path: root/t/cmd
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authorFather Chrysostomos <>2012-07-05 23:28:43 -0700
committerFather Chrysostomos <>2012-09-15 22:44:59 -0700
commit214522520758f1a3f2cb4a43383c4d90400c9604 (patch)
tree9226ef350ca3cf74a61133cf14ac3bf4f8c276b1 /t/cmd
parent73f3e22850d9df38d36bbb15f00ded7dcce63f27 (diff)
Test state subs
Most of these tests are still to-do. The previous commit got every- thing compiling at least. Then I went through putting eval{} around all the dying tests and marking the failing tests as to-do. At least this way I don’t have to do everything at once (even though that was how I wrote the tests). About the only thing that works is constant inlining, of all things.
Diffstat (limited to 't/cmd')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/t/cmd/lexsub.t b/t/cmd/lexsub.t
index 328b410464..be9f5637f2 100644
--- a/t/cmd/lexsub.t
+++ b/t/cmd/lexsub.t
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = '../lib';
require './';
*bar::is = *is;
+ *bar::like = *like;
no warnings 'deprecated';
-plan 22;
+plan 58;
+# -------------------- our -------------------- #
our sub foo { 42 }
@@ -78,3 +81,187 @@ sub bar::c { 43 }
my $y = if if if;
is $y, 42, 'our subs from other packages override all keywords';
+# -------------------- state -------------------- #
+sub on { $::TODO = ' ' }
+sub off { $::TODO = undef }
+use 5.01; # state
+ state sub foo { 44 }
+ isnt \&::foo, eval {\&foo}, 'state sub is not stored in the package';
+ is eval{foo}, 44, 'calling state sub from same package';
+ is eval{&foo}, 44, 'calling state sub from same package (amper)';
+ is eval{do foo()}, 44, 'calling state sub from same package (do)';
+ package bar;
+ is eval{foo}, 44, 'calling state sub from another package';
+ is eval{&foo}, 44, 'calling state sub from another package (amper)';
+ is eval{do foo()}, 44, 'calling state sub from another package (do)';
+package bar;
+is foo, 43, 'state sub falling out of scope';
+is &foo, 43, 'state sub falling out of scope (called via amper)';
+is do foo(), 43, 'state sub falling out of scope (called via amper)';
+ sub sa { 43 }
+ state sub sa {
+ if (shift) {
+ is sa, 43, 'state sub invisible inside itself';
+ is &sa, 43, 'state sub invisible inside itself (called via amper)';
+ is do sa(), 43, 'state sub invisible inside itself (called via do)';
+ }
+ 44
+ }
+SKIP: { ::skip "Tests are inside a state sub (still uncallable)", 3;
+ sa(1);
+ sub sb { 43 }
+ state sub sb;
+ state sub sb {
+ if (shift) {
+ # ‘state sub foo{}’ creates a new pad entry, not reusing the forward
+ # declaration. Being invisible inside itself, it sees the stub.
+ eval{sb};
+ like $@, qr/^Undefined subroutine &sb called at /,
+ 'state sub foo {} after forward declaration';
+ eval{&sb};
+ like $@, qr/^Undefined subroutine &sb called at /,
+ 'state sub foo {} after forward declaration (amper)';
+ eval{do sb()};
+ like $@, qr/^Undefined subroutine &sb called at /,
+ 'state sub foo {} after forward declaration (do)';
+ }
+ 44
+ }
+SKIP: { ::skip "Tests are inside a state sub (still uncallable)", 3;
+ sb(1);
+ sub sb2 { 43 }
+ state sub sb2;
+ sub sb2 {
+ if (shift) {
+ package bar;
+ is b, 44, 'state sub visible inside itself after decl';
+ is &b, 44, 'state sub visible inside itself after decl (amper)';
+ is do b(), 44, 'state sub visible inside itself after decl (do)';
+ }
+ 44
+ }
+SKIP: { ::skip "Tests are inside a state sub (still uncallable)", 3;
+ sb2(1);
+ state sub sb3;
+ {
+ state sub sb3 { # new pad entry
+ # The sub containing this comment is invisible inside itself.
+ # So this one here will assign to the outer pad entry:
+ sub sb3 { 47 }
+ }
+ }
+ is eval{sb3}, 47,
+ 'sub foo{} applying to "state sub foo;" even inside state sub foo{}';
+sub sc { 43 }
+ state sub sc;
+ eval{sc};
+ like $@, qr/^Undefined subroutine &sb called at /,
+ 'state sub foo; makes no lex alias for existing sub';
+ eval{&sc};
+ like $@, qr/^Undefined subroutine &sb called at /,
+ 'state sub foo; makes no lex alias for existing sub (amper)';
+ eval{do sc()};
+ like $@, qr/^Undefined subroutine &sb called at /,
+ 'state sub foo; makes no lex alias for existing sub (do)';
+package main;
+ state sub se ($);
+ is prototype eval{\&se}, '$', 'state sub with proto';
+ is prototype "se", undef, 'prototype "..." ignores state subs';
+ state sub if() { 44 }
+ my $x = if if if;
+ is $x, 44, 'state subs override all keywords';
+ package bar;
+ my $y = if if if;
+ is $y, 44, 'state subs from other packages override all keywords';
+ use warnings;
+ state $w ;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w .= shift };
+ eval '#line 87 squidges
+ state sub foo;
+ state sub foo {};
+ ';
+ is $w,
+ '"state" subroutine foo masks earlier declaration in same scope at '
+ . "squidges line 88.\n",
+ 'redefinition warning for state sub';
+# Since state vars inside anonymous subs are cloned at the same time as the
+# anonymous subs containing them, the same should happen for state subs.
+sub make_closure {
+ state $x = shift;
+ sub {
+ state sub foo { $x }
+ eval {foo}
+ }
+$sub1 = make_closure 48;
+$sub2 = make_closure 49;
+is &$sub1, 48, 'state sub in closure (1)';
+is &$sub1, 49, 'state sub in closure (2)';
+# But we need to test that state subs actually do persist from one invoca-
+# tion of a named sub to another (i.e., that they are not my subs).
+ use warnings;
+ state $w;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w .= shift };
+ eval '#line 65 teetet
+ sub foom {
+ my $x = shift;
+ state sub poom { $x }
+ eval{\&poom}
+ }
+ ';
+ is $w, "Variable \"\$x\" will not stay shared at teetet line 67.\n",
+ 'state subs get "Variable will not stay shared" messages';
+ my $poom = foom(27);
+ my $poom2 = foom(678);
+ is eval{$poom->()}, eval {$poom2->()},
+ 'state subs close over the first outer my var, like pkg subs';
+ my $x = 43;
+ for $x (765) {
+ state sub etetetet { $x }
+ is eval{etetetet}, $x, 'state sub ignores for() localisation';
+ }
+ state sub BEGIN { exit };
+ pass 'state subs are never special blocks';
+ state sub END { shift }
+ is eval{END('jkqeudth')}, jkqeudth,
+ 'state sub END {shift} implies @_, not @ARGV';
+ state sub redef {}
+ use warnings;
+ state $w;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w .= shift };
+ eval "#line 56 pygpyf\nsub redef {}";
+ is $w, "Subroutine redef redefined at pygpyf line 56.\n",
+ "sub redefinition warnings from state subs";