path: root/regcomp.c
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authorYves Orton <>2006-09-02 18:40:12 +0200
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2006-09-05 10:21:57 +0000
commit786e8c118e1218e4c348fecf469934e080881633 (patch)
tree0c59c96c6848740abfe47c2fb0fd29a10035b4a5 /regcomp.c
parent7145db399bea60e9f2e625350c9081d1b1f3b08e (diff)
Re: [PATCH] Trie jumping
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@28785
Diffstat (limited to 'regcomp.c')
1 files changed, 726 insertions, 481 deletions
diff --git a/regcomp.c b/regcomp.c
index c26677a91a..8feb29772c 100644
--- a/regcomp.c
+++ b/regcomp.c
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ typedef struct RExC_state_t {
/* whether trie related optimizations are enabled */
/* Length of a variant. */
@@ -232,7 +233,8 @@ static const scan_data_t zero_scan_data =
-#define SCF_EXACT_TRIE 0x4000 /* should re study once we are done? */
+#define SCF_TRIE_RESTUDY 0x4000 /* Do restudy? */
#define UTF (RExC_utf8 != 0)
#define LOC ((RExC_flags & PMf_LOCALE) != 0)
@@ -444,7 +446,7 @@ static const scan_data_t zero_scan_data =
static void clear_re(pTHX_ void *r);
/* Mark that we cannot extend a found fixed substring at this point.
- Updata the longest found anchored substring and the longest found
+ Update the longest found anchored substring and the longest found
floating substrings if needed. */
@@ -633,199 +635,11 @@ S_cl_or(const RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, struct regnode_charclass_class *cl, con
- make_trie(startbranch,first,last,tail,flags,depth)
- startbranch: the first branch in the whole branch sequence
- first : start branch of sequence of branch-exact nodes.
- May be the same as startbranch
- last : Thing following the last branch.
- May be the same as tail.
- tail : item following the branch sequence
- flags : currently the OP() type we will be building one of /EXACT(|F|Fl)/
- depth : indent depth
-Inplace optimizes a sequence of 2 or more Branch-Exact nodes into a TRIE node.
-A trie is an N'ary tree where the branches are determined by digital
-decomposition of the key. IE, at the root node you look up the 1st character and
-follow that branch repeat until you find the end of the branches. Nodes can be
-marked as "accepting" meaning they represent a complete word. Eg:
- /he|she|his|hers/
-would convert into the following structure. Numbers represent states, letters
-following numbers represent valid transitions on the letter from that state, if
-the number is in square brackets it represents an accepting state, otherwise it
-will be in parenthesis.
- +-h->+-e->[3]-+-r->(8)-+-s->[9]
- | |
- | (2)
- | |
- (1) +-i->(6)-+-s->[7]
- |
- +-s->(3)-+-h->(4)-+-e->[5]
- Accept Word Mapping: 3=>1 (he),5=>2 (she), 7=>3 (his), 9=>4 (hers)
-This shows that when matching against the string 'hers' we will begin at state 1
-read 'h' and move to state 2, read 'e' and move to state 3 which is accepting,
-then read 'r' and go to state 8 followed by 's' which takes us to state 9 which
-is also accepting. Thus we know that we can match both 'he' and 'hers' with a
-single traverse. We store a mapping from accepting to state to which word was
-matched, and then when we have multiple possibilities we try to complete the
-rest of the regex in the order in which they occured in the alternation.
-The only prior NFA like behaviour that would be changed by the TRIE support is
-the silent ignoring of duplicate alternations which are of the form:
- / (DUPE|DUPE) X? (?{ ... }) Y /x
-Thus EVAL blocks follwing a trie may be called a different number of times with
-and without the optimisation. With the optimisations dupes will be silently
-ignored. This inconsistant behaviour of EVAL type nodes is well established as
-the following demonstrates:
- 'words'=~/(word|word|word)(?{ print $1 })[xyz]/
-which prints out 'word' three times, but
- 'words'=~/(word|word|word)(?{ print $1 })S/
-which doesnt print it out at all. This is due to other optimisations kicking in.
-Example of what happens on a structural level:
-The regexp /(ac|ad|ab)+/ will produce the folowing debug output:
- 1: CURLYM[1] {1,32767}(18)
- 5: BRANCH(8)
- 6: EXACT <ac>(16)
- 8: BRANCH(11)
- 9: EXACT <ad>(16)
- 11: BRANCH(14)
- 12: EXACT <ab>(16)
- 16: SUCCEED(0)
- 17: NOTHING(18)
- 18: END(0)
-This would be optimizable with startbranch=5, first=5, last=16, tail=16
-and should turn into:
- 1: CURLYM[1] {1,32767}(18)
- 5: TRIE(16)
- [Words:3 Chars Stored:6 Unique Chars:4 States:5 NCP:1]
- <ac>
- <ad>
- <ab>
- 16: SUCCEED(0)
- 17: NOTHING(18)
- 18: END(0)
-Cases where tail != last would be like /(?foo|bar)baz/:
- 1: BRANCH(4)
- 2: EXACT <foo>(8)
- 4: BRANCH(7)
- 5: EXACT <bar>(8)
- 7: TAIL(8)
- 8: EXACT <baz>(10)
- 10: END(0)
-which would be optimizable with startbranch=1, first=1, last=7, tail=8
-and would end up looking like:
- 1: TRIE(8)
- [Words:2 Chars Stored:6 Unique Chars:5 States:7 NCP:1]
- <foo>
- <bar>
- 7: TAIL(8)
- 8: EXACT <baz>(10)
- 10: END(0)
- d = uvuni_to_utf8_flags(d, uv, 0);
-is the recommended Unicode-aware way of saying
- *(d++) = uv;
- SV *tmp = Perl_newSVpvf_nocontext( "%c", (int)uvc ); \
- if (UTF) SvUTF8_on(tmp); \
- av_push( TRIE_REVCHARMAP(trie), tmp ); \
- wordlen++; \
- if ( UTF ) { \
- if ( folder ) { \
- if ( foldlen > 0 ) { \
- uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( scan, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags ); \
- foldlen -= len; \
- scan += len; \
- len = 0; \
- } else { \
- uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( (const U8*)uc, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags);\
- uvc = to_uni_fold( uvc, foldbuf, &foldlen ); \
- foldlen -= UNISKIP( uvc ); \
- scan = foldbuf + UNISKIP( uvc ); \
- } \
- } else { \
- uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( (const U8*)uc, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags);\
- } \
- } else { \
- uvc = (U32)*uc; \
- len = 1; \
- } \
#define TRIE_LIST_ITEM(state,idx) (trie->states[state].trans.list)[ idx ]
#define TRIE_LIST_CUR(state) ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, 0 ).forid )
#define TRIE_LIST_LEN(state) ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, 0 ).newstate )
#define TRIE_LIST_USED(idx) ( trie->states[state].trans.list ? (TRIE_LIST_CUR( idx ) - 1) : 0 )
-#define TRIE_LIST_PUSH(state,fid,ns) STMT_START { \
- if ( TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) >=TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) ) { \
- TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) *= 2; \
- Renew( trie->states[ state ].trans.list, \
- TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ), reg_trie_trans_le ); \
- } \
- TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) ).forid = fid; \
- TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) ).newstate = ns; \
- TRIE_LIST_CUR( state )++; \
-#define TRIE_LIST_NEW(state) STMT_START { \
- Newxz( trie->states[ state ].trans.list, \
- 4, reg_trie_trans_le ); \
- TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) = 1; \
- TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) = 4; \
-#define TRIE_HANDLE_WORD(state) STMT_START { \
- if ( !trie->states[ state ].wordnum ) { \
- /* we haven't inserted this word into the structure yet. */ \
- if (trie->wordlen) \
- trie->wordlen[ curword ] = wordlen; \
- trie->states[ state ].wordnum = ++curword; \
- DEBUG_r({ \
- /* store the word for dumping */ \
- SV* tmp; \
- if (OP(noper) != NOTHING) \
- tmp = newSVpvn(STRING(noper), STR_LEN(noper)); \
- else \
- tmp = newSVpvn( "", 0 ); \
- if ( UTF ) SvUTF8_on( tmp ); \
- av_push( trie->words, tmp ); \
- }); \
- } else { \
- NOOP; /* It's a dupe. So ignore it. */ \
- } \
@@ -882,7 +696,7 @@ S_dump_trie(pTHX_ const struct _reg_trie_data *trie,U32 depth)
PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%.*s", colwidth, "--------");
PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n");
- for( state = 1 ; state < TRIE_LASTSTATE(trie) ; state++ ) {
+ for( state = 1 ; state < trie->laststate ; state++ ) {
const U32 base = trie->states[ state ].trans.base;
PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*s#%4"UVXf"|", (int)depth * 2 + 2,"", (UV)state);
@@ -1043,114 +857,235 @@ S_dump_trie_interim_table(pTHX_ const struct _reg_trie_data *trie, U32 next_allo
-#define TRIE_TRANS_STATE(state,base,ucharcount,charid,special) \
- ( ( base + charid >= ucharcount \
- && base + charid < ubound \
- && state == trie->trans[ base - ucharcount + charid ].check \
- && trie->trans[ base - ucharcount + charid ].next ) \
- ? trie->trans[ base - ucharcount + charid ].next \
- : ( state==1 ? special : 0 ) \
- )
+/* make_trie(startbranch,first,last,tail,word_count,flags,depth)
+ startbranch: the first branch in the whole branch sequence
+ first : start branch of sequence of branch-exact nodes.
+ May be the same as startbranch
+ last : Thing following the last branch.
+ May be the same as tail.
+ tail : item following the branch sequence
+ count : words in the sequence
+ flags : currently the OP() type we will be building one of /EXACT(|F|Fl)/
+ depth : indent depth
-STATIC void
-S_make_trie_failtable(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *source, regnode *stclass, U32 depth)
-/* The Trie is constructed and compressed now so we can build a fail array now if its needed
+Inplace optimizes a sequence of 2 or more Branch-Exact nodes into a TRIE node.
- This is apparently the Aho-Corasick algorithm. Its from exercise 3.31 and 3.32 in the
- "Red Dragon" -- Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools. Aho, Sethi, Ullman 1985/88
- ISBN 0-201-10088-6
+A trie is an N'ary tree where the branches are determined by digital
+decomposition of the key. IE, at the root node you look up the 1st character and
+follow that branch repeat until you find the end of the branches. Nodes can be
+marked as "accepting" meaning they represent a complete word. Eg:
- We find the fail state for each state in the trie, this state is the longest proper
- suffix of the current states 'word' that is also a proper prefix of another word in our
- trie. State 1 represents the word '' and is the thus the default fail state. This allows
- the DFA not to have to restart after its tried and failed a word at a given point, it
- simply continues as though it had been matching the other word in the first place.
- Consider
- 'abcdgu'=~/abcdefg|cdgu/
- When we get to 'd' we are still matching the first word, we would encounter 'g' which would
- fail, which would bring use to the state representing 'd' in the second word where we would
- try 'g' and succeed, prodceding to match 'cdgu'.
- */
- /* add a fail transition */
- reg_trie_data *trie=(reg_trie_data *)RExC_rx->data->data[ARG(source)];
- U32 *q;
- const U32 ucharcount = trie->uniquecharcount;
- const U32 numstates = trie->laststate;
- const U32 ubound = trie->lasttrans + ucharcount;
- U32 q_read = 0;
- U32 q_write = 0;
- U32 charid;
- U32 base = trie->states[ 1 ].trans.base;
- U32 *fail;
- reg_ac_data *aho;
- const U32 data_slot = add_data( pRExC_state, 1, "T" );
-#ifndef DEBUGGING
+ /he|she|his|hers/
+would convert into the following structure. Numbers represent states, letters
+following numbers represent valid transitions on the letter from that state, if
+the number is in square brackets it represents an accepting state, otherwise it
+will be in parenthesis.
- ARG_SET( stclass, data_slot );
- Newxz( aho, 1, reg_ac_data );
- RExC_rx->data->data[ data_slot ] = (void*)aho;
- aho->trie=trie;
- aho->states=(reg_trie_state *)savepvn((const char*)trie->states,
- (trie->laststate+1)*sizeof(reg_trie_state));
- Newxz( q, numstates, U32);
- Newxz( aho->fail, numstates, U32 );
- aho->refcount = 1;
- fail = aho->fail;
- fail[ 0 ] = fail[ 1 ] = 1;
+ +-h->+-e->[3]-+-r->(8)-+-s->[9]
+ | |
+ | (2)
+ | |
+ (1) +-i->(6)-+-s->[7]
+ |
+ +-s->(3)-+-h->(4)-+-e->[5]
- for ( charid = 0; charid < ucharcount ; charid++ ) {
- const U32 newstate = TRIE_TRANS_STATE( 1, base, ucharcount, charid, 0 );
- if ( newstate ) {
- q[ q_write ] = newstate;
- /* set to point at the root */
- fail[ q[ q_write++ ] ]=1;
- }
- }
- while ( q_read < q_write) {
- const U32 cur = q[ q_read++ % numstates ];
- base = trie->states[ cur ].trans.base;
+ Accept Word Mapping: 3=>1 (he),5=>2 (she), 7=>3 (his), 9=>4 (hers)
- for ( charid = 0 ; charid < ucharcount ; charid++ ) {
- const U32 ch_state = TRIE_TRANS_STATE( cur, base, ucharcount, charid, 1 );
- if (ch_state) {
- U32 fail_state = cur;
- U32 fail_base;
- do {
- fail_state = fail[ fail_state ];
- fail_base = aho->states[ fail_state ].trans.base;
- } while ( !TRIE_TRANS_STATE( fail_state, fail_base, ucharcount, charid, 1 ) );
+This shows that when matching against the string 'hers' we will begin at state 1
+read 'h' and move to state 2, read 'e' and move to state 3 which is accepting,
+then read 'r' and go to state 8 followed by 's' which takes us to state 9 which
+is also accepting. Thus we know that we can match both 'he' and 'hers' with a
+single traverse. We store a mapping from accepting to state to which word was
+matched, and then when we have multiple possibilities we try to complete the
+rest of the regex in the order in which they occured in the alternation.
- fail_state = TRIE_TRANS_STATE( fail_state, fail_base, ucharcount, charid, 1 );
- fail[ ch_state ] = fail_state;
- if ( !aho->states[ ch_state ].wordnum && aho->states[ fail_state ].wordnum )
- {
- aho->states[ ch_state ].wordnum = aho->states[ fail_state ].wordnum;
- }
- q[ q_write++ % numstates] = ch_state;
- }
- }
- }
+The only prior NFA like behaviour that would be changed by the TRIE support is
+the silent ignoring of duplicate alternations which are of the form:
+ / (DUPE|DUPE) X? (?{ ... }) Y /x
+Thus EVAL blocks follwing a trie may be called a different number of times with
+and without the optimisation. With the optimisations dupes will be silently
+ignored. This inconsistant behaviour of EVAL type nodes is well established as
+the following demonstrates:
+ 'words'=~/(word|word|word)(?{ print $1 })[xyz]/
+which prints out 'word' three times, but
+ 'words'=~/(word|word|word)(?{ print $1 })S/
+which doesnt print it out at all. This is due to other optimisations kicking in.
+Example of what happens on a structural level:
+The regexp /(ac|ad|ab)+/ will produce the folowing debug output:
+ 1: CURLYM[1] {1,32767}(18)
+ 5: BRANCH(8)
+ 6: EXACT <ac>(16)
+ 8: BRANCH(11)
+ 9: EXACT <ad>(16)
+ 11: BRANCH(14)
+ 12: EXACT <ab>(16)
+ 16: SUCCEED(0)
+ 17: NOTHING(18)
+ 18: END(0)
+This would be optimizable with startbranch=5, first=5, last=16, tail=16
+and should turn into:
+ 1: CURLYM[1] {1,32767}(18)
+ 5: TRIE(16)
+ [Words:3 Chars Stored:6 Unique Chars:4 States:5 NCP:1]
+ <ac>
+ <ad>
+ <ab>
+ 16: SUCCEED(0)
+ 17: NOTHING(18)
+ 18: END(0)
+Cases where tail != last would be like /(?foo|bar)baz/:
+ 1: BRANCH(4)
+ 2: EXACT <foo>(8)
+ 4: BRANCH(7)
+ 5: EXACT <bar>(8)
+ 7: TAIL(8)
+ 8: EXACT <baz>(10)
+ 10: END(0)
+which would be optimizable with startbranch=1, first=1, last=7, tail=8
+and would end up looking like:
+ 1: TRIE(8)
+ [Words:2 Chars Stored:6 Unique Chars:5 States:7 NCP:1]
+ <foo>
+ <bar>
+ 7: TAIL(8)
+ 8: EXACT <baz>(10)
+ 10: END(0)
+ d = uvuni_to_utf8_flags(d, uv, 0);
+is the recommended Unicode-aware way of saying
+ *(d++) = uv;
+ SV *tmp = Perl_newSVpvf_nocontext( "%c", (int)uvc ); \
+ if (UTF) SvUTF8_on(tmp); \
+ av_push( TRIE_REVCHARMAP(trie), tmp ); \
+ wordlen++; \
+ if ( UTF ) { \
+ if ( folder ) { \
+ if ( foldlen > 0 ) { \
+ uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( scan, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags ); \
+ foldlen -= len; \
+ scan += len; \
+ len = 0; \
+ } else { \
+ uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( (const U8*)uc, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags);\
+ uvc = to_uni_fold( uvc, foldbuf, &foldlen ); \
+ foldlen -= UNISKIP( uvc ); \
+ scan = foldbuf + UNISKIP( uvc ); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( (const U8*)uc, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags);\
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ uvc = (U32)*uc; \
+ len = 1; \
+ } \
+#define TRIE_LIST_PUSH(state,fid,ns) STMT_START { \
+ if ( TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) >=TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) ) { \
+ TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) *= 2; \
+ Renew( trie->states[ state ].trans.list, \
+ TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ), reg_trie_trans_le ); \
+ } \
+ TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) ).forid = fid; \
+ TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) ).newstate = ns; \
+ TRIE_LIST_CUR( state )++; \
+#define TRIE_LIST_NEW(state) STMT_START { \
+ Newxz( trie->states[ state ].trans.list, \
+ 4, reg_trie_trans_le ); \
+ TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) = 1; \
+ TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) = 4; \
+#define TRIE_HANDLE_WORD(state) STMT_START { \
+ U16 dupe= trie->states[ state ].wordnum; \
+ regnode * const noper_next = regnext( noper ); \
+ \
+ if (trie->wordlen) \
+ trie->wordlen[ curword ] = wordlen; \
+ DEBUG_r({ \
+ /* store the word for dumping */ \
+ SV* tmp; \
+ if (OP(noper) != NOTHING) \
+ tmp = newSVpvn(STRING(noper), STR_LEN(noper)); \
+ else \
+ tmp = newSVpvn( "", 0 ); \
+ if ( UTF ) SvUTF8_on( tmp ); \
+ av_push( trie->words, tmp ); \
+ }); \
+ \
+ curword++; \
+ \
+ if ( noper_next < tail ) { \
+ if (!trie->jump) \
+ Newxz( trie->jump, word_count + 1, U16); \
+ trie->jump[curword] = (U16)(tail - noper_next); \
+ if (!jumper) \
+ jumper = noper_next; \
+ if (!nextbranch) \
+ nextbranch= regnext(cur); \
+ } \
+ \
+ if ( dupe ) { \
+ /* So it's a dupe. This means we need to maintain a */\
+ /* linked-list from the first to the next. */\
+ /* we only allocate the nextword buffer when there */\
+ /* a dupe, so first time we have to do the allocation */\
+ if (!trie->nextword) \
+ Newxz( trie->nextword, word_count + 1, U16); \
+ while ( trie->nextword[dupe] ) \
+ dupe= trie->nextword[dupe]; \
+ trie->nextword[dupe]= curword; \
+ } else { \
+ /* we haven't inserted this word yet. */ \
+ trie->states[ state ].wordnum = curword; \
+ } \
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*sFail: 1", (int)(depth * 2), "");
- for( q_read=2; q_read<numstates; q_read++ ) {
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, ", %"UVuf, fail[q_read]);
- }
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n");
- });
- Safefree(q);
- /*RExC_seen |= REG_SEEN_TRIEDFA;*/
+#define TRIE_TRANS_STATE(state,base,ucharcount,charid,special) \
+ ( ( base + charid >= ucharcount \
+ && base + charid < ubound \
+ && state == trie->trans[ base - ucharcount + charid ].check \
+ && trie->trans[ base - ucharcount + charid ].next ) \
+ ? trie->trans[ base - ucharcount + charid ].next \
+ : ( state==1 ? special : 0 ) \
+ )
+#define MADE_TRIE 1
+#define MADE_JUMP_TRIE 2
+#define MADE_EXACT_TRIE 4
-S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *first, regnode *last, regnode *tail, U32 flags, U32 depth)
+S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *first, regnode *last, regnode *tail, U32 word_count, U32 flags, U32 depth)
/* first pass, loop through and scan words */
@@ -1161,6 +1096,8 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
UV uvc = 0;
U16 curword = 0;
U32 next_alloc = 0;
+ regnode *jumper = NULL;
+ regnode *nextbranch = NULL;
/* we just use folder as a flag in utf8 */
const U8 * const folder = ( flags == EXACTF
? PL_fold
@@ -1175,14 +1112,8 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
/* these are only used during construction but are useful during
* debugging so we store them in the struct when debugging.
- * Wordcount is actually superfluous in debugging as we have
- * (AV*)trie->words to use for it, but that's not available when
- * not debugging... We could make the macro use the AV during
- * debugging though...
- U16 trie_wordcount=0;
STRLEN trie_charcount=0;
- /*U32 trie_laststate=0;*/
AV *trie_revcharmap;
@@ -1193,6 +1124,7 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
Newxz( trie, 1, reg_trie_data );
trie->refcount = 1;
trie->startstate = 1;
+ trie->wordcount = word_count;
RExC_rx->data->data[ data_slot ] = (void*)trie;
Newxz( trie->charmap, 256, U16 );
if (!(UTF && folder))
@@ -1208,10 +1140,11 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log,
- "%*smake_trie start==%d, first==%d, last==%d, tail==%d\n",
+ "%*smake_trie start==%d, first==%d, last==%d, tail==%d depth=%d\n",
(int)depth * 2 + 2, "",
- REG_NODE_NUM(last), REG_NODE_NUM(tail));
+ REG_NODE_NUM(last), REG_NODE_NUM(tail),
+ depth);
/* -- First loop and Setup --
@@ -1246,7 +1179,6 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
U32 wordlen = 0; /* required init */
STRLEN chars=0;
if (OP(noper) == NOTHING) {
trie->minlen= 0;
@@ -1295,11 +1227,11 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*sTRIE(%s): W:%d C:%d Uq:%d Min:%d Max:%d\n",
(int)depth * 2 + 2,"",
- ( trie->widecharmap ? "UTF8" : "NATIVE" ), TRIE_WORDCOUNT(trie),
+ ( trie->widecharmap ? "UTF8" : "NATIVE" ), word_count,
(int)TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie), trie->uniquecharcount,
(int)trie->minlen, (int)trie->maxlen )
- Newxz( trie->wordlen, TRIE_WORDCOUNT(trie), U32 );
+ Newxz( trie->wordlen, word_count, U32 );
We now know what we are dealing with in terms of unique chars and
@@ -1355,52 +1287,52 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
U8 foldbuf[ UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE + 1 ];
if (OP(noper) != NOTHING) {
- for ( ; uc < e ; uc += len ) {
+ for ( ; uc < e ; uc += len ) {
- if ( uvc < 256 ) {
- charid = trie->charmap[ uvc ];
- } else {
- SV** const svpp = hv_fetch( trie->widecharmap, (char*)&uvc, sizeof( UV ), 0);
- if ( !svpp ) {
- charid = 0;
+ if ( uvc < 256 ) {
+ charid = trie->charmap[ uvc ];
} else {
- charid=(U16)SvIV( *svpp );
+ SV** const svpp = hv_fetch( trie->widecharmap, (char*)&uvc, sizeof( UV ), 0);
+ if ( !svpp ) {
+ charid = 0;
+ } else {
+ charid=(U16)SvIV( *svpp );
+ }
- }
- if ( charid ) {
+ /* charid is now 0 if we dont know the char read, or nonzero if we do */
+ if ( charid ) {
- U16 check;
- U32 newstate = 0;
+ U16 check;
+ U32 newstate = 0;
- charid--;
- if ( !trie->states[ state ].trans.list ) {
- TRIE_LIST_NEW( state );
- }
- for ( check = 1; check <= TRIE_LIST_USED( state ); check++ ) {
- if ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, check ).forid == charid ) {
- newstate = TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, check ).newstate;
- break;
+ charid--;
+ if ( !trie->states[ state ].trans.list ) {
+ TRIE_LIST_NEW( state );
+ for ( check = 1; check <= TRIE_LIST_USED( state ); check++ ) {
+ if ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, check ).forid == charid ) {
+ newstate = TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, check ).newstate;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! newstate ) {
+ newstate = next_alloc++;
+ TRIE_LIST_PUSH( state, charid, newstate );
+ transcount++;
+ }
+ state = newstate;
+ } else {
+ Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic! In trie construction, no char mapping for %"IVdf, uvc );
- if ( ! newstate ) {
- newstate = next_alloc++;
- TRIE_LIST_PUSH( state, charid, newstate );
- transcount++;
- }
- state = newstate;
- } else {
- Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic! In trie construction, no char mapping for %"IVdf, uvc );
- /* charid is now 0 if we dont know the char read, or nonzero if we do */
- }
} /* end second pass */
- TRIE_LASTSTATE(trie) = next_alloc;
+ trie->laststate = next_alloc;
Renew( trie->states, next_alloc, reg_trie_state );
/* and now dump it out before we compress it */
@@ -1540,29 +1472,29 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
U8 foldbuf[ UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE + 1 ];
if ( OP(noper) != NOTHING ) {
- for ( ; uc < e ; uc += len ) {
+ for ( ; uc < e ; uc += len ) {
- if ( uvc < 256 ) {
- charid = trie->charmap[ uvc ];
- } else {
- SV* const * const svpp = hv_fetch( trie->widecharmap, (char*)&uvc, sizeof( UV ), 0);
- charid = svpp ? (U16)SvIV(*svpp) : 0;
- }
- if ( charid ) {
- charid--;
- if ( !trie->trans[ state + charid ].next ) {
- trie->trans[ state + charid ].next = next_alloc;
- trie->trans[ state ].check++;
- next_alloc += trie->uniquecharcount;
+ if ( uvc < 256 ) {
+ charid = trie->charmap[ uvc ];
+ } else {
+ SV* const * const svpp = hv_fetch( trie->widecharmap, (char*)&uvc, sizeof( UV ), 0);
+ charid = svpp ? (U16)SvIV(*svpp) : 0;
- state = trie->trans[ state + charid ].next;
- } else {
- Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic! In trie construction, no char mapping for %"IVdf, uvc );
+ if ( charid ) {
+ charid--;
+ if ( !trie->trans[ state + charid ].next ) {
+ trie->trans[ state + charid ].next = next_alloc;
+ trie->trans[ state ].check++;
+ next_alloc += trie->uniquecharcount;
+ }
+ state = trie->trans[ state + charid ].next;
+ } else {
+ Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic! In trie construction, no char mapping for %"IVdf, uvc );
+ }
+ /* charid is now 0 if we dont know the char read, or nonzero if we do */
- /* charid is now 0 if we dont know the char read, or nonzero if we do */
- }
accept_state = TRIE_NODENUM( state );
@@ -1600,6 +1532,7 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
even earlier), but the .check field determines if the transition is
+ XXX - wrong maybe?
The following process inplace converts the table to the compressed
table: We first do not compress the root node 1,and mark its all its
.check pointers as 1 and set its .base pointer as 1 as well. This
@@ -1625,7 +1558,7 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
This pointer is independent of the main pointer and scans forward
looking for null transitions that are allocated to a state. When it
finds one it writes the single transition into the "hole". If the
- pointer doesnt find one the single transition is appeneded as normal.
+ pointer doesnt find one the single transition is appended as normal.
- Once compressed we can Renew/realloc the structures to release the
excess space.
@@ -1638,7 +1571,7 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
const U32 laststate = TRIE_NODENUM( next_alloc );
U32 state, charid;
U32 pos = 0, zp=0;
- TRIE_LASTSTATE(trie) = laststate;
+ trie->laststate = laststate;
for ( state = 1 ; state < laststate ; state++ ) {
U8 flag = 0;
@@ -1700,7 +1633,9 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
regnode *convert;
U8 nodetype =(U8)(flags & 0xFF);
char *str=NULL;
U32 mjd_offset;
U32 mjd_nodelen;
@@ -1733,20 +1668,20 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*sMJD offset:%"UVuf" MJD length:%"UVuf"\n",
(int)depth * 2 + 2, "",
- mjd_offset,mjd_nodelen)
+ (UV)mjd_offset, (UV)mjd_nodelen)
/* But first we check to see if there is a common prefix we can
split out as an EXACT and put in front of the TRIE node. */
trie->startstate= 1;
- if ( trie->bitmap && !trie->widecharmap ) {
+ if ( trie->bitmap && !trie->widecharmap && !trie->jump ) {
U32 state;
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*sLaststate:%"UVuf"\n",
(int)depth * 2 + 2, "",
+ (UV)trie->laststate)
- for ( state = 1 ; state < TRIE_LASTSTATE(trie)-1 ; state++ ) {
+ for ( state = 1 ; state < trie->laststate-1 ; state++ ) {
U32 ofs = 0;
I32 idx = -1;
U32 count = 0;
@@ -1770,7 +1705,7 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
"%*sNew Start State=%"UVuf" Class: [",
(int)depth * 2 + 2, "",
- state));
+ (UV)state));
if (idx >= 0) {
SV ** const tmp = av_fetch( TRIE_REVCHARMAP(trie), idx, 0);
const U8 * const ch = (U8*)SvPV_nolen_const( *tmp );
@@ -1798,7 +1733,7 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log,
"%*sPrefix State: %"UVuf" Idx:%"UVuf" Char='%s'\n",
(int)depth * 2 + 2, "",
- state, idx, ch)
+ (UV)state, (UV)idx, ch)
if ( state==1 ) {
OP( convert ) = nodetype;
@@ -1838,9 +1773,25 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
if ( trie->maxlen ) {
- OP( convert ) = TRIE;
NEXT_OFF( convert ) = (U16)(tail - convert);
ARG_SET( convert, data_slot );
+ /* Store the offset to the first unabsorbed branch in
+ jump[0], which is otherwise unused by the jump logic.
+ We use this when dumping a trie and during optimisation. */
+ if (trie->jump)
+ trie->jump[0] = (U16)(tail - nextbranch);
+ if (!jumper)
+ jumper= last;
+ /* XXXX */
+ if ( !trie->states[trie->startstate].wordnum && trie->bitmap &&
+ ( (char *)jumper - (char *)convert) >= sizeof(struct regnode_charclass) )
+ {
+ OP( convert ) = TRIEC;
+ Copy(trie->bitmap, ((struct regnode_charclass *)convert)->bitmap, ANYOF_BITMAP_SIZE, char);
+ Safefree(trie->bitmap);
+ trie->bitmap= NULL;
+ } else
+ OP( convert ) = TRIE;
/* store the type in the flags */
convert->flags = nodetype;
@@ -1848,18 +1799,18 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
/* needed for dumping*/
- regnode *optimize = convert + NODE_STEP_REGNODE + regarglen[ TRIE ];
+ regnode *optimize = convert
+ + regarglen[ OP( convert ) ];
regnode *opt = convert;
while (++opt<optimize) {
- /* We now need to mark all of the space originally used by the
- branches as optimized away. This keeps the dumpuntil from
- throwing a wobbly as it doesnt use regnext() to traverse the
- opcodes.
- We also "fix" the offsets
+ /*
+ Try to clean up some of the debris left after the
+ optimisation.
- while( optimize < last ) {
+ while( optimize < jumper ) {
mjd_nodelen += Node_Length((optimize));
OP( optimize ) = OPTIMIZED;
@@ -1871,9 +1822,117 @@ S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *firs
- return 1;
+ return trie->jump
+ : trie->startstate>1
+STATIC void
+S_make_trie_failtable(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *source, regnode *stclass, U32 depth)
+/* The Trie is constructed and compressed now so we can build a fail array now if its needed
+ This is basically the Aho-Corasick algorithm. Its from exercise 3.31 and 3.32 in the
+ "Red Dragon" -- Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools. Aho, Sethi, Ullman 1985/88
+ ISBN 0-201-10088-6
+ We find the fail state for each state in the trie, this state is the longest proper
+ suffix of the current states 'word' that is also a proper prefix of another word in our
+ trie. State 1 represents the word '' and is the thus the default fail state. This allows
+ the DFA not to have to restart after its tried and failed a word at a given point, it
+ simply continues as though it had been matching the other word in the first place.
+ Consider
+ 'abcdgu'=~/abcdefg|cdgu/
+ When we get to 'd' we are still matching the first word, we would encounter 'g' which would
+ fail, which would bring use to the state representing 'd' in the second word where we would
+ try 'g' and succeed, prodceding to match 'cdgu'.
+ */
+ /* add a fail transition */
+ reg_trie_data *trie=(reg_trie_data *)RExC_rx->data->data[ARG(source)];
+ U32 *q;
+ const U32 ucharcount = trie->uniquecharcount;
+ const U32 numstates = trie->laststate;
+ const U32 ubound = trie->lasttrans + ucharcount;
+ U32 q_read = 0;
+ U32 q_write = 0;
+ U32 charid;
+ U32 base = trie->states[ 1 ].trans.base;
+ U32 *fail;
+ reg_ac_data *aho;
+ const U32 data_slot = add_data( pRExC_state, 1, "T" );
+#ifndef DEBUGGING
+ ARG_SET( stclass, data_slot );
+ Newxz( aho, 1, reg_ac_data );
+ RExC_rx->data->data[ data_slot ] = (void*)aho;
+ aho->trie=trie;
+ aho->states=(reg_trie_state *)savepvn((const char*)trie->states,
+ (trie->laststate+1)*sizeof(reg_trie_state));
+ Newxz( q, numstates, U32);
+ Newxz( aho->fail, numstates, U32 );
+ aho->refcount = 1;
+ fail = aho->fail;
+ /* initialize fail[0..1] to be 1 so that we always have
+ a valid final fail state */
+ fail[ 0 ] = fail[ 1 ] = 1;
+ for ( charid = 0; charid < ucharcount ; charid++ ) {
+ const U32 newstate = TRIE_TRANS_STATE( 1, base, ucharcount, charid, 0 );
+ if ( newstate ) {
+ q[ q_write ] = newstate;
+ /* set to point at the root */
+ fail[ q[ q_write++ ] ]=1;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( q_read < q_write) {
+ const U32 cur = q[ q_read++ % numstates ];
+ base = trie->states[ cur ].trans.base;
+ for ( charid = 0 ; charid < ucharcount ; charid++ ) {
+ const U32 ch_state = TRIE_TRANS_STATE( cur, base, ucharcount, charid, 1 );
+ if (ch_state) {
+ U32 fail_state = cur;
+ U32 fail_base;
+ do {
+ fail_state = fail[ fail_state ];
+ fail_base = aho->states[ fail_state ].trans.base;
+ } while ( !TRIE_TRANS_STATE( fail_state, fail_base, ucharcount, charid, 1 ) );
+ fail_state = TRIE_TRANS_STATE( fail_state, fail_base, ucharcount, charid, 1 );
+ fail[ ch_state ] = fail_state;
+ if ( !aho->states[ ch_state ].wordnum && aho->states[ fail_state ].wordnum )
+ {
+ aho->states[ ch_state ].wordnum = aho->states[ fail_state ].wordnum;
+ }
+ q[ q_write++ % numstates] = ch_state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore fail[0..1] to 0 so that we "fall out" of the AC loop
+ when we fail in state 1, this allows us to use the
+ charclass scan to find a valid start char. This is based on the principle
+ that theres a good chance the string being searched contains lots of stuff
+ that cant be a start char.
+ */
+ fail[ 0 ] = fail[ 1 ] = 0;
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*sStclass Failtable: 0", (int)(depth * 2), "");
+ for( q_read=1; q_read<numstates; q_read++ ) {
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, ", %"UVuf, (UV)fail[q_read]);
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n");
+ });
+ Safefree(q);
+ /*RExC_seen |= REG_SEEN_TRIEDFA;*/
* There are strange code-generation bugs caused on sparc64 by gcc-2.95.2.
* These need to be revisited when a newer toolchain becomes available.
@@ -1939,7 +1998,7 @@ S_join_exact(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *scan, I32 *min, U32 flags
n = regnext(n);
else if (stringok) {
- const int oldl = STR_LEN(scan);
+ const unsigned int oldl = STR_LEN(scan);
regnode * const nnext = regnext(n);
@@ -2066,11 +2125,18 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
scan_data_t data_fake;
struct regnode_charclass_class and_with; /* Valid if flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS_OR */
SV *re_trie_maxbuff = NULL;
+ regnode *first_non_open = scan;
StructCopy(&zero_scan_data, &data_fake, scan_data_t);
+ if ( depth == 0 ) {
+ while (first_non_open && OP(first_non_open) == OPEN)
+ first_non_open=regnext(first_non_open);
+ }
while (scan && OP(scan) != END && scan < last) {
/* Peephole optimizer: */
@@ -2112,6 +2178,9 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
/* demq: the op(next)==code check is to see if we have "branch-branch" AFAICT */
if (OP(next) == code || code == IFTHEN || code == SUSPEND) {
+ /* NOTE - There is similar code to this block below for handling
+ TRIE nodes on a re-study. If you change stuff here check there
+ too. */
I32 max1 = 0, min1 = I32_MAX, num = 0;
struct regnode_charclass_class accum;
regnode * const startbranch=scan;
@@ -2202,6 +2271,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
+ if (PERL_ENABLE_TRIE_OPTIMISATION && OP( startbranch ) == BRANCH ) {
/* demq.
Assuming this was/is a branch we are dealing with: 'scan' now
@@ -2209,8 +2279,9 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
it is. We now start at the beginning of the sequence and look
for subsequences of
+ tail
which would be constructed from a pattern like /A|LIST|OF|WORDS/
@@ -2220,10 +2291,9 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
We have two cases
- 1. patterns where the whole set of branch can be converted to a trie,
+ 1. patterns where the whole set of branch can be converted.
- 2. patterns where only a subset of the alternations can be
- converted to a trie.
+ 2. patterns where only a subset can be converted.
In case 1 we can replace the whole set with a single regop
for the trie. In case 2 we need to keep the start and end
@@ -2232,19 +2302,24 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
- Hypthetically when we know the regex isnt anchored we can
- turn a case 1 into a DFA and let it rip... Every time it finds a match
- it would just call its tail, no WHILEM/CURLY needed.
+ There is an additional case, that being where there is a
+ common prefix, which gets split out into an EXACT like node
+ preceding the TRIE node.
+ If x(1..n)==tail then we can do a simple trie, if not we make
+ a "jump" trie, such that when we match the appropriate word
+ we "jump" to the appopriate tail node. Essentailly we turn
+ a nested if into a case structure of sorts.
int made=0;
if (!re_trie_maxbuff) {
re_trie_maxbuff = get_sv(RE_TRIE_MAXBUF_NAME, 1);
if (!SvIOK(re_trie_maxbuff))
sv_setiv(re_trie_maxbuff, RE_TRIE_MAXBUF_INIT);
- if ( SvIV(re_trie_maxbuff)>=0 && OP( startbranch )==BRANCH ) {
+ if ( SvIV(re_trie_maxbuff)>=0 ) {
regnode *cur;
regnode *first = (regnode *)NULL;
regnode *last = (regnode *)NULL;
@@ -2328,7 +2403,10 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
if ( (((first && optype!=NOTHING) ? OP( noper ) == optype
: PL_regkind[ OP( noper ) ] == EXACT )
|| OP(noper) == NOTHING )
- && noper_next == tail && count<U16_MAX)
+ && noper_next == tail
+ && count < U16_MAX)
if ( !first || optype == NOTHING ) {
@@ -2339,11 +2417,15 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
} else {
if ( last ) {
- made+=make_trie( pRExC_state, startbranch, first, cur, tail, optype, depth+1 );
+ make_trie( pRExC_state,
+ startbranch, first, cur, tail, count,
+ optype, depth+1 );
if ( PL_regkind[ OP( noper ) ] == EXACT
- && noper_next == tail )
- {
+ && noper_next == tail
+ ){
count = 1;
first = cur;
optype = OP( noper );
@@ -2363,24 +2445,19 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
if ( last ) {
- made+= make_trie( pRExC_state, startbranch, first, scan, tail, optype, depth+1 );
+ made= make_trie( pRExC_state, startbranch, first, scan, tail, count, optype, depth+1 );
- if ( made && startbranch == first ) {
- if ( OP(first)!=TRIE )
- flags |= SCF_EXACT_TRIE;
- else {
- regnode *chk=*scanp;
- while ( OP( chk ) == OPEN )
- chk = regnext( chk );
- if (chk==first)
- flags |= SCF_EXACT_TRIE;
- }
- }
+ if ( ((made == MADE_EXACT_TRIE &&
+ startbranch == first)
+ || ( first_non_open == first )) &&
+ depth==0 )
+ flags |= SCF_TRIE_RESTUDY;
} /* do trie */
else if ( code == BRANCHJ ) { /* single branch is optimized. */
scan = NEXTOPER(NEXTOPER(scan));
@@ -2500,21 +2577,6 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
flags &= ~SCF_DO_STCLASS;
- else if (OP(scan) == TRIE) {
- reg_trie_data *trie = (reg_trie_data*)RExC_rx->data->data[ ARG(scan) ];
- min += trie->minlen;
- delta += (trie->maxlen - trie->minlen);
- flags &= ~SCF_DO_STCLASS; /* xxx */
- if (flags & SCF_DO_SUBSTR) {
- scan_commit(pRExC_state,data); /* Cannot expect anything... */
- data->pos_min += trie->minlen;
- data->pos_delta += (trie->maxlen - trie->minlen);
- if (trie->maxlen != trie->minlen)
- data->longest = &(data->longest_float);
- }
- }
else if (strchr((const char*)PL_varies,OP(scan))) {
I32 mincount, maxcount, minnext, deltanext, fl = 0;
I32 f = flags, pos_before = 0;
@@ -2563,7 +2625,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
next = regnext(scan);
if (OP(scan) == CURLYX) {
I32 lp = (data ? *(data->last_closep) : 0);
- scan->flags = ((lp <= U8_MAX) ? (U8)lp : U8_MAX);
+ scan->flags = ((lp <= (I32)U8_MAX) ? (U8)lp : U8_MAX);
next_is_eval = (OP(scan) == EVAL);
@@ -3107,7 +3169,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
if (deltanext) {
vFAIL("Variable length lookbehind not implemented");
- else if (minnext > U8_MAX) {
+ else if (minnext > (I32)U8_MAX) {
vFAIL2("Lookbehind longer than %"UVuf" not implemented", (UV)U8_MAX);
scan->flags = (U8)minnext;
@@ -3154,6 +3216,138 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
cl_anything(pRExC_state, data->start_class);
flags &= ~SCF_DO_STCLASS;
+ else if (PL_regkind[OP(scan)] == TRIE) {
+ /* NOTE - There is similar code to this block above for handling
+ BRANCH nodes on the initial study. If you change stuff here
+ check there too. */
+ regnode *tail= regnext(scan);
+ reg_trie_data *trie = (reg_trie_data*)RExC_rx->data->data[ ARG(scan) ];
+ I32 max1 = 0, min1 = I32_MAX;
+ struct regnode_charclass_class accum;
+ if (flags & SCF_DO_SUBSTR) /* XXXX Add !SUSPEND? */
+ scan_commit(pRExC_state, data); /* Cannot merge strings after this. */
+ if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS)
+ cl_init_zero(pRExC_state, &accum);
+ if (!trie->jump) {
+ min1= trie->minlen;
+ max1= trie->maxlen;
+ } else {
+ const regnode *nextbranch= NULL;
+ U32 word;
+ for ( word=1 ; word <= trie->wordcount ; word++)
+ {
+ I32 deltanext=0, minnext=0, f = 0, fake;
+ struct regnode_charclass_class this_class;
+ data_fake.flags = 0;
+ if (data) {
+ data_fake.whilem_c = data->whilem_c;
+ data_fake.last_closep = data->last_closep;
+ }
+ else
+ data_fake.last_closep = &fake;
+ if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS) {
+ cl_init(pRExC_state, &this_class);
+ data_fake.start_class = &this_class;
+ }
+ if (trie->jump[word]) {
+ if (!nextbranch)
+ nextbranch = tail - trie->jump[0];
+ scan= tail - trie->jump[word];
+ /* We go from the jump point to the branch that follows
+ it. Note this means we need the vestigal unused branches
+ even though they arent otherwise used.
+ */
+ minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, &deltanext,
+ (regnode *)nextbranch, &data_fake, f,depth+1);
+ }
+ if (nextbranch && PL_regkind[OP(nextbranch)]==BRANCH)
+ nextbranch= regnext((regnode*)nextbranch);
+ if (min1 > (I32)(minnext + trie->minlen))
+ min1 = minnext + trie->minlen;
+ if (max1 < (I32)(minnext + deltanext + trie->maxlen))
+ max1 = minnext + deltanext + trie->maxlen;
+ if (deltanext == I32_MAX)
+ is_inf = is_inf_internal = 1;
+ if (data_fake.flags & (SF_HAS_PAR|SF_IN_PAR))
+ pars++;
+ if (data) {
+ if (data_fake.flags & SF_HAS_EVAL)
+ data->flags |= SF_HAS_EVAL;
+ data->whilem_c = data_fake.whilem_c;
+ }
+ if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS)
+ cl_or(pRExC_state, &accum, &this_class);
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & SCF_DO_SUBSTR) {
+ data->pos_min += min1;
+ data->pos_delta += max1 - min1;
+ if (max1 != min1 || is_inf)
+ data->longest = &(data->longest_float);
+ }
+ min += min1;
+ delta += max1 - min1;
+ if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS_OR) {
+ cl_or(pRExC_state, data->start_class, &accum);
+ if (min1) {
+ cl_and(data->start_class, &and_with);
+ flags &= ~SCF_DO_STCLASS;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS_AND) {
+ if (min1) {
+ cl_and(data->start_class, &accum);
+ flags &= ~SCF_DO_STCLASS;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Switch to OR mode: cache the old value of
+ * data->start_class */
+ StructCopy(data->start_class, &and_with,
+ struct regnode_charclass_class);
+ flags &= ~SCF_DO_STCLASS_AND;
+ StructCopy(&accum, data->start_class,
+ struct regnode_charclass_class);
+ flags |= SCF_DO_STCLASS_OR;
+ data->start_class->flags |= ANYOF_EOS;
+ }
+ }
+ scan= tail;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (PL_regkind[OP(scan)] == TRIE) {
+ reg_trie_data *trie = (reg_trie_data*)RExC_rx->data->data[ ARG(scan) ];
+ U8*bang=NULL;
+ min += trie->minlen;
+ delta += (trie->maxlen - trie->minlen);
+ flags &= ~SCF_DO_STCLASS; /* xxx */
+ if (flags & SCF_DO_SUBSTR) {
+ scan_commit(pRExC_state,data); /* Cannot expect anything... */
+ data->pos_min += trie->minlen;
+ data->pos_delta += (trie->maxlen - trie->minlen);
+ if (trie->maxlen != trie->minlen)
+ data->longest = &(data->longest_float);
+ }
+ if (trie->jump) /* no more substrings -- for now /grr*/
+ flags &= ~SCF_DO_SUBSTR;
+ }
+#endif /* old or new */
+#endif /* TRIE_STUDY_OPT */
/* Else: zero-length, ignore. */
scan = regnext(scan);
@@ -3163,7 +3357,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
*deltap = is_inf_internal ? I32_MAX : delta;
if (flags & SCF_DO_SUBSTR && is_inf)
data->pos_delta = I32_MAX - data->pos_min;
- if (is_par > U8_MAX)
+ if (is_par > (I32)U8_MAX)
is_par = 0;
if (is_par && pars==1 && data) {
data->flags |= SF_IN_PAR;
@@ -3175,8 +3369,8 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap,
if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS_OR)
cl_and(data->start_class, &and_with);
- if (flags & SCF_EXACT_TRIE)
- data->flags |= SCF_EXACT_TRIE;
+ if (flags & SCF_TRIE_RESTUDY)
+ data->flags |= SCF_TRIE_RESTUDY;
return min;
@@ -3229,6 +3423,15 @@ Perl_reginitcolors(pTHX)
+ if ( \
+ (data.flags & SCF_TRIE_RESTUDY) \
+ && ! restudied++ \
+ ) goto reStudy
- pregcomp - compile a regular expression into internal code
@@ -3368,7 +3571,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
RExC_emit_start = r->program;
RExC_emit = r->program;
/* Store the count of eval-groups for security checks: */
- RExC_emit->next_off = (U16)((RExC_seen_evals > U16_MAX) ? U16_MAX : RExC_seen_evals);
+ RExC_emit->next_off = (RExC_seen_evals > (I32)U16_MAX) ? U16_MAX : (U16)RExC_seen_evals;
REGC((U8)REG_MAGIC, (char*) RExC_emit++);
r->data = 0;
if (reg(pRExC_state, 0, &flags,1) == NULL)
@@ -3378,6 +3581,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
Newx(r->substrs, 1, struct reg_substr_data);
+ minlen=sawplus=sawopen=0;
Zero(r->substrs, 1, struct reg_substr_data);
StructCopy(&zero_scan_data, &data, scan_data_t);
@@ -3425,7 +3629,7 @@ reStudy:
/* An {n,m} with n>0 */
(PL_regkind[OP(first)] == CURLY && ARG1(first) > 0) )
- DEBUG_PEEP("first:",first,0);
if (OP(first) == PLUS)
sawplus = 1;
@@ -3439,6 +3643,7 @@ reStudy:
/* Starting-point info. */
+ DEBUG_PEEP("first:",first,0);
/* Ignore EXACT as we deal with it later. */
if (PL_regkind[OP(first)] == EXACT) {
if (OP(first) == EXACT)
@@ -3447,15 +3652,24 @@ reStudy:
r->regstclass = first;
- else if (OP(first) == TRIE &&
+ else if (PL_regkind[OP(first)] == TRIE &&
((reg_trie_data *)r->data->data[ ARG(first) ])->minlen>0)
+ regnode *trie_op;
/* this can happen only on restudy */
- struct regnode_1 *trie_op;
- Newxz(trie_op,1,struct regnode_1);
- StructCopy(first,trie_op,struct regnode_1);
- make_trie_failtable(pRExC_state, (regnode *)first, (regnode *)trie_op, 0);
- r->regstclass = (regnode *)trie_op;
+ if ( OP(first) == TRIE ) {
+ struct regnode_1 *trieop;
+ Newxz(trieop,1,struct regnode_1);
+ StructCopy(first,trieop,struct regnode_1);
+ trie_op=(regnode *)trieop;
+ } else {
+ struct regnode_charclass *trieop;
+ Newxz(trieop,1,struct regnode_charclass);
+ StructCopy(first,trieop,struct regnode_charclass);
+ trie_op=(regnode *)trieop;
+ }
+ make_trie_failtable(pRExC_state, (regnode *)first, trie_op, 0);
+ r->regstclass = trie_op;
else if (strchr((const char*)PL_simple,OP(first)))
@@ -3539,12 +3753,10 @@ reStudy:
minlen = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &first, &fake, scan + RExC_size, /* Up to end */
&data, SCF_DO_SUBSTR | SCF_WHILEM_VISITED_POS | stclass_flag,0);
- if ( (data.flags & SCF_EXACT_TRIE) && ! restudied++ ) {
- goto reStudy;
- }
if ( RExC_npar == 1 && data.longest == &(data.longest_fixed)
&& data.last_start_min == 0 && data.last_end > 0
&& !RExC_seen_zerolen
@@ -3673,11 +3885,7 @@ reStudy:
minlen = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, &fake, scan + RExC_size,
- if ( (data.flags & SCF_EXACT_TRIE) && ! restudied++ ) {
- goto reStudy;
- }
r->check_substr = r->check_utf8 = r->anchored_substr = r->anchored_utf8
= r->float_substr = r->float_utf8 = NULL;
@@ -3726,7 +3934,7 @@ reStudy:
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
if (r->offsets[i*2-1] || r->offsets[i*2])
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%"UVuf":%"UVuf"[%"UVuf"] ",
- i, (UV)r->offsets[i*2-1], (UV)r->offsets[i*2]);
+ (UV)i, (UV)r->offsets[i*2-1], (UV)r->offsets[i*2]);
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n");
@@ -6201,7 +6409,7 @@ S_reginsert(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, U8 op, regnode *opnd)
? "Overwriting end of array!\n" : "OK",
(UV)(place - RExC_emit_start),
(UV)(RExC_parse - RExC_start),
- RExC_offsets[0]));
+ (UV)RExC_offsets[0]));
Set_Node_Offset(place, RExC_parse);
Set_Node_Length(place, 1);
@@ -6377,7 +6585,7 @@ Perl_regdump(pTHX_ const regexp *r)
SV * const sv = sv_newmortal();
SV *dsv= sv_newmortal();
- (void)dumpuntil(r, r->program, r->program + 1, NULL, sv, 0);
+ (void)dumpuntil(r, r->program, r->program + 1, NULL, NULL, sv, 0, 0);
/* Header fields of interest. */
if (r->anchored_substr) {
@@ -6683,8 +6891,6 @@ Perl_pregfree(pTHX_ struct regexp *r)
if (!r || (--r->refcnt > 0))
@@ -6794,6 +7000,10 @@ Perl_pregfree(pTHX_ struct regexp *r)
if (trie->wordlen)
+ if (trie->jump)
+ Safefree(trie->jump);
+ if (trie->nextword)
+ Safefree(trie->nextword);
if (RX_DEBUG(r)) {
if (trie->words)
@@ -6946,31 +7156,41 @@ S_put_byte(pTHX_ SV *sv, int c)
Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "%c", c);
if (optstart) STMT_START { \
DEBUG_OPTIMISE_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " (%d nodes)\n", node - optstart)); \
optstart=NULL; \
-#define DUMPUNTIL(a,b,c,d,e,f) CLEAR_OPTSTART; node=dumpuntil(a,b,c,d,e,f);
+#define DUMPUNTIL(b,e) CLEAR_OPTSTART; node=dumpuntil(r,start,(b),(e),last,sv,indent+1,depth+1);
STATIC const regnode *
S_dumpuntil(pTHX_ const regexp *r, const regnode *start, const regnode *node,
- const regnode *last, SV* sv, I32 l)
+ const regnode *last, const regnode *plast,
+ SV* sv, I32 indent, U32 depth)
- register U8 op = EXACT; /* Arbitrary non-END op. */
+ register U8 op = PSEUDO; /* Arbitrary non-END op. */
register const regnode *next;
const regnode *optstart= NULL;
- while (op != END && (!last || node < last)) {
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "--- %d : %d - %d - %d\n",indent,node-start,
+ last ? last-start : 0,plast ? plast-start : 0);
+ if (plast && plast < last)
+ last= plast;
+ while (PL_regkind[op] != END && (!last || node < last)) {
/* While that wasn't END last time... */
op = OP(node);
if (op == CLOSE)
- l--;
+ indent--;
next = regnext((regnode *)node);
/* Where, what. */
@@ -6984,14 +7204,18 @@ S_dumpuntil(pTHX_ const regexp *r, const regnode *start, const regnode *node,
regprop(r, sv, node);
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%4"IVdf":%*s%s", (IV)(node - start),
- (int)(2*l + 1), "", SvPVX_const(sv));
+ (int)(2*indent + 1), "", SvPVX_const(sv));
if (OP(node) != OPTIMIZED) {
if (next == NULL) /* Next ptr. */
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(0)");
+ else if (PL_regkind[(U8)op] == BRANCH && PL_regkind[OP(next)] != BRANCH )
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(FAIL)");
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%"IVdf")", (IV)(next - start));
- (void)PerlIO_putc(Perl_debug_log, '\n');
+ if (PL_regkind[(U8)op] != TRIE)
+ (void)PerlIO_putc(Perl_debug_log, '\n');
@@ -7003,36 +7227,39 @@ S_dumpuntil(pTHX_ const regexp *r, const regnode *start, const regnode *node,
: next);
if (last && nnode > last)
nnode = last;
- DUMPUNTIL(r, start, NEXTOPER(NEXTOPER(node)), nnode, sv, l + 1);
else if (PL_regkind[(U8)op] == BRANCH) {
- DUMPUNTIL(r, start, NEXTOPER(node), next, sv, l + 1);
+ DUMPUNTIL(NEXTOPER(node), next);
else if ( PL_regkind[(U8)op] == TRIE ) {
const I32 n = ARG(node);
const reg_trie_data * const trie = (reg_trie_data*)r->data->data[n];
- const I32 arry_len = av_len(trie->words)+1;
+ const regnode *nextbranch= NULL;
I32 word_idx;
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log,
- "%*s[StS:%"UVuf" Wds:%d Cs:%d Uq:%d #Sts:%"IVdf" Mn:%d Mx:%d",
- (int)(2*(l+3)),
- "",
- trie->startstate,
- (int)TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie),
- trie->uniquecharcount,
- (int)trie->minlen,
- (int)trie->maxlen
- );
- if (trie->bitmap) {
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log,
+ " S:%"UVuf"/%"IVdf" W:%d L:%d/%d C:%d/%d ",
+ (UV)trie->startstate,
+ (IV)trie->laststate-1,
+ trie->wordcount,
+ (int)trie->minlen,
+ (int)trie->maxlen,
+ (int)TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie),
+ trie->uniquecharcount
+ );
+ );
+ if ( op==TRIEC || trie->bitmap ) {
int i;
int rangestart= -1;
+ U8* bitmap= op==TRIEC ? ANYOF_BITMAP(node) : TRIE_BITMAP(trie);
sv_setpvn(sv, "", 0);
for (i = 0; i <= 256; i++) {
- if (i < 256 && TRIE_BITMAP_TEST(trie,i)) {
+ if (i < 256 && BITMAP_TEST(bitmap,i)) {
if (rangestart == -1)
rangestart = i;
} else if (rangestart != -1) {
@@ -7047,39 +7274,54 @@ S_dumpuntil(pTHX_ const regexp *r, const regnode *start, const regnode *node,
rangestart = -1;
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " Stcls:%s]\n", SvPVX_const(sv));
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "[%s]\n", SvPVX_const(sv));
} else
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " No-Stcls]\n");
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n");
- for (word_idx=0; word_idx < arry_len; word_idx++) {
+ for (word_idx= 0; word_idx < (I32)trie->wordcount; word_idx++) {
SV ** const elem_ptr = av_fetch(trie->words,word_idx,0);
- if (elem_ptr)
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s\n",
- (int)(2*(l+4)), "",
- pv_pretty(sv, SvPV_nolen_const(*elem_ptr), SvCUR(*elem_ptr), 60,
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s ",
+ (int)(2*(indent+3)), "",
+ elem_ptr ? pv_pretty(sv, SvPV_nolen_const(*elem_ptr), SvCUR(*elem_ptr), 60,
PL_colors[0], PL_colors[1],
(SvUTF8(*elem_ptr) ? PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI : 0) |
- )
- );
+ )
+ : "???"
+ );
+ if (trie->jump) {
+ U16 dist= trie->jump[word_idx+1];
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%u)\n",(next - dist) - start);
+ if (dist) {
+ if (!nextbranch)
+ nextbranch= next - trie->jump[0];
+ DUMPUNTIL(next - dist, nextbranch);
+ }
+ if (nextbranch && PL_regkind[OP(nextbranch)]==BRANCH)
+ nextbranch= regnext((regnode *)nextbranch);
+ } else {
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n");
- node = NEXTOPER(node);
- node += regarglen[(U8)op];
+ }
+ if (last && next > last)
+ node= last;
+ else
+ node= next;
- else if ( op == CURLY) { /* "next" might be very big: optimizer */
- NEXTOPER(node) + EXTRA_STEP_2ARGS + 1, sv, l + 1);
+ else if ( op == CURLY ) { /* "next" might be very big: optimizer */
else if (PL_regkind[(U8)op] == CURLY && op != CURLYX) {
- next, sv, l + 1);
else if ( op == PLUS || op == STAR) {
- DUMPUNTIL(r, start, NEXTOPER(node), NEXTOPER(node) + 1, sv, l + 1);
else if (op == ANYOF) {
/* arglen 1 + class block */
@@ -7097,12 +7339,15 @@ S_dumpuntil(pTHX_ const regexp *r, const regnode *start, const regnode *node,
node += regarglen[(U8)op];
if (op == CURLYX || op == OPEN)
- l++;
+ indent++;
else if (op == WHILEM)
- l--;
+ indent--;
- return node;
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "--- %d\n",indent);
+ return last ? last : node;
#endif /* DEBUGGING */