path: root/lib/vmsish.t
diff options
authorMichael G. Schwern <>2001-11-12 15:50:34 -0500
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-11-13 13:31:34 +0000
commit9f84c00564fd021b1da47513d58d337c301b73aa (patch)
tree4be15ba03a33e2ceb64f7c2e91a94fe0591e2a0b /lib/vmsish.t
parentbbd5c0f5ad81733b079008f34cd05cd9aef7d917 (diff)
Making a no-op on non-VMS
Message-ID: <20011112205034.H2888@blackrider> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12971
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/vmsish.t')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/vmsish.t b/lib/vmsish.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d83be64ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vmsish.t
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+my $Invoke_Perl = qq(MCR $^X "-I[-.lib]");
+require "./";
+plan(tests => 25);
+SKIP: {
+ skip("tests for non-VMS only", 1) if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ BEGIN { $Orig_Bits = $^H }
+ # make sure that all those 'use vmsish' calls didn't do anything.
+ is( $Orig_Bits, $^H, 'use vmsish a no-op' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip("tests for VMS only", 24) unless $^O eq 'VMS';
+#========== vmsish status ==========
+`$Invoke_Perl -e 1`; # Avoid system() from a pipe from harness. Mutter.
+is($?,0,"simple Perl invokation: POSIX success status");
+ use vmsish qw(status);
+ is(($? & 1),1, "importing vmsish [vmsish status]");
+ {
+ no vmsish qw(status); # check unimport function
+ is($?,0, "unimport vmsish [POSIX STATUS]");
+ }
+ # and lexical scoping
+ is(($? & 1),1,"lex scope of vmsish [vmsish status]");
+is($?,0,"outer lex scope of vmsish [POSIX status]");
+ use vmsish qw(exit); # check import function
+ is($?,0,"importing vmsish exit [POSIX status]");
+#========== vmsish exit, messages ==========
+ use vmsish qw(status);
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "exit 1"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ like($msg,'ABORT', "POSIX ERR exit, DCL error message check");
+ is($?&1,0,"vmsish status check, POSIX ERR exit");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(exit); exit 1"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ ok(length($msg)==0,"vmsish OK exit, DCL error message check");
+ is($?&1,1, "vmsish status check, vmsish OK exit");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(exit); exit 44"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ like($msg, 'ABORT', "vmsish ERR exit, DCL error message check");
+ is($?&1,0,"vmsish ERR exit, vmsish status check");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit 1"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ ok(($msg !~ /ABORT/),"POSIX ERR exit, vmsish hushed, DCL error message check");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(exit hushed); exit 44"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ ok(($msg !~ /ABORT/),"vmsish ERR exit, vmsish hushed, DCL error message check");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(exit hushed); no vmsish qw(hushed); exit 44"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ like($msg,'ABORT',"vmsish ERR exit, no vmsish hushed, DCL error message check");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(hushed); die(qw(blah));"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ ok(($msg !~ /ABORT/),"die, vmsish hushed, DCL error message check");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(hushed); use Carp; croak(qw(blah));"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ ok(($msg !~ /ABORT/),"croak, vmsish hushed, DCL error message check");
+ $msg = do_a_perl('-e "use vmsish qw(exit); vmsish::hushed(1); exit 44;"');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ ok(($msg !~ /ABORT/),"vmsish ERR exit, vmsish hushed at runtime, DCL error message check");
+ local *TEST;
+ open(TEST,'>') || die('not ok ?? : unable to open "" for writing');
+ print TEST "#! perl\n";
+ print TEST "use vmsish qw(hushed);\n";
+ print TEST "\$obvious = (\$compile(\$error;\n";
+ close TEST;
+ $msg = do_a_perl('');
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # keep output on one line
+ ok(($msg !~ /ABORT/),"compile ERR exit, vmsish hushed, DCL error message check");
+ unlink '';
+#========== vmsish time ==========
+ my($utctime, @utclocal, @utcgmtime, $utcmtime,
+ $vmstime, @vmslocal, @vmsgmtime, $vmsmtime,
+ $utcval, $vmaval, $offset);
+ # Make sure apparent local time isn't GMT
+ eval "END { \$ENV{'SYS\$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL'} = $oldtz; }";
+ gmtime(0); # Force reset of tz offset
+ }
+ {
+ use_ok('vmsish qw(time)');
+ $vmstime = time;
+ @vmslocal = localtime($vmstime);
+ @vmsgmtime = gmtime($vmstime);
+ $vmsmtime = (stat $0)[9];
+ }
+ $utctime = time;
+ @utclocal = localtime($vmstime);
+ @utcgmtime = gmtime($vmstime);
+ $utcmtime = (stat $0)[9];
+ # We allow lots of leeway (10 sec) difference for these tests,
+ # since it's unlikely local time will differ from UTC by so small
+ # an amount, and it renders the test resistant to delays from
+ # things like stat() on a file mounted over a slow network link.
+ ok($utctime - $vmstime +$offset <= 10,"(time) UTC:$utctime VMS:$vmstime");
+ $utcval = $utclocal[5] * 31536000 + $utclocal[7] * 86400 +
+ $utclocal[2] * 3600 + $utclocal[1] * 60 + $utclocal[0];
+ $vmsval = $vmslocal[5] * 31536000 + $vmslocal[7] * 86400 +
+ $vmslocal[2] * 3600 + $vmslocal[1] * 60 + $vmslocal[0];
+ ok($vmsval - $utcval + $offset <= 10, "(localtime)\n# UTC: @utclocal\n# VMS: @vmslocal");
+ $utcval = $utcgmtime[5] * 31536000 + $utcgmtime[7] * 86400 +
+ $utcgmtime[2] * 3600 + $utcgmtime[1] * 60 + $utcgmtime[0];
+ $vmsval = $vmsgmtime[5] * 31536000 + $vmsgmtime[7] * 86400 +
+ $vmsgmtime[2] * 3600 + $vmsgmtime[1] * 60 + $vmsgmtime[0];
+ ok($vmsval - $utcval + $offset <= 10, "(gmtime)\n# UTC: @utcgmtime\n# VMS: @vmsgmtime");
+ ok($vmsmtime - $utcmtime + $offset <= 10,"(stat) UTC: $utcmtime VMS: $vmsmtime");
+#====== need this to make sure error messages come out, even if
+# they were turned off in invoking procedure
+sub do_a_perl {
+ local *P;
+ open(P,'>') || die('not ok ?? : unable to open "" for writing');
+ print P "\$ set message/facil/sever/ident/text\n";
+ print P "\$ define/nolog/user sys\$error _nla0:\n";
+ print P "\$ $Invoke_Perl @_\n";
+ close P;
+ my $x = `\`;
+ unlink '';
+ return $x;