path: root/lib/unicore/PropValueAliases.txt
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2002-03-29 15:36:43 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2002-03-29 15:36:43 +0000
commitdbe755816e065c14b8ab50957873470db81d7b70 (patch)
tree627519e2f455f726c7a5e26f2524b417d44e8633 /lib/unicore/PropValueAliases.txt
parent1f6c91edf2c151ed2193ff9d3b2ac33d4db604fd (diff)
Rename for 8.3-friendliness.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@15605
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/unicore/PropValueAliases.txt')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/unicore/PropValueAliases.txt b/lib/unicore/PropValueAliases.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeb3583188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/unicore/PropValueAliases.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# PropertyValueAliases-3.2.0.txt
+# Date: 2002-03-19,23:31:21 GMT [MD]
+# This file contains aliases for property values used in the UCD.
+# These names can be used for XML formats of UCD data, for regular-expression
+# property tests, and other programmatic textual descriptions of Unicode data.
+# The names are not normative, except where they correspond to normative property
+# values in the UCD. For information on which properties are normative, see
+# UnicodeCharacterDatabase.html.
+# The names may be translated in appropriate environments, and additional
+# aliases may be useful.
+# Each line describes a property value name.
+# This consists of three fields, separated by semicolons.
+# First Field: The first field describes the property for which that
+# property value name is used.
+# There is one special pseudo-property: "qc" stands for any quick-check property
+# Second Field: The second field is an abbreviated name.
+# If there is no abbreviated name available, the field is marked with "n/a".
+# Third Field: The third field is a long name.
+# In the case of ccc, their are 4 fields. The second field is numeric, third
+# is abbreviated, and fourth is long.
+# With loose matching of property names, the case distinctions, whitespace,
+# and '_' are ignored.
+# NOTE: The Block property values are in Blocks.txt, and not repeated here.
+# For more information on the use of blocks, see UTR #24: Regular Expression Guidelines
+# NOTE: Currently there is at most one abbreviated name and one long name for
+# property value. However, in the future additional aliases
+# may be added. In such a case, the first line for the property value
+# would have the preferred alias for output.
+# NOTE: The property value names are NOT unique across properties, especially
+# with loose matches. For example,
+# AL means Arabic Letter for the Bidi_Class property, and
+# AL means Alpha_Left for the Combining_Class property, and
+# AL means Alphabetic for the Line_Break property.
+# In addition, some property names may be the same as some property value names:
+# cc means Combining_Class property, and
+# cc means the General_Category property value Control (cc)
+# The combination of property value and property name is, however, unique.
+# For more information, see UTR #24: Regular Expression Guidelines
+# ================================================
+bc ; AL ; Arabic_Letter
+bc ; AN ; Arabic_Number
+bc ; B ; Paragraph_Separator
+bc ; BN ; Boundary_Neutral
+bc ; CS ; Common_Separator
+bc ; EN ; European_Number
+bc ; ES ; European_Separator
+bc ; ET ; European_Terminator
+bc ; L ; Left_To_Right
+bc ; LRE ; Left_To_Right_Embedding
+bc ; LRO ; Left_To_Right_Override
+bc ; NSM ; Nonspacing_Mark
+bc ; ON ; Other_Neutral
+bc ; PDF ; Pop_Directional_Format
+bc ; R ; Right_To_Left
+bc ; RLE ; Right_To_Left_Embedding
+bc ; RLO ; Right_To_Left_Override
+bc ; S ; Segment_Separator
+bc ; WS ; White_Space
+ccc; 0; NR ; Not_Reordered
+ccc; 1; OV ; Overlay
+ccc; 202; ATBL ; Attached_Below_Left
+ccc; 216; ATAR ; Attached_Above_Right
+ccc; 218; BL ; Below_Left
+ccc; 220; B ; Below
+ccc; 222; BR ; Below_Right
+ccc; 224; L ; Left
+ccc; 226; R ; Right
+ccc; 228; AL ; Above_Left
+ccc; 230; A ; Above
+ccc; 232; AR ; Above_Right
+ccc; 233; DB ; Double_Below
+ccc; 234; DA ; Double_Above
+ccc; 240; IS ; Iota_Subscript
+ccc; 7; NK ; Nukta
+ccc; 8; KV ; Kana_Voicing
+ccc; 9; VR ; Virama
+dt ; can ; canonical
+dt ; com ; compat
+dt ; enc ; circle
+dt ; fin ; final
+dt ; font ; font
+dt ; fra ; fraction
+dt ; init ; initial
+dt ; iso ; isolated
+dt ; med ; medial
+dt ; n/a ; none
+dt ; nar ; narrow
+dt ; nb ; noBreak
+dt ; sml ; small
+dt ; sqr ; square
+dt ; sub ; sub
+dt ; sup ; super
+dt ; vert ; vertical
+dt ; wide ; wide
+ea ; A ; Ambiguous
+ea ; F ; Fullwidth
+ea ; H ; Halfwidth
+ea ; N ; Neutral
+ea ; Na ; Narrow
+ea ; W ; Wide
+gc ; C ; Other # Cc | Cf | Cn | Co | Cs
+gc ; Cc ; Control
+gc ; Cf ; Format
+gc ; Cn ; Unassigned
+gc ; Co ; Private_Use
+gc ; Cs ; Surrogate
+gc ; L ; Letter # Ll | Lm | Lo | Lt | Lu
+gc ; LC ; Cased_Letter # Ll | Lt | Lu
+gc ; Ll ; Lowercase_Letter
+gc ; Lm ; Modifier_Letter
+gc ; Lo ; Other_Letter
+gc ; Lt ; Titlecase_Letter
+gc ; Lu ; Uppercase_Letter
+gc ; M ; Mark # Mc | Me | Mn
+gc ; Mc ; Spacing_Mark
+gc ; Me ; Enclosing_Mark
+gc ; Mn ; Nonspacing_Mark
+gc ; N ; Number # Nd | Nl | No
+gc ; Nd ; Decimal_Number
+gc ; Nl ; Letter_Number
+gc ; No ; Other_Number
+gc ; P ; Punctuation # Pc | Pd | Pe | Pf | Pi | Po | Ps
+gc ; Pc ; Connector_Punctuation
+gc ; Pd ; Dash_Punctuation
+gc ; Pe ; Close_Punctuation
+gc ; Pf ; Final_Punctuation
+gc ; Pi ; Initial_Punctuation
+gc ; Po ; Other_Punctuation
+gc ; Ps ; Open_Punctuation
+gc ; S ; Symbol # Sc | Sk | Sm | So
+gc ; Sc ; Currency_Symbol
+gc ; Sk ; Modifier_Symbol
+gc ; Sm ; Math_Symbol
+gc ; So ; Other_Symbol
+gc ; Z ; Separator # Zl | Zp | Zs
+gc ; Zl ; Line_Separator
+gc ; Zp ; Paragraph_Separator
+gc ; Zs ; Space_Separator
+jg ; n/a ; AIN
+jg ; n/a ; ALAPH
+jg ; n/a ; ALEF
+jg ; n/a ; BEH
+jg ; n/a ; BETH
+jg ; n/a ; DAL
+jg ; n/a ; DALATH_RISH
+jg ; n/a ; E
+jg ; n/a ; FEH
+jg ; n/a ; FINAL_SEMKATH
+jg ; n/a ; GAF
+jg ; n/a ; GAMAL
+jg ; n/a ; HAH
+jg ; n/a ; HAMZA_ON_HEH_GOAL
+jg ; n/a ; HE
+jg ; n/a ; HEH
+jg ; n/a ; HEH_GOAL
+jg ; n/a ; HETH
+jg ; n/a ; KAF
+jg ; n/a ; KAPH
+jg ; n/a ; KNOTTED_HEH
+jg ; n/a ; LAM
+jg ; n/a ; LAMADH
+jg ; n/a ; MEEM
+jg ; n/a ; MIM
+jg ; n/a ; NO_JOINING_GROUP
+jg ; n/a ; NOON
+jg ; n/a ; NUN
+jg ; n/a ; PE
+jg ; n/a ; QAF
+jg ; n/a ; QAPH
+jg ; n/a ; REH
+jg ; n/a ; REVERSED_PE
+jg ; n/a ; SAD
+jg ; n/a ; SADHE
+jg ; n/a ; SEEN
+jg ; n/a ; SEMKATH
+jg ; n/a ; SHIN
+jg ; n/a ; SWASH_KAF
+jg ; n/a ; SYRIAC_WAW
+jg ; n/a ; TAH
+jg ; n/a ; TAW
+jg ; n/a ; TEH_MARBUTA
+jg ; n/a ; TETH
+jg ; n/a ; WAW
+jg ; n/a ; YEH
+jg ; n/a ; YEH_BARREE
+jg ; n/a ; YEH_WITH_TAIL
+jg ; n/a ; YUDH
+jg ; n/a ; YUDH_HE
+jg ; n/a ; ZAIN
+jt ; C ; Join_Causing
+jt ; D ; Dual_Joining
+jt ; L ; Left_Joining
+jt ; R ; Right_Joining
+jt ; T ; Transparent
+jt ; U ; Non_Joining
+lb ; AI ; Ambiguous
+lb ; AL ; Alphabetic
+lb ; B2 ; Break_Both
+lb ; BA ; Break_After
+lb ; BB ; Break_Before
+lb ; BK ; Mandatory_Break
+lb ; CB ; Contingent_Break
+lb ; CL ; Close_Punctuation
+lb ; CM ; Combining_Mark
+lb ; CR ; Carriage_Return
+lb ; EX ; Exclamation
+lb ; GL ; Glue
+lb ; HY ; Hyphen
+lb ; ID ; Ideographic
+lb ; IN ; Inseperable
+lb ; IS ; Infix_Numeric
+lb ; LF ; Line_Feed
+lb ; NS ; Nonstarter
+lb ; NU ; Numeric
+lb ; OP ; Open_Punctuation
+lb ; PO ; Postfix_Numeric
+lb ; PR ; Prefix_Numeric
+lb ; QU ; Quotation
+lb ; SA ; Complex_Context
+lb ; SG ; Surrogate
+lb ; SP ; Space
+lb ; SY ; Break_Symbols
+lb ; XX ; Unknown
+lb ; ZW ; ZWSpace
+nt ; de ; Decimal
+nt ; di ; Digit
+nt ; n/a ; None
+nt ; nu ; Numeric
+qc ; M ; Maybe
+qc ; N ; No
+qc ; Y ; Yes
+sc ; Arab ; Arabic
+sc ; Armn ; Armenian
+sc ; Beng ; Bengali
+sc ; Bopo ; Bopomofo
+sc ; Buhd ; Buhid
+sc ; Cans ; Canadian_Aboriginal
+sc ; Cher ; Cherokee
+sc ; Cyrl ; Cyrillic
+sc ; Deva ; Devanagari
+sc ; Dsrt ; Deseret
+sc ; Ethi ; Ethiopic
+sc ; Geor ; Georgian
+sc ; Goth ; Gothic
+sc ; Grek ; Greek
+sc ; Gujr ; Gujarati
+sc ; Guru ; Gurmukhi
+sc ; Hang ; Hangul
+sc ; Hani ; Han
+sc ; Hano ; Hanunoo
+sc ; Hebr ; Hebrew
+sc ; Hira ; Hiragana
+sc ; Ital ; Old_Italic
+sc ; Kana ; Katakana
+sc ; Khmr ; Khmer
+sc ; Knda ; Kannada
+sc ; Laoo ; Lao
+sc ; Latn ; Latin
+sc ; Mlym ; Malayalam
+sc ; Mong ; Mongolian
+sc ; Mymr ; Myanmar
+sc ; Ogam ; Ogham
+sc ; Orya ; Oriya
+sc ; Qaai ; Inherited
+sc ; Runr ; Runic
+sc ; Sinh ; Sinhala
+sc ; Syrc ; Syriac
+sc ; Tagb ; Tagbanwa
+sc ; Taml ; Tamil
+sc ; Telu ; Telugu
+sc ; Tglg ; Tagalog
+sc ; Thaa ; Thaana
+sc ; Thai ; Thai
+sc ; Tibt ; Tibetan
+sc ; Yiii ; Yi
+sc ; Zyyy ; Common