path: root/t/op/hashassign.t
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2001-12-10 23:22:28 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-12-10 22:51:44 +0000
commit677fb045b6c17916b0e551a2501b48489b6ded72 (patch)
tree77dabd52c4a7de1f26296b060f6aba72c0eb64d4 /t/op/hashassign.t
parentcda41bc103281f18855c0da8ed14366b1358eda9 (diff)
Re: [PATCH] tests for hash assignment
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@13604
Diffstat (limited to 't/op/hashassign.t')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/hashassign.t b/t/op/hashassign.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1c66c38dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/op/hashassign.t
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#!./perl -w
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ require './';
+# use strict;
+plan tests => 206;
+my @comma = ("key", "value");
+# The peephole optimiser already knows that it should convert the string in
+# $foo{string} into a shared hash key scalar. It might be worth making the
+# tokeniser build the LHS of => as a shared hash key scalar too.
+# And so there's the possiblility of it going wrong
+# And going right on 8 bit but wrong on utf8 keys.
+# And really we should also try utf8 literals in {} and => in utf8.t
+# Some of these tests are (effectively) duplicated in each.t
+my %comma = @comma;
+ok (keys %comma == 1, 'keys on comma hash');
+ok (values %comma == 1, 'values on comma hash');
+# defeat any tokeniser or optimiser cunning
+my $key = 'ey';
+is ($comma{"k" . $key}, "value", 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+# now with cunning:
+is ($comma{key}, "value", 'is key present? (maybe optimised)');
+#tokeniser may treat => differently.
+my @temp = (key=>undef);
+is ($comma{$temp[0]}, "value", 'is key present? (using LHS of =>)');
+@temp = %comma;
+ok (eq_array (\@comma, \@temp), 'list from comma hash');
+@temp = each %comma;
+ok (eq_array (\@comma, \@temp), 'first each from comma hash');
+@temp = each %comma;
+ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from comma hash');
+my %temp = %comma;
+ok (keys %temp == 1, 'keys on copy of comma hash');
+ok (values %temp == 1, 'values on copy of comma hash');
+is ($temp{'k' . $key}, "value", 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+# now with cunning:
+is ($temp{key}, "value", 'is key present? (maybe optimised)');
+@temp = (key=>undef);
+is ($comma{$temp[0]}, "value", 'is key present? (using LHS of =>)');
+@temp = %temp;
+ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'list from copy of comma hash');
+@temp = each %temp;
+ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'first each from copy of comma hash');
+@temp = each %temp;
+ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from copy of comma hash');
+my @arrow = (Key =>"Value");
+my %arrow = @arrow;
+ok (keys %arrow == 1, 'keys on arrow hash');
+ok (values %arrow == 1, 'values on arrow hash');
+# defeat any tokeniser or optimiser cunning
+$key = 'ey';
+is ($arrow{"K" . $key}, "Value", 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+# now with cunning:
+is ($arrow{Key}, "Value", 'is key present? (maybe optimised)');
+#tokeniser may treat => differently.
+@temp = ('Key', undef);
+is ($arrow{$temp[0]}, "Value", 'is key present? (using LHS of =>)');
+@temp = %arrow;
+ok (eq_array (\@arrow, \@temp), 'list from arrow hash');
+@temp = each %arrow;
+ok (eq_array (\@arrow, \@temp), 'first each from arrow hash');
+@temp = each %arrow;
+ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from arrow hash');
+%temp = %arrow;
+ok (keys %temp == 1, 'keys on copy of arrow hash');
+ok (values %temp == 1, 'values on copy of arrow hash');
+is ($temp{'K' . $key}, "Value", 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+# now with cunning:
+is ($temp{Key}, "Value", 'is key present? (maybe optimised)');
+@temp = ('Key', undef);
+is ($arrow{$temp[0]}, "Value", 'is key present? (using LHS of =>)');
+@temp = %temp;
+ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'list from copy of arrow hash');
+@temp = each %temp;
+ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'first each from copy of arrow hash');
+@temp = each %temp;
+ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from copy of arrow hash');
+my %direct = ('Camel', 2, 'Dromedary', 1);
+my %slow;
+$slow{Dromedary} = 1;
+$slow{Camel} = 2;
+ok (eq_hash (\%slow, \%direct), "direct list assignment to hash");
+%direct = (Camel => 2, 'Dromedary' => 1);
+ok (eq_hash (\%slow, \%direct), "direct list assignment to hash using =>");
+$slow{Llama} = 0; # A llama is not a camel :-)
+ok (!eq_hash (\%direct, \%slow), "different hashes should not be equal!");
+my (%names, %names_copy);
+%names = ('$' => 'Scalar', '@' => 'Array', # Grr '
+ '%', 'Hash', '&', 'Code');
+%names_copy = %names;
+ok (eq_hash (\%names, \%names_copy), "check we can copy our hash");
+sub in {
+ my %args = @_;
+ return eq_hash (\%names, \%args);
+ok (in (%names), "pass hash into a method");
+sub in_method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ return eq_hash (\%names, \%args);
+ok (main->in_method (%names), "pass hash into a method");
+sub out {
+ return %names;
+%names_copy = out ();
+ok (eq_hash (\%names, \%names_copy), "pass hash from a subroutine");
+sub out_method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return %names;
+%names_copy = main->out_method ();
+ok (eq_hash (\%names, \%names_copy), "pass hash from a method");
+sub in_out {
+ my %args = @_;
+ return %args;
+%names_copy = in_out (%names);
+ok (eq_hash (\%names, \%names_copy), "pass hash to and from a subroutine");
+sub in_out_method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ return %args;
+%names_copy = main->in_out_method (%names);
+ok (eq_hash (\%names, \%names_copy), "pass hash to and from a method");
+my %names_copy2 = %names;
+ok (eq_hash (\%names, \%names_copy2), "check copy worked");
+# This should get ignored.
+%names_copy = ('%', 'Associative Array', %names);
+ok (eq_hash (\%names, \%names_copy), "duplicates at the start of a list");
+# This should not
+%names_copy = ('*', 'Typeglob', %names);
+$names_copy2{'*'} = 'Typeglob';
+ok (eq_hash (\%names_copy, \%names_copy2), "duplicates at the end of a list");
+%names_copy = ('%', 'Associative Array', '*', 'Endangered species', %names,
+ '*', 'Typeglob',);
+ok (eq_hash (\%names_copy, \%names_copy2), "duplicates at both ends");
+# And now UTF8
+foreach my $chr (60, 200, 600, 6000, 60000) {
+ # This little game may set a UTF8 flag internally. Or it may not. :-)
+ my ($key, $value) = (chr ($chr) . "\x{ABCD}", "$chr\x{ABCD}");
+ chop ($key, $value);
+ my @utf8c = ($key, $value);
+ my %utf8c = @utf8c;
+ ok (keys %utf8c == 1, 'keys on utf8 comma hash');
+ ok (values %utf8c == 1, 'values on utf8 comma hash');
+ # defeat any tokeniser or optimiser cunning
+ is ($utf8c{"" . $key}, $value, 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+ my $tempval = sprintf '$utf8c{"\x{%x}"}', $chr;
+ is (eval $tempval, $value, "is key present? (maybe $tempval is optimised)");
+ $tempval = sprintf '@temp = ("\x{%x}" => undef)', $chr;
+ eval $tempval or die "'$tempval' gave $@";
+ is ($utf8c{$temp[0]}, $value, 'is key present? (using LHS of $tempval)');
+ @temp = %utf8c;
+ ok (eq_array (\@utf8c, \@temp), 'list from utf8 comma hash');
+ @temp = each %utf8c;
+ ok (eq_array (\@utf8c, \@temp), 'first each from utf8 comma hash');
+ @temp = each %utf8c;
+ ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from utf8 comma hash');
+ %temp = %utf8c;
+ ok (keys %temp == 1, 'keys on copy of utf8 comma hash');
+ ok (values %temp == 1, 'values on copy of utf8 comma hash');
+ is ($temp{"" . $key}, $value, 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+ $tempval = sprintf '$temp{"\x{%x}"}', $chr;
+ is (eval $tempval, $value, "is key present? (maybe $tempval is optimised)");
+ $tempval = sprintf '@temp = ("\x{%x}" => undef)', $chr;
+ eval $tempval or die "'$tempval' gave $@";
+ is ($temp{$temp[0]}, $value, "is key present? (using LHS of $tempval)");
+ @temp = %temp;
+ ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'list from copy of utf8 comma hash');
+ @temp = each %temp;
+ ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'first each from copy of utf8 comma hash');
+ @temp = each %temp;
+ ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from copy of utf8 comma hash');
+ my $assign = sprintf '("\x{%x}" => "%d")', $chr, $chr;
+ print "# $assign\n";
+ my (@utf8a) = eval $assign;
+ my %utf8a = @utf8a;
+ ok (keys %utf8a == 1, 'keys on utf8 arrow hash');
+ ok (values %utf8a == 1, 'values on utf8 arrow hash');
+ # defeat any tokeniser or optimiser cunning
+ is ($utf8a{$key . ""}, $value, 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+ $tempval = sprintf '$utf8a{"\x{%x}"}', $chr;
+ is (eval $tempval, $value, "is key present? (maybe $tempval is optimised)");
+ $tempval = sprintf '@temp = ("\x{%x}" => undef)', $chr;
+ eval $tempval or die "'$tempval' gave $@";
+ is ($utf8a{$temp[0]}, $value, "is key present? (using LHS of $tempval)");
+ @temp = %utf8a;
+ ok (eq_array (\@utf8a, \@temp), 'list from utf8 arrow hash');
+ @temp = each %utf8a;
+ ok (eq_array (\@utf8a, \@temp), 'first each from utf8 arrow hash');
+ @temp = each %utf8a;
+ ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from utf8 arrow hash');
+ %temp = %utf8a;
+ ok (keys %temp == 1, 'keys on copy of utf8 arrow hash');
+ ok (values %temp == 1, 'values on copy of utf8 arrow hash');
+ is ($temp{'' . $key}, $value, 'is key present? (unoptimised)');
+ $tempval = sprintf '$temp{"\x{%x}"}', $chr;
+ is (eval $tempval, $value, "is key present? (maybe $tempval is optimised)");
+ $tempval = sprintf '@temp = ("\x{%x}" => undef)', $chr;
+ eval $tempval or die "'$tempval' gave $@";
+ is ($temp{$temp[0]}, $value, "is key present? (using LHS of $tempval)");
+ @temp = %temp;
+ ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'list from copy of utf8 arrow hash');
+ @temp = each %temp;
+ ok (eq_array (\@temp, \@temp), 'first each from copy of utf8 arrow hash');
+ @temp = each %temp;
+ ok (eq_array ([], \@temp), 'last each from copy of utf8 arrow hash');