path: root/t/comp
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2007-01-27 00:45:30 +0000
committerNicholas Clark <>2007-01-27 00:45:30 +0000
commit448670305e91e35ff5a396a7d764ec8b1844012e (patch)
tree4f4152259d965908371ed3451b41240a9177ce48 /t/comp
parent6ef8aa7c9cfbc9b6bc5d5b07d6e1506e3058b4aa (diff)
A test to exercise the smallbuf overflow code in S_incline, and a
refactoring of that code to use only one 128 char array, not two. p4raw-id: //depot/perl@30024
Diffstat (limited to 't/comp')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/t/comp/parser.t b/t/comp/parser.t
index 4895d06564..95be22dfea 100644
--- a/t/comp/parser.t
+++ b/t/comp/parser.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN {
BEGIN { require "./"; }
-plan( tests => 72 );
+plan( tests => 108 );
eval '%@x=0;';
like( $@, qr/^Can't modify hash dereference in repeat \(x\)/, '%@x=0' );
@@ -275,3 +275,83 @@ like($@, qr/BEGIN failed--compilation aborted/, 'BEGIN 6' );
eval q[ BEGIN {\&foo4; die } ] for 1..10;
like($@, qr/BEGIN failed--compilation aborted/, 'BEGIN 7' );
+# Add new tests HERE:
+# More awkward tests for #line. Keep these at the end, as they will screw
+# with sane line reporting for any other test failures
+sub check ($$$) {
+ my ($file, $line, $name) = @_;
+ my (undef, $got_file, $got_line) = caller;
+ like ($got_file, $file, "file of $name");
+ local $TODO;
+ $TODO = "For some wrong reason PL_copline is 1" if $line == 51;
+ is ($got_line, $line, "line of $name");
+#line 3
+check(qr/parser\.t$/, 3, "bare line");
+# line 5
+check(qr/parser\.t$/, 5, "bare line with leading space");
+#line 7
+check(qr/parser\.t$/, 7, "trailing space still valid");
+# line 11
+check(qr/parser\.t$/, 11, "leading and trailing");
+# line 13
+check(qr/parser\.t$/, 13, "leading tab");
+#line 17
+check(qr/parser\.t$/, 17, "middle tab");
+#line 19
+check(qr/parser\.t$/, 19, "loadsaspaces");
+#line 23 KASHPRITZA
+check(qr/^KASHPRITZA$/, 23, "bare filename");
+#line 29 "KAHEEEE"
+check(qr/^KAHEEEE$/, 29, "filename in quotes");
+check(qr/^CLINK CLOINK BZZT$/, 31, "filename with spaces in quotes");
+#line 37 "THOOM THOOM"
+check(qr/^THOOM THOOM$/, 37, "filename with tabs in quotes");
+check(qr/^GLINK PLINK GLUNK DINK$/, 41, "a space after the quotes");
+check(qr/^"BBFRPRAFPGHPP$/, 43, "actually missing a quote is still valid");
+#line 47 bang eth
+check(qr/^"BBFRPRAFPGHPP$/, 46, "but spaces aren't allowed without quotes");
+eval <<'EOSTANZA'; die $@ if $@;
+#line 51 "With wonderful deathless ditties|We build up the world's great cities,|And out of a fabulous story|We fashion an empire's glory:|One man with a dream, at pleasure,|Shall go forth and conquer a crown;|And three with a new song's measure|Can trample a kingdom down."
+check(qr/^With.*down\.$/, 51, "Overflow the second small buffer check");
+# And now, turn on the debugger flag for long names
+$^P = 0x100;
+#line 53 "For we are afar with the dawning|And the suns that are not yet high,|And out of the infinite morning|Intrepid you hear us cry-|How, spite of your human scorning,|Once more God's future draws nigh,|And already goes forth the warning|That ye of the past must die."
+check(qr/^For we.*must die\.$/, 53, "Our long line is set up");
+eval <<'EOT'; die $@ if $@;
+#line 59 " "
+check(qr/^ $/, 59, "Overflow the first small buffer check only");
+eval <<'EOSTANZA'; die $@ if $@;
+#line 61 "Great hail! we cry to the comers|From the dazzling unknown shore;|Bring us hither your sun and your summers;|And renew our world as of yore;|You shall teach us your song's new numbers,|And things that we dreamed not before:|Yea, in spite of a dreamer who slumbers,|And a singer who sings no more."
+check(qr/^Great hail!.*no more\.$/, 61, "Overflow both small buffer checks");
+# Don't add new tests HERE. See note above