path: root/lib
diff options
authorchromatic <>2001-10-10 09:45:42 -0600
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-10-11 00:48:54 +0000
commitb0948e64228c31870c211a3f03a0748d2a811ccc (patch)
tree98511c69a9d3c9c520b7f8293d203ca199b56202 /lib
parent11ee3f28f59de5dc79d5d9bf65008aa2aed46c49 (diff)
Add Tests for ExtUtils::Packlist
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12397
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/Packlist.t b/lib/ExtUtils/Packlist.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdcecdfab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/Packlist.t
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Test::More tests => 34;
+use_ok( 'ExtUtils::Packlist' );
+is( ref(ExtUtils::Packlist::mkfh()), 'GLOB', 'mkfh() should return a FH' );
+# new calls tie()
+my $pl = ExtUtils::Packlist->new();
+isa_ok( $pl, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' );
+is( ref tied %$pl, 'ExtUtils::Packlist', 'obj should be tied underneath' );
+$pl = ExtUtils::Packlist::TIEHASH( 'tieclass', 'packfile' );
+is( ref($pl), 'tieclass', 'TIEHASH() should bless into class' );
+is( $pl->{packfile}, 'packfile', 'TIEHASH() should store packfile name' );
+ExtUtils::Packlist::STORE($pl, 'key', 'value');
+is( $pl->{data}{key}, 'value', 'STORE() should stuff stuff in data member' );
+$pl->{data}{foo} = 'bar';
+is( ExtUtils::Packlist::FETCH($pl, 'foo'), 'bar', 'check FETCH()' );
+SKIP: {
+ $pl->{data}{bar} = 'baz';
+ skip('not enough keys to test FIRSTKEY', 2) unless %{ $pl->{data} } > 2;
+ # get the first and second key
+ my ($first, $second) = keys %{ $pl->{data} };
+ # now get a couple of extra keys, to mess with the hash iterator
+ my $i = 0;
+ for (keys %{ $pl->{data} } ) {
+ last if $i++;
+ }
+ # finally, see if it really can get the first key again
+ is( ExtUtils::Packlist::FIRSTKEY($pl), $first,
+ 'FIRSTKEY() should be consistent' );
+ is( ExtUtils::Packlist::NEXTKEY($pl), $second,
+ 'and NEXTKEY() should also be consistent' );
+ok( ExtUtils::Packlist::EXISTS($pl, 'bar'), 'EXISTS() should find keys' );
+ExtUtils::Packlist::DELETE($pl, 'bar');
+ok( !(exists $pl->{data}{bar}), 'DELETE() should delete cleanly' );
+is( keys %{ $pl->{data} }, 0, 'CLEAR() should wipe out data' );
+# DESTROY does nothing...
+can_ok( 'ExtUtils::Packlist', 'DESTROY' );
+# write is a little more complicated
+eval { ExtUtils::Packlist::write({}) };
+like( $@, qr/No packlist filename/, 'write() should croak without packfile' );
+eval { ExtUtils::Packlist::write({}, 'eplist') };
+my $file_is_ready = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+ok( $file_is_ready, 'write() can write a file' );
+local *IN;
+SKIP: {
+ skip('cannot write files, some tests difficult', 3) unless $file_is_ready;
+ # set this file to read-only
+ chmod 0444, 'eplist';
+ eval { ExtUtils::Packlist::write({}, 'eplist') };
+ like( $@, qr/Can't open file/, 'write() should croak on open failure' );
+ #'now set it back (tick here fixes vim syntax highlighting ;)
+ chmod 0777, 'eplist';
+ # and some test data to be read
+ $pl->{data} = {
+ single => 1,
+ hash => {
+ foo => 'bar',
+ baz => 'bup',
+ },
+ '/./abc' => '',
+ };
+ eval { ExtUtils::Packlist::write($pl, 'eplist') };
+ is( $@, '', 'write() should normally succeed' );
+ is( $pl->{packfile}, 'eplist', 'write() should set packfile name' );
+ $file_is_ready = open(IN, 'eplist');
+eval { ExtUtils::Packlist::read({}) };
+like( $@, qr/^No packlist filename/, 'read() should croak without packfile' );
+eval { ExtUtils::Packlist::read({}, 'abadfilename') };
+like( $@, qr/^Can't open file/, 'read() should croak with bad packfile name' );
+#'open packfile for reading
+# and more read() tests
+SKIP: {
+ skip("cannot open file for reading: $!", 5) unless $file_is_ready;
+ my $file = do { local $/ = <IN> };
+ like( $file, qr/single\n/, 'key with value should be available' );
+ like( $file, qr!/\./abc\n!, 'key with no value should also be present' );
+ like( $file, qr/hash.+baz=bup/, 'key with hash value should be present' );
+ like( $file, qr/hash.+foo=bar/, 'second embedded hash value should appear');
+ close IN;
+ eval{ ExtUtils::Packlist::read($pl, 'eplist') };
+ is( $@, '', 'read() should normally succeed' );
+ is( $pl->{data}{single}, undef, 'single keys should have undef value' );
+ is( ref($pl->{data}{hash}), 'HASH', 'multivalue keys should become hashes');
+ is( $pl->{data}{hash}{foo}, 'bar', 'hash values should be set' );
+ ok( exists $pl->{data}{'/abc'}, 'read() should resolve /./ to / in keys' );
+ # give validate a valid and an invalid file to find
+ $pl->{data} = {
+ eplist => 1,
+ fake => undef,
+ };
+ is( ExtUtils::Packlist::validate($pl), 1,
+ 'validate() should find missing files' );
+ ExtUtils::Packlist::validate($pl, 1);
+ ok( !exists $pl->{data}{fake},
+ 'validate() should remove missing files when prompted' );
+ # one more new() test, to see if it calls read() successfully
+ $pl = ExtUtils::Packlist->new('eplist');
+# packlist_file, $pl should be set from write test
+is( ExtUtils::Packlist::packlist_file({ packfile => 'pl' }), 'pl',
+ 'packlist_file() should fetch packlist from passed hash' );
+is( ExtUtils::Packlist::packlist_file($pl), 'eplist',
+ 'packlist_file() should fetch packlist from ExtUtils::Packlist object' );
+END {
+ 1 while unlink qw( eplist );