path: root/pod
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authorIlya Zakharevich <>1998-07-18 19:11:13 -0400
committerGurusamy Sarathy <>1998-07-21 04:37:49 +0000
commitc84d73f1f9f9cc1f8dd8d87123bb87479c2f2754 (patch)
tree33217be85a058b171e3aab620f7d3a6aaeeedb7a /pod
parent9c4d0f167fb7643c3ff9ccfd4b79b6aeb9763e43 (diff)
applied RE doc patches, with tweaks to the prose
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 23:11:13 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <> Subject: [PATCH 5.004_72] Document irregular zero-length matches -- Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 00:38:44 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <> Subject: [PATCH 5.004_72] Another irregularity of expressions documented p4raw-id: //depot/perl@1598
Diffstat (limited to 'pod')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pod/perlre.pod b/pod/perlre.pod
index fc4d969466..924a2c4115 100644
--- a/pod/perlre.pod
+++ b/pod/perlre.pod
@@ -775,6 +775,126 @@ C<${1}000>. Basically, the operation of interpolation should not be confused
with the operation of matching a backreference. Certainly they mean two
different things on the I<left> side of the C<s///>.
+=head2 Repeated patterns matching zero-length substring
+WARNING: Difficult material (and prose) ahead. This section needs a rewrite.
+Regular expressions provide a terse and powerful programming language. As
+with most other power tools, power comes together with the ability
+to wreak havoc.
+A common abuse of this power stems from the ability to make infinite
+loops using regular expressions, with something as innocous as:
+ 'foo' =~ m{ ( o? )* }x;
+The C<o?> can match at the beginning of C<'foo'>, and since the position
+in the string is not moved by the match, C<o?> would match again and again
+due to the C<*> modifier. Another common way to create a similar cycle
+is with the looping modifier C<//g>:
+ @matches = ( 'foo' =~ m{ o? }xg );
+ print "match: <$&>\n" while 'foo' =~ m{ o? }xg;
+or the loop implied by split().
+However, long experience has shown that many programming tasks may
+be significantly simplified by using repeated subexpressions which
+may match zero-length substrings, with a simple example being:
+ @chars = split //, $string; # // is not magic in split
+ ($whitewashed = $string) =~ s/()/ /g; # parens avoid magic s// /
+Thus Perl allows the C</()/> construct, which I<forcefully breaks
+the infinite loop>. The rules for this are different for lower-level
+loops given by the greedy modifiers C<*+{}>, and for higher-level
+ones like the C</g> modifier or split() operator.
+The lower-level loops are I<interrupted> when it is detected that a
+repeated expression did match a zero-length substring, thus
+is made equivalent to
+ m{ (?: NON_ZERO_LENGTH )*
+ |
+ (?: ZERO_LENGTH )?
+ }x;
+The higher level-loops preserve an additional state between iterations:
+whether the last match was zero-length. To break the loop, the following
+match after a zero-length match is prohibited to have a length of zero.
+This prohibition interacts with backtracking (see L<"Backtracking">),
+and so the I<second best> match is chosen if the I<best> match is of
+zero length.
+ $_ = 'bar';
+ s/\w??/<$&>/g;
+results in C<"<><b><><a><><r><>">. At each position of the string the best
+match given by non-greedy C<??> is the zero-length match, and the I<second
+best> match is what is matched by C<\w>. Thus zero-length matches
+alternate with one-character-long matches.
+Similarly, for repeated C<m/()/g> the second-best match is the match at the
+position one notch further in the string.
+The additional state of being I<matched with zero-length> is associated to
+the matched string, and is reset by each assignment to pos().
+=head2 Creating custom RE engines
+Overloaded constants (see L<overload>) provide a simple way to extend
+the functionality of the RE engine.
+Suppose that we want to enable a new RE escape-sequence C<\Y|> which
+matches at boundary between white-space characters and non-whitespace
+characters. Note that C<(?=\S)(?<!\S)|(?!\S)(?<=\S)> matches exactly
+at these positions, so we want to have each C<\Y|> in the place of the
+more complicated version. We can create a module C<customre> to do
+ package customre;
+ use overload;
+ sub import {
+ shift;
+ die "No argument to customre::import allowed" if @_;
+ overload::constant 'qr' => \&convert;
+ }
+ sub invalid { die "/$_[0]/: invalid escape '\\$_[1]'"}
+ my %rules = ( '\\' => '\\',
+ 'Y|' => qr/(?=\S)(?<!\S)|(?!\S)(?<=\S)/ );
+ sub convert {
+ my $re = shift;
+ $re =~ s{
+ \\ ( \\ | Y . )
+ }
+ { $rules{$1} or invalid($re,$1) }sgex;
+ return $re;
+ }
+Now C<use customre> enables the new escape in constant regular
+expressions, i.e., those without any runtime variable interpolations.
+As documented in L<overload>, this conversion will work only over
+literal parts of regular expressions. For C<\Y|$re\Y|> the variable
+part of this regular expression needs to be converted explicitly
+(but only if the special meaning of C<\Y|> should be enabled inside $re):
+ use customre;
+ $re = <>;
+ chomp $re;
+ $re = customre::convert $re;
+ /\Y|$re\Y|/;
=head2 SEE ALSO
L<perlop/"Regexp Quote-Like Operators">.