path: root/pod/perlapio.pod
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authorPhilip Newton <>2001-11-14 11:59:53 +0100
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-11-14 13:24:34 +0000
commit06936a3ca90ea0922bedd964642e85df92d1986a (patch)
tree8230228acf4d9e14c462f37dd1463de8ca43a6ef /pod/perlapio.pod
parent1d636c1300fabd70f4fb64de521c4e6cac694c53 (diff)
Re: [PATCH pod/perlapio.pod double-word fix]
Message-ID: <> plus a lot of paragraph reformatting because of long lines. p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12991
Diffstat (limited to 'pod/perlapio.pod')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/pod/perlapio.pod b/pod/perlapio.pod
index a2a5bf1e1d..ad80a6c2e5 100644
--- a/pod/perlapio.pod
+++ b/pod/perlapio.pod
@@ -67,15 +67,17 @@ perlapio - perl's IO abstraction interface.
-Perl's source code, and extensions that want maximum portability, should use the above
-functions instead of those defined in ANSI C's I<stdio.h>. The perl headers (in
-particular "perlio.h") will C<#define> them to the I/O mechanism selected at Configure time.
+Perl's source code, and extensions that want maximum portability,
+should use the above functions instead of those defined in ANSI C's
+I<stdio.h>. The perl headers (in particular "perlio.h") will
+C<#define> them to the I/O mechanism selected at Configure time.
The functions are modeled on those in I<stdio.h>, but parameter order
has been "tidied up a little".
-C<PerlIO *> takes the place of FILE *. Like FILE * it should be treated as
-opaque (it is probably safe to assume it is a pointer to something).
+C<PerlIO *> takes the place of FILE *. Like FILE * it should be
+treated as opaque (it is probably safe to assume it is a pointer to
There are currently three implementations:
@@ -83,35 +85,37 @@ There are currently three implementations:
=item 1. USE_STDIO
-All above are #define'd to stdio functions or are trivial wrapper functions which
-call stdio. In this case I<only> PerlIO * is a FILE *.
-This has been the default implementation since the abstraction was introduced
-in perl5.003_02.
+All above are #define'd to stdio functions or are trivial wrapper
+functions which call stdio. In this case I<only> PerlIO * is a FILE *.
+This has been the default implementation since the abstraction was
+introduced in perl5.003_02.
=item 2. USE_SFIO
-A "legacy" implementation in terms of the "sfio" library. Used for some specialist
-applications on Unix machines ("sfio" is not widely ported away from Unix).
-Most of above are #define'd to the sfio functions. PerlIO * is in this case Sfio_t *.
+A "legacy" implementation in terms of the "sfio" library. Used for
+some specialist applications on Unix machines ("sfio" is not widely
+ported away from Unix). Most of above are #define'd to the sfio
+functions. PerlIO * is in this case Sfio_t *.
=item 3. USE_PERLIO
-Introduced just after perl5.7.0 this is a re-implementation of the above abstraction
-which allows perl more control over how IO is done as it decouples IO from the
-way the operating system and C library choose to do things. For USE_PERLIO
-PerlIO * has an extra layer of indirection - it is a pointer-to-a-pointer.
-This allows the PerlIO * to remain with a known value while swapping the
-implementation arround underneath I<at run time>. In this case all the
-above are true (but very simple) functions which call the underlying implementation.
+Introduced just after perl5.7.0, this is a re-implementation of the
+above abstraction which allows perl more control over how IO is done
+as it decouples IO from the way the operating system and C library
+choose to do things. For USE_PERLIO PerlIO * has an extra layer of
+indirection - it is a pointer-to-a-pointer. This allows the PerlIO *
+to remain with a known value while swapping the implementation arround
+underneath I<at run time>. In this case all the above are true (but
+very simple) functions which call the underlying implementation.
-This is the only implementation for which C<PerlIO_apply_layers()> does anything
+This is the only implementation for which C<PerlIO_apply_layers()>
+does anything "interesting".
The USE_PERLIO implementation is described in L<perliol>.
-Because "perlio.h" is a thing layer (for efficiency) the semantics of
+Because "perlio.h" is a thin layer (for efficiency) the semantics of
these functions are somewhat dependent on the underlying implementation.
Where these variations are understood they are noted below.
@@ -131,19 +135,19 @@ values.
=item B<PerlIO_open(path, mode)>, B<PerlIO_fdopen(fd,mode)>
These correspond to fopen()/fdopen() and the arguments are the same.
-Return C<NULL> and set C<errno> if there is an error.
-There may be an implementation limit on the number of open handles, which may
-be lower than the limit on the number of open files - C<errno> may
-not be set when C<NULL> is returned if this limnit is exceeded.
+Return C<NULL> and set C<errno> if there is an error. There may be an
+implementation limit on the number of open handles, which may be lower
+than the limit on the number of open files - C<errno> may not be set
+when C<NULL> is returned if this limnit is exceeded.
=item B<PerlIO_reopen(path,mode,f)>
While this currently exists in all three implementations perl itself
does not use it. I<As perl does not use it, it is not well tested.>
-Perl prefers to C<dup> the new low-level descriptor to the descriptor used
-by the existing PerlIO. This may become the behaviour of this function
-in the future.
+Perl prefers to C<dup> the new low-level descriptor to the descriptor
+used by the existing PerlIO. This may become the behaviour of this
+function in the future.
=item B<PerlIO_printf(f,fmt,...)>, B<PerlIO_vprintf(f,fmt,a)>
@@ -156,17 +160,17 @@ so it is (currently) legal to use C<printf(fmt,...)> in perl sources.
=item B<PerlIO_read(f,buf,count)>, B<PerlIO_write(f,buf,count)>
-These correspond to fread() and fwrite(). Note that arguments
-are different, there is only one "count" and order has
-"file" first. Returns a byte count if successful (which may be zero),
-returns negative value and sets C<errno> on error.
-Depending on implementation C<errno> may be C<EINTR> if operation
-was interrupted by a signal.
+These correspond to fread() and fwrite(). Note that arguments are
+different, there is only one "count" and order has "file"
+first. Returns a byte count if successful (which may be zero), returns
+negative value and sets C<errno> on error. Depending on
+implementation C<errno> may be C<EINTR> if operation was interrupted
+by a signal.
=item B<PerlIO_close(f)>
-Depending on implementation C<errno> may be C<EINTR> if operation
-was interrupted by a signal.
+Depending on implementation C<errno> may be C<EINTR> if operation was
+interrupted by a signal.
=item B<PerlIO_puts(f,s)>, B<PerlIO_putc(f,c)>
@@ -175,13 +179,13 @@ Note that arguments have been revised to have "file" first.
=item B<PerlIO_ungetc(f,c)>
-This corresponds to ungetc().
-Note that arguments have been revised to have "file" first.
-Arranges that next read operation will return the byte B<c>.
-Despite the implied "character" in the name only values in the
-range 0..0xFF are defined. Returns the byte B<c> on success or -1 (C<EOF>) on error.
-The number of bytes that can be "pushed back" may vary, only 1 character is
-certain, and then only if it is the last character that was read from the handle.
+This corresponds to ungetc(). Note that arguments have been revised
+to have "file" first. Arranges that next read operation will return
+the byte B<c>. Despite the implied "character" in the name only
+values in the range 0..0xFF are defined. Returns the byte B<c> on
+success or -1 (C<EOF>) on error. The number of bytes that can be
+"pushed back" may vary, only 1 character is certain, and then only if
+it is the last character that was read from the handle.
=item B<PerlIO_getc(f)>
@@ -191,61 +195,62 @@ Returns the character read or -1 (C<EOF>) on error.
=item B<PerlIO_eof(f)>
-This corresponds to feof().
-Returns a true/false indication of whether the handle is at end of file.
-For terminal devices this may or may not be "sticky" depending on the implementation.
-The flag is cleared by PerlIO_seek(), or PerlIO_rewind().
+This corresponds to feof(). Returns a true/false indication of
+whether the handle is at end of file. For terminal devices this may
+or may not be "sticky" depending on the implementation. The flag is
+cleared by PerlIO_seek(), or PerlIO_rewind().
=item B<PerlIO_error(f)>
-This corresponds to ferror().
-Returns a true/false indication of whether there has been an IO error on the handle.
+This corresponds to ferror(). Returns a true/false indication of
+whether there has been an IO error on the handle.
=item B<PerlIO_fileno(f)>
-This corresponds to fileno(), note that on some platforms,
-the meaning of "fileno" may not match Unix. Returns -1 if the handle has no
-open descriptor associated with it.
+This corresponds to fileno(), note that on some platforms, the meaning
+of "fileno" may not match Unix. Returns -1 if the handle has no open
+descriptor associated with it.
=item B<PerlIO_clearerr(f)>
-This corresponds to clearerr(), i.e., clears 'error' and (usually) 'eof'
-flags for the "stream". Does not return a value.
+This corresponds to clearerr(), i.e., clears 'error' and (usually)
+'eof' flags for the "stream". Does not return a value.
=item B<PerlIO_flush(f)>
-This corresponds to fflush().
-Sends any buffered write data to the underlying file.
-If called with C<NULL> this may flush all open streams (or core dump).
-Calling on a handle open for read only, or on which last operation was a read of some kind
-may lead to undefined behaviour.
+This corresponds to fflush(). Sends any buffered write data to the
+underlying file. If called with C<NULL> this may flush all open
+streams (or core dump). Calling on a handle open for read only, or on
+which last operation was a read of some kind may lead to undefined
=item B<PerlIO_seek(f,offset,whence)>
-This corresponds to fseek().
-Sends buffered write data to the underlying file, or discards any buffered
-read data, then positions the file desciptor as specified by B<offset> and B<whence> (sic).
-This is the correct thing to do when switching between read and write on the same
-handle (see issues with PerlIO_flush() above).
-Offset is of type C<Off_t> which is a perl Configure value which may not be same
+This corresponds to fseek(). Sends buffered write data to the
+underlying file, or discards any buffered read data, then positions
+the file desciptor as specified by B<offset> and B<whence> (sic).
+This is the correct thing to do when switching between read and write
+on the same handle (see issues with PerlIO_flush() above). Offset is
+of type C<Off_t> which is a perl Configure value which may not be same
as stdio's C<off_t>.
=item B<PerlIO_tell(f)>
-This corresponds to ftell().
-Returns the current file position, or (Off_t) -1 on error.
-May just return value system "knows" without making a system call or checking
-the underlying file descriptor (so use on shared file descriptors is not
-safe without a PerlIO_seek()). Return value is of type C<Off_t> which is a perl Configure
-value which may not be same as stdio's C<off_t>.
+This corresponds to ftell(). Returns the current file position, or
+(Off_t) -1 on error. May just return value system "knows" without
+making a system call or checking the underlying file descriptor (so
+use on shared file descriptors is not safe without a
+PerlIO_seek()). Return value is of type C<Off_t> which is a perl
+Configure value which may not be same as stdio's C<off_t>.
=item B<PerlIO_getpos(f,p)>, B<PerlIO_setpos(f,p)>
-These correspond (loosely) to fgetpos() and fsetpos(). Rather than stdio's Fpos_t
-they expect a "Perl Scalar Value" to be passed. What is stored there should
-be considered opaque. The layout of the data may vary from handle to handle.
-When not using stdio or if platform does not have the stdio calls then they are
-implemented in terms of PerlIO_tell() and PerlIO_seek().
+These correspond (loosely) to fgetpos() and fsetpos(). Rather than
+stdio's Fpos_t they expect a "Perl Scalar Value" to be passed. What is
+stored there should be considered opaque. The layout of the data may
+vary from handle to handle. When not using stdio or if platform does
+not have the stdio calls then they are implemented in terms of
+PerlIO_tell() and PerlIO_seek().
=item B<PerlIO_rewind(f)>
@@ -254,93 +259,92 @@ This corresponds to rewind(). It is usually defined as being
PerlIO_seek(f,(Off_t)0L, SEEK_SET);
=item B<PerlIO_tmpfile()>
-This corresponds to tmpfile(), i.e., returns an anonymous
-PerlIO or NULL on error.
-The system will attempt to automatically delete the file when closed.
-On Unix the file is usually C<unlink>-ed just after
-it is created so it does not matter how it gets closed. On other systems the file may
-only be deleted if closed via PerlIO_close() and/or the program exits via C<exit>.
-Depending on the implementation there may be "race conditions" which allow other
-processes access to the file, though in general it will be safer in this regard
-than ad. hoc. schemes.
+This corresponds to tmpfile(), i.e., returns an anonymous PerlIO or
+NULL on error. The system will attempt to automatically delete the
+file when closed. On Unix the file is usually C<unlink>-ed just after
+it is created so it does not matter how it gets closed. On other
+systems the file may only be deleted if closed via PerlIO_close()
+and/or the program exits via C<exit>. Depending on the implementation
+there may be "race conditions" which allow other processes access to
+the file, though in general it will be safer in this regard than
+ad. hoc. schemes.
=item B<PerlIO_setlinebuf(f)>
-This corresponds to setlinebuf().
-Does not return a value. What constitutes a "line" is implementation
-dependent but usually means that writing "\n" flushes the buffer.
-What happens with things like "this\nthat" is uncertain.
-(Perl core uses it I<only> when "dumping"; it has nothing to do with $| auto-flush.)
+This corresponds to setlinebuf(). Does not return a value. What
+constitutes a "line" is implementation dependent but usually means
+that writing "\n" flushes the buffer. What happens with things like
+"this\nthat" is uncertain. (Perl core uses it I<only> when "dumping";
+it has nothing to do with $| auto-flush.)
=head2 Co-existence with stdio
There is outline support for co-existence of PerlIO with stdio.
-Obviously if PerlIO is implemented in terms of stdio there is
-no problem. However in other cases then mechanisms must exist to create a FILE *
-which can be passed to library code which is going to use stdio calls.
+Obviously if PerlIO is implemented in terms of stdio there is no
+problem. However in other cases then mechanisms must exist to create a
+FILE * which can be passed to library code which is going to use stdio
The fisrt step is to add this line:
-I<before> including any perl header files. (This will probably become the
-default at some point). That prevents "perlio.h" from attempting to
-#define stdio functions onto PerlIO functions.
+I<before> including any perl header files. (This will probably become
+the default at some point). That prevents "perlio.h" from attempting
+to #define stdio functions onto PerlIO functions.
-XS code is probably better using "typemap" if it expects FILE * arguments.
-The standard typemap will be adjusted to comprehend any changes in this area.
+XS code is probably better using "typemap" if it expects FILE *
+arguments. The standard typemap will be adjusted to comprehend any
+changes in this area.
=over 4
=item B<PerlIO_importFILE(f,flags)>
-Used to get a PerlIO * from a FILE *.
-May need additional arguments, interface under review.
+Used to get a PerlIO * from a FILE *. May need additional arguments,
+interface under review.
-The flags argument was meant to be used for read vs write vs read/write
-information. In hindsight it would have been better to make it a char *mode
-as in fopen/freopen.
+The flags argument was meant to be used for read vs write vs
+read/write information. In hindsight it would have been better to make
+it a char *mode as in fopen/freopen.
=item B<PerlIO_exportFILE(f,flags)>
-Given a PerlIO * return a 'native' FILE * suitable for
-passing to code expecting to be compiled and linked with
-ANSI C I<stdio.h>.
+Given a PerlIO * return a 'native' FILE * suitable for passing to code
+expecting to be compiled and linked with ANSI C I<stdio.h>.
-The fact that such a FILE * has been 'exported' is recorded,
-and may affect future PerlIO operations on the original
-PerlIO *.
+The fact that such a FILE * has been 'exported' is recorded, and may
+affect future PerlIO operations on the original PerlIO *.
=item B<PerlIO_findFILE(f)>
-Returns previously 'exported' FILE * (if any).
-Place holder until interface is fully defined.
+Returns previously 'exported' FILE * (if any). Placeholder until
+interface is fully defined.
=item B<PerlIO_releaseFILE(p,f)>
-Calling PerlIO_releaseFILE informs PerlIO that all use
-of FILE * is complete. It is removed from list of 'exported'
-FILE *s, and associated PerlIO * should revert to original
+Calling PerlIO_releaseFILE informs PerlIO that all use of FILE * is
+complete. It is removed from list of 'exported' FILE *s, and
+associated PerlIO * should revert to original behaviour.
=head2 "Fast gets" Functions
-In addition to standard-like API defined so far above there is an "implementation" interface
-which allows perl to get at internals of PerlIO.
-The following calls correspond to the various FILE_xxx macros determined
-by Configure - or their equivalent in other implementations. This section is really of
-interest to only those concerned with detailed perl-core behaviour, implementing a
-PerlIO mapping or writing code which can make use of the "read ahead" that has been done by
-the IO system in the same way perl does. Note that any code that uses these interfaces
-must be prepared to do things the traditional way if a handle does not support
+In addition to standard-like API defined so far above there is an
+"implementation" interface which allows perl to get at internals of
+PerlIO. The following calls correspond to the various FILE_xxx macros
+determined by Configure - or their equivalent in other
+implementations. This section is really of interest to only those
+concerned with detailed perl-core behaviour, implementing a PerlIO
+mapping or writing code which can make use of the "read ahead" that
+has been done by the IO system in the same way perl does. Note that
+any code that uses these interfaces must be prepared to do things the
+traditional way if a handle does not support them.
=over 4
@@ -357,28 +361,29 @@ This can vary from handle to handle.
=item B<PerlIO_has_cntptr(f)>
-Implementation can return pointer to current position in the "buffer" and
-a count of bytes available in the buffer.
-Do not use this - use PerlIO_fast_gets.
+Implementation can return pointer to current position in the "buffer"
+and a count of bytes available in the buffer. Do not use this - use
=item B<PerlIO_get_cnt(f)>
-Return count of readable bytes in the buffer. Zero or negative return means
-no more bytes available.
+Return count of readable bytes in the buffer. Zero or negative return
+means no more bytes available.
=item B<PerlIO_get_ptr(f)>
-Return pointer to next readable byte in buffer, accessing via the pointer
-(dereferencing) is only safe if PerlIO_get_cnt() has returned a positive value.
-Only positive offsets up to value returned by PerlIO_get_cnt() are allowed.
+Return pointer to next readable byte in buffer, accessing via the
+pointer (dereferencing) is only safe if PerlIO_get_cnt() has returned
+a positive value. Only positive offsets up to value returned by
+PerlIO_get_cnt() are allowed.
=item B<PerlIO_set_ptrcnt(f,p,c)>
Set pointer into buffer, and a count of bytes still in the
-buffer. Should be used only to set
-pointer to within range implied by previous calls
-to C<PerlIO_get_ptr> and C<PerlIO_get_cnt>. The two values I<must> be consistent
-with each other (implementation may only use one or the other or may require both).
+buffer. Should be used only to set pointer to within range implied by
+previous calls to C<PerlIO_get_ptr> and C<PerlIO_get_cnt>. The two
+values I<must> be consistent with each other (implementation may only
+use one or the other or may require both).
=item B<PerlIO_canset_cnt(f)>
@@ -387,13 +392,11 @@ Do not use this - use PerlIO_fast_gets.
=item B<PerlIO_set_cnt(f,c)>
-Obscure - set count of bytes in the buffer. Deprecated.
-Only usable if PerlIO_canset_cnt() returns true.
-Currently used in only doio.c to force count less than -1 to -1.
-Perhaps should be PerlIO_set_empty or similar.
-This call may actually do nothing if "count" is deduced from pointer
-and a "limit".
-Do not use this - use PerlIO_set_ptrcnt().
+Obscure - set count of bytes in the buffer. Deprecated. Only usable
+if PerlIO_canset_cnt() returns true. Currently used in only doio.c to
+force count less than -1 to -1. Perhaps should be PerlIO_set_empty or
+similar. This call may actually do nothing if "count" is deduced from
+pointer and a "limit". Do not use this - use PerlIO_set_ptrcnt().
=item B<PerlIO_has_base(f)>
@@ -408,10 +411,10 @@ up to the value returned by PerlIO_get_bufsiz().
=item B<PerlIO_get_bufsiz(f)>
-Return the I<total number of bytes> in the buffer, this is neither the number
-that can be read, nor the amount of memory allocated to the buffer. Rather
-it is what the operating system and/or implementation happened to C<read()>
-(or whatever) last time IO was requested.
+Return the I<total number of bytes> in the buffer, this is neither the
+number that can be read, nor the amount of memory allocated to the
+buffer. Rather it is what the operating system and/or implementation
+happened to C<read()> (or whatever) last time IO was requested.
@@ -452,21 +455,22 @@ Portable cases are:
-On Unix these calls probably have no effect whatsoever.
-Elsewhere they alter "\n" to CR,LF translation and possibly cause a special
-text "end of file" indicator to be written or honoured on read. The effect of
-making the call after doing any IO to the handle depends on the implementation. (It may be
-ignored, affect any data which is already buffered as well, or only apply
-to subsequent data.)
+On Unix these calls probably have no effect whatsoever. Elsewhere
+they alter "\n" to CR,LF translation and possibly cause a special text
+"end of file" indicator to be written or honoured on read. The effect
+of making the call after doing any IO to the handle depends on the
+implementation. (It may be ignored, affect any data which is already
+buffered as well, or only apply to subsequent data.)
=item PerlIO_debug(fmt,...)
-PerlIO_debug is a printf()-like function which can be used for debugging.
-No return value. Its main use is inside PerlIO where using real printf, warn() etc. would
-recursively call PerlIO and be a problem.
+PerlIO_debug is a printf()-like function which can be used for
+debugging. No return value. Its main use is inside PerlIO where using
+real printf, warn() etc. would recursively call PerlIO and be a
-PerlIO_debug writes to the file named by $ENV{'PERLIO_DEBUG'} typical use
-might be
+PerlIO_debug writes to the file named by $ENV{'PERLIO_DEBUG'} typical
+use might be
Bourne shells:
PERLIO_DEBUG=/dev/tty ./perl somescript some args