path: root/op.c
diff options
authorLarry Wall <>1998-07-24 05:44:33 +0000
committerLarry Wall <>1998-07-24 05:44:33 +0000
commita0ed51b321531af4b47cce24205ab9656f043f0f (patch)
tree610356407b37a4041ea8bcaf44571579b2da5613 /op.c
parent9332a1c1d80ded85a2b1f32b1c8968a35e3b0fbb (diff)
Here are the long-expected Unicode/UTF-8 modifications.
p4raw-id: //depot/utfperl@1651
Diffstat (limited to 'op.c')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/op.c b/op.c
index 16f528df84..d6836d9a1f 100644
--- a/op.c
+++ b/op.c
@@ -612,7 +612,10 @@ op_free(OP *o)
case OP_TRANS:
- Safefree(cPVOPo->op_pv);
+ if (o->op_private & (OPpTRANS_FROM_UTF|OPpTRANS_TO_UTF))
+ SvREFCNT_dec(cSVOPo->op_sv);
+ else
+ Safefree(cPVOPo->op_pv);
case OP_SUBST:
@@ -1566,6 +1569,7 @@ block_end(I32 floor, OP *seq)
OP* retval = scalarseq(seq);
PL_pad_reset_pending = FALSE;
+ compiling.op_private = PL_hints;
if (needblockscope)
PL_hints |= HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; /* propagate out */
@@ -2021,6 +2025,19 @@ newBINOP(I32 type, I32 flags, OP *first, OP *last)
return fold_constants((OP *)binop);
+static int
+utf8compare(const void *a, const void *b)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ if ((*(U8**)a)[i] < (*(U8**)b)[i])
+ return -1;
+ if ((*(U8**)a)[i] > (*(U8**)b)[i])
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
OP *
pmtrans(OP *o, OP *expr, OP *repl)
@@ -2032,16 +2049,191 @@ pmtrans(OP *o, OP *expr, OP *repl)
register U8 *r = (U8*)SvPV(rstr, rlen);
register I32 i;
register I32 j;
- I32 Delete;
+ I32 del;
I32 complement;
I32 squash;
register short *tbl;
- tbl = (short*)cPVOPo->op_pv;
complement = o->op_private & OPpTRANS_COMPLEMENT;
- Delete = o->op_private & OPpTRANS_DELETE;
+ del = o->op_private & OPpTRANS_DELETE;
squash = o->op_private & OPpTRANS_SQUASH;
+ if (o->op_private & (OPpTRANS_FROM_UTF|OPpTRANS_TO_UTF)) {
+ SV* listsv = newSVpv("# comment\n",0);
+ SV* transv = 0;
+ U8* tend = t + tlen;
+ U8* rend = r + rlen;
+ I32 ulen;
+ U32 tfirst = 1;
+ U32 tlast = 0;
+ I32 tdiff;
+ U32 rfirst = 1;
+ U32 rlast = 0;
+ I32 rdiff;
+ I32 diff;
+ I32 none = 0;
+ U32 max = 0;
+ I32 bits;
+ I32 grows = 0;
+ I32 havefinal = 0;
+ U32 final;
+ HV *hv;
+ I32 from_utf = o->op_private & OPpTRANS_FROM_UTF;
+ I32 to_utf = o->op_private & OPpTRANS_TO_UTF;
+ if (complement) {
+ U8 tmpbuf[10];
+ U8** cp;
+ UV nextmin = 0;
+ New(1109, cp, tlen, U8*);
+ i = 0;
+ transv = newSVpv("",0);
+ while (t < tend) {
+ cp[i++] = t;
+ t += UTF8SKIP(t);
+ if (*t == 0xff) {
+ t++;
+ t += UTF8SKIP(t);
+ }
+ }
+ qsort(cp, i, sizeof(U8*), utf8compare);
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ U8 *s = cp[j];
+ UV val = utf8_to_uv(s, &ulen);
+ s += ulen;
+ diff = val - nextmin;
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ t = uv_to_utf8(tmpbuf,nextmin);
+ sv_catpvn(transv, tmpbuf, t - tmpbuf);
+ if (diff > 1) {
+ t = uv_to_utf8(tmpbuf, val - 1);
+ sv_catpvn(transv, "\377", 1);
+ sv_catpvn(transv, tmpbuf, t - tmpbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*s == 0xff)
+ val = utf8_to_uv(s+1, &ulen);
+ if (val >= nextmin)
+ nextmin = val + 1;
+ }
+ t = uv_to_utf8(tmpbuf,nextmin);
+ sv_catpvn(transv, tmpbuf, t - tmpbuf);
+ t = uv_to_utf8(tmpbuf, 0x7fffffff);
+ sv_catpvn(transv, "\377", 1);
+ sv_catpvn(transv, tmpbuf, t - tmpbuf);
+ t = SvPVX(transv);
+ tlen = SvCUR(transv);
+ tend = t + tlen;
+ }
+ else if (!rlen && !del) {
+ r = t; rlen = tlen; rend = tend;
+ if (!squash && to_utf && from_utf)
+ o->op_private |= OPpTRANS_COUNTONLY;
+ }
+ while (t < tend || tfirst <= tlast) {
+ /* see if we need more "t" chars */
+ if (tfirst > tlast) {
+ tfirst = (I32)utf8_to_uv(t, &ulen);
+ t += ulen;
+ if (t < tend && *t == 0xff) { /* illegal utf8 val indicates range */
+ tlast = (I32)utf8_to_uv(++t, &ulen);
+ t += ulen;
+ }
+ else
+ tlast = tfirst;
+ }
+ /* now see if we need more "r" chars */
+ if (rfirst > rlast) {
+ if (r < rend) {
+ rfirst = (I32)utf8_to_uv(r, &ulen);
+ r += ulen;
+ if (r < rend && *r == 0xff) { /* illegal utf8 val indicates range */
+ rlast = (I32)utf8_to_uv(++r, &ulen);
+ r += ulen;
+ }
+ else
+ rlast = rfirst;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!havefinal++)
+ final = rlast;
+ rfirst = rlast = 0xffffffff;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now see which range will peter our first, if either. */
+ tdiff = tlast - tfirst;
+ rdiff = rlast - rfirst;
+ if (tdiff <= rdiff)
+ diff = tdiff;
+ else
+ diff = rdiff;
+ if (rfirst == 0xffffffff) {
+ diff = tdiff; /* oops, pretend rdiff is infinite */
+ if (diff > 0)
+ sv_catpvf(listsv, "%04x\t%04x\tXXXX\n", tfirst, tlast);
+ else
+ sv_catpvf(listsv, "%04x\t\tXXXX\n", tfirst);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (diff > 0)
+ sv_catpvf(listsv, "%04x\t%04x\t%04x\n", tfirst, tfirst + diff, rfirst);
+ else
+ sv_catpvf(listsv, "%04x\t\t%04x\n", tfirst, rfirst);
+ if (rfirst + diff > max)
+ max = rfirst + diff;
+ rfirst += diff + 1;
+ if (!grows) {
+ if (rfirst <= 0x80)
+ ;
+ else if (rfirst <= 0x800)
+ grows |= (tfirst < 0x80);
+ else if (rfirst <= 0x10000)
+ grows |= (tfirst < 0x800);
+ else if (rfirst <= 0x200000)
+ grows |= (tfirst < 0x10000);
+ else if (rfirst <= 0x4000000)
+ grows |= (tfirst < 0x200000);
+ else if (rfirst <= 0x80000000)
+ grows |= (tfirst < 0x4000000);
+ }
+ }
+ tfirst += diff + 1;
+ }
+ none = ++max;
+ if (del)
+ del = ++max;
+ if (max > 0xffff)
+ bits = 32;
+ else if (max > 0xff)
+ bits = 16;
+ else
+ bits = 8;
+ cSVOPo->op_sv = (SV*)swash_init("utf8", "", listsv, bits, none);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(listsv);
+ if (transv)
+ SvREFCNT_dec(transv);
+ if (!del && havefinal)
+ (void)hv_store((HV*)SvRV((cSVOPo->op_sv)), "FINAL", 5, newSViv((IV)final), 0);
+ if (grows && to_utf)
+ o->op_private |= OPpTRANS_GROWS;
+ op_free(expr);
+ op_free(repl);
+ return o;
+ }
+ tbl = (short*)cPVOPo->op_pv;
if (complement) {
Zero(tbl, 256, short);
for (i = 0; i < tlen; i++)
@@ -2049,7 +2241,7 @@ pmtrans(OP *o, OP *expr, OP *repl)
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (!tbl[i]) {
if (j >= rlen) {
- if (Delete)
+ if (del)
tbl[i] = -2;
else if (rlen)
tbl[i] = r[j-1];
@@ -2062,7 +2254,7 @@ pmtrans(OP *o, OP *expr, OP *repl)
else {
- if (!rlen && !Delete) {
+ if (!rlen && !del) {
r = t; rlen = tlen;
if (!squash)
o->op_private |= OPpTRANS_COUNTONLY;
@@ -2071,7 +2263,7 @@ pmtrans(OP *o, OP *expr, OP *repl)
tbl[i] = -1;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < tlen; i++,j++) {
if (j >= rlen) {
- if (Delete) {
+ if (del) {
if (tbl[t[i]] == -1)
tbl[t[i]] = -2;
@@ -2611,10 +2803,11 @@ newSTATEOP(I32 flags, char *label, OP *o)
cop->op_ppaddr = ppaddr[ OP_NEXTSTATE ];
cop->op_flags = flags;
- cop->op_private = 0 | (flags >> 8);
+ cop->op_private = (PL_hints & HINT_UTF8);
cop->op_private |= NATIVE_HINTS;
+ compiling.op_private = cop->op_private;
cop->op_next = (OP*)cop;
if (label) {
@@ -3656,6 +3849,7 @@ newSUB(I32 floor, OP *o, OP *proto, OP *block)
call_list(oldscope, PL_beginav);
PL_curcop = &PL_compiling;
+ PL_compiling.op_private = PL_hints;
else if (strEQ(s, "END") && !PL_error_count) {