path: root/lib/h2xs.t
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2001-07-07 22:00:17 +0100
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-07-07 20:32:28 +0000
commit46b277d5d6cbd510d69c01221748d4e1e88a72bb (patch)
tree8bd6f230322cdea5865538d749a89757dad1f627 /lib/h2xs.t
parent00dddb6defb99f7de4d2a981ed2dca7f31ba32cb (diff)
lib/h2xs.t (was Re: [PATCH] h2xs)
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@11197
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/h2xs.t')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/lib/h2xs.t b/lib/h2xs.t
index 8935711ddd..c237031c6e 100644
--- a/lib/h2xs.t
+++ b/lib/h2xs.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!./perl -w
# Some quick tests to see if h2xs actually runs and creates files as
# expected. File contents include date stamps and/or usernames
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ BEGIN {
# use strict; # we are not really testing this
use File::Path; # for cleaning up with rmtree()
+use Test;
my $extracted_program = '../utils/h2xs'; # unix, nt, ...
if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $extracted_program = '[-.utils]'; }
@@ -35,21 +37,10 @@ if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
# $name should differ from system header file names and must
# not already be found in the t/ subdirectory for perl.
my $name = 'h2xst';
+my $header = "$name.h";
-print "1..17\n";
-my @result = ();
-my $result = '';
-my $expectation = '';
-# h2xs warns about what it is writing hence the (possibly unportable)
-# 2>&1 dupe:
-# does it run?
-@result = `$^X $lib $extracted_program -f -n $name $dupe`;
-print(((!$?) ? "" : "not "), "ok 1\n");
-$result = join("",@result);
-$expectation = <<"EOXSFILES";
+my @tests = (
+"-f -n $name", <<"EOXSFILES",
Writing $name/$
Writing $name/$name.xs
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
@@ -59,41 +50,7 @@ Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
-# accomodate MPW # comment character prependage
-if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- $result =~ s/#\s*//gs;
-#print "# expectation is >$expectation<\n";
-#print "# result is >$result<\n";
-# Was the output the list of files that were expected?
-print((($result eq $expectation) ? "" : "not "), "ok 2\n");
-# Were the files created?
-my $t = 3;
-$expectation =~ s/Writing //; # remove leader
-foreach (split(/Writing /,$expectation)) {
- chomp; # remove \n
- if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- $_ = ':' . join(':',split(/\//,$_));
- $_ =~ s/$name:t:1.t/$name:t\/1.t/; # is this an h2xs bug?
- }
- print(((-e $_) ? "" : "not "), "ok $t\n");
- $t++;
-# clean up
-# does it run with -X and omit the h2xst.xs file?
-@result = ();
-$result = '';
-# The extra \" around -X are for VMS but do no harm on NT or Unix
-@result = `$^X $lib $extracted_program \"-X\" -f -n $name $dupe`;
-print(((!$?) ? "" : "not "), "ok $t\n");
-$result = join("",@result);
-$expectation = <<"EONOXSFILES";
+"\"-X\" -f -n $name", <<"EONOXSFILES",
Writing $name/$
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
Writing $name/README
@@ -102,22 +59,64 @@ Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
-if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { $result =~ s/#\s*//gs; }
-#print $expectation;
-#print $result;
-print((($result eq $expectation) ? "" : "not "), "ok $t\n");
-$expectation =~ s/Writing //; # remove leader
-foreach (split(/Writing /,$expectation)) {
+"-f -n $name $header", <<"EOXSFILES",
+Writing $name/$
+Writing $name/$name.xs
+Writing $name/Makefile.PL
+Writing $name/README
+Writing $name/t/1.t
+Writing $name/Changes
+Writing $name/MANIFEST
+my $total_tests = 3; # opening, closing and deleting the header file.
+for (my $i = $#tests; $i > 0; $i-=2) {
+ # 1 test for running it, 1 test for the expected result, and 1 for each file
+ # use the () to force list context and hence count the number of matches.
+ $total_tests += 2 + (() = $tests[$i] =~ /(Writing)/sg);
+plan tests => $total_tests;
+ok (open (HEADER, ">$header"));
+print HEADER <<HEADER or die $!;
+#define Camel 2
+#define Dromedary 1
+ok (close (HEADER));
+while (my ($args, $expectation) = splice @tests, 0, 2) {
+ # h2xs warns about what it is writing hence the (possibly unportable)
+ # 2>&1 dupe:
+ # does it run?
+ my $prog = "$^X $lib $extracted_program $args $dupe";
+ @result = `$prog`;
+ ok ($?, 0, "running $prog");
+ $result = join("",@result);
+ # accomodate MPW # comment character prependage
+ if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
+ $result =~ s/#\s*//gs;
+ }
+ #print "# expectation is >$expectation<\n";
+ #print "# result is >$result<\n";
+ # Was the output the list of files that were expected?
+ ok ($result, $expectation, "running $prog");
+ $expectation =~ s/Writing //; # remove leader
+ foreach (split(/Writing /,$expectation)) {
chomp; # remove \n
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- $_ = ':' . join(':',split(/\//,$_));
- $_ =~ s/$name:t:1.t/$name:t\/1.t/; # is this an h2xs bug?
+ $_ = ':' . join(':',split(/\//,$_));
+ $_ =~ s/$name:t:1.t/$name:t\/1.t/; # is this an h2xs bug?
- print(((-e $_) ? "" : "not "), "ok $t\n");
- $t++;
+ ok (-e $_, 1, "$_ missing");
+ }
-# clean up
+ # clean up
+ rmtree($name);
+ok (unlink ($header), 1, $!);