path: root/pod/pod2latex.PL
diff options
authorLarry Wall <>1995-11-21 10:01:00 +1200
committerLarry <>1995-11-21 10:01:00 +1200
commit4633a7c4bad06b471d9310620b7fe8ddd158cccd (patch)
tree37ebeb26a64f123784fd8fac6243b124767243b0 /pod/pod2latex.PL
parent8e07c86ebc651fe92eb7e3b25f801f57cfb8dd6f (diff)
5.002 beta 1
If you're adventurous, have a look at Many thanks to Andy for doing the integration. Obviously, if you consult the bugs database, you'll note there are still plenty of buglets that need fixing, and several enhancements that I've intended to put in still haven't made it in (Hi, Tim and Ilya). But I think it'll be pretty stable. And you can start to fiddle around with prototypes (which are, of course, still totally undocumented). Packrats, don't worry too much about readvertising this widely. Nowadays we're on a T1 here, so our bandwidth is okay. Have the appropriate amount of jollity. Larry
Diffstat (limited to 'pod/pod2latex.PL')
1 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pod/pod2latex.PL b/pod/pod2latex.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd6df71c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pod/pod2latex.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+use Config;
+use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);
+# List explicitly here the variables you want Configure to
+# generate. Metaconfig only looks for shell variables, so you
+# have to mention them as if they were shell variables, not
+# %Config entries. Thus you write
+# $startperl
+# to ensure Configure will look for $Config{startperl}.
+# This forces PL files to create target in same directory as PL file.
+# This is so that make depend always knows where to find PL derivatives.
+($file = basename($0)) =~ s/\.PL$//;
+$file =~ s/\.pl$//
+ if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'VMS' or
+ $Config{'osname'} eq 'OS2'); # "case-forgiving"
+open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!";
+print "Extracting $file (with variable substitutions)\n";
+# In this section, perl variables will be expanded during extraction.
+# You can use $Config{...} to use Configure variables.
+print OUT <<"!GROK!THIS!";
+ eval 'exec perl -S \$0 "\$@"'
+ if 0;
+# In the following, perl variables are not expanded during extraction.
+print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!';
+# pod2latex, version 1.1
+# by Taro Kawagish (, Jan 11, 1995.
+# pod2latex filters Perl pod documents to LaTeX documents.
+# What pod2latex does:
+# 1. Pod file 'perl_doc_entry.pod' is filtered to 'perl_doc_entry.tex'.
+# 2. Indented paragraphs are translated into
+# '\begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim}'.
+# 3. '=head1 heading' command is translated into '\section{heading}'
+# 4. '=head2 heading' command is translated into '\subsection*{heading}'
+# 5. '=over N' command is translated into
+# '\begin{itemize}' if following =item starts with *,
+# '\begin{enumerate}' if following =item starts with 1.,
+# '\begin{description}' if else.
+# (indentation level N is ignored.)
+# 6. '=item * heading' command is translated into '\item heading',
+# '=item 1. heading' command is translated into '\item heading',
+# '=item heading' command(other) is translated into '\item[heading]'.
+# 7. '=back' command is translated into
+# '\end{itemize}' if started with '\begin{itemize}',
+# '\end{enumerate}' if started with '\begin{enumerate}',
+# '\end{description}' if started with '\begin{description}'.
+# 8. other paragraphs are translated into strings with TeX special characters
+# escaped.
+# 9. In heading text, and other paragraphs, the following translation of pod
+# quotes are done, and then TeX special characters are escaped after that.
+# I<text> to {\em text\/},
+# B<text> to {\bf text},
+# S<text> to text1,
+# where text1 is a string with blank characters replaced with ~,
+# C<text> to {\tt text2},
+# where text2 is a string with TeX special characters escaped to
+# obtain a literal printout,
+# E<text> (HTML escape) to TeX escaped string,
+# L<text> to referencing string as is done by pod2man,
+# F<file> to {\em file\/},
+# Z<> to a null string,
+# 10. those headings are indexed:
+# '=head1 heading' => \section{heading}\index{heading}
+# '=head2 heading' => \subsection*{heading}\index{heading}
+# only when heading does not match frequent patterns such as
+# '=item heading' => \item{heading}\index{heading}
+# Usage:
+# pod2latex perl_doc_entry.pod
+# this will write to a file 'perl_doc_entry.tex'.
+# To LaTeX:
+# The following commands need to be defined in the preamble of the LaTeX
+# document:
+# \def\C++{{\rm C\kern-.05em\raise.3ex\hbox{\footnotesize ++}}}
+# \def\underscore{\leavevmode\kern.04em\vbox{\hrule width 0.4em height 0.3pt}}
+# and \parindent should be set zero:
+# \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+# Note:
+# This script was written modifing pod2man.
+# Bug:
+# If HTML escapes E<text> other than E<amp>,E<lt>,E<gt>,E<quot> are used
+# in C<>, translation will produce wrong character strings.
+# Translation of HTML escapes of various European accents might be wrong.
+$/ = ""; # record separator is blank lines
+# TeX special characters.
+##$tt_ables = "!@*()-=+|;:'\"`,./?<>";
+$backslash_escapables = "#\$%&{}_";
+$backslash_escapables2 = "#\$%&{}"; # except _
+##$nonverbables = "^\\~";
+##$bracketesc = "[]";
+##@tex_verb_fences = unpack("aaaaaaaaa","|#@!*+?:;");
+@head1_freq_patterns # =head1 patterns which need not be index'ed
+$indent = 0;
+# parse the pods, produce LaTeX.
+open(POD,"<$ARGV[0]") || die "cant open $ARGV[0]";
+($pod=$ARGV[0]) =~ s/\.pod$//;
+$cutting = 1;
+while (<POD>) {
+ if ($cutting) {
+ next unless /^=/;
+ $cutting = 0;
+ }
+ chop;
+ length || (print LATEX "\n") && next;
+ # translate indented lines as a verabatim paragraph
+ if (/^\s/) {
+ @lines = split(/\n/);
+ print LATEX "\\begin{verbatim}\n";
+ for (@lines) {
+ 1 while s
+ {^( [^\t]* ) \t ( \t* ) }
+ { $1 . ' ' x (8 - (length($1)%8) + 8*(length($2))) }ex;
+ print LATEX $_,"\n";
+ }
+ print LATEX "\\end{verbatim}\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # preserve '=item' line with pod quotes as they are.
+ if (/^=item/) {
+ ($bareitem = $_) =~ s/^=item\s*//;
+ }
+ # check for things that'll hosed our noremap scheme; affects $_
+ &init_noremap();
+ # expand strings "func()" as pod quotes.
+ if (!/^=item/) {
+ # first hide pod escapes.
+ # escaped strings are mapped into the ones with the MSB's on.
+ s/([A-Z]<[^<>]*>)/noremap($1)/ge;
+ # func() is a reference to a perl function
+ s{\b([:\w]+\(\))}{I<$1>}g;
+ # func(n) is a reference to a man page
+ s{(\w+)(\([^\s,\051]+\))}{I<$1>$2}g;
+ # convert simple variable references
+# s/([\$\@%][\w:]+)/C<$1>/g;
+# s/\$[\w:]+\[[0-9]+\]/C<$&>/g;
+ if (m{ ([\-\w]+\([^\051]*?[\@\$,][^\051]*?\))
+ }x && $` !~ /([LCI]<[^<>]*|-)$/ && !/^=\w/)
+ {
+ warn "``$1'' should be a [LCI]<$1> ref";
+ }
+ while (/(-[a-zA-Z])\b/g && $` !~ /[\w\-]$/) {
+ warn "``$1'' should be [CB]<$1> ref";
+ }
+ # put back pod quotes so we get the inside of <> processed;
+ $_ = &clear_noremap($_);
+ }
+ # process TeX special characters
+ # First hide HTML quotes E<> since they can be included in C<>.
+ s/(E<[^<>]+>)/noremap($1)/ge;
+ # Then hide C<> type literal quotes.
+ # String inside of C<> will later be expanded into {\tt ..} strings
+ # with TeX special characters escaped as needed.
+ s/(C<[^<>]*>)/&noremap($1)/ge;
+ # Next escape TeX special characters including other pod quotes B< >,...
+ #
+ # NOTE: s/re/&func($str)/e evaluates $str just once in perl5.
+ # (in perl4 evaluation takes place twice before getting passed to func().)
+ # - hyphen => ---
+ s/(\S+)(\s+)-+(\s+)(\S+)/"$1".&noremap(" --- ")."$4"/ge;
+ # '-', '--', "-" => '{\tt -}', '{\tt --}', "{\tt -}"
+## s/("|')(\s*)(-+)(\s*)\1/&noremap("$1$2\{\\tt $3\}$4$1")/ge;
+## changed Wed Jan 25 15:26:39 JST 1995
+ # '-', '--', "-" => '$-$', '$--$', "$-$"
+ s/(\s+)(['"])(-+)([^'"\-]*)\2(\s+|[,.])/"$1$2".&noremap("\$$3\$")."$4$2$5"/ge;
+ s/(\s+)(['"])([^'"\-]*)(-+)(\s*)\2(\s+|[,.])/"$1$2$3".&noremap("\$$4\$")."$5$2$6"/ge;
+ # (--|-) => ($--$|$-$)
+ s/(\s+)\((-+)([=@%\$\+\\\|\w]*)(-*)([=@%\$\+\\\|\w]*)\)(\s+|[,.])/"$1\(".&noremap("\$$2\$")."$3".&noremap("\$$4\$")."$5\)$6"/ge;
+ # numeral - => $-$
+ s/(\(|[0-9]+|\s+)-(\s*\(?\s*[0-9]+)/&noremap("$1\$-\$$2")/ge;
+ # -- in quotes => two separate -
+ s/B<([^<>]*)--([^<>]*)>/&noremap("B<$1\{\\tt --\}$2>")/ge;
+ # backslash escapable characters except _.
+ s/([$backslash_escapables2])/&noremap("\\$1")/ge;
+ s/_/&noremap("\\underscore{}")/ge; # a litle thicker than \_.
+ # quote TeX special characters |, ^, ~, \.
+ s/\|/&noremap("\$|\$")/ge;
+ s/\^/&noremap("\$\\hat{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge;
+ s/\~/&noremap("\$\\tilde{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge;
+ s/\\/&noremap("\$\\backslash{}\$")/ge;
+ # quote [ and ] to be used in \item[]
+ s/([\[\]])/&noremap("{\\tt $1}")/ge;
+ # characters need to be treated differently in TeX
+ # keep * if an item heading
+ s/^(=item[ \t]+)[*]((.|\n)*)/"$1" . &noremap("*") . "$2"/ge;
+ s/[*]/&noremap("\$\\ast\$")/ge; # other *
+ # hide other pod quotes.
+ s/([ABD-Z]<[^<>]*>)/&noremap($1)/ge;
+ # escape < and > as math strings,
+ # now that we are done with hiding pod <> quotes.
+ s/</&noremap("\$<\$")/ge;
+ s/>/&noremap("\$>\$")/ge;
+ # put it back so we get the <> processed again;
+ $_ = &clear_noremap($_);
+ # Expand pod quotes recursively:
+ # (1) type face directives [BIFS]<[^<>]*> to appropriate TeX commands,
+ # (2) L<[^<>]*> to reference strings,
+ # (3) C<[^<>]*> to TeX literal quotes,
+ # (4) HTML quotes E<> inside of C<> quotes.
+ # Hide E<> again since they can be included in C<>.
+ s/(E<[^<>]+>)/noremap($1)/ge;
+ $maxnest = 10;
+ while ($maxnest-- && /[A-Z]</) {
+ # bold and italic quotes
+ s/B<([^<>]*)>/"{\\bf $1}"/eg;
+ s#I<([^<>]*)>#"{\\em $1\\/}"#eg;
+ # files and filelike refs in italics
+ s#F<([^<>]*)>#"{\\em $1\\/}"#eg;
+ # no break quote -- usually we want C<> for this
+ s/S<([^<>]*)>/&nobreak($1)/eg;
+ # LREF: a manpage(3f)
+ s:L<([a-zA-Z][^\s\/]+)(\([^\)]+\))?>:the {\\em $1\\/}$2 manpage:g;
+ # LREF: an =item on another manpage
+ s{
+ L<([^/]+)/([:\w]+(\(\))?)>
+ } {the C<$2> entry in the I<$1> manpage}gx;
+ # LREF: an =item on this manpage
+ s{
+ ((?:L</([:\w]+(\(\))?)>
+ (,?\s+(and\s+)?)?)+)
+ } { &internal_lrefs($1) }gex;
+ # LREF: a =head2 (head1?), maybe on a manpage, maybe right here
+ # the "func" can disambiguate
+ s{
+ L<(?:([a-zA-Z]\S+?) /)?"?(.*?)"?>
+ }{
+ do {
+ $1 # if no $1, assume it means on this page.
+ ? "the section on I<$2> in the I<$1> manpage"
+ : "the section on I<$2>"
+ }
+ }gex;
+ s/Z<>/\\&/g; # the "don't format me" thing
+ # comes last because not subject to reprocessing
+ s{
+ C<([^<>]*)>
+ }{
+ do {
+ ($str = $1) =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; #normalize hidden stuff
+ # expand HTML escapes if any;
+ # WARNING: if HTML escapes other than E<amp>,E<lt>,E<gt>,
+ # E<quot> are in C<>, they will not be printed correctly.
+ $str = &expand_HTML_escapes($str);
+ $strverb = &alltt($str); # Tex verbatim escape of a string.
+ &noremap("$strverb");
+ }
+ }gex;
+# if ( /C<([^<>]*)/ ) {
+# $str = $1;
+# if ($str !~ /\|/) { # if includes |
+# s/C<([^<>]*)>/&noremap("\\verb|$str|")/eg;
+# } else {
+# print STDERR "found \| in C<.*> at paragraph $.\n";
+# # find a character not contained in $str to use it as a
+# # separator of the \verb
+# ($chars = $str) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
+# ## ($chars = $str) =~ s/([\$<>,\|"'\-^{}()*+?\\])/\\$1/g;
+# @fence = grep(!/[ $chars]/,@tex_verb_fences);
+# s/C<([^<>]*)>/&noremap("\\verb$fence[0]$str$fence[0]")/eg;
+# }
+# }
+ }
+ # process each pod command
+ if (s/^=//) { # if a command
+ s/\n/ /g;
+ ($cmd, $rest) = split(' ', $_, 2);
+ $rest =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $rest =~ s/\s*$//;
+ if (defined $rest) {
+ &escapes;
+ }
+ $rest = &clear_noremap($rest);
+ $rest = &expand_HTML_escapes($rest);
+ if ($cmd eq 'cut') {
+ $cutting = 1;
+ $lastcmd = 'cut';
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'head1') { # heading type 1
+ $rest =~ s/^\s*//; $rest =~ s/\s*$//;
+ print LATEX "\n\\subsection*{$rest}";
+ # put index entry
+ ($index = $rest) =~ s/^(An?\s+|The\s+)//i; # remove 'A' and 'The'
+ # index only those heads not matching the frequent patterns.
+ foreach $pat (@head1_freq_patterns) {
+ if ($index =~ /^$pat/) {
+ goto freqpatt;
+ }
+ }
+ print LATEX "%\n\\index{$index}\n" if ($index);
+ freqpatt:
+ $lastcmd = 'head1';
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'head2') { # heading type 2
+ $rest =~ s/^\s*//; $rest =~ s/\s*$//;
+ print LATEX "\n\\subsubsection*{$rest}";
+ # put index entry
+ ($index = $rest) =~ s/^(An?\s+|The\s+)//i; # remove 'A' and 'The'
+ $index =~ s/^Example\s*[1-9][0-9]*\s*:\s*//; # remove 'Example :'
+ print LATEX "%\n\\index{$index}\n" if ($index);
+ $lastcmd = 'head2';
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'over') { # 1 level within a listing environment
+ push(@indent,$indent);
+ $indent = $rest + 0;
+ $lastcmd = 'over';
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'back') { # 1 level out of a listing environment
+ $indent = pop(@indent);
+ warn "Unmatched =back\n" unless defined $indent;
+ $listingcmd = pop(@listingcmd);
+ print LATEX "\n\\end{$listingcmd}\n" if ($listingcmd);
+ $lastcmd = 'back';
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'item') { # an item paragraph starts
+ if ($lastcmd eq 'over') { # if we have just entered listing env
+ # see what type of list environment we are in.
+ if ($rest =~ /^[0-9]\.?/) { # if numeral heading
+ $listingcmd = 'enumerate';
+ } elsif ($rest =~ /^\*\s*/) { # if * heading
+ $listingcmd = 'itemize';
+ } elsif ($rest =~ /^[^*]/) { # if other headings
+ $listingcmd = 'description';
+ } else {
+ warn "unknown list type for item $rest";
+ }
+ print LATEX "\n\\begin{$listingcmd}\n";
+ push(@listingcmd,$listingcmd);
+ } elsif ($lastcmd ne 'item') {
+ warn "Illegal '=item' command without preceding 'over':";
+ warn "=item $bareitem";
+ }
+ if ($listingcmd eq 'enumerate') {
+ $rest =~ s/^[0-9]+\.?\s*//; # remove numeral heading
+ print LATEX "\n\\item";
+ print LATEX "{\\bf $rest}" if $rest;
+ } elsif ($listingcmd eq 'itemize') {
+ $rest =~ s/^\*\s*//; # remove * heading
+ print LATEX "\n\\item";
+ print LATEX "{\\bf $rest}" if $rest;
+ } else { # description item
+ print LATEX "\n\\item[$rest]";
+ }
+ $lastcmd = 'item';
+ $rightafter_item = 'yes';
+ # check if the item heading is short or long.
+ ($itemhead = $rest) =~ s/{\\bf (\S*)}/$1/g;
+ if (length($itemhead) < 4) {
+ $itemshort = "yes";
+ } else {
+ $itemshort = "no";
+ }
+ # write index entry
+ if ($pod =~ "perldiag") { # skip 'perldiag.pod'
+ goto noindex;
+ }
+ # strip out the item of pod quotes and get a plain text entry
+ $bareitem =~ s/\n/ /g; # remove newlines
+ $bareitem =~ s/\s*$//; # remove trailing space
+ $bareitem =~ s/[A-Z]<([^<>]*)>/$1/g; # remove <> quotes
+ ($index = $bareitem) =~ s/^\*\s+//; # remove leading '*'
+ $index =~ s/^(An?\s+|The\s+)//i; # remove 'A' and 'The'
+ $index =~ s/^\s*[1-9][0-9]*\s*[.]\s*$//; # remove numeral only
+ $index =~ s/^\s*\w\s*$//; # remove 1 char only's
+ # quote ", @ and ! with " to be used in makeindex.
+ $index =~ s/"/""/g; # quote "
+ $index =~ s/@/"@/g; # quote @
+ $index =~ s/!/"!/g; # quote !
+ ($rest2=$rest) =~ s/^\*\s+//; # remove *
+ $rest2 =~ s/"/""/g; # quote "
+ $rest2 =~ s/@/"@/g; # quote @
+ $rest2 =~ s/!/"!/g; # quote !
+ if ($pod =~ "(perlfunc|perlvar)") { # when doc is perlfunc,perlvar
+ # take only the 1st word of item heading
+ $index =~ s/^([^{}\s]*)({.*})?([^{}\s]*)\s+.*/\1\2\3/;
+ $rest2 =~ s/^([^{}\s]*)({.*})?([^{}\s]*)\s+.*/\1\2\3/;
+ }
+ if ($index =~ /[A-Za-z\$@%]/) {
+ # write \index{plain_text_entry@TeX_string_entry}
+ print LATEX "%\n\\index{$index\@$rest2}%\n";
+ }
+ noindex:
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Unrecognized directive: $cmd\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else { # if not command
+ &escapes;
+ $_ = &clear_noremap($_);
+ $_ = &expand_HTML_escapes($_);
+ # if the present paragraphs follows an =item declaration,
+ # put a line break.
+ if ($lastcmd eq 'item' &&
+ $rightafter_item eq 'yes' && $itemshort eq "no") {
+ print LATEX "\\hfil\\\\";
+ $rightafter_item = 'no';
+ }
+ print LATEX "\n",$_;
+ }
+print LATEX "\n";
+sub do_hdr {
+ print LATEX "% LaTeX document produced by pod2latex from \"$pod.pod\".\n";
+ print LATEX "% The followings need be defined in the preamble of this document:\n";
+ print LATEX "%\\def\\C++{{\\rm C\\kern-.05em\\raise.3ex\\hbox{\\footnotesize ++}}}\n";
+ print LATEX "%\\def\\underscore{\\leavevmode\\kern.04em\\vbox{\\hrule width 0.4em height 0.3pt}}\n";
+ print LATEX "%\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n";
+ print LATEX "\n";
+ $podq = &escape_tex_specials("\U$pod\E");
+ print LATEX "\\section{$podq}%\n";
+ print LATEX "\\index{$podq}";
+ print LATEX "\n";
+sub nobreak {
+ my $string = shift;
+ $string =~ s/ +/~/g; # TeX no line break
+ $string;
+sub noremap {
+ local($thing_to_hide) = shift;
+ $thing_to_hide =~ tr/\000-\177/\200-\377/;
+ return $thing_to_hide;
+sub init_noremap {
+ if ( /[\200-\377]/ ) {
+ warn "hit bit char in input stream";
+ }
+sub clear_noremap {
+ local($tmp) = shift;
+ $tmp =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/;
+ return $tmp;
+sub expand_HTML_escapes {
+ local($s) = $_[0];
+ $s =~ s { E<([A-Za-z]+)> }
+ {
+ do {
+ exists $HTML_Escapes{$1}
+ ? do { $HTML_Escapes{$1} }
+ : do {
+ warn "Unknown escape: $& in $_";
+ "E<$1>";
+ }
+ }
+ }egx;
+ return $s;
+sub escapes {
+ # make C++ into \C++, which is to be defined as
+ # \def\C++{{\rm C\kern-.05em\raise.3ex\hbox{\footnotesize ++}}}
+ s/\bC\+\+/\\C++{}/g;
+# Translate a string into a TeX \tt string to obtain a verbatim print out.
+# TeX special characters are escaped by \.
+# This can be used inside of LaTeX command arguments.
+# We don't use LaTeX \verb since it doesn't work inside of command arguments.
+sub alltt {
+ local($str) = shift;
+ # other chars than #,\,$,%,&,{,},_,\,^,~ ([ and ] included).
+ $str =~ s/([^${backslash_escapables}\\\^\~]+)/&noremap("$&")/eg;
+ # chars #,\,$,%,&,{,} => \# , ...
+ $str =~ s/([$backslash_escapables2])/&noremap("\\$&")/eg;
+ # chars _,\,^,~ => \char`\_ , ...
+ $str =~ s/_/&noremap("\\char`\\_")/eg;
+ $str =~ s/\\/&noremap("\\char`\\\\")/ge;
+ $str =~ s/\^/\\char`\\^/g;
+ $str =~ s/\~/\\char`\\~/g;
+ $str =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; # put back
+ $str = "{\\tt ".$str."}"; # make it a \tt string
+ return $str;
+sub escape_tex_specials {
+ local($str) = shift;
+ # other chars than #,\,$,%,&,{,}, _,\,^,~ ([ and ] included).
+ # backslash escapable characters #,\,$,%,&,{,} except _.
+ $str =~ s/([$backslash_escapables2])/&noremap("\\$1")/ge;
+ $str =~ s/_/&noremap("\\underscore{}")/ge; # \_ is too thin.
+ # quote TeX special characters |, ^, ~, \.
+ $str =~ s/\|/&noremap("\$|\$")/ge;
+ $str =~ s/\^/&noremap("\$\\hat{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge;
+ $str =~ s/\~/&noremap("\$\\tilde{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge;
+ $str =~ s/\\/&noremap("\$\\backslash{}\$")/ge;
+ # characters need to be treated differently in TeX
+ # *
+ $str =~ s/[*]/&noremap("\$\\ast\$")/ge;
+ # escape < and > as math string,
+ $str =~ s/</&noremap("\$<\$")/ge;
+ $str =~ s/>/&noremap("\$>\$")/ge;
+ $str =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; # put back
+ return $str;
+sub internal_lrefs {
+ local($_) = shift;
+ s{L</([^>]+)>}{$1}g;
+ my(@items) = split( /(?:,?\s+(?:and\s+)?)/ );
+ my $retstr = "the ";
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $#items; $i++) {
+ $retstr .= "C<$items[$i]>";
+ $retstr .= ", " if @items > 2 && $i != $#items;
+ $retstr .= " and " if $i+2 == @items;
+ }
+ $retstr .= " entr" . ( @items > 1 ? "ies" : "y" )
+ . " elsewhere in this document";
+ return $retstr;
+# map of HTML escapes to TeX escapes.
+%HTML_Escapes = (
+ 'amp' => '&', # ampersand
+ 'lt' => '<', # left chevron, less-than
+ 'gt' => '>', # right chevron, greater-than
+ 'quot' => '"', # double quote
+ "Aacute" => "\\'{A}", # capital A, acute accent
+ "aacute" => "\\'{a}", # small a, acute accent
+ "Acirc" => "\\^{A}", # capital A, circumflex accent
+ "acirc" => "\\^{a}", # small a, circumflex accent
+ "AElig" => '\\AE', # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
+ "aelig" => '\\ae', # small ae diphthong (ligature)
+ "Agrave" => "\\`{A}", # capital A, grave accent
+ "agrave" => "\\`{a}", # small a, grave accent
+ "Aring" => '\\u{A}', # capital A, ring
+ "aring" => '\\u{a}', # small a, ring
+ "Atilde" => '\\~{A}', # capital A, tilde
+ "atilde" => '\\~{a}', # small a, tilde
+ "Auml" => '\\"{A}', # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "auml" => '\\"{a}', # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "Ccedil" => '\\c{C}', # capital C, cedilla
+ "ccedil" => '\\c{c}', # small c, cedilla
+ "Eacute" => "\\'{E}", # capital E, acute accent
+ "eacute" => "\\'{e}", # small e, acute accent
+ "Ecirc" => "\\^{E}", # capital E, circumflex accent
+ "ecirc" => "\\^{e}", # small e, circumflex accent
+ "Egrave" => "\\`{E}", # capital E, grave accent
+ "egrave" => "\\`{e}", # small e, grave accent
+ "ETH" => '\\OE', # capital Eth, Icelandic
+ "eth" => '\\oe', # small eth, Icelandic
+ "Euml" => '\\"{E}', # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "euml" => '\\"{e}', # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "Iacute" => "\\'{I}", # capital I, acute accent
+ "iacute" => "\\'{i}", # small i, acute accent
+ "Icirc" => "\\^{I}", # capital I, circumflex accent
+ "icirc" => "\\^{i}", # small i, circumflex accent
+ "Igrave" => "\\`{I}", # capital I, grave accent
+ "igrave" => "\\`{i}", # small i, grave accent
+ "Iuml" => '\\"{I}', # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "iuml" => '\\"{i}', # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "Ntilde" => '\\~{N}', # capital N, tilde
+ "ntilde" => '\\~{n}', # small n, tilde
+ "Oacute" => "\\'{O}", # capital O, acute accent
+ "oacute" => "\\'{o}", # small o, acute accent
+ "Ocirc" => "\\^{O}", # capital O, circumflex accent
+ "ocirc" => "\\^{o}", # small o, circumflex accent
+ "Ograve" => "\\`{O}", # capital O, grave accent
+ "ograve" => "\\`{o}", # small o, grave accent
+ "Oslash" => "\\O", # capital O, slash
+ "oslash" => "\\o", # small o, slash
+ "Otilde" => "\\~{O}", # capital O, tilde
+ "otilde" => "\\~{o}", # small o, tilde
+ "Ouml" => '\\"{O}', # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "ouml" => '\\"{o}', # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "szlig" => '\\ss', # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
+ "THORN" => '\\L', # capital THORN, Icelandic
+ "thorn" => '\\l',, # small thorn, Icelandic
+ "Uacute" => "\\'{U}", # capital U, acute accent
+ "uacute" => "\\'{u}", # small u, acute accent
+ "Ucirc" => "\\^{U}", # capital U, circumflex accent
+ "ucirc" => "\\^{u}", # small u, circumflex accent
+ "Ugrave" => "\\`{U}", # capital U, grave accent
+ "ugrave" => "\\`{u}", # small u, grave accent
+ "Uuml" => '\\"{U}', # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "uuml" => '\\"{u}', # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ "Yacute" => "\\'{Y}", # capital Y, acute accent
+ "yacute" => "\\'{y}", # small y, acute accent
+ "yuml" => '\\"{y}', # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
+close OUT or die "Can't close $file: $!";
+chmod 0755, $file or die "Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n";
+exec("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':';