path: root/lib/Math
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-06-18 04:17:15 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-06-18 04:17:15 +0000
commitb695f709e8a342e35e482b0437eb6cdacdc58b6b (patch)
tree2d16192636e6ba806ff7a907f682c74f7705a920 /lib/Math
parentd780cd7a0195e946e636d3ee546f6ef4f21d6acc (diff)
The Grand Trek: move the *.t files from t/ to lib/ and ext/.
No doubt I made some mistakes like missed some files or misnamed some files. The naming rules were more or less: (1) if the module is from CPAN, follows its ways, be it t/*.t or (2) otherwise if there are multiple tests for a module put them in a t/ (3) otherwise if there's only one test put it in Module.t (4) helper files go to module/ (locale, strict, warnings) (5) use longer filenames now that we can (but e.g. the compat-0.6.t and the Text::Balanced test files still were renamed to be more civil against the 8.3 people) installperl was updated appropriately not to install the *.t files or the help files from under lib. TODO: some helper files still remain under t/ that could follow their 'masters'. UPDATE: On second thoughts, why should they. They can continue to live under t/lib, and in fact the locale/strict/warnings helpers that were moved could be moved back. This way the amount of non-installable stuff under lib/ stays smaller. p4raw-id: //depot/perl@10676
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Math')
5 files changed, 3339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigfltpm.t b/lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigfltpm.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e8de58d871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigfltpm.t
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test;
+use strict;
+ {
+ $| = 1;
+ unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
+ # chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ plan tests => 514;
+ }
+use Math::BigFloat;
+use Math::BigInt;
+my ($x,$y,$f,@args,$ans,$try,$ans1,$ans1_str,$setup);
+while (<DATA>)
+ {
+ chop;
+ $_ =~ s/#.*$//; # remove comments
+ $_ =~ s/\s+$//; # trailing spaces
+ next if /^$/; # skip empty lines & comments
+ if (s/^&//)
+ {
+ $f = $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\$/)
+ {
+ $setup = $_; $setup =~ s/^\$/\$Math::BigFloat::/; # rnd_mode, div_scale
+ # print "$setup\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m|^(.*?):(/.+)$|)
+ {
+ $ans = $2;
+ @args = split(/:/,$1,99);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @args = split(/:/,$_,99); $ans = pop(@args);
+ }
+ $try = "\$x = new Math::BigFloat \"$args[0]\";";
+ if ($f eq "fnorm")
+ {
+ $try .= "\$x;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "binf") {
+ $try .= "\$x->binf('$args[1]');";
+ } elsif ($f eq "bsstr") {
+ $try .= "\$x->bsstr();";
+ } elsif ($f eq "_set") {
+ $try .= "\$x->_set('$args[1]'); \$x;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fneg") {
+ $try .= "-\$x;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "bfloor") {
+ $try .= "\$x->bfloor();";
+ } elsif ($f eq "bceil") {
+ $try .= "\$x->bceil();";
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_zero") {
+ $try .= "\$x->is_zero()+0;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_one") {
+ $try .= "\$x->is_one()+0;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_odd") {
+ $try .= "\$x->is_odd()+0;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_even") {
+ $try .= "\$x->is_even()+0;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "as_number") {
+ $try .= "\$x->as_number();";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fpow") {
+ $try .= "\$x ** $args[1];";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fabs") {
+ $try .= "abs \$x;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "fround") {
+ $try .= "$setup; \$x->fround($args[1]);";
+ } elsif ($f eq "ffround") {
+ $try .= "$setup; \$x->ffround($args[1]);";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fsqrt") {
+ $try .= "$setup; \$x->fsqrt();";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $try .= "\$y = new Math::BigFloat \"$args[1]\";";
+ if ($f eq "fcmp") {
+ $try .= "\$x <=> \$y;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fadd") {
+ $try .= "\$x + \$y;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fsub") {
+ $try .= "\$x - \$y;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fmul") {
+ $try .= "\$x * \$y;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fdiv") {
+ $try .= "$setup; \$x / \$y;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "fmod") {
+ $try .= "\$x % \$y;";
+ } else { warn "Unknown op '$f'"; }
+ }
+ $ans1 = eval $try;
+ if ($ans =~ m|^/(.*)$|)
+ {
+ my $pat = $1;
+ if ($ans1 =~ /$pat/)
+ {
+ ok (1,1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "# '$try' expected: /$pat/ got: '$ans1'\n" if !ok(1,0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($ans eq "")
+ {
+ ok_undef ($ans1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "# Tried: '$try'\n" if !ok ($ans1, $ans);
+ }
+ } # end pattern or string
+ }
+ } # end while
+# all done
+# Perl 5.005 does not like ok ($x,undef)
+sub ok_undef
+ {
+ my $x = shift;
+ ok (1,1) and return if !defined $x;
+ ok ($x,'undef');
+ }
+ 1 a:NaN
+$rnd_mode = "trunc"
+$rnd_mode = "zero"
+$rnd_mode = "+inf"
+$rnd_mode = "-inf"
+$rnd_mode = "odd"
+$rnd_mode = "even"
+$rnd_mode = "trunc"
+$rnd_mode = "zero"
+$rnd_mode = "+inf"
+$rnd_mode = "-inf"
+$rnd_mode = "odd"
+$rnd_mode = "even"
+0.000001:0.0005:-2 # <0, but can't test this
+0.00000123:0.0005:-2 # <0, but can't test this
+$div_scale = 40; $Math::BigFloat::rnd_mode = 'even'
+$div_scale = 20
+# following two cases are the "old" behaviour, but are now (>v0.01) different
+$div_scale = 1
+# div_scale will be 3 since $x has 3 digits
+# reset scale for further tests
+$div_scale = 40
diff --git a/lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.t b/lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f819104885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.t
@@ -0,0 +1,1238 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test;
+ {
+ $| = 1;
+ # chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
+ plan tests => 1190;
+ }
+# for testing inheritance of _swap
+package Math::Foo;
+use Math::BigInt;
+use vars qw/@ISA/;
+@ISA = (qw/Math::BigInt/);
+use overload
+# customized overload for sub, since original does not use swap there
+'-' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_);
+ $a[0]->bsub($a[1])};
+sub _swap
+ {
+ # a fake _swap, which reverses the params
+ my $self = shift; # for override in subclass
+ if ($_[2])
+ {
+ my $c = ref ($_[0] ) || 'Math::Foo';
+ return ( $_[0]->copy(), $_[1] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ( Math::Foo->new($_[1]), $_[0] );
+ }
+ }
+package main;
+use Math::BigInt;
+my (@args,$f,$try,$x,$y,$z,$a,$exp,$ans,$ans1,@a,$m,$e,$round_mode);
+while (<DATA>)
+ {
+ chop;
+ next if /^#/; # skip comments
+ if (s/^&//)
+ {
+ $f = $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\$/)
+ {
+ $round_mode = $_;
+ $round_mode =~ s/^\$/Math::BigInt->/;
+ # print "$round_mode\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @args = split(/:/,$_,99);
+ $ans = pop(@args);
+ $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(\"$args[0]\");";
+ if ($f eq "bnorm"){
+ # $try .= '$x+0;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "_set") {
+ $try .= '$x->_set($args[1]); "$x";';
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_zero") {
+ $try .= '$x->is_zero()+0;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_one") {
+ $try .= '$x->is_one()+0;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_odd") {
+ $try .= '$x->is_odd()+0;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_even") {
+ $try .= '$x->is_even()+0;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "binf") {
+ $try .= "\$x->binf('$args[1]');";
+ } elsif ($f eq "bfloor") {
+ $try .= '$x->bfloor();';
+ } elsif ($f eq "bceil") {
+ $try .= '$x->bceil();';
+ } elsif ($f eq "is_inf") {
+ $try .= "\$x->is_inf('$args[1]')+0;";
+ } elsif ($f eq "bsstr") {
+ $try .= '$x->bsstr();';
+ } elsif ($f eq "bneg") {
+ $try .= '-$x;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "babs") {
+ $try .= 'abs $x;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "binc") {
+ $try .= '++$x;';
+ } elsif ($f eq "bdec") {
+ $try .= '--$x;';
+ }elsif ($f eq "bnot") {
+ $try .= '~$x;';
+ }elsif ($f eq "bsqrt") {
+ $try .= '$x->bsqrt();';
+ }elsif ($f eq "length") {
+ $try .= "\$x->length();";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bround") {
+ $try .= "$round_mode; \$x->bround($args[1]);";
+ }elsif ($f eq "exponent"){
+ $try .= '$x = $x->exponent()->bstr();';
+ }elsif ($f eq "mantissa"){
+ $try .= '$x = $x->mantissa()->bstr();';
+ }elsif ($f eq "parts"){
+ $try .= "(\$m,\$e) = \$x->parts();";
+ $try .= '$m = $m->bstr(); $m = "NaN" if !defined $m;';
+ $try .= '$e = $e->bstr(); $e = "NaN" if !defined $e;';
+ $try .= '"$m,$e";';
+ } else {
+ $try .= "\$y = new Math::BigInt \"$args[1]\";";
+ if ($f eq "bcmp"){
+ $try .= '$x <=> $y;';
+ }elsif ($f eq "bacmp"){
+ $try .= '$x->bacmp($y);';
+ }elsif ($f eq "badd"){
+ $try .= "\$x + \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bsub"){
+ $try .= "\$x - \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bmul"){
+ $try .= "\$x * \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bdiv"){
+ $try .= "\$x / \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bmod"){
+ $try .= "\$x % \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bgcd")
+ {
+ if (defined $args[2])
+ {
+ $try .= " \$z = new Math::BigInt \"$args[2]\"; ";
+ }
+ $try .= "Math::BigInt::bgcd(\$x, \$y";
+ $try .= ", \$z" if (defined $args[2]);
+ $try .= " );";
+ }
+ elsif ($f eq "blcm")
+ {
+ if (defined $args[2])
+ {
+ $try .= " \$z = new Math::BigInt \"$args[2]\"; ";
+ }
+ $try .= "Math::BigInt::blcm(\$x, \$y";
+ $try .= ", \$z" if (defined $args[2]);
+ $try .= " );";
+ }elsif ($f eq "blsft"){
+ if (defined $args[2])
+ {
+ $try .= "\$x->blsft(\$y,$args[2]);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $try .= "\$x << \$y;";
+ }
+ }elsif ($f eq "brsft"){
+ if (defined $args[2])
+ {
+ $try .= "\$x->brsft(\$y,$args[2]);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $try .= "\$x >> \$y;";
+ }
+ }elsif ($f eq "band"){
+ $try .= "\$x & \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bior"){
+ $try .= "\$x | \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bxor"){
+ $try .= "\$x ^ \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "bpow"){
+ $try .= "\$x ** \$y;";
+ }elsif ($f eq "digit"){
+ $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(\"$args[0]\"); \$x->digit($args[1]);";
+ } else { warn "Unknown op '$f'"; }
+ }
+ # print "trying $try\n";
+ $ans1 = eval $try;
+ $ans =~ s/^[+]([0-9])/$1/; # remove leading '+'
+ if ($ans eq "")
+ {
+ ok_undef ($ans1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #print "try: $try ans: $ans1 $ans\n";
+ print "# Tried: '$try'\n" if !ok ($ans1, $ans);
+ }
+ # check internal state of number objects
+ is_valid($ans1) if ref $ans1;
+ }
+ } # endwhile data tests
+close DATA;
+# test whether constant works or not
+$try = "use Math::BigInt (1.31,'babs',':constant');";
+$try .= ' $x = 2**150; babs($x); $x = "$x";';
+$ans1 = eval $try;
+ok ( $ans1, "1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624");
+# test some more
+@a = ();
+for (my $i = 1; $i < 10; $i++)
+ {
+ push @a, $i;
+ }
+ok "@a", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
+# test whether selfmultiplication works correctly (result is 2**64)
+$try = '$x = new Math::BigInt "+4294967296";';
+$try .= '$a = $x->bmul($x);';
+$ans1 = eval $try;
+print "# Tried: '$try'\n" if !ok ($ans1, Math::BigInt->new(2) ** 64);
+# test whether op detroys args or not (should better not)
+$x = new Math::BigInt (3);
+$y = new Math::BigInt (4);
+$z = $x & $y;
+ok ($x,3);
+ok ($y,4);
+ok ($z,0);
+$z = $x | $y;
+ok ($x,3);
+ok ($y,4);
+ok ($z,7);
+$x = new Math::BigInt (1);
+$y = new Math::BigInt (2);
+$z = $x | $y;
+ok ($x,1);
+ok ($y,2);
+ok ($z,3);
+$x = new Math::BigInt (5);
+$y = new Math::BigInt (4);
+$z = $x ^ $y;
+ok ($x,5);
+ok ($y,4);
+ok ($z,1);
+$x = new Math::BigInt (-5); $y = -$x;
+ok ($x, -5);
+$x = new Math::BigInt (-5); $y = abs($x);
+ok ($x, -5);
+# check whether overloading cmp works
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(0);";
+$try .= "\$y = 10;";
+$try .= "'false' if \$x ne \$y;";
+$ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "false" );
+# we cant test for working cmpt with other objects here, we would need a dummy
+# object with stringify overload for this. see Math::String tests
+# check shortcuts
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(1); \$x += 9;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 10;";
+$ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(1); \$x -= 9;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == -8;";
+$ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(1); \$x *= 9;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 9;";
+$ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x /= 2;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 5;";
+$ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+# check reversed order of arguments
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 ** \$x;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 1024;"; $ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 * \$x;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 20;"; $ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 + \$x;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 12;"; $ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 - \$x;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == -8;"; $ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 20 / \$x;";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 2;"; $ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+# check badd(4,5) form
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt::badd(4,5);";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 9;";
+$ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+$try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->badd(4,5);";
+$try .= "'ok' if \$x == 9;";
+$ans = eval $try;
+print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" );
+# check proper length of internal arrays
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(99999);
+ok ($x,99999);
+ok (scalar @{$x->{value}}, 1);
+$x += 1;
+ok ($x,100000);
+ok (scalar @{$x->{value}}, 2);
+$x -= 1;
+ok ($x,99999);
+ok (scalar @{$x->{value}}, 1);
+# check numify
+my $BASE = int(1e5);
+$x = Math::BigInt->new($BASE-1); ok ($x->numify(),$BASE-1);
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(-($BASE-1)); ok ($x->numify(),-($BASE-1));
+$x = Math::BigInt->new($BASE); ok ($x->numify(),$BASE);
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(-$BASE); ok ($x->numify(),-$BASE);
+$x = Math::BigInt->new( -($BASE*$BASE*1+$BASE*1+1) );
+# test bug in _digits with length($c[-1]) where $c[-1] was "00001" instead of 1
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(99998); $x++; $x++; $x++; $x++;
+if ($x > 100000) { ok (1,1) } else { ok ("$x < 100000","$x > 100000"); }
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(100003); $x++;
+$y = Math::BigInt->new(1000000);
+if ($x < 1000000) { ok (1,1) } else { ok ("$x > 1000000","$x < 1000000"); }
+# bug in sub where number with at least 6 trailing zeros after any op failed
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(123456); $z = Math::BigInt->new(10000); $z *= 10;
+$x -= $z;
+ok ($z, 100000);
+ok ($x, 23456);
+# bug with rest "-0" in div, causing further div()s to fail
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(-322056000); ($x,$y) = $x->bdiv('-12882240');
+ok ($y,'0'); # not '-0'
+# check undefs: NOT DONE YET
+# bool
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(1); if ($x) { ok (1,1); } else { ok($x,'to be true') }
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(0); if (!$x) { ok (1,1); } else { ok($x,'to be false') }
+# objectify()
+@args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,4,5);
+ok (scalar @args,3); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5
+ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt');
+ok ($args[1],4);
+ok ($args[2],5);
+@args = Math::BigInt::objectify(0,4,5);
+ok (scalar @args,3); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5
+ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt');
+ok ($args[1],4);
+ok ($args[2],5);
+@args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,4,5);
+ok (scalar @args,3); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5
+ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt');
+ok ($args[1],4);
+ok ($args[2],5);
+@args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,4,5,6,7);
+ok (scalar @args,5); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5, 6, 7
+ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt');
+ok ($args[1],4); ok (ref($args[1]),$args[0]);
+ok ($args[2],5); ok (ref($args[2]),$args[0]);
+ok ($args[3],6); ok (ref($args[3]),'');
+ok ($args[4],7); ok (ref($args[4]),'');
+@args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,'Math::BigInt',4,5,6,7);
+ok (scalar @args,5); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5, 6, 7
+ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt');
+ok ($args[1],4); ok (ref($args[1]),$args[0]);
+ok ($args[2],5); ok (ref($args[2]),$args[0]);
+ok ($args[3],6); ok (ref($args[3]),'');
+ok ($args[4],7); ok (ref($args[4]),'');
+# test for flaoting-point input (other tests in bnorm() below)
+$z = 1050000000000000; # may be int on systems with 64bit?
+$x = Math::BigInt->new($z); ok ($x->bsstr(),'105e+13'); # not 1.03e+15?
+$z = 1e+129; # definitely a float
+$x = Math::BigInt->new($z); ok ($x->bsstr(),$z);
+# prime number tests, also test for **= and length()
+# found on:
+# ((2^148)-1)/17
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(2); $x **= 148; $x++; $x = $x / 17;
+ok ($x,"20988936657440586486151264256610222593863921");
+ok ($x->length(),length "20988936657440586486151264256610222593863921");
+# MM7 = 2^127-1
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(2); $x **= 127; $x--;
+ok ($x,"170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
+# I am afraid the following is not yet possible due to slowness
+# Also, testing for 2 meg output is a bit hard ;)
+#$x = new Math::BigInt(2); $x **= 6972593; $x--;
+# 593573509*2^332162+1 has exactly 100.000 digits
+# takes over 16 mins and still not complete, so can not be done yet ;)
+#$x = Math::BigInt->new(2); $x **= 332162; $x *= "593573509"; $x++;
+#ok ($x->digits(),100000);
+# inheritance and overriding of _swap
+$x = Math::Foo->new(5);
+$x = $x - 8; # 8 - 5 instead of 5-8
+ok ($x,3);
+ok (ref($x),'Math::Foo');
+$x = Math::Foo->new(5);
+$x = 8 - $x; # 5 - 8 instead of 8 - 5
+ok ($x,-3);
+ok (ref($x),'Math::Foo');
+# all tests done
+# devel test, see whether valid catches errors
+#$x = Math::BigInt->new(0);
+#$x->{sign} = '-';
+#is_valid($x); # nok
+#$x->{sign} = 'e';
+#is_valid($x); # nok
+#$x->{value}->[0] = undef;
+#is_valid($x); # nok
+#$x->{value}->[0] = 1e6;
+#is_valid($x); # nok
+#$x->{value}->[0] = -2;
+#is_valid($x); # nok
+#$x->{sign} = '+';
+#is_valid($x); # ok
+# Perl 5.005 does not like ok ($x,undef)
+sub ok_undef
+ {
+ my $x = shift;
+ ok (1,1) and return if !defined $x;
+ ok ($x,'undef');
+ }
+# sub to check validity of a BigInt internally, to ensure that no op leaves a
+# number object in an invalid state (f.i. "-0")
+sub is_valid
+ {
+ my $x = shift;
+ my $error = ["",];
+ # ok as reference?
+ is_okay('ref($x)','Math::BigInt',ref($x),$error);
+ # has ok sign?
+ is_okay('$x->{sign}',"'+', '-', '-inf', '+inf' or 'NaN'",$x->{sign},$error)
+ if $x->{sign} !~ /^(\+|-|\+inf|-inf|NaN)$/;
+ # is not -0?
+ if (($x->{sign} eq '-') && (@{$x->{value}} == 1) && ($x->{value}->[0] == 0))
+ {
+ is_okay("\$x ne '-0'","0",$x,$error);
+ }
+ # all parts are valid?
+ my $i = 0; my $j = scalar @{$x->{value}}; my $e; my $try;
+ while ($i < $j)
+ {
+ $e = $x->{value}->[$i]; $e = 'undef' unless defined $e;
+ $try = '=~ /^[\+]?[0-9]+\$/; '."($f, $x, $e)";
+ last if $e !~ /^[+]?[0-9]+$/;
+ $try = ' < 0 || >= 1e5; '."($f, $x, $e)";
+ last if $e <0 || $e >= 1e5;
+ # this test is disabled, since new/bnorm and certain ops (like early out
+ # in add/sub) are allowed/expected to leave '00000' in some elements
+ #$try = '=~ /^00+/; '."($f, $x, $e)";
+ #last if $e =~ /^00+/;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ is_okay("\$x->{value}->[$i] $try","not $e",$e,$error)
+ if $i < $j; # trough all?
+ # see whether errors crop up
+ $error->[1] = 'undef' unless defined $error->[1];
+ if ($error->[0] ne "")
+ {
+ ok ($error->[1],$error->[2]);
+ print "# Tried: $error->[0]\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok (1,1);
+ }
+ }
+sub is_okay
+ {
+ my ($tried,$expected,$try,$error) = @_;
+ return if $error->[0] ne ""; # error, no further testing
+ @$error = ( $tried, $try, $expected ) if $try ne $expected;
+ }
+# binary input
+# hex input
+# inf input
+# normal input
+ 1 a:NaN
+# floating point input
+# excercise base 10
+# excercise base 10
+# 1 ** -x => 1 / (1 ** x)
+# floor and ceil tests are pretty pointless in integer space...but play safe
diff --git a/lib/Math/BigInt/t/mbimbf.t b/lib/Math/BigInt/t/mbimbf.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3948102f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Math/BigInt/t/mbimbf.t
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# test accuracy, precicion and fallback, round_mode
+use strict;
+use Test;
+ {
+ $| = 1;
+ # chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
+ plan tests => 103;
+ }
+use Math::BigInt;
+use Math::BigFloat;
+my ($x,$y,$z,$u);
+# test defaults and set/get
+ok_undef ($Math::BigInt::accuracy);
+ok_undef ($Math::BigInt::precision);
+ok ($Math::BigInt::div_scale,40);
+ok (Math::BigInt::round_mode(),'even');
+ok ($Math::BigInt::rnd_mode,'even');
+ok_undef ($Math::BigFloat::accuracy);
+ok_undef ($Math::BigFloat::precision);
+ok ($Math::BigFloat::div_scale,40);
+ok ($Math::BigFloat::rnd_mode,'even');
+# accuracy
+foreach (qw/5 42 -1 0/)
+ {
+ ok ($Math::BigFloat::accuracy = $_,$_);
+ ok ($Math::BigInt::accuracy = $_,$_);
+ }
+ok_undef ($Math::BigFloat::accuracy = undef);
+ok_undef ($Math::BigInt::accuracy = undef);
+# precision
+foreach (qw/5 42 -1 0/)
+ {
+ ok ($Math::BigFloat::precision = $_,$_);
+ ok ($Math::BigInt::precision = $_,$_);
+ }
+ok_undef ($Math::BigFloat::precision = undef);
+ok_undef ($Math::BigInt::precision = undef);
+# fallback
+foreach (qw/5 42 1/)
+ {
+ ok ($Math::BigFloat::div_scale = $_,$_);
+ ok ($Math::BigInt::div_scale = $_,$_);
+ }
+# illegal values are possible for fallback due to no accessor
+# round_mode
+foreach (qw/odd even zero trunc +inf -inf/)
+ {
+ ok ($Math::BigFloat::rnd_mode = $_,$_);
+ ok ($Math::BigInt::rnd_mode = $_,$_);
+ }
+$Math::BigFloat::rnd_mode = 4;
+ok ($Math::BigFloat::rnd_mode,4);
+ok ($Math::BigInt::rnd_mode,'-inf'); # from above
+$Math::BigInt::accuracy = undef;
+$Math::BigInt::precision = undef;
+# local copies
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.456);
+ok_undef ($x->accuracy());
+ok ($x->accuracy(5),5);
+ok_undef ($x->accuracy(undef),undef);
+ok_undef ($x->precision());
+ok ($x->precision(5),5);
+ok_undef ($x->precision(undef),undef);
+# see if MBF changes MBIs values
+ok ($Math::BigInt::accuracy = 42,42);
+ok ($Math::BigFloat::accuracy = 64,64);
+ok ($Math::BigInt::accuracy,42); # should be still 42
+ok ($Math::BigFloat::accuracy,64); # should be still 64
+# see if creating a number under set A or P will round it
+$Math::BigInt::accuracy = 4;
+$Math::BigInt::precision = 3;
+ok (Math::BigInt->new(123456),123500); # with A
+$Math::BigInt::accuracy = undef;
+ok (Math::BigInt->new(123456),123000); # with P
+$Math::BigFloat::accuracy = 4;
+$Math::BigFloat::precision = -1;
+$Math::BigInt::precision = undef;
+ok (Math::BigFloat->new(123.456),123.5); # with A
+$Math::BigFloat::accuracy = undef;
+ok (Math::BigFloat->new(123.456),123.5); # with P from MBF, not MBI!
+$Math::BigFloat::precision = undef;
+# see if setting accuracy/precision actually rounds the number
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.456); $x->accuracy(4); ok ($x,123.5);
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.456); $x->precision(-2); ok ($x,123.46);
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(123456); $x->accuracy(4); ok ($x,123500);
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(123456); $x->precision(2); ok ($x,123500);
+# test actual rounding via round()
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.456);
+ok ($x->copy()->round(5,2),123.46);
+ok ($x->copy()->round(4,2),123.5);
+ok ($x->copy()->round(undef,-2),123.46);
+ok ($x->copy()->round(undef,2),100);
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.45000);
+ok ($x->copy()->round(undef,-1,'odd'),123.5);
+# see if rounding is 'sticky'
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.4567);
+$y = $x->copy()->bround(); # no-op since nowhere A or P defined
+ok ($y,123.4567);
+$y = $x->copy()->round(5,2);
+ok ($y->accuracy(),5);
+ok_undef ($y->precision()); # A has precedence, so P still unset
+$y = $x->copy()->round(undef,2);
+ok ($y->precision(),2);
+ok_undef ($y->accuracy()); # P has precedence, so A still unset
+# does copy work?
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.456); $x->accuracy(4); $x->precision(2);
+$z = $x->copy(); ok ($z->accuracy(),4); ok ($z->precision(),2);
+# test wether operations round properly afterwards
+# These tests are not complete, since they do not excercise every "return"
+# statement in the op's. But heh, it's better than nothing...
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.456);
+$y = Math::BigFloat->new(654.321);
+$x->{_a} = 5; # $x->accuracy(5) would round $x straightaway
+$y->{_a} = 4; # $y->accuracy(4) would round $x straightaway
+$z = $x + $y; ok ($z,777.8);
+$z = $y - $x; ok ($z,530.9);
+$z = $y * $x; ok ($z,80780);
+$z = $x ** 2; ok ($z,15241);
+$z = $x * $x; ok ($z,15241);
+# not yet: $z = -$x; ok ($z,-123.46); ok ($x,123.456);
+$z = $x->copy(); $z->{_a} = 2; $z = $z / 2; ok ($z,62);
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(123456); $x->{_a} = 4;
+$z = $x->copy; $z++; ok ($z,123500);
+$x = Math::BigInt->new(123456);
+$y = Math::BigInt->new(654321);
+$x->{_a} = 5; # $x->accuracy(5) would round $x straightaway
+$y->{_a} = 4; # $y->accuracy(4) would round $x straightaway
+$z = $x + $y; ok ($z,777800);
+$z = $y - $x; ok ($z,530900);
+$z = $y * $x; ok ($z,80780000000);
+$z = $x ** 2; ok ($z,15241000000);
+# not yet: $z = -$x; ok ($z,-123460); ok ($x,123456);
+$z = $x->copy; $z++; ok ($z,123460);
+$z = $x->copy(); $z->{_a} = 2; $z = $z / 2; ok ($z,62000);
+# test mixed arguments
+$x = Math::BigFloat->new(10);
+$u = Math::BigFloat->new(2.5);
+$y = Math::BigInt->new(2);
+$z = $x + $y; ok ($z,12); ok (ref($z),'Math::BigFloat');
+$z = $x / $y; ok ($z,5); ok (ref($z),'Math::BigFloat');
+$z = $u * $y; ok ($z,5); ok (ref($z),'Math::BigFloat');
+$y = Math::BigInt->new(12345);
+$z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,2,0,'odd'); ok ($z,31000);
+$z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,3,0,'odd'); ok ($z,30900);
+$z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,0,'odd'); ok ($z,30863);
+$z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,1,'odd'); ok ($z,30860);
+$z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,-1,'odd'); ok ($z,30862.5);
+# breakage:
+# $z = $y->copy()->bmul($u,2,0,'odd'); ok ($z,31000);
+# $z = $y * $u; ok ($z,5); ok (ref($z),'Math::BigInt');
+# $z = $y + $x; ok ($z,12); ok (ref($z),'Math::BigInt');
+# $z = $y / $x; ok ($z,0); ok (ref($z),'Math::BigInt');
+# all done
+# Perl 5.005 does not like ok ($x,undef)
+sub ok_undef
+ {
+ my $x = shift;
+ ok (1,1) and return if !defined $x;
+ ok ($x,'undef');
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Math/Complex.t b/lib/Math/Complex.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..334374d519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Math/Complex.t
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+# $RCSfile: complex.t,v $
+# Regression tests for the Math::Complex pacakge
+# -- Raphael Manfredi since Sep 1996
+# -- Jarkko Hietaniemi since Mar 1997
+# -- Daniel S. Lewart since Sep 1997
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Math::Complex;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = 1.91;
+my ($args, $op, $target, $test, $test_set, $try, $val, $zvalue, @set, @val);
+$test = 0;
+$| = 1;
+my @script = (
+ 'my ($res, $s0,$s1,$s2,$s3,$s4,$s5,$s6,$s7,$s8,$s9,$s10, $z0,$z1,$z2);' .
+ "\n\n"
+my $eps = 1e-13;
+if ($^O eq 'unicos') { # For some reason root() produces very inaccurate
+ $eps = 1e-10; # results in Cray UNICOS, and occasionally also
+} # cos(), sin(), cosh(), sinh(). The division
+ # of doubles is the current suspect.
+while (<DATA>) {
+ s/^\s+//;
+ next if $_ eq '' || /^\#/;
+ chomp;
+ $test_set = 0; # Assume not a test over a set of values
+ if (/^&(.+)/) {
+ $op = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\{(.+)\}/) {
+ set($1, \@set, \@val);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (s/^\|//) {
+ $test_set = 1; # Requests we loop over the set...
+ }
+ my @args = split(/:/);
+ if ($test_set == 1) {
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @set; $i++) {
+ # complex number
+ $target = $set[$i];
+ # textual value as found in set definition
+ $zvalue = $val[$i];
+ test($zvalue, $target, @args);
+ }
+ } else {
+ test($op, undef, @args);
+ }
+sub test_mutators {
+ my $op;
+ $test++;
+push(@script, <<'EOT');
+ my $z = cplx( 1, 1);
+ $z->Re(2);
+ $z->Im(3);
+ print "# $test Re(z) = ",$z->Re(), " Im(z) = ", $z->Im(), " z = $z\n";
+ print 'not ' unless Re($z) == 2 and Im($z) == 3;
+ push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n"}\n));
+ $test++;
+push(@script, <<'EOT');
+ my $z = cplx( 1, 1);
+ $z->abs(3 * sqrt(2));
+ print "# $test Re(z) = ",$z->Re(), " Im(z) = ", $z->Im(), " z = $z\n";
+ print 'not ' unless (abs($z) - 3 * sqrt(2)) < $eps and
+ (arg($z) - pi / 4 ) < $eps and
+ (Re($z) - 3 ) < $eps and
+ (Im($z) - 3 ) < $eps;
+ push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n"}\n));
+ $test++;
+push(@script, <<'EOT');
+ my $z = cplx( 1, 1);
+ $z->arg(-3 / 4 * pi);
+ print "# $test Re(z) = ",$z->Re(), " Im(z) = ", $z->Im(), " z = $z\n";
+ print 'not ' unless (arg($z) + 3 / 4 * pi) < $eps and
+ (abs($z) - sqrt(2) ) < $eps and
+ (Re($z) + 1 ) < $eps and
+ (Im($z) + 1 ) < $eps;
+ push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n"}\n));
+my $constants = '
+my $i = cplx(0, 1);
+my $pi = cplx(pi, 0);
+my $pii = cplx(0, pi);
+my $pip2 = cplx(pi/2, 0);
+my $zero = cplx(0, 0);
+push(@script, $constants);
+# test the divbyzeros
+sub test_dbz {
+ for my $op (@_) {
+ $test++;
+ push(@script, <<EOT);
+ eval '$op';
+ (\$bad) = (\$@ =~ /(.+)/);
+ print "# $test op = $op divbyzero? \$bad...\n";
+ print 'not ' unless (\$@ =~ /Division by zero/);
+ push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n";\n));
+ }
+# test the logofzeros
+sub test_loz {
+ for my $op (@_) {
+ $test++;
+ push(@script, <<EOT);
+ eval '$op';
+ (\$bad) = (\$@ =~ /(.+)/);
+ print "# $test op = $op logofzero? \$bad...\n";
+ print 'not ' unless (\$@ =~ /Logarithm of zero/);
+ push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n";\n));
+ }
+ 'i/0',
+ 'acot(0)',
+ 'acot(+$i)',
+# 'acoth(-1)', # Log of zero.
+ 'acoth(0)',
+ 'acoth(+1)',
+ 'acsc(0)',
+ 'acsch(0)',
+ 'asec(0)',
+ 'asech(0)',
+ 'atan($i)',
+# 'atanh(-1)', # Log of zero.
+ 'atanh(+1)',
+ 'cot(0)',
+ 'coth(0)',
+ 'csc(0)',
+ 'csch(0)',
+ );
+ 'log($zero)',
+ 'atan(-$i)',
+ 'acot(-$i)',
+ 'atanh(-1)',
+ 'acoth(-1)',
+ );
+# test the bad roots
+sub test_broot {
+ for my $op (@_) {
+ $test++;
+ push(@script, <<EOT);
+ eval 'root(2, $op)';
+ (\$bad) = (\$@ =~ /(.+)/);
+ print "# $test op = $op badroot? \$bad...\n";
+ print 'not ' unless (\$@ =~ /root rank must be/);
+ push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n";\n));
+ }
+test_broot(qw(-3 -2.1 0 0.99));
+sub test_display_format {
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# package display_format cartesian?\n";
+ print "not " unless Math::Complex->display_format eq 'cartesian';
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ my \$j = (root(1,3))[1];
+ \$j->display_format('polar');
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# j display_format polar?\n";
+ print "not " unless \$j->display_format eq 'polar';
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# j = \$j\n";
+ print "not " unless "\$j" eq "[1,2pi/3]";
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ my %display_format;
+ %display_format = \$j->display_format;
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# display_format{style} polar?\n";
+ print "not " unless \$display_format{style} eq 'polar';
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# keys %display_format == 2?\n";
+ print "not " unless keys %display_format == 2;
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ \$j->display_format('style' => 'cartesian', 'format' => '%.5f');
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# j = \$j\n";
+ print "not " unless "\$j" eq "-0.50000+0.86603i";
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ %display_format = \$j->display_format;
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# display_format{format} %.5f?\n";
+ print "not " unless \$display_format{format} eq '%.5f';
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# keys %display_format == 3?\n";
+ print "not " unless keys %display_format == 3;
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ \$j->display_format('format' => undef);
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# j = \$j\n";
+ print "not " unless "\$j" =~ /^-0(?:\\.5(?:0000\\d+)?|\\.49999\\d+)\\+0.86602540\\d+i\$/;
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ \$j->display_format('style' => 'polar', 'polar_pretty_print' => 0);
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# j = \$j\n";
+ print "not " unless "\$j" =~ /^\\[1,2\\.09439510\\d+\\]\$/;
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ \$j->display_format('style' => 'cartesian', 'format' => '(%.5g)');
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# j = \$j\n";
+ print "not " unless "\$j" eq "(-0.5)+(0.86603)i";
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ $test++;
+ push @script, <<EOS;
+ print "# j display_format cartesian?\n";
+ print "not " unless \$j->display_format eq 'cartesian';
+ print "ok $test\n";
+print "1..$test\n";
+eval join '', @script;
+die $@ if $@;
+sub abop {
+ my ($op) = @_;
+ push(@script, qq(print "# $op=\n";));
+sub test {
+ my ($op, $z, @args) = @_;
+ my ($baop) = 0;
+ $test++;
+ my $i;
+ $baop = 1 if ($op =~ s/;=$//);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @args; $i++) {
+ $val = value($args[$i]);
+ push @script, "\$z$i = $val;\n";
+ }
+ if (defined $z) {
+ $args = "'$op'"; # Really the value
+ $try = "abs(\$z0 - \$z1) <= $eps ? \$z1 : \$z0";
+ push @script, "\$res = $try; ";
+ push @script, "check($test, $args[0], \$res, \$z$#args, $args);\n";
+ } else {
+ my ($try, $args);
+ if (@args == 2) {
+ $try = "$op \$z0";
+ $args = "'$args[0]'";
+ } else {
+ $try = ($op =~ /^\w/) ? "$op(\$z0, \$z1)" : "\$z0 $op \$z1";
+ $args = "'$args[0]', '$args[1]'";
+ }
+ push @script, "\$res = $try; ";
+ push @script, "check($test, '$try', \$res, \$z$#args, $args);\n";
+ if (@args > 2 and $baop) { # binary assignment ops
+ $test++;
+ # check the op= works
+ push @script, <<EOB;
+ my \$za = cplx(ref \$z0 ? \@{\$z0->cartesian} : (\$z0, 0));
+ my (\$z1r, \$z1i) = ref \$z1 ? \@{\$z1->cartesian} : (\$z1, 0);
+ my \$zb = cplx(\$z1r, \$z1i);
+ \$za $op= \$zb;
+ my (\$zbr, \$zbi) = \@{\$zb->cartesian};
+ check($test, '\$z0 $op= \$z1', \$za, \$z$#args, $args);
+ $test++;
+ # check that the rhs has not changed
+ push @script, qq(print "not " unless (\$zbr == \$z1r and \$zbi == \$z1i););
+ push @script, qq(print "ok $test\\n";\n);
+ push @script, "}\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub set {
+ my ($set, $setref, $valref) = @_;
+ @{$setref} = ();
+ @{$valref} = ();
+ my @set = split(/;\s*/, $set);
+ my @res;
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @set; $i++) {
+ push(@{$valref}, $set[$i]);
+ my $val = value($set[$i]);
+ push @script, "\$s$i = $val;\n";
+ push @{$setref}, "\$s$i";
+ }
+sub value {
+ local ($_) = @_;
+ if (/^\s*\((.*),(.*)\)/) {
+ return "cplx($1,$2)";
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*([\-\+]?(?:\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(?:[e[\-\+]\d+])?)/) {
+ return "cplx($1,0)";
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*\[(.*),(.*)\]/) {
+ return "cplxe($1,$2)";
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*'(.*)'/) {
+ my $ex = $1;
+ $ex =~ s/\bz\b/$target/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\br\b/abs($target)/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\bt\b/arg($target)/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\ba\b/Re($target)/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\bb\b/Im($target)/g;
+ return $ex;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*"(.*)"/) {
+ return "\"$1\"";
+ }
+ return $_;
+sub check {
+ my ($test, $try, $got, $expected, @z) = @_;
+ print "# @_\n";
+ if ("$got" eq "$expected"
+ ||
+ ($expected =~ /^-?\d/ && $got == $expected)
+ ||
+ (abs($got - $expected) < $eps)
+ ) {
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $test\n";
+ my $args = (@z == 1) ? "z = $z[0]" : "z0 = $z[0], z1 = $z[1]";
+ print "# '$try' expected: '$expected' got: '$got' for $args\n";
+ }
+sub addsq {
+ my ($z1, $z2) = @_;
+ return ($z1 + i*$z2) * ($z1 - i*$z2);
+sub subsq {
+ my ($z1, $z2) = @_;
+ return ($z1 + $z2) * ($z1 - $z2);
+[-1, 0]:"[1,pi]"
+[1, pi/3]:"[1,pi/3]"
+[6, -2*pi/3]:"[6,-2pi/3]"
+[0.5, -9*pi/11]:"[0.5,-9pi/11]"
+{ (4,3); [3,2]; (-3,4); (0,2); [2,1] }
+|'z + ~z':'2*Re(z)'
+|'z - ~z':'2*i*Im(z)'
+|'z * ~z':'abs(z) * abs(z)'
+{ (0.5, 0); (-0.5, 0); (2,3); [3,2]; (-3,2); (0,2); 3; 1.2; (-3, 0); (-2, -1); [2,1] }
+|'(root(z, 4))[1] ** 4':'z'
+|'(root(z, 5))[3] ** 5':'z'
+|'(root(z, 8))[7] ** 8':'z'
+|'acsc(z)':'asin(1 / z)'
+|'asec(z)':'acos(1 / z)'
+|'cbrt(z)':'cbrt(r) * exp(i * t/3)'
+|'addsq(cos(z), sin(z))':1
+|'subsq(cosh(z), sinh(z))':1
+|'cot(z)':'1 / tan(z)'
+|'csc(z)':'1 / sin(z)'
+|'exp(z)':'exp(a) * exp(i * b)'
+|'log(z)':'log(r) + i*t'
+|'log10(z)':'log(z) / log(10)'
+|'logn(z, 2)':'log(z) / log(2)'
+|'logn(z, 3)':'log(z) / log(3)'
+|'sec(z)':'1 / cos(z)'
+|'sin(i * z)':'i * sinh(z)'
+|'sqrt(z) * sqrt(z)':'z'
+|'sqrt(z)':'sqrt(r) * exp(i * t/2)'
+|'z**z':'exp(z * log(z))'
+{ (1,1); [1,0.5]; (-2, -1); 2; -3; (-1,0.5); (0,0.5); 0.5; (2, 0); (-1, -2) }
+|'coth(z)':'1 / tanh(z)'
+|'csch(z)':'1 / sinh(z)'
+|'sech(z)':'1 / cosh(z)'
+{ (0.2,-0.4); [1,0.5]; -1.2; (-1,0.5); 0.5; (1.1, 0) }
+|'acos(cos(z)) ** 2':'z * z'
+|'acosh(cosh(z)) ** 2':'z * z'
+|'acoth(z)':'atanh(1 / z)'
+|'acsch(z)':'asinh(1 / z)'
+|'asech(z)':'acosh(1 / z)'
+(-2.0,0):( 0.69314718055995, 3.14159265358979)
+(-1.0,0):( 0 , 3.14159265358979)
+(-0.5,0):( -0.69314718055995, 3.14159265358979)
+( 0.5,0):( -0.69314718055995, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.69314718055995, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 1.28247467873077, 0.98279372324733)
+(-2, 3):( 1.28247467873077, 2.15879893034246)
+(-2,-3):( 1.28247467873077, -2.15879893034246)
+( 2,-3):( 1.28247467873077, -0.98279372324733)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.90929742682568, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.84147098480790, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.47942553860420, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.47942553860420, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.84147098480790, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.90929742682568, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 9.15449914691143, -4.16890695996656)
+(-2, 3):( -9.15449914691143, -4.16890695996656)
+(-2,-3):( -9.15449914691143, 4.16890695996656)
+( 2,-3):( 9.15449914691143, 4.16890695996656)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.41614683654714, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( 0.54030230586814, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( 0.87758256189037, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.87758256189037, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.54030230586814, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( -0.41614683654714, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -4.18962569096881, -9.10922789375534)
+(-2, 3):( -4.18962569096881, 9.10922789375534)
+(-2,-3):( -4.18962569096881, -9.10922789375534)
+( 2,-3):( -4.18962569096881, 9.10922789375534)
+(-2.0,0):( 2.18503986326152, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -1.55740772465490, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.54630248984379, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.54630248984379, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 1.55740772465490, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( -2.18503986326152, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -0.00376402564150, 1.00323862735361)
+(-2, 3):( 0.00376402564150, 1.00323862735361)
+(-2,-3):( 0.00376402564150, -1.00323862735361)
+( 2,-3):( -0.00376402564150, -1.00323862735361)
+(-2.0,0):( -2.40299796172238, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( 1.85081571768093, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( 1.13949392732455, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 1.13949392732455, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 1.85081571768093, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( -2.40299796172238, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -0.04167496441114, 0.09061113719624)
+(-2, 3):( -0.04167496441114, -0.09061113719624)
+(-2,-3):( -0.04167496441114, 0.09061113719624)
+( 2,-3):( -0.04167496441114, -0.09061113719624)
+(-2.0,0):( -1.09975017029462, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -1.18839510577812, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -2.08582964293349, 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 2.08582964293349, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 1.18839510577812, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 1.09975017029462, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 0.09047320975321, 0.04120098628857)
+(-2, 3):( -0.09047320975321, 0.04120098628857)
+(-2,-3):( -0.09047320975321, -0.04120098628857)
+( 2,-3):( 0.09047320975321, -0.04120098628857)
+(-2.0,0):( 0.45765755436029, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.64209261593433, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -1.83048772171245, 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 1.83048772171245, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.64209261593433, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( -0.45765755436029, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -0.00373971037634, -0.99675779656936)
+(-2, 3):( 0.00373971037634, -0.99675779656936)
+(-2,-3):( 0.00373971037634, 0.99675779656936)
+( 2,-3):( -0.00373971037634, 0.99675779656936)
+(-2.0,0):( -1.57079632679490, 1.31695789692482)
+(-1.0,0):( -1.57079632679490, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.52359877559830, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.52359877559830, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, -1.31695789692482)
+( 2, 3):( 0.57065278432110, 1.98338702991654)
+(-2, 3):( -0.57065278432110, 1.98338702991654)
+(-2,-3):( -0.57065278432110, -1.98338702991654)
+( 2,-3):( 0.57065278432110, -1.98338702991654)
+(-2.0,0):( 3.14159265358979, -1.31695789692482)
+(-1.0,0):( 3.14159265358979, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( 2.09439510239320, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 1.04719755119660, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0 , 1.31695789692482)
+( 2, 3):( 1.00014354247380, -1.98338702991654)
+(-2, 3):( 2.14144911111600, -1.98338702991654)
+(-2,-3):( 2.14144911111600, 1.98338702991654)
+( 2,-3):( 1.00014354247380, 1.98338702991654)
+(-2.0,0):( -1.10714871779409, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.78539816339745, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.46364760900081, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.46364760900081, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.78539816339745, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 1.10714871779409, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 1.40992104959658, 0.22907268296854)
+(-2, 3):( -1.40992104959658, 0.22907268296854)
+(-2,-3):( -1.40992104959658, -0.22907268296854)
+( 2,-3):( 1.40992104959658, -0.22907268296854)
+(-2.0,0):( 2.09439510239320, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( 3.14159265358979, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( 3.14159265358979, -1.31695789692482)
+( 0.5,0):( 0 , 1.31695789692482)
+( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 1.04719755119660, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 1.42041072246703, 0.23133469857397)
+(-2, 3):( 1.72118193112276, 0.23133469857397)
+(-2,-3):( 1.72118193112276, -0.23133469857397)
+( 2,-3):( 1.42041072246703, -0.23133469857397)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.52359877559830, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -1.57079632679490, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -1.57079632679490, 1.31695789692482)
+( 0.5,0):( 1.57079632679490, -1.31695789692482)
+( 1.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.52359877559830, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 0.15038560432786, -0.23133469857397)
+(-2, 3):( -0.15038560432786, -0.23133469857397)
+(-2,-3):( -0.15038560432786, 0.23133469857397)
+( 2,-3):( 0.15038560432786, 0.23133469857397)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.46364760900081, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.78539816339745, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -1.10714871779409, 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 1.10714871779409, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.78539816339745, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.46364760900081, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 0.16087527719832, -0.22907268296854)
+(-2, 3):( -0.16087527719832, -0.22907268296854)
+(-2,-3):( -0.16087527719832, 0.22907268296854)
+( 2,-3):( 0.16087527719832, 0.22907268296854)
+(-2.0,0):( -3.62686040784702, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -1.17520119364380, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.52109530549375, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.52109530549375, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 1.17520119364380, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 3.62686040784702, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -3.59056458998578, 0.53092108624852)
+(-2, 3):( 3.59056458998578, 0.53092108624852)
+(-2,-3):( 3.59056458998578, -0.53092108624852)
+( 2,-3):( -3.59056458998578, -0.53092108624852)
+(-2.0,0):( 3.76219569108363, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( 1.54308063481524, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( 1.12762596520638, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 1.12762596520638, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 1.54308063481524, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 3.76219569108363, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -3.72454550491532, 0.51182256998738)
+(-2, 3):( -3.72454550491532, -0.51182256998738)
+(-2,-3):( -3.72454550491532, 0.51182256998738)
+( 2,-3):( -3.72454550491532, -0.51182256998738)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.96402758007582, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.76159415595576, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.46211715726001, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.46211715726001, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.76159415595576, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.96402758007582, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 0.96538587902213, -0.00988437503832)
+(-2, 3):( -0.96538587902213, -0.00988437503832)
+(-2,-3):( -0.96538587902213, 0.00988437503832)
+( 2,-3):( 0.96538587902213, 0.00988437503832)
+(-2.0,0):( 0.26580222883408, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( 0.64805427366389, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( 0.88681888397007, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.88681888397007, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.64805427366389, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.26580222883408, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -0.26351297515839, -0.03621163655877)
+(-2, 3):( -0.26351297515839, 0.03621163655877)
+(-2,-3):( -0.26351297515839, -0.03621163655877)
+( 2,-3):( -0.26351297515839, 0.03621163655877)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.27572056477178, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.85091812823932, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -1.91903475133494, 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 1.91903475133494, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.85091812823932, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.27572056477178, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( -0.27254866146294, -0.04030057885689)
+(-2, 3):( 0.27254866146294, -0.04030057885689)
+(-2,-3):( 0.27254866146294, 0.04030057885689)
+( 2,-3):( -0.27254866146294, 0.04030057885689)
+(-2.0,0):( -1.03731472072755, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -1.31303528549933, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -2.16395341373865, 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 2.16395341373865, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 1.31303528549933, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 1.03731472072755, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 1.03574663776500, 0.01060478347034)
+(-2, 3):( -1.03574663776500, 0.01060478347034)
+(-2,-3):( -1.03574663776500, -0.01060478347034)
+( 2,-3):( 1.03574663776500, -0.01060478347034)
+(-2.0,0):( -1.44363547517881, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.88137358701954, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.48121182505960, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.48121182505960, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.88137358701954, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 1.44363547517881, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 1.96863792579310, 0.96465850440760)
+(-2, 3):( -1.96863792579310, 0.96465850440761)
+(-2,-3):( -1.96863792579310, -0.96465850440761)
+( 2,-3):( 1.96863792579310, -0.96465850440760)
+(-2.0,0):( 1.31695789692482, 3.14159265358979)
+(-1.0,0):( 0, 3.14159265358979)
+(-0.5,0):( 0, 2.09439510239320)
+( 0.0,0):( 0, 1.57079632679490)
+( 0.5,0):( 0, 1.04719755119660)
+( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 1.31695789692482, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 1.98338702991654, 1.00014354247380)
+(-2, 3):( 1.98338702991653, 2.14144911111600)
+(-2,-3):( 1.98338702991653, -2.14144911111600)
+( 2,-3):( 1.98338702991654, -1.00014354247380)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490)
+(-0.5,0):( -0.54930614433405, 0 )
+( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 0.54930614433405, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490)
+( 2, 3):( 0.14694666622553, 1.33897252229449)
+(-2, 3):( -0.14694666622553, 1.33897252229449)
+(-2,-3):( -0.14694666622553, -1.33897252229449)
+( 2,-3):( 0.14694666622553, -1.33897252229449)
+(-2.0,0):( 0 , 2.09439510239320)
+(-1.0,0):( 0 , 3.14159265358979)
+(-0.5,0):( 1.31695789692482, 3.14159265358979)
+( 0.5,0):( 1.31695789692482, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0 , 1.04719755119660)
+( 2, 3):( 0.23133469857397, -1.42041072246703)
+(-2, 3):( 0.23133469857397, -1.72118193112276)
+(-2,-3):( 0.23133469857397, 1.72118193112276)
+( 2,-3):( 0.23133469857397, 1.42041072246703)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.48121182505960, 0 )
+(-1.0,0):( -0.88137358701954, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -1.44363547517881, 0 )
+( 0.5,0):( 1.44363547517881, 0 )
+( 1.0,0):( 0.88137358701954, 0 )
+( 2.0,0):( 0.48121182505960, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 0.15735549884499, -0.22996290237721)
+(-2, 3):( -0.15735549884499, -0.22996290237721)
+(-2,-3):( -0.15735549884499, 0.22996290237721)
+( 2,-3):( 0.15735549884499, 0.22996290237721)
+(-2.0,0):( -0.54930614433405, 0 )
+(-0.5,0):( -0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490)
+( 0.5,0):( 0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490)
+( 2.0,0):( 0.54930614433405, 0 )
+( 2, 3):( 0.14694666622553, -0.23182380450040)
+(-2, 3):( -0.14694666622553, -0.23182380450040)
+(-2,-3):( -0.14694666622553, 0.23182380450040)
+( 2,-3):( 0.14694666622553, 0.23182380450040)
+# eof
diff --git a/lib/Math/Trig.t b/lib/Math/Trig.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4246a47c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Math/Trig.t
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Regression tests for the Math::Trig package
+# The tests are quite modest as the Math::Complex tests exercise
+# these quite vigorously.
+# -- Jarkko Hietaniemi, April 1997
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Math::Trig;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($x $y $z);
+my $eps = 1e-11;
+if ($^O eq 'unicos') { # See lib/Math/ and t/lib/complex.t.
+ $eps = 1e-10;
+sub near ($$;$) {
+ my $e = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : $eps;
+ $_[1] ? (abs($_[0]/$_[1] - 1) < $e) : abs($_[0]) < $e;
+print "1..26\n";
+$x = 0.9;
+print 'not ' unless (near(tan($x), sin($x) / cos($x)));
+print "ok 1\n";
+print 'not ' unless (near(sinh(2), 3.62686040784702));
+print "ok 2\n";
+print 'not ' unless (near(acsch(0.1), 2.99822295029797));
+print "ok 3\n";
+$x = asin(2);
+print 'not ' unless (ref $x eq 'Math::Complex');
+print "ok 4\n";
+# avoid using Math::Complex here
+$x =~ /^([^-]+)(-[^i]+)i$/;
+($y, $z) = ($1, $2);
+print 'not ' unless (near($y, 1.5707963267949) and
+ near($z, -1.31695789692482));
+print "ok 5\n";
+print 'not ' unless (near(deg2rad(90), pi/2));
+print "ok 6\n";
+print 'not ' unless (near(rad2deg(pi), 180));
+print "ok 7\n";
+use Math::Trig ':radial';
+ my ($r,$t,$z) = cartesian_to_cylindrical(1,1,1);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($r, sqrt(2))) and
+ (near($t, deg2rad(45))) and
+ (near($z, 1));
+ print "ok 8\n";
+ ($x,$y,$z) = cylindrical_to_cartesian($r, $t, $z);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($x, 1)) and
+ (near($y, 1)) and
+ (near($z, 1));
+ print "ok 9\n";
+ ($r,$t,$z) = cartesian_to_cylindrical(1,1,0);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($r, sqrt(2))) and
+ (near($t, deg2rad(45))) and
+ (near($z, 0));
+ print "ok 10\n";
+ ($x,$y,$z) = cylindrical_to_cartesian($r, $t, $z);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($x, 1)) and
+ (near($y, 1)) and
+ (near($z, 0));
+ print "ok 11\n";
+ my ($r,$t,$f) = cartesian_to_spherical(1,1,1);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($r, sqrt(3))) and
+ (near($t, deg2rad(45))) and
+ (near($f, atan2(sqrt(2), 1)));
+ print "ok 12\n";
+ ($x,$y,$z) = spherical_to_cartesian($r, $t, $f);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($x, 1)) and
+ (near($y, 1)) and
+ (near($z, 1));
+ print "ok 13\n";
+ ($r,$t,$f) = cartesian_to_spherical(1,1,0);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($r, sqrt(2))) and
+ (near($t, deg2rad(45))) and
+ (near($f, deg2rad(90)));
+ print "ok 14\n";
+ ($x,$y,$z) = spherical_to_cartesian($r, $t, $f);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($x, 1)) and
+ (near($y, 1)) and
+ (near($z, 0));
+ print "ok 15\n";
+ my ($r,$t,$z) = cylindrical_to_spherical(spherical_to_cylindrical(1,1,1));
+ print 'not ' unless (near($r, 1)) and
+ (near($t, 1)) and
+ (near($z, 1));
+ print "ok 16\n";
+ ($r,$t,$z) = spherical_to_cylindrical(cylindrical_to_spherical(1,1,1));
+ print 'not ' unless (near($r, 1)) and
+ (near($t, 1)) and
+ (near($z, 1));
+ print "ok 17\n";
+ use Math::Trig 'great_circle_distance';
+ print 'not '
+ unless (near(great_circle_distance(0, 0, 0, pi/2), pi/2));
+ print "ok 18\n";
+ print 'not '
+ unless (near(great_circle_distance(0, 0, pi, pi), pi));
+ print "ok 19\n";
+ # London to Tokyo.
+ my @L = (deg2rad(-0.5), deg2rad(90 - 51.3));
+ my @T = (deg2rad(139.8),deg2rad(90 - 35.7));
+ my $km = great_circle_distance(@L, @T, 6378);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($km, 9605.26637021388));
+ print "ok 20\n";
+ my $R2D = 57.295779513082320876798154814169;
+ sub frac { $_[0] - int($_[0]) }
+ my $lotta_radians = deg2rad(1E+20, 1);
+ print "not " unless near($lotta_radians, 1E+20/$R2D);
+ print "ok 21\n";
+ my $negat_degrees = rad2deg(-1E20, 1);
+ print "not " unless near($negat_degrees, -1E+20*$R2D);
+ print "ok 22\n";
+ my $posit_degrees = rad2deg(-10000, 1);
+ print "not " unless near($posit_degrees, -10000*$R2D);
+ print "ok 23\n";
+ use Math::Trig 'great_circle_direction';
+ print 'not '
+ unless (near(great_circle_direction(0, 0, 0, pi/2), pi));
+ print "ok 24\n";
+ print 'not '
+ unless (near(great_circle_direction(0, 0, pi, pi), -pi()/2));
+ print "ok 25\n";
+ # London to Tokyo.
+ my @L = (deg2rad(-0.5), deg2rad(90 - 51.3));
+ my @T = (deg2rad(139.8),deg2rad(90 - 35.7));
+ my $rad = great_circle_direction(@L, @T);
+ print 'not ' unless (near($rad, -0.546644569997376));
+ print "ok 26\n";
+# eof