allowed per xsub")
- if $scope_in_this_xsub ++ ;
- for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
- next unless /\S/;
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- if ($_ =~ /^DISABLE/i) {
- $ScopeThisXSUB = 0
- }
- elsif ($_ =~ /^ENABLE/i) {
- $ScopeThisXSUB = 1
- }
- }
-sub PROTOTYPES_handler ()
- # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- # check for ENABLE/DISABLE
- unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ;
- $WantPrototypes = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ;
- $WantPrototypes = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ;
- $ProtoUsed = 1 ;
-sub INCLUDE_handler ()
- # the rest of the current line should contain a valid filename
- TrimWhitespace($_) ;
- death("INCLUDE: filename missing")
- unless $_ ;
- death("INCLUDE: output pipe is illegal")
- if /^\s*\|/ ;
- # simple minded recursion detector
- death("INCLUDE loop detected")
- if $IncludedFiles{$_} ;
- ++ $IncludedFiles{$_} unless /\|\s*$/ ;
- # Save the current file context.
- push(@XSStack, {
- type => 'file',
- LastLine => $lastline,
- LastLineNo => $lastline_no,
- Line => \@line,
- LineNo => \@line_no,
- Filename => $filename,
- Handle => $FH,
- }) ;
- ++ $FH ;
- # open the new file
- open ($FH, "$_") or death("Cannot open '$_': $!") ;
- print Q<<"EOF" ;
-#/* INCLUDE: Including '$_' from '$filename' */
- $filename = $_ ;
- # Prime the pump by reading the first
- # non-blank line
- # skip leading blank lines
- while (<$FH>) {
- last unless /^\s*$/ ;
- }
- $lastline = $_ ;
- $lastline_no = $. ;
-sub PopFile()
- return 0 unless $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'file' ;
- my $data = pop @XSStack ;
- my $ThisFile = $filename ;
- my $isPipe = ($filename =~ /\|\s*$/) ;
- -- $IncludedFiles{$filename}
- unless $isPipe ;
- close $FH ;
- $FH = $data->{Handle} ;
- $filename = $data->{Filename} ;
- $lastline = $data->{LastLine} ;
- $lastline_no = $data->{LastLineNo} ;
- @line = @{ $data->{Line} } ;
- @line_no = @{ $data->{LineNo} } ;
- if ($isPipe and $? ) {
- -- $lastline_no ;
- print STDERR "Error reading from pipe '$ThisFile': $! in $filename, line $lastline_no\n" ;
- exit 1 ;
- }
- print Q<<"EOF" ;
-#/* INCLUDE: Returning to '$filename' from '$ThisFile' */
- return 1 ;
-sub ValidProtoString ($)
- my($string) = @_ ;
- if ( $string =~ /^$proto_re+$/ ) {
- return $string ;
- }
- return 0 ;
-sub C_string ($)
- my($string) = @_ ;
- $string =~ s[\\][\\\\]g ;
- $string ;
-sub ProtoString ($)
- my ($type) = @_ ;
- $proto_letter{$type} or "\$" ;
-sub check_cpp {
- my @cpp = grep(/^\#\s*(?:if|e\w+)/, @line);
- if (@cpp) {
- my ($cpp, $cpplevel);
- for $cpp (@cpp) {
- if ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*if/) {
- $cpplevel++;
- } elsif (!$cpplevel) {
- Warn("Warning: #else/elif/endif without #if in this function");
- print STDERR " (precede it with a blank line if the matching #if is outside the function)\n"
- if $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if';
- return;
- } elsif ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*endif/) {
- $cpplevel--;
- }
- }
- Warn("Warning: #if without #endif in this function") if $cpplevel;
- }
-sub Q {
- my($text) = @_;
- $text =~ s/^#//gm;
- $text =~ s/\[\[/{/g;
- $text =~ s/\]\]/}/g;
- $text;
-open($FH, $filename) or die "cannot open $filename: $!\n";
-# Identify the version of xsubpp used
-print <<EOM ;
- * This file was generated automatically by xsubpp version $XSUBPP_version from the
- * contents of $filename. Do not edit this file, edit $filename instead.
- *
- *
- */
-print("#line 1 \"$filename\"\n")
- if $WantLineNumbers;
-while (<$FH>) {
- if (/^=/) {
- my $podstartline = $.;
- do {
- if (/^=cut\s*$/) {
- # We can't just write out a /* */ comment, as our embedded
- # POD might itself be in a comment. We can't put a /**/
- # comment inside #if 0, as the C standard says that the source
- # file is decomposed into preprocessing characters in the stage
- # before preprocessing commands are executed.
- # I don't want to leave the text as barewords, because the spec
- # isn't clear whether macros are expanded before or after
- # preprocessing commands are executed, and someone pathological
- # may just have defined one of the 3 words as a macro that does
- # something strange. Multiline strings are illegal in C, so
- # the "" we write must be a string literal. And they aren't
- # concatenated until 2 steps later, so we are safe.
- print("#if 0\n \"Skipped embedded POD.\"\n#endif\n");
- printf("#line %d \"$filename\"\n", $. + 1)
- if $WantLineNumbers;
- next firstmodule
- }
- } while (<$FH>);
- # At this point $. is at end of file so die won't state the start
- # of the problem, and as we haven't yet read any lines &death won't
- # show the correct line in the message either.
- die ("Error: Unterminated pod in $filename, line $podstartline\n")
- unless $lastline;
- }
- last if ($Module, $Package, $Prefix) =
- /^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/;
- print $_;
-&Exit unless defined $_;
-print "$xsubpp::counter::SECTION_END_MARKER\n" if $WantLineNumbers;
-$lastline = $_;
-$lastline_no = $.;
-# Read next xsub into @line from ($lastline, <$FH>).
-sub fetch_para {
- # parse paragraph
- death ("Error: Unterminated `#if/#ifdef/#ifndef'")
- if !defined $lastline && $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if';
- @line = ();
- @line_no = () ;
- return PopFile() if !defined $lastline;
- if ($lastline =~
- /^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/) {
- $Module = $1;
- $Package = defined($2) ? $2 : ''; # keep -w happy
- $Prefix = defined($3) ? $3 : ''; # keep -w happy
- $Prefix = quotemeta $Prefix ;
- ($Module_cname = $Module) =~ s/\W/_/g;
- ($Packid = $Package) =~ tr/:/_/;
- $Packprefix = $Package;
- $Packprefix .= "::" if $Packprefix ne "";
- $lastline = "";
- }
- for(;;) {
- # Skip embedded PODs
- while ($lastline =~ /^=/) {
- while ($lastline = <$FH>) {
- last if ($lastline =~ /^=cut\s*$/);
- }
- death ("Error: Unterminated pod") unless $lastline;
- $lastline = <$FH>;
- chomp $lastline;
- $lastline =~ s/^\s+$//;
- }
- if ($lastline !~ /^\s*#/ ||
- # CPP directives:
- # ANSI: if ifdef ifndef elif else endif define undef
- # line error pragma
- # gcc: warning include_next
- # obj-c: import
- # others: ident (gcc notes that some cpps have this one)
- $lastline =~ /^#[ \t]*(?:(?:if|ifn?def|elif|else|endif|define|undef|pragma|error|warning|line\s+\d+|ident)\b|(?:include(?:_next)?|import)\s*["<].*[>"])/) {
- last if $lastline =~ /^\S/ && @line && $line[-1] eq "";
- push(@line, $lastline);
- push(@line_no, $lastline_no) ;
- }
- # Read next line and continuation lines
- last unless defined($lastline = <$FH>);
- $lastline_no = $.;
- my $tmp_line;
- $lastline .= $tmp_line
- while ($lastline =~ /\\$/ && defined($tmp_line = <$FH>));
- chomp $lastline;
- $lastline =~ s/^\s+$//;
- }
- pop(@line), pop(@line_no) while @line && $line[-1] eq "";
- 1;
-while (fetch_para()) {
- # Print initial preprocessor statements and blank lines
- while (@line && $line[0] !~ /^[^\#]/) {
- my $line = shift(@line);
- print $line, "\n";
- next unless $line =~ /^\#\s*((if)(?:n?def)?|elsif|else|endif)\b/;
- my $statement = $+;
- if ($statement eq 'if') {
- $XSS_work_idx = @XSStack;
- push(@XSStack, {type => 'if'});
- } else {
- death ("Error: `$statement' with no matching `if'")
- if $XSStack[-1]{type} ne 'if';
- if ($XSStack[-1]{varname}) {
- push(@InitFileCode, "#endif\n");
- push(@BootCode, "#endif");
- }
- my(@fns) = keys %{$XSStack[-1]{functions}};
- if ($statement ne 'endif') {
- # Hide the functions defined in other #if branches, and reset.
- @{$XSStack[-1]{other_functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns;
- @{$XSStack[-1]}{qw(varname functions)} = ('', {});
- } else {
- my($tmp) = pop(@XSStack);
- 0 while (--$XSS_work_idx
- && $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{type} ne 'if');
- # Keep all new defined functions
- push(@fns, keys %{$tmp->{other_functions}});
- @{$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns;
- }
- }
- }
- next PARAGRAPH unless @line;
- if ($XSS_work_idx && !$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname}) {
- # We are inside an #if, but have not yet #defined its xsubpp variable.
- print "#define $cpp_next_tmp 1\n\n";
- push(@InitFileCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp\n");
- push(@BootCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp");
- $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname} = $cpp_next_tmp++;
- }
- death ("Code is not inside a function"
- ." (maybe last function was ended by a blank line "
- ." followed by a statement on column one?)")
- if $line[0] =~ /^\s/;
- # initialize info arrays
- undef(%args_match);
- undef(%var_types);
- undef(%defaults);
- undef($class);
- undef($externC);
- undef($static);
- undef($elipsis);
- undef($wantRETVAL) ;
- undef($RETVAL_no_return) ;
- undef(%arg_list) ;
- undef(@proto_arg) ;
- undef(@fake_INPUT_pre) ; # For length(s) generated variables
- undef(@fake_INPUT) ;
- undef($processing_arg_with_types) ;
- undef(%argtype_seen) ;
- undef(@outlist) ;
- undef(%in_out) ;
- undef(%lengthof) ;
- # undef(%islengthof) ;
- undef($proto_in_this_xsub) ;
- undef($scope_in_this_xsub) ;
- undef($interface);
- undef($prepush_done);
- $interface_macro = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC' ;
- $interface_macro_set = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET' ;
- $ProtoThisXSUB = $WantPrototypes ;
- $ScopeThisXSUB = 0;
- $xsreturn = 0;
- $_ = shift(@line);
- &{"${kwd}_handler"}() ;
- next PARAGRAPH unless @line ;
- $_ = shift(@line);
- }
- if (check_keyword("BOOT")) {
- &check_cpp;
- push (@BootCode, "#line $line_no[@line_no - @line] \"$filename\"")
- if $WantLineNumbers && $line[0] !~ /^\s*#\s*line\b/;
- push (@BootCode, @line, "") ;
- next PARAGRAPH ;
- }
- # extract return type, function name and arguments
- ($ret_type) = TidyType($_);
- $RETVAL_no_return = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^NO_OUTPUT\s+//;
- # Allow one-line ANSI-like declaration
- unshift @line, $2
- if $process_argtypes
- and $ret_type =~ s/^(.*?\w.*?)\s*\b(\w+\s*\(.*)/$1/s;
- # a function definition needs at least 2 lines
- blurt ("Error: Function definition too short '$ret_type'"), next PARAGRAPH
- unless @line ;
- $externC = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^extern "C"\s+//;
- $static = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^static\s+//;
- $func_header = shift(@line);
- blurt ("Error: Cannot parse function definition from '$func_header'"), next PARAGRAPH
- unless $func_header =~ /^(?:([\w:]*)::)?(\w+)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)\s*(const)?\s*(;\s*)?$/s;
- ($class, $func_name, $orig_args) = ($1, $2, $3) ;
- $class = "$4 $class" if $4;
- ($pname = $func_name) =~ s/^($Prefix)?/$Packprefix/;
- ($clean_func_name = $func_name) =~ s/^$Prefix//;
- $Full_func_name = "${Packid}_$clean_func_name";
- if ($Is_VMS) { $Full_func_name = $SymSet->addsym($Full_func_name); }
- # Check for duplicate function definition
- for $tmp (@XSStack) {
- next unless defined $tmp->{functions}{$Full_func_name};
- Warn("Warning: duplicate function definition '$clean_func_name' detected");
- last;
- }
- $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}{$Full_func_name} ++ ;
- %XsubAliases = %XsubAliasValues = %Interfaces = @Attributes = ();
- $DoSetMagic = 1;
- $orig_args =~ s/\\\s*/ /g; # process line continuations
- my %only_C_inlist; # Not in the signature of Perl function
- if ($process_argtypes and $orig_args =~ /\S/) {
- my $args = "$orig_args ,";
- if ($args =~ /^( (??{ $C_arg }) , )* $ /x) {
- @args = ($args =~ /\G ( (??{ $C_arg }) ) , /xg);
- for ( @args ) {
- s/^\s+//;
- s/\s+$//;
- my ($arg, $default) = / ( [^=]* ) ( (?: = .* )? ) /x;
- my ($pre, $name) = ($arg =~ /(.*?) \s*
- \b ( \w+ | length\( \s*\w+\s* \) )
- \s* $ /x);
- next unless length $pre;
- my $out_type;
- my $inout_var;
- if ($process_inout and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//) {
- my $type = $1;
- $out_type = $type if $type ne 'IN';
- $arg =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//;
- $pre =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//;
- }
- my $islength;
- if ($name =~ /^length\( \s* (\w+) \s* \)\z/x) {
- $name = "XSauto_length_of_$1";
- $islength = 1;
- die "Default value on length() argument: `$_'"
- if length $default;
- }
- if (length $pre or $islength) { # Has a type
- if ($islength) {
- push @fake_INPUT_pre, $arg;
- } else {
- push @fake_INPUT, $arg;
- }
- # warn "pushing '$arg'\n";
- $argtype_seen{$name}++;
- $_ = "$name$default"; # Assigns to @args
- }
- $only_C_inlist{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST" or $islength;
- push @outlist, $name if $out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/;
- $in_out{$name} = $out_type if $out_type;
- }
- } else {
- @args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args);
- Warn("Warning: cannot parse argument list '$orig_args', fallback to split");
- }
- } else {
- @args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args);
- for (@args) {
- if ($process_inout and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|IN_OUT|OUT)\s+//) {
- my $out_type = $1;
- next if $out_type eq 'IN';
- $only_C_inlist{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST";
- push @outlist, $name if $out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/;
- $in_out{$_} = $out_type;
- }
- }
- }
- if (defined($class)) {
- my $arg0 = ((defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new')
- ? "CLASS" : "THIS");
- unshift(@args, $arg0);
- ($report_args = "$arg0, $report_args") =~ s/^\w+, $/$arg0/;
- }
- my $extra_args = 0;
- @args_num = ();
- $num_args = 0;
- my $report_args = '';
- foreach $i (0 .. $#args) {
- if ($args[$i] =~ s/\.\.\.//) {
- $elipsis = 1;
- if ($args[$i] eq '' && $i == $#args) {
- $report_args .= ", ...";
- pop(@args);
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($only_C_inlist{$args[$i]}) {
- push @args_num, undef;
- } else {
- push @args_num, ++$num_args;
- $report_args .= ", $args[$i]";
- }
- if ($args[$i] =~ /^([^=]*[^\s=])\s*=\s*(.*)/s) {
- $extra_args++;
- $args[$i] = $1;
- $defaults{$args[$i]} = $2;
- $defaults{$args[$i]} =~ s/"/\\"/g;
- }
- $proto_arg[$i+1] = "\$" ;
- }
- $min_args = $num_args - $extra_args;
- $report_args =~ s/"/\\"/g;
- $report_args =~ s/^,\s+//;
- my @func_args = @args;
- shift @func_args if defined($class);
- for (@func_args) {
- s/^/&/ if $in_out{$_};
- }
- $func_args = join(", ", @func_args);
- @args_match{@args} = @args_num;
- $PPCODE = grep(/^\s*PPCODE\s*:/, @line);
- $CODE = grep(/^\s*CODE\s*:/, @line);
- # Detect CODE: blocks which use ST(n)= or XST_m*(n,v)
- # to set explicit return values.
- ("@line" =~ /(\bST\s*\([^;]*=) | (\bXST_m\w+\s*\()/x ));
- $ALIAS = grep(/^\s*ALIAS\s*:/, @line);
- $INTERFACE = grep(/^\s*INTERFACE\s*:/, @line);
- $xsreturn = 1 if $EXPLICIT_RETURN;
- $externC = $externC ? qq[extern "C"] : "";
- # print function header
- print Q<<"EOF";
-#XS(XS_${Full_func_name}); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
- print Q<<"EOF" if $ALIAS ;
-# dXSI32;
- print Q<<"EOF" if $INTERFACE ;
-# dXSFUNCTION($ret_type);
- if ($elipsis) {
- $cond = ($min_args ? qq(items < $min_args) : 0);
- }
- elsif ($min_args == $num_args) {
- $cond = qq(items != $min_args);
- }
- else {
- $cond = qq(items < $min_args || items > $num_args);
- }
- print Q<<"EOF" if $except;
-# char errbuf[1024];
-# *errbuf = '\0';
- if ($ALIAS)
- { print Q<<"EOF" if $cond }
-# if ($cond)
-# Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: %s($report_args)", GvNAME(CvGV(cv)));
- else
- { print Q<<"EOF" if $cond }
-# if ($cond)
-# Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $pname($report_args)");
- #gcc -Wall: if an xsub has no arguments and PPCODE is used
- #it is likely none of ST, XSRETURN or XSprePUSH macros are used
- #hence `ax' (setup by dXSARGS) is unused
- #XXX: could breakup the dXSARGS; into dSP;dMARK;dITEMS
- #but such a move could break third-party extensions
- print Q<<"EOF" if $PPCODE and $num_args == 0;
-# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(ax); /* -Wall */
- print Q<<"EOF" if $PPCODE;
-# SP -= items;
- # Now do a block of some sort.
- $condnum = 0;
- $cond = ''; # last CASE: condidional
- push(@line, "$END:");
- push(@line_no, $line_no[-1]);
- $_ = '';
- &check_cpp;
- while (@line) {
- &CASE_handler if check_keyword("CASE");
- print Q<<"EOF";
-# $except [[
- # do initialization of input variables
- $thisdone = 0;
- $retvaldone = 0;
- $deferred = "";
- %arg_list = () ;
- $gotRETVAL = 0;
- INPUT_handler() ;
- print Q<<"EOF" if $ScopeThisXSUB;
-# [[
- if (!$thisdone && defined($class)) {
- if (defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new') {
- print "\tchar *";
- $var_types{"CLASS"} = "char *";
- &generate_init("char *", 1, "CLASS");
- }
- else {
- print "\t$class *";
- $var_types{"THIS"} = "$class *";
- &generate_init("$class *", 1, "THIS");
- }
- }
- # do code
- if (/^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/) {
- print "\n\tPerl_croak(aTHX_ \"$pname: not implemented yet\");\n";
- $_ = '' ;
- } else {
- if ($ret_type ne "void") {
- print "\t" . &map_type($ret_type, 'RETVAL') . ";\n"
- if !$retvaldone;
- $args_match{"RETVAL"} = 0;
- $var_types{"RETVAL"} = $ret_type;
- print "\tdXSTARG;\n"
- if $WantOptimize and $targetable{$type_kind{$ret_type}};
- }
- if (@fake_INPUT or @fake_INPUT_pre) {
- unshift @line, @fake_INPUT_pre, @fake_INPUT, $_;
- $_ = "";
- $processing_arg_with_types = 1;
- INPUT_handler() ;
- }
- print $deferred;
- if (check_keyword("PPCODE")) {
- print_section();
- death ("PPCODE must be last thing") if @line;
- print "\tLEAVE;\n" if $ScopeThisXSUB;
- print "\tPUTBACK;\n\treturn;\n";
- } elsif (check_keyword("CODE")) {
- print_section() ;
- } elsif (defined($class) and $func_name eq "DESTROY") {
- print "\n\t";
- print "delete THIS;\n";
- } else {
- print "\n\t";
- if ($ret_type ne "void") {
- print "RETVAL = ";
- $wantRETVAL = 1;
- }
- if (defined($static)) {
- if ($func_name eq 'new') {
- $func_name = "$class";
- } else {
- print "${class}::";
- }
- } elsif (defined($class)) {
- if ($func_name eq 'new') {
- $func_name .= " $class";
- } else {
- print "THIS->";
- }
- }
- $func_name =~ s/^($spat)//
- if defined($spat);
- $func_name = 'XSFUNCTION' if $interface;
- print "$func_name($func_args);\n";
- }
- }
- # do output variables
- $gotRETVAL = 0; # 1 if RETVAL seen in OUTPUT section;
- undef $RETVAL_code ; # code to set RETVAL (from OUTPUT section);
- # $wantRETVAL set if 'RETVAL =' autogenerated
- ($wantRETVAL, $ret_type) = (0, 'void') if $RETVAL_no_return;
- undef %outargs ;
- &generate_output($var_types{$_}, $args_match{$_}, $_, $DoSetMagic)
- for grep $in_out{$_} =~ /OUT$/, keys %in_out;
- # all OUTPUT done, so now push the return value on the stack
- if ($gotRETVAL && $RETVAL_code) {
- print "\t$RETVAL_code\n";
- } elsif ($gotRETVAL || $wantRETVAL) {
- my $t = $WantOptimize && $targetable{$type_kind{$ret_type}};
- my $var = 'RETVAL';
- my $type = $ret_type;
- # 0: type, 1: with_size, 2: how, 3: how_size
- if ($t and not $t->[1] and $t->[0] eq 'p') {
- # PUSHp corresponds to setpvn. Treate setpv directly
- my $what = eval qq("$t->[2]");
- warn $@ if $@;
- print "\tsv_setpv(TARG, $what); XSprePUSH; PUSHTARG;\n";
- $prepush_done = 1;
- }
- elsif ($t) {
- my $what = eval qq("$t->[2]");
- warn $@ if $@;
- my $size = $t->[3];
- $size = '' unless defined $size;
- $size = eval qq("$size");
- warn $@ if $@;
- print "\tXSprePUSH; PUSH$t->[0]($what$size);\n";
- $prepush_done = 1;
- }
- else {
- # RETVAL almost never needs SvSETMAGIC()
- &generate_output($ret_type, 0, 'RETVAL', 0);
- }
- }
- $xsreturn = 1 if $ret_type ne "void";
- my $num = $xsreturn;
- my $c = @outlist;
- # (PP)CODE set different values of SP; reset to PPCODE's with 0 output
- print "\tXSprePUSH;" if $c and not $prepush_done;
- # Take into account stuff already put on stack
- print "\t++SP;" if $c and not $prepush_done and $xsreturn;
- # Now SP corresponds to ST($xsreturn), so one can combine PUSH and ST()
- print "\tEXTEND(SP,$c);\n" if $c;
- $xsreturn += $c;
- generate_output($var_types{$_}, $num++, $_, 0, 1) for @outlist;
- # do cleanup
- print Q<<"EOF" if $ScopeThisXSUB;
-# ]]
- print Q<<"EOF" if $ScopeThisXSUB and not $PPCODE;
- # print function trailer
- print Q<<EOF;
-# ]]
- print Q<<EOF if $except;
-# sprintf(errbuf, "%s: %s\\tpropagated", Xname, Xreason);
- if (check_keyword("CASE")) {
- blurt ("Error: No `CASE:' at top of function")
- unless $condnum;
- $_ = "CASE: $_"; # Restore CASE: label
- next;
- }
- last if $_ eq "$END:";
- death(/^$BLOCK_re/o ? "Misplaced `$1:'" : "Junk at end of function");
- }
- print Q<<EOF if $except;
-# if (errbuf[0])
-# Perl_croak(aTHX_ errbuf);
- if ($xsreturn) {
- print Q<<EOF unless $PPCODE;
-# XSRETURN($xsreturn);
- } else {
- print Q<<EOF unless $PPCODE;
- }
- print Q<<EOF;
- my $newXS = "newXS" ;
- my $proto = "" ;
- # Build the prototype string for the xsub
- if ($ProtoThisXSUB) {
- $newXS = "newXSproto";
- if ($ProtoThisXSUB eq 2) {
- # User has specified empty prototype
- $proto = ', ""' ;
- }
- elsif ($ProtoThisXSUB ne 1) {
- # User has specified a prototype
- $proto = ', "' . $ProtoThisXSUB . '"';
- }
- else {
- my $s = ';';
- if ($min_args < $num_args) {
- $s = '';
- $proto_arg[$min_args] .= ";" ;
- }
- push @proto_arg, "$s\@"
- if $elipsis ;
- $proto = ', "' . join ("", @proto_arg) . '"';
- }
- }
- if (%XsubAliases) {
- $XsubAliases{$pname} = 0
- unless defined $XsubAliases{$pname} ;
- while ( ($name, $value) = each %XsubAliases) {
- push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF");
-# cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
-# XSANY.any_i32 = $value ;
- push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF") if $proto;
-# sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ;
- }
- }
- elsif (@Attributes) {
- push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF");
-# cv = newXS(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
-# apply_attrs_string("$Package", cv, "@Attributes", 0);
- }
- elsif ($interface) {
- while ( ($name, $value) = each %Interfaces) {
- $name = "$Package\::$name" unless $name =~ /::/;
- push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF");
-# cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
-# $interface_macro_set(cv,$value) ;
- push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF") if $proto;
-# sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- push(@InitFileCode,
- " ${newXS}(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$proto);\n");
- }
-if ($Overload) # make it findable with fetchmethod
- print Q<<"EOF";
-#XS(XS_${Packid}_nil); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
- unshift(@InitFileCode, <<"MAKE_FETCHMETHOD_WORK");
- /* Making a sub named "${Package}::()" allows the package */
- /* to be findable via fetchmethod(), and causes */
- /* overload::Overloaded("${Package}") to return true. */
- newXS("${Package}::()", XS_${Packid}_nil, file$proto);
-# print initialization routine
-print Q<<"EOF";
-##ifdef __cplusplus
-#extern "C"
-print Q<<"EOF";
-#XS(boot_$Module_cname); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
-print Q<<"EOF";
-#-Wall: if there is no $Full_func_name there are no xsubs in this .xs
-#so `file' is unused
-print Q<<"EOF" if $Full_func_name;
-# char* file = __FILE__;
-print Q "#\n";
-print Q<<"EOF" if $WantVersionChk ;
-print Q<<"EOF" if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ;
-# {
-# CV * cv ;
-print Q<<"EOF" if ($Overload);
-# /* register the overloading (type 'A') magic */
-# PL_amagic_generation++;
-# /* The magic for overload gets a GV* via gv_fetchmeth as */
-# /* mentioned above, and looks in the SV* slot of it for */
-# /* the "fallback" status. */
-# sv_setsv(
-# get_sv( "${Package}::()", TRUE ),
-# $Fallback
-# );
-print @InitFileCode;
-print Q<<"EOF" if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ;
-# }
-if (@BootCode)
- print "\n /* Initialisation Section */\n\n" ;
- @line = @BootCode;
- print_section();
- print "\n /* End of Initialisation Section */\n\n" ;
-print Q<<"EOF";;
-warn("Please specify prototyping behavior for $filename (see perlxs manual)\n")
- unless $ProtoUsed ;
-sub output_init {
- local($type, $num, $var, $init, $name_printed) = @_;
- local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")";
- if( $init =~ /^=/ ) {
- if ($name_printed) {
- eval qq/print " $init\\n"/;
- } else {
- eval qq/print "\\t$var $init\\n"/;
- }
- warn $@ if $@;
- } else {
- if( $init =~ s/^\+// && $num ) {
- &generate_init($type, $num, $var, $name_printed);
- } elsif ($name_printed) {
- print ";\n";
- $init =~ s/^;//;
- } else {
- eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
- warn $@ if $@;
- $init =~ s/^;//;
- }
- $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\t$init\\n"/;
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
-sub Warn
- # work out the line number
- my $line_no = $line_no[@line_no - @line -1] ;
- print STDERR "@_ in $filename, line $line_no\n" ;
-sub blurt
- Warn @_ ;
- $errors ++
-sub death
- Warn @_ ;
- exit 1 ;
-sub generate_init {
- local($type, $num, $var) = @_;
- local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")";
- local($argoff) = $num - 1;
- local($ntype);
- local($tk);
- $type = TidyType($type) ;
- blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return
- unless defined($type_kind{$type});
- ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
- ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
- $tk = $type_kind{$type};
- $tk =~ s/OBJ$/REF/ if $func_name =~ /DESTROY$/;
- if ($tk eq 'T_PV' and exists $lengthof{$var}) {
- print "\t$var" unless $name_printed;
- print " = ($type)SvPV($arg, STRLEN_length_of_$var);\n";
- die "default value not supported with length(NAME) supplied"
- if defined $defaults{$var};
- return;
- }
- $type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $hiertype;
- blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '$type_kind{$type}' found"), return
- unless defined $input_expr{$tk} ;
- $expr = $input_expr{$tk};
- if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
- blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return
- unless defined($type_kind{$subtype});
- blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '$type_kind{$subtype}' found"), return
- unless defined $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ;
- $subexpr = $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}};
- $subexpr =~ s/\$type/\$subtype/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/is not of (.*\")/[arg %d] is not of $1, ix_$var + 1/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var - $argoff]/;
- $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM/$subexpr/;
- }
- if ($expr =~ m#/\*.*scope.*\*/#i) { # "scope" in C comments
- $ScopeThisXSUB = 1;
- }
- if (defined($defaults{$var})) {
- $expr =~ s/(\t+)/$1 /g;
- $expr =~ s/ /\t/g;
- if ($name_printed) {
- print ";\n";
- } else {
- eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
- if ($defaults{$var} eq 'NO_INIT') {
- $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items >= $num) {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/;
- } else {
- $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items < $num)\\n\\t $var = $defaults{$var};\\n\\telse {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/;
- }
- warn $@ if $@;
- } elsif ($ScopeThisXSUB or $expr !~ /^\s*\$var =/) {
- if ($name_printed) {
- print ";\n";
- } else {
- eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
- $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n$expr;\\n"/;
- warn $@ if $@;
- } else {
- die "panic: do not know how to handle this branch for function pointers"
- if $name_printed;
- eval qq/print "$expr;\\n"/;
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
-sub generate_output {
- local($type, $num, $var, $do_setmagic, $do_push) = @_;
- local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - ($num != 0)) . ")";
- local($argoff) = $num - 1;
- local($ntype);
- $type = TidyType($type) ;
- if ($type =~ /^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\)/) {
- print "\t$arg = sv_newmortal();\n";
- print "\tsv_setpvn($arg, (char *)$var, $2 * sizeof($1));\n";
- print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
- } else {
- blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return
- unless defined($type_kind{$type});
- blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '$type_kind{$type}' found"), return
- unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}} ;
- ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
- $ntype =~ s/\(\)//g;
- ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
- $expr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}};
- if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
- blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return
- unless defined($type_kind{$subtype});
- blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '$type_kind{$subtype}' found"), return
- unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ;
- $subexpr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}};
- $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var]/g;
- $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
- $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM\n/$subexpr/;
- eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
- warn $@ if $@;
- print "\t\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(ix_$var));\n" if $do_setmagic;
- }
- elsif ($var eq 'RETVAL') {
- if ($expr =~ /^\t\$arg = new/) {
- # We expect that $arg has refcnt 1, so we need to
- # mortalize it.
- eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
- warn $@ if $@;
- print "\tsv_2mortal(ST($num));\n";
- print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST($num));\n" if $do_setmagic;
- }
- elsif ($expr =~ /^\s*\$arg\s*=/) {
- # We expect that $arg has refcnt >=1, so we need
- # to mortalize it!
- eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
- warn $@ if $@;
- print "\tsv_2mortal(ST(0));\n";
- print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(0));\n" if $do_setmagic;
- }
- else {
- # Just hope that the entry would safely write it
- # over an already mortalized value. By
- # coincidence, something like $arg = &sv_undef
- # works too.
- print "\tST(0) = sv_newmortal();\n";
- eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
- warn $@ if $@;
- # new mortals don't have set magic
- }
- }
- elsif ($do_push) {
- print "\tPUSHs(sv_newmortal());\n";
- $arg = "ST($num)";
- eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
- warn $@ if $@;
- print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
- }
- elsif ($arg =~ /^ST\(\d+\)$/) {
- eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
- warn $@ if $@;
- print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
- }
- }
-sub map_type {
- my($type, $varname) = @_;
- # C++ has :: in types too so skip this
- $type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $hiertype;
- $type =~ s/^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\).*/$1 */s;
- if ($varname) {
- if ($varname && $type =~ / \( \s* \* (?= \s* \) ) /xg) {
- (substr $type, pos $type, 0) = " $varname ";
- } else {
- $type .= "\t$varname";
- }
- }
- $type;
-sub Exit {
-# If this is VMS, the exit status has meaning to the shell, so we
-# use a predictable value (SS$_Normal or SS$_Abort) rather than an
-# arbitrary number.
-# exit ($Is_VMS ? ($errors ? 44 : 1) : $errors) ;
- exit ($errors ? 1 : 0);