path: root/t/io
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2009-02-09 17:56:53 +0000
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-02-09 18:46:30 +0000
commita47facf7a19db83dbf78974cdd7962d9ffc76952 (patch)
tree97fecfd5ac8a7261e0eba9c7b9846c230a237ed9 /t/io
parent9df1f8452792bdd86bc805569a2744e72d94f643 (diff)
Move the 4 tests of core PerlIO functionality to t/io. PerlIO::Layer::find is
implemented in perlio.c
Diffstat (limited to 't/io')
4 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/io/perlio.t b/t/io/perlio.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3be0f6af36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/io/perlio.t
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ require Config; import Config;
+ unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: PerlIO not used\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+use Test::More tests => 37;
+my $txt = "txt$$";
+my $bin = "bin$$";
+my $utf = "utf$$";
+my $txtfh;
+my $binfh;
+my $utffh;
+ok(open($txtfh, ">:crlf", $txt));
+ok(open($binfh, ">:raw", $bin));
+ok(open($utffh, ">:utf8", $utf));
+print $txtfh "foo\n";
+print $txtfh "bar\n";
+print $binfh "foo\n";
+print $binfh "bar\n";
+print $utffh "foo\x{ff}\n";
+print $utffh "bar\x{abcd}\n";
+ok(open($txtfh, "<:crlf", $txt));
+ok(open($binfh, "<:raw", $bin));
+ok(open($utffh, "<:utf8", $utf));
+is(scalar <$txtfh>, "foo\n");
+is(scalar <$txtfh>, "bar\n");
+is(scalar <$binfh>, "foo\n");
+is(scalar <$binfh>, "bar\n");
+is(scalar <$utffh>, "foo\x{ff}\n");
+is(scalar <$utffh>, "bar\x{abcd}\n");
+# magic temporary file via 3 arg open with undef
+ ok( open(my $x,"+<",undef), 'magic temp file via 3 arg open with undef');
+ ok( defined fileno($x), ' fileno' );
+ select $x;
+ ok( (print "ok\n"), ' print' );
+ select STDOUT;
+ ok( seek($x,0,0), ' seek' );
+ is( scalar <$x>, "ok\n", ' readline' );
+ ok( tell($x) >= 3, ' tell' );
+ # test magic temp file over STDOUT
+ open OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "cannot dup STDOUT: $!";
+ my $status = open(STDOUT,"+<",undef);
+ open STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT" or die "cannot dup OLDOUT: $!";
+ # report after STDOUT is restored
+ ok($status, ' re-open STDOUT');
+ close OLDOUT;
+# in-memory open
+ my $var;
+ ok( open(my $x,"+<",\$var), 'magic in-memory file via 3 arg open with \\$var');
+ ok( defined fileno($x), ' fileno' );
+ select $x;
+ ok( (print "ok\n"), ' print' );
+ select STDOUT;
+ ok( seek($x,0,0), ' seek' );
+ is( scalar <$x>, "ok\n", ' readline' );
+ ok( tell($x) >= 3, ' tell' );
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "broken";
+ # test in-memory open over STDOUT
+ open OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "cannot dup STDOUT: $!";
+ #close STDOUT;
+ my $status = open(STDOUT,">",\$var);
+ my $error = "$!" unless $status; # remember the error
+ close STDOUT unless $status;
+ open STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT" or die "cannot dup OLDOUT: $!";
+ print "# $error\n" unless $status;
+ # report after STDOUT is restored
+ ok($status, ' open STDOUT into in-memory var');
+ # test in-memory open over STDERR
+ open OLDERR, ">&STDERR" or die "cannot dup STDERR: $!";
+ #close STDERR;
+ ok( open(STDERR,">",\$var), ' open STDERR into in-memory var');
+ open STDERR, ">&OLDERR" or die "cannot dup OLDERR: $!";
+ }
+END {
+ 1 while unlink $txt;
+ 1 while unlink $bin;
+ 1 while unlink $utf;
diff --git a/t/io/perlio_fail.t b/t/io/perlio_fail.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56e3d1d5a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/io/perlio_fail.t
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ require "../t/";
+ skip_all("No perlio") unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio');
+ plan (15);
+use warnings 'layer';
+my $warn;
+my $file = "fail$$";
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift };
+END { 1 while unlink($file) }
+ok(open(FH,">",$file),"Create works");
+ok(open(FH,"<",$file),"Normal open works");
+$warn = ''; $! = 0;
+ok(!binmode(FH,":-)"),"All punctuation fails binmode");
+print "# $!\n";
+isnt($!,0,"Got errno");
+like($warn,qr/in PerlIO layer/,"Got warning");
+$warn = ''; $! = 0;
+ok(!binmode(FH,":nonesuch"),"Bad package fails binmode");
+print "# $!\n";
+isnt($!,0,"Got errno");
+like($warn,qr/nonesuch/,"Got warning");
+$warn = ''; $! = 0;
+ok(!open(FH,"<:-)",$file),"All punctuation fails open");
+print "# $!\n";
+isnt($!,"","Got errno");
+like($warn,qr/in PerlIO layer/,"Got warning");
+$warn = ''; $! = 0;
+ok(!open(FH,"<:nonesuch",$file),"Bad package fails open");
+print "# $!\n";
+isnt($!,0,"Got errno");
+like($warn,qr/nonesuch/,"Got warning");
+ok(open(FH,"<",$file),"Normal open (still) works");
diff --git a/t/io/perlio_leaks.t b/t/io/perlio_leaks.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad76c39e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/io/perlio_leaks.t
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# ioleaks.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+# :unix -> not ok
+# :stdio -> not ok
+# :perlio -> ok
+# :crlf -> ok
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "[perl #56644] PerlIO resource leaks on open() and then :pop in :unix and :stdio";
+ foreach my $layer(qw(:unix :stdio :perlio :crlf)){
+ my $base_fd = do{ open my $in, '<', $0 or die $!; fileno $in };
+ for(1 .. 3){
+ open my $fh, "<$layer", $0 or die $!;
+ is fileno($fh), $base_fd, $layer;
+ binmode $fh, ':pop';
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/t/io/perlio_open.t b/t/io/perlio_open.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d870b9e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/io/perlio_open.t
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: not perlio\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ use Config;
+ unless (" $Config{extensions} " =~ / Fcntl /) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: no Fcntl (how did you get this far?)\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Fcntl qw(:seek);
+ ok((open my $fh, "+>", undef), "open my \$fh, '+>', undef");
+ print $fh "the right write stuff";
+ ok(seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET), "seek to zero");
+ my $data = <$fh>;
+ is($data, "the right write stuff", "found the right stuff");
+ ok((open my $fh, "+<", undef), "open my \$fh, '+<', undef");
+ print $fh "the right read stuff";
+ ok(seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET), "seek to zero");
+ my $data = <$fh>;
+ is($data, "the right read stuff", "found the right stuff");