path: root/proto.h
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2000-10-24 02:55:33 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2000-10-24 02:55:33 +0000
commitba210ebec161cde003bc967e8e460c72f71fb70c (patch)
tree7eefd78e8e365cbf64ddf49314681d17b83c3025 /proto.h
parent177b92d2814bfc842f28f277e0a2f353c652a5e3 (diff)
Make the UTF-8 decoding stricter and more verbose when
malformation happens. This involved adding an argument to utf8_to_uv_chk(), which involved changing its prototype, and prefer STRLEN over I32 for the UTF-8 length, which as a domino effect necessitated changing the prototypes of scan_bin(), scan_oct(), scan_hex(), and reg_uni(). The stricter UTF-8 decoding checking uses Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 Decode Stress Tester from p4raw-id: //depot/perl@7416
Diffstat (limited to 'proto.h')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/proto.h b/proto.h
index 27139161a9..7624255b4a 100644
--- a/proto.h
+++ b/proto.h
@@ -677,10 +677,10 @@ PERL_CALLCONV OP* Perl_scalar(pTHX_ OP* o);
PERL_CALLCONV OP* Perl_scalarkids(pTHX_ OP* o);
PERL_CALLCONV OP* Perl_scalarseq(pTHX_ OP* o);
PERL_CALLCONV OP* Perl_scalarvoid(pTHX_ OP* o);
-PERL_CALLCONV NV Perl_scan_bin(pTHX_ char* start, I32 len, I32* retlen);
-PERL_CALLCONV NV Perl_scan_hex(pTHX_ char* start, I32 len, I32* retlen);
+PERL_CALLCONV NV Perl_scan_bin(pTHX_ char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen);
+PERL_CALLCONV NV Perl_scan_hex(pTHX_ char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen);
PERL_CALLCONV char* Perl_scan_num(pTHX_ char* s, YYSTYPE *lvalp);
-PERL_CALLCONV NV Perl_scan_oct(pTHX_ char* start, I32 len, I32* retlen);
+PERL_CALLCONV NV Perl_scan_oct(pTHX_ char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen);
PERL_CALLCONV OP* Perl_scope(pTHX_ OP* o);
PERL_CALLCONV char* Perl_screaminstr(pTHX_ SV* bigsv, SV* littlesv, I32 start_shift, I32 end_shift, I32 *state, I32 last);
#if !defined(VMS)
@@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ PERL_CALLCONV I32 Perl_utf8_distance(pTHX_ U8 *a, U8 *b);
PERL_CALLCONV U8* Perl_utf8_hop(pTHX_ U8 *s, I32 off);
PERL_CALLCONV U8* Perl_utf8_to_bytes(pTHX_ U8 *s, STRLEN *len);
PERL_CALLCONV U8* Perl_bytes_to_utf8(pTHX_ U8 *s, STRLEN *len);
-PERL_CALLCONV UV Perl_utf8_to_uv(pTHX_ U8 *s, I32* retlen);
-PERL_CALLCONV UV Perl_utf8_to_uv_chk(pTHX_ U8 *s, I32* retlen, bool checking);
+PERL_CALLCONV UV Perl_utf8_to_uv(pTHX_ U8 *s, STRLEN* retlen);
+PERL_CALLCONV UV Perl_utf8_to_uv_chk(pTHX_ U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN* retlen, bool checking);
PERL_CALLCONV U8* Perl_uv_to_utf8(pTHX_ U8 *d, UV uv);
PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_vivify_defelem(pTHX_ SV* sv);
PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_vivify_ref(pTHX_ SV* sv, U32 to_what);
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ STATIC regnode* S_reg(pTHX_ I32, I32 *);
STATIC regnode* S_reganode(pTHX_ U8, U32);
STATIC regnode* S_regatom(pTHX_ I32 *);
STATIC regnode* S_regbranch(pTHX_ I32 *, I32);
-STATIC void S_reguni(pTHX_ UV, char *, I32*);
+STATIC void S_reguni(pTHX_ UV, char *, STRLEN*);
STATIC regnode* S_regclass(pTHX);
STATIC regnode* S_regclassutf8(pTHX);
STATIC I32 S_regcurly(pTHX_ char *);