path: root/os2/OS2/Process/
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2009-09-04 11:04:30 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-09-04 11:04:30 +0100
commit354c724e8ab74f150e14800acc80d505949161f5 (patch)
tree42fd4401ebe97f5a765397d0ff33ce50b50ad349 /os2/OS2/Process/
parent46c3340ed6f3bbae3f80607438da0310e52a687a (diff)
OS/2 hadn't been updated to cope with the ext/ restructuring.
I don't have OS/2, so I can't test this, but the code in Configure will assume flat directories, because ext/File-Glob is present, and hence not search recursively and not find the OS/2 extensions if they are copied into ext/OS2/* I believe that without this change OS/2 will not have been building since the change to flattened ext. This change may not be sufficient to get OS/2 building again, but it is in the right direction.
Diffstat (limited to 'os2/OS2/Process/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2372 deletions
diff --git a/os2/OS2/Process/ b/os2/OS2/Process/
deleted file mode 100644
index 70583617b1..0000000000
--- a/os2/OS2/Process/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2372 +0,0 @@
-package OS2::localMorphPM;
-# use strict;
-sub new {
- my ($c,$f) = @_;
- OS2::MorphPM($f);
- # print STDERR ">>>>>\n";
- bless [$f], $c
-sub DESTROY {
- # print STDERR "<<<<<\n";
- OS2::UnMorphPM(shift->[0])
-package OS2::Process;
- require Exporter;
- require XSLoader;
- #require AutoLoader;
- our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- our $VERSION = "1.03";
- XSLoader::load('OS2::Process', $VERSION);
-# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
-# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
-# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
-our @EXPORT = qw(
- P_PM
- my_type
- file_type
- T_32BIT
- os2constant
- ppid
- ppidOf
- sidOf
- scrsize
- scrsize_set
- kbdChar
- kbdhChar
- kbdStatus
- _kbdStatus_set
- kbdhStatus
- kbdhStatus_set
- vioConfig
- viohConfig
- vioMode
- viohMode
- viohMode_set
- _vioMode_set
- _vioState
- _vioState_set
- vioFont
- vioFont_set
- process_entry
- process_entries
- process_hentry
- process_hentries
- change_entry
- change_entryh
- process_hwnd
- Title_set
- Title
- winTitle_set
- winTitle
- swTitle_set
- bothTitle_set
- WindowText
- WindowText_set
- WindowPos
- WindowPos_set
- hWindowPos
- hWindowPos_set
- WindowProcess
- SwitchToProgram
- DesktopWindow
- ActiveWindow
- ActiveWindow_set
- ClassName
- FocusWindow
- FocusWindow_set
- ShowWindow
- PostMsg
- BeginEnumWindows
- EndEnumWindows
- GetNextWindow
- IsWindow
- ChildWindows
- out_codepage
- out_codepage_set
- process_codepage_set
- in_codepage
- in_codepage_set
- cursor
- cursor_set
- screen
- screen_set
- process_codepages
- QueryWindow
- WindowFromId
- WindowFromPoint
- EnumDlgItem
- EnableWindow
- EnableWindowUpdate
- IsWindowEnabled
- IsWindowVisible
- IsWindowShowing
- WindowPtr
- WindowULong
- WindowUShort
- WindowStyle
- SetWindowBits
- SetWindowPtr
- SetWindowULong
- SetWindowUShort
- WindowBits_set
- WindowPtr_set
- WindowULong_set
- WindowUShort_set
- TopLevel
- FocusWindow_set_keep_Zorder
- ActiveDesktopPathname
- InvalidateRect
- CreateFrameControls
- ClipbrdFmtInfo
- ClipbrdOwner
- ClipbrdViewer
- ClipbrdData
- OpenClipbrd
- CloseClipbrd
- ClipbrdData_set
- ClipbrdOwner_set
- ClipbrdViewer_set
- EnumClipbrdFmts
- EmptyClipbrd
- ClipbrdFmtNames
- ClipbrdFmtAtoms
- AddAtom
- FindAtom
- DeleteAtom
- AtomUsage
- AtomName
- AtomLength
- SystemAtomTable
- CreateAtomTable
- DestroyAtomTable
- _ClipbrdData_set
- ClipbrdText
- ClipbrdText_set
- ClipbrdText_2byte
- ClipbrdTextUCS2le
- MemoryRegionSize
- _MessageBox
- MessageBox
- _MessageBox2
- MessageBox2
- get_pointer
- LoadPointer
- SysPointer
- Alarm
- FlashWindow
- get_title
- set_title
- io_term
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
- ResetWinError
- # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
- # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
- # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
- (my $constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
- if ($! != 0) {
- if ($! =~ /Invalid/ || $!{EINVAL}) {
- die "Unsupported function $AUTOLOAD"
- } else {
- my ($pack,$file,$line) = caller;
- die "Your vendor has not defined OS2::Process macro $constname, used at $file line $line.
- }
- }
- eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
-sub os2constant {
- require OS2::Process::Const;
- my $sym = shift;
- my ($err, $val) = OS2::Process::Const::constant($sym);
- die $err if $err;
- $val;
-sub const_import {
- require OS2::Process::Const;
- my $sym = shift;
- my $val = os2constant($sym);
- my $p = caller(1);
- # no strict;
- *{"$p\::$sym"} = sub () { $val };
- (); # needed by import()
-sub import {
- my $class = shift;
- my $ini = @_;
- @_ = ($class,
- map {
- } @_);
- goto &Exporter::import if @_ > 1 or $ini == 0;
-# Preloaded methods go here.
-sub Title () { (process_entry())[0] }
-# *Title_set = \&sesmgr_title_set;
-sub swTitle_set_sw {
- my ($title, @sw) = @_;
- $sw[0] = $title;
- change_entry(@sw);
-sub swTitle_set ($) {
- my (@sw) = process_entry();
- swTitle_set_sw(shift, @sw);
-sub winTitle_set_sw {
- my ($title, @sw) = @_;
- my $h = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- WindowText_set $sw[1], $title;
-sub winTitle_set ($) {
- my (@sw) = process_entry();
- winTitle_set_sw(shift, @sw);
-sub winTitle () {
- my (@sw) = process_entry();
- my $h = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- WindowText $sw[1];
-sub bothTitle_set ($) {
- my (@sw) = process_entry();
- my $t = shift;
- winTitle_set_sw($t, @sw);
- swTitle_set_sw($t, @sw);
-sub Title_set ($) {
- my $t = shift;
- return 1 if sesmgr_title_set($t);
- return 0 unless $^E == 372;
- my (@sw) = process_entry();
- winTitle_set_sw($t, @sw);
- swTitle_set_sw($t, @sw);
-sub process_entry { swentry_expand(process_swentry(@_)) }
-our @hentry_fields = qw( title owner_hwnd icon_hwnd
- owner_phandle owner_pid owner_sid
- visible nonswitchable jumpable ptype sw_entry );
-sub swentry_hexpand ($) {
- my %h;
- @h{@hentry_fields} = swentry_expand(shift);
- \%h;
-sub process_hentry { swentry_hexpand(process_swentry(@_)) }
-sub process_hwnd { process_hentry()->{owner_hwnd} }
-my $swentry_size = swentry_size();
-sub sw_entries () {
- my $s = swentries_list();
- my ($c, $s1) = unpack 'La*', $s;
- die "Unconsistent size in swentries_list()" unless 4+$c*$swentry_size == length $s;
- my (@l, $e);
- push @l, $e while $e = substr $s1, 0, $swentry_size, '';
- @l;
-sub process_entries () {
- map [swentry_expand($_)], sw_entries;
-sub process_hentries () {
- map swentry_hexpand($_), sw_entries;
-sub change_entry {
- change_swentry(create_swentry(@_));
-sub create_swentryh ($) {
- my $h = shift;
- create_swentry(@$h{@hentry_fields});
-sub change_entryh ($) {
- change_swentry(create_swentryh(shift));
-# Massage entries into the same order as WindowPos_set:
-sub WindowPos ($) {
- my ($fl, $h, $w, $y, $x, $behind, $hwnd, @rest)
- = unpack 'L l4 L4', WindowSWP(shift);
- ($x, $y, $fl, $w, $h, $behind, @rest);
-# Put them into a hash
-sub hWindowPos ($) {
- my %h;
- @h{ qw(flags height width y x behind hwnd reserved1 reserved2) }
- = unpack 'L l4 L4', WindowSWP(shift);
- \%h;
-my @SWP_keys = ( [qw(width height)], # SWP_SIZE=1
- [qw(x y)], # SWP_MOVE=2
- [qw(behind)] ); # SWP_ZORDER=3
-my %SWP_def;
-@SWP_def{ map @$_, @SWP_keys } = (0) x 20;
-# Get them from a hash
-sub hWindowPos_set ($$) {
- my $hash = shift;
- my $hwnd = (@_ ? shift : $hash->{hwnd} );
- my $flags;
- if (exists $hash->{flags}) {
- $flags = $hash->{flags};
- } else { # Set flags according to existing keys in $hash
- $flags = 0;
- for my $bit (0..2) {
- exists $hash->{$_} and $flags |= (1<<$bit) for @{$SWP_keys[$bit]};
- }
- }
- for my $bit (0..2) { # Check for required keys
- next unless $flags & (1<<$bit);
- exists $hash->{$_}
- or die sprintf "key $_ required for flags=%#x", $flags
- for @{$SWP_keys[$bit]};
- }
- my %h = (%SWP_def, flags => $flags, %$hash); # Avoid warnings
- my ($x, $y, $fl, $w, $h, $behind) = @h{ qw(x y flags width height behind) };
- WindowPos_set($hwnd, $x, $y, $fl, $w, $h, $behind);
-sub ChildWindows (;$) {
- my $hm = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- my @kids;
- my $h = BeginEnumWindows(@_ ? shift : 1); # HWND_DESKTOP
- my $w;
- push @kids, $w while $w = GetNextWindow $h;
- EndEnumWindows $h;
- @kids;
-sub TopLevel ($) {
- my $d = DesktopWindow;
- my $w = shift;
- while (1) {
- my $p = QueryWindow $w, 5; # QW_PARENT;
- return $w if not $p or $p == $d;
- $w = $p;
- }
-sub FocusWindow_set_keep_Zorder ($) {
- my $w = shift;
- my $t = TopLevel $w;
- my $b = hWindowPos($t)->{behind}; # we are behind this
- EnableWindowUpdate($t, 0);
- FocusWindow_set($w);
-# sleep 1; # Make flicker stronger when present
- hWindowPos_set {behind => $b}, $t;
- EnableWindowUpdate($t, 1);
-sub WindowStyle ($) {
- WindowULong(shift,-2); # QWL_STYLE
-sub OS2::localClipbrd::new {
- my ($c) = shift;
- my $morph = [];
- push @$morph, OS2::localMorphPM->new(0) unless shift;
- &OpenClipbrd;
- # print STDERR ">>>>>\n";
- bless $morph, $c
-sub OS2::localClipbrd::DESTROY {
- # print STDERR "<<<<<\n";
- CloseClipbrd();
-sub OS2::localFlashWindow::new ($$) {
- my ($c, $w) = (shift, shift);
- my $morph = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- FlashWindow($w, 1);
- # print STDERR ">>>>>\n";
- bless [$w, $morph], $c
-sub OS2::localFlashWindow::DESTROY {
- # print STDERR "<<<<<\n";
- FlashWindow(shift->[0], 0);
-# Good for \0-terminated text (not "text/unicode" and other Firefox stuff)
-sub ClipbrdText (@) {
- my $h = OS2::localClipbrd->new;
- my $data = ClipbrdData @_;
- return unless $data;
- my $lim = MemoryRegionSize($data);
- $lim = StrLen($data, $lim); # Look for 1-byte 0
- return unpack "P$lim", pack 'L', $data;
-sub ClipbrdText_2byte (@) {
- my $h = OS2::localClipbrd->new;
- my $data = ClipbrdData @_;
- return unless $data;
- my $lim = MemoryRegionSize($data);
- $lim = StrLen($data, $lim, 2); # Look for 2-byte 0
- return unpack "P$lim", pack 'L', $data;
-sub ClipbrdTextUCS2le (@) {
- my $txt = ClipbrdText_2byte @_; # little-endian shorts
- #require Unicode::String;
- pack "U*", unpack "v*", $txt;
-sub ClipbrdText_set ($;@) {
- my $h = OS2::localClipbrd->new;
- EmptyClipbrd(); # It may contain other types
- my ($txt, $no_convert_nl) = (shift, shift);
- ClipbrdData_set($txt, !$no_convert_nl, @_);
-sub ClipbrdFmtAtoms {
- my $h = OS2::localClipbrd->new('nomorph');
- my $fmt = 0;
- my @formats;
- push @formats, $fmt while eval {$fmt = EnumClipbrdFmts $fmt};
- die $@ if $@ and $^E == 0x1001 and $fmt = 0; # Croaks on empty list?
- @formats;
-sub ClipbrdFmtNames {
- map AtomName($_), ClipbrdFmtAtoms(@_);
-sub MessageBox ($;$$$$$) {
- my $morph = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- die "MessageBox needs text" unless @_;
- push @_ , ($0 eq '-e' ? "Perl one-liner's message" : "$0 message") if @_ == 1;
- &_MessageBox;
-my %pointers;
-sub get_pointer ($;$$) {
- my $id = $_[0];
- return $pointers{$id} if exists $pointers{$id};
- $pointers{$id} = &SysPointer;
-# $button needs to be of the form 'String', ['String'] or ['String', flag].
-# If ['String'], it is assumed the default button; same for 'String' if $only
-# is set.
-sub process_MB2 ($$;$) {
- die "process_MB2() needs 2 arguments, got '@_'" unless @_ == 2 or @_ == 3;
- my ($button, $ret, $only) = @_;
- # default is BS_PUSHBUTTON, add BS_DEFAULT if $only is set
- $button = [$button, $only ? 0x400 : 0] unless ref $button eq 'ARRAY';
- push @$button, 0x400 if @$button == 1; # BS_PUSHBUTTON|BS_DEFAULT
- die "Button needs to be of the form 'String', ['String'] or ['String', flag]"
- unless @$button == 2;
- pack "Z71 x L l", $button->[0], $ret, $button->[1]; # name, retval, flag
-# If one button, make it the default one even if it is of 'String' => val form.
-# If icon is of the form 'SP#<number>', load this via SysPointer.
-sub process_MB2_INFO ($;$$$) {
- my $l = 0;
- my $out;
- die "process_MB2_INFO() needs 1..4 arguments" unless @_ and @_ < 5;
- my $buttons = shift;
- die "Buttons array should consist of pairs" if @$buttons % 2;
- push @_, 0 unless @_; # Icon id; non-0 ignored without MB_CUSTOMICON
- push @_, ($_[0] ? 0x4080 : 0x4030) unless @_ > 1;
- push @_, 0 unless @_ > 2; # Notify window
- my ($icon, $style, $notify) = (shift, shift, shift);
- $icon = get_pointer $1 if $icon =~ /^SP#(\d+)\z/;
- $out = pack "L L L L", # icon, #buttons, style, notify, buttons
- $icon, @$buttons/2, $style, $notify;
- $out .= join '',
- map process_MB2($buttons->[2*$_], $buttons->[2*$_+1], @$buttons == 2),
- 0..@$buttons/2-1;
- pack('L', length(pack 'L', 0) + length $out) . $out;
-# MessageBox2 'Try this', OS2::Process::process_MB2_INFO([['Dismiss', 0] => 0x1000], OS2::Process::get_pointer(22),0x4080,0), 'me', 1, 0, 0
-# or the shortcut
-# MessageBox2 'Try this', [[['Dismiss', 0] => 0x1000], 'SP#22'], 'me'
-# 0x80 means MB_CUSTOMICON (does not focus?!). This focuses:
-# MessageBox2 'Try this', [[['Dismiss',0x400] => 0x1000], 0, 0x4030,0]
-# 0x400 means BS_DEFAULT. This is the same as the shortcut
-# MessageBox2 'Try this', [[Dismiss => 0x1000]]
-sub MessageBox2 ($;$$$$$) {
- my $morph = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- die "MessageBox needs text" unless @_;
- push @_ , [[Dismiss => 0x1000], # Name, retval (style BS_PUSHBUTTON|BS_DEFAULT)
- #0, # e.g., get_pointer(11),# SPTR_ICONINFORMATION
- #0, # Notify window; was 1==HWND_DESKTOP
- ] if @_ == 1;
- push @_ , ($0 eq '-e' ? "Perl one-liner" : $0). "'s message" if @_ == 2;
- $_[1] = &process_MB2_INFO(@{$_[1]}) if ref($_[1]) eq 'ARRAY';
- &_MessageBox2;
-my %mbH_default = (
- text => 'Something happened',
- title => ($0 eq '-e' ? "Perl one-liner" : $0). "'s message",
- parent => 1, # HWND_DESKTOP
- owner => 0,
- helpID => 0,
- buttons => ['Dismiss' => 0x1000],
- default_button => 1,
-# icon => 0x30, # MB_INFORMATION
-# iconID => 0, # XXX???
- flags => 0, # XXX???
- notifyWindow => 0, # XXX???
-sub MessageBoxH {
- die "MessageBoxH: even number of arguments expected" if @_ % 2;
- my %a = (%mbH_default, @_);
- die "MessageBoxH: even number of elts of button array expected"
- if @{$a{buttons}} % 2;
- if (defined $a{iconID}) {
- $a{flags} |= 0x80; # MB_CUSTOMICON
- } else {
- $a{icon} = 0x30 unless defined $a{icon};
- $a{iconID} = 0;
- $a{flags} |= $a{icon};
- }
- # Mark default_button as MessageBox2() expects it:
- $a{buttons}[2*$a{default_button}] = [$a{buttons}[2*$a{default_button}]];
- my $use_2 = 'ARRAY' eq ref $a{buttons};
- return
- MessageBox2 $a{text}, [@a{qw(buttons iconID flags notifyWindow)}],
- $a{parent}, $a{owner}, $a{helpID}
- if $use_2;
- die "MessageBoxH: unexpected format of argument 'buttons'";
-# backward compatibility
-*set_title = \&Title_set;
-*get_title = \&Title;
-# New (logical) names
-*WindowBits_set = \&SetWindowBits;
-*WindowPtr_set = \&SetWindowPtr;
-*WindowULong_set = \&SetWindowULong;
-*WindowUShort_set = \&SetWindowUShort;
-# adapter; display; cbMemory; Configuration; VDHVersion; Flags; HWBufferSize;
-# FullSaveSize; PartSaveSize; EMAdaptersOFF; EMDisplaysOFF;
-sub vioConfig (;$$) {
- my $data = &_vioConfig;
- my @out = unpack 'x[S]SSLSSSLLLSS', $data;
- # If present, offset points to S/S (with only the first work making sense)
- my (@adaptersEMU, @displayEMU);
- @displaysEMU = unpack("x[$out[10]]S/S", $data), pop @out if @out > 10;
- @adaptersEMU = unpack("x[$out[ 9]]S/S", $data), pop @out if @out > 9;
- $out[9] = $adaptersEMU[0] if @adaptersEMU;
- $out[10] = $displaysEMU[0] if @displaysEMU;
- @out;
-my @vioConfig = qw(adapter display cbMemory Configuration VDHVersion Flags
- HWBufferSize FullSaveSize PartSaveSize EMAdapters EMDisplays);
-sub viohConfig (;$$) {
- my %h;
- @h{@vioConfig} = &vioConfig;
- %h;
-# fbType; color; col; row; hres; vres; fmt_ID; attrib; buf_addr; buf_length;
-# full_length; partial_length; ext_data_addr;
-sub vioMode() {unpack 'x[S]CCSSSSCCLLLLL', _vioMode}
-my @vioMode = qw( fbType color col row hres vres fmt_ID attrib buf_addr
- buf_length full_length partial_length ext_data_addr);
-sub viohMode() {
- my %h;
- @h{@vioMode} = vioMode;
- %h;
-sub viohMode_set {
- my %h = (viohMode, @_);
- my $o = pack 'x[S]CCSSSSCCLLLLL', @h{@vioMode};
- $o = pack 'SCCSSSSCCLLLLL', length $o, @h{@vioMode};
- _vioMode_set($o);
-sub kbdChar (;$$) {unpack 'CCCCSL', &_kbdChar}
-my @kbdChar = qw(ascii scancode status nlsstate shifts time);
-sub kbdhChar (;$$) {
- my %h;
- @h{@kbdChar} = &kbdChar;
- %h
-sub kbdStatus (;$) {unpack 'x[S]SSSS', &_kbdStatus}
-my @kbdStatus = qw(state turnChar intCharFlags shifts);
-sub kbdhStatus (;$) {
- my %h;
- @h{@kbdStatus} = &kbdStatus;
- %h
-sub kbdhStatus_set {
- my $h = (@_ % 2 ? shift @_ : 0);
- my %h = (kbdhStatus($h), @_);
- my $o = pack 'x[S]SSSS', @h{@kbdStatus};
- $o = pack 'SSSSS', length $o, @h{@kbdStatus};
- _kbdStatus_set($o,$h);
-#sub DeleteAtom { !WinDeleteAtom(@_) }
-sub DeleteAtom { !_DeleteAtom(@_) }
-sub DestroyAtomTable { !_DestroyAtomTable(@_) }
-# XXXX This is a wrong order: we start keyreader, then screenwriter; so it is
-# the writer who gets signals.
-# XXXX Do we ever get a message "screenwriter killed"??? If reader HUPs us...
-# Large buffer works at least for read from pipes; should we binmode???
-sub __term_mirror_screen { # Read from fd=$in and write to the console
- local $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{BREAK} = $SIG{INT} = # die() can stop END
- sub { my $s = shift; warn "screenwriter killed ($s)...\n";};
- my $in = shift;
- open IN, "<&=$in" or die "open <&=$in: $!";
- # Attempt to redirect to STDERR/OUT is not very useful, but try this anyway...
- open OUT, '>', '/dev/con' or open OUT, '>&STDERR' or open OUT, '>&STDOUT'
- and select OUT or die "Can't open /dev/con or STDERR/STDOUT for write";
- $| = 1; local $SIG{TERM} = sub { die "screenwriter exits...\n"};
- binmode IN; binmode OUT;
- eval { print $_ while sysread IN, $_, 1<<16; }; # print to OUT...
- warn $@ if $@;
- warn "Screenwriter can't read any more ($!, $^E), terminating...\n";
-# Does not automatically ends when the parent exits if related => 0
-# copy from fd=$in to screen ; same for $out; or $in may be a named pipe
-sub __term_mirror {
- my $pid;
- ### If related => 1, we get TERM when our parent exits...
- local $SIG{TERM} = sub { my $s = shift;
- die "keyreader exits in a few secs ($s)...\n" };
- my ($in, $out) = (shift, shift);
- if (defined $out and length $out) { # Allow '' for ease of @ARGV
- open OUT, ">&=$out" or die "Cannot open &=$out for write: $!";
- fcntl(OUT, 4, 1); # F_SETFD, NOINHERIT
- open IN, "<&=$in" or die "Cannot open &=$in for read/ioctl: $!";
- fcntl(IN, 4, 0); # F_SETFD, INHERIT
- } else {
- warn "Unexpected i/o pipe name: `$in'" unless $in =~ m,^[\\/]pipe[\\/],i;
- OS2::pipe $in, 'wait';
- open OUT, '+<', $in or die "Can't open `$in' for r/w: $!";
- fcntl(OUT, 4, 0); # F_SETFD, INHERIT
- $in = fileno OUT;
- undef $out;
- }
- my %opt = @_;
- Title_set $opt{title} if exists $opt{title};
- &scrsize_set(split /,/, $opt{scrsize}) if exists $opt{scrsize};
- my @i = map +('-I', $_), @INC; # Propagate @INC
- # Careful unless PERL_SIGNALS=unsafe: SIGCHLD does not work...
- $SIG{CHLD} = sub {wait; die "Keyreader follows screenwriter...\n"}
- unless defined $out;
- $pid = system 1, $^X, @i, '-MOS2::Process',
- '-we', 'END {sleep 2} OS2::Process::__term_mirror_screen shift', $in;
- close IN if defined $out;
- $pid > 0 or die "Cannot start a grandkid";
- open STDIN, '</dev/con' or warn "reopen stdin: $!";
- select OUT; $| = 1; binmode OUT; # need binmode: sysread() may be bin
- $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "writing to a closed pipe" };
- # Workaround: EMX v61 won't return pid on SESSION|UNRELATED after fork()...
- syswrite OUT, pack 'L', $$ or die "syswrite failed: $!" if $opt{writepid};
- # Turn Nodelay on kbd. Pipe is automatically nodelay...
- if ($opt{read_by_key}) {
- if (eval {require Term::ReadKey; 1}) {
- Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(4);
- } else { warn "can't load Term::ReadKey; input by lines..." }
- }
- print while sysread STDIN, $_, 1<<($opt{smallbuffer} ? 0 : 16); # to OUT
-my $c = 0;
-sub io_term { # arguments as hash: read_by_key/title/scrsize/related/writepid
- # read_by_key disables echo too...
- local $\ = '';
- my ($sysf, $in1, $out1, $in2, $out2, $f1, $f2, $fd) = 4; # P_SESSION
- my %opt = @_;
- if ($opt{related}) {
- pipe $in1, $out1 or die "pipe(): $!";
- pipe $in2, $out2 or do { close($in1), close($out1), die "pipe(): $!" };
- $f1 = fileno $in1; $f2 = fileno $out2;
- fcntl($in2, 4, 1); fcntl($out1, 4, 1); # F_SETFD, NOINHERIT
- fcntl($in1, 4, 0); fcntl($out2, 4, 0); # F_SETFD, INHERIT
- } else {
- $f1 = "/pipe/perlmodule/OS2/Process/$$-" . $c++;
- $out1 = OS2::pipe $f1, 'rw' or die "OS2::pipe(): $^E";
- #open $out1, "+<&=$fd" or die "dup($fd): $!, $^E";
- fcntl($out1, 4, 1); # F_SETFD, NOINHERIT
- #$in2 = $out1;
- $f2 = '';
- $sysf |= 0x40000; # P_UNRELATED
- $opt{writepid} = 1, unless exists $opt{writepid};
- }
- # system P_SESSION will fail if there is another process
- # in the same session with a "related" asynchronous child session.
- my @i = map +('-I', $_), @INC; # Propagate @INC
- my $krun = <<'EOS';
- END {sleep($sleep || 5)}
- use OS2::Process; $sleep = 1;
- OS2::Process::__term_mirror(@ARGV);
- my $kpid;
- if ($opt{related}) {
- $kpid = system $sysf, $^X, @i, '-we', $krun, $f1, $f2, %opt;
- } else {
- local $ENV{PERL_SIGNALS} = 'unsafe';
- $kpid = system $sysf, $^X, @i, '-we', $krun, $f1, $f2, %opt;
- }
- close $in1 or warn if defined $in1;
- close $out2 or warn if defined $out2;
- # EMX BUG with $kpid == 0 after fork()
- do { close($in2), ($out1 != $in2 and close($out1)),
- die "system $sysf, $^X: kid=$kpid, \$!=`$!', \$^E=`$^E'" }
- unless $kpid > 0 or $kpid == 0 and $opt{writepid};
- # Can't read or write until the kid opens the pipes
- OS2::pipeCntl $out1, 'connect', 'wait' unless length $f2;
- # Without duping: write after read (via termio) on the same fd dups input
- open $in2, '<&', $out1 or die "dup($out1): $^E" unless $opt{related};
- if ($opt{writepid}) {
- my $c = length pack 'L', 0;
- my $c1 = sysread $in2, (my $pid), $c;
- $c1 == $c or die "unexpected length read: $c1 vs $c";
- $kpid = unpack 'L', $pid;
- }
- return ($in2, $out1, $kpid);
-# Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program.
-=head1 NAME
-OS2::Process - exports constants for system() call, and process control on OS2.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use OS2::Process;
- $pid = system(P_PM | P_BACKGROUND, "epm.exe");
-=head2 Optional argument to system()
-the builtin function system() under OS/2 allows an optional first
-argument which denotes the mode of the process. Note that this argument is
-recognized only if it is strictly numerical.
-You can use either one of the process modes:
- P_WAIT (0) = wait until child terminates (default)
- P_NOWAIT = do not wait until child terminates
- P_SESSION = new session
- P_DETACH = detached
- P_PM = PM program
-and optionally add PM and session option bits:
- P_DEFAULT (0) = default
- P_MINIMIZE = minimized
- P_MAXIMIZE = maximized
- P_FULLSCREEN = fullscreen (session only)
- P_WINDOWED = windowed (session only)
- P_FOREGROUND = foreground (if running in foreground)
- P_BACKGROUND = background
- P_NOCLOSE = don't close window on exit (session only)
- P_QUOTE = quote all arguments
- P_TILDE = MKS argument passing convention
- P_UNRELATED = do not kill child when father terminates
-=head2 Access to process properties
-On OS/2 processes have the usual I<parent/child> semantic;
-additionally, there is a hierarchy of sessions with their own
-I<parent/child> tree. A session is either a FS session, or a windowed
-pseudo-session created by PM. A session is a "unit of user
-interaction", a change to in/out settings in one of them does not
-affect other sessions.
-=item my_type()
-returns the type of the current process (one of
-"FS", "DOS", "VIO", "PM", "DETACH" and "UNKNOWN"), or C<undef> on error.
-=item C<file_type(file)>
-returns the type of the executable file C<file>, or
-dies on error. The bits 0-2 of the result contain one of the values
-=item C<T_NOTSPEC> (0)
-Application type is not specified in the executable header.
-Application type is not-window-compatible.
-=item C<T_WINDOWCOMPAT> (2)
-Application type is window-compatible.
-=item C<T_WINDOWAPI> (3)
-Application type is window-API.
-The remaining bits should be masked with the following values to
-determine the type of the executable:
-=item C<T_BOUND> (8)
-Set to 1 if the executable file has been "bound" (by the BIND command)
-as a Family API application. Bits 0, 1, and 2 still apply.
-=item C<T_DLL> (0x10)
-Set to 1 if the executable file is a dynamic link library (DLL)
-module. Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5 will be set to 0.
-=item C<T_DOS> (0x20)
-Set to 1 if the executable file is in PC/DOS format. Bits 0, 1, 2, 3,
-and 4 will be set to 0.
-=item C<T_PHYSDRV> (0x40)
-Set to 1 if the executable file is a physical device driver.
-=item C<T_VIRTDRV> (0x80)
-Set to 1 if the executable file is a virtual device driver.
-=item C<T_PROTDLL> (0x100)
-Set to 1 if the executable file is a protected-memory dynamic link
-library module.
-=item C<T_32BIT> (0x4000)
-Set to 1 for 32-bit executable files.
-file_type() may croak with one of the strings C<"Invalid EXE
-signature"> or C<"EXE marked invalid"> to indicate typical error
-conditions. If given non-absolute path, will look on C<PATH>, will
-add extension F<.exe> if no extension is present (add extension F<.>
-to suppress).
-=item C<@list = process_codepages()>
-the first element is the currently active codepage, up to 2 additional
-entries specify the system's "prepared codepages": the codepages the
-user can switch to. The active codepage of a process is one of the
-prepared codepages of the system (if present).
-=item C<process_codepage_set($cp)>
-sets the currently active codepage. [Affects printer output, in/out
-codepages of sessions started by this process, and the default
-codepage for drawing in PM; is inherited by kids. Does not affect the
-out- and in-codepages of the session.]
-=item ppid()
-returns the PID of the parent process.
-=item C<ppidOf($pid = $$)>
-returns the PID of the parent process of $pid. -1 on error.
-=item C<sidOf($pid = $$)>
-returns the session id of the process id $pid. -1 on error.
-=head2 Control of VIO sessions
-VIO applications are applications running in a text-mode session.
-=item out_codepage()
-gets code page used for screen output (glyphs). -1 means that a user font
-was loaded.
-=item C<out_codepage_set($cp)>
-sets code page used for screen output (glyphs). -1 switches to a preloaded
-user font. -2 switches off the preloaded user font.
-=item in_codepage()
-gets code page used for keyboard input. 0 means that a hardware codepage
-is used.
-=item C<in_codepage_set($cp)>
-sets code page used for keyboard input.
-=item C<($w, $h) = scrsize()>
-width and height of the given console window in character cells.
-=item C<scrsize_set([$w, ] $h)>
-set height (and optionally width) of the given console window in
-character cells. Use 0 size to keep the old size.
-=item C<($s, $e, $w, $a) = cursor()>
-gets start/end lines of the blinking cursor in the charcell, its width
-(1 on text modes) and attribute (-1 for hidden, in text modes other
-values mean visible, in graphic modes color).
-=item C<cursor_set($s, $e, [$w [, $a]])>
-sets start/end lines of the blinking cursor in the charcell. Negative
-values mean percents of the character cell height.
-=item screen()
-gets a buffer with characters and attributes of the screen.
-=item C<screen_set($buffer)>
-restores the screen given the result of screen(). E.g., if the file
-C<$file> contains the screen contents, then
- open IN, $file or die;
- binmode IN;
- read IN, $in, -s IN;
- $s = screen;
- $in .= qq(\0) x (length($s) - length $in);
- substr($in, length $s) = '';
- screen_set $in;
-will restore the screen content even if the height of the window
-changed (if the width changed, more manipulation is needed).
-=head2 Control of the process list
-With the exception of Title_set(), all these calls require that PM is
-running, they would not work under alternative Session Managers.
-=item process_entry()
-returns a list of the following data:
-Title of the process (in the C<Ctrl-Esc> list);
-window handle of switch entry of the process (in the C<Ctrl-Esc> list);
-window handle of the icon of the process;
-process handle of the owner of the entry in C<Ctrl-Esc> list;
-process id of the owner of the entry in C<Ctrl-Esc> list;
-session id of the owner of the entry in C<Ctrl-Esc> list;
-whether visible in C<Ctrl-Esc> list;
-whether item cannot be switched to (note that it is not actually
-grayed in the C<Ctrl-Esc> list));
-whether participates in jump sequence;
-program type. Possible values are:
-Although there are several other program types for WIN-OS/2 programs,
-these do not show up in this field. Instead, the PROG_VDM or
-PROG_WINDOWEDVDM program types are used. For instance, for
-PROG_31_STDSEAMLESSVDM, PROG_WINDOWEDVDM is used. This is because all
-the WIN-OS/2 programs run in DOS sessions. For example, if a program
-is a windowed WIN-OS/2 program, it runs in a PROG_WINDOWEDVDM
-session. Likewise, if it's a full-screen WIN-OS/2 program, it runs in
-a PROG_VDM session.
-switch-entry handle.
-Optional arguments: the pid and the window-handle of the application running
-in the OS/2 session to query.
-=item process_hentry()
-similar to process_entry(), but returns a hash reference, the keys being
- title owner_hwnd icon_hwnd owner_phandle owner_pid owner_sid
- visible nonswitchable jumpable ptype sw_entry
-(a copy of the list of keys is in @hentry_fields).
-=item process_entries()
-similar to process_entry(), but returns a list of array reference for all
-the elements in the switch list (one controlling C<Ctrl-Esc> window).
-=item process_hentries()
-similar to process_hentry(), but returns a list of hash reference for all
-the elements in the switch list (one controlling C<Ctrl-Esc> window).
-=item change_entry()
-changes a process entry, arguments are the same as process_entry() returns.
-=item change_entryh()
-Similar to change_entry(), but takes a hash reference as an argument.
-=item process_hwnd()
-returns the C<owner_hwnd> of the process entry (for VIO windowed processes
-this is the frame window of the session).
-=item Title()
-returns the text of the task switch menu entry of the current session.
-(There is no way to get this info in non-standard Session Managers. This
-implementation is a shortcut via process_entry().)
-=item C<Title_set(newtitle)>
-tries two different interfaces. The Session Manager one does not work
-with some windows (if the title is set from the start).
-This is a limitation of OS/2, in such a case $^E is set to 372 (type
- help 372
-for a funny - and wrong - explanation ;-). In such cases a
-direct-manipulation of low-level entries is used (same as bothTitle_set()).
-Keep in mind that some versions of OS/2 leak memory with such a manipulation.
-=item winTitle()
-returns text of the titlebar of the current process' window.
-=item C<winTitle_set(newtitle)>
-sets text of the titlebar of the current process' window. The change does not
-affect the text of the switch entry of the current window.
-=item C<swTitle_set(newtitle)>
-sets text of the task switch menu entry of the current process' window. [There
-is no API to query this title.] Does it via SwitchEntry interface,
-not Session manager interface. The change does not affect the text of the
-titlebar of the current window.
-=item C<bothTitle_set(newtitle)>
-sets text of the titlebar and task switch menu of the current process' window
-via direct manipulation of the windows' texts.
-=item C<SwitchToProgram([$sw_entry])>
-switch to session given by a switch list handle (defaults to the entry of our process).
-Use of this function causes another window (and its related windows)
-of a PM session to appear on the front of the screen, or a switch to
-another session in the case of a non-PM program. In either case,
-the keyboard (and mouse for the non-PM case) input is directed to
-the new program.
-=head2 Control of the PM windows
-Some of these API's require sending a message to the specified window.
-In such a case the process needs to be a PM process, or to be morphed
-to a PM process via OS2::MorphPM().
-For a temporary morphing to PM use L<OS2::localMorphPM class>.
-Keep in mind that PM windows are engaged in 2 "orthogonal" window
-trees, as well as in the z-order list.
-One tree is given by the I<parent/child> relationship. This
-relationship affects drawing (child is drawn relative to its parent
-(lower-left corner), and the drawing is clipped by the parent's
-boundary; parent may request that I<it's> drawing is clipped to be
-confined to the outsize of the childs and/or siblings' windows);
-hiding; minimizing/restoring; and destroying windows.
-Another tree (not necessarily connected?) is given by I<ownership>
-relationship. Ownership relationship assumes cooperation of the
-engaged windows via passing messages on "important events"; e.g.,
-scrollbars send information messages when the "bar" is moved, menus
-send messages when an item is selected; frames
-move/hide/unhide/minimize/restore/change-z-order-of owned frames when
-the owner is moved/etc., and destroy the owned frames (even when these
-frames are not descendants) when the owner is destroyed; etc. [An
-important restriction on ownership is that owner should be created by
-the same thread as the owned thread, so they engage in the same
-message queue.]
-Windows may be in many different state: Focused (take keyboard events) or not,
-Activated (=Frame windows in the I<parent/child> tree between the root and
-the window with the focus; usually indicate such "active state" by titlebar
-highlights, and take mouse events) or not, Enabled/Disabled (this influences
-the ability to update the graphic, and may change appearance, as for
-enabled/disabled buttons), Visible/Hidden, Minimized/Maximized/Restored, Modal
-or not, etc.
-The APIs below all die() on error with the message being $^E.
-=item C<WindowText($hwnd)>
-gets "a text content" of a window. Requires (morphing to) PM.
-=item C<WindowText_set($hwnd, $text)>
-sets "a text content" of a window. Requires (morphing to) PM.
-=item C<($x, $y, $flags, $width, $height, $behind, @rest) = WindowPos($hwnd)>
-gets window position info as 8 integers (of C<SWP>), in the order suitable
-for WindowPos_set(). @rest is marked as "reserved" in PM docs. $flags
-is a combination of C<SWP_*> constants.
-=item C<$hash = hWindowPos($hwnd)>
-gets window position info as a hash reference; the keys are C<flags width
-height x y behind hwnd reserved1 reserved2>.
- exit unless $hash->{flags} & SWP_MAXIMIZE; # Maximized
-=item C<WindowPos_set($hwnd, $x, $y, $flags = SWP_MOVE, $width = 0, $height = 0, $behind = HWND_TOP)>
-Set state of the window: position, size, zorder, show/hide, activation,
-minimize/maximize/restore etc. Which of these operations to perform
-is governed by $flags.
-=item C<hWindowPos_set($hash, [$hwnd])>
-Same as C<WindowPos_set>, but takes the position from keys C<fl width height
-x y behind hwnd> of the hash referenced by $hash. If $hwnd is explicitly
-specified, it overrides C<$hash->{hwnd}>. If $hash->{flags} is not specified,
-it is calculated basing on the existing keys of $hash. Requires (morphing to) PM.
- hWindowPos_set {flags => SWP_MAXIMIZE}, $hwnd; # Maximize
-=item C<($pid, $tid) = WindowProcess($hwnd)>
-gets I<PID> and I<TID> of the process associated to the window.
-=item C<ClassName($hwnd)>
-returns the class name of the window.
-If this window is of any of the preregistered WC_* classes the class
-name returned is in the form "#nnnnn", where "nnnnn" is a group
-of up to five digits that corresponds to the value of the WC_* class name
-=item WindowStyle($hwnd)
-Returns the "window style" flags for window handle $hwnd.
-=item WindowULong($hwnd, $id), WindowPtr($hwnd, $id), WindowUShort($hwnd, $id)
-Return data associated to window handle $hwnd. $id should be one of
-C<QWL_*>, C<QWP_PFNWP>, C<QWS_*> constants, or a byte offset referencing
-a region (of length 4, 4, 2 correspondingly) fully inside C<0..cbWindowData-1>.
-Here C<cbWindowData> is the count of extra user-specified bytes reserved
-for the given class of windows.
-=item WindowULong_set($hwnd, $id, $value), WindowPtr_set, WindowUShort_set
-Similar to WindowULong(), WindowPtr(), WindowUShort(), but for assigning the
-value $value.
-=item WindowBits_set($hwnd, $id, $value, $mask)
-Similar to WindowULong_set(), but will change only the bits which are
-set in $mask.
-=item FocusWindow()
-returns the handle of the focus window. Optional argument for specifying
-the desktop to use.
-=item C<FocusWindow_set($hwnd)>
-set the focus window by handle. Optional argument for specifying the desktop
-to use. E.g, the first entry in program_entries() is the C<Ctrl-Esc> list.
-To show an application, use either one of
- WinShowWindow( $hwnd, 1 );
- FocusWindow_set( $hwnd );
- SwitchToProgram($switch_handle);
-(Which work with alternative focus-to-front policies?) Requires
-(morphing to) PM.
-Switching focus to currently-unfocused window moves the window to the
-front in Z-order; use FocusWindow_set_keep_Zorder() to avoid this.
-=item C<FocusWindow_set_keep_Zorder($hwnd)>
-same as FocusWindow_set(), but preserves the Z-order of windows.
-=item C<ActiveWindow([$parentHwnd])>
-gets the active subwindow's handle for $parentHwnd or desktop.
-Returns FALSE if none.
-=item C<ActiveWindow_set($hwnd, [$parentHwnd])>
-sets the active subwindow's handle for $parentHwnd or desktop. Requires (morphing to) PM.
-=item C<ShowWindow($hwnd [, $show])>
-Set visible/hidden flag of the window. Default: $show is TRUE.
-=item C<EnableWindowUpdate($hwnd [, $update])>
-Set window visibility state flag for the window for subsequent drawing.
-No actual drawing is done at this moment. Use C<ShowWindow($hwnd, $state)>
-when redrawing is needed. While update is disabled, changes to the "window
-state" do not change the appearance of the window. Default: $update is TRUE.
-(What is manipulated is the bit C<WS_VISIBLE> of the window style.)
-=item C<EnableWindow($hwnd [, $enable])>
-Set the window enabled state. Default: $enable is TRUE.
-Results in C<WM_ENABLED> message sent to the window. Typically, this
-would change the appearence of the window. If at the moment of disabling
-focus is in the window (or a descendant), focus is lost (no focus anywhere).
-If focus is needed, it can be reassigned explicitly later.
-=item IsWindowEnabled(), IsWindowVisible(), IsWindowShowing()
-these functions take $hwnd as an argument. IsWindowEnabled() queries
-the state changed by EnableWindow(), IsWindowVisible() the state changed
-by ShowWindow(), IsWindowShowing() is true if there is a part of the window
-visible on the screen.
-=item C<PostMsg($hwnd, $msg, $mp1, $mp2)>
-post message to a window. The meaning of $mp1, $mp2 is specific for each
-message id $msg, they default to 0. E.g.,
- $hwnd = process_hentry()->{owner_hwnd};
- # Emulate choosing `Restore' from the window menu:
- PostMsg $hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, MPFROMSHORT(SC_RESTORE); # Not immediate
- # Emulate `Show-Contextmenu' (Double-Click-2), two ways:
- PostMsg ActiveWindow, WM_CONTEXTMENU;
- PostMsg FocusWindow, WM_CONTEXTMENU;
- /* Emulate `Close' */
- PostMsg ActiveWindow, WM_CLOSE;
- /* Same but with some "warnings" to the application */
- $hwnd = ActiveWindow;
- PostMsg $hwnd, WM_CLOSE;
- PostMsg $hwnd, WM_QUIT;
-In fact, MPFROMSHORT() may be omitted above.
-For messages to other processes, messages which take/return a pointer are
-not supported.
-=item C<MP*()>
-MPFROMSH2CH(), MPFROMLONG() can be used the same way as from C. Use them
-to construct parameters $m1, $m2 to PostMsg().
-These functions are not exported by default.
-=item C<$eh = BeginEnumWindows($hwnd)>
-starts enumerating immediate child windows of $hwnd in z-order. The
-enumeration reflects the state at the moment of BeginEnumWindows() calls;
-use IsWindow() to be sure. All the functions in this group require (morphing to) PM.
-=item C<$kid_hwnd = GetNextWindow($eh)>
-gets the next kid in the list. Gets 0 on error or when the list ends.
-=item C<EndEnumWindows($eh)>
-End enumeration and release the list.
-=item C<@list = ChildWindows([$hwnd])>
-returns the list of child windows at the moment of the call. Same remark
-as for enumeration interface applies. Defaults to HWND_DESKTOP.
-Example of usage:
- sub l {
- my ($o,$h) = @_;
- printf ' ' x $o . "%#x\n", $h;
- l($o+2,$_) for ChildWindows $h;
- }
-=item C<IsWindow($hwnd)>
-true if the window handle is still valid.
-=item C<QueryWindow($hwnd, $type)>
-gets the handle of a related window. $type should be one of C<QW_*> constants.
-=item C<IsChild($hwnd, $parent)>
-return TRUE if $hwnd is a descendant of $parent.
-=item C<WindowFromId($hwnd, $id)>
-return a window handle of a child of $hwnd with the given $id.
- hwndSysMenu = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, FID_SYSMENU);
- WinSendMsg(hwndSysMenu, MM_SETITEMATTR,
-=item C<WindowFromPoint($x, $y [, $hwndParent [, $descedantsToo]])>
-gets a handle of a child of $hwndParent at C<($x,$y)>. If $descedantsToo
-(defaulting to 1) then children of children may be returned too. May return
-$hwndParent (defaults to desktop) if no suitable children are found,
-or 0 if the point is outside the parent.
-$x and $y are relative to $hwndParent.
-=item C<EnumDlgItem($dlgHwnd, $type [, $relativeHwnd])>
-gets a dialog item window handle for an item of type $type of $dlgHwnd
-relative to $relativeHwnd, which is descendant of $dlgHwnd.
-$relativeHwnd may be specified if $type is EDI_FIRSTTABITEM or
-The return is always an immediate child of hwndDlg, even if hwnd is
-not an immediate child window. $type may be
-First item in the same group.
-First item in dialog with style WS_TABSTOP. hwnd is ignored.
-Last item in the same group.
-Last item in dialog with style WS_TABSTOP. hwnd is ignored.
-Next item in the same group. Wraps around to beginning of group when
-the end of the group is reached.
-Next item with style WS_TABSTOP. Wraps around to beginning of dialog
-item list when end is reached.
-Previous item in the same group. Wraps around to end of group when the
-start of the group is reached. For information on the WS_GROUP style,
-see Window Styles.
-Previous item with style WS_TABSTOP. Wraps around to end of dialog
-item list when beginning is reached.
-=item DesktopWindow()
-gets the actual window handle of the PM desktop; most APIs accept the
-pseudo-handle C<HWND_DESKTOP> instead. Keep in mind that the WPS
-desktop (one with WindowText() being C<"Desktop">) is a different beast?!
-=item TopLevel($hwnd)
-gets the toplevel window of $hwnd.
-=item ResetWinError()
-Resets $^E. One may need to call it before the C<Win*>-class APIs which may
-return 0 during normal operation. In such a case one should check both
-for return value being zero and $^E being non-zero. The following APIs
-do ResetWinError() themselves, thus do not need an explicit one:
- WindowPtr
- WindowULong
- WindowUShort
- WindowTextLength
- ActiveWindow
- PostMsg
-This function is normally not needed. Not exported by default.
-=head2 Control of the PM data
-=item ActiveDesktopPathname()
-gets the path of the directory which corresponds to Desktop.
-=item InvalidateRect
-=item CreateFrameControls
-=head2 Control of the PM clipboard
-=item ClipbrdText()
-gets the content of the clipboard. An optional argument is the format
-of the data in the clipboard (defaults to C<CF_TEXT>). May croak with error
-C<PMERR_INVALID_HWND> if no data of given $fmt is present.
-Note that the usual convention is to have clipboard data with
-C<"\r\n"> as line separators. This function will only work with clipboard
-data types which are delimited by C<"\0"> byte (not included in the result).
-=item ClipbrdText_2byte
-Same as ClipbrdText(), but will only work with clipboard
-data types which are collection of C C<shorts> delimited by C<0> short
-(not included in the result).
-=item ClipbrdTextUCS2le
-Same as ClipbrdText_2byte(), but will assume that the shorts represent
-an Unicode string in I<UCS-2le> format (little-endian 2-byte representation
-of Unicode), and will provide the result in Perl internal C<utf8> format
-(one short of input represents one Perl character).
-Note that Firefox etc. export their selection in unicode types of this format.
-=item ClipbrdText_set($txt, [$no_convert_nl, [$fmt, [$fmtinfo, [$hab] ] ] ] )
-sets the text content of the clipboard after removing old contents. Unless the
-optional argument $no_convert_nl is TRUE, will convert newlines to C<"\r\n">. Another optional
-argument $fmt is the format of the data in the clipboard (should be an
-atom, defaults to C<CF_TEXT>). Other arguments are as for C<ClipbrdData_set>.
-Croaks on failure.
-=item ClipbrdFmtInfo( [$fmt, [ $hab ] ])
-returns the $fmtInfo flags set by the application which filled the
-format $fmt of the clipboard. $fmt defaults to C<CF_TEXT>.
-=item ClipbrdOwner( [ $hab ] )
-Returns window handle of the current clipboard owner.
-=item ClipbrdViewer( [ $hab ] )
-Returns window handle of the current clipboard viewer.
-=item ClipbrdData( [$fmt, [ $hab ] ])
-Returns a handle to clipboard data of the given format as an integer.
-Format defaults to C<CF_TEXT> (in this case the handle is a memory address).
-Clipboard should be opened before calling this function. May croak with error
-C<PMERR_INVALID_HWND> if no data of given $fmt is present.
-The result should not be used after clipboard is closed. Hence a return handle
-of type C<CLI_POINTER> may need to be converted to a string and stored for
-future usage. Use MemoryRegionSize() to get a high estimate on the length
-of region addressed by this pointer; the actual length inside this region
-should be obtained by knowing particular format of data. E.g., it may be
-0-byte terminated for string types, or 0-short terminated for wide-char string
-=item OpenClipbrd( [ $hab ] )
-claim read access to the clipboard. May need a message queue to operate.
-May block until other processes finish dealing with clipboard.
-=item CloseClipbrd( [ $hab ] )
-Allow other processes access to clipboard.
-Clipboard should be opened before calling this function.
-=item ClipbrdData_set($data, [$convert_nl, [$fmt, [$fmtInfo, [ $hab] ] ] ] )
-Sets the clipboard data of format given by atom $fmt. Format defaults to
-$fmtInfo should declare what type of handle $data is; it should be either
-C<CFI_POINTER>, or C<CFI_HANDLE> (possibly qualified by C<CFI_OWNERFREE>
-and C<CFI_OWNERDRAW> flags). It defaults to C<CFI_HANDLE> for $fmt being
-standard bitmap, metafile, and palette (undocumented???) formats;
-otherwise defaults to C<CFI_POINTER>. If format is C<CFI_POINTER>, $data
-should contain the string to copy to clipboard; otherwise it should be an
-integer handle.
-If $convert_nl is TRUE (the default), C<"\n"> in $data are converted to
-C<"\r\n"> pairs if $fmt is C<CFI_POINTER> (as is the convention for text
-format of the clipboard) unless they are already in such a pair.
-=item _ClipbrdData_set($data, [$fmt, [$fmtInfo, [ $hab] ] ] )
-Sets the clipboard data of format given by atom $fmt. Format defaults to
-CF_TEXT. $data should be an address (in givable unnamed shared memory which
-should not be accessed or manipulated after this call) or a handle in a form
-of an integer.
-$fmtInfo has the same semantic as for ClipbrdData_set().
-=item ClipbrdOwner_set( $hwnd, [ $hab ] )
-Sets window handle of the current clipboard owner (window which gets messages
-when content of clipboard is retrieved).
-=item ClipbrdViewer_set( $hwnd, [ $hab ] )
-Sets window handle of the current clipboard owner (window which gets messages
-when content of clipboard is changed).
-=item ClipbrdFmtNames()
-Returns list of names of formats currently available in the clipboard.
-=item ClipbrdFmtAtoms()
-Returns list of atoms of formats currently available in the clipboard.
-=item EnumClipbrdFmts($fmt [, $hab])
-Low-level access to the list of formats currently available in the clipboard.
-Returns the atom for the format of clipboard after $fmt. If $fmt is 0, returns
-the first format of clipboard. Returns 0 if $fmt is the last format. Example:
- {
- my $h = OS2::localClipbrd->new('nomorph');
- my $fmt = 0;
- push @formats, AtomName $fmt
- while $fmt = EnumClipbrdFmts $fmt;
- }
-Clipboard should be opened before calling this function. May croak if
-no format is present.
-=item EmptyClipbrd( [ $hab ] )
-Remove all the data handles in the clipboard. croak()s on failure.
-Clipboard should be opened before calling this function.
-Recommended before assigning a value to clipboard to remove extraneous
-formats of data from clipboard.
-=item ($size, $flags) = MemoryRegionSize($addr, [$size_lim, [ $interrupt ]])
-$addr should be a memory address (encoded as integer). This call finds
-the largest continuous region of memory belonging to the same memory object
-as $addr, and having the same memory flags as $addr. $flags is the value of
-the memory flag of $addr (see docs of DosQueryMem(3) for details). If
-optional argumetn $size_lim is given, the search is restricted to the region
-this many bytes long (after $addr).
-($addr and $size are rounded so that all the memory pages containing
-the region are inspected.) Optional argument $interrupt (defaults to 1)
-specifies whether region scan should be interruptable by signals.
-Use class C<OS2::localClipbrd> to ensure that clipboard is closed even if
-the code in the block made a non-local exit.
-See L<"OS2::localMorphPM and OS2::localClipbrd classes">.
-=head2 Control of the PM atom tables
-Low-level methods to access the atom table(s). $atomtable defaults to
-the SystemAtomTable().
-=item AddAtom($name, [$atomtable])
-Returns the atom; increments the use count unless $name is a name of an
-integer atom.
-=item FindAtom($name, [$atomtable])
-Returns the atom if it exists, 0 otherwise (actually, croaks).
-=item DeleteAtom($name, [$atomtable])
-Decrements the use count unless $name is a name of an integer atom.
-When count goes to 0, association of the name to an integer is removed.
-(Version with prepended underscore returns 0 on success.)
-=item AtomName($atom, [$atomtable])
-Returns the name of the atom. Integer atoms have names of format C<"#ddddd">
-of variable length up to 7 chars.
-=item AtomLength($atom, [$atomtable])
-Returns the length of the name of the atom. Return of 0 means that no
-such atom exists (but usually croaks in such a case).
-Integer atoms always return length 6.
-=item AtomUsage($name, [$atomtable])
-Returns the usage count of the atom.
-=item SystemAtomTable()
-Returns central atom table accessible to any process.
-=item CreateAtomTable( [ $initial, [ $buckets ] ] )
-Returns new per-process atom table. See docs for WinCreateAtomTable(3).
-=item DestroyAtomTable($atomtable)
-Dispose of the table. (Version with prepended underscore returns 0 on success.)
-=head2 Alerting the user
-=item Alarm([$type])
-Audible alarm of type $type (defaults to C<WA_ERROR=2>). Other useful
-values are C<WA_WARNING=0>, C<WA_NOTE=1>. (What is C<WA_CDEFALARMS=3>???)
-The duration and frequency of the alarms can be changed by the
-OS2::SysValues_set(). The alarm frequency is defined to be in the range 0x0025
-through 0x7FFF. The alarm is not generated if system value SV_ALARM is set
-to FALSE. The alarms are dependent on the device capability.
-=item FlashWindow($hwnd, $doFlash)
-Starts/stops (depending on $doFlash being TRUE/FALSE) flashing the window
-$hwnd's borders and titlebar. First 5 flashes are accompanied by alarm beeps.
-Example (for VIO applications):
- { my $morph = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- print STDERR "Press ENTER!\n";
- FlashWindow(process_hwnd, 1);
- <>;
- FlashWindow(process_hwnd, 0);
- }
-Since flashing window persists even when application ends, it is very
-important to protect the switching off flashing from non-local exits. Use
-the class C<OS2::localFlashWindow> for this. Creating the object of this
-class starts flashing the window until the object is destroyed. The above
-example becomes:
- print STDERR "Press ENTER!\n";
- { my $flash = OS2::localFlashWindow->new( process_hwnd );
- <>;
- }
-B<Notes from IBM docs:> Flashing a window brings the user's attention to a
-window that is not the active window, where some important message or dialog
-must be seen by the user.
-Note: It should be used only for important messages, for example, where some
-component of the system is failing and requires immediate attention to avoid
-=item MessageBox($text, [ $title, [$flags, ...] ])
-Shows a simple messagebox with (optional) icon, message $text, and one or
-more buttons to dismiss the box. Returns the indicator of which action was
-taken by the user. If optional argument $title is not given,
-the title is constructed from the application name. The optional argument
-$flags describes the appearance of the box; the default is to have B<Cancel>
-button, I<INFO>-style icon, and a border for moving. Flags should be
-a combination of
- Buttons on the box: or Button Group
- MB_YESNO both YES and NO
- Color or Icon
- MB_ICONHAND a small red circle with a red line across it.
- MB_ERROR a small red circle with a red line across it.
- MB_ICONASTERISK an information (i) icon.
- MB_INFORMATION an information (i) icon.
- MB_ICONEXCLAMATION an exclamation point (!) icon.
- MB_WARNING an exclamation point (!) icon.
- MB_ICONQUESTION a question mark (?) icon.
- MB_QUERY a question mark (?) icon.
- MB_NOICON No icon.
- Default action (i.e., focussed button; default is MB_DEFBUTTON1)
- MB_DEFBUTTON1 The first button is the default selection.
- MB_DEFBUTTON2 The second button is the default selection.
- MB_DEFBUTTON3 The third button is the default selection.
- Modality indicator
- MB_APPLMODAL Message box is application modal (default).
- MB_SYSTEMMODAL Message box is system modal.
- Mobility indicator
- MB_MOVEABLE Message box is moveable.
-With C<MB_MOVEABLE> the message box is displayed with a title bar and a
-system menu, which shows only the Move, Close, and Task Manager choices,
-which can be selected either by use of the pointing device or by
-accelerator keys. If the user selects Close, the message box is removed
-and the usResponse is set to C<MBID_CANCEL>, whether or not a cancel button
-existed within the message box.
-C<Esc> key dismisses the dialogue only if C<CANCEL> button is present; the
-return value is C<MBID_CANCEL>.
-With C<MB_APPLMODAL> the owner of the dialogue is disabled; therefore, do not
-specify the owner as the parent if this option is used.
-Additionally, the following flag is possible, but probably not very useful:
- Help button
- MB_HELP a HELP button appears, which sends a WM_HELP
- message is sent to the window procedure of the
- message box.
-Other optional arguments: $parent window, $owner_window, $helpID (used with
-C<WM_HELP> message if C<MB_HELP> style is given).
-The return value is one of
- MBID_ENTER ENTER was selected
- MBID_OK OK was selected
- MBID_CANCEL CANCEL was selected
- MBID_ABORT ABORT was selected
- MBID_RETRY RETRY was selected
- MBID_IGNORE IGNORE was selected
- MBID_YES YES was selected
- MBID_NO NO was selected
- 0 Function not successful; an error occurred.
-B<BUGS???> keyboard transversal by pressing C<TAB> key does not work.
-Do not appear in window list, so may be hard to find if covered by other
-=item _MessageBox($text, [ $title, [$flags, ...] ])
-Similar to MessageBox(), but the default $title does not depend on the name
-of the script.
-=item MessageBox2($text, [ $buttons_Icon, [$title, ...] ])
-Similar to MessageBox(), but allows more flexible choice of button texts
-and the icon. $buttons_Icon is a reference to an array with information about
-buttons and the icon to use; the semantic of this array is the same as
-for argument list of process_MB2_INFO(). The default value will show
-one button B<Dismiss> which will return C<0x1000>.
-Other optional arguments are the same as for MessageBox().
-B<NOTE.> Remark about C<MBID_CANCEL> in presence of C<MB_MOVABLE> is
-equally applicable to MessageBox() and MessageBox2().
- print MessageBox2
- 'Foo prints 100, Bar 101, Baz 102',
- [['~Foo' => 100, 'B~ar' => 101, ['Ba~z'] => 102]],
- 'Choose a number to print';
-will show a messagebox with
-=over 20
-=item Title
-B<Choose a number to print>,
-=item Text
-B<Foo prints 100, Bar 101, Baz 102>
-=item Icon
-=item Buttons
-B<Foo>, B<Bar>, B<Baz>
-=item Default button
-=item accelerator keys
-B<F>, B<a>, and B<z>
-=item return values
-100, 101, and 102 correspondingly,
- print MessageBox2
- 'Foo prints 100, Bar 101, Baz 102',
- [['~Foo' => 100, 'B~ar' => 101, ['Ba~z'] => 102], 'SP#22'],
- 'Choose a number to print';
-will show the 22nd system icon as the dialog icon (small folder icon).
-=item _MessageBox2($text, $buttons_Icon_struct, [$title, ...])
-low-level workhorse to implement MessageBox2(). Differs by the dafault
-$title, and that $buttons_Icon_struct is required, and is a string with
-low-level C struct.
-=item process_MB2_INFO($buttons, [$iconID, [$flags, [$notifyWindow]]])
-low-level workhorse to implement MessageBox2(); calculates the second
-argument of _MessageBox2(). $buttons is a reference
-to array of button descriptions. $iconID is either an ID of icon for
-the message box, or a string of the form C<"SP#number">; in the latter case
-the number's system icon is chosen; this field is ignored unless
-$flags contains C<MB_CUSTOMICON> flag. $flags has the same meaning as mobility,
-modality, and icon flags for MessageBox() with addition of extra flags
- MB_CUSTOMICON Use a custom icon specified in hIcon.
- MB_NONMODAL Message box is nonmodal
-$flags defaults to C<MB_INFORMATION> or C<MB_CUSTOMICON> (depending on whether
-$iconID is non-0), combined with MB_MOVABLE.
-Each button's description takes two elements of the description array,
-appearance description, and the return value of MessageBox2() if this
-button is selected. The appearance description is either an array reference
-of the form C<[$button_Text, $button_Style]>, or the same without
-$button_Style (then style is C<BS_DEFAULT>, making this button the default)
-or just $button_Text (with "normal" style). E.g., the list
- Foo => 100, Bar => 101, [Baz] => 102
-will show three buttons B<Foo>, B<Bar>, B<Baz> with B<Baz> being the default
-button; pressing buttons return 100, 101, or 102 correspondingly.
-In particular, exactly one button should have C<BS_DEFAULT> style (e.g.,
-given as C<[$button_Name]>); otherwise the message box will not have keyboard
-focus! (The only exception is the case of one button; then C<[$button_Name]>
-can be replaced (for convenience) with plain C<$button_Name>.)
-If text of the button contains character C<~>, the following character becomes
-the keyboard accelerator for this button. One can also get the handle
-of system icons directly, so C<'SP#22'> can be replaced by
-C<OS2::Process::get_pointer(22)>; see also C<SPTR_*> constants.
-B<NOTE> With C<MB_NONMODAL> the program continues after displaying the
-nonmodal message box. The message box remains visible until the owner window
-destroys it. Two notification messages, WM_MSGBOXINIT and WM_MSGBOXDISMISS,
-are used to support this non-modality.
-=item LoadPointer($id, [$module, [$hwnd]])
-Loads a handle for the pointer $id from the resources of the module
-$module on desktop $hwnd. If $module is 0 (default), loads from the main
-executable; otherwise from a DLL with the handle $module.
-The pointer is owned by the process, and is destroyed by
-DestroyPointer() call, or when the process terminates.
-=item SysPointer($id, [$copy, [$hwnd]])
-Gets a handle for (a copy of) the system pointer $id (the value should
-be one of C<SPTR_*> constants). A copy is made if $copy is TRUE (the
-default). $hwnd defaults to C<HWND_DESKTOP>.
-=item get_pointer($id, [$copy, [$hwnd]])
-Gets (and caches) a copy of the system pointer.
-=head2 Constants used by OS/2 APIs
-Function C<os2constant($name)> returns the value of the constant; to
-decrease the memory usage of this package, only the constants used by
-APIs called by Perl functions in this package are made available.
-For direct access, see also the L<"EXPORTS"> section; the latter way
-may also provide some performance advantages, since the value of the
-constant is cached.
-=head1 OS2::localMorphPM, OS2::localFlashWindow, and OS2::localClipbrd classes
-The class C<OS2::localMorphPM> morphs the process to PM for the duration of
-the given scope.
- {
- my $h = OS2::localMorphPM->new(0);
- # Do something
- }
-The argument has the same meaning as one to OS2::MorphPM(). Calls can
-nest with internal ones being NOPs.
-Likewise, C<OS2::localClipbrd> class opens the clipboard for the duration
-of the current scope; if TRUE optional argument is given, it would not
-morph the application into PM:
- {
- my $handle = OS2::localClipbrd->new(1); # Do not morph into PM
- # Do something with clipboard here...
- }
-C<OS2::localFlashWindow> behaves similarly; see
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-The test suite for this module contains an almost comprehensive collection
-of examples of using the API of this module.
-=head1 TODO
-Add tests for:
- SwitchToProgram
- ClassName
- out_codepage
- out_codepage_set
- in_codepage
- in_codepage_set
- cursor
- cursor_set
- screen
- screen_set
- process_codepages
- QueryWindow
- EnumDlgItem
- WindowPtr
- WindowUShort
- SetWindowBits
- SetWindowPtr
- SetWindowULong
- SetWindowUShort
- my_type
- file_type
- scrsize
- scrsize_set
-Document: InvalidateRect,
-CreateFrameControls, kbdChar, kbdhChar,
-kbdStatus, _kbdStatus_set, kbdhStatus, kbdhStatus_set,
-vioConfig, viohConfig, vioMode, viohMode, viohMode_set, _vioMode_set,
-_vioState, _vioState_set, vioFont, vioFont_set
-Test: SetWindowULong/Short/Ptr, SetWindowBits. InvalidateRect,
-CreateFrameControls, ClipbrdOwner_set, ClipbrdViewer_set, _ClipbrdData_set,
-Alarm, FlashWindow, _MessageBox, MessageBox, _MessageBox2, MessageBox2,
-LoadPointer, SysPointer, kbdChar, kbdhChar, kbdStatus, _kbdStatus_set,
-kbdhStatus, kbdhStatus_set, vioConfig, viohConfig, vioMode, viohMode,
-viohMode_set, _vioMode_set, _vioState, _vioState_set, vioFont, vioFont_set
- >But I wish to change the default button if the user enters some
- >text into an entryfield. I can detect the entry ok, but can't
- >seem to get the button to change to default.
- >
- >No matter what message I send it, it's being ignored.
- You need to get the style of the buttons using WinQueryWindowULong/QWL_STYLE,
- set and reset the BS_DEFAULT bits as appropriate and then use
- WinSetWindowULong/QWL_STYLE to set the button style.
- Something like this:
- hwnd1 = WinWindowFromID (hwnd, id1);
- hwnd2 = WinWindowFromID (hwnd, id2);
- style1 = WinQueryWindowULong (hwnd1, QWL_STYLE);
- style2 = WinQueryWindowULong (hwnd2, QWL_STYLE);
- style1 |= style2 & BS_DEFAULT;
- style2 &= ~BS_DEFAULT;
- WinSetWindowULong (hwnd1, QWL_STYLE, style1);
- WinSetWindowULong (hwnd2, QWL_STYLE, style2);
- > How to do query and change a frame creation flags for existing window?
- Set the style bits that correspond to the FCF_* flag for the frame
- window and then send a WM_UPDATEFRAME message with the appropriate FCF_*
- flag in mp1.
- ULONG ulFrameStyle;
- ulFrameStyle = WinQueryWindowULong( WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT),
- ulFrameStyle = (ulFrameStyle & ~FS_SIZEBORDER) | FS_BORDER;
- WinSetWindowULong( WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT),
- ulFrameStyle );
- WinSendMsg( WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT),
- If the FCF_* flags you want to change does not have a corresponding FS_*
- style (i.e. the FCF_* flag corresponds to the presence/lack of a frame
- control rather than a property of the frame itself) then you create or
- destroy the appropriate control window using the correct FID_* window
- identifier and then send the WM_UPDATEFRAME message with the appropriate
- FCF_* flag in mp1.
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
- | SetFrameBorder() |
- | Changes a frame window's border to the requested type. |
- | |
- | Parameters on entry: |
- | hwndFrame -> Frame window whose border is to be changed. |
- | ulBorderStyle -> Type of border to change to. |
- | |
- | Returns: |
- | BOOL -> Success indicator. |
- | |
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- BOOL SetFrameBorder( HWND hwndFrame, ULONG ulBorderType ) {
- ULONG ulFrameStyle;
- BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
- ulFrameStyle = WinQueryWindowULong( hwndFrame, QWL_STYLE );
- switch ( ulBorderType ) {
- ulFrameStyle = (ulFrameStyle & ~(FS_DLGBORDER | FS_BORDER))
- break;
- ulFrameStyle = (ulFrameStyle & ~(FS_SIZEBORDER | FS_BORDER))
- break;
- case FS_BORDER :
- ulFrameStyle = (ulFrameStyle & ~(FS_SIZEBORDER | FS_DLGBORDER))
- break;
- default :
- fSuccess = FALSE;
- break;
- } // end switch
- if ( fSuccess ) {
- fSuccess = WinSetWindowULong( hwndFrame, QWL_STYLE, ulFrameStyle );
- if ( fSuccess ) {
- fSuccess = (BOOL)WinSendMsg( hwndFrame, WM_UPDATEFRAME, 0, 0 );
- if ( fSuccess )
- fSuccess = WinInvalidateRect( hwndFrame, NULL, TRUE );
- }
- }
- return ( fSuccess );
- } // End SetFrameBorder()
- hwndMenu=WinLoadMenu(hwndParent,NULL,WND_IMAGE);
- WinSetWindowUShort(hwndMenu,QWS_ID,FID_MENU);
- ulStyle=WinQueryWindowULong(hwndMenu,QWL_STYLE);
- WinSetWindowULong(hwndMenu,QWL_STYLE,ulStyle|MS_ACTIONBAR);
- OS/2-windows have another "parent" called the *owner*,
- which must be set separately - to get a close relationship:
- WinSetOwner (hwndFrameChild, hwndFrameMain);
- Now your child should move with your main window!
- And always stays on top of it....
- To avoid this, for example for dialogwindows, you can
- also "disconnect" this relationship with:
- WinSetWindowBits (hwndFrameChild, QWL_STYLE
- Adding a button icon later:
- /* switch the button style to BS_MINIICON */
- WinSetWindowBits(hwndBtn, QWL_STYLE, BS_MINIICON, BS_MINIICON) ;
- /* set up button control data */
- bcd.cb = sizeof(BTNCDATA);
- bcd.hImage = WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, dllHandle, ID_ICON_BUTTON1) ;
- bcd.fsCheckState = bcd.fsHiliteState = 0 ;
- wp.fsStatus = WPM_CTLDATA;
- wp.pCtlData = &bcd;
- /* add the icon on the button */
- MO> Can anyone tell what OS/2 expects of an application to be properly
- MO> minimized to the desktop?
- {
- BOOL fShow = ! (((PSWP) mp1)->fl & SWP MINIMIZE);
- HENUM henum;
- HWND hwndChild;
- WinEnableWindowUpdate ( hwnd, FALSE );
- for (henum=WinBeginEnumWindows(hwnd);
- (hwndChild = WinGetNextWindow (henum)) != 0; )
- WinShowWindow ( hwndChild, fShow );
- WinEndEnumWindows ( henum );
- WinEnableWindowUpdate ( hwnd, TRUE );
- }
- break;
-Why C<hWindowPos DesktopWindow> gives C<< behind => HWND_TOP >>?
-=head1 $^E
-the majority of the APIs of this module set $^E on failure (no matter
-whether they die() on failure or not). By the semantic of PM API
-which returns something other than a boolean, it is impossible to
-distinguish failure from a "normal" 0-return. In such cases C<$^E ==
-0> indicates an absence of error.
-=head1 EXPORTS
-In addition to symbols described above, the following constants (available
-also via module C<OS2::Process::Const>) are exportable. Note that these
-symbols live in package C<OS2::Process::Const>, they are not available
-by full name through C<OS2::Process>!
- HWND_* Standard (abstract) window handles
- WM_* Message ids
- SWP_* Size/move etc flag
- WC_* Standard window classes
- PROG_* Program category (PM, VIO etc)
- QW_* Query-Window flag
- EDI_* Enumerate-Dialog-Item code
- WS_* Window Style flag
- QWS_* Query-window-UShort offsets
- QWP_* Query-window-pointer offsets
- QWL_* Query-window-ULong offsets
- FF_* Frame-window state flags
- FI_* Frame-window information flags
- LS_* List box styles
- FS_* Frame style
- FCF_* Frame creation flags
- BS_* Button style
- MS_* Menu style
- TBM_* Title bar messages?
- CF_* Clipboard formats
- CFI_* Clipboard storage type
- FID_* ids of subwindows of frames
-=head1 BUGS
-whether a given API dies or returns FALSE/empty-list on error may be
-confusing. This may change in the future.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Andreas Kaiser <>,
-Ilya Zakharevich <>.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-C<spawn*>() system calls, L<OS2::Proc> and L<OS2::WinObject> modules.