path: root/regcomp.c
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authorYves Orton <>2005-03-14 09:55:39 +0100
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2005-03-18 15:04:39 +0000
commita3621e74372f5d2c10ed0d2a21195cab42a5be54 (patch)
treeaf6f341cee80094a7b5a4c5ce1a572ae7716d394 /regcomp.c
parent20ef40cf6a00eee95a449854794854a93e411e3b (diff)
Re: Reworked Trie Patch
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 08:55:39 +0100 Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: Reworked Trie Patch From: demerphq <> Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 19:48:18 +0100 Message-ID: <> Plus minor nits in the documentation of, a version bump, and addition of an OPTIMIZE alias p4raw-id: //depot/perl@24044
Diffstat (limited to 'regcomp.c')
1 files changed, 1186 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/regcomp.c b/regcomp.c
index e9532bfb87..12bd96ba22 100644
--- a/regcomp.c
+++ b/regcomp.c
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ static scan_data_t zero_scan_data = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/* #define MJD_OFFSET_DEBUG(x) Perl_warn_nocontext x */
+/* #define MJD_OFFSET_DEBUG(x) DEBUG_r(Perl_warn_nocontext x) */
#define Set_Node_Offset_To_R(node,byte) STMT_START { \
@@ -661,6 +661,873 @@ S_cl_or(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, struct regnode_charclass_class *cl, str
+ make_trie(startbranch,first,last,tail,flags)
+ startbranch: the first branch in the whole branch sequence
+ first : start branch of sequence of branch-exact nodes.
+ May be the same as startbranch
+ last : Thing following the last branch.
+ May be the same as tail.
+ tail : item following the branch sequence
+ flags : currently the OP() type we will be building one of /EXACT(|F|Fl)/
+Inplace optimizes a sequence of 2 or more Branch-Exact nodes into a TRIE node.
+A trie is an N'ary tree where the branches are determined by digital
+decomposition of the key. IE, at the root node you look up the 1st character and
+follow that branch repeat until you find the end of the branches. Nodes can be
+marked as "accepting" meaning they represent a complete word. Eg:
+ /he|she|his|hers/
+would convert into the following structure. Numbers represent states, letters
+following numbers represent valid transitions on the letter from that state, if
+the number is in square brackets it represents an accepting state, otherwise it
+will be in parenthesis.
+ +-h->+-e->[3]-+-r->(8)-+-s->[9]
+ | |
+ | (2)
+ | |
+ (1) +-i->(6)-+-s->[7]
+ |
+ +-s->(3)-+-h->(4)-+-e->[5]
+ Accept Word Mapping: 3=>1 (he),5=>2 (she), 7=>3 (his), 9=>4 (hers)
+This shows that when matching against the string 'hers' we will begin at state 1
+read 'h' and move to state 2, read 'e' and move to state 3 which is accepting,
+then read 'r' and go to state 8 followed by 's' which takes us to state 9 which
+is also accepting. Thus we know that we can match both 'he' and 'hers' with a
+single traverse. We store a mapping from accepting to state to which word was
+matched, and then when we have multiple possibilities we try to complete the
+rest of the regex in the order in which they occured in the alternation.
+The only prior NFA like behaviour that would be changed by the TRIE support is
+the silent ignoring of duplicate alternations which are of the form:
+ / (DUPE|DUPE) X? (?{ ... }) Y /x
+Thus EVAL blocks follwing a trie may be called a different number of times with
+and without the optimisation. With the optimisations dupes will be silently
+ignored. This inconsistant behaviour of EVAL type nodes is well established as
+the following demonstrates:
+ 'words'=~/(word|word|word)(?{ print $1 })[xyz]/
+which prints out 'word' three times, but
+ 'words'=~/(word|word|word)(?{ print $1 })S/
+which doesnt print it out at all. This is due to other optimisations kicking in.
+Example of what happens on a structural level:
+The regexp /(ac|ad|ab)+/ will produce the folowing debug output:
+ 1: CURLYM[1] {1,32767}(18)
+ 5: BRANCH(8)
+ 6: EXACT <ac>(16)
+ 8: BRANCH(11)
+ 9: EXACT <ad>(16)
+ 11: BRANCH(14)
+ 12: EXACT <ab>(16)
+ 16: SUCCEED(0)
+ 17: NOTHING(18)
+ 18: END(0)
+This would be optimizable with startbranch=5, first=5, last=16, tail=16
+and should turn into:
+ 1: CURLYM[1] {1,32767}(18)
+ 5: TRIE(16)
+ [Words:3 Chars Stored:6 Unique Chars:4 States:5 NCP:1]
+ <ac>
+ <ad>
+ <ab>
+ 16: SUCCEED(0)
+ 17: NOTHING(18)
+ 18: END(0)
+Cases where tail != last would be like /(?foo|bar)baz/:
+ 1: BRANCH(4)
+ 2: EXACT <foo>(8)
+ 4: BRANCH(7)
+ 5: EXACT <bar>(8)
+ 7: TAIL(8)
+ 8: EXACT <baz>(10)
+ 10: END(0)
+which would be optimizable with startbranch=1, first=1, last=7, tail=8
+and would end up looking like:
+ 1: TRIE(8)
+ [Words:2 Chars Stored:6 Unique Chars:5 States:7 NCP:1]
+ <foo>
+ <bar>
+ 7: TAIL(8)
+ 8: EXACT <baz>(10)
+ 10: END(0)
+#define TRIE_DEBUG_CHAR \
+ SV *tmp; \
+ if ( UTF ) { \
+ tmp = newSVpv( "", 0 ); \
+ pv_uni_display( tmp, uc, len, 60, UNI_DISPLAY_REGEX ); \
+ } else { \
+ tmp = Perl_newSVpvf_nocontext( "%c", uvc ); \
+ } \
+ av_push( trie->revcharmap, tmp ); \
+ })
+ if ( UTF ) { \
+ if ( folder ) { \
+ if ( foldlen > 0 ) { \
+ uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( scan, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags ); \
+ foldlen -= len; \
+ scan += len; \
+ len = 0; \
+ } else { \
+ uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( (U8*)uc, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags); \
+ uvc = to_uni_fold( uvc, foldbuf, &foldlen ); \
+ foldlen -= UNISKIP( uvc ); \
+ scan = foldbuf + UNISKIP( uvc ); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ uvc = utf8n_to_uvuni( (U8*)uc, UTF8_MAXLEN, &len, uniflags); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ uvc = (U32)*uc; \
+ len = 1; \
+ } \
+#define TRIE_LIST_ITEM(state,idx) (trie->states[state].trans.list)[ idx ]
+#define TRIE_LIST_CUR(state) ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, 0 ).forid )
+#define TRIE_LIST_LEN(state) ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, 0 ).newstate )
+#define TRIE_LIST_USED(idx) ( trie->states[state].trans.list ? (TRIE_LIST_CUR( idx ) - 1) : 0 )
+#define TRIE_LIST_PUSH(state,fid,ns) STMT_START { \
+ if ( TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) >=TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) ) { \
+ TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) *= 2; \
+ Renew( trie->states[ state ].trans.list, \
+ TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ), reg_trie_trans_le ); \
+ } \
+ TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) ).forid = fid; \
+ TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) ).newstate = ns; \
+ TRIE_LIST_CUR( state )++; \
+#define TRIE_LIST_NEW(state) STMT_START { \
+ Newz( 1023, trie->states[ state ].trans.list, \
+ 4, reg_trie_trans_le ); \
+ TRIE_LIST_CUR( state ) = 1; \
+ TRIE_LIST_LEN( state ) = 4; \
+S_make_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode *startbranch, regnode *first, regnode *last, regnode *tail, U32 flags)
+ /* first pass, loop through and scan words */
+ reg_trie_data *trie;
+ regnode *cur;
+ U32 uniflags = ckWARN(WARN_UTF8) ? 0 : UTF8_ALLOW_ANY;
+ STRLEN len = 0;
+ UV uvc = 0;
+ U16 curword = 0;
+ U32 next_alloc = 0;
+ /* we just use folder as a flag in utf8 */
+ const U8 *folder=( flags == EXACTF
+ ? PL_fold
+ : ( flags == EXACTFL
+ ? PL_fold_locale
+ : NULL
+ )
+ );
+ U32 data_slot = add_data( pRExC_state, 1, "t" );
+ SV *re_trie_maxbuff;
+ Newz( 848200, trie, 1, reg_trie_data );
+ trie->refcount = 1;
+ RExC_rx->data->data[ data_slot ] = (void*)trie;
+ Newz( 848201, trie->charmap, 256, U16 );
+ DEBUG_r({
+ trie->words = newAV();
+ trie->revcharmap = newAV();
+ });
+ re_trie_maxbuff=get_sv(RE_TRIE_MAXBUFF, 1);
+ if (!SvIOK(re_trie_maxbuff)) {
+ sv_setiv(re_trie_maxbuff, TRIE_SIMPLE_MAX_BUFF);
+ }
+ /* -- First loop and Setup --
+ We first traverse the branches and scan each word to determine if it
+ contains widechars, and how many unique chars there are, this is
+ important as we have to build a table with at least as many columns as we
+ have unique chars.
+ We use an array of integers to represent the character codes 0..255
+ (trie->charmap) and we use a an HV* to store unicode characters. We use the
+ native representation of the character value as the key and IV's for the
+ coded index.
+ *TODO* If we keep track of how many times each character is used we can
+ remap the columns so that the table compression later on is more
+ efficient in terms of memory by ensuring most common value is in the
+ middle and the least common are on the outside. IMO this would be better
+ than a most to least common mapping as theres a decent chance the most
+ common letter will share a node with the least common, meaning the node
+ will not be compressable. With a middle is most common approach the worst
+ case is when we have the least common nodes twice.
+ */
+ for ( cur = first ; cur < last ; cur = regnext( cur ) ) {
+ regnode *noper = NEXTOPER( cur );
+ U8 *uc = (U8*)STRING( noper );
+ U8 *e = uc + STR_LEN( noper );
+ STRLEN foldlen = 0;
+ U8 foldbuf[ UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE + 1 ];
+ U8 *scan;
+ for ( ; uc < e ; uc += len ) {
+ trie->charcount++;
+ if ( uvc < 256 ) {
+ if ( !trie->charmap[ uvc ] ) {
+ trie->charmap[ uvc ]=( ++trie->uniquecharcount );
+ if ( folder )
+ trie->charmap[ folder[ uvc ] ] = trie->charmap[ uvc ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ SV** svpp;
+ if ( !trie->widecharmap )
+ trie->widecharmap = newHV();
+ svpp = hv_fetch( trie->widecharmap, (char*)&uvc, sizeof( UV ), 1 );
+ if ( !svpp )
+ Perl_croak( aTHX_ "error creating/fetching widecharmap entry for 0x%X", uvc );
+ if ( !SvTRUE( *svpp ) ) {
+ sv_setiv( *svpp, ++trie->uniquecharcount );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trie->wordcount++;
+ } /* end first pass */
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "TRIE(%s): W:%d C:%d Uq:%d \n",
+ ( trie->widecharmap ? "UTF8" : "NATIVE" ), trie->wordcount,
+ trie->charcount, trie->uniquecharcount )
+ );
+ /*
+ We now know what we are dealing with in terms of unique chars and
+ string sizes so we can calculate how much memory a naive
+ representation using a flat table will take. If its over a reasonable
+ limit (as specified by $^RE_TRIE_MAXBUFF) we use a more memory
+ conservative but potentially much slower representation using an array
+ of lists.
+ At the end we convert both representations into the same compressed
+ form that will be used in regexec.c for matching with. The latter
+ is a form that cannot be used to construct with but has memory
+ properties similar to the list form and access properties similar
+ to the table form making it both suitable for fast searches and
+ small enough that its feasable to store for the duration of a program.
+ See the comment in the code where the compressed table is produced
+ inplace from the flat tabe representation for an explanation of how
+ the compression works.
+ */
+ if ( (IV)( ( trie->charcount + 1 ) * trie->uniquecharcount + 1) > SvIV(re_trie_maxbuff) ) {
+ /*
+ Second Pass -- Array Of Lists Representation
+ Each state will be represented by a list of charid:state records
+ (reg_trie_trans_le) the first such element holds the CUR and LEN
+ points of the allocated array. (See defines above).
+ We build the initial structure using the lists, and then convert
+ it into the compressed table form which allows faster lookups
+ (but cant be modified once converted).
+ */
+ STRLEN transcount = 1;
+ Newz( 848204, trie->states, trie->charcount + 2, reg_trie_state );
+ next_alloc = 2;
+ for ( cur = first ; cur < last ; cur = regnext( cur ) ) {
+ regnode *noper = NEXTOPER( cur );
+ U8 *uc = (U8*)STRING( noper );
+ U8 *e = uc + STR_LEN( noper );
+ U32 state = 1; /* required init */
+ U16 charid = 0; /* sanity init */
+ U8 *scan = (U8*)NULL; /* sanity init */
+ STRLEN foldlen = 0; /* required init */
+ U8 foldbuf[ UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE + 1 ];
+ for ( ; uc < e ; uc += len ) {
+ if ( uvc < 256 ) {
+ charid = trie->charmap[ uvc ];
+ } else {
+ SV** svpp=(SV**)NULL;
+ svpp = hv_fetch( trie->widecharmap, (char*)&uvc, sizeof( UV ), 0);
+ if ( !svpp ) {
+ charid = 0;
+ } else {
+ charid=(U16)SvIV( *svpp );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( charid ) {
+ U16 check;
+ U32 newstate = 0;
+ charid--;
+ if ( !trie->states[ state ].trans.list ) {
+ TRIE_LIST_NEW( state );
+ }
+ for ( check = 1; check <= TRIE_LIST_USED( state ); check++ ) {
+ if ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, check ).forid == charid ) {
+ newstate = TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, check ).newstate;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! newstate ) {
+ newstate = next_alloc++;
+ TRIE_LIST_PUSH( state, charid, newstate );
+ transcount++;
+ }
+ state = newstate;
+ } else {
+ Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic! In trie construction, no char mapping for %d", uvc );
+ }
+ /* charid is now 0 if we dont know the char read, or nonzero if we do */
+ }
+ if ( !trie->states[ state ].wordnum ) {
+ /* we havent inserted this word into the structure yet. */
+ trie->states[ state ].wordnum = ++curword;
+ DEBUG_r({
+ /* store the word for dumping */
+ SV* tmp = newSVpvn( STRING( noper ), STR_LEN( noper ) );
+ if ( UTF ) SvUTF8_on( tmp );
+ av_push( trie->words, tmp );
+ });
+ } else {
+ /* Its a dupe. So ignore it. */
+ }
+ } /* end second pass */
+ trie->laststate = next_alloc;
+ Renew( trie->states, next_alloc, reg_trie_state );
+ U32 state;
+ U16 charid;
+ /*
+ print out the table precompression.
+ */
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\nState :Word | Transition Data\n" );
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "------:-----+-----------------" );
+ for( state=1 ; state < next_alloc ; state ++ ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n %04X :", state );
+ if ( ! trie->states[ state ].wordnum ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%5s| ","");
+ } else {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "W%04X| ",
+ trie->states[ state ].wordnum
+ );
+ }
+ for( charid = 1 ; charid <= TRIE_LIST_USED( state ) ; charid++ ) {
+ SV **tmp = av_fetch( trie->revcharmap, TRIE_LIST_ITEM(state,charid).forid, 0);
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%s:%3X=%04X | ",
+ SvPV_nolen( *tmp ),
+ TRIE_LIST_ITEM(state,charid).forid,
+ TRIE_LIST_ITEM(state,charid).newstate
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n\n" );
+ });
+ Newz( 848203, trie->trans, transcount ,reg_trie_trans );
+ {
+ U32 state;
+ U16 idx;
+ U32 tp = 0;
+ U32 zp = 0;
+ for( state=1 ; state < next_alloc ; state ++ ) {
+ U32 base=0;
+ /*
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "tp: %d zp: %d ",tp,zp)
+ );
+ */
+ if (trie->states[state].trans.list) {
+ U16 minid=TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, 1).forid;
+ U16 maxid=minid;
+ for( idx = 2 ; idx <= TRIE_LIST_USED( state ) ; idx++ ) {
+ if ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, idx).forid < minid ) {
+ minid=TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, idx).forid;
+ } else if ( TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, idx).forid > maxid ) {
+ maxid=TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, idx).forid;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( transcount < tp + maxid - minid + 1) {
+ transcount *= 2;
+ Renew( trie->trans, transcount, reg_trie_trans );
+ Zero( trie->trans + (transcount / 2), transcount / 2 , reg_trie_trans );
+ }
+ base = trie->uniquecharcount + tp - minid;
+ if ( maxid == minid ) {
+ U32 set = 0;
+ for ( ; zp < tp ; zp++ ) {
+ if ( ! trie->trans[ zp ].next ) {
+ base = trie->uniquecharcount + zp - minid;
+ trie->trans[ zp ].next = TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, 1).newstate;
+ trie->trans[ zp ].check = state;
+ set = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !set ) {
+ trie->trans[ tp ].next = TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, 1).newstate;
+ trie->trans[ tp ].check = state;
+ tp++;
+ zp = tp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( idx=1; idx <= TRIE_LIST_USED( state ) ; idx++ ) {
+ U32 tid = base - trie->uniquecharcount + TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, idx ).forid;
+ trie->trans[ tid ].next = TRIE_LIST_ITEM( state, idx ).newstate;
+ trie->trans[ tid ].check = state;
+ }
+ tp += ( maxid - minid + 1 );
+ }
+ Safefree(trie->states[ state ].trans.list);
+ }
+ /*
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " base: %d\n",base);
+ );
+ */
+ trie->states[ state ].trans.base=base;
+ }
+ Renew( trie->trans, tp + 1, reg_trie_trans );
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ Second Pass -- Flat Table Representation.
+ we dont use the 0 slot of either trans[] or states[] so we add 1 to each.
+ We know that we will need Charcount+1 trans at most to store the data
+ (one row per char at worst case) So we preallocate both structures
+ assuming worst case.
+ We then construct the trie using only the .next slots of the entry
+ structs.
+ We use the .check field of the first entry of the node temporarily to
+ make compression both faster and easier by keeping track of how many non
+ zero fields are in the node.
+ Since trans are numbered from 1 any 0 pointer in the table is a FAIL
+ transition.
+ There are two terms at use here: state as a TRIE_NODEIDX() which is a
+ number representing the first entry of the node, and state as a
+ TRIE_NODENUM() which is the trans number. state 1 is TRIE_NODEIDX(1) and
+ TRIE_NODENUM(1), state 2 is TRIE_NODEIDX(2) and TRIE_NODENUM(3) if there
+ are 2 entrys per node. eg:
+ A B A B
+ 1. 2 4 1. 3 7
+ 2. 0 3 3. 0 5
+ 3. 0 0 5. 0 0
+ 4. 0 0 7. 0 0
+ The table is internally in the right hand, idx form. However as we also
+ have to deal with the states array which is indexed by nodenum we have to
+ use TRIE_NODENUM() to convert.
+ */
+ Newz( 848203, trie->trans, ( trie->charcount + 1 ) * trie->uniquecharcount + 1,
+ reg_trie_trans );
+ Newz( 848204, trie->states, trie->charcount + 2, reg_trie_state );
+ next_alloc = trie->uniquecharcount + 1;
+ for ( cur = first ; cur < last ; cur = regnext( cur ) ) {
+ regnode *noper = NEXTOPER( cur );
+ U8 *uc = (U8*)STRING( noper );
+ U8 *e = uc + STR_LEN( noper );
+ U32 state = 1; /* required init */
+ U16 charid = 0; /* sanity init */
+ U32 accept_state = 0; /* sanity init */
+ U8 *scan = (U8*)NULL; /* sanity init */
+ STRLEN foldlen = 0; /* required init */
+ U8 foldbuf[ UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE + 1 ];
+ for ( ; uc < e ; uc += len ) {
+ if ( uvc < 256 ) {
+ charid = trie->charmap[ uvc ];
+ } else {
+ SV** svpp=(SV**)NULL;
+ svpp = hv_fetch( trie->widecharmap, (char*)&uvc, sizeof( UV ), 0);
+ if ( !svpp ) {
+ charid = 0;
+ } else {
+ charid=(U16)SvIV( *svpp );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( charid ) {
+ charid--;
+ if ( !trie->trans[ state + charid ].next ) {
+ trie->trans[ state + charid ].next = next_alloc;
+ trie->trans[ state ].check++;
+ next_alloc += trie->uniquecharcount;
+ }
+ state = trie->trans[ state + charid ].next;
+ } else {
+ Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic! In trie construction, no char mapping for %d", uvc );
+ }
+ /* charid is now 0 if we dont know the char read, or nonzero if we do */
+ }
+ accept_state = TRIE_NODENUM( state );
+ if ( !trie->states[ accept_state ].wordnum ) {
+ /* we havent inserted this word into the structure yet. */
+ trie->states[ accept_state ].wordnum = ++curword;
+ DEBUG_r({
+ /* store the word for dumping */
+ SV* tmp = newSVpvn( STRING( noper ), STR_LEN( noper ) );
+ if ( UTF ) SvUTF8_on( tmp );
+ av_push( trie->words, tmp );
+ });
+ } else {
+ /* Its a dupe. So ignore it. */
+ }
+ } /* end second pass */
+ /*
+ print out the table precompression so that we can do a visual check
+ that they are identical.
+ */
+ U32 state;
+ U16 charid;
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\nChar : " );
+ for( charid = 0 ; charid < trie->uniquecharcount ; charid++ ) {
+ SV **tmp = av_fetch( trie->revcharmap, charid, 0);
+ if ( tmp ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%4.4s ", SvPV_nolen( *tmp ) );
+ }
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\nState+-" );
+ for( charid=0 ; charid < trie->uniquecharcount ; charid++ ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%4s-", "----" );
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n" );
+ for( state=1 ; state < next_alloc ; state += trie->uniquecharcount ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%04X : ", TRIE_NODENUM( state ) );
+ for( charid = 0 ; charid < trie->uniquecharcount ; charid++ ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%04X ",
+ SAFE_TRIE_NODENUM( trie->trans[ state + charid ].next ) );
+ }
+ if ( ! trie->states[ TRIE_NODENUM( state ) ].wordnum ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " (%04X)\n", trie->trans[ state ].check );
+ } else {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " (%04X) W%04X\n", trie->trans[ state ].check,
+ trie->states[ TRIE_NODENUM( state ) ].wordnum );
+ }
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n\n" );
+ });
+ {
+ /*
+ * Inplace compress the table.*
+ For sparse data sets the table constructed by the trie algorithm will
+ be mostly 0/FAIL transitions or to put it another way mostly empty.
+ (Note that leaf nodes will not contain any transitions.)
+ This algorithm compresses the tables by eliminating most such
+ transitions, at the cost of a modest bit of extra work during lookup:
+ - Each states[] entry contains a .base field which indicates the
+ index in the state[] array wheres its transition data is stored.
+ - If .base is 0 there are no valid transitions from that node.
+ - If .base is nonzero then charid is added to it to find an entry in
+ the trans array.
+ -If trans[states[state].base+charid].check!=state then the
+ transition is taken to be a 0/Fail transition. Thus if there are fail
+ transitions at the front of the node then the .base offset will point
+ somewhere inside the previous nodes data (or maybe even into a node
+ even earlier), but the .check field determines if the transition is
+ valid.
+ The following process inplace converts the table to the compressed
+ table: We first do not compress the root node 1,and mark its all its
+ .check pointers as 1 and set its .base pointer as 1 as well. This
+ allows to do a DFA construction from the compressed table later, and
+ ensures that any .base pointers we calculate later are greater than
+ 0.
+ - We set 'pos' to indicate the first entry of the second node.
+ - We then iterate over the columns of the node, finding the first and
+ last used entry at l and m. We then copy l..m into pos..(pos+m-l),
+ and set the .check pointers accordingly, and advance pos
+ appropriately and repreat for the next node. Note that when we copy
+ the next pointers we have to convert them from the original
+ NODEIDX form to NODENUM form as the former is not valid post
+ compression.
+ - If a node has no transitions used we mark its base as 0 and do not
+ advance the pos pointer.
+ - If a node only has one transition we use a second pointer into the
+ structure to fill in allocated fail transitions from other states.
+ This pointer is independent of the main pointer and scans forward
+ looking for null transitions that are allocated to a state. When it
+ finds one it writes the single transition into the "hole". If the
+ pointer doesnt find one the single transition is appeneded as normal.
+ - Once compressed we can Renew/realloc the structures to release the
+ excess space.
+ See "Table-Compression Methods" in sec 3.9 of the Red Dragon,
+ specifically Fig 3.47 and the associated pseudocode.
+ demq
+ */
+ U32 laststate = TRIE_NODENUM( next_alloc );
+ U32 used , state, charid;
+ U32 pos = 0, zp=0;
+ trie->laststate = laststate;
+ for ( state = 1 ; state < laststate ; state++ ) {
+ U8 flag = 0;
+ U32 stateidx = TRIE_NODEIDX( state );
+ U32 o_used=trie->trans[ stateidx ].check;
+ used = trie->trans[ stateidx ].check;
+ trie->trans[ stateidx ].check = 0;
+ for ( charid = 0 ; used && charid < trie->uniquecharcount ; charid++ ) {
+ if ( flag || trie->trans[ stateidx + charid ].next ) {
+ if ( trie->trans[ stateidx + charid ].next ) {
+ if (o_used == 1) {
+ for ( ; zp < pos ; zp++ ) {
+ if ( ! trie->trans[ zp ].next ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ trie->states[ state ].trans.base = zp + trie->uniquecharcount - charid ;
+ trie->trans[ zp ].next = SAFE_TRIE_NODENUM( trie->trans[ stateidx + charid ].next );
+ trie->trans[ zp ].check = state;
+ if ( ++zp > pos ) pos = zp;
+ break;
+ }
+ used--;
+ }
+ if ( !flag ) {
+ flag = 1;
+ trie->states[ state ].trans.base = pos + trie->uniquecharcount - charid ;
+ }
+ trie->trans[ pos ].next = SAFE_TRIE_NODENUM( trie->trans[ stateidx + charid ].next );
+ trie->trans[ pos ].check = state;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Renew( trie->trans, pos + 1, reg_trie_trans);
+ Renew( trie->states, laststate + 1, reg_trie_state);
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " Alloc: %d Orig: %d elements, Final:%d. Savings of %%%5.2f\n",
+ ( ( trie->charcount + 1 ) * trie->uniquecharcount + 1 ), next_alloc, pos,
+ ( ( next_alloc - pos ) * 100 ) / (double)next_alloc );
+ );
+ } /* end table compress */
+ }
+ U32 state;
+ /*
+ Now we print it out again, in a slightly different form as there is additional
+ info we want to be able to see when its compressed. They are close enough for
+ visual comparison though.
+ */
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\nChar : %-6s%-6s%-4s ","Match","Base","Ofs" );
+ for( state = 0 ; state < trie->uniquecharcount ; state++ ) {
+ SV **tmp = av_fetch( trie->revcharmap, state, 0);
+ if ( tmp ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%4.4s ", SvPV_nolen( *tmp ) );
+ }
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n-----:-----------------------");
+ for( state = 0 ; state < trie->uniquecharcount ; state++ )
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "-----");
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n");
+ for( state = 1 ; state < trie->laststate ; state++ ) {
+ U32 base = trie->states[ state ].trans.base;
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "#%04X ", state);
+ if ( trie->states[ state ].wordnum ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " W%04X", trie->states[ state ].wordnum );
+ } else {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%6s", "" );
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " @%04X ", base );
+ if ( base ) {
+ U32 ofs = 0;
+ while( ( base + ofs - trie->uniquecharcount ) >=0 &&
+ trie->trans[ base + ofs - trie->uniquecharcount ].check != state )
+ ofs++;
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "+%02X[ ", ofs);
+ for ( ofs = 0 ; ofs < trie->uniquecharcount ; ofs++ ) {
+ if ( ( base + ofs - trie->uniquecharcount>=0) &&
+ trie->trans[ base + ofs - trie->uniquecharcount ].check == state )
+ {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%04X ",
+ trie->trans[ base + ofs - trie->uniquecharcount ].next );
+ } else {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%4s "," 0" );
+ }
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "]", ofs);
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "\n" );
+ }
+ });
+ {
+ /* now finally we "stitch in" the new TRIE node
+ This means we convert either the first branch or the first Exact,
+ depending on whether the thing following (in 'last') is a branch
+ or not and whther first is the startbranch (ie is it a sub part of
+ the alternation or is it the whole thing.)
+ Assuming its a sub part we conver the EXACT otherwise we convert
+ the whole branch sequence, including the first.
+ */
+ regnode *convert;
+ if ( first == startbranch && OP( last ) != BRANCH ) {
+ convert = first;
+ } else {
+ convert = NEXTOPER( first );
+ NEXT_OFF( first ) = (U16)(last - first);
+ }
+ OP( convert ) = TRIE + (U8)( flags - EXACT );
+ NEXT_OFF( convert ) = (U16)(tail - convert);
+ ARG_SET( convert, data_slot );
+ /* tells us if we need to handle accept buffers specially */
+ convert->flags = ( RExC_seen_evals ? 1 : 0 );
+ /* needed for dumping*/
+ DEBUG_r({
+ regnode *optimize = convert + NODE_STEP_REGNODE + regarglen[ TRIE ];
+ /* We now need to mark all of the space originally used by the
+ branches as optimized away. This keeps the dumpuntil from
+ throwing a wobbly as it doesnt use regnext() to traverse the
+ opcodes.
+ */
+ while( optimize < last ) {
+ OP( optimize ) = OPTIMIZED;
+ optimize++;
+ }
+ });
+ } /* end node insert */
+ return 1;
* There are strange code-generation bugs caused on sparc64 by gcc-2.95.2.
* These need to be revisited when a newer toolchain becomes available.
@@ -677,8 +1544,9 @@ S_cl_or(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, struct regnode_charclass_class *cl, str
/* Stops at toplevel WHILEM as well as at `last'. At end *scanp is set
to the position after last scanned or to NULL. */
-S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, regnode *last, scan_data_t *data, U32 flags)
+S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, regnode *last, scan_data_t *data, U32 flags, U32 depth)
/* scanp: Start here (read-write). */
/* deltap: Write maxlen-minlen here. */
/* last: Stop before this one. */
@@ -691,9 +1559,17 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
I32 is_par = OP(scan) == OPEN ? ARG(scan) : 0;
scan_data_t data_fake;
struct regnode_charclass_class and_with; /* Valid if flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS_OR */
+ SV *re_trie_maxbuff = NULL;
while (scan && OP(scan) != END && scan < last) {
/* Peephole optimizer: */
+ SV *mysv=sv_newmortal();
+ regprop( mysv, scan);
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*speep: %s (0x%08X)\n",depth*2,"",SvPV_nolen(mysv),scan);
+ });
if (PL_regkind[(U8)OP(scan)] == EXACT) {
/* Merge several consecutive EXACTish nodes into one. */
@@ -739,7 +1615,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
- if (UTF && OP(scan) == EXACTF && STR_LEN(scan) >= 6) {
+ if (UTF && ( OP(scan) == EXACTF ) && ( STR_LEN(scan) >= 6 ) ) {
Two problematic code points in Unicode casefolding of EXACT nodes:
@@ -794,6 +1670,9 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
/* Follow the next-chain of the current node and optimize
away all the NOTHINGs from it. */
if (OP(scan) != CURLYX) {
@@ -816,21 +1695,25 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
NEXT_OFF(scan) = off;
/* The principal pseudo-switch. Cannot be a switch, since we
look into several different things. */
if (OP(scan) == BRANCH || OP(scan) == BRANCHJ
|| OP(scan) == IFTHEN || OP(scan) == SUSPEND) {
next = regnext(scan);
code = OP(scan);
+ /* demq: the op(next)==code check is to see if we have "branch-branch" AFAICT */
if (OP(next) == code || code == IFTHEN || code == SUSPEND) {
I32 max1 = 0, min1 = I32_MAX, num = 0;
struct regnode_charclass_class accum;
+ regnode *startbranch=scan;
if (flags & SCF_DO_SUBSTR) /* XXXX Add !SUSPEND? */
scan_commit(pRExC_state, data); /* Cannot merge strings after this. */
if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS)
cl_init_zero(pRExC_state, &accum);
while (OP(scan) == code) {
I32 deltanext, minnext, f = 0, fake;
struct regnode_charclass_class this_class;
@@ -854,9 +1737,10 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
/* we suppose the run is continuous, last=next...*/
minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, &deltanext,
- next, &data_fake, f);
+ next, &data_fake, f,depth+1);
if (min1 > minnext)
min1 = minnext;
if (max1 < minnext + deltanext)
@@ -909,10 +1793,199 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
data->start_class->flags |= ANYOF_EOS;
+ /* demq.
+ Assuming this was/is a branch we are dealing with: 'scan' now
+ points at the item that follows the branch sequence, whatever
+ it is. We now start at the beginning of the sequence and look
+ for subsequences of
+ which would be constructed from a pattern like /A|LIST|OF|WORDS/
+ If we can find such a subseqence we need to turn the first
+ element into a trie and then add the subsequent branch exact
+ strings to the trie.
+ We have two cases
+ 1. patterns where the whole set of branch can be converted to a trie,
+ 2. patterns where only a subset of the alternations can be
+ converted to a trie.
+ In case 1 we can replace the whole set with a single regop
+ for the trie. In case 2 we need to keep the start and end
+ branchs so
+ Hypthetically when we know the regex isnt anchored we can
+ turn a case 1 into a DFA and let it rip... Every time it finds a match
+ it would just call its tail, no WHILEM/CURLY needed.
+ */
+ if (DO_TRIE) {
+ if (!re_trie_maxbuff) {
+ re_trie_maxbuff=get_sv(RE_TRIE_MAXBUFF, 1);
+ if (!SvIOK(re_trie_maxbuff))
+ sv_setiv(re_trie_maxbuff, TRIE_SIMPLE_MAX_BUFF);
+ }
+ if ( SvIV(re_trie_maxbuff)>=0 && OP( startbranch )==BRANCH ) {
+ regnode *cur;
+ regnode *first = (regnode *)NULL;
+ regnode *last = (regnode *)NULL;
+ regnode *tail = scan;
+ U8 optype = 0;
+ U32 count=0;
+ SV *mysv = sv_newmortal(); /* for dumping */
+ /* var tail is used because there may be a TAIL
+ regop in the way. Ie, the exacts will point to the
+ thing following the TAIL, but the last branch will
+ point at the TAIL. So we advance tail. If we
+ have nested (?:) we may have to move through several
+ tails.
+ */
+ while ( OP( tail ) == TAIL ) {
+ /* this is the TAIL generated by (?:) */
+ tail = regnext( tail );
+ }
+ regprop( mysv, tail );
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s%s%s\n",
+ depth * 2 + 2, "", "Tail node is:", SvPV_nolen( mysv ),
+ (RExC_seen_evals) ? "[EVAL]" : ""
+ );
+ });
+ /*
+ step through the branches, cur represents each
+ branch, noper is the first thing to be matched
+ as part of that branch and noper_next is the
+ regnext() of that node. if noper is an EXACT
+ and noper_next is the same as scan (our current
+ position in the regex) then the EXACT branch is
+ a possible optimization target. Once we have
+ two or more consequetive such branches we can
+ create a trie of the EXACT's contents and stich
+ it in place. If the sequence represents all of
+ the branches we eliminate the whole thing and
+ replace it with a single TRIE. If it is a
+ subsequence then we need to stitch it in. This
+ means the first branch has to remain, and needs
+ to be repointed at the item on the branch chain
+ following the last branch optimized. This could
+ be either a BRANCH, in which case the
+ subsequence is internal, or it could be the
+ item following the branch sequence in which
+ case the subsequence is at the end.
+ */
+ /* dont use tail as the end marker for this traverse */
+ for ( cur = startbranch ; cur != scan ; cur = regnext( cur ) ) {
+ regnode *noper = NEXTOPER( cur );
+ regnode *noper_next = regnext( noper );
+ regprop( mysv, cur);
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s",
+ depth * 2 + 2," ", SvPV_nolen( mysv ) );
+ regprop( mysv, noper);
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " -> %s",
+ SvPV_nolen(mysv));
+ if ( noper_next ) {
+ regprop( mysv, noper_next );
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log,"\t=> %s\t",
+ SvPV_nolen(mysv));
+ }
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "0x%p,0x%p,0x%p)\n",
+ first, last, cur );
+ });
+ if ( ( first ? OP( noper ) == optype
+ : PL_regkind[ (U8)OP( noper ) ] == EXACT )
+ && noper_next == tail && count<U16_MAX)
+ {
+ count++;
+ if ( !first ) {
+ first = cur;
+ optype = OP( noper );
+ } else {
+ if (!last ) {
+ regprop( mysv, first);
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s",
+ depth * 2 + 2, "F:", SvPV_nolen( mysv ) );
+ regprop( mysv, NEXTOPER(first) );
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " -> %s\n",
+ SvPV_nolen( mysv ) );
+ }
+ );
+ last = cur;
+ regprop( mysv, cur);
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s",
+ depth * 2 + 2, "N:", SvPV_nolen( mysv ) );
+ regprop( mysv, noper );
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, " -> %s\n",
+ SvPV_nolen( mysv ) );
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( last ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s\n",
+ depth * 2 + 2, "E:", "**END**" );
+ );
+ make_trie( pRExC_state, startbranch, first, cur, tail, optype );
+ }
+ if ( PL_regkind[ (U8)OP( noper ) ] == EXACT
+ && noper_next == tail )
+ {
+ count = 1;
+ first = cur;
+ optype = OP( noper );
+ } else {
+ count = 0;
+ first = NULL;
+ optype = 0;
+ }
+ last = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ regprop( mysv, cur);
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log,
+ "%*s%s\t(0x%p,0x%p,0x%p)\n", depth * 2 + 2,
+ " ", SvPV_nolen( mysv ), first, last, cur);
+ });
+ if ( last ) {
+ PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log, "%*s%s\n",
+ depth * 2 + 2, "E:", "==END==" );
+ );
+ make_trie( pRExC_state, startbranch, first, scan, tail, optype );
+ }
+ }
+ }
- else if (code == BRANCHJ) /* single branch is optimized. */
+ else if ( code == BRANCHJ ) { /* single branch is optimized. */
scan = NEXTOPER(NEXTOPER(scan));
- else /* single branch is optimized. */
+ } else /* single branch is optimized. */
scan = NEXTOPER(scan);
@@ -1072,8 +2145,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
next = regnext(scan);
if (OP(scan) == CURLYX) {
I32 lp = (data ? *(data->last_closep) : 0);
- scan->flags = ((lp <= U8_MAX) ? lp : U8_MAX);
+ scan->flags = ((lp <= U8_MAX) ? (U8)lp : U8_MAX);
next_is_eval = (OP(scan) == EVAL);
@@ -1106,8 +2178,8 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
/* This will finish on WHILEM, setting scan, or on NULL: */
minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, &deltanext, last, data,
- mincount == 0
- ? (f & ~SCF_DO_SUBSTR) : f);
+ (mincount == 0
+ ? (f & ~SCF_DO_SUBSTR) : f),depth+1);
if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS)
data->start_class = oclass;
@@ -1244,7 +2316,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
/* Optimize again: */
study_chunk(pRExC_state, &nxt1, &deltanext, nxt,
- NULL, 0);
+ NULL, 0,depth+1);
oscan->flags = 0;
@@ -1606,7 +2678,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, I32 *deltap, reg
next = regnext(scan);
nscan = NEXTOPER(NEXTOPER(scan));
- minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &nscan, &deltanext, last, &data_fake, f);
+ minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &nscan, &deltanext, last, &data_fake, f,depth+1);
if (scan->flags) {
if (deltanext) {
vFAIL("Variable length lookbehind not implemented");
@@ -1755,15 +2827,17 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
RExC_state_t RExC_state;
RExC_state_t *pRExC_state = &RExC_state;
if (exp == NULL)
FAIL("NULL regexp argument");
RExC_utf8 = pm->op_pmdynflags & PMdf_CMP_UTF8;
RExC_precomp = exp;
- DEBUG_r({
- if (!PL_colorset) reginitcolors();
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%sCompiling REx%s `%s%*s%s'\n",
+ DEBUG_r(if (!PL_colorset) reginitcolors());
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%sCompiling REx%s \"%s%*s%s\"\n",
(int)(xend - exp), RExC_precomp, PL_colors[1]);
@@ -1792,7 +2866,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
RExC_precomp = Nullch;
- DEBUG_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "size %"IVdf" ", (IV)RExC_size));
+ DEBUG_COMPILE_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "size %"IVdf" ", (IV)RExC_size));
/* Small enough for pointer-storage convention?
If extralen==0, this means that we will not need long jumps. */
@@ -1831,7 +2905,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
if (r->offsets) {
r->offsets[0] = RExC_size;
- DEBUG_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log,
+ DEBUG_OFFSETS_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log,
"%s %"UVuf" bytes for offset annotations.\n",
r->offsets ? "Got" : "Couldn't get",
(UV)((2*RExC_size+1) * sizeof(U32))));
@@ -1853,6 +2927,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
if (reg(pRExC_state, 0, &flags) == NULL)
/* Dig out information for optimizations. */
r->reganch = pm->op_pmflags & PMf_COMPILETIME; /* Again? */
pm->op_pmflags = RExC_flags;
@@ -1941,7 +3016,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
r->reganch |= ROPT_SKIP;
/* Scan is after the zeroth branch, first is atomic matcher. */
- DEBUG_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "first at %"IVdf"\n",
+ DEBUG_COMPILE_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "first at %"IVdf"\n",
(IV)(first - scan + 1)));
* If there's something expensive in the r.e., find the
@@ -1970,7 +3045,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
data.last_closep = &last_close;
minlen = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &first, &fake, scan + RExC_size, /* Up to end */
- &data, SCF_DO_SUBSTR | SCF_WHILEM_VISITED_POS | stclass_flag);
+ &data, SCF_DO_SUBSTR | SCF_WHILEM_VISITED_POS | stclass_flag,0);
if ( RExC_npar == 1 && data.longest == &(data.longest_fixed)
&& data.last_start_min == 0 && data.last_end > 0
&& !RExC_seen_zerolen
@@ -2055,7 +3130,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
r->regstclass = (regnode*)RExC_rx->data->data[n];
r->reganch &= ~ROPT_SKIP; /* Used in find_byclass(). */
PL_regdata = r->data; /* for regprop() */
- DEBUG_r({ SV *sv = sv_newmortal();
+ DEBUG_COMPILE_r({ SV *sv = sv_newmortal();
regprop(sv, (regnode*)data.start_class);
"synthetic stclass `%s'.\n",
@@ -2090,12 +3165,12 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
struct regnode_charclass_class ch_class;
I32 last_close = 0;
- DEBUG_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n"));
+ DEBUG_COMPILE_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n"));
scan = r->program + 1;
cl_init(pRExC_state, &ch_class);
data.start_class = &ch_class;
data.last_closep = &last_close;
- minlen = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, &fake, scan + RExC_size, &data, SCF_DO_STCLASS_AND|SCF_WHILEM_VISITED_POS);
+ minlen = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, &fake, scan + RExC_size, &data, SCF_DO_STCLASS_AND|SCF_WHILEM_VISITED_POS,0);
r->check_substr = r->check_utf8 = r->anchored_substr = r->anchored_utf8
= r->float_substr = r->float_utf8 = Nullsv;
if (!(data.start_class->flags & ANYOF_EOS)
@@ -2110,7 +3185,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
struct regnode_charclass_class);
r->regstclass = (regnode*)RExC_rx->data->data[n];
r->reganch &= ~ROPT_SKIP; /* Used in find_byclass(). */
- DEBUG_r({ SV* sv = sv_newmortal();
+ DEBUG_COMPILE_r({ SV* sv = sv_newmortal();
regprop(sv, (regnode*)data.start_class);
"synthetic stclass `%s'.\n",
@@ -2130,7 +3205,7 @@ Perl_pregcomp(pTHX_ char *exp, char *xend, PMOP *pm)
Newz(1002, r->startp, RExC_npar, I32);
Newz(1002, r->endp, RExC_npar, I32);
PL_regdata = r->data; /* for regprop() */
- DEBUG_r(regdump(r));
+ DEBUG_COMPILE_r(regdump(r));
@@ -3345,7 +4420,8 @@ tryagain:
if (SvUTF8(sv))
RExC_utf8 = 1;
if (!SIZE_ONLY) {
- DEBUG_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "recode %*s to %*s\n",
+ DEBUG_COMPILE_r(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "recode %*s to %*s\n",
(int)oldlen, STRING(ret),
(int)newlen, s));
Copy(s, STRING(ret), newlen, char);
@@ -4630,6 +5706,43 @@ S_dumpuntil(pTHX_ regnode *start, regnode *node, regnode *last, SV* sv, I32 l)
else if (PL_regkind[(U8)op] == BRANCH) {
node = dumpuntil(start, NEXTOPER(node), next, sv, l + 1);
+ else if ( PL_regkind[(U8)op] == TRIE ) {
+ I32 n = ARG(node);
+ reg_trie_data *trie=(reg_trie_data*)PL_regdata->data[n];
+ I32 word_idx;
+ I32 arry_len=av_len(trie->words)+1;
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log,
+ "%*s[Words:%d Chars Stored:%d Unique Chars:%d States:%d%s]\n",
+ (int)(2*(l+3)), "",
+ trie->wordcount,
+ trie->charcount,
+ trie->uniquecharcount,
+ trie->laststate-1,
+ node->flags ? " EVAL mode" : "");
+ for (word_idx=0; word_idx < arry_len; word_idx++) {
+ SV **elem_ptr=av_fetch(trie->words,word_idx,0);
+ if (elem_ptr) {
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%*s<%s%s%s>\n",
+ (int)(2*(l+4)), "",
+ PL_colors[0],
+ SvPV_nolen(*elem_ptr),
+ PL_colors[1]
+ );
+ /*
+ if (next == NULL)
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(0)\n");
+ else
+ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%"IVdf")\n", (IV)(next - start));
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ node = NEXTOPER(node);
+ node += regarglen[(U8)op];
+ }
else if ( op == CURLY) { /* `next' might be very big: optimizer */
node = dumpuntil(start, NEXTOPER(node) + EXTRA_STEP_2ARGS,
NEXTOPER(node) + EXTRA_STEP_2ARGS + 1, sv, l + 1);
@@ -4755,12 +5868,15 @@ Perl_regdump(pTHX_ regexp *r)
if (r->offsets) {
U32 i;
U32 len = r->offsets[0];
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "Offsets: [%"UVuf"]\n\t", (UV)r->offsets[0]);
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++)
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%"UVuf"[%"UVuf"] ",
PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n");
+ });
#endif /* DEBUGGING */
@@ -4780,6 +5896,7 @@ S_put_byte(pTHX_ SV *sv, int c)
#endif /* DEBUGGING */
- regprop - printable representation of opcode
@@ -4815,8 +5932,18 @@ Perl_regprop(pTHX_ SV *sv, regnode *o)
len, s,
- }
- else if (k == CURLY) {
+ } else if (k == TRIE) {/*
+ this isn't always safe, as Pl_regdata may not be for this regex yet
+ (depending on where its called from) so its being moved to dumpuntil
+ I32 n = ARG(o);
+ reg_trie_data *trie=(reg_trie_data*)PL_regdata->data[n];
+ Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, " (W:%d L:%d C:%d S:%d)",
+ trie->wordcount,
+ trie->charcount,
+ trie->uniquecharcount,
+ trie->laststate);
+ */
+ } else if (k == CURLY) {
if (OP(o) == CURLYM || OP(o) == CURLYN || OP(o) == CURLYX)
Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "[%d]", o->flags); /* Parenth number */
Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, " {%d,%d}", ARG1(o), ARG2(o));
@@ -4969,7 +6096,8 @@ Perl_regprop(pTHX_ SV *sv, regnode *o)
SV *
Perl_re_intuit_string(pTHX_ regexp *prog)
{ /* Assume that RE_INTUIT is set */
- DEBUG_r(
{ STRLEN n_a;
char *s = SvPV(prog->check_substr
? prog->check_substr : prog->check_utf8, n_a);
@@ -4993,11 +6121,13 @@ Perl_pregfree(pTHX_ struct regexp *r)
+ SV *re_debug_flags=get_sv(RE_DEBUG_FLAGS,0);
if (!r || (--r->refcnt > 0))
- DEBUG_r({
+ DEBUG_r(if (re_debug_flags && (SvIV(re_debug_flags) & RE_DEBUG_COMPILE)) {
int len;
char *s;
@@ -5008,7 +6138,7 @@ Perl_pregfree(pTHX_ struct regexp *r)
if (!PL_colorset)
- "%sFreeing REx:%s `%s%*.*s%s%s'\n",
+ "%sFreeing REx:%s %s%*.*s%s%s\n",
len, len, s,
@@ -5073,6 +6203,32 @@ Perl_pregfree(pTHX_ struct regexp *r)
case 'n':
+ case 't':
+ {
+ reg_trie_data *trie=(reg_trie_data*)r->data->data[n];
+ U32 refcount;
+ refcount = trie->refcount--;
+ if ( !refcount ) {
+ if (trie->charmap)
+ Safefree(trie->charmap);
+ if (trie->widecharmap)
+ SvREFCNT_dec((SV*)trie->widecharmap);
+ if (trie->states)
+ Safefree(trie->states);
+ if (trie->trans)
+ Safefree(trie->trans);
+ if (trie->words)
+ SvREFCNT_dec((SV*)trie->words);
+ if (trie->revcharmap)
+ SvREFCNT_dec((SV*)trie->revcharmap);
+ Safefree(r->data->data[n]); /* do this last!!!! */
+ }
+ break;
+ }
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: regfree data code '%c'", r->data->what[n]);
@@ -5087,9 +6243,6 @@ Perl_pregfree(pTHX_ struct regexp *r)
- regnext - dig the "next" pointer out of a node
- *
- * [Note, when REGALIGN is defined there are two places in regmatch()
- * that bypass this code for speed.]
regnode *
Perl_regnext(pTHX_ register regnode *p)