path: root/proto.h
diff options
authorZefram <>2010-10-19 09:31:46 -0700
committerFather Chrysostomos <>2010-10-21 05:55:28 -0700
commit20439bc77dfeec46d94a15cf108446039e26c995 (patch)
treeea8f1eb9a1f1003a110114977d660f97d96a5bc2 /proto.h
parent53d84487fbdd2060c1a666eacaef6e34ce4a1483 (diff)
full API for cop hint hashes
Expose cop hint hashes as a type COPHH, with a cophh_* API which is a macro layer over the refcounted_he_* API. The documentation for cophh_* describes purely API-visible behaviour, whereas the refcounted_he_* documentation describes the functions mainly in terms of the implementation. Revise the cop_hints_* API, using the flags parameter consistently and reimplementing in terms of cophh_*. Use the cophh_* and cop_hints_* functions consistently where appropriate. [Modified by the committer to update two calls to Perl_refcounted_he_fetch recently added to newPMOP.]
Diffstat (limited to 'proto.h')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/proto.h b/proto.h
index ce9aaf356f..cfa12427e1 100644
--- a/proto.h
+++ b/proto.h
@@ -532,29 +532,6 @@ PERL_CALLCONV bool Perl_ckwarn_d(pTHX_ U32 w);
PERL_CALLCONV OP* Perl_convert(pTHX_ I32 optype, I32 flags, OP* o)
-PERL_CALLCONV HV* Perl_cop_hints_2hv(pTHX_ const COP *cop)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_1);
- assert(cop)
-/* PERL_CALLCONV SV* cop_hints_fetchpv(pTHX_ const COP *cop, const char *const key, int flags, U32 hash)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_1)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2); */
-PERL_CALLCONV SV* Perl_cop_hints_fetchpvn(pTHX_ const COP *cop, const char *key, STRLEN klen, int flags, U32 hash)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_1)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2);
- assert(cop); assert(key)
-/* PERL_CALLCONV SV* cop_hints_fetchpvs(pTHX_ const COP *cop, const char *const key)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_1)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2); */
-/* PERL_CALLCONV SV* cop_hints_fetchsv(pTHX_ const COP *cop, SV *keysv, U32 hash)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_1)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2); */
PERL_CALLCONV PERL_CONTEXT* Perl_create_eval_scope(pTHX_ U32 flags);
PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_croak(pTHX_ const char* pat, ...)
@@ -3292,10 +3269,39 @@ PERL_CALLCONV Malloc_t Perl_realloc(Malloc_t where, MEM_SIZE nbytes)
/* PERL_CALLCONV OP* Perl_ref(pTHX_ OP* o, I32 type); */
-PERL_CALLCONV HV * Perl_refcounted_he_chain_2hv(pTHX_ const struct refcounted_he *c);
-PERL_CALLCONV SV * Perl_refcounted_he_fetch(pTHX_ const struct refcounted_he *chain, SV *keysv, const char *key, STRLEN klen, int flags, U32 hash);
+PERL_CALLCONV HV * Perl_refcounted_he_chain_2hv(pTHX_ const struct refcounted_he *c, U32 flags);
+PERL_CALLCONV SV * Perl_refcounted_he_fetch_pv(pTHX_ const struct refcounted_he *chain, const char *key, U32 hash, U32 flags)
+ __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2);
+ assert(key)
+PERL_CALLCONV SV * Perl_refcounted_he_fetch_pvn(pTHX_ const struct refcounted_he *chain, const char *keypv, STRLEN keylen, U32 hash, U32 flags)
+ __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2);
+ assert(keypv)
+PERL_CALLCONV SV * Perl_refcounted_he_fetch_sv(pTHX_ const struct refcounted_he *chain, SV *key, U32 hash, U32 flags)
+ __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2);
+ assert(key)
PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_refcounted_he_free(pTHX_ struct refcounted_he *he);
-PERL_CALLCONV struct refcounted_he * Perl_refcounted_he_new(pTHX_ struct refcounted_he *const parent, SV *const key, SV *const value);
+PERL_CALLCONV struct refcounted_he * Perl_refcounted_he_inc(pTHX_ struct refcounted_he *he);
+PERL_CALLCONV struct refcounted_he * Perl_refcounted_he_new_pv(pTHX_ struct refcounted_he *parent, const char *key, U32 hash, SV *value, U32 flags)
+ __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2);
+ assert(key)
+PERL_CALLCONV struct refcounted_he * Perl_refcounted_he_new_pvn(pTHX_ struct refcounted_he *parent, const char *keypv, STRLEN keylen, U32 hash, SV *value, U32 flags)
+ __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2);
+ assert(keypv)
+PERL_CALLCONV struct refcounted_he * Perl_refcounted_he_new_sv(pTHX_ struct refcounted_he *parent, SV *key, U32 hash, SV *value, U32 flags)
+ __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2);
+ assert(key)
PERL_CALLCONV SV* Perl_reg_named_buff(pTHX_ REGEXP * const rx, SV * const key, SV * const value, const U32 flags)
@@ -5553,12 +5559,6 @@ STATIC HE* S_new_he(pTHX)
-STATIC struct refcounted_he * S_refcounted_he_new_common(pTHX_ struct refcounted_he *const parent, const char *const key_p, const STRLEN key_len, const char flags, char value_type, const void *value, const STRLEN value_len)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_2)
- __attribute__nonnull__(pTHX_6);
- assert(key_p); assert(value)
STATIC SV * S_refcounted_he_value(pTHX_ const struct refcounted_he *he)