path: root/lib/charnames.t
diff options
authorKarl Williamson <khw@khw-desktop.(none)>2010-07-03 11:55:57 -0600
committerJesse Vincent <>2010-07-04 21:43:44 +0100
commit2974a5b43750a3e186bc3e637d8d3ebbbfe23e07 (patch)
tree0b0d8d8c259b01986f5ed59ed39b9006c308d21b /lib/charnames.t
parent8f3c3cf14fbfd9a75364417ee2f959dcd2aee52b (diff)
charnames.t update because of rebase
Use of t/lib/ caused some glitches; some behaviors of the underlying is() functions changed, so revised .t to work under this scheme.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/charnames.t')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/lib/charnames.t b/lib/charnames.t
index e8ce58eda0..1269c5202e 100644
--- a/lib/charnames.t
+++ b/lib/charnames.t
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ BEGIN {
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @WARN, @_ };
-our $local_tests = 424;
+our $local_tests = 440;
# ---- For the alias extensions
require "../t/lib/";
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ use charnames ":full";
like($@, "above 0xFF");
- is($res, undef);
+ ok(! defined $res);
$res = eval <<'EOE';
use charnames 'cyrillic';
@@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ sub to_bytes {
use warnings;
my $warning_count = @WARN;
ok (! defined charnames::vianame("NONE SUCH"));
- cmp_ok($warning_count, '==', @WARN, "Verify vianame doesn't warn on unknown names");
+ cmp_ok($warning_count, '==', scalar @WARN, "Verify vianame doesn't warn on unknown names");
use bytes;
is(charnames::vianame("GOTHIC LETTER AHSA"), 0x10330, "Verify vianame \\N{name} is unaffected by 'use bytes'");
is(charnames::vianame("U+FF"), chr(0xFF), "Verify vianame \\N{U+FF} is unaffected by 'use bytes'");
- cmp_ok($warning_count, '==', @WARN, "Verify vianame doesn't warn on legal inputs");
- is(charnames::vianame("U+100"), undef, "Verify vianame \\N{U+100} is undef under 'use bytes'");
- ok($warning_count == @WARN - 1 && $WARN[-1] =~ /above 0xFF/, "Verify vianame gives appropriate warning for previous test");
+ cmp_ok($warning_count, '==', scalar @WARN, "Verify vianame doesn't warn on legal inputs");
+ ok(! defined charnames::vianame("U+100"), "Verify vianame \\N{U+100} is undef under 'use bytes'");
+ ok($warning_count == scalar @WARN - 1 && $WARN[-1] =~ /above 0xFF/, "Verify vianame gives appropriate warning for previous test");
@@ -607,59 +607,6 @@ is(charnames::viacode("U+00000000000FEED"), "ARABIC LETTER WAW ISOLATED FORM");
is("\N{VS256}", "\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-256}");
-# ---- Alias extensions
-my $alifile = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, qw(lib unicore;
-my @prgs;
- local $/ = undef;
- @prgs = split "\n########\n", <DATA>;
-for (@prgs) {
- my ($code, $exp) = ((split m/\nEXPECT\n/), '$');
- # FILE is the code that generates any abbreviations
- my ($prog, $fil) = ((split m/\nFILE\n/, $code), "");
- my $tmpfile = tempfile();
- open my $tmp, "> $tmpfile" or die "Could not open $tmpfile: $!";
- print $tmp $prog, "\n";
- close $tmp or die "Could not close $tmpfile: $!";
- if ($fil) {
- $fil .= "\n";
- open my $ali, "> $alifile" or die "Could not open $alifile: $!";
- print $ali $fil;
- close $ali or die "Could not close $alifile: $!";
- }
- my $switch = "";
- my $res = runperl( switches => $switch,
- progfile => $tmpfile,
- stderr => 1 );
- my $status = $?;
- $res =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
- $res =~ s/tmp\d+/-/g; # fake $prog from STDIN
- $res =~ s/\n%[A-Z]+-[SIWEF]-.*$// # clip off DCL status msg
- if $^O eq "VMS";
- $exp =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
- my $pfx = ($res =~ s/^PREFIX\n//);
- my $rexp = qr{^$exp};
- my $expected = ""; # Unsure why this is here, as was never initialized
- SKIP: {
- skip $res, 1, if $res =~ s/^SKIPPED\n//;
- if (($pfx and $res !~ /^\Q$expected/) or
- (!$pfx and $res !~ $rexp))
- {
- fail("PROG:\n$prog\nFILE:\n${fil}EXPECTED:\n$exp\nGOT:\n$res");
- } else {
- pass("");
- }
- }
- $fil or next;
- 1 while unlink $alifile;
# [perl #30409] clobbers default variable
$_ = 'foobar';
eval "use charnames ':full';";