path: root/lib
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authorAdriano Ferreira <>2006-09-18 14:36:50 -0300
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2006-09-19 07:54:24 +0000
commit96fe83cdaf0db7b931d0a98967031eefdeb36c15 (patch)
tree7349e8da531d3cb6ee7de5f5e8a6b20059567fc2 /lib
parentfc8cd66c26827f6c2ee1aa00ab2d3b3c320a4a28 (diff)
Re: [PATCH] lib/File/Copy.t - test descriptions and minor fixes
From: "Adriano Ferreira" <> Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@28869
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/lib/File/Copy.t b/lib/File/Copy.t
index db94cc3adf..84abfd5ab0 100755
--- a/lib/File/Copy.t
+++ b/lib/File/Copy.t
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
+ if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ }
use Test::More;
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ foreach my $code ("copy()", "copy('arg')", "copy('arg', 'arg', 'arg', 'arg')",
eval $code;
- like $@, qr/^Usage: /;
+ like $@, qr/^Usage: /, "'$code' is a usage error";
@@ -49,10 +51,11 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
$foo = <F>;
- is -s "file-$$", -s "copy-$$";
+ is -s "file-$$", -s "copy-$$", 'copy(fn, fn): files of the same size';
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'copy(fn, fn): same contents';
+ print("# next test checks copying to STDOUT\n");
binmode STDOUT unless $^O eq 'VMS'; # Copy::copy works in binary mode
# This outputs "ok" so its a test.
copy "copy-$$", \*STDOUT;
@@ -62,14 +65,14 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
copy(*F, "copy-$$");
open(R, "copy-$$") or die "open copy-$$: $!"; $foo = <R>; close(R);
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'copy(*F, fn): same contents';
unlink "copy-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
copy(\*F, "copy-$$");
close(F) or die "close: $!";
open(R, "copy-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R) or die "close: $!";
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'copy(\*F, fn): same contents';
unlink "copy-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
require IO::File;
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
$fh->close or die "close: $!";
open(R, "copy-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'copy(fn, io): same contents';
unlink "copy-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
require FileHandle;
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
open(R, "copy-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'copy(fn, fh): same contents';
unlink "file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
ok !move("file-$$", "copy-$$"), "move on missing file";
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
ok -e "file-$$", ' destination exists';
ok !-e "copy-$$", ' source does not';
open(R, "file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'contents preserved';
local $TODO = 'mtime only preserved on ODS-5 with POSIX dates and DECC$EFS_FILE_TIMESTAMPS enabled' if $^O eq 'VMS';
@@ -117,30 +120,32 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
($cross_partition_test ? " while testing cross-partition" : "");
+ # trick: create lib/ if not exists - not needed in Perl core
+ unless (-d 'lib') { mkdir 'lib' or die; }
copy "file-$$", "lib";
- open(R, "lib/file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ open(R, "lib/file-$$") or die $!; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'copy(fn, dir): same contents';
unlink "lib/file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
# Do it twice to ensure copying over the same file works.
copy "file-$$", "lib";
open(R, "lib/file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
- is $foo, "ok\n";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'copy over the same file works';
unlink "lib/file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
my $warnings = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= join '', @_ };
- ok copy("file-$$", "file-$$");
+ ok copy("file-$$", "file-$$"), 'copy(fn, fn) succeeds';
- like $warnings, qr/are identical/;
- ok -s "file-$$";
+ like $warnings, qr/are identical/, 'but warns';
+ ok -s "file-$$", 'contents preserved';
move "file-$$", "lib";
open(R, "lib/file-$$") or die "open lib/file-$$: $!"; $foo = <R>; close(R);
- is $foo, "ok\n";
- ok !-e "file-$$";
+ is $foo, "ok\n", 'move(fn, dir): same contents';
+ ok !-e "file-$$", 'file moved indeed';
unlink "lib/file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
@@ -153,9 +158,9 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
my $warnings = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= join '', @_ };
- ok !copy("file-$$", "symlink-$$");
+ ok !copy("file-$$", "symlink-$$"), 'copy to itself (via symlink) fails';
- like $warnings, qr/are identical/;
+ like $warnings, qr/are identical/, 'emits a warning';
ok !-z "file-$$",
' 5196: copying to itself would truncate the file';
@@ -164,7 +169,8 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
- skip "Testing hard links", 3 if !$Config{d_link} or $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+ skip "Testing hard links", 3
+ if !$Config{d_link} or $^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'cygwin';
open(F, ">file-$$") or die $!;
print F "dummy content\n";
@@ -173,9 +179,9 @@ for my $cross_partition_test (0..1) {
my $warnings = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= join '', @_ };
- ok !copy("file-$$", "hardlink-$$");
+ ok !copy("file-$$", "hardlink-$$"), 'copy to itself (via hardlink) fails';
- like $warnings, qr/are identical/;
+ like $warnings, qr/are identical/, 'emits a warning';
ok ! -z "file-$$",
' 5196: copying to itself would truncate the file';