path: root/lib
diff options
authorPerl 5 Porters <>1996-02-07 02:16:07 +0000
committerAndy Dougherty <>1996-02-07 02:16:07 +0000
commit01e8c204017179e3fa6cbc2de78a2b253e247445 (patch)
tree8d98245bec2291b1228ed5d08fbe95456e517bee /lib
parent54d04a52ebe0ed5248ec3caf5cda11b87acffb7b (diff)
Updated to match newer Getopt::Long.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 0e4cbfd49a..38cad59c73 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,271 +1,58 @@
-# -- new options parsing
-# SCCS Status : @(#)@ 1.13
-# Author : Johan Vromans
-# Created On : Tue Sep 11 15:00:12 1990
-# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
-# Last Modified On: Tue Jun 2 11:24:03 1992
-# Update Count : 75
-# Status : Okay
-# This package implements a new getopt function. This function adheres
-# to the new syntax (long option names, no bundling).
-# Arguments to the function are:
-# - a list of possible options. These should designate valid perl
-# identifiers, optionally followed by an argument specifier ("="
-# for mandatory arguments or ":" for optional arguments) and an
-# argument type specifier: "n" or "i" for integer numbers, "f" for
-# real (fix) numbers or "s" for strings.
-# If an "@" sign is appended, the option is treated as an array.
-# Value(s) are not set, but pushed.
-# - if the first option of the list consists of non-alphanumeric
-# characters only, it is interpreted as a generic option starter.
-# Everything starting with one of the characters from the starter
-# will be considered an option.
-# Likewise, a double occurrence (e.g. "--") signals end of
-# the options list.
-# The default value for the starter is "-", "--" or "+".
-# Upon return, the option variables, prefixed with "opt_", are defined
-# and set to the respective option arguments, if any.
-# Options that do not take an argument are set to 1. Note that an
-# option with an optional argument will be defined, but set to '' if
-# no actual argument has been supplied.
-# A return status of 0 (false) indicates that the function detected
-# one or more errors.
-# Special care is taken to give a correct treatment to optional arguments.
-# E.g. if option "one:i" (i.e. takes an optional integer argument),
-# then the following situations are handled:
-# -one -two -> $opt_one = '', -two is next option
-# -one -2 -> $opt_one = -2
-# Also, assume "foo=s" and "bar:s" :
-# -bar -xxx -> $opt_bar = '', '-xxx' is next option
-# -foo -bar -> $opt_foo = '-bar'
-# -foo -- -> $opt_foo = '--'
-# 2-Jun-1992 Johan Vromans
-# Do not use //o to allow multiple NGetOpt calls with different delimeters.
-# Prevent typeless option from using previous $array state.
-# Prevent empty option from being eaten as a (negative) number.
-# 25-May-1992 Johan Vromans
-# Add array options. "foo=s@" will return an array @opt_foo that
-# contains all values that were supplied. E.g. "-foo one -foo -two" will
-# return @opt_foo = ("one", "-two");
-# Correct bug in handling options that allow for a argument when followed
-# by another option.
-# 4-May-1992 Johan Vromans
-# Add $ignorecase to match options in either case.
-# Allow '' option.
-# 19-Mar-1992 Johan Vromans
-# Allow require from packages.
-# NGetOpt is now defined in the package that requires it.
-# @ARGV and $opt_... are taken from the package that calls it.
-# Use standard (?) option prefixes: -, -- and +.
-# 20-Sep-1990 Johan Vromans
-# Set options w/o argument to 1.
-# Correct the dreadful semicolon/require bug.
+# -- new options parsing.
+# Now just a wrapper around the Getopt::Long module.
+# $Id:,v 1.15 1995/12/26 14:57:33 jv Exp $
{ package newgetopt;
- $debug = 0; # for debugging
- $ignorecase = 1; # ignore case when matching options
-sub NGetOpt {
- @newgetopt'optionlist = @_;
- *newgetopt'ARGV = *ARGV;
- package newgetopt;
- local ($[) = 0;
- local ($genprefix) = "(--|-|\\+)";
- local ($argend) = "--";
- local ($error) = 0;
- local ($opt, $optx, $arg, $type, $mand, %opctl);
- local ($pkg) = (caller)[0];
- print STDERR "NGetOpt 1.13 -- called from $pkg\n" if $debug;
- # See if the first element of the optionlist contains option
- # starter characters.
- if ( $optionlist[0] =~ /^\W+$/ ) {
- $genprefix = shift (@optionlist);
- # Turn into regexp.
- $genprefix =~ s/(\W)/\\\1/g;
- $genprefix = "[" . $genprefix . "]";
- undef $argend;
+ # Values for $order. See GNU getopt.c for details.
+ $PERMUTE = 1;
+ # Handle POSIX compliancy.
+ if ( defined $ENV{"POSIXLY_CORRECT"} ) {
+ $autoabbrev = 0; # no automatic abbrev of options (???)
+ $getopt_compat = 0; # disallow '+' to start options
+ $option_start = "(--|-)";
+ $order = $REQUIRE_ORDER;
- # Verify correctness of optionlist.
- %opctl = ();
- foreach $opt ( @optionlist ) {
- $opt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ if $ignorecase;
- if ( $opt !~ /^(\w*)([=:][infse]@?)?$/ ) {
- print STDERR ("Error in option spec: \"", $opt, "\"\n");
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- $opctl{$1} = defined $2 ? $2 : "";
+ else {
+ $autoabbrev = 1; # automatic abbrev of options
+ $getopt_compat = 1; # allow '+' to start options
+ $option_start = "(--|-|\\+)";
+ $order = $PERMUTE;
- return 0 if $error;
- if ( $debug ) {
- local ($arrow, $k, $v);
- $arrow = "=> ";
- while ( ($k,$v) = each(%opctl) ) {
- print STDERR ($arrow, "\$opctl{\"$k\"} = \"$v\"\n");
- $arrow = " ";
- }
- }
- # Process argument list
- while ( $#ARGV >= 0 ) {
- # >>> See also the continue block <<<
- # Get next argument
- $opt = shift (@ARGV);
- print STDERR ("=> option \"", $opt, "\"\n") if $debug;
- $arg = undef;
- # Check for exhausted list.
- if ( $opt =~ /^$genprefix/ ) {
- # Double occurrence is terminator
- return ($error == 0)
- if ($opt eq "$+$+") || ((defined $argend) && $opt eq $argend);
- $opt = $'; # option name (w/o prefix)
- }
- else {
- # Apparently not an option - push back and exit.
- unshift (@ARGV, $opt);
- return ($error == 0);
- }
- # Look it up.
- $opt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ if $ignorecase;
- unless ( defined ( $type = $opctl{$opt} ) ) {
- print STDERR ("Unknown option: ", $opt, "\n");
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- # Determine argument status.
- print STDERR ("=> found \"$type\" for ", $opt, "\n") if $debug;
- # If it is an option w/o argument, we're almost finished with it.
- if ( $type eq "" ) {
- $arg = 1; # supply explicit value
- $array = 0;
- next;
- }
- # Get mandatory status and type info.
- ($mand, $type, $array) = $type =~ /^(.)(.)(@?)$/;
- # Check if the argument list is exhausted.
- if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
- # Complain if this option needs an argument.
- if ( $mand eq "=" ) {
- print STDERR ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
- $error++;
- }
- if ( $mand eq ":" ) {
- $arg = $type eq "s" ? "" : 0;
- }
- next;
- }
- # Get (possibly optional) argument.
- $arg = shift (@ARGV);
- # Check if it is a valid argument. A mandatory string takes
- # anything.
- if ( "$mand$type" ne "=s" && $arg =~ /^$genprefix/ ) {
- # Check for option list terminator.
- if ( $arg eq "$+$+" ||
- ((defined $argend) && $arg eq $argend)) {
- # Push back so the outer loop will terminate.
- unshift (@ARGV, $arg);
- # Complain if an argument is required.
- if ($mand eq "=") {
- print STDERR ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
- $error++;
- undef $arg; # don't assign it
- }
- else {
- # Supply empty value.
- $arg = $type eq "s" ? "" : 0;
- }
- next;
- }
+ # Other configurable settings.
+ $debug = 0; # for debugging
+ $ignorecase = 1; # ignore case when matching options
+ $argv_end = "--"; # don't change this!
- # Maybe the optional argument is the next option?
- if ( $mand eq ":" && ($' eq "" || $' =~ /[a-zA-Z_]/) ) {
- # Yep. Push back.
- unshift (@ARGV, $arg);
- $arg = $type eq "s" ? "" : 0;
- next;
- }
- }
+use Getopt::Long;
- if ( $type eq "n" || $type eq "i" ) { # numeric/integer
- if ( $arg !~ /^-?[0-9]+$/ ) {
- print STDERR ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
- $opt, " (number expected)\n");
- $error++;
- undef $arg; # don't assign it
- }
- next;
- }
+################ Subroutines ################
- if ( $type eq "f" ) { # fixed real number, int is also ok
- if ( $arg !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/ ) {
- print STDERR ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
- $opt, " (real number expected)\n");
- $error++;
- undef $arg; # don't assign it
- }
- next;
- }
+sub NGetOpt {
- if ( $type eq "s" ) { # string
- next;
- }
+ $Getopt::Long::debug = $newgetopt::debug
+ if defined $newgetopt::debug;
+ $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev = $newgetopt::autoabbrev
+ if defined $newgetopt::autoabbrev;
+ $Getopt::Long::getopt_compat = $newgetopt::getopt_compat
+ if defined $newgetopt::getopt_compat;
+ $Getopt::Long::option_start = $newgetopt::option_start
+ if defined $newgetopt::option_start;
+ $Getopt::Long::order = $newgetopt::order
+ if defined $newgetopt::order;
+ $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = $newgetopt::ignorecase
+ if defined $newgetopt::ignorecase;
+ &GetOptions;
- }
- continue {
- if ( defined $arg ) {
- if ( $array ) {
- print STDERR ('=> push (@', $pkg, '\'opt_', $opt, ", \"$arg\")\n")
- if $debug;
- eval ('push(@' . $pkg . '\'opt_' . $opt . ", \$arg);");
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ('=> $', $pkg, '\'opt_', $opt, " = \"$arg\"\n")
- if $debug;
- eval ('$' . $pkg . '\'opt_' . $opt . " = \$arg;");
- }
- }
- }
+################ Package return ################
- return ($error == 0);
+################ End of ################