path: root/t/op/pack.t
diff options
authorTon Hospel <>2005-03-27 18:32:11 +0000
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2005-03-30 13:16:52 +0000
commit28be1210e1847088dea44932568ceeb145a4a140 (patch)
tree0ccb78fd71d51fa15cb0883d19178e60c7f54959 /t/op/pack.t
parent47660177f659a8fbe5e2bac72a2bdfad9744a453 (diff)
Re: PATCH: byte count feature request for unpack
Message-Id: <d26u7b$i3v$1@post.home.lunix> (rework of a patch from Arne Ahrend <>) p4raw-id: //depot/perl@24100
Diffstat (limited to 't/op/pack.t')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/pack.t b/t/op/pack.t
index 08cf811138..66d2ee6af9 100755
--- a/t/op/pack.t
+++ b/t/op/pack.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ my $no_endianness = $] > 5.009 ? '' :
my $no_signedness = $] > 5.009 ? '' :
"Signed/unsigned pack modifiers not available on this perl";
-plan tests => 14627;
+plan tests => 14697;
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ foreach (
['p', 'Z3', "foo", "fo\0"],
['u', 'Z*', "foo\0bar \0", "foo"],
['u', 'Z8', "foo\0bar \0", "foo"],
my ($what, $template, $in, $out) = @$_;
my $got = $what eq 'u' ? (unpack $template, $in) : (pack $template, $in);
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ sub numbers_with_total {
if ($calc_sum == $calc_sum - 1 && $calc_sum == $max_p1) {
# we're into floating point (either by getting out of the range of
- # UV arithmetic, or because we're doing a floating point checksum)
+ # UV arithmetic, or because we're doing a floating point checksum)
# and our calculation of the checksum has become rounded up to
# max_checksum + 1
$calc_sum = 0;
@@ -858,13 +858,13 @@ SKIP: {
['a/a*/a*', '212ab345678901234567','ab3456789012'],
['a/a*/a*', '3012ab345678901234567', 'ab3456789012'],
['a/a*/b*', '212ab', $Is_EBCDIC ? '100000010100' : '100001100100'],
- )
+ )
my ($pat, $in, $expect) = @$_;
undef $x;
eval { ($x) = unpack $pat, $in };
is($@, '');
- is($x, $expect) ||
+ is($x, $expect) ||
printf "# list unpack ('$pat', '$in') gave %s, expected '$expect'\n",
encode_list ($x);
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ foreach (
['@4', 'N', "\0"x4],
['a*@8a*', 'Camel', 'Dromedary', "Camel\0\0\0Dromedary"],
['a*@4a', 'Perl rules', '!', 'Perl!'],
my ($template, @in) = @$_;
my $out = pop @in;
@@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ foreach (
['@3', "ice"],
['@2a2', "water", "te"],
['a*@1a3', "steam", "steam", "tea"],
my ($template, $in, @out) = @$_;
my @got = eval {unpack $template, $in};
@@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ SKIP: {
my @a = unpack( '(@1c)((@2c)@3c)', $buf );
is( "@a", "@b" );
- # various unpack count/code scenarios
+ # various unpack count/code scenarios
my @Env = ( a => 'AAA', b => 'BBB' );
my $env = pack( 'S(S/A*S/A*)*', @Env/2, @Env );
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ SKIP: {
# 2 4 5 7 10 1213
eval { @pup = unpack( 'S/(S/A* S/A*)', substr( $env, 0, 13 ) ) };
like( $@, qr{length/code after end of string} );
# postfix repeat count
$env = pack( '(S/A* S/A*)' . @Env/2, @Env );
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ SKIP: {
eval { my @inf = unpack( 'c/*a', "\x03AAA\x02BB" ); };
like( $@, qr{'/' does not take a repeat count} );
- # white space where possible
+ # white space where possible
my @Env = ( a => 'AAA', b => 'BBB' );
my $env = pack( ' S ( S / A* S / A* )* ', @Env/2, @Env );
my @pup = unpack( ' S / ( S / A* S / A* ) ', $env );
@@ -1280,8 +1280,8 @@ SKIP: {
# @ repeat default 1
my $s = pack( 'AA@A', 'A', 'B', 'C' );
my @c = unpack( 'AA@A', $s );
- is( $s, 'AC' );
- is( "@c", "A C C" );
+ is( $s, 'AC' );
+ is( "@c", "A C C" );
# no unpack code after /
eval { my @a = unpack( "C/", "\3" ); };
@@ -1701,11 +1701,11 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
is(unpack('@5X!8W', $up), 0xf8, "X! moving on upgraded string");
is(pack("W2x", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00", "x on downgraded string");
- is(pack("W2x!4", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00\x00",
+ is(pack("W2x!4", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00\x00",
"x! on downgraded string");
is(pack("W2x!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "x! on downgraded string");
is(pack("U0C0W2x", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00", "x on upgraded string");
- is(pack("U0C0W2x!4", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00\x00",
+ is(pack("U0C0W2x!4", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00\x00",
"x! on upgraded string");
is(pack("U0C0W2x!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "x! on upgraded string");
is(pack("W2X", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa", "X on downgraded string");
@@ -1713,13 +1713,13 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
is(pack("W2X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "X! on downgraded string");
is(pack("U0C0W2X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "X! on upgraded string");
is(pack("W3X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3, 0xa6), "\xfa\xe3", "X! on downgraded string");
- is(pack("U0C0W3X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3, 0xa6), "\xfa\xe3",
+ is(pack("U0C0W3X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3, 0xa6), "\xfa\xe3",
"X! on upgraded string");
# backward eating through a ( moves the group starting point backwards
- is(pack("a*(Xa)", "abc", "q"), "abq",
+ is(pack("a*(Xa)", "abc", "q"), "abq",
"eating before strbeg moves it back");
- is(pack("a*(Xa)", "ab" . chr(512), "q"), "abq",
+ is(pack("a*(Xa)", "ab" . chr(512), "q"), "abq",
"eating before strbeg moves it back");
# Check marked_upgrade
@@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
is(pack('W(W(Wa@3W)@6W)@9W', 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, $up, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6),
"\xa1\xa2\xa3a\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6", "marked upgrade caused by a");
is(pack('W(W(WW@3W)@6W)@9W', 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 256, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6),
- "\xa1\xa2\xa3\x{100}\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6",
+ "\xa1\xa2\xa3\x{100}\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6",
"marked upgrade caused by W");
is(pack('W(W(WU0aC0@3W)@6W)@9W', 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, "a", 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6),
"\xa1\xa2\xa3a\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6", "marked upgrade caused by U0");
@@ -1742,11 +1742,11 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
utf8::upgrade(my $high = "\xfeb");
for my $format ("a0", "A0", "Z0", "U0a0C0", "U0A0C0", "U0Z0C0") {
- is(pack("a* $format a*", "ab", $down, "cd"), "abcd",
+ is(pack("a* $format a*", "ab", $down, "cd"), "abcd",
"$format format on plain string");
is(pack("a* $format a*", "ab", $up, "cd"), "abcd",
"$format format on upgraded string");
- is(pack("a* $format a*", $high, $down, "cd"), "\xfebcd",
+ is(pack("a* $format a*", $high, $down, "cd"), "\xfebcd",
"$format format on plain string");
is(pack("a* $format a*", $high, $up, "cd"), "\xfebcd",
"$format format on upgraded string");
@@ -1809,9 +1809,9 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
# unpack("A*", $unicode) strips general unicode spaces
- is(unpack("A*", "ab \n\xa0 \0"), "ab \n\xa0",
+ is(unpack("A*", "ab \n\xa0 \0"), "ab \n\xa0",
'normal A* strip leaves \xa0');
- is(unpack("U0C0A*", "ab \n\xa0 \0"), "ab \n\xa0",
+ is(unpack("U0C0A*", "ab \n\xa0 \0"), "ab \n\xa0",
'normal A* strip leaves \xa0 even if it got upgraded for technical reasons');
is(unpack("A*", pack("a*(U0U)a*", "ab \n", 0xa0, " \0")), "ab",
'upgraded strings A* removes \xa0');
@@ -1822,3 +1822,151 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
is(unpack("A*", pack("U", 0x1680)), "",
'upgraded strings A* with nothing left');
+ # Testing unpack . and .!
+ is(unpack(".", "ABCD"), 0, "offset at start of string is 0");
+ is(unpack(".", ""), 0, "offset at start of empty string is 0");
+ is(unpack("x3.", "ABCDEF"), 3, "simple offset works");
+ is(unpack("x3.", "ABC"), 3, "simple offset at end of string works");
+ is(unpack("x3.0", "ABC"), 0, "self offset is 0");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.)", "ABCDEF"), 2, "offset is relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("x3(X2.)", "ABCDEF"), -2,
+ "negative offset relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("x3(X2.2)", "ABCDEF"), 1, "offset is relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.0)", "ABCDEF"), 0, "self offset in group is still 0");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.2)", "ABCDEF"), 5, "offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.*)", "ABCDEF"), 5, "star offset is relative to start");
+ my $high = chr(8188) x 6;
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.)", $high), 2, "utf8 offset is relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("x3(X2.)", $high), -2,
+ "utf8 negative offset relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("x3(X2.2)", $high), 1, "utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.0)", $high), 0, "utf8 self offset in group is still 0");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.2)", $high), 5, "utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.*)", $high), 5, "utf8 star offset is relative to start");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.)", $high), 2,
+ "U0 mode utf8 offset is relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(X2.)", $high), -2,
+ "U0 mode utf8 negative offset relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(X2.2)", $high), 1,
+ "U0 mode utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.0)", $high), 0,
+ "U0 mode utf8 self offset in group is still 0");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.2)", $high), 5,
+ "U0 mode utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.*)", $high), 5,
+ "U0 mode utf8 star offset is relative to start");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.!)", $high), 2*3,
+ "utf8 offset is relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("x3(X2.!)", $high), -2*3,
+ "utf8 negative offset relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("x3(X2.!2)", $high), 1*3,
+ "utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.!0)", $high), 0,
+ "utf8 self offset in group is still 0");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.!2)", $high), 5*3,
+ "utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("x3(x2.!*)", $high), 5*3,
+ "utf8 star offset is relative to start");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.!)", $high), 2,
+ "U0 mode utf8 offset is relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(X2.!)", $high), -2,
+ "U0 mode utf8 negative offset relative to inner group");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(X2.!2)", $high), 1,
+ "U0 mode utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.!0)", $high), 0,
+ "U0 mode utf8 self offset in group is still 0");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.!2)", $high), 5,
+ "U0 mode utf8 offset counts groups");
+ is(unpack("U0x3(x2.!*)", $high), 5,
+ "U0 mode utf8 star offset is relative to start");
+ # Testing pack . and .!
+ is(pack("(a)5 .", 1..5, 3), "123", ". relative to string start, shorten");
+ eval { () = pack("(a)5 .", 1..5, -3) };
+ like($@, qr{'\.' outside of string in pack}, "Proper error message");
+ is(pack("(a)5 .", 1..5, 8), "12345\x00\x00\x00",
+ ". relative to string start, extend");
+ is(pack("(a)5 .", 1..5, 5), "12345", ". relative to string start, keep");
+ is(pack("(a)5 .0", 1..5, -3), "12",
+ ". relative to string current, shorten");
+ is(pack("(a)5 .0", 1..5, 2), "12345\x00\x00",
+ ". relative to string current, extend");
+ is(pack("(a)5 .0", 1..5, 0), "12345",
+ ". relative to string current, keep");
+ is(pack("(a)5 (.)", 1..5, -3), "12",
+ ". relative to group, shorten");
+ is(pack("(a)5 (.)", 1..5, 2), "12345\x00\x00",
+ ". relative to group, extend");
+ is(pack("(a)5 (.)", 1..5, 0), "12345",
+ ". relative to group, keep");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .)", 1..5, -2), "1",
+ ". relative to group, shorten");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .)", 1..5, 2), "12345",
+ ". relative to group, keep");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .)", 1..5, 4), "12345\x00\x00",
+ ". relative to group, extend");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .2)", 1..5, 2), "12",
+ ". relative to counted group, shorten");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .2)", 1..5, 7), "12345\x00\x00",
+ ". relative to counted group, extend");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .2)", 1..5, 5), "12345",
+ ". relative to counted group, keep");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .*)", 1..5, 2), "12",
+ ". relative to start, shorten");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .*)", 1..5, 7), "12345\x00\x00",
+ ". relative to start, extend");
+ is(pack("(a)3 ((a)2 .*)", 1..5, 5), "12345",
+ ". relative to start, keep");
+ is(pack('(a)5 (. @2 a)', 1..5, -3, "a"), "12\x00\x00a",
+ ". based shrink properly updates group starts");
+ is(pack("(W)3 ((W)2 .)", 0x301..0x305, -2), "\x{301}",
+ "utf8 . relative to group, shorten");
+ is(pack("(W)3 ((W)2 .)", 0x301..0x305, 2),
+ "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}",
+ "utf8 . relative to group, keep");
+ is(pack("(W)3 ((W)2 .)", 0x301..0x305, 4),
+ "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}\x00\x00",
+ "utf8 . relative to group, extend");
+ is(pack("(W)3 ((W)2 .!)", 0x301..0x305, -2), "\x{301}\x{302}",
+ "utf8 . relative to group, shorten");
+ is(pack("(W)3 ((W)2 .!)", 0x301..0x305, 4),
+ "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}",
+ "utf8 . relative to group, keep");
+ is(pack("(W)3 ((W)2 .!)", 0x301..0x305, 6),
+ "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}\x00\x00",
+ "utf8 . relative to group, extend");
+ is(pack('(W)5 (. @2 a)', 0x301..0x305, -3, "a"),
+ "\x{301}\x{302}\x00\x00a",
+ "utf8 . based shrink properly updates group starts");
+ # Testing @!
+ is(pack('a* @3', "abcde"), "abc", 'Test basic @');
+ is(pack('a* @!3', "abcde"), "abc", 'Test basic @!');
+ is(pack('a* @2', "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}"), "\x{301}\x{302}",
+ 'Test basic utf8 @');
+ is(pack('a* @!2', "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}"), "\x{301}",
+ 'Test basic utf8 @!');
+ is(unpack('@4 a*', "abcde"), "e", 'Test basic @');
+ is(unpack('@!4 a*', "abcde"), "e", 'Test basic @!');
+ is(unpack('@4 a*', "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}"), "\x{305}",
+ 'Test basic utf8 @');
+ is(unpack('@!4 a*', "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}"),
+ "\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}", 'Test basic utf8 @!');