path: root/lib/chat2.inter
diff options
authorLarry Wall <>1994-05-04 23:00:00 +0000
committerLarry Wall <>1994-05-04 23:00:00 +0000
commit85e6fe838fb25b257a1b363debf8691c0992ef71 (patch)
treefd5340cd6c3bbabfc21d3b0cac48e7ab3a481ebf /lib/chat2.inter
parent2304df62caa7d9be70e8b8bcdb454e139c9c103d (diff)
perl 5.0 alpha 9perl-5a9
[editor's note: the sparc executables have not been included, and emacs backup files have been removed]
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chat2.inter')
1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chat2.inter b/lib/chat2.inter
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6934f1cc28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chat2.inter
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+Article 20992 of comp.lang.perl:
+Path: netlabs!!!MathWorks.Com!!!!swrinde!!ames!koriel!male.EBay.Sun.COM!jethro.Corp.Sun.COM!eric
+From: (Eric Arnold)
+Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl
+Subject: Re: Need a bidirectional filter for interactive Unix applications
+Date: 15 Apr 94 21:24:03 GMT
+Organization: Sun Microsystems
+Lines: 478
+Message-ID: <>
+References: <> <1994Apr15.110134.4581@chemabs.uucp>
+X-Newsreader: prn Ver 1.09
+In-reply-to:'s message of Fri, 15 Apr 1994 11:01:34 GMT
+In article <1994Apr15.110134.4581@chemabs.uucp>
+ (Bernard T. French) writes:
+>In article <> (David Feldman) writes:
+>>I need to write a bidirectional filter that would (ideally) sit between a
+>>program's stdin & stdout to point to a pty pair known to perl. The perl app-
+>>lication would talk to the user's crt/keyboard, translate (application-specific)
+>>the input & output streams, and pass these as appropriate to/from the pty pair,
+> I'm afraid I can't offer you a perl solution, but err..... there is a
+>Tcl solution. There is a Tcl extension called "expect" that is designed to
+There *is* an old, established Perl solution: "" which does
+everything (well, basically) "expect" does but you get it in the
+expressive Perl environment. "" is delivered with the Perl
+Randal: "interact()" still hasn't made it into Perl5alpha8
+"", so I've included a version which does.
+## chat with a server
+## V2.01.alpha.7 91/06/16
+## Randal L. Schwartz
+package chat;
+$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
+chop($thishost = `hostname`); $thisaddr = (gethostbyname($thishost))[4];
+$thisproc = pack($sockaddr, 2, 0, $thisaddr);
+# *S = symbol for current I/O, gets assigned *chatsymbol....
+$next = "chatsymbol000000"; # next one
+$nextpat = "^chatsymbol"; # patterns that match next++, ++, ++, ++
+## $handle = &chat'open_port("server.address",$port_number);
+## opens a named or numbered TCP server
+sub open_port { ## public
+ local($server, $port) = @_;
+ local($serveraddr,$serverproc);
+ *S = ++$next;
+ if ($server =~ /^(\d+)+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
+ $serveraddr = pack('C4', $1, $2, $3, $4);
+ } else {
+ local(@x) = gethostbyname($server);
+ return undef unless @x;
+ $serveraddr = $x[4];
+ }
+ $serverproc = pack($sockaddr, 2, $port, $serveraddr);
+ unless (socket(S, 2, 1, 6)) {
+ # XXX hardwired $AF_SOCKET, $SOCK_STREAM, 'tcp'
+ # but who the heck would change these anyway? (:-)
+ ($!) = ($!, close(S)); # close S while saving $!
+ return undef;
+ }
+ unless (bind(S, $thisproc)) {
+ ($!) = ($!, close(S)); # close S while saving $!
+ return undef;
+ }
+ unless (connect(S, $serverproc)) {
+ ($!) = ($!, close(S)); # close S while saving $!
+ return undef;
+ }
+ select((select(S), $| = 1)[0]);
+ $next; # return symbol for switcharound
+## ($host, $port, $handle) = &chat'open_listen([$port_number]);
+## opens a TCP port on the current machine, ready to be listened to
+## if $port_number is absent or zero, pick a default port number
+## process must be uid 0 to listen to a low port number
+sub open_listen { ## public
+ *S = ++$next;
+ local($thisport) = shift || 0;
+ local($thisproc_local) = pack($sockaddr, 2, $thisport, $thisaddr);
+ local(*NS) = "__" . time;
+ unless (socket(NS, 2, 1, 6)) {
+ # XXX hardwired $AF_SOCKET, $SOCK_STREAM, 'tcp'
+ # but who the heck would change these anyway? (:-)
+ ($!) = ($!, close(NS));
+ return undef;
+ }
+ unless (bind(NS, $thisproc_local)) {
+ ($!) = ($!, close(NS));
+ return undef;
+ }
+ unless (listen(NS, 1)) {
+ ($!) = ($!, close(NS));
+ return undef;
+ }
+ select((select(NS), $| = 1)[0]);
+ local($family, $port, @myaddr) =
+ unpack("S n C C C C x8", getsockname(NS));
+ $S{"needs_accept"} = *NS; # so expect will open it
+ (@myaddr, $port, $next); # returning this
+## $handle = &chat'open_proc("command","arg1","arg2",...);
+## opens a /bin/sh on a pseudo-tty
+sub open_proc { ## public
+ local(@cmd) = @_;
+ *S = ++$next;
+ local(*TTY) = "__TTY" . time;
+ local($pty,$tty,$pty_handle) = &_getpty(S,TTY);
+ #local($pty,$tty,$pty_handle) = &getpty(S,TTY);
+ #$Tty = $tty;
+ die "Cannot find a new pty" unless defined $pty;
+ local($pid) = fork;
+ die "Cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
+ unless ($pid) {
+ close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR;
+ #close($pty_handle);
+ setpgrp(0,$$);
+ if (open(DEVTTY, "/dev/tty")) {
+ ioctl(DEVTTY,0x20007471,0); # XXX s/b &TIOCNOTTY
+ close DEVTTY;
+ }
+ open(STDIN,"<&TTY");
+ open(STDOUT,">&TTY");
+ open(STDERR,">&STDOUT");
+ die "Oops" unless fileno(STDERR) == 2; # sanity
+ close(S);
+ exec @cmd;
+ die "Cannot exec @cmd: $!";
+ }
+ close(TTY);
+ $PID{$next} = $pid;
+ $next; # return symbol for switcharound
+# $S is the read-ahead buffer
+## $return = &chat'expect([$handle,] $timeout_time,
+## $pat1, $body1, $pat2, $body2, ... )
+## $handle is from previous &chat'open_*().
+## $timeout_time is the time (either relative to the current time, or
+## absolute, ala time(2)) at which a timeout event occurs.
+## $pat1, $pat2, and so on are regexs which are matched against the input
+## stream. If a match is found, the entire matched string is consumed,
+## and the corresponding body eval string is evaled.
+## Each pat is a regular-expression (probably enclosed in single-quotes
+## in the invocation). ^ and $ will work, respecting the current value of $*.
+## If pat is 'TIMEOUT', the body is executed if the timeout is exceeded.
+## If pat is 'EOF', the body is executed if the process exits before
+## the other patterns are seen.
+## Pats are scanned in the order given, so later pats can contain
+## general defaults that won't be examined unless the earlier pats
+## have failed.
+## The result of eval'ing body is returned as the result of
+## the invocation. Recursive invocations are not thought
+## through, and may work only accidentally. :-)
+## undef is returned if either a timeout or an eof occurs and no
+## corresponding body has been defined.
+## I/O errors of any sort are treated as eof.
+$nextsubname = "expectloop000000"; # used for subroutines
+sub expect { ## public
+ if ($_[0] =~ /$nextpat/) {
+ *S = shift;
+ }
+ local($endtime) = shift;
+ local($timeout,$eof) = (1,1);
+ local($caller) = caller;
+ local($rmask, $nfound, $timeleft, $thisbuf);
+ local($cases, $pattern, $action, $subname);
+ $endtime += time if $endtime < 600_000_000;
+ if (defined $S{"needs_accept"}) { # is it a listen socket?
+ local(*NS) = $S{"needs_accept"};
+ delete $S{"needs_accept"};
+ $S{"needs_close"} = *NS;
+ unless(accept(S,NS)) {
+ ($!) = ($!, close(S), close(NS));
+ return undef;
+ }
+ select((select(S), $| = 1)[0]);
+ }
+ # now see whether we need to create a new sub:
+ unless ($subname = $expect_subname{$caller,@_}) {
+ # nope. make a new one:
+ $expect_subname{$caller,@_} = $subname = $nextsubname++;
+ $cases .= <<"EDQ"; # header is funny to make everything elsif's
+sub $subname {
+ LOOP: {
+ if (0) { ; }
+ while (@_) {
+ ($pattern,$action) = splice(@_,0,2);
+ if ($pattern =~ /^eof$/i) {
+ $cases .= <<"EDQ";
+ elsif (\$eof) {
+ package $caller;
+ $action;
+ }
+ $eof = 0;
+ } elsif ($pattern =~ /^timeout$/i) {
+ $cases .= <<"EDQ";
+ elsif (\$timeout) {
+ package $caller;
+ $action;
+ }
+ $timeout = 0;
+ } else {
+ $pattern =~ s#/#\\/#g;
+ $cases .= <<"EDQ";
+ elsif (\$S =~ /$pattern/) {
+ \$S = \$';
+ package $caller;
+ $action;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $cases .= <<"EDQ" if $eof;
+ elsif (\$eof) {
+ undef;
+ }
+ $cases .= <<"EDQ" if $timeout;
+ elsif (\$timeout) {
+ undef;
+ }
+ $cases .= <<'ESQ';
+ else {
+ $rmask = "";
+ vec($rmask,fileno(S),1) = 1;
+ ($nfound, $rmask) =
+ select($rmask, undef, undef, $endtime - time);
+ if ($nfound) {
+ $nread = sysread(S, $thisbuf, 1024);
+ if ($nread > 0) {
+ $S .= $thisbuf;
+ } else {
+ $eof++, redo LOOP; # any error is also eof
+ }
+ } else {
+ $timeout++, redo LOOP; # timeout
+ }
+ redo LOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $cases; die "$cases:\n$@" if $@;
+ }
+ $eof = $timeout = 0;
+ do $subname();
+## &chat'print([$handle,] @data)
+## $handle is from previous &chat'open().
+## like print $handle @data
+sub print { ## public
+ if ($_[0] =~ /$nextpat/) {
+ *S = shift;
+ }
+ print S @_;
+## &chat'close([$handle,])
+## $handle is from previous &chat'open().
+## like close $handle
+sub close { ## public
+ local($pid);
+ if ($_[0] =~ /$nextpat/) {
+ $pid = $PID{$_[0]};
+ *S = shift;
+ } else {
+ $pid = $PID{$next};
+ }
+ close(S);
+ waitpid($pid,0);
+ if (defined $S{"needs_close"}) { # is it a listen socket?
+ local(*NS) = $S{"needs_close"};
+ delete $S{"needs_close"};
+ close(NS);
+ }
+## @ready_handles = &chat'select($timeout, @handles)
+## select()'s the handles with a timeout value of $timeout seconds.
+## Returns an array of handles that are ready for I/O.
+## Both user handles and chat handles are supported (but beware of
+## stdio's buffering for user handles).
+sub select { ## public
+ local($timeout) = shift;
+ local(@handles) = @_;
+ local(%handlename) = ();
+ local(%ready) = ();
+ local($caller) = caller;
+ local($rmask) = "";
+ for (@handles) {
+ if (/$nextpat/o) { # one of ours... see if ready
+ local(*SYM) = $_;
+ if (length($SYM)) {
+ $timeout = 0; # we have a winner
+ $ready{$_}++;
+ }
+ $handlename{fileno($_)} = $_;
+ } else {
+ $handlename{fileno(/'/ ? $_ : "$caller\'$_")} = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ for (sort keys %handlename) {
+ vec($rmask, $_, 1) = 1;
+ }
+ select($rmask, undef, undef, $timeout);
+ for (sort keys %handlename) {
+ $ready{$handlename{$_}}++ if vec($rmask,$_,1);
+ }
+ sort keys %ready;
+# ($pty,$tty) = $chat'_getpty(PTY,TTY):
+# internal procedure to get the next available pty.
+# opens pty on handle PTY, and matching tty on handle TTY.
+# returns undef if can't find a pty.
+sub _getpty { ## private
+ local($_PTY,$_TTY) = @_;
+ $_PTY =~ s/^([^']+)$/(caller)[$[]."'".$1/e;
+ $_TTY =~ s/^([^']+)$/(caller)[$[]."'".$1/e;
+ local($pty,$tty);
+ for $bank (112..127) {
+ next unless -e sprintf("/dev/pty%c0", $bank);
+ for $unit (48..57) {
+ $pty = sprintf("/dev/pty%c%c", $bank, $unit);
+ open($_PTY,"+>$pty") || next;
+ select((select($_PTY), $| = 1)[0]);
+ ($tty = $pty) =~ s/pty/tty/;
+ open($_TTY,"+>$tty") || next;
+ select((select($_TTY), $| = 1)[0]);
+ system "stty nl>$tty";
+ return ($pty,$tty,$_PTY);
+ }
+ }
+ undef;
+sub getpty {
+ local( $pty_handle, $tty_handle ) = @_;
+print "--------in getpty----------\n";
+ $pty_handle =~ s/^([^']+)$/(caller)[$[]."'".$1/e;
+ $pty_handle =~ s/^([^']+)$/(caller)[$[]."'".$1/e;
+ #$pty_handle = ++$next_handle;
+ chop( @ptys = `ls /dev/pty*` );
+ for $pty ( @ptys )
+ {
+ open($pty_handle,"+>$pty") || next;
+ select((select($pty_handle), $| = 1)[0]);
+ ($tty = $pty) =~ s/pty/tty/;
+ open($tty_handle,"+>$tty") || next;
+ select((select($tty_handle), $| = 1)[0]);
+ ($tty = $pty) =~ s/pty/tty/;
+ return ($pty, $tty, $pty_handle );
+ }
+ return undef;
+# from: Randal L. Schwartz
+# Usage:
+# ($chathandle = &chat'open_proc("/bin/sh")) || die "cannot open shell";
+# system("stty cbreak raw -echo >/dev/tty\n");
+# &chat'interact($chathandle);
+# &chat'close($chathandle);
+# system("stty -cbreak -raw echo >/dev/tty\n");
+sub interact
+ local( $chathandle ) = @_;
+ &chat'print($chathandle, "stty sane\n");
+ select(STDOUT) ; $| = 1; # unbuffer STDOUT
+ #print "tty=$Tty,whoami=",`whoami`,"\n";
+ #&change_utmp( "", $Tty, "eric", "", time() );
+ {
+ @ready = &chat'select(30, STDIN,$chathandle);
+ print "after select, ready=",join(",",@ready),"\n";
+ #(warn "[waiting]"), redo unless @ready;
+ if (grep($_ eq $chathandle, @ready)) {
+ print "checking $chathandle\n";
+ last unless $text = &chat'expect($chathandle,0,'[\s\S]+','$&');
+ print "$chathandle OK\n";
+ print "got=($text)";
+ #print $text;
+ }
+ if (grep($_ eq STDIN, @ready)) {
+ print "checking STDIN\n";
+ last unless sysread(STDIN,$buf,1024) > 0;
+ print "STDIN OK\n";
+ &chat'print($chathandle,$buf);
+ }
+ redo;
+ }
+ #&change_utmp( $Tty, "$Tty", "", "", 0 );
+ print "leaving interact, \$!=$!\n";
+## $handle = &chat'open_duphandle(handle);
+## duplicates an input file handle to conform to chat format
+sub open_duphandle { ## public
+ *S = ++$next;
+ open(S,"<&$_[0]");
+ $next; # return symbol for switcharound
+#Here is an example which uses this routine.
+# # The following lines makes stdin unbuffered
+# $BSD = -f '/vmunix';
+# if ($BSD) {
+# system "stty cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1";
+# }
+# else {
+# system "stty", '-icanon';
+# system "stty", 'eol', '^A';
+# }
+# require '';
+# &chat'open_duphandle(STDIN);
+# print
+# &chat'expect(3,
+# '[A-Z]', '" :-)"',
+# '.', '" :-("',
+# TIMEOUT, '"-o-"',
+# EOF, '"\$\$"'),
+# "\n";