path: root/t/op/taint.t
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2011-02-28 16:31:19 +0000
committerNicholas Clark <>2011-03-02 09:15:11 +0000
commit22d7dfedf6b2f543bc146063b4bf98d2ae20fd86 (patch)
tree2dfcb725b6b8b984a22f470a85a794a6f3c342fb /t/op/taint.t
parent4e74b85bc530fa4d5182e4323be281b1cd335c7a (diff)
Convert taint.t to lexical file and directory handles, and 3 argument open.
Retain tainting tests for package filehandles - augment these with analogous tests for lexical filehandles. Drop the use of File::Spec::Functions to determine a portable path for './TEST', added as part of the MacOS classic porting. We haven't built on classic for many years, and the change itself was over-engineering - the better fix at the time would have been to replace './TEST' with 'TEST'.
Diffstat (limited to 't/op/taint.t')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/taint.t b/t/op/taint.t
index c3d8ddce8b..fbbe2a07be 100644
--- a/t/op/taint.t
+++ b/t/op/taint.t
@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@ BEGIN {
use strict;
use Config;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
BEGIN { require './'; }
-plan tests => 753;
+plan tests => 766;
$| = 1;
@@ -124,12 +123,12 @@ sub violates_taint {
# We need an external program to call.
my $ECHO = ($Is_MSWin32 ? ".\\echo$$" : ($Is_NetWare ? "echo$$" : "./echo$$"));
END { unlink $ECHO }
-open PROG, "> $ECHO" or die "Can't create $ECHO: $!";
-print PROG 'print "@ARGV\n"', "\n";
-close PROG;
+open my $fh, '>', $ECHO or die "Can't create $ECHO: $!";
+print $fh 'print "@ARGV\n"', "\n";
+close $fh;
my $echo = "$Invoke_Perl $ECHO";
-my $TEST = catfile(curdir(), 'TEST');
+my $TEST = 'TEST';
# First, let's make sure that Perl is checking the dangerous
# environment variables. Maybe they aren't set yet, so we'll
@@ -968,14 +967,14 @@ my $TEST = catfile(curdir(), 'TEST');
# always get some, so we'll run another process with some.
my $arg = tempfile();
- open PROG, "> $arg" or die "Can't create $arg: $!";
- print PROG q{
+ open $fh, '>', $arg or die "Can't create $arg: $!";
+ print $fh q{
eval { join('', @ARGV), kill 0 };
exit 0 if $@ =~ /^Insecure dependency/;
print "# Oops: \$@ was [$@]\n";
exit 1;
- close PROG;
+ close $fh or die "Can't close $arg: $!";
print `$Invoke_Perl "-T" $arg and some suspect arguments`;
is($?, 0, "Exited with status $?");
unlink $arg;
@@ -983,12 +982,12 @@ SKIP: {
# Reading from a file should be tainted
- ok(open FILE, $TEST) or diag("Couldn't open '$TEST': $!");
+ ok(open my $fh, '<', $TEST) or diag("Couldn't open '$TEST': $!");
my $block;
- sysread(FILE, $block, 100);
- my $line = <FILE>;
- close FILE;
+ sysread($fh, $block, 100);
+ my $line = <$fh>;
+ close $fh;
@@ -1085,6 +1084,8 @@ violates_taint(sub { link $TAINT, '' }, 'link');
is(eval { open FOO, $foo }, undef, 'open for read');
is($@, ''); # NB: This should be allowed
+ is(eval { open my $fh, , '<', $foo }, undef, 'open for read');
+ is($@, ''); # NB: This should be allowed
# Try first new style but allow also old style.
# We do not want the whole taint.t to fail
@@ -1094,6 +1095,7 @@ violates_taint(sub { link $TAINT, '' }, 'link');
($Is_Dos && $! == 22));
violates_taint(sub { open FOO, "> $foo" }, 'open', 'open for write');
+ violates_taint(sub { open my $fh, '>', $foo }, 'open', 'open for write');
# Commands to the system can't use tainted data
@@ -1101,10 +1103,12 @@ violates_taint(sub { link $TAINT, '' }, 'link');
my $foo = $TAINT;
- skip "open('|') is not available", 4 if $^O eq 'amigaos';
+ skip "open('|') is not available", 8 if $^O eq 'amigaos';
- violates_taint(sub { open FOO, "| x$foo" }, 'piped open', 'popen to');
- violates_taint(sub { open FOO, "x$foo |" }, 'piped open', 'popen from');
+ violates_taint(sub { open FOO, "| x$foo" }, 'piped open', 'popen to');
+ violates_taint(sub { open FOO, "x$foo |" }, 'piped open', 'popen from');
+ violates_taint(sub { open my $fh, '|-', "x$foo" }, 'piped open', 'popen to');
+ violates_taint(sub { open my $fh, '-|', "x$foo" }, 'piped open', 'popen from');
violates_taint(sub { exec $TAINT }, 'exec');
@@ -1155,13 +1159,17 @@ violates_taint(sub { link $TAINT, '' }, 'link');
local *FOO;
my $temp = tempfile();
ok(open FOO, "> $temp") or diag("Couldn't open $temp for write: $!");
violates_taint(sub { ioctl FOO, $TAINT0, $foo }, 'ioctl');
+ my $temp2 = tempfile();
+ ok(open my $fh, '>', $temp2) or diag("Couldn't open $temp2 for write: $!");
+ violates_taint(sub { ioctl $fh, $TAINT0, $foo }, 'ioctl');
- skip "fcntl() is not available", 2 unless $Config{d_fcntl};
+ skip "fcntl() is not available", 4 unless $Config{d_fcntl};
violates_taint(sub { fcntl FOO, $TAINT0, $foo }, 'fcntl');
+ violates_taint(sub { fcntl $fh, $TAINT0, $foo }, 'fcntl');
close FOO;
@@ -1260,11 +1268,10 @@ violates_taint(sub { link $TAINT, '' }, 'link');
# pretty hard to imagine not
skip "readdir() is not available", 1 unless $Config{d_readdir};
- local(*D);
- opendir(D, "op") or die "opendir: $!\n";
- my $readdir = readdir(D);
+ opendir my $dh, "op" or die "opendir: $!\n";
+ my $readdir = readdir $dh;
- closedir(D);
+ closedir $dh;
@@ -1381,23 +1388,21 @@ SKIP: {
# bug id 20001004.006
- open IN, $TEST or warn "$0: cannot read $TEST: $!" ;
+ open my $fh, '<', $TEST or warn "$0: cannot read $TEST: $!" ;
local $/;
- my $a = <IN>;
- my $b = <IN>;
+ my $a = <$fh>;
+ my $b = <$fh>;
is($b, undef);
- close IN;
# bug id 20001004.007
- open IN, $TEST or warn "$0: cannot read $TEST: $!" ;
- my $a = <IN>;
+ open my $fh, '<', $TEST or warn "$0: cannot read $TEST: $!" ;
+ my $a = <$fh>;
my $c = { a => 42,
b => $a };
@@ -1418,8 +1423,6 @@ SKIP: {
- close IN;
@@ -1855,9 +1858,9 @@ SKIP:
like ($@, qr/^Insecure dependency in eval/);
# Rather nice code to get a tainted undef by from Rick Delaney
- open FH, "" or die $!;
- seek FH, 0, 2 or die $!;
- $tainted = <FH>;
+ open my $fh, "" or die $!;
+ seek $fh, 0, 2 or die $!;
+ $tainted = <$fh>;
eval 'eval $tainted';
like ($@, qr/^Insecure dependency in eval/);