path: root/t/pragma
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-06-18 04:17:15 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-06-18 04:17:15 +0000
commitb695f709e8a342e35e482b0437eb6cdacdc58b6b (patch)
tree2d16192636e6ba806ff7a907f682c74f7705a920 /t/pragma
parentd780cd7a0195e946e636d3ee546f6ef4f21d6acc (diff)
The Grand Trek: move the *.t files from t/ to lib/ and ext/.
No doubt I made some mistakes like missed some files or misnamed some files. The naming rules were more or less: (1) if the module is from CPAN, follows its ways, be it t/*.t or (2) otherwise if there are multiple tests for a module put them in a t/ (3) otherwise if there's only one test put it in Module.t (4) helper files go to module/ (locale, strict, warnings) (5) use longer filenames now that we can (but e.g. the compat-0.6.t and the Text::Balanced test files still were renamed to be more civil against the 8.3 people) installperl was updated appropriately not to install the *.t files or the help files from under lib. TODO: some helper files still remain under t/ that could follow their 'masters'. UPDATE: On second thoughts, why should they. They can continue to live under t/lib, and in fact the locale/strict/warnings helpers that were moved could be moved back. This way the amount of non-installable stuff under lib/ stays smaller. p4raw-id: //depot/perl@10676
Diffstat (limited to 't/pragma')
49 files changed, 0 insertions, 11344 deletions
diff --git a/t/pragma/autouse.t b/t/pragma/autouse.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a2d68003f..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/autouse.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 10; }
- require autouse;
- eval {
- "autouse"->import('List::Util' => 'List::Util::first(&@)');
- };
- ok( !$@ );
- eval {
- "autouse"->import('List::Util' => 'Foo::min');
- };
- ok( $@, qr/^autouse into different package attempted/ );
- "autouse"->import('List::Util' => qw(max first(&@)));
-my @a = (1,2,3,4,5.5);
-ok( max(@a), 5.5);
-# first() has a prototype of &@. Make sure that's preserved.
-ok( (first { $_ > 3 } @a), 4);
-# Example from the docs.
-use autouse 'Carp' => qw(carp croak);
- my @warning;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warning, @_ };
- carp "this carp was predeclared and autoused\n";
- ok( scalar @warning, 1 );
- ok( $warning[0], "this carp was predeclared and autoused\n" );
- eval { croak "It is but a scratch!" };
- ok( $@, qr/^It is but a scratch!/);
-# Test that autouse's lazy module loading works. We assume that nothing
-# involved in this test uses Text::Soundex, which is pretty safe.
-use autouse 'Text::Soundex' => qw(soundex);
-my $mod_file = 'Text/'; # just fine and portable for %INC
-ok( !exists $INC{$mod_file} );
-ok( soundex('Basset'), 'B230' );
-ok( exists $INC{$mod_file} );
diff --git a/t/pragma/constant.t b/t/pragma/constant.t
deleted file mode 100755
index f932976f60..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/constant.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
-use warnings;
-use vars qw{ @warnings };
-BEGIN { # ...and save 'em for later
- $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { push @warnings, @_ }
-END { print @warnings }
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..82\n"; }
-END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
-use constant 1.01;
-$loaded = 1;
-#print "# Version: $constant::VERSION\n";
-print "ok 1\n";
-######################### End of black magic.
-use strict;
-sub test ($$;$) {
- my($num, $bool, $diag) = @_;
- if ($bool) {
- print "ok $num\n";
- return;
- }
- print "not ok $num\n";
- return unless defined $diag;
- $diag =~ s/\Z\n?/\n/; # unchomp
- print map "# $num : $_", split m/^/m, $diag;
-use constant PI => 4 * atan2 1, 1;
-test 2, substr(PI, 0, 7) eq '3.14159';
-test 3, defined PI;
-sub deg2rad { PI * $_[0] / 180 }
-my $ninety = deg2rad 90;
-test 4, $ninety > 1.5707;
-test 5, $ninety < 1.5708;
-use constant UNDEF1 => undef; # the right way
-use constant UNDEF2 => ; # the weird way
-use constant 'UNDEF3' ; # the 'short' way
-use constant EMPTY => ( ) ; # the right way for lists
-test 6, not defined UNDEF1;
-test 7, not defined UNDEF2;
-test 8, not defined UNDEF3;
-my @undef = UNDEF1;
-test 9, @undef == 1;
-test 10, not defined $undef[0];
-@undef = UNDEF2;
-test 11, @undef == 0;
-@undef = UNDEF3;
-test 12, @undef == 0;
-@undef = EMPTY;
-test 13, @undef == 0;
-use constant COUNTDOWN => scalar reverse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
-use constant COUNTLIST => reverse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
-use constant COUNTLAST => (COUNTLIST)[-1];
-test 14, COUNTDOWN eq '54321';
-my @cl = COUNTLIST;
-test 15, @cl == 5;
-test 16, COUNTDOWN eq join '', @cl;
-test 17, COUNTLAST == 1;
-test 18, (COUNTLIST)[1] == 4;
-use constant ABC => 'ABC';
-test 19, "abc${\( ABC )}abc" eq "abcABCabc";
-use constant DEF => 'D', 'E', chr ord 'F';
-test 20, "d e f @{[ DEF ]} d e f" eq "d e f D E F d e f";
-use constant SINGLE => "'";
-use constant DOUBLE => '"';
-use constant BACK => '\\';
-my $tt = BACK . SINGLE . DOUBLE ;
-test 21, $tt eq q(\\'");
-use constant MESS => q('"'\\"'"\\);
-test 22, MESS eq q('"'\\"'"\\);
-test 23, length(MESS) == 8;
-use constant TRAILING => '12 cats';
- no warnings 'numeric';
- test 24, TRAILING == 12;
-test 25, TRAILING eq '12 cats';
-use constant LEADING => " \t1234";
-test 26, LEADING == 1234;
-test 27, LEADING eq " \t1234";
-use constant ZERO1 => 0;
-use constant ZERO2 => 0.0;
-use constant ZERO3 => '0.0';
-test 28, ZERO1 eq '0';
-test 29, ZERO2 eq '0';
-test 30, ZERO3 eq '0.0';
- package Other;
- use constant PI => 3.141;
-test 31, (PI > 3.1415 and PI < 3.1416);
-test 32, Other::PI == 3.141;
-use constant E2BIG => $! = 7;
-test 33, E2BIG == 7;
-# This is something like "Arg list too long", but the actual message
-# text may vary, so we can't test much better than this.
-test 34, length(E2BIG) > 6;
-test 35, index(E2BIG, " ") > 0;
-test 36, @warnings == 0, join "\n", "unexpected warning", @warnings;
-@warnings = (); # just in case
-undef &PI;
-test 37, @warnings &&
- ($warnings[0] =~ /Constant sub.* undefined/),
- shift @warnings;
-test 38, @warnings == 0, "unexpected warning";
-test 39, 1;
-use constant CSCALAR => \"ok 40\n";
-use constant CHASH => { foo => "ok 41\n" };
-use constant CARRAY => [ undef, "ok 42\n" ];
-use constant CPHASH => [ { foo => 1 }, "ok 43\n" ];
-use constant CCODE => sub { "ok $_[0]\n" };
-print ${+CSCALAR};
-print CHASH->{foo};
-print CARRAY->[1];
-print CPHASH->{foo};
-eval q{ CPHASH->{bar} };
-test 44, scalar($@ =~ /^No such pseudo-hash field/);
-print CCODE->(45);
-eval q{ CCODE->{foo} };
-test 46, scalar($@ =~ /^Constant is not a HASH/);
-# Allow leading underscore
-use constant _PRIVATE => 47;
-test 47, _PRIVATE == 47;
-# Disallow doubled leading underscore
-eval q{
- use constant __DISALLOWED => "Oops";
-test 48, $@ =~ /begins with '__'/;
-# Check on declared() and %declared. This sub should be EXACTLY the
-# same as the one quoted in the docs!
-sub declared ($) {
- use constant 1.01; # don't omit this!
- my $name = shift;
- $name =~ s/^::/main::/;
- my $pkg = caller;
- my $full_name = $name =~ /::/ ? $name : "${pkg}::$name";
- $constant::declared{$full_name};
-test 49, declared 'PI';
-test 50, $constant::declared{'main::PI'};
-test 51, !declared 'PIE';
-test 52, !$constant::declared{'main::PIE'};
- package Other;
- use constant IN_OTHER_PACK => 42;
- ::test 53, ::declared 'IN_OTHER_PACK';
- ::test 54, $constant::declared{'Other::IN_OTHER_PACK'};
- ::test 55, ::declared 'main::PI';
- ::test 56, $constant::declared{'main::PI'};
-test 57, declared 'Other::IN_OTHER_PACK';
-test 58, $constant::declared{'Other::IN_OTHER_PACK'};
-@warnings = ();
-eval q{
- no warnings;
- use warnings 'constant';
- use constant 'BEGIN' => 1 ;
- use constant 'INIT' => 1 ;
- use constant 'CHECK' => 1 ;
- use constant 'END' => 1 ;
- use constant 'DESTROY' => 1 ;
- use constant 'AUTOLOAD' => 1 ;
- use constant 'STDIN' => 1 ;
- use constant 'STDOUT' => 1 ;
- use constant 'STDERR' => 1 ;
- use constant 'ARGV' => 1 ;
- use constant 'ARGVOUT' => 1 ;
- use constant 'ENV' => 1 ;
- use constant 'INC' => 1 ;
- use constant 'SIG' => 1 ;
-test 59, @warnings == 15 ;
-test 60, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'BEGIN' is a Perl keyword at/;
-shift @warnings; #Constant subroutine BEGIN redefined at
-test 61, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'INIT' is a Perl keyword at/;
-test 62, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'CHECK' is a Perl keyword at/;
-test 63, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'END' is a Perl keyword at/;
-test 64, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'DESTROY' is a Perl keyword at/;
-test 65, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'AUTOLOAD' is a Perl keyword at/;
-test 66, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'STDIN' is forced into package main:: a/;
-test 67, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'STDOUT' is forced into package main:: at/;
-test 68, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'STDERR' is forced into package main:: at/;
-test 69, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'ARGV' is forced into package main:: at/;
-test 70, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'ARGVOUT' is forced into package main:: at/;
-test 71, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'ENV' is forced into package main:: at/;
-test 72, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'INC' is forced into package main:: at/;
-test 73, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'SIG' is forced into package main:: at/;
-@warnings = ();
-use constant {
- THREE => 3,
- FAMILY => [ qw( John Jane Sally ) ],
- AGES => { John => 33, Jane => 28, Sally => 3 },
- RFAM => [ [ qw( John Jane Sally ) ] ],
- SPIT => sub { shift },
- PHFAM => [ { John => 1, Jane => 2, Sally => 3 }, 33, 28, 3 ],
-test 74, @{+FAMILY} == THREE;
-test 75, @{+FAMILY} == @{RFAM->[0]};
-test 76, FAMILY->[2] eq RFAM->[0]->[2];
-test 77, AGES->{FAMILY->[1]} == 28;
-test 78, PHFAM->{John} == AGES->{John};
-test 79, PHFAM->[3] == AGES->{FAMILY->[2]};
-test 80, @{+PHFAM} == SPIT->(THREE+1);
-test 81, THREE**3 eq SPIT->(@{+FAMILY}**3);
-test 82, AGES->{FAMILY->[THREE-1]} == PHFAM->[THREE];
diff --git a/t/pragma/diagnostics.t b/t/pragma/diagnostics.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 14014f6b68..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/diagnostics.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- chdir '..' if -d '../pod' && -d '../t';
- @INC = 'lib';
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw($Test_Num $Total_tests);
-my $loaded;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; $Test_Num = 1 }
-END {print "not ok $Test_Num\n" unless $loaded;}
-print "1..$Total_tests\n";
-BEGIN { require diagnostics; } # Don't want diagnostics' noise yet.
-$loaded = 1;
-ok($loaded, 'compile');
-######################### End of black magic.
-sub ok {
- my($test, $name) = shift;
- print "not " unless $test;
- print "ok $Test_Num";
- print " - $name" if defined $name;
- print "\n";
- $Test_Num++;
-# Change this to your # of ok() calls + 1
-BEGIN { $Total_tests = 1 }
diff --git a/t/pragma/locale.t b/t/pragma/locale.t
deleted file mode 100755
index e58616cbef..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/locale.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -wT
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- unshift @INC, '.';
- require Config; import Config;
- if (!$Config{d_setlocale} || $Config{ccflags} =~ /\bD?NO_LOCALE\b/) {
- print "1..0\n";
- exit;
- }
- $| = 1;
-use strict;
-my $debug = 1;
-use Dumpvalue;
-my $dumper = Dumpvalue->new(
- tick => qq{"},
- quoteHighBit => 0,
- unctrl => "quote"
- );
-sub debug {
- return unless $debug;
- my($mess) = join "", @_;
- chop $mess;
- print $dumper->stringify($mess,1), "\n";
-sub debugf {
- printf @_ if $debug;
-my $have_setlocale = 0;
-eval {
- require POSIX;
- import POSIX ':locale_h';
- $have_setlocale++;
-# Visual C's CRT goes silly on strings of the form "en_US.ISO8859-1"
-# and mingw32 uses said silly CRT
-$have_setlocale = 0 if (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare') && $Config{cc} =~ /^(cl|gcc)/i);
-my $last = $have_setlocale ? &last : &last_without_setlocale;
-print "1..$last\n";
-use vars qw(&LC_ALL);
-$a = 'abc %';
-sub ok {
- my ($n, $result) = @_;
- print 'not ' unless ($result);
- print "ok $n\n";
-# First we'll do a lot of taint checking for locales.
-# This is the easiest to test, actually, as any locale,
-# even the default locale will taint under 'use locale'.
-sub is_tainted { # hello, camel two.
- no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- my $dummy;
- not eval { $dummy = join("", @_), kill 0; 1 }
-sub check_taint ($$) {
- ok $_[0], is_tainted($_[1]);
-sub check_taint_not ($$) {
- ok $_[0], not is_tainted($_[1]);
-use locale; # engage locale and therefore locale taint.
-check_taint_not 1, $a;
-check_taint 2, uc($a);
-check_taint 3, "\U$a";
-check_taint 4, ucfirst($a);
-check_taint 5, "\u$a";
-check_taint 6, lc($a);
-check_taint 7, "\L$a";
-check_taint 8, lcfirst($a);
-check_taint 9, "\l$a";
-check_taint_not 10, sprintf('%e', 123.456);
-check_taint_not 11, sprintf('%f', 123.456);
-check_taint_not 12, sprintf('%g', 123.456);
-check_taint_not 13, sprintf('%d', 123.456);
-check_taint_not 14, sprintf('%x', 123.456);
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-$_ = uc($a); # taint $_
-check_taint 15, $_;
-/(\w)/; # taint $&, $`, $', $+, $1.
-check_taint 16, $&;
-check_taint 17, $`;
-check_taint 18, $';
-check_taint 19, $+;
-check_taint 20, $1;
-check_taint_not 21, $2;
-/(.)/; # untaint $&, $`, $', $+, $1.
-check_taint_not 22, $&;
-check_taint_not 23, $`;
-check_taint_not 24, $';
-check_taint_not 25, $+;
-check_taint_not 26, $1;
-check_taint_not 27, $2;
-/(\W)/; # taint $&, $`, $', $+, $1.
-check_taint 28, $&;
-check_taint 29, $`;
-check_taint 30, $';
-check_taint 31, $+;
-check_taint 32, $1;
-check_taint_not 33, $2;
-/(\s)/; # taint $&, $`, $', $+, $1.
-check_taint 34, $&;
-check_taint 35, $`;
-check_taint 36, $';
-check_taint 37, $+;
-check_taint 38, $1;
-check_taint_not 39, $2;
-/(\S)/; # taint $&, $`, $', $+, $1.
-check_taint 40, $&;
-check_taint 41, $`;
-check_taint 42, $';
-check_taint 43, $+;
-check_taint 44, $1;
-check_taint_not 45, $2;
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-check_taint_not 46, $_;
-/(b)/; # this must not taint
-check_taint_not 47, $&;
-check_taint_not 48, $`;
-check_taint_not 49, $';
-check_taint_not 50, $+;
-check_taint_not 51, $1;
-check_taint_not 52, $2;
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-check_taint_not 53, $_;
-$b = uc($a); # taint $b
-s/(.+)/$b/; # this must taint only the $_
-check_taint 54, $_;
-check_taint_not 55, $&;
-check_taint_not 56, $`;
-check_taint_not 57, $';
-check_taint_not 58, $+;
-check_taint_not 59, $1;
-check_taint_not 60, $2;
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-s/(.+)/b/; # this must not taint
-check_taint_not 61, $_;
-check_taint_not 62, $&;
-check_taint_not 63, $`;
-check_taint_not 64, $';
-check_taint_not 65, $+;
-check_taint_not 66, $1;
-check_taint_not 67, $2;
-$b = $a; # untaint $b
-($b = $a) =~ s/\w/$&/;
-check_taint 68, $b; # $b should be tainted.
-check_taint_not 69, $a; # $a should be not.
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-s/(\w)/\l$1/; # this must taint
-check_taint 70, $_;
-check_taint 71, $&;
-check_taint 72, $`;
-check_taint 73, $';
-check_taint 74, $+;
-check_taint 75, $1;
-check_taint_not 76, $2;
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-s/(\w)/\L$1/; # this must taint
-check_taint 77, $_;
-check_taint 78, $&;
-check_taint 79, $`;
-check_taint 80, $';
-check_taint 81, $+;
-check_taint 82, $1;
-check_taint_not 83, $2;
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-s/(\w)/\u$1/; # this must taint
-check_taint 84, $_;
-check_taint 85, $&;
-check_taint 86, $`;
-check_taint 87, $';
-check_taint 88, $+;
-check_taint 89, $1;
-check_taint_not 90, $2;
-$_ = $a; # untaint $_
-s/(\w)/\U$1/; # this must taint
-check_taint 91, $_;
-check_taint 92, $&;
-check_taint 93, $`;
-check_taint 94, $';
-check_taint 95, $+;
-check_taint 96, $1;
-check_taint_not 97, $2;
-# After all this tainting $a should be cool.
-check_taint_not 98, $a;
-sub last_without_setlocale { 98 }
-# I think we've seen quite enough of taint.
-# Let us do some *real* locale work now,
-# unless setlocale() is missing (i.e. minitest).
-exit unless $have_setlocale;
-# Find locales.
-debug "# Scanning for locales...\n";
-# Note that it's okay that some languages have their native names
-# capitalized here even though that's not "right". They are lowercased
-# anyway later during the scanning process (and besides, some clueless
-# vendor might have them capitalized errorneously anyway).
-my $locales = <<EOF;
-Afrikaans:af:za:1 15
-Arabic:ar:dz eg sa:6 arabic8
-Brezhoneg Breton:br:fr:1 15
-Bulgarski Bulgarian:bg:bg:5
-Chinese:zh:cn tw:cn.EUC eucCN eucTW euc.CN euc.TW Big5 GB2312 tw.EUC
-Hrvatski Croatian:hr:hr:2
-Cymraeg Welsh:cy:cy:1 14 15
-Dansk Danish:dk:da:1 15
-Nederlands Dutch:nl:be nl:1 15
-English American British:en:au ca gb ie nz us uk zw:1 15 cp850
-Eesti Estonian:et:ee:4 6 13
-Suomi Finnish:fi:fi:1 15
-Flamish::fl:1 15
-Deutsch German:de:at be ch de lu:1 15
-Euskaraz Basque:eu:es fr:1 15
-Galego Galician:gl:es:1 15
-Ellada Greek:el:gr:7 g8
-Frysk:fy:nl:1 15
-Greenlandic:kl:gl:4 6
-Hebrew:iw:il:8 hebrew8
-Indonesian:in:id:1 15
-Gaeilge Irish:ga:IE:1 14 15
-Italiano Italian:it:ch it:1 15
-Nihongo Japanese:ja:jp:euc eucJP jp.EUC sjis
-Latine Latin:la:va:1 15
-Latvian:lv:lv:4 6 13
-Lithuanian:lt:lt:4 6 13
-Macedonian:mk:mk:1 15
-Norsk Norwegian:no no\@nynorsk:no:1 15
-Occitan:oc:es:1 15
-Polski Polish:pl:pl:2
-Russki Russian:ru:ru su ua:5 koi8 koi8r KOI8-R koi8u cp1251 cp866
-Serbski Serbian:sr:yu:5
-Slovene Slovenian:sl:si:2
-Sqhip Albanian:sq:sq:1 15
-Svenska Swedish:sv:fi se:1 15
-Thai:th:th:11 tis620
-Turkish:tr:tr:9 turkish8
-Yiddish:yi::1 15
-if ($^O eq 'os390') {
- # These cause heartburn. Broken locales?
- $locales =~ s/Svenska Swedish:sv:fi se:1 15\n//;
- $locales =~ s/Thai:th:th:11 tis620\n//;
-sub in_utf8 () { $^H & 0x08 }
-if (in_utf8) {
- require "pragma/locale/utf8";
-} else {
- require "pragma/locale/latin1";
-my @Locale;
-my $Locale;
-my @Alnum_;
-my @utf8locale;
-my %utf8skip;
-sub getalnum_ {
- sort grep /\w/, map { chr } 0..255
-sub trylocale {
- my $locale = shift;
- if (setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale)) {
- push @Locale, $locale;
- }
-sub decode_encodings {
- my @enc;
- foreach (split(/ /, shift)) {
- if (/^(\d+)$/) {
- push @enc, "ISO8859-$1";
- push @enc, "iso8859$1"; # HP
- if ($1 eq '1') {
- push @enc, "roman8"; # HP
- }
- } else {
- push @enc, $_;
- push @enc, "$_.UTF-8";
- }
- }
- if ($^O eq 'os390') {
- push @enc, qw(IBM-037 IBM-819 IBM-1047);
- }
- return @enc;
-foreach (0..15) {
- trylocale("ISO8859-$_");
- trylocale("iso8859$_");
- trylocale("iso8859-$_");
- trylocale("iso_8859_$_");
- trylocale("isolatin$_");
- trylocale("isolatin-$_");
- trylocale("iso_latin_$_");
-# Sanitize the environment so that we can run the external 'locale'
-# program without the taint mode getting grumpy.
-# $ENV{PATH} is special in VMS.
-delete $ENV{PATH} if $^O ne 'VMS' or $Config{d_setenv};
-# Other subversive stuff.
-if (-x "/usr/bin/locale" && open(LOCALES, "/usr/bin/locale -a 2>/dev/null|")) {
- while (<LOCALES>) {
- chomp;
- trylocale($_);
- }
- close(LOCALES);
-} elsif ($^O eq 'VMS' && defined($ENV{'SYS$I18N_LOCALE'}) && -d 'SYS$I18N_LOCALE') {
-# The SYS$I18N_LOCALE logical name search list was not present on
-# VAX VMS V5.5-12, but was on AXP && VAX VMS V6.2 as well as later versions.
- opendir(LOCALES, "SYS\$I18N_LOCALE:");
- while ($_ = readdir(LOCALES)) {
- chomp;
- trylocale($_);
- }
- close(LOCALES);
-} else {
- # This is going to be slow.
- foreach my $locale (split(/\n/, $locales)) {
- my ($locale_name, $language_codes, $country_codes, $encodings) =
- split(/:/, $locale);
- my @enc = decode_encodings($encodings);
- foreach my $loc (split(/ /, $locale_name)) {
- trylocale($loc);
- foreach my $enc (@enc) {
- trylocale("$loc.$enc");
- }
- $loc = lc $loc;
- foreach my $enc (@enc) {
- trylocale("$loc.$enc");
- }
- }
- foreach my $lang (split(/ /, $language_codes)) {
- trylocale($lang);
- foreach my $country (split(/ /, $country_codes)) {
- my $lc = "${lang}_${country}";
- trylocale($lc);
- foreach my $enc (@enc) {
- trylocale("$lc.$enc");
- }
- my $lC = "${lang}_\U${country}";
- trylocale($lC);
- foreach my $enc (@enc) {
- trylocale("$lC.$enc");
- }
- }
- }
- }
-setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
-sub utf8locale { $_[0] =~ /utf-?8/i }
-@Locale = sort @Locale;
-debug "# Locales = @Locale\n";
-my %Problem;
-my %Okay;
-my %Testing;
-my @Neoalpha;
-my %Neoalpha;
-sub tryneoalpha {
- my ($Locale, $i, $test) = @_;
- unless ($test) {
- $Problem{$i}{$Locale} = 1;
- debug "# failed $i with locale '$Locale'\n";
- } else {
- push @{$Okay{$i}}, $Locale;
- }
-foreach $Locale (@Locale) {
- debug "# Locale = $Locale\n";
- @Alnum_ = getalnum_();
- debug "# w = ", join("",@Alnum_), "\n";
- unless (setlocale(LC_ALL, $Locale)) {
- foreach (99..103) {
- $Problem{$_}{$Locale} = -1;
- }
- next;
- }
- # Sieve the uppercase and the lowercase.
- my %UPPER = ();
- my %lower = ();
- my %BoThCaSe = ();
- for (@Alnum_) {
- if (/[^\d_]/) { # skip digits and the _
- if (uc($_) eq $_) {
- $UPPER{$_} = $_;
- }
- if (lc($_) eq $_) {
- $lower{$_} = $_;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (keys %UPPER) {
- $BoThCaSe{$_}++ if exists $lower{$_};
- }
- foreach (keys %lower) {
- $BoThCaSe{$_}++ if exists $UPPER{$_};
- }
- foreach (keys %BoThCaSe) {
- delete $UPPER{$_};
- delete $lower{$_};
- }
- debug "# UPPER = ", join("", sort keys %UPPER ), "\n";
- debug "# lower = ", join("", sort keys %lower ), "\n";
- debug "# BoThCaSe = ", join("", sort keys %BoThCaSe), "\n";
- # Find the alphabets that are not alphabets in the default locale.
- {
- no locale;
- @Neoalpha = ();
- for (keys %UPPER, keys %lower) {
- push(@Neoalpha, $_) if (/\W/);
- $Neoalpha{$_} = $_;
- }
- }
- @Neoalpha = sort @Neoalpha;
- debug "# Neoalpha = ", join("",@Neoalpha), "\n";
- if (@Neoalpha == 0) {
- # If we have no Neoalphas the remaining tests are no-ops.
- debug "# no Neoalpha, skipping tests 99..102 for locale '$Locale'\n";
- foreach (99..102) {
- push @{$Okay{$_}}, $Locale;
- }
- } else {
- # Test \w.
- if (utf8locale($Locale)) {
- # utf8 and locales do not mix.
- debug "# skipping UTF-8 locale '$Locale'\n";
- push @utf8locale, $Locale;
- @utf8skip{99..102} = ();
- } else {
- my $word = join('', @Neoalpha);
- $word =~ /^(\w+)$/;
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 99, $1 eq $word);
- }
- # Cross-check the whole 8-bit character set.
- for (map { chr } 0..255) {
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 100,
- (/\w/ xor /\W/) ||
- (/\d/ xor /\D/) ||
- (/\s/ xor /\S/));
- }
- # Test for read-only scalars' locale vs non-locale comparisons.
- {
- no locale;
- $a = "qwerty";
- {
- use locale;
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 101, ($a cmp "qwerty") == 0);
- }
- }
- {
- my ($from, $to, $lesser, $greater,
- @test, %test, $test, $yes, $no, $sign);
- for (0..9) {
- # Select a slice.
- $from = int(($_*@Alnum_)/10);
- $to = $from + int(@Alnum_/10);
- $to = $#Alnum_ if ($to > $#Alnum_);
- $lesser = join('', @Alnum_[$from..$to]);
- # Select a slice one character on.
- $from++; $to++;
- $to = $#Alnum_ if ($to > $#Alnum_);
- $greater = join('', @Alnum_[$from..$to]);
- ($yes, $no, $sign) = ($lesser lt $greater
- ? (" ", "not ", 1)
- : ("not ", " ", -1));
- # all these tests should FAIL (return 0).
- # Exact lt or gt cannot be tested because
- # in some locales, say, eacute and E may test equal.
- @test =
- (
- $no.' ($lesser le $greater)', # 1
- 'not ($lesser ne $greater)', # 2
- ' ($lesser eq $greater)', # 3
- $yes.' ($lesser ge $greater)', # 4
- $yes.' ($lesser ge $greater)', # 5
- $yes.' ($greater le $lesser )', # 7
- 'not ($greater ne $lesser )', # 8
- ' ($greater eq $lesser )', # 9
- $no.' ($greater ge $lesser )', # 10
- 'not (($lesser cmp $greater) == -($sign))' # 11
- );
- @test{@test} = 0 x @test;
- $test = 0;
- for my $ti (@test) {
- $test{$ti} = eval $ti;
- $test ||= $test{$ti}
- }
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 102, $test == 0);
- if ($test) {
- debug "# lesser = '$lesser'\n";
- debug "# greater = '$greater'\n";
- debug "# lesser cmp greater = ",
- $lesser cmp $greater, "\n";
- debug "# greater cmp lesser = ",
- $greater cmp $lesser, "\n";
- debug "# (greater) from = $from, to = $to\n";
- for my $ti (@test) {
- debugf("# %-40s %-4s", $ti,
- $test{$ti} ? 'FAIL' : 'ok');
- if ($ti =~ /\(\.*(\$.+ +cmp +\$[^\)]+)\.*\)/) {
- debugf("(%s == %4d)", $1, eval $1);
- }
- debug "\n#";
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- use locale;
- my ($x, $y) = (1.23, 1.23);
- $a = "$x";
- printf ''; # printf used to reset locale to "C"
- $b = "$y";
- debug "# 103..107: a = $a, b = $b, Locale = $Locale\n";
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 103, $a eq $b);
- my $c = "$x";
- my $z = sprintf ''; # sprintf used to reset locale to "C"
- my $d = "$y";
- debug "# 104..107: c = $c, d = $d, Locale = $Locale\n";
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 104, $c eq $d);
- {
- use warnings;
- my $w = 0;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} =
- sub {
- print "# @_\n";
- $w++;
- };
- # The == (among other ops) used to warn for locales
- # that had something else than "." as the radix character.
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 105, $c == 1.23);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 106, $c == $x);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 107, $c == $d);
- {
-# no locale; # XXX did this ever work correctly?
- my $e = "$x";
- debug "# 108..110: e = $e, Locale = $Locale\n";
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 108, $e == 1.23);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 109, $e == $x);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 110, $e == $c);
- }
- my $f = "1.23";
- my $g = 2.34;
- debug "# 111..115: f = $f, g = $g, locale = $Locale\n";
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 111, $f == 1.23);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 112, $f == $x);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 113, $f == $c);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 114, abs(($f + $g) - 3.57) < 0.01);
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 115, $w == 0);
- }
- # Does taking lc separately differ from taking
- # the lc "in-line"? (This was the bug 19990704.002, change #3568.)
- # The bug was in the caching of the 'o'-magic.
- {
- use locale;
- sub lcA {
- my $lc0 = lc $_[0];
- my $lc1 = lc $_[1];
- return $lc0 cmp $lc1;
- }
- sub lcB {
- return lc($_[0]) cmp lc($_[1]);
- }
- my $x = "ab";
- my $y = "aa";
- my $z = "AB";
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 116,
- lcA($x, $y) == 1 && lcB($x, $y) == 1 ||
- lcA($x, $z) == 0 && lcB($x, $z) == 0);
- }
- # Does lc of an UPPER (if different from the UPPER) match
- # case-insensitively the UPPER, and does the UPPER match
- # case-insensitively the lc of the UPPER. And vice versa.
- {
- if (utf8locale($Locale)) {
- # utf8 and locales do not mix.
- debug "# skipping UTF-8 locale '$Locale'\n";
- push @utf8locale, $Locale;
- $utf8skip{117}++;
- } else {
- use locale;
- use locale;
- no utf8; # so that the native 8-bit characters work
- my @f = ();
- foreach my $x (keys %UPPER) {
- my $y = lc $x;
- next unless uc $y eq $x;
- push @f, $x unless $x =~ /$y/i && $y =~ /$x/i;
- }
- foreach my $x (keys %lower) {
- my $y = uc $x;
- next unless lc $y eq $x;
- push @f, $x unless $x =~ /$y/i && $y =~ /$x/i;
- }
- tryneoalpha($Locale, 117, @f == 0);
- if (@f) {
- print "# failed 117 locale '$Locale' characters @f\n"
- }
- }
- }
-# Recount the errors.
-foreach (&last_without_setlocale()+1..$last) {
- if ($Problem{$_} || !defined $Okay{$_} || !@{$Okay{$_}}) {
- if ($_ == 102) {
- print "# The failure of test 102 is not necessarily fatal.\n";
- print "# It usually indicates a problem in the enviroment,\n";
- print "# not in Perl itself.\n";
- }
- print "not ";
- }
- print "ok $_\n";
-# Give final advice.
-my $didwarn = 0;
-foreach (99..$last) {
- if ($Problem{$_}) {
- my @f = sort keys %{ $Problem{$_} };
- my $f = join(" ", @f);
- $f =~ s/(.{50,60}) /$1\n#\t/g;
- print
- "#\n",
- "# The locale ", (@f == 1 ? "definition" : "definitions"), "\n#\n",
- "#\t", $f, "\n#\n",
- "# on your system may have errors because the locale test $_\n",
- "# failed in ", (@f == 1 ? "that locale" : "those locales"),
- ".\n";
- print <<EOW;
-# If your users are not using these locales you are safe for the moment,
-# but please report this failure first to perlbug\ using the
-# perlbug script (as described in the INSTALL file) so that the exact
-# details of the failures can be sorted out first and then your operating
-# system supplier can be alerted about these anomalies.
- $didwarn = 1;
- }
-# Tell which locales were okay and which were not.
-if ($didwarn) {
- my (@s, @F);
- foreach my $l (@Locale) {
- my $p = 0;
- foreach my $t (102..$last) {
- $p++ if $Problem{$t}{$l};
- }
- push @s, $l if $p == 0;
- push @F, $l unless $p == 0;
- }
- if (@s) {
- my $s = join(" ", @s);
- $s =~ s/(.{50,60}) /$1\n#\t/g;
- warn
- "# The following locales\n#\n",
- "#\t", $s, "\n#\n",
- "# tested okay.\n#\n",
- } else {
- warn "# None of your locales were fully okay.\n";
- }
- if (@F) {
- my $F = join(" ", @F);
- $F =~ s/(.{50,60}) /$1\n#\t/g;
- warn
- "# The following locales\n#\n",
- "#\t", $F, "\n#\n",
- "# had problems.\n#\n",
- } else {
- warn "# None of your locales were broken.\n";
- }
- if (@utf8locale) {
- my $S = join(" ", @utf8locale);
- $S =~ s/(.{50,60}) /$1\n#\t/g;
- warn "#\n# The following locales\n#\n",
- "#\t", $S, "\n#\n",
- "# were skipped for the tests ",
- join(" ", sort {$a<=>$b} keys %utf8skip), "\n",
- "# because UTF-8 and locales do not work together in Perl.\n#\n";
- }
-sub last { 117 }
-# eof
diff --git a/t/pragma/locale/latin1 b/t/pragma/locale/latin1
deleted file mode 100644
index f40f7325e0..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/locale/latin1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-$locales .= <<EOF;
-Catal Catalan:ca:es:1 15
-Franais French:fr:be ca ch fr lu:1 15
-Gidhlig Gaelic:gd:gb uk:1 14 15
-Froyskt Faroese:fo:fo:1 15
-slensku Icelandic:is:is:1 15
-Smi Lappish:::4 6 13
-Portugus Portuguese:po:po br:1 15
-Espanl Spanish:es:ar bo cl co cr do ec es gt hn mx ni pa pe py sv uy ve:1 15
diff --git a/t/pragma/locale/utf8 b/t/pragma/locale/utf8
deleted file mode 100644
index fbbe94fb51..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/locale/utf8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-$locales .= <<EOF;
-Català Catalan:ca:es:1 15
-Français French:fr:be ca ch fr lu:1 15
-Gáidhlig Gaelic:gd:gb uk:1 14 15
-Føroyskt Faroese:fo:fo:1 15
-Íslensku Icelandic:is:is:1 15
-Sámi Lappish:::4 6 13
-Português Portuguese:po:po br:1 15
-Espanõl Spanish:es:ar bo cl co cr do ec es gt hn mx ni pa pe py sv uy ve:1 15
diff --git a/t/pragma/overload.t b/t/pragma/overload.t
deleted file mode 100755
index d07506261d..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/overload.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1050 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
-package Oscalar;
-use overload (
- # Anonymous subroutines:
-'+' => sub {new Oscalar $ {$_[0]}+$_[1]},
-'-' => sub {new Oscalar
- $_[2]? $_[1]-${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}-$_[1]},
-'<=>' => sub {new Oscalar
- $_[2]? $_[1]-${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}-$_[1]},
-'cmp' => sub {new Oscalar
- $_[2]? ($_[1] cmp ${$_[0]}) : (${$_[0]} cmp $_[1])},
-'*' => sub {new Oscalar ${$_[0]}*$_[1]},
-'/' => sub {new Oscalar
- $_[2]? $_[1]/${$_[0]} :
- ${$_[0]}/$_[1]},
-'%' => sub {new Oscalar
- $_[2]? $_[1]%${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}%$_[1]},
-'**' => sub {new Oscalar
- $_[2]? $_[1]**${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}-$_[1]},
-"" stringify
-0+ numify) # Order of arguments unsignificant
-sub new {
- my $foo = $_[1];
- bless \$foo, $_[0];
-sub stringify { "${$_[0]}" }
-sub numify { 0 + "${$_[0]}" } # Not needed, additional overhead
- # comparing to direct compilation based on
- # stringify
-package main;
-$test = 0;
-$| = 1;
-print "1..",&last,"\n";
-sub test {
- $test++;
- if (@_ > 1) {
- if ($_[0] eq $_[1]) {
- print "ok $test\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok $test: '$_[0]' ne '$_[1]'\n";
- }
- } else {
- if (shift) {
- print "ok $test\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok $test\n";
- }
- }
-$a = new Oscalar "087";
-$b= "$a";
-# All test numbers in comments are off by 1.
-# So much for hard-wiring them in :-) To fix this:
-test(1); # 1
-test ($b eq $a); # 2
-test ($b eq "087"); # 3
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 4
-test ($a eq $a); # 5
-test ($a eq "087"); # 6
-$c = $a + 7;
-test (ref $c eq "Oscalar"); # 7
-test (!($c eq $a)); # 8
-test ($c eq "94"); # 9
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 10
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 11
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 12
-test ( $b eq "88"); # 13
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 14
-test (ref $c eq "Oscalar"); # 15
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 16
-test ( $c eq "1"); # 17
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 18
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 19
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 20
-test ( $b eq "88"); # 21
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 22
-eval q[ package Oscalar; use overload ('++' => sub { $ {$_[0]}++;$_[0] } ) ];
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 23
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 24
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 25
-test ( $b eq "88"); # 26
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 27
-package Oscalar;
-$dummy=bless \$dummy; # Now cache of method should be reloaded
-package main;
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 28
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 29
-test ( $b eq "88"); # 30
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 31
-undef $b; # Destroying updates tables too...
-eval q[package Oscalar; use overload ('++' => sub { $ {$_[0]} += 2; $_[0] } ) ];
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 32
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 33
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 34
-test ( $b eq "88"); # 35
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 36
-package Oscalar;
-$dummy=bless \$dummy; # Now cache of method should be reloaded
-package main;
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 37
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 38
-test ( $b eq "90"); # 39
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 40
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 41
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 42
-test ( $b eq "89"); # 43
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 44
-test ($b? 1:0); # 45
-eval q[ package Oscalar; use overload ('=' => sub {$main::copies++;
- package Oscalar;
- local $new=$ {$_[0]};
- bless \$new } ) ];
-$b=new Oscalar "$a";
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 46
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 47
-test ( $b eq "087"); # 48
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 49
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 50
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 51
-test ( $b eq "89"); # 52
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 53
-test ($copies == 0); # 54
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 55
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 56
-test ( $b eq "90"); # 57
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 58
-test ($copies == 0); # 59
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 60
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 61
-test ( $b eq "88"); # 62
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 63
-test ($copies == 0); # 64
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar") || print ref $b,"=ref(b)\n"; # 65
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 66
-test ( $b eq "89"); # 67
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 68
-test ($copies == 1); # 69
-eval q[package Oscalar; use overload ('+=' => sub {$ {$_[0]} += 3*$_[1];
- $_[0] } ) ];
-$c=new Oscalar; # Cause rehash
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 70
-test ( $a eq "087"); # 71
-test ( $b eq "90"); # 72
-test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 73
-test ($copies == 2); # 74
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 75
-test ( $b eq "360"); # 76
-test ($copies == 2); # 77
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 78
-test ( $b eq "-360"); # 79
-test ($copies == 2); # 80
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 81
-test ( $b eq "360"); # 82
-test ($copies == 2); # 83
-test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 84
-test ( $b eq "360"); # 85
-test ($copies == 2); # 86
-eval q[package Oscalar;
- use overload ('x' => sub {new Oscalar ( $_[2] ? "_.$_[1]._" x $ {$_[0]}
- : "_.${$_[0]}._" x $_[1])}) ];
-$a=new Oscalar "yy";
-$a x= 3;
-test ($a eq "_.yy.__.yy.__.yy._"); # 87
-eval q[package Oscalar;
- use overload ('.' => sub {new Oscalar ( $_[2] ?
- "_.$_[1].__.$ {$_[0]}._"
- : "_.$ {$_[0]}.__.$_[1]._")}) ];
-$a=new Oscalar "xx";
-test ("b${a}c" eq "_._.b.__.xx._.__.c._"); # 88
-# Check inheritance of overloading;
- package OscalarI;
- @ISA = 'Oscalar';
-$aI = new OscalarI "$a";
-test (ref $aI eq "OscalarI"); # 89
-test ("$aI" eq "xx"); # 90
-test ($aI eq "xx"); # 91
-test ("b${aI}c" eq "_._.b.__.xx._.__.c._"); # 92
-# Here we test blessing to a package updates hash
-eval "package Oscalar; no overload '.'";
-test ("b${a}" eq "_.b.__.xx._"); # 93
-bless \$x, Oscalar;
-test ("b${a}c" eq "bxxc"); # 94
-new Oscalar 1;
-test ("b${a}c" eq "bxxc"); # 95
-# Negative overloading:
-$na = eval { ~$a };
-test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 96
-*Oscalar::AUTOLOAD =
- sub { *{"Oscalar::$AUTOLOAD"} = sub {"_!_" . shift() . "_!_"} ;
- goto &{"Oscalar::$AUTOLOAD"}};
-eval "package Oscalar; sub comple; use overload '~' => 'comple'";
-$na = eval { ~$a }; # Hash was not updated
-test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 97
-bless \$x, Oscalar;
-$na = eval { ~$a }; # Hash updated
-warn "`$na', $@" if $@;
-test !$@; # 98
-test($na eq '_!_xx_!_'); # 99
-$na = 0;
-$na = eval { ~$aI }; # Hash was not updated
-test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 100
-bless \$x, OscalarI;
-$na = eval { ~$aI };
-print $@;
-test !$@; # 101
-test($na eq '_!_xx_!_'); # 102
-eval "package Oscalar; sub rshft; use overload '>>' => 'rshft'";
-$na = eval { $aI >> 1 }; # Hash was not updated
-test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 103
-bless \$x, OscalarI;
-$na = 0;
-$na = eval { $aI >> 1 };
-print $@;
-test !$@; # 104
-test($na eq '_!_xx_!_'); # 105
-# warn overload::Method($a, '0+'), "\n";
-test (overload::Method($a, '0+') eq \&Oscalar::numify); # 106
-test (overload::Method($aI,'0+') eq \&Oscalar::numify); # 107
-test (overload::Overloaded($aI)); # 108
-test (!overload::Overloaded('overload')); # 109
-test (! defined overload::Method($aI, '<<')); # 110
-test (! defined overload::Method($a, '<')); # 111
-test (overload::StrVal($aI) =~ /^OscalarI=SCALAR\(0x[\da-fA-F]+\)$/); # 112
-test (overload::StrVal(\$aI) eq "@{[\$aI]}"); # 113
-# Check overloading by methods (specified deep in the ISA tree).
- package OscalarII;
- @ISA = 'OscalarI';
- sub Oscalar::lshft {"_<<_" . shift() . "_<<_"}
- eval "package OscalarI; use overload '<<' => 'lshft', '|' => 'lshft'";
-$aaII = "087";
-$aII = \$aaII;
-bless $aII, 'OscalarII';
-bless \$fake, 'OscalarI'; # update the hash
-test(($aI | 3) eq '_<<_xx_<<_'); # 114
-# warn $aII << 3;
-test(($aII << 3) eq '_<<_087_<<_'); # 115
- BEGIN { $int = 7; overload::constant 'integer' => sub {$int++; shift}; }
- $out = 2**10;
-test($int, 9); # 116
-test($out, 1024); # 117
-$foo = 'foo';
-$foo1 = 'f\'o\\o';
- BEGIN { $q = $qr = 7;
- overload::constant 'q' => sub {$q++; push @q, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); shift},
- 'qr' => sub {$qr++; push @qr, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); shift}; }
- $out = 'foo';
- $out1 = 'f\'o\\o';
- $out2 = "a\a$foo,\,";
- /b\b$foo.\./;
-test($out, 'foo'); # 118
-test($out, $foo); # 119
-test($out1, 'f\'o\\o'); # 120
-test($out1, $foo1); # 121
-test($out2, "a\afoo,\,"); # 122
-test("@q", "foo q f'o\\\\o q a\\a qq ,\\, qq"); # 123
-test($q, 11); # 124
-test("@qr", "b\\b qq .\\. qq"); # 125
-test($qr, 9); # 126
- $_ = '!<b>!foo!<-.>!';
- BEGIN { overload::constant 'q' => sub {push @q1, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); "_<" . (shift) . ">_"},
- 'qr' => sub {push @qr1, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); "!<" . (shift) . ">!"}; }
- $out = 'foo';
- $out1 = 'f\'o\\o';
- $out2 = "a\a$foo,\,";
- $res = /b\b$foo.\./;
- $a = <<EOF;
- $b = <<'EOF';
- $c = bareword;
- m'try it';
- s'first part'second part';
- s/yet another/tail here/;
- tr/A-Z/a-z/;
-test($out, '_<foo>_'); # 117
-test($out1, '_<f\'o\\o>_'); # 128
-test($out2, "_<a\a>_foo_<,\,>_"); # 129
-test("@q1", "foo q f'o\\\\o q a\\a qq ,\\, qq oups
- qq oups1
- q second part q tail here s A-Z tr a-z tr"); # 130
-test("@qr1", "b\\b qq .\\. qq try it q first part q yet another qq"); # 131
-test($res, 1); # 132
-test($a, "_<oups
->_"); # 133
-test($b, "_<oups1
->_"); # 134
-test($c, "bareword"); # 135
- package symbolic; # Primitive symbolic calculator
- use overload nomethod => \&wrap, '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num,
- '=' => \&cpy, '++' => \&inc, '--' => \&dec;
- sub new { shift; bless ['n', @_] }
- sub cpy {
- my $self = shift;
- bless [@$self], ref $self;
- }
- sub inc { $_[0] = bless ['++', $_[0], 1]; }
- sub dec { $_[0] = bless ['--', $_[0], 1]; }
- sub wrap {
- my ($obj, $other, $inv, $meth) = @_;
- if ($meth eq '++' or $meth eq '--') {
- @$obj = ($meth, (bless [@$obj]), 1); # Avoid circular reference
- return $obj;
- }
- ($obj, $other) = ($other, $obj) if $inv;
- bless [$meth, $obj, $other];
- }
- sub str {
- my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
- $a = 'u' unless defined $a;
- if (defined $b) {
- "[$meth $a $b]";
- } else {
- "[$meth $a]";
- }
- }
- my %subr = ( 'n' => sub {$_[0]} );
- foreach my $op (split " ", $overload::ops{with_assign}) {
- $subr{$op} = $subr{"$op="} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
- }
- my @bins = qw(binary 3way_comparison num_comparison str_comparison);
- foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{ @bins }") {
- $subr{$op} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
- }
- foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{qw(unary func)}") {
- $subr{$op} = eval "sub {$op shift()}";
- }
- $subr{'++'} = $subr{'+'};
- $subr{'--'} = $subr{'-'};
- sub num {
- my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
- my $subr = $subr{$meth}
- or die "Do not know how to ($meth) in symbolic";
- $a = $a->num if ref $a eq __PACKAGE__;
- $b = $b->num if ref $b eq __PACKAGE__;
- $subr->($a,$b);
- }
- sub TIESCALAR { my $pack = shift; $pack->new(@_) }
- sub FETCH { shift }
- sub nop { } # Around a bug
- sub vars { my $p = shift; tie($_, $p), $_->nop foreach @_; }
- sub STORE {
- my $obj = shift;
- $#$obj = 1;
- $obj->[1] = shift;
- }
- my $foo = new symbolic 11;
- my $baz = $foo++;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '12');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '11');
- my $bar = $foo;
- $baz = ++$foo;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '13');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '13');
- my $ban = $foo;
- $baz = ($foo += 1);
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '14');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $ban), '13');
- $baz = 0;
- $baz = $foo++;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '15');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
- test( "$foo", '[++ [+= [++ [++ [n 11] 1] 1] 1] 1]');
- my $iter = new symbolic 2;
- my $side = new symbolic 1;
- my $cnt = $iter;
- while ($cnt) {
- $cnt = $cnt - 1; # The "simple" way
- $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
- }
- my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
- test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
- test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
- my $iter = new symbolic 2;
- my $side = new symbolic 1;
- my $cnt = $iter;
- while ($cnt--) {
- $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
- }
- my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
- test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
- test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
- my ($a, $b);
- symbolic->vars($a, $b);
- my $c = sqrt($a**2 + $b**2);
- $a = 3; $b = 4;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '5');
- $a = 12; $b = 5;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '13');
- package symbolic1; # Primitive symbolic calculator
- # Mutator inc/dec
- use overload nomethod => \&wrap, '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num, '=' => \&cpy;
- sub new { shift; bless ['n', @_] }
- sub cpy {
- my $self = shift;
- bless [@$self], ref $self;
- }
- sub wrap {
- my ($obj, $other, $inv, $meth) = @_;
- if ($meth eq '++' or $meth eq '--') {
- @$obj = ($meth, (bless [@$obj]), 1); # Avoid circular reference
- return $obj;
- }
- ($obj, $other) = ($other, $obj) if $inv;
- bless [$meth, $obj, $other];
- }
- sub str {
- my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
- $a = 'u' unless defined $a;
- if (defined $b) {
- "[$meth $a $b]";
- } else {
- "[$meth $a]";
- }
- }
- my %subr = ( 'n' => sub {$_[0]} );
- foreach my $op (split " ", $overload::ops{with_assign}) {
- $subr{$op} = $subr{"$op="} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
- }
- my @bins = qw(binary 3way_comparison num_comparison str_comparison);
- foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{ @bins }") {
- $subr{$op} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
- }
- foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{qw(unary func)}") {
- $subr{$op} = eval "sub {$op shift()}";
- }
- $subr{'++'} = $subr{'+'};
- $subr{'--'} = $subr{'-'};
- sub num {
- my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
- my $subr = $subr{$meth}
- or die "Do not know how to ($meth) in symbolic";
- $a = $a->num if ref $a eq __PACKAGE__;
- $b = $b->num if ref $b eq __PACKAGE__;
- $subr->($a,$b);
- }
- sub TIESCALAR { my $pack = shift; $pack->new(@_) }
- sub FETCH { shift }
- sub nop { } # Around a bug
- sub vars { my $p = shift; tie($_, $p), $_->nop foreach @_; }
- sub STORE {
- my $obj = shift;
- $#$obj = 1;
- $obj->[1] = shift;
- }
- my $foo = new symbolic1 11;
- my $baz = $foo++;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '12');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '11');
- my $bar = $foo;
- $baz = ++$foo;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '13');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '13');
- my $ban = $foo;
- $baz = ($foo += 1);
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '14');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $ban), '13');
- $baz = 0;
- $baz = $foo++;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '15');
- test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
- test( "$foo", '[++ [+= [++ [++ [n 11] 1] 1] 1] 1]');
- my $iter = new symbolic1 2;
- my $side = new symbolic1 1;
- my $cnt = $iter;
- while ($cnt) {
- $cnt = $cnt - 1; # The "simple" way
- $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
- }
- my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
- test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
- test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
- my $iter = new symbolic1 2;
- my $side = new symbolic1 1;
- my $cnt = $iter;
- while ($cnt--) {
- $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
- }
- my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
- test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
- test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
- my ($a, $b);
- symbolic1->vars($a, $b);
- my $c = sqrt($a**2 + $b**2);
- $a = 3; $b = 4;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '5');
- $a = 12; $b = 5;
- test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '13');
- package two_face; # Scalars with separate string and
- # numeric values.
- sub new { my $p = shift; bless [@_], $p }
- use overload '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num, fallback => 1;
- sub num {shift->[1]}
- sub str {shift->[0]}
- my $seven = new two_face ("vii", 7);
- test( (sprintf "seven=$seven, seven=%d, eight=%d", $seven, $seven+1),
- 'seven=vii, seven=7, eight=8');
- test( scalar ($seven =~ /i/), '1')
- package sorting;
- use overload 'cmp' => \&comp;
- sub new { my ($p, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $p }
- sub comp { my ($x,$y) = @_; ($$x * 3 % 10) <=> ($$y * 3 % 10) or $$x cmp $$y }
- my @arr = map sorting->new($_), 0..12;
- my @sorted1 = sort @arr;
- my @sorted2 = map $$_, @sorted1;
- test "@sorted2", '0 10 7 4 1 11 8 5 12 2 9 6 3';
- package iterator;
- use overload '<>' => \&iter;
- sub new { my ($p, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $p }
- sub iter { my ($x) = @_; return undef if $$x < 0; return $$x--; }
-# XXX iterator overload not intended to work with CORE::GLOBAL?
-if (defined &CORE::GLOBAL::glob) {
- test '1', '1'; # 175
- test '1', '1'; # 176
- test '1', '1'; # 177
-else {
- my $iter = iterator->new(5);
- my $acc = '';
- my $out;
- $acc .= " $out" while $out = <${iter}>;
- test $acc, ' 5 4 3 2 1 0'; # 175
- $iter = iterator->new(5);
- test scalar <${iter}>, '5'; # 176
- $acc = '';
- $acc .= " $out" while $out = <$iter>;
- test $acc, ' 4 3 2 1 0'; # 177
- package deref;
- use overload '%{}' => \&hderef, '&{}' => \&cderef,
- '*{}' => \&gderef, '${}' => \&sderef, '@{}' => \&aderef;
- sub new { my ($p, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $p }
- sub deref {
- my ($self, $key) = (shift, shift);
- my $class = ref $self;
- bless $self, 'deref::dummy'; # Disable overloading of %{}
- my $out = $self->{$key};
- bless $self, $class; # Restore overloading
- $out;
- }
- sub hderef {shift->deref('h')}
- sub aderef {shift->deref('a')}
- sub cderef {shift->deref('c')}
- sub gderef {shift->deref('g')}
- sub sderef {shift->deref('s')}
- my $deref = bless { h => { foo => 5 , fake => 23 },
- c => sub {return shift() + 34},
- 's' => \123,
- a => [11..13],
- g => \*srt,
- }, 'deref';
- # Hash:
- my @cont = sort %$deref;
- if ("\t" eq "\011") { # ascii
- test "@cont", '23 5 fake foo'; # 178
- }
- else { # ebcdic alpha-numeric sort order
- test "@cont", 'fake foo 23 5'; # 178
- }
- my @keys = sort keys %$deref;
- test "@keys", 'fake foo'; # 179
- my @val = sort values %$deref;
- test "@val", '23 5'; # 180
- test $deref->{foo}, 5; # 181
- test defined $deref->{bar}, ''; # 182
- my $key;
- @keys = ();
- push @keys, $key while $key = each %$deref;
- @keys = sort @keys;
- test "@keys", 'fake foo'; # 183
- test exists $deref->{bar}, ''; # 184
- test exists $deref->{foo}, 1; # 185
- # Code:
- test $deref->(5), 39; # 186
- test &$deref(6), 40; # 187
- sub xxx_goto { goto &$deref }
- test xxx_goto(7), 41; # 188
- my $srt = bless { c => sub {$b <=> $a}
- }, 'deref';
- *srt = \&$srt;
- my @sorted = sort srt 11, 2, 5, 1, 22;
- test "@sorted", '22 11 5 2 1'; # 189
- # Scalar
- test $$deref, 123; # 190
- # Code
- @sorted = sort $srt 11, 2, 5, 1, 22;
- test "@sorted", '22 11 5 2 1'; # 191
- # Array
- test "@$deref", '11 12 13'; # 192
- test $#$deref, '2'; # 193
- my $l = @$deref;
- test $l, 3; # 194
- test $deref->[2], '13'; # 195
- $l = pop @$deref;
- test $l, 13; # 196
- $l = 1;
- test $deref->[$l], '12'; # 197
- # Repeated dereference
- my $double = bless { h => $deref,
- }, 'deref';
- test $double->{foo}, 5; # 198
- package two_refs;
- use overload '%{}' => \&gethash, '@{}' => sub { ${shift()} };
- sub new {
- my $p = shift;
- bless \ [@_], $p;
- }
- sub gethash {
- my %h;
- my $self = shift;
- tie %h, ref $self, $self;
- \%h;
- }
- sub TIEHASH { my $p = shift; bless \ shift, $p }
- my %fields;
- my $i = 0;
- $fields{$_} = $i++ foreach qw{zero one two three};
- sub STORE {
- my $self = ${shift()};
- my $key = $fields{shift()};
- defined $key or die "Out of band access";
- $$self->[$key] = shift;
- }
- sub FETCH {
- my $self = ${shift()};
- my $key = $fields{shift()};
- defined $key or die "Out of band access";
- $$self->[$key];
- }
-my $bar = new two_refs 3,4,5,6;
-$bar->[2] = 11;
-test $bar->{two}, 11; # 199
-$bar->{three} = 13;
-test $bar->[3], 13; # 200
- package two_refs_o;
- @ISA = ('two_refs');
-$bar = new two_refs_o 3,4,5,6;
-$bar->[2] = 11;
-test $bar->{two}, 11; # 201
-$bar->{three} = 13;
-test $bar->[3], 13; # 202
- package two_refs1;
- use overload '%{}' => sub { ${shift()}->[1] },
- '@{}' => sub { ${shift()}->[0] };
- sub new {
- my $p = shift;
- my $a = [@_];
- my %h;
- tie %h, $p, $a;
- bless \ [$a, \%h], $p;
- }
- sub gethash {
- my %h;
- my $self = shift;
- tie %h, ref $self, $self;
- \%h;
- }
- sub TIEHASH { my $p = shift; bless \ shift, $p }
- my %fields;
- my $i = 0;
- $fields{$_} = $i++ foreach qw{zero one two three};
- sub STORE {
- my $a = ${shift()};
- my $key = $fields{shift()};
- defined $key or die "Out of band access";
- $a->[$key] = shift;
- }
- sub FETCH {
- my $a = ${shift()};
- my $key = $fields{shift()};
- defined $key or die "Out of band access";
- $a->[$key];
- }
-$bar = new two_refs_o 3,4,5,6;
-$bar->[2] = 11;
-test $bar->{two}, 11; # 203
-$bar->{three} = 13;
-test $bar->[3], 13; # 204
- package two_refs1_o;
- @ISA = ('two_refs1');
-$bar = new two_refs1_o 3,4,5,6;
-$bar->[2] = 11;
-test $bar->{two}, 11; # 205
-$bar->{three} = 13;
-test $bar->[3], 13; # 206
- package B;
- use overload bool => sub { ${+shift} };
-my $aaa;
-{ my $bbbb = 0; $aaa = bless \$bbbb, B }
-test !$aaa, 1; # 207
-unless ($aaa) {
- test 'ok', 'ok'; # 208
-} else {
- test 'is not', 'ok'; # 208
-# check that overload isn't done twice by join
-{ my $c = 0;
- package Join;
- use overload '""' => sub { $c++ };
- my $x = join '', bless([]), 'pq', bless([]);
- main::test $x, '0pq1'; # 209
-# Test module-specific warning
- # check the Odd number of arguments for overload::constant warning
- my $a = "" ;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
- $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" ; ' ;
- test($a eq "") ; # 210
- use warnings 'overload' ;
- $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" ; ' ;
- test($a =~ /^Odd number of arguments for overload::constant at/) ; # 211
- # check the `$_[0]' is not an overloadable type warning
- my $a = "" ;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
- $x = eval ' overload::constant "fred" => sub {} ; ' ;
- test($a eq "") ; # 212
- use warnings 'overload' ;
- $x = eval ' overload::constant "fred" => sub {} ; ' ;
- test($a =~ /^`fred' is not an overloadable type at/); # 213
- # check the `$_[1]' is not a code reference warning
- my $a = "" ;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
- $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" => 1; ' ;
- test($a eq "") ; # 214
- use warnings 'overload' ;
- $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" => 1; ' ;
- test($a =~ /^`1' is not a code reference at/); # 215
- my $c = 0;
- package ov_int1;
- use overload '""' => sub { 3+shift->[0] },
- '0+' => sub { 10+shift->[0] },
- 'int' => sub { 100+shift->[0] };
- sub new {my $p = shift; bless [shift], $p}
- package ov_int2;
- use overload '""' => sub { 5+shift->[0] },
- '0+' => sub { 30+shift->[0] },
- 'int' => sub { 'ov_int1'->new(1000+shift->[0]) };
- sub new {my $p = shift; bless [shift], $p}
- package noov_int;
- use overload '""' => sub { 2+shift->[0] },
- '0+' => sub { 9+shift->[0] };
- sub new {my $p = shift; bless [shift], $p}
- package main;
- my $x = new noov_int 11;
- my $int_x = int $x;
- main::test("$int_x" eq 20); # 216
- $x = new ov_int1 31;
- $int_x = int $x;
- main::test("$int_x" eq 131); # 217
- $x = new ov_int2 51;
- $int_x = int $x;
- main::test("$int_x" eq 1054); # 218
-# make sure that we don't inifinitely recurse
- my $c = 0;
- package Recurse;
- use overload '""' => sub { shift },
- '0+' => sub { shift },
- 'bool' => sub { shift },
- fallback => 1;
- my $x = bless([]);
- main::test("$x" =~ /Recurse=ARRAY/); # 219
- main::test($x); # 220
- main::test($x+0 =~ /Recurse=ARRAY/); # 221
-# BugID 20010422.003
-package Foo;
-use overload
- 'bool' => sub { return !$_[0]->is_zero() || undef; }
-sub is_zero
- {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{var} == 0;
- }
-sub new
- {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {};
- $self->{var} = shift;
- bless $self,$class;
- }
-package main;
-use strict;
-my $r = Foo->new(8);
-$r = Foo->new(0);
-test(($r || 0) == 0); # 222
-# Last test is:
-sub last {222}
diff --git a/t/pragma/strict-refs b/t/pragma/strict-refs
deleted file mode 100644
index 10599b0bb2..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/strict-refs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-Check strict refs functionality
-# no strict, should build & run ok.
-my $fred ;
-$b = "fred" ;
-$a = $$b ;
-$c = ${"def"} ;
-$c = @{"def"} ;
-$c = %{"def"} ;
-$c = *{"def"} ;
-$c = \&{"def"} ;
-$c = def->[0];
-$c = def->{xyz};
-# strict refs - error
-use strict ;
-my $fred ;
-my $a = ${"fred"} ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 5.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $fred ;
-my $a = ${"fred"} ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 5.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 6.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $b ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-Can't use an undefined value as a SCALAR reference at - line 5.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $b ;
-my $a = @$b ;
-Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at - line 5.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $b ;
-my $a = %$b ;
-Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at - line 5.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $b ;
-my $a = *$b ;
-Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at - line 5.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $a = fred->[0] ;
-Can't use bareword ("fred") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 4.
-# strict refs - error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $a = fred->{barney} ;
-Can't use bareword ("fred") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 4.
-# strict refs - no error
-use strict ;
-no strict 'refs' ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-use strict 'refs' ;
-# strict refs - no error
-use strict qw(subs vars) ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-use strict 'refs' ;
-# strict refs - no error
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-use strict 'refs' ;
-# strict refs - no error
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = \$fred ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-# Check runtime scope of strict refs pragma
-use strict 'refs';
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
- no strict ;
- my $a = $$b ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 10.
-# Check runtime scope of strict refs pragma
-no strict ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
- use strict 'refs' ;
- my $a = $$b ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 8.
-# Check runtime scope of strict refs pragma
-no strict ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
- use strict 'refs' ;
- $a = sub { my $c = $$b ; }
-&$a ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 8.
---FILE-- abc
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-use strict 'refs' ;
-require "./abc";
---FILE-- abc
-use strict 'refs' ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
---FILE-- abc
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-${"Fred"} ;
-require "./abc";
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at ./abc line 2.
-Compilation failed in require at - line 2.
-use strict 'refs' ;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-use abc;
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at line 2.
-Compilation failed in require at - line 2.
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval {
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-print STDERR $@ ;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval {
- use strict 'refs' ;
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-print STDERR $@ ;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 6.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'refs' ;
-eval {
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-print STDERR $@ ;
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 5.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'refs' ;
-eval {
- no strict ;
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-print STDERR $@ ;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 9.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval '
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-'; print STDERR $@ ;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval q[
- use strict 'refs' ;
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-]; print STDERR $@;
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'refs' ;
-eval '
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-'; print STDERR $@ ;
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at (eval 1) line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'refs' ;
-eval '
- no strict ;
- my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-'; print STDERR $@;
-my $a = ${"Fred"} ;
-Can't use string ("Fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 8.
diff --git a/t/pragma/strict-subs b/t/pragma/strict-subs
deleted file mode 100644
index ed4fe7a443..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/strict-subs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-Check strict subs functionality
-# no strict, should build & run ok.
-Fred ;
-my $fred ;
-$b = "fred" ;
-$a = $$b ;
-use strict qw(refs vars);
-Fred ;
-use strict ;
-no strict 'subs' ;
-Fred ;
-# strict subs - error
-use strict 'subs' ;
-Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 4.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# strict subs - error
-use strict 'subs' ;
-my @a = (A..Z);
-Bareword "Z" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 4.
-Bareword "A" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 4.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# strict subs - error
-use strict 'subs' ;
-my $a = (B..Y);
-Bareword "Y" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 4.
-Bareword "B" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 4.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# strict subs - error
-use strict ;
-Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 4.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# strict subs - no error
-use strict 'subs' ;
-sub Fred {}
-Fred ;
-# Check compile time scope of strict subs pragma
-use strict 'subs' ;
- no strict ;
- my $a = Fred ;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check compile time scope of strict subs pragma
-no strict;
- use strict 'subs' ;
- my $a = Fred ;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 6.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check compile time scope of strict vars pragma
-use strict 'vars' ;
- no strict ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Variable "$joe" is not imported at - line 8.
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check compile time scope of strict vars pragma
-no strict;
- use strict 'vars' ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 6.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check runtime scope of strict refs pragma
-use strict 'refs';
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
- no strict ;
- my $a = $$b ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 10.
-# Check runtime scope of strict refs pragma
-no strict ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
- use strict 'refs' ;
- my $a = $$b ;
-my $a = $$b ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 8.
-# Check runtime scope of strict refs pragma
-no strict ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = "fred" ;
- use strict 'refs' ;
- $a = sub { my $c = $$b ; }
-&$a ;
-Can't use string ("fred") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 8.
-use strict 'subs' ;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 3.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
---FILE-- abc
-my $a = Fred ;
-use strict 'subs' ;
-require "./abc";
---FILE-- abc
-use strict 'subs' ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a = Fred ;
---FILE-- abc
-use strict 'subs' ;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Fred ;
-require "./abc";
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at ./abc line 2.
-Compilation failed in require at - line 2.
-use strict 'subs' ;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Fred ;
-use abc;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 2.
-Compilation failed in require at - line 2.
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval {
- my $a = Fred ;
-print STDERR $@;
-my $a = Fred ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval {
- use strict 'subs' ;
- my $a = Fred ;
-print STDERR $@;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 6.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'subs' ;
-eval {
- my $a = Fred ;
-print STDERR $@;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 5.
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'subs' ;
-eval {
- no strict ;
- my $a = Fred ;
-print STDERR $@;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 9.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval '
- Fred ;
-'; print STDERR $@ ;
-Fred ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval q[
- use strict 'subs' ;
- Fred ;
-]; print STDERR $@;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'subs' ;
-eval '
- Fred ;
-'; print STDERR $@ ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'subs' ;
-eval '
- no strict ;
- my $a = Fred ;
-'; print STDERR $@;
-my $a = Fred ;
-Bareword "Fred" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# see if Foo->Bar(...) etc work under strictures
-use strict;
-package Foo; sub Bar { print "@_\n" }
-Bar Foo ('b',2);
-Foo->Bar(qw/c 3/);
-Bar Foo (qw/d 4/);
-Bar Foo:: ('B',2);
-Foo::->Bar(qw/C 3/);
-Bar Foo:: (qw/D 4/);
-Foo a 1
-Foo b 2
-Foo c 3
-Foo d 4
-Foo A 1
-Foo B 2
-Foo C 3
-Foo D 4
diff --git a/t/pragma/strict-vars b/t/pragma/strict-vars
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b55572b8..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/strict-vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-Check strict vars functionality
-# no strict, should build & run ok.
-Fred ;
-my $fred ;
-$b = "fred" ;
-$a = $$b ;
-use strict qw(subs refs) ;
-$fred ;
-use strict ;
-no strict 'vars' ;
-$fred ;
-# strict vars - no error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-use vars qw( $freddy) ;
-BEGIN { *freddy = \$joe::shmoe; }
-$freddy = 2 ;
-# strict vars - no error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-use vars qw( $freddy) ;
-local $abc::joe ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = \$fred ;
-$Fred::ABC = 1 ;
-$freddy = 2 ;
-# strict vars - error
-use strict ;
-$fred ;
-Global symbol "$fred" requires explicit package name at - line 4.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# strict vars - error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-<$fred> ;
-Global symbol "$fred" requires explicit package name at - line 4.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# strict vars - error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-local $fred ;
-Global symbol "$fred" requires explicit package name at - line 4.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check compile time scope of strict vars pragma
-use strict 'vars' ;
- no strict ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Variable "$joe" is not imported at - line 8.
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check compile time scope of strict vars pragma
-no strict;
- use strict 'vars' ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 6.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
---FILE-- abc
-$joe = 1 ;
-use strict 'vars' ;
-require "./abc";
---FILE-- abc
-use strict 'vars' ;
-require "./abc";
-$joe = 1 ;
---FILE-- abc
-use strict 'vars' ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-require "./abc";
-Variable "$joe" is not imported at ./abc line 2.
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at ./abc line 2.
-Compilation failed in require at - line 2.
-use strict 'vars' ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-use abc;
-Variable "$joe" is not imported at line 2.
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at line 2.
-Compilation failed in require at - line 2.
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 2.
-package Burp;
-use strict;
-$a = 1;$f = 1;$k = 1; # just to get beyond the limit...
-$b = 1;$g = 1;$l = 1;
-$c = 1;$h = 1;$m = 1;
-$d = 1;$i = 1;$n = 1;
-$e = 1;$j = 1;$o = 1;
-$p = 0b12;
-use abc;
-Global symbol "$f" requires explicit package name at line 3.
-Global symbol "$k" requires explicit package name at line 3.
-Global symbol "$g" requires explicit package name at line 4.
-Global symbol "$l" requires explicit package name at line 4.
-Global symbol "$c" requires explicit package name at line 5.
-Global symbol "$h" requires explicit package name at line 5.
-Global symbol "$m" requires explicit package name at line 5.
-Global symbol "$d" requires explicit package name at line 6.
-Global symbol "$i" requires explicit package name at line 6.
-Global symbol "$n" requires explicit package name at line 6.
-Global symbol "$e" requires explicit package name at line 7.
-Global symbol "$j" requires explicit package name at line 7.
-Global symbol "$o" requires explicit package name at line 7.
-Global symbol "$p" requires explicit package name at line 8.
-Illegal binary digit '2' at line 8, at end of line has too many errors.
-Compilation failed in require at - line 1.
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 1.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval {
- $joe = 1 ;
-print STDERR $@;
-$joe = 1 ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval {
- use strict 'vars' ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-print STDERR $@;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 6.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'vars' ;
-eval {
- $joe = 1 ;
-print STDERR $@;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 5.
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'vars' ;
-eval {
- no strict ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-print STDERR $@;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Variable "$joe" is not imported at - line 9.
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 9.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval '
- $joe = 1 ;
-'; print STDERR $@ ;
-$joe = 1 ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no strict ;
-eval q[
- use strict 'vars' ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-]; print STDERR $@;
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'vars' ;
-eval '
- $joe = 1 ;
-'; print STDERR $@ ;
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at (eval 1) line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use strict 'vars' ;
-eval '
- no strict ;
- $joe = 1 ;
-'; print STDERR $@;
-$joe = 1 ;
-Global symbol "$joe" requires explicit package name at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Check if multiple evals produce same errors
-use strict 'vars';
-my $ret = eval q{ print $x; };
-print $@;
-print "ok 1\n" unless defined $ret;
-$ret = eval q{ print $x; };
-print $@;
-print "ok 2\n" unless defined $ret;
-Global symbol "$x" requires explicit package name at (eval 1) line 1.
-ok 1
-Global symbol "$x" requires explicit package name at (eval 2) line 1.
-ok 2
-# strict vars with outer our - no error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-our $freddy;
-local $abc::joe ;
-my $fred ;
-my $b = \$fred ;
-$Fred::ABC = 1 ;
-$freddy = 2 ;
-# strict vars with inner our - no error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-sub foo {
- our $fred;
- $fred;
-# strict vars with outer our, inner use - no error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-our $fred;
-sub foo {
- $fred;
-# strict vars with nested our - no error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-our $fred;
-sub foo {
- our $fred;
- $fred;
-$fred ;
-# strict vars with elapsed our - error
-use strict 'vars' ;
-sub foo {
- our $fred;
- $fred;
-$fred ;
-Variable "$fred" is not imported at - line 8.
-Global symbol "$fred" requires explicit package name at - line 8.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# nested our with local - no error
-$fred = 1;
-use strict 'vars';
- local our $fred = 2;
- print $fred,"\n";
-print our $fred,"\n";
-# "nailed" our declaration visibility across package boundaries
-use strict 'vars';
-our $foo;
-$foo = 20;
-package Foo;
-print $foo, "\n";
-# multiple our declarations in same scope, different packages, no warning
-use strict 'vars';
-use warnings;
-our $foo;
-${foo} = 10;
-package Foo;
-our $foo = 20;
-print $foo, "\n";
-# multiple our declarations in same scope, same package, warning
-use strict 'vars';
-use warnings;
-our $foo;
-${foo} = 10;
-our $foo;
-"our" variable $foo masks earlier declaration in same scope at - line 7.
-# multiple our declarations in same scope, same package, warning
-use strict 'vars';
-use warnings;
-{ our $x = 1 }
-{ our $x = 0 }
-our $foo;
- our $foo;
- package Foo;
- our $foo;
-"our" variable $foo redeclared at - line 9.
- (Did you mean "local" instead of "our"?)
-Name "Foo::foo" used only once: possible typo at - line 11.
-# Make sure the strict vars failure still occurs
-# now that the `@i should be written as \@i' failure does not occur
-# 20000522 (MJD)
-use strict 'vars';
-no warnings;
-Global symbol "@i_like_crackers" requires explicit package name at - line 7.
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
diff --git a/t/pragma/strict.t b/t/pragma/strict.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b9083f4fc..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/strict.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '../lib';
-$| = 1;
-my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-my $Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-my $Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare';
-my $tmpfile = "tmp0000";
-my $i = 0 ;
-1 while -f ++$tmpfile;
-END { if ($tmpfile) { 1 while unlink $tmpfile; } }
-my @prgs = () ;
-foreach (sort glob($^O eq 'MacOS' ? ":pragma:strict-*" : "pragma/strict-*")) {
- next if /(~|\.orig|,v)$/;
- open F, "<$_" or die "Cannot open $_: $!\n" ;
- while (<F>) {
- last if /^__END__/ ;
- }
- {
- local $/ = undef;
- @prgs = (@prgs, split "\n########\n", <F>) ;
- }
- close F ;
-undef $/;
-print "1..", scalar @prgs, "\n";
-for (@prgs){
- my $switch = "";
- my @temps = () ;
- if (s/^\s*-\w+//){
- $switch = $&;
- }
- my($prog,$expected) = split(/\nEXPECT\n/, $_);
- if ( $prog =~ /--FILE--/) {
- my(@files) = split(/\n--FILE--\s*([^\s\n]*)\s*\n/, $prog) ;
- shift @files ;
- die "Internal error test $i didn't split into pairs, got " .
- scalar(@files) . "[" . join("%%%%", @files) ."]\n"
- if @files % 2 ;
- while (@files > 2) {
- my $filename = shift @files ;
- my $code = shift @files ;
- $code =~ s|\./abc|:abc|g if $^O eq 'MacOS';
- push @temps, $filename ;
- open F, ">$filename" or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
- print F $code ;
- close F ;
- }
- shift @files ;
- $prog = shift @files ;
- $prog =~ s|\./abc|:abc|g if $^O eq 'MacOS';
- }
- open TEST, ">$tmpfile";
- print TEST $prog,"\n";
- close TEST;
- my $results = $Is_MSWin32 ?
- `.\\perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- $^O eq 'MacOS' ?
- `$^X -I::lib $switch $tmpfile` :
- $^O eq 'NetWare' ?
- `perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- `./perl $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
- my $status = $?;
- $results =~ s/\n+$//;
- # allow expected output to be written as if $prog is on STDIN
- $results =~ s/tmp\d+/-/g;
- $results =~ s/\n%[A-Z]+-[SIWEF]-.*$// if $Is_VMS; # clip off DCL status msg
- $expected =~ s/\n+$//;
- $expected =~ s|(\./)?abc\.pm||g if $^O eq 'MacOS';
- $expected =~ s|./abc|:abc|g if $^O eq 'MacOS';
- my $prefix = ($results =~ s/^PREFIX\n//) ;
- if ( $results =~ s/^SKIPPED\n//) {
- print "$results\n" ;
- }
- elsif (($prefix and $results !~ /^\Q$expected/) or
- (!$prefix and $results ne $expected)){
- print STDERR "PROG: $switch\n$prog\n";
- print STDERR "EXPECTED:\n$expected\n";
- print STDERR "GOT:\n$results\n";
- print "not ";
- }
- print "ok ", ++$i, "\n";
- foreach (@temps)
- { unlink $_ if $_ }
diff --git a/t/pragma/sub_lval.t b/t/pragma/sub_lval.t
deleted file mode 100755
index e101f97cf6..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/sub_lval.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-print "1..64\n";
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
-sub a : lvalue { my $a = 34; ${\(bless \$a)} } # Return a temporary
-sub b : lvalue { ${\shift} }
-my $out = a(b()); # Check that temporaries are allowed.
-print "# `$out'\nnot " unless ref $out eq 'main'; # Not reached if error.
-print "ok 1\n";
-my @out = grep /main/, a(b()); # Check that temporaries are allowed.
-print "# `@out'\nnot " unless @out==1; # Not reached if error.
-print "ok 2\n";
-my $in;
-# Check that we can return localized values from subroutines:
-sub in : lvalue { $in = shift; }
-sub neg : lvalue { #(num_str) return num_str
- local $_ = shift;
- s/^\+/-/;
- $_;
-print "# `$in'\nnot " unless $in eq '-2';
-print "ok 3\n";
-sub get_lex : lvalue { $in }
-sub get_st : lvalue { $blah }
-sub id : lvalue { ${\shift} }
-sub id1 : lvalue { $_[0] }
-sub inc : lvalue { ${\++$_[0]} }
-$in = 5;
-$blah = 3;
-get_st = 7;
-print "# `$blah' ne 7\nnot " unless $blah eq 7;
-print "ok 4\n";
-get_lex = 7;
-print "# `$in' ne 7\nnot " unless $in eq 7;
-print "ok 5\n";
-print "# `$blah' ne 8\nnot " unless $blah eq 8;
-print "ok 6\n";
-print "# `$in' ne 8\nnot " unless $in eq 8;
-print "ok 7\n";
-id(get_st) = 10;
-print "# `$blah' ne 10\nnot " unless $blah eq 10;
-print "ok 8\n";
-id(get_lex) = 10;
-print "# `$in' ne 10\nnot " unless $in eq 10;
-print "ok 9\n";
-print "# `$blah' ne 11\nnot " unless $blah eq 11;
-print "ok 10\n";
-print "# `$in' ne 11\nnot " unless $in eq 11;
-print "ok 11\n";
-id1(get_st) = 20;
-print "# `$blah' ne 20\nnot " unless $blah eq 20;
-print "ok 12\n";
-id1(get_lex) = 20;
-print "# `$in' ne 20\nnot " unless $in eq 20;
-print "ok 13\n";
-print "# `$blah' ne 21\nnot " unless $blah eq 21;
-print "ok 14\n";
-print "# `$in' ne 21\nnot " unless $in eq 21;
-print "ok 15\n";
-print "# `$blah' ne 22\nnot " unless $blah eq 22;
-print "ok 16\n";
-print "# `$in' ne 22\nnot " unless $in eq 22;
-print "ok 17\n";
-print "# `$blah' ne 23\nnot " unless $blah eq 23;
-print "ok 18\n";
-print "# `$in' ne 23\nnot " unless $in eq 23;
-print "ok 19\n";
-print "# `$blah' ne 25\nnot " unless $blah eq 25;
-print "ok 20\n";
-print "# `$in' ne 25\nnot " unless $in eq 25;
-print "ok 21\n";
-@a = (1) x 3;
-@b = (undef) x 2;
-$#c = 3; # These slots are not fillable.
-# Explanation: empty slots contain &sv_undef.
-=for disabled constructs
-sub a3 :lvalue {@a}
-sub b2 : lvalue {@b}
-sub c4: lvalue {@c}
-$_ = '';
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- ($x, a3, $y, b2, $z, c4, $t) = (34 .. 78);
- 1;
-#@out = ($x, a3, $y, b2, $z, c4, $t);
-#@in = (34 .. 41, (undef) x 4, 46);
-#print "# `@out' ne `@in'\nnot " unless "@out" eq "@in";
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t return an uninitialized value from lvalue subroutine/;
-print "ok 22\n";
-my $var;
-sub a::var : lvalue { $var }
-"a"->var = 45;
-print "# `$var' ne 45\nnot " unless $var eq 45;
-print "ok 23\n";
-my $oo;
-$o = bless \$oo, "a";
-$o->var = 47;
-print "# `$var' ne 47\nnot " unless $var eq 47;
-print "ok 24\n";
-sub o : lvalue { $o }
-o->var = 49;
-print "# `$var' ne 49\nnot " unless $var eq 49;
-print "ok 25\n";
-sub nolv () { $x0, $x1 } # Not lvalue
-$_ = '';
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- nolv = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "not "
- unless /Can\'t modify non-lvalue subroutine call in scalar assignment/;
-print "ok 26\n";
-$_ = '';
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- nolv = (2,3) if $_;
- 1;
-print "not "
- unless /Can\'t modify non-lvalue subroutine call in scalar assignment/;
-print "ok 27\n";
-$_ = '';
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- &nolv = (2,3) if $_;
- 1;
-print "not "
- unless /Can\'t modify non-lvalue subroutine call in scalar assignment/;
-print "ok 28\n";
-$x0 = $x1 = $_ = undef;
-$nolv = \&nolv;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- $nolv->() = (2,3) if $_;
- 1;
-print "# '$_', '$x0', '$x1'.\nnot " if defined $_;
-print "ok 29\n";
-$x0 = $x1 = $_ = undef;
-$nolv = \&nolv;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- $nolv->() = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_', '$x0', '$x1'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t modify non-lvalue subroutine call/;
-print "ok 30\n";
-sub lv0 : lvalue { } # Converted to lv10 in scalar context
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- lv0 = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t return a readonly value from lvalue subroutine/;
-print "ok 31\n";
-sub lv10 : lvalue {}
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lv0) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot " if defined $_;
-print "ok 32\n";
-sub lv1u :lvalue { undef }
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- lv1u = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t return a readonly value from lvalue subroutine/;
-print "ok 33\n";
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lv1u) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t return an uninitialized value from lvalue subroutine/;
-print "ok 34\n";
-$x = '1234567';
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- sub lv1t : lvalue { index $x, 2 }
- lv1t = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t modify index in lvalue subroutine return/;
-print "ok 35\n";
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- sub lv2t : lvalue { shift }
- (lv2t) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t modify shift in lvalue subroutine return/;
-print "ok 36\n";
-$xxx = 'xxx';
-sub xxx () { $xxx } # Not lvalue
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- sub lv1tmp : lvalue { xxx } # is it a TEMP?
- lv1tmp = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t modify non-lvalue subroutine call in lvalue subroutine return/;
-print "ok 37\n";
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lv1tmp) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t return a temporary from lvalue subroutine/;
-print "ok 38\n";
-sub yyy () { 'yyy' } # Const, not lvalue
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- sub lv1tmpr : lvalue { yyy } # is it read-only?
- lv1tmpr = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t modify constant item in lvalue subroutine return/;
-print "ok 39\n";
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lv1tmpr) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t return a readonly value from lvalue subroutine/;
-print "ok 40\n";
-sub lva : lvalue {@a}
-$_ = undef;
-@a = ();
-$a[1] = 12;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lva) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot " unless "'@a' $_" eq "'2 3' ";
-print "ok 41\n";
-$_ = undef;
-@a = ();
-$a[0] = undef;
-$a[1] = 12;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lva) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot " unless "'@a' $_" eq "'2 3' ";
-print "ok 42\n";
-$_ = undef;
-@a = ();
-$a[0] = undef;
-$a[1] = 12;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lva) = (2,3);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot " unless "'@a' $_" eq "'2 3' ";
-print "ok 43\n";
-sub lv1n : lvalue { $newvar }
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- lv1n = (3,4);
- 1;
-print "# '$_', '$newvar'.\nnot " unless "'$newvar' $_" eq "'4' ";
-print "ok 44\n";
-sub lv1nn : lvalue { $nnewvar }
-$_ = undef;
-eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
- (lv1nn) = (3,4);
- 1;
-print "# '$_'.\nnot " unless "'$nnewvar' $_" eq "'3' ";
-print "ok 45\n";
-$a = \&lv1nn;
-$a->() = 8;
-print "# '$nnewvar'.\nnot " unless $nnewvar eq '8';
-print "ok 46\n";
-# This must happen at run time
-eval {
- sub AUTOLOAD : lvalue { $newvar };
-foobar() = 12;
-print "# '$newvar'.\nnot " unless $newvar eq "12";
-print "ok 47\n";
-print "ok 48 # Skip: removed test\n";
-print "ok 49 # Skip: removed test\n";
-my %hash; my @array;
-sub alv : lvalue { $array[1] }
-sub alv2 : lvalue { $array[$_[0]] }
-sub hlv : lvalue { $hash{"foo"} }
-sub hlv2 : lvalue { $hash{$_[0]} }
-$array[1] = "not ok 51\n";
-alv() = "ok 50\n";
-print alv();
-alv2(20) = "ok 51\n";
-print $array[20];
-$hash{"foo"} = "not ok 52\n";
-hlv() = "ok 52\n";
-print $hash{foo};
-$hash{bar} = "not ok 53\n";
-hlv("bar") = "ok 53\n";
-print hlv("bar");
-sub array : lvalue { @array }
-sub array2 : lvalue { @array2 } # This is a global.
-sub hash : lvalue { %hash }
-sub hash2 : lvalue { %hash2 } # So's this.
-@array2 = qw(foo bar);
-%hash2 = qw(foo bar);
-(array()) = qw(ok 54);
-print "not " unless "@array" eq "ok 54";
-print "ok 54\n";
-(array2()) = qw(ok 55);
-print "not " unless "@array2" eq "ok 55";
-print "ok 55\n";
-(hash()) = qw(ok 56);
-print "not " unless $hash{ok} == 56;
-print "ok 56\n";
-(hash2()) = qw(ok 57);
-print "not " unless $hash2{ok} == 57;
-print "ok 57\n";
-@array = qw(a b c d);
-sub aslice1 : lvalue { @array[0,2] };
-(aslice1()) = ("ok", "already");
-print "# @array\nnot " unless "@array" eq "ok b already d";
-print "ok 58\n";
-@array2 = qw(a B c d);
-sub aslice2 : lvalue { @array2[0,2] };
-(aslice2()) = ("ok", "already");
-print "not " unless "@array2" eq "ok B already d";
-print "ok 59\n";
-%hash = qw(a Alpha b Beta c Gamma);
-sub hslice : lvalue { @hash{"c", "b"} }
-(hslice()) = ("CISC", "BogoMIPS");
-print "not " unless join("/",@hash{"c","a","b"}) eq "CISC/Alpha/BogoMIPS";
-print "ok 60\n";
-$str = "Hello, world!";
-sub sstr : lvalue { substr($str, 1, 4) }
-sstr() = "i";
-print "not " unless $str eq "Hi, world!";
-print "ok 61\n";
-$str = "Made w/ JavaScript";
-sub veclv : lvalue { vec($str, 2, 32) }
-if (ord('A') != 193) {
- veclv() = 0x5065726C;
-else { # EBCDIC?
- veclv() = 0xD7859993;
-print "# $str\nnot " unless $str eq "Made w/ PerlScript";
-print "ok 62\n";
-sub position : lvalue { pos }
-@p = ();
-$_ = "fee fi fo fum";
-while (/f/g) {
- push @p, position;
- position() += 6;
-print "# @p\nnot " unless "@p" eq "1 8";
-print "ok 63\n";
-# Bug 20001223.002: split thought that the list had only one element
-@ary = qw(4 5 6);
-sub lval1 : lvalue { $ary[0]; }
-sub lval2 : lvalue { $ary[1]; }
-(lval1(), lval2()) = split ' ', "1 2 3 4";
-print "not " unless join(':', @ary) eq "1:2:6";
-print "ok 64\n";
diff --git a/t/pragma/subs.t b/t/pragma/subs.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f684b41ed..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/subs.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '../lib';
-$| = 1;
-undef $/;
-my @prgs = split "\n########\n", <DATA>;
-print "1..", scalar @prgs, "\n";
-my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-my $Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-my $Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare';
-my $tmpfile = "tmp0000";
-my $i = 0 ;
-1 while -f ++$tmpfile;
-END { if ($tmpfile) { 1 while unlink $tmpfile} }
-for (@prgs){
- my $switch = "";
- my @temps = () ;
- if (s/^\s*-\w+//){
- $switch = $&;
- }
- my($prog,$expected) = split(/\nEXPECT\n/, $_);
- if ( $prog =~ /--FILE--/) {
- my(@files) = split(/\n--FILE--\s*([^\s\n]*)\s*\n/, $prog) ;
- shift @files ;
- die "Internal error test $i didn't split into pairs, got " .
- scalar(@files) . "[" . join("%%%%", @files) ."]\n"
- if @files % 2 ;
- while (@files > 2) {
- my $filename = shift @files ;
- my $code = shift @files ;
- push @temps, $filename ;
- open F, ">$filename" or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
- print F $code ;
- close F ;
- }
- shift @files ;
- $prog = shift @files ;
- }
- open TEST, ">$tmpfile";
- print TEST $prog,"\n";
- close TEST;
- my $results = $Is_VMS ?
- `./perl $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- $Is_MSWin32 ?
- `.\\perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- $Is_NetWare ?
- `perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- `./perl $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
- my $status = $?;
- $results =~ s/\n+$//;
- # allow expected output to be written as if $prog is on STDIN
- $results =~ s/tmp\d+/-/g;
- $results =~ s/\n%[A-Z]+-[SIWEF]-.*$// if $Is_VMS; # clip off DCL status msg
-# bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error',
-# various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'.
- $results =~ s/^(syntax|parse) error/syntax error/mig;
- $expected =~ s/\n+$//;
- my $prefix = ($results =~ s/^PREFIX\n//) ;
- if ( $results =~ s/^SKIPPED\n//) {
- print "$results\n" ;
- }
- elsif (($prefix and $results !~ /^\Q$expected/) or
- (!$prefix and $results ne $expected)){
- print STDERR "PROG: $switch\n$prog\n";
- print STDERR "EXPECTED:\n$expected\n";
- print STDERR "GOT:\n$results\n";
- print "not ";
- }
- print "ok ", ++$i, "\n";
- foreach (@temps)
- { unlink $_ if $_ }
-# Error - not predeclaring a sub
-Fred 1,2 ;
-sub Fred {}
-Number found where operator expected at - line 3, near "Fred 1"
- (Do you need to predeclare Fred?)
-syntax error at - line 3, near "Fred 1"
-Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
-# Error - not predeclaring a sub in time
-Fred 1,2 ;
-use subs qw( Fred ) ;
-sub Fred {}
-Number found where operator expected at - line 3, near "Fred 1"
- (Do you need to predeclare Fred?)
-syntax error at - line 3, near "Fred 1"
-BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at - line 4.
-# AOK
-use subs qw( Fred) ;
-Fred 1,2 ;
-sub Fred { print $_[0] + $_[1], "\n" }
-# override a built-in function
-use subs qw( open ) ;
-open 1,2 ;
-sub open { print $_[0] + $_[1], "\n" }
-# override a built-in function, call after definition
-use subs qw( open ) ;
-sub open { print $_[0] + $_[1], "\n" }
-open 1,2 ;
-# override a built-in function, call with ()
-use subs qw( open ) ;
-open (1,2) ;
-sub open { print $_[0] + $_[1], "\n" }
-# override a built-in function, call with () after definition
-use subs qw( open ) ;
-sub open { print $_[0] + $_[1], "\n" }
-open (1,2) ;
---FILE-- abc
-Fred 1,2 ;
-use subs qw( Fred ) ;
-require "./abc" ;
-sub Fred { print $_[0] + $_[1], "\n" }
-# check that it isn't affected by block scope
- use subs qw( Fred ) ;
-Fred 1, 2;
-sub Fred { print $_[0] + $_[1], "\n" }
diff --git a/t/pragma/utf8.t b/t/pragma/utf8.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 850470e0e8..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/utf8.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
-# NOTE!
-# Think carefully before adding tests here. In general this should be
-# used only for about three categories of tests:
-# (1) tests that absolutely require 'use utf8', and since that in general
-# shouldn't be needed as the utf8 is being obsoleted, this should
-# have rather few tests. If you want to test Unicode and regexes,
-# you probably want to go to op/regexp or op/pat; if you want to test
-# split, go to op/split; pack, op/pack; appending or joining,
-# op/append or op/join, and so forth
-# (2) tests that have to do with Unicode tokenizing (though it's likely
-# that all the other Unicode tests sprinkled around the t/**/*.t are
-# going to catch that)
-# (3) complicated tests that simultaneously stress so many Unicode features
-# that deciding into which other test script the tests should go to
-# is hard -- maybe consider breaking up the complicated test
-use Test;
-plan tests => 15;
- # bug id 20001009.001
- my ($a, $b);
- { use bytes; $a = "\xc3\xa4" }
- { use utf8; $b = "\xe4" }
- my $test = 68;
- ok($a ne $b);
- { use utf8; ok($a ne $b) }
- # bug id 20000730.004
- my $smiley = "\x{263a}";
- for my $s ("\x{263a}",
- $smiley,
- "" . $smiley,
- "" . "\x{263a}",
- $smiley . "",
- "\x{263a}" . "",
- ) {
- my $length_chars = length($s);
- my $length_bytes;
- { use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) }
- my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g;
- my $regex_chars = @regex_chars;
- my @split_chars = split //, $s;
- my $split_chars = @split_chars;
- ok("$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq
- "1/1/1/3");
- }
- for my $s ("\x{263a}" . "\x{263a}",
- $smiley . $smiley,
- "\x{263a}\x{263a}",
- "$smiley$smiley",
- "\x{263a}" x 2,
- $smiley x 2,
- ) {
- my $length_chars = length($s);
- my $length_bytes;
- { use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) }
- my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g;
- my $regex_chars = @regex_chars;
- my @split_chars = split //, $s;
- my $split_chars = @split_chars;
- ok("$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq
- "2/2/2/6");
- }
- my $w = 0;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "#($_[0])\n"; $w++ };
- my $x = eval q/"\\/ . "\x{100}" . q/"/;;
- ok($w == 0 && $x eq "\x{100}");
diff --git a/t/pragma/vars.t b/t/pragma/vars.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 3075f8e5ff..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/vars.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '../lib';
-$| = 1;
-print "1..27\n";
-# catch "used once" warnings
-my @warns;
-BEGIN { $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warns, @_ }; $^W = 1 };
-%x = ();
-$y = 3;
-@z = ();
-$X::x = 13;
-use vars qw($p @q %r *s &t $X::p);
-my $e = !(grep /^Name "X::x" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 1\n";
-$e = !(grep /^Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 2\n";
-$e = !(grep /^Name "main::y" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 3\n";
-$e = !(grep /^Name "main::z" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 4\n";
-($e, @warns) = @warns != 4 && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 5\n";
-# this is inside eval() to avoid creation of symbol table entries and
-# to avoid "used once" warnings
-eval <<'EOE';
-$e = ! $main::{p} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 6\n";
-$e = ! *q{ARRAY} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 7\n";
-$e = ! *r{HASH} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 8\n";
-$e = ! $main::{s} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 9\n";
-$e = ! *t{CODE} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 10\n";
-$e = defined $X::{q} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 11\n";
-$e = ! $X::{p} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 12\n";
-$e = $@ && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 13\n";
-eval q{use vars qw(@X::y !abc); $e = ! *X::y{ARRAY} && 'not '};
-print "${e}ok 14\n";
-$e = $@ !~ /^'!abc' is not a valid variable name/ && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 15\n";
-eval 'use vars qw($x[3])';
-$e = $@ !~ /^Can't declare individual elements of hash or array/ && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 16\n";
-{ local $^W;
- eval 'use vars qw($!)';
- ($e, @warns) = ($@ || @warns) ? 'not ' : '';
- print "${e}ok 17\n";
-# NB the next test only works because has already been loaded
-eval 'use warnings "vars"; use vars qw($!)';
-$e = ($@ || (shift(@warns)||'') !~ /^No need to declare built-in vars/)
- && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 18\n";
-no strict 'vars';
-eval 'use vars qw(@x%%)';
-$e = $@ && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 19\n";
-$e = ! *{'x%%'}{ARRAY} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 20\n";
-eval '$u = 3; @v = (); %w = ()';
-$e = $@ && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 21\n";
-use strict 'vars';
-eval 'use vars qw(@y%%)';
-$e = $@ !~ /^'\@y%%' is not a valid variable name under strict vars/ && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 22\n";
-$e = *{'y%%'}{ARRAY} && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 23\n";
-eval '$u = 3; @v = (); %w = ()';
-my @errs = split /\n/, $@;
-$e = @errs != 3 && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 24\n";
-$e = !(grep(/^Global symbol "\$u" requires explicit package name/, @errs))
- && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 25\n";
-$e = !(grep(/^Global symbol "\@v" requires explicit package name/, @errs))
- && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 26\n";
-$e = !(grep(/^Global symbol "\%w" requires explicit package name/, @errs))
- && 'not ';
-print "${e}ok 27\n";
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/1global b/t/pragma/warn/1global
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af80221b2..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/1global
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-Check existing $^W functionality
-# warnable code, warnings disabled
-$a =+ 3 ;
-# warnable code, warnings enabled via command line switch
-$a =+ 3 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 3.
-Name "main::a" used only once: possible typo at - line 3.
-#! perl -w
-# warnable code, warnings enabled via #! line
-$a =+ 3 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 3.
-Name "main::a" used only once: possible typo at - line 3.
-# warnable code, warnings enabled via compile time $^W
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-$a =+ 3 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 4.
-Name "main::a" used only once: possible typo at - line 4.
-# compile-time warnable code, warnings enabled via runtime $^W
-# so no warning printed.
-$^W = 1 ;
-$a =+ 3 ;
-# warnable code, warnings enabled via runtime $^W
-$^W = 1 ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 4.
-# warnings enabled at compile time, disabled at run time
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-$^W = 0 ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-# warnings disabled at compile time, enabled at run time
-BEGIN { $^W = 0 }
-$^W = 1 ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 5.
---FILE-- abcd
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-1 ;
-require "./abcd";
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at ./abcd line 1.
---FILE-- abcd
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-1 ;
-#! perl -w
-require "./abcd";
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at ./abcd line 1.
---FILE-- abcd
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-1 ;
-$^W =1 ;
-require "./abcd";
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at ./abcd line 1.
---FILE-- abcd
-$^W = 0;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-1 ;
-$^W =1 ;
-require "./abcd";
---FILE-- abcd
-$^W = 1;
-1 ;
-$^W =0 ;
-require "./abcd";
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-$^W = 1;
-eval 'my $b ; chop $b ;' ;
-print $@ ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 1.
-eval '$^W = 1;' ;
-print $@ ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 4.
-eval {$^W = 1;} ;
-print $@ ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 4.
- local ($^W) = 1;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
- local ($^W) = 1;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-my $c ; chop $c ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 5.
--e undef
-Use of uninitialized value in -e at - line 2.
-$^W = 1 + 2 ;
-$^W = $a ;
-sub fred {}
-$^W = fred() ;
-sub fred { my $b ; chop $b ;}
-{ local $^W = 0 ;
- fred() ;
-sub fred { my $b ; chop $b ;}
-{ local $^W = 1 ;
- fred() ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 2.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/2use b/t/pragma/warn/2use
deleted file mode 100644
index e25d43adbb..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/2use
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-Check lexical warnings functionality
- check that the warning hierarchy works.
-# check illegal category is caught
-use warnings 'this-should-never-be-a-warning-category' ;
-unknown warnings category 'this-should-never-be-a-warning-category' at - line 3
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 3.
-# Check compile time scope of pragma
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
- no warnings ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 8.
-# Check compile time scope of pragma
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 6.
-# Check runtime scope of pragma
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 8.
-# Check runtime scope of pragma
-no warnings ;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check runtime scope of pragma
-no warnings ;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- $a = sub { my $b ; chop $b ; }
-&$a ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 3.
---FILE-- abc
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-require "./abc";
---FILE-- abc
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a =+ 1 ;
---FILE-- abc
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-Reversed += operator at ./abc line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-use abc;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-Reversed += operator at line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval {
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval {
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 8.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval {
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 7.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 9.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval {
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 10.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval {
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval {
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 8.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval {
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 7.
-Reversed += operator at - line 9.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval {
- no warnings ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- }; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 10.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 9.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 10.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval '
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 9.
-Reversed += operator at (eval 1) line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 10.
-# Check the additive nature of the pragma
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $c ; chop $c ;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 6.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 9.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/3both b/t/pragma/warn/3both
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d9ba806d..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/3both
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-Check interaction of $^W and lexical
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-sub fred {
- use warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-{ local $^W = 0 ;
- fred() ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-sub fred {
- use warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-{ $^W = 0 ;
- fred() ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-sub fred {
- no warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-{ local $^W = 1 ;
- fred() ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-sub fred {
- no warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-{ $^W = 1 ;
- fred() ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-use warnings ;
-$^W = 1 ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-$^W = 1 ;
-use warnings ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-$^W = 1 ;
-no warnings ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-no warnings ;
-$^W = 1 ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-no warnings ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-use warnings ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 5.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-sub fred {
- use warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-BEGIN { $^W = 0 }
-fred() ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-sub fred {
- no warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-fred() ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-use warnings ;
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-use warnings ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-no warnings ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-no warnings ;
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
- no warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 10.
-# Check interaction of $^W and use warnings
-BEGIN { $^W = 0 }
- use warnings ;
- my $b ;
- chop $b ;
-my $b ;
-chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 7.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-BEGIN { $^W = 0 }
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 9.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-BEGIN { $^W = 0 }
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 10.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/4lint b/t/pragma/warn/4lint
deleted file mode 100644
index 848822dd30..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/4lint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-Check lint
-# lint: check compile time $^W is zapped
-BEGIN { $^W = 0 ;}
-$a = 1 ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 5.
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
-# lint: check runtime $^W is zapped
-$^W = 0 ;
-close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
-# lint: check runtime $^W is zapped
- $^W = 0 ;
- close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 5.
-# lint: check "no warnings" is zapped
-no warnings ;
-$a = 1 ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 5.
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
-# lint: check "no warnings" is zapped
- no warnings ;
- close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 5.
-# lint: check combination of -w and -W
- $^W = 0 ;
- close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 5.
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a = 0;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-use abc;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-Reversed += operator at line 3.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
---FILE-- abc
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a = 0;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-Reversed += operator at ./abc line 3.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-BEGIN {$^W = 0}
-my $a = 0 ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-$^W = 0 ;
-use abc;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-Reversed += operator at line 3.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
---FILE-- abc
-BEGIN {$^W = 0}
-my $a = 0 ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-$^W = 0 ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-Reversed += operator at ./abc line 3.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 8.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 3.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 10.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 9.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 3.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 10.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- my $a = "1"; my $b = "2";
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- $a =+ 1 ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 11.
-Reversed += operator at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- my $a = "1"; my $b = "2";
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval '
- $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 10.
-Reversed += operator at (eval 1) line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- my $a = "1"; my $b = "2";
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 11.
-Reversed += operator at (eval 1) line 3.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/5nolint b/t/pragma/warn/5nolint
deleted file mode 100644
index 56158a20be..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/5nolint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-syntax anti-lint
-# nolint: check compile time $^W is zapped
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 ;}
-$a = $b = 1 ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-# nolint: check runtime $^W is zapped
-$^W = 1 ;
-close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-# nolint: check runtime $^W is zapped
- $^W = 1 ;
- close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-# nolint: check "no warnings" is zapped
-use warnings ;
-$a = $b = 1 ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-# nolint: check "no warnings" is zapped
- use warnings ;
- close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-# nolint: check combination of -w and -X
- $^W = 1 ;
- close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a = 0;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-use abc;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
---FILE-- abc
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a = 0;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-BEGIN {$^W = 1}
-my ($a, $b) = (0,0);
-$a =+ 1 ;
-$^W = 1 ;
-use abc;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
---FILE-- abc
-BEGIN {$^W = 1}
-my ($a, $b) = (0,0);
-$a =+ 1 ;
-$^W = 1 ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval '
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
- '; print STDERR $@;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/6default b/t/pragma/warn/6default
deleted file mode 100644
index a8aafeeb22..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/6default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-Check default warnings
-# default warnings should be displayed if you don't add anything
-# optional shouldn't
-my $a = oct "7777777777777777777777777777777777779" ;
-Integer overflow in octal number at - line 3.
-# no warnings should be displayed
-no warnings ;
-my $a = oct "7777777777777777777777777777777777778" ;
-# all warnings should be displayed
-use warnings ;
-my $a = oct "7777777777777777777777777777777777778" ;
-Integer overflow in octal number at - line 3.
-Illegal octal digit '8' ignored at - line 3.
-Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable at - line 3.
-# check scope
-use warnings ;
-my $a = oct "7777777777777777777777777777777777778" ;
- no warnings ;
- my $a = oct "7777777777777777777777777777777777778" ;
-my $c = oct "7777777777777777777777777777777777778" ;
-Integer overflow in octal number at - line 3.
-Illegal octal digit '8' ignored at - line 3.
-Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable at - line 3.
-Integer overflow in octal number at - line 8.
-Illegal octal digit '8' ignored at - line 8.
-Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable at - line 8.
-# all warnings should be displayed
-use warnings ;
-my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
-Integer overflow in hexadecimal number at - line 3.
-Illegal hexadecimal digit 'g' ignored at - line 3.
-Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at - line 3.
-# all warnings should be displayed
-use warnings ;
-my $a = oct "0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112";
-Integer overflow in binary number at - line 3.
-Illegal binary digit '2' ignored at - line 3.
-Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable at - line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval '
- my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
- my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings;
- no warnings ;
- eval q[
- use warnings ;
- my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
- ]; print STDERR $@;
- my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
-Integer overflow in hexadecimal number at (eval 1) line 3.
-Illegal hexadecimal digit 'g' ignored at (eval 1) line 3.
-Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at (eval 1) line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings ;
- eval '
- my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
-Integer overflow in hexadecimal number at (eval 1) line 2.
-Illegal hexadecimal digit 'g' ignored at (eval 1) line 2.
-Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at (eval 1) line 2.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings;
- eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
- '; print STDERR $@ ;
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings;
- use warnings 'deprecated' ;
- eval '
- my $a = oct "0xfffffffffffffffffg" ;
- '; print STDERR $@;
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/7fatal b/t/pragma/warn/7fatal
deleted file mode 100644
index a25fa2c2ea..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/7fatal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-Check FATAL functionality
-# Check compile time warning
-use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
- no warnings ;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 8.
-# Check compile time warning
-use warnings FATAL => 'all' ;
- no warnings ;
- my $a =+ 1 ;
-my $a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 8.
-# Check runtime scope of pragma
-use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 8.
-# Check runtime scope of pragma
-use warnings FATAL => 'all' ;
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 8.
-# Check runtime scope of pragma
-no warnings ;
- use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
- $a = sub { my $b ; chop $b ; }
-&$a ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-# Check runtime scope of pragma
-no warnings ;
- use warnings FATAL => 'all' ;
- $a = sub { my $b ; chop $b ; }
-&$a ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
---FILE-- abc
-$a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
-require "./abc";
---FILE-- abc
-use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
-require "./abc";
-$a =+ 1 ;
---FILE-- abc
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
-require "./abc";
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at ./abc line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
-use abc;
-my $a ; chop $a ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings ;
-eval {
- use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-}; print STDERR "-- $@" ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
--- Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 6.
-The End.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
-eval {
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-}; print STDERR "-- $@" ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
--- Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 5.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 7.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
-eval {
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-}; print STDERR $@ ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 8.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings ;
-eval {
- use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-}; print STDERR "-- $@" ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 6.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
-eval {
- $a =+ 1 ;
-}; print STDERR "-- $@" ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 5.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
-eval {
- no warnings ;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-}; print STDERR $@ ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 8.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings ;
-eval {
- use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
-}; print STDERR $@ ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-The End.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings ;
-eval q[
- use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-]; print STDERR "-- $@";
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
--- Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 3.
-The End.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
-eval '
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-'; print STDERR "-- $@" ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
--- Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at (eval 1) line 2.
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 7.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' ;
-eval '
- no warnings ;
- my $b ; chop $b ;
-'; print STDERR $@ ;
-my $b ; chop $b ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 8.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-no warnings ;
-eval q[
- use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-]; print STDERR "-- $@";
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
--- Reversed += operator at (eval 1) line 3.
-The End.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
-eval '
- $a =+ 1 ;
-'; print STDERR "-- $@";
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
--- Reversed += operator at (eval 1) line 2.
-The End.
-# Check scope of pragma with eval
-use warnings FATAL => 'syntax' ;
-eval '
- no warnings ;
- $a =+ 1 ;
-'; print STDERR "-- $@";
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print STDERR "The End.\n" ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 8.
-use warnings 'void' ;
-time ;
- use warnings FATAL => qw(void) ;
- length "abc" ;
-join "", 1,2,3 ;
-print "done\n" ;
-Useless use of time in void context at - line 4.
-Useless use of length in void context at - line 8.
-use warnings ;
-time ;
- use warnings FATAL => qw(void) ;
- length "abc" ;
-join "", 1,2,3 ;
-print "done\n" ;
-Useless use of time in void context at - line 4.
-Useless use of length in void context at - line 8.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/8signal b/t/pragma/warn/8signal
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1b9d926d..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/8signal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Check interaction of __WARN__, __DIE__ & lexical Warnings
-# 8signal
-BEGIN { $| = 1; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "WARN -- @_" } }
-BEGIN { $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print "DIE -- @_" } }
-$a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings qw(syntax) ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-use warnings FATAL => qw(syntax) ;
-$a =+ 1 ;
-print "The End.\n" ;
-WARN -- Reversed += operator at - line 6.
-DIE -- Reversed += operator at - line 8.
-Reversed += operator at - line 8.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/9enabled b/t/pragma/warn/9enabled
deleted file mode 100755
index f5579b2dde..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/9enabled
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1162 +0,0 @@
-Check warnings::enabled & warnings::warn
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
-print "ok2\n" if ! warnings::enabled("io") ;
-no warnings;
-use abc ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
-print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled('io') ;
-print "ok2\n" if ! warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use abc ;
---FILE-- abc
-no warnings ;
-print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
-print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-require "abc" ;
---FILE-- abc
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
-print "ok2\n" if ! warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-print "ok3\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-require "abc" ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if ! warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
---FILE-- abc
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-require "abc" ;
-abc::check() ;
---FILE-- abc
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if ! warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-require "abc" ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
-print "ok2\n" if ! warnings::enabled("io") ;
-no warnings;
-use abc ;
-use warnings;
-use def ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
-print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-print "ok4\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
-print "ok5\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use def ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-eval { abc::check() ; };
-print $@ ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if ! warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-eval { abc::check() ; } ;
-print $@ ;
---FILE-- abc
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-require "abc" ;
-eval { abc::check() ; } ;
-print $@ ;
---FILE-- abc
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-require "abc" ;
-eval { use warnings 'io' ; abc::check() ; };
-abc::check() ;
-print $@ ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if ! warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-sub fred { abc::check() }
-fred() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-sub fred { no warnings ; abc::check() }
-fred() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled('all') ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok4\n" if ! warnings::enabled("misc") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-sub fred { use warnings 'io' ; abc::check() }
-fred() ;
-# check warnings::warn
-use warnings ;
-eval { warnings::warn() } ;
-print $@ ;
-eval { warnings::warn("fred", "joe") } ;
-print $@ ;
-Usage: warnings::warn([category,] 'message') at - line 4
-unknown warnings category 'fred' at - line 6
-# check warnings::warnif
-use warnings ;
-eval { warnings::warnif() } ;
-print $@ ;
-eval { warnings::warnif("fred", "joe") } ;
-print $@ ;
-Usage: warnings::warnif([category,] 'message') at - line 4
-unknown warnings category 'fred' at - line 6
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-sub check { warnings::warn("io", "hello") }
-use warnings "io" ;
-use abc;
-abc::check() ;
-hello at - line 3
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-sub check { warnings::warn("misc", "hello") }
-use warnings "io" ;
-use abc;
-abc::check() ;
-hello at - line 3
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-sub check { warnings::warn("io", "hello") }
-use warnings qw( FATAL deprecated ) ;
-use abc;
-eval { abc::check() ; } ;
-print "[[$@]]\n";
-hello at - line 3
- eval {...} called at - line 3
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-sub check { warnings::warn("io", "hello") }
-use warnings qw( FATAL io ) ;
-use abc;
-eval { abc::check() ; } ;
-print "[[$@]]\n";
-[[hello at - line 3
- eval {...} called at - line 3
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
-print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("all") ;
-no warnings;
-use abc ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
-print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
-use warnings;
-use abc ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-sub check {
- print "ok\n" if ! warnings::enabled() ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package 'abc' not registered for warnings at line 4
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-sub check {
- warnings::warn("fred") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package 'abc' not registered for warnings at line 4
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-sub check {
- warnings::warnif("fred") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package 'abc' not registered for warnings at line 4
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc' ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc' ;
-eval { abc::check() ; };
-print $@ ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-eval { abc::check() ; } ;
-print $@ ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc' ;
-sub fred { abc::check() }
-fred() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if ! warnings::enabled ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-sub fred { no warnings ; abc::check() }
-fred() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-use warnings::register;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("syntax") ;
- print "ok3\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok4\n" if ! warnings::enabled("misc") ;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc' ;
-sub fred { use warnings 'io' ; abc::check() }
-fred() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-use warnings::register;
-sub check { warnings::warn("hello") }
-use abc;
-use warnings "abc" ;
-abc::check() ;
-hello at - line 3
-package abc ;
-use warnings::register;
-sub check { warnings::warn("hello") }
-use abc;
-abc::check() ;
-hello at - line 2
-package abc ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check { warnings::warn("hello") }
-use abc;
-use warnings qw( FATAL deprecated ) ;
-eval { abc::check() ; } ;
-print "[[$@]]\n";
-hello at - line 3
- eval {...} called at - line 3
-package abc ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check { warnings::warn("hello") }
-use abc;
-use warnings qw( FATAL abc ) ;
-eval { abc::check() ; } ;
-print "[[$@]]\n";
-[[hello at - line 3
- eval {...} called at - line 3
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if warnings::enabled("all") ;
-no warnings;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
-no warnings;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if warnings::enabled("all") ;
-use warnings 'all';
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
-use abc ;
-no warnings ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
- warnings::warnif("my message 1") ;
- warnings::warnif('abc', "my message 2") ;
- warnings::warnif('io', "my message 3") ;
- warnings::warnif('all', "my message 4") ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc';
-no warnings ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "abc self" . (warnings::enabled() ? "" : " not") . " enabled\n" ;
- print "abc def" . (warnings::enabled('def') ? "" : " not") . " enabled\n" ;
- print "abc all" . (warnings::enabled('all') ? "" : " not") . " enabled\n" ;
-package def ;
-use warnings "io" ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "def self" . (warnings::enabled() ? "" : " not") . " enabled\n" ;
- print "def abc" . (warnings::enabled('abc') ? "" : " not") . " enabled\n" ;
- print "def all" . (warnings::enabled('all') ? "" : " not") . " enabled\n" ;
-use abc ;
-use def ;
-use warnings 'abc';
-abc::check() ;
-def::check() ;
-no warnings 'abc' ;
-use warnings 'def' ;
-abc::check() ;
-def::check() ;
-use warnings 'abc' ;
-use warnings 'def' ;
-abc::check() ;
-def::check() ;
-no warnings 'abc' ;
-no warnings 'def' ;
-abc::check() ;
-def::check() ;
-use warnings;
-abc::check() ;
-def::check() ;
-no warnings 'abc' ;
-abc::check() ;
-def::check() ;
-abc self enabled
-abc def not enabled
-abc all not enabled
-def self not enabled
-def abc enabled
-def all not enabled
-abc self not enabled
-abc def enabled
-abc all not enabled
-def self enabled
-def abc not enabled
-def all not enabled
-abc self enabled
-abc def enabled
-abc all not enabled
-def self enabled
-def abc enabled
-def all not enabled
-abc self not enabled
-abc def not enabled
-abc all not enabled
-def self not enabled
-def abc not enabled
-def all not enabled
-abc self enabled
-abc def enabled
-abc all enabled
-def self enabled
-def abc enabled
-def all enabled
-abc self not enabled
-abc def enabled
-abc all not enabled
-def self enabled
-def abc not enabled
-def all not enabled
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if warnings::enabled("all") ;
-use abc ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc';
-no warnings ;
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
- warnings::warnif("my message 1") ;
- warnings::warnif('abc', "my message 2") ;
- warnings::warnif('io', "my message 3") ;
- warnings::warnif('all', "my message 4") ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc';
-no warnings ;
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 ; }
-abc::check() ;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc';
-no warnings ;
-$^W = 1 ;
-abc::check() ;
-$| = 1;
-package abc ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
- print "ok4\n" if warnings::enabled("abc") ;
- warnings::warn("my message 1") ;
- warnings::warnif("my message 2") ;
- warnings::warnif('abc', "my message 3") ;
- warnings::warnif('io', "my message 4") ;
- warnings::warnif('all', "my message 5") ;
-sub in2 { no warnings ; check() }
-sub in1 { no warnings ; in2() }
-use abc ;
-use warnings 'abc';
-abc::in1() ;
-my message 1 at - line 3
-my message 2 at - line 3
-my message 3 at - line 3
-package def ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
- print "ok4\n" if warnings::enabled("def") ;
- warnings::warn("my message 1") ;
- warnings::warnif("my message 2") ;
- warnings::warnif('def', "my message 3") ;
- warnings::warnif('io', "my message 4") ;
- warnings::warnif('all', "my message 5") ;
-sub in2 { no warnings ; check() }
-sub in1 { no warnings ; in2() }
-$| = 1;
-package abc ;
-use def ;
-use warnings 'def';
-sub in1 { def::in1() ; }
-use abc ;
-no warnings;
-abc::in1() ;
-my message 1 at line 5
- abc::in1() called at - line 3
-my message 2 at line 5
- abc::in1() called at - line 3
-my message 3 at line 5
- abc::in1() called at - line 3
-$| = 1;
-package def ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
-@EXPORT = qw( in1 ) ;
-sub check {
- print "ok1\n" if warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
- print "ok4\n" if warnings::enabled("abc") ;
- print "ok5\n" if !warnings::enabled("def") ;
- warnings::warn("my message 1") ;
- warnings::warnif("my message 2") ;
- warnings::warnif('abc', "my message 3") ;
- warnings::warnif('def', "my message 4") ;
- warnings::warnif('io', "my message 5") ;
- warnings::warnif('all', "my message 6") ;
-sub in2 { no warnings ; check() }
-sub in1 { no warnings ; in2() }
-package abc ;
-use warnings::register ;
-use def ;
-#@ISA = qw(def) ;
-use abc ;
-no warnings;
-use warnings 'abc';
-abc::in1() ;
-my message 1 at - line 4
-my message 3 at - line 4
-package def ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings::register ;
-sub new
- my $class = shift ;
- bless [], $class ;
-sub check
- my $self = shift ;
- print "ok1\n" if !warnings::enabled() ;
- print "ok2\n" if !warnings::enabled("io") ;
- print "ok3\n" if !warnings::enabled("all") ;
- print "ok4\n" if warnings::enabled("abc") ;
- print "ok5\n" if !warnings::enabled("def") ;
- print "ok6\n" if warnings::enabled($self) ;
- warnings::warn("my message 1") ;
- warnings::warn($self, "my message 2") ;
- warnings::warnif("my message 3") ;
- warnings::warnif('abc', "my message 4") ;
- warnings::warnif('def', "my message 5") ;
- warnings::warnif('io', "my message 6") ;
- warnings::warnif('all', "my message 7") ;
- warnings::warnif($self, "my message 8") ;
-sub in2
- no warnings ;
- my $self = shift ;
- $self->check() ;
-sub in1
- no warnings ;
- my $self = shift ;
- $self->in2();
-$| = 1;
-package abc ;
-use warnings::register ;
-use def ;
-@ISA = qw(def) ;
-sub new
- my $class = shift ;
- bless [], $class ;
-use abc ;
-no warnings;
-use warnings 'abc';
-$a = new abc ;
-$a->in1() ;
-print "**\n";
-$b = new def ;
-$b->in1() ;
-my message 1 at - line 5
-my message 2 at - line 5
-my message 4 at - line 5
-my message 8 at - line 5
-my message 1 at - line 8
-my message 2 at - line 8
-my message 4 at - line 8
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/av b/t/pragma/warn/av
deleted file mode 100644
index 79bd3b7600..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/av
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- av.c
- Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO
- ------------------
- av_reify called on tied array [av_reify]
- Attempt to clear deleted array [av_clear]
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/doio b/t/pragma/warn/doio
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a357e2755..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/doio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
- doio.c
- Can't open bidirectional pipe [Perl_do_open9]
- open(F, "| true |");
- Missing command in piped open [Perl_do_open9]
- open(F, "| ");
- Missing command in piped open [Perl_do_open9]
- open(F, " |");
- warn(warn_nl, "open"); [Perl_do_open9]
- open(F, "true\ncd")
- close() on unopened filehandle %s [Perl_do_close]
- $a = "fred";close("$a")
- tell() on closed filehandle [Perl_do_tell]
- $a = "fred";$a = tell($a)
- seek() on closed filehandle [Perl_do_seek]
- $a = "fred";$a = seek($a,1,1)
- sysseek() on closed filehandle [Perl_do_sysseek]
- $a = "fred";$a = seek($a,1,1)
- warn(warn_uninit); [Perl_do_print]
- print $a ;
- -x on closed filehandle %s [Perl_my_stat]
- close STDIN ; -x STDIN ;
- warn(warn_nl, "stat"); [Perl_my_stat]
- stat "ab\ncd"
- warn(warn_nl, "lstat"); [Perl_my_lstat]
- lstat "ab\ncd"
- Can't exec \"%s\": %s [Perl_do_aexec5]
- Can't exec \"%s\": %s [Perl_do_exec3]
- Filehandle %s opened only for output [Perl_do_eof]
- my $a = eof STDOUT
- Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO
- ------------------
- Can't do inplace edit: %s is not a regular file [Perl_nextargv]
- edit a directory
- Can't do inplace edit: %s would not be unique [Perl_nextargv]
- Can't rename %s to %s: %s, skipping file [Perl_nextargv]
- Can't rename %s to %s: %s, skipping file [Perl_nextargv]
- Can't remove %s: %s, skipping file [Perl_nextargv]
- Can't do inplace edit on %s: %s [Perl_nextargv]
-# doio.c [Perl_do_open9]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-open(F, '|'.($^O eq 'VMS' ? 'mcr ':'')."$^X -e 1|");
-no warnings 'io' ;
-open(G, '|'.($^O eq 'VMS' ? 'mcr ':'')."$^X -e 1|");
-Can't open bidirectional pipe at - line 3.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_open9]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-open(F, "| ");
-no warnings 'io' ;
-open(G, "| ");
-Missing command in piped open at - line 3.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_open9]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-open(F, " |");
-no warnings 'io' ;
-open(G, " |");
-Missing command in piped open at - line 3.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_open9]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-open(F, "<true\ncd");
-no warnings 'io' ;
-open(G, "<true\ncd");
-Unsuccessful open on filename containing newline at - line 3.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_close] <<TODO
-use warnings 'unopened' ;
-close "fred" ;
-no warnings 'unopened' ;
-close "joe" ;
-close() on unopened filehandle fred at - line 3.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_tell Perl_do_seek Perl_do_sysseek Perl_my_stat]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-close STDIN ;
-$a = seek(STDIN,1,1);
-$a = sysseek(STDIN,1,1);
--x STDIN ;
-stat(STDIN) ;
-$a = "fred";
--x $a; # ok
-stat($a); # ok
-no warnings 'io' ;
-close STDIN ;
-$a = seek(STDIN,1,1);
-$a = sysseek(STDIN,1,1);
--x STDIN ;
-stat(STDIN) ;
-$a = "fred";
--x $a;
-tell() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
-seek() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 5.
-sysseek() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
--x on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 7.
-stat() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 8.
-tell() on unopened filehandle at - line 10.
-seek() on unopened filehandle at - line 11.
-sysseek() on unopened filehandle at - line 12.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_print]
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-print $a ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-print $b ;
-Use of uninitialized value in print at - line 3.
-# doio.c [Perl_my_stat Perl_my_lstat]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-stat "ab\ncd";
-lstat "ab\ncd";
-no warnings 'io' ;
-stat "ab\ncd";
-lstat "ab\ncd";
-Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at - line 3.
-Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at - line 4.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_aexec5]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls","" ;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls","" ;
-OPTION regex
-Can't exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls": .+
-# doio.c [Perl_do_exec3]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls", "abc" ;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls", "abc" ;
-OPTION regex
-Can't exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls(:? abc)?": .+
-# doio.c [Perl_nextargv]
-$^W = 0 ;
-my $filename = "./temp.dir" ;
-mkdir $filename, 0777
- or die "Cannot create directory $filename: $!\n" ;
- local (@ARGV) = ($filename) ;
- local ($^I) = "" ;
- my $x = <> ;
- no warnings 'inplace' ;
- local (@ARGV) = ($filename) ;
- local ($^I) = "" ;
- my $x = <> ;
- use warnings 'inplace' ;
- local (@ARGV) = ($filename) ;
- local ($^I) = "" ;
- my $x = <> ;
-rmdir $filename ;
-Can't do inplace edit: ./temp.dir is not a regular file at - line 9.
-Can't do inplace edit: ./temp.dir is not a regular file at - line 21.
-# doio.c [Perl_do_eof]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-my $a = eof STDOUT ;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-$a = eof STDOUT ;
-Filehandle STDOUT opened only for output at - line 3.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/doop b/t/pragma/warn/doop
deleted file mode 100644
index 5803b44581..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/doop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# doop.c
-use utf8 ;
-$_ = "\x80 \xff" ;
-chop ;
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/gv b/t/pragma/warn/gv
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ed4eca018..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/gv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- gv.c AOK
- Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA
- @ISA = qw(Fred); joe()
- Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method %s::%.*s() is deprecated
- sub Other::AUTOLOAD { 1 } sub Other::fred {}
- @ISA = qw(Other) ;
- fred() ;
- Use of $# is deprecated
- Use of $* is deprecated
- $a = ${"#"} ;
- $a = ${"*"} ;
- Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO
- ------------------
- Had to create %s unexpectedly [gv_fetchpv]
- Attempt to free unreferenced glob pointers [gp_free]
-# gv.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-@ISA = qw(Fred); joe()
-Can't locate package Fred for @main::ISA at - line 3.
-Undefined subroutine &main::joe called at - line 3.
-# gv.c
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-@ISA = qw(Fred); joe()
-Undefined subroutine &main::joe called at - line 3.
-# gv.c
-sub Other::AUTOLOAD { 1 } sub Other::fred {}
-@ISA = qw(Other) ;
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-fred() ;
-Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method main::fred() is deprecated at - line 5.
-# gv.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-$a = ${"#"};
-$a = ${"*"};
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-$a = ${"#"};
-$a = ${"*"};
-Use of $# is deprecated at - line 3.
-Use of $* is deprecated at - line 4.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/hv b/t/pragma/warn/hv
deleted file mode 100644
index c9eec028f1..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/hv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- hv.c
- Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO
- ------------------
- Attempt to free non-existent shared string [unsharepvn]
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/malloc b/t/pragma/warn/malloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8b096a51..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/malloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- malloc.c
- Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO
- ------------------
- %s free() ignored [Perl_mfree]
- %s", "Bad free() ignored [Perl_mfree]
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/mg b/t/pragma/warn/mg
deleted file mode 100644
index f2243357b3..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/mg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- mg.c AOK
- No such signal: SIG%s
- $SIG{FRED} = sub {}
- SIG%s handler \"%s\" not defined.
- $SIG{"INT"} = "ok3"; kill "INT",$$;
- Mandatory Warnings TODO
- ------------------
- Can't break at that line [magic_setdbline]
-# mg.c
-use warnings 'signal' ;
-$SIG{FRED} = sub {};
-No such signal: SIGFRED at - line 3.
-# mg.c
-no warnings 'signal' ;
-$SIG{FRED} = sub {};
-# mg.c
-use warnings 'signal' ;
-if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'VMS') {
- print "SKIPPED\n# $^O, can't kill() to raise()\n"; exit;
-$SIG{"INT"} = "fred"; kill "INT",$$;
-SIGINT handler "fred" not defined.
-# mg.c
-no warnings 'signal' ;
-if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'VMS') {
- print "SKIPPED\n# win32, can't kill() to raise()\n"; exit;
-$SIG{"INT"} = "fred"; kill "INT",$$;
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/op b/t/pragma/warn/op
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f847ad14c..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/op
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,928 +0,0 @@
- op.c AOK
- "my" variable %s masks earlier declaration in same scope
- my $x;
- my $x ;
- Variable "%s" may be unavailable
- sub x {
- my $x;
- sub y {
- $x
- }
- }
- Variable "%s" will not stay shared
- sub x {
- my $x;
- sub y {
- sub { $x }
- }
- }
- Found = in conditional, should be ==
- 1 if $a = 1 ;
- Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated
- split ;
- Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated
- $a = split ;
- Useless use of time in void context
- Useless use of a variable in void context
- Useless use of a constant in void context
- time ;
- $a ;
- "abc"
- Applying %s to %s will act on scalar(%s)
- my $a ; my @a = () ; my %a = () ; my $b = \@a ; my $c = \%a ;
- @a =~ /abc/ ;
- @a =~ s/a/b/ ;
- @a =~ tr/a/b/ ;
- @$b =~ /abc/ ;
- @$b =~ s/a/b/ ;
- @$b =~ tr/a/b/ ;
- %a =~ /abc/ ;
- %a =~ s/a/b/ ;
- %a =~ tr/a/b/ ;
- %$c =~ /abc/ ;
- %$c =~ s/a/b/ ;
- %$c =~ tr/a/b/ ;
- Parentheses missing around "my" list at -e line 1.
- my $a, $b = (1,2);
- Parentheses missing around "local" list at -e line 1.
- local $a, $b = (1,2);
- Bareword found in conditional at -e line 1.
- use warnings 'bareword'; my $x = print(ABC || 1);
- Value of %s may be \"0\"; use \"defined\"
- $x = 1 if $x = <FH> ;
- $x = 1 while $x = <FH> ;
- Subroutine fred redefined at -e line 1.
- sub fred{1;} sub fred{1;}
- Constant subroutine %s redefined
- sub fred() {1;} sub fred() {1;}
- Format FRED redefined at /tmp/x line 5.
- format FRED =
- .
- format FRED =
- .
- Array @%s missing the @ in argument %d of %s()
- push fred ;
- Hash %%%s missing the %% in argument %d of %s()
- keys joe ;
- Statement unlikely to be reached
- (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?
- exec "true" ; my $a
- defined(@array) is deprecated
- (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
- my @a ; defined @a ;
- defined (@a = (1,2,3)) ;
- defined(%hash) is deprecated
- (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
- my %h ; defined %h ;
- /---/ should probably be written as "---"
- join(/---/, @foo);
- %s() called too early to check prototype [Perl_peep]
- fred() ; sub fred ($$) {}
- Mandatory Warnings
- ------------------
- Prototype mismatch: [cv_ckproto]
- sub fred() ;
- sub fred($) {}
- %s never introduced [pad_leavemy] TODO
- Runaway prototype [newSUB] TODO
- oops: oopsAV [oopsAV] TODO
- oops: oopsHV [oopsHV] TODO
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-my $x ;
-my $x ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-my $x ;
-"my" variable $x masks earlier declaration in same scope at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'closure' ;
-sub x {
- my $x;
- sub y {
- $x
- }
- }
-Variable "$x" will not stay shared at - line 7.
-# op.c
-no warnings 'closure' ;
-sub x {
- my $x;
- sub y {
- $x
- }
- }
-# op.c
-use warnings 'closure' ;
-sub x {
- our $x;
- sub y {
- $x
- }
- }
-# op.c
-use warnings 'closure' ;
-sub x {
- my $x;
- sub y {
- sub { $x }
- }
- }
-Variable "$x" may be unavailable at - line 6.
-# op.c
-no warnings 'closure' ;
-sub x {
- my $x;
- sub y {
- sub { $x }
- }
- }
-# op.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-1 if $a = 1 ;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-1 if $a = 1 ;
-Found = in conditional, should be == at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-split ;
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-split ;
-Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-$a = split ;
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-$a = split ;
-Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated';
-my (@foo, %foo);
-$main::foo = {}; %$main::foo->{"bar"};
-$foo = {}; %$foo->{"bar"};
-$main::foo = []; @$main::foo->[34];
-$foo = []; @$foo->[34];
-no warnings 'deprecated';
-$main::foo = {}; %$main::foo->{"bar"};
-$foo = {}; %$foo->{"bar"};
-$main::foo = []; @$main::foo->[34];
-$foo = []; @$foo->[34];
-Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at - line 4.
-Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at - line 5.
-Using an array as a reference is deprecated at - line 6.
-Using an array as a reference is deprecated at - line 7.
-Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at - line 8.
-Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at - line 9.
-Using an array as a reference is deprecated at - line 10.
-Using an array as a reference is deprecated at - line 11.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ; close STDIN ;
-1 x 3 ; # OP_REPEAT
-wantarray ; # OP_WANTARRAY
- # OP_GV
-ref ; # OP_REF
-\@a ; # OP_REFGEN
-\$a ; # OP_SREFGEN
-defined $a ; # OP_DEFINED
-hex $a ; # OP_HEX
-oct $a ; # OP_OCT
-length $a ; # OP_LENGTH
-substr $a,1 ; # OP_SUBSTR
-vec $a,1,2 ; # OP_VEC
-index $a,1,2 ; # OP_INDEX
-rindex $a,1,2 ; # OP_RINDEX
-sprintf $a ; # OP_SPRINTF
-$a[0] ; # OP_AELEM
-@a[0] ; # OP_ASLICE
-#values %a ; # OP_VALUES
-#keys %a ; # OP_KEYS
-$a{0} ; # OP_HELEM
-@a{0} ; # OP_HSLICE
-unpack "a", "a" ; # OP_UNPACK
-pack $a,"" ; # OP_PACK
-join "" ; # OP_JOIN
-(@a)[0,1] ; # OP_LSLICE
-sort(1,2) ; # OP_SORT
-reverse(1,2) ; # OP_REVERSE
-(1 ..2) ; # OP_FLOP
-caller ; # OP_CALLER
-fileno STDIN ; # OP_FILENO
-eof STDIN ; # OP_EOF
-tell STDIN ; # OP_TELL
-readlink 1; # OP_READLINK
-time ; # OP_TIME
-localtime ; # OP_LOCALTIME
-gmtime ; # OP_GMTIME
-eval { getgrnam 1 }; # OP_GGRNAM
-eval { getgrgid 1 }; # OP_GGRGID
-eval { getpwnam 1 }; # OP_GPWNAM
-eval { getpwuid 1 }; # OP_GPWUID
-Useless use of repeat (x) in void context at - line 3.
-Useless use of wantarray in void context at - line 5.
-Useless use of reference-type operator in void context at - line 12.
-Useless use of reference constructor in void context at - line 13.
-Useless use of single ref constructor in void context at - line 14.
-Useless use of defined operator in void context at - line 15.
-Useless use of hex in void context at - line 16.
-Useless use of oct in void context at - line 17.
-Useless use of length in void context at - line 18.
-Useless use of substr in void context at - line 19.
-Useless use of vec in void context at - line 20.
-Useless use of index in void context at - line 21.
-Useless use of rindex in void context at - line 22.
-Useless use of sprintf in void context at - line 23.
-Useless use of array element in void context at - line 24.
-Useless use of array slice in void context at - line 26.
-Useless use of hash element in void context at - line 29.
-Useless use of hash slice in void context at - line 30.
-Useless use of unpack in void context at - line 31.
-Useless use of pack in void context at - line 32.
-Useless use of join or string in void context at - line 33.
-Useless use of list slice in void context at - line 34.
-Useless use of sort in void context at - line 37.
-Useless use of reverse in void context at - line 38.
-Useless use of range (or flop) in void context at - line 41.
-Useless use of caller in void context at - line 42.
-Useless use of fileno in void context at - line 43.
-Useless use of eof in void context at - line 44.
-Useless use of tell in void context at - line 45.
-Useless use of readlink in void context at - line 46.
-Useless use of time in void context at - line 47.
-Useless use of localtime in void context at - line 48.
-Useless use of gmtime in void context at - line 49.
-Useless use of getgrnam in void context at - line 50.
-Useless use of getgrgid in void context at - line 51.
-Useless use of getpwnam in void context at - line 52.
-Useless use of getpwuid in void context at - line 53.
-# op.c
-no warnings 'void' ; close STDIN ;
-1 x 3 ; # OP_REPEAT
-wantarray ; # OP_WANTARRAY
- # OP_GV
-ref ; # OP_REF
-\@a ; # OP_REFGEN
-\$a ; # OP_SREFGEN
-defined $a ; # OP_DEFINED
-hex $a ; # OP_HEX
-oct $a ; # OP_OCT
-length $a ; # OP_LENGTH
-substr $a,1 ; # OP_SUBSTR
-vec $a,1,2 ; # OP_VEC
-index $a,1,2 ; # OP_INDEX
-rindex $a,1,2 ; # OP_RINDEX
-sprintf $a ; # OP_SPRINTF
-$a[0] ; # OP_AELEM
-@a[0] ; # OP_ASLICE
-#values %a ; # OP_VALUES
-#keys %a ; # OP_KEYS
-$a{0} ; # OP_HELEM
-@a{0} ; # OP_HSLICE
-unpack "a", "a" ; # OP_UNPACK
-pack $a,"" ; # OP_PACK
-join "" ; # OP_JOIN
-(@a)[0,1] ; # OP_LSLICE
-sort(1,2) ; # OP_SORT
-reverse(1,2) ; # OP_REVERSE
-(1 ..2) ; # OP_FLOP
-caller ; # OP_CALLER
-fileno STDIN ; # OP_FILENO
-eof STDIN ; # OP_EOF
-tell STDIN ; # OP_TELL
-readlink 1; # OP_READLINK
-time ; # OP_TIME
-localtime ; # OP_LOCALTIME
-gmtime ; # OP_GMTIME
-eval { getgrnam 1 }; # OP_GGRNAM
-eval { getgrgid 1 }; # OP_GGRGID
-eval { getpwnam 1 }; # OP_GPWNAM
-eval { getpwuid 1 }; # OP_GPWUID
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-for (@{[0]}) { "$_" } # check warning isn't duplicated
-no warnings 'void' ;
-for (@{[0]}) { "$_" } # check warning isn't duplicated
-Useless use of string in void context at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-use Config ;
- if ( ! $Config{d_telldir}) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# telldir not present
- exit
- }
-telldir 1 ; # OP_TELLDIR
-no warnings 'void' ;
-telldir 1 ; # OP_TELLDIR
-Useless use of telldir in void context at - line 13.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-use Config ;
- if ( ! $Config{d_getppid}) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# getppid not present
- exit
- }
-getppid ; # OP_GETPPID
-no warnings 'void' ;
-getppid ; # OP_GETPPID
-Useless use of getppid in void context at - line 13.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-use Config ;
- if ( ! $Config{d_getpgrp}) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# getpgrp not present
- exit
- }
-getpgrp ; # OP_GETPGRP
-no warnings 'void' ;
-getpgrp ; # OP_GETPGRP
-Useless use of getpgrp in void context at - line 13.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-use Config ;
- if ( ! $Config{d_times}) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# times not present
- exit
- }
-times ; # OP_TMS
-no warnings 'void' ;
-times ; # OP_TMS
-Useless use of times in void context at - line 13.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-use Config ;
- if ( ! $Config{d_getprior} or $^O eq 'os2') { # Locks before fixpak22
- print <<EOM ;
-# getpriority not present
- exit
- }
-getpriority 1,2; # OP_GETPRIORITY
-no warnings 'void' ;
-getpriority 1,2; # OP_GETPRIORITY
-Useless use of getpriority in void context at - line 13.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-use Config ;
- if ( ! $Config{d_getlogin}) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# getlogin not present
- exit
- }
-getlogin ; # OP_GETLOGIN
-no warnings 'void' ;
-getlogin ; # OP_GETLOGIN
-Useless use of getlogin in void context at - line 13.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-use Config ; BEGIN {
-if ( ! $Config{d_socket}) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# getsockname not present
-# getpeername not present
-# gethostbyname not present
-# gethostbyaddr not present
-# gethostent not present
-# getnetbyname not present
-# getnetbyaddr not present
-# getnetent not present
-# getprotobyname not present
-# getprotobynumber not present
-# getprotoent not present
-# getservbyname not present
-# getservbyport not present
-# getservent not present
- exit
-} }
-getsockname STDIN ; # OP_GETSOCKNAME
-getpeername STDIN ; # OP_GETPEERNAME
-gethostbyname 1 ; # OP_GHBYNAME
-gethostbyaddr 1,2; # OP_GHBYADDR
-gethostent ; # OP_GHOSTENT
-getnetbyname 1 ; # OP_GNBYNAME
-getnetbyaddr 1,2 ; # OP_GNBYADDR
-getnetent ; # OP_GNETENT
-getprotobyname 1; # OP_GPBYNAME
-getprotobynumber 1; # OP_GPBYNUMBER
-getprotoent ; # OP_GPROTOENT
-getservbyname 1,2; # OP_GSBYNAME
-getservbyport 1,2; # OP_GSBYPORT
-getservent ; # OP_GSERVENT
-no warnings 'void' ;
-getsockname STDIN ; # OP_GETSOCKNAME
-getpeername STDIN ; # OP_GETPEERNAME
-gethostbyname 1 ; # OP_GHBYNAME
-gethostbyaddr 1,2; # OP_GHBYADDR
-gethostent ; # OP_GHOSTENT
-getnetbyname 1 ; # OP_GNBYNAME
-getnetbyaddr 1,2 ; # OP_GNBYADDR
-getnetent ; # OP_GNETENT
-getprotobyname 1; # OP_GPBYNAME
-getprotobynumber 1; # OP_GPBYNUMBER
-getprotoent ; # OP_GPROTOENT
-getservbyname 1,2; # OP_GSBYNAME
-getservbyport 1,2; # OP_GSBYPORT
-getservent ; # OP_GSERVENT
- # some functions may not be there, so we exit without running
- exit;
-Useless use of getsockname in void context at - line 24.
-Useless use of getpeername in void context at - line 25.
-Useless use of gethostbyname in void context at - line 26.
-Useless use of gethostbyaddr in void context at - line 27.
-Useless use of gethostent in void context at - line 28.
-Useless use of getnetbyname in void context at - line 29.
-Useless use of getnetbyaddr in void context at - line 30.
-Useless use of getnetent in void context at - line 31.
-Useless use of getprotobyname in void context at - line 32.
-Useless use of getprotobynumber in void context at - line 33.
-Useless use of getprotoent in void context at - line 34.
-Useless use of getservbyname in void context at - line 35.
-Useless use of getservbyport in void context at - line 36.
-Useless use of getservent in void context at - line 37.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-*a ; # OP_RV2GV
-$a ; # OP_RV2SV
-@a ; # OP_RV2AV
-%a ; # OP_RV2HV
-no warnings 'void' ;
-*a ; # OP_RV2GV
-$a ; # OP_RV2SV
-@a ; # OP_RV2AV
-%a ; # OP_RV2HV
-Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 3.
-Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 4.
-Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 5.
-Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 6.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'void' ;
-"abc"; # OP_CONST
-7 ; # OP_CONST
-no warnings 'void' ;
-"abc"; # OP_CONST
-7 ; # OP_CONST
-Useless use of a constant in void context at - line 3.
-Useless use of a constant in void context at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-my $a ; my @a = () ; my %a = () ; my $b = \@a ; my $c = \%a ;
-@a =~ /abc/ ;
-@a =~ s/a/b/ ;
-@a =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-@$b =~ /abc/ ;
-@$b =~ s/a/b/ ;
-@$b =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-%a =~ /abc/ ;
-%a =~ s/a/b/ ;
-%a =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-%$c =~ /abc/ ;
-%$c =~ s/a/b/ ;
-%$c =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-my $a ; my @a = () ; my %a = () ; my $b = \@a ; my $c = \%a ;
-@a =~ /abc/ ;
-@a =~ s/a/b/ ;
-@a =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-@$b =~ /abc/ ;
-@$b =~ s/a/b/ ;
-@$b =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-%a =~ /abc/ ;
-%a =~ s/a/b/ ;
-%a =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-%$c =~ /abc/ ;
-%$c =~ s/a/b/ ;
-%$c =~ tr/a/b/ ;
-Applying pattern match (m//) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 5.
-Applying substitution (s///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 6.
-Applying transliteration (tr///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 7.
-Applying pattern match (m//) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 8.
-Applying substitution (s///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 9.
-Applying transliteration (tr///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 10.
-Applying pattern match (m//) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 11.
-Applying substitution (s///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 12.
-Applying transliteration (tr///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 13.
-Applying pattern match (m//) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 14.
-Applying substitution (s///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 15.
-Applying transliteration (tr///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 16.
-Can't modify private array in substitution (s///) at - line 6, near "s/a/b/ ;"
-BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at - line 18.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a, $b = (1,2);
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $c, $d = (1,2);
-Parentheses missing around "my" list at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-local $a, $b = (1,2);
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-local $c, $d = (1,2);
-Parentheses missing around "local" list at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'bareword' ;
-print (ABC || 1) ;
-no warnings 'bareword' ;
-print (ABC || 1) ;
-Bareword found in conditional at - line 3.
---FILE-- abc
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-open FH, "<abc" ;
-$x = 1 if $x = <FH> ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 if $x = <FH> ;
-Value of <HANDLE> construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-opendir FH, "." ;
-$x = 1 if $x = readdir FH ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 if $x = readdir FH ;
-closedir FH ;
-Value of readdir() operator can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 if $x = <*> ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 if $x = <*> ;
-Value of glob construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-%a = (1,2,3,4) ;
-$x = 1 if $x = each %a ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 if $x = each %a ;
-Value of each() operator can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 while $x = <*> and 0 ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 while $x = <*> and 0 ;
-Value of glob construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-opendir FH, "." ;
-$x = 1 while $x = readdir FH and 0 ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-$x = 1 while $x = readdir FH and 0 ;
-closedir FH ;
-Value of readdir() operator can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub fred {}
-sub fred {}
-no warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub fred {}
-Subroutine fred redefined at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub fred () { 1 }
-sub fred () { 1 }
-no warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub fred () { 1 }
-Constant subroutine fred redefined at - line 4.
-# op.c
-no warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub fred () { 1 }
-sub fred () { 2 }
-Constant subroutine fred redefined at - line 4.
-# op.c
-no warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub fred () { 1 }
-*fred = sub () { 2 };
-Constant subroutine fred redefined at - line 4.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'redefine' ;
-format FRED =
-format FRED =
-no warnings 'redefine' ;
-format FRED =
-Format FRED redefined at - line 5.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-push FRED;
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-push FRED;
-Array @FRED missing the @ in argument 1 of push() at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-@a = keys FRED ;
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-@a = keys FRED ;
-Hash %FRED missing the % in argument 1 of keys() at - line 3.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-exec "$^X -e 1" ;
-my $a
-Statement unlikely to be reached at - line 4.
- (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-my @a; defined(@a);
-defined(@array) is deprecated at - line 3.
- (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-defined(@a = (1,2,3));
-defined(@array) is deprecated at - line 3.
- (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
-# op.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-my %h; defined(%h);
-defined(%hash) is deprecated at - line 3.
- (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
-# op.c
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-exec "$^X -e 1" ;
-my $a
-# op.c
-sub fred();
-sub fred($) {}
-Prototype mismatch: sub main::fred () vs ($) at - line 3.
-# op.c
-$^W = 0 ;
-sub fred() ;
-sub fred($) {}
- no warnings 'prototype' ;
- sub Fred() ;
- sub Fred($) {}
- use warnings 'prototype' ;
- sub freD() ;
- sub freD($) {}
-sub FRED() ;
-sub FRED($) {}
-Prototype mismatch: sub main::fred () vs ($) at - line 4.
-Prototype mismatch: sub main::freD () vs ($) at - line 11.
-Prototype mismatch: sub main::FRED () vs ($) at - line 14.
-# op.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-join /---/, 'x', 'y', 'z';
-/---/ should probably be written as "---" at - line 3.
-# op.c [Perl_peep]
-use warnings 'prototype' ;
-fred() ;
-sub fred ($$) {}
-no warnings 'prototype' ;
-joe() ;
-sub joe ($$) {}
-main::fred() called too early to check prototype at - line 3.
-# op.c [Perl_newATTRSUB]
-use warnings 'void' ;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "in begin\n"; }
-CHECK { print "in check\n"; }
-INIT { print "in init\n"; }
-END { print "in end\n"; }
-print "in mainline\n";
-use abc;
-delete $INC{""};
-require abc;
-do "";
-in begin
-in mainline
-in check
-in init
-in begin
-Too late to run CHECK block at line 3.
-Too late to run INIT block at line 4.
-in mainline
-in begin
-Too late to run CHECK block at line 3.
-Too late to run INIT block at line 4.
-in mainline
-in end
-in end
-in end
-# op.c [Perl_newATTRSUB]
-no warnings 'void' ;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "in begin\n"; }
-CHECK { print "in check\n"; }
-INIT { print "in init\n"; }
-END { print "in end\n"; }
-print "in mainline\n";
-require abc;
-do "";
-in begin
-in mainline
-in begin
-in mainline
-in end
-in end
-# op.c
-my @x;
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-Useless use of push with no values at - line 4.
-Useless use of unshift with no values at - line 5.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/perl b/t/pragma/warn/perl
deleted file mode 100644
index 512ee7fb65..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/perl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- perl.c AOK
- gv_check(defstash)
- Name \"%s::%s\" used only once: possible typo
- Mandatory Warnings All TODO
- ------------------
- Recompile perl with -DDEBUGGING to use -D switch [moreswitches]
- Unbalanced scopes: %ld more ENTERs than LEAVEs [perl_destruct]
- Unbalanced saves: %ld more saves than restores [perl_destruct]
- Unbalanced tmps: %ld more allocs than frees [perl_destruct]
- Unbalanced context: %ld more PUSHes than POPs [perl_destruct]
- Unbalanced string table refcount: (%d) for \"%s\" [perl_destruct]
- Scalars leaked: %ld [perl_destruct]
-# perl.c
-no warnings 'once' ;
-$x = 3 ;
-use warnings 'once' ;
-$z = 3 ;
-Name "main::z" used only once: possible typo at - line 5.
-# perl.c
-$x = 3 ;
-no warnings 'once' ;
-$z = 3
-Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at - line 3.
-# perl.c
-BEGIN { $^W =1 ; }
-$x = 3 ;
-no warnings 'once' ;
-$z = 3
-Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at - line 3.
-# perl.c
-no warnings 'once' ;
-$x = 3 ;
-use warnings 'once' ;
-$z = 3 ;
-Name "main::z" used only once: possible typo at - line 6.
-Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at - line 4.
-# perl.c
-use warnings 'once' ;
-$x = 3 ;
-# perl.c
-{ use warnings 'once' ; $x = 3 ; }
-$y = 3 ;
-Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at - line 3.
-# perl.c
-$z = 3 ;
-BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
-{ no warnings 'once' ; $x = 3 ; }
-$y = 3 ;
-Name "main::y" used only once: possible typo at - line 6.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/perlio b/t/pragma/warn/perlio
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c0dfa89f..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/perlio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- perlio.c
- Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO
- ------------------
- Setting cnt to %d
- Setting ptr %p > end+1 %p
- Setting cnt to %d, ptr implies %d
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/perly b/t/pragma/warn/perly
deleted file mode 100644
index afc5dccc72..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/perly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- perly.y AOK
- dep() => deprecate("\"do\" to call subroutines")
- Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated
- sub fred {} do fred()
- sub fred {} do fred(1)
- sub fred {} $a = "fred" ; do $a()
- sub fred {} $a = "fred" ; do $a(1)
-# perly.y
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-sub fred {}
-do fred() ;
-do fred(1) ;
-$a = "fred" ;
-do $a() ;
-do $a(1) ;
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-do fred() ;
-do fred(1) ;
-$a = "fred" ;
-do $a() ;
-do $a(1) ;
-Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 4.
-Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 5.
-Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 7.
-Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 8.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/pp b/t/pragma/warn/pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 62f054a6ee..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- pp.c TODO
- substr outside of string
- $a = "ab" ; $b = substr($a, 4,5) ;
- Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr
- $a = "ab" ; $b = \$a ; substr($b, 1,1) = $b
- uninitialized in pp_rv2gv()
- my *b = *{ undef()}
- uninitialized in pp_rv2sv()
- my $a = undef ; my $b = $$a
- Odd number of elements in hash list
- my $a = { 1,2,3 } ;
- Invalid type in unpack: '%c
- my $A = pack ("A,A", 1,2) ;
- my @A = unpack ("A,A", "22") ;
- Attempt to pack pointer to temporary value
- pack("p", "abc") ;
- Explicit blessing to '' (assuming package main)
- bless \[], "";
- Constant subroutine %s undefined <<<TODO
- Constant subroutine (anonymous) undefined <<<TODO
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'substr' ;
-$a = "ab" ;
-$b = substr($a, 4,5) ;
-no warnings 'substr' ;
-$a = "ab" ;
-$b = substr($a, 4,5) ;
-substr outside of string at - line 4.
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'substr' ;
-$a = "ab" ;
-$b = \$a ;
-substr($b, 1,1) = "ab" ;
-no warnings 'substr' ;
-substr($b, 1,1) = "ab" ;
-Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr at - line 5.
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-my $a = { 1,2,3};
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-my $b = { 1,2,3};
-Odd number of elements in hash assignment at - line 3.
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'pack' ;
-use warnings 'unpack' ;
-my @a = unpack ("A,A", "22") ;
-my $a = pack ("A,A", 1,2) ;
-no warnings 'pack' ;
-no warnings 'unpack' ;
-my @b = unpack ("A,A", "22") ;
-my $b = pack ("A,A", 1,2) ;
-Invalid type in unpack: ',' at - line 4.
-Invalid type in pack: ',' at - line 5.
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $a = undef ;
-my $b = $$a;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $c = $$a;
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar dereference at - line 4.
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'pack' ;
-sub foo { my $a = "a"; return $a . $a++ . $a++ }
-my $a = pack("p", &foo) ;
-no warnings 'pack' ;
-my $b = pack("p", &foo) ;
-Attempt to pack pointer to temporary value at - line 4.
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-bless \[], "" ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-bless \[], "" ;
-Explicit blessing to '' (assuming package main) at - line 3.
-# pp.c
-use utf8 ;
-$_ = "\x80 \xff" ;
-reverse ;
-# pp.c
-use warnings 'pack' ;
-print unpack("C", pack("C", -1)), "\n";
-print unpack("C", pack("C", 0)), "\n";
-print unpack("C", pack("C", 255)), "\n";
-print unpack("C", pack("C", 256)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", -129)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", -128)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", 127)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", 128)), "\n";
-no warnings 'pack' ;
-print unpack("C", pack("C", -1)), "\n";
-print unpack("C", pack("C", 0)), "\n";
-print unpack("C", pack("C", 255)), "\n";
-print unpack("C", pack("C", 256)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", -129)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", -128)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", 127)), "\n";
-print unpack("c", pack("c", 128)), "\n";
-Character in "C" format wrapped at - line 3.
-Character in "C" format wrapped at - line 6.
-Character in "c" format wrapped at - line 7.
-Character in "c" format wrapped at - line 10.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/pp_ctl b/t/pragma/warn/pp_ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index ac01f277b1..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/pp_ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- pp_ctl.c AOK
- Not enough format arguments
- format STDOUT =
- @<<< @<<<
- $a
- .
- write;
- Exiting substitution via %s
- $_ = "abc" ;
- while ($i ++ == 0)
- {
- s/ab/last/e ;
- }
- Exiting subroutine via %s
- sub fred { last }
- { fred() }
- Exiting eval via %s
- { eval "last" }
- Exiting pseudo-block via %s
- @a = (1,2) ; @b = sort { last } @a ;
- Exiting substitution via %s
- $_ = "abc" ;
- last fred:
- while ($i ++ == 0)
- {
- s/ab/last fred/e ;
- }
- Exiting subroutine via %s
- sub fred { last joe }
- joe: { fred() }
- Exiting eval via %s
- fred: { eval "last fred" }
- Exiting pseudo-block via %s
- @a = (1,2) ; fred: @b = sort { last fred } @a ;
- Deep recursion on subroutine \"%s\"
- sub fred
- {
- fred() if $a++ < 200
- }
- fred()
- (in cleanup) foo bar
- package Foo;
- DESTROY { die "foo bar" }
- { bless [], 'Foo' for 1..10 }
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-format STDOUT =
-@<<< @<<<
-Not enough format arguments at - line 5.
-# pp_ctl.c
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-format =
-@<<< @<<<
-write ;
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'exiting' ;
-$_ = "abc" ;
-while ($i ++ == 0)
- s/ab/last/e ;
-no warnings 'exiting' ;
-while ($i ++ == 0)
- s/ab/last/e ;
-Exiting substitution via last at - line 7.
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'exiting' ;
-sub fred { last }
-{ fred() }
-no warnings 'exiting' ;
-sub joe { last }
-{ joe() }
-Exiting subroutine via last at - line 3.
-# pp_ctl.c
- eval "use warnings 'exiting' ; last;"
-print STDERR $@ ;
- eval "no warnings 'exiting' ;last;"
-print STDERR $@ ;
-Exiting eval via last at (eval 1) line 1.
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'exiting' ;
-@a = (1,2) ;
-@b = sort { last } @a ;
-no warnings 'exiting' ;
-@b = sort { last } @a ;
-Exiting pseudo-block via last at - line 4.
-Can't "last" outside a loop block at - line 4.
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'exiting' ;
-$_ = "abc" ;
-while ($i ++ == 0)
- s/ab/last fred/e ;
-no warnings 'exiting' ;
-while ($i ++ == 0)
- s/ab/last fred/e ;
-Exiting substitution via last at - line 7.
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'exiting' ;
-sub fred { last joe }
-joe: { fred() }
-no warnings 'exiting' ;
-sub Fred { last Joe }
-Joe: { Fred() }
-Exiting subroutine via last at - line 3.
-# pp_ctl.c
-{ eval "use warnings 'exiting' ; last joe;" }
-print STDERR $@ ;
-{ eval "no warnings 'exiting' ; last Joe;" }
-print STDERR $@ ;
-Exiting eval via last at (eval 1) line 1.
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'exiting' ;
-@a = (1,2) ;
-fred: @b = sort { last fred } @a ;
-no warnings 'exiting' ;
-Fred: @b = sort { last Fred } @a ;
-Exiting pseudo-block via last at - line 4.
-Label not found for "last fred" at - line 4.
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'recursion' ;
-BEGIN { warn "PREFIX\n" ;}
-sub fred
- fred() if $a++ < 200
-Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred" at - line 6.
-# pp_ctl.c
-no warnings 'recursion' ;
-BEGIN { warn "PREFIX\n" ;}
-sub fred
- fred() if $a++ < 200
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-package Foo;
-DESTROY { die "@{$_[0]} foo bar" }
-{ bless ['A'], 'Foo' for 1..10 }
-{ bless ['B'], 'Foo' for 1..10 }
- (in cleanup) A foo bar at - line 4.
- (in cleanup) B foo bar at - line 4.
-# pp_ctl.c
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-package Foo;
-DESTROY { die "@{$_[0]} foo bar" }
-{ bless ['A'], 'Foo' for 1..10 }
-{ bless ['B'], 'Foo' for 1..10 }
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings;
-eval 'print $foo';
-Use of uninitialized value in print at (eval 1) line 1.
-# pp_ctl.c
-use warnings;
- no warnings;
- eval 'print $foo';
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/pp_hot b/t/pragma/warn/pp_hot
deleted file mode 100644
index c5a3790587..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/pp_hot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- pp_hot.c
- print() on unopened filehandle abc [pp_print]
- $f = $a = "abc" ; print $f $a
- Filehandle %s opened only for input [pp_print]
- print STDIN "abc" ;
- Filehandle %s opened only for output [pp_print]
- print <STDOUT> ;
- print() on closed filehandle %s [pp_print]
- close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
- uninitialized [pp_rv2av]
- my $a = undef ; my @b = @$a
- uninitialized [pp_rv2hv]
- my $a = undef ; my %b = %$a
- Odd number of elements in hash list [pp_aassign]
- %X = (1,2,3) ;
- Reference found where even-sized list expected [pp_aassign]
- $X = [ 1 ..3 ];
- Filehandle %s opened only for output [Perl_do_readline]
- open (FH, ">./xcv") ;
- my $a = <FH> ;
- glob failed (can't start child: %s) [Perl_do_readline] <<TODO
- readline() on closed filehandle %s [Perl_do_readline]
- close STDIN ; $a = <STDIN>;
- readline() on closed filehandle %s [Perl_do_readline]
- readline(NONESUCH);
- glob failed (child exited with status %d%s) [Perl_do_readline] <<TODO
- Deep recursion on subroutine \"%s\" [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
- sub fred { fred() if $a++ < 200} fred()
- Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
- $a = sub { &$a if $a++ < 200} &$a
- Possible Y2K bug: about to append an integer to '19' [pp_concat]
- $x = "19$yy\n";
- Use of reference "%s" as array index [pp_aelem]
- $x[\1]
-# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
-use warnings 'unopened' ;
-$f = $a = "abc" ;
-print $f $a;
-no warnings 'unopened' ;
-print $f $a;
-print() on unopened filehandle abc at - line 4.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-print STDIN "anc";
-print <STDOUT>;
-print <STDERR>;
-open(FOO, ">&STDOUT") and print <FOO>;
-print getc(STDERR);
-print getc(FOO);
-# The next test is known to fail on some systems (Linux+old glibc, #
-# some *BSDs (including Mac OS X and NeXT), among others. #
-# We skip it for now (on the grounds that it is "just" a warning). #
-no warnings 'io' ;
-print STDIN "anc";
-Filehandle STDIN opened only for input at - line 3.
-Filehandle STDOUT opened only for output at - line 4.
-Filehandle STDERR opened only for output at - line 5.
-Filehandle FOO opened only for output at - line 6.
-Filehandle STDERR opened only for output at - line 7.
-Filehandle FOO opened only for output at - line 8.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
-use warnings 'closed' ;
-close STDIN ;
-print STDIN "anc";
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-print STDIN "anc";
-closedir STDIN;
-no warnings 'closed' ;
-print STDIN "anc";
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-print STDIN "anc";
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
-print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
- (Are you trying to call print() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-# pp_hot.c [pp_rv2av]
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $a = undef ;
-my @b = @$a;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my @c = @$a;
-Use of uninitialized value in array dereference at - line 4.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_rv2hv]
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $a = undef ;
-my %b = %$a;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my %c = %$a;
-Use of uninitialized value in hash dereference at - line 4.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_aassign]
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-my %X ; %X = (1,2,3) ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-my %Y ; %Y = (1,2,3) ;
-Odd number of elements in hash assignment at - line 3.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_aassign]
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-my %X ; %X = [1 .. 3] ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-my %Y ; %Y = [1 .. 3] ;
-Reference found where even-sized list expected at - line 3.
-# pp_hot.c [Perl_do_readline]
-use warnings 'closed' ;
-close STDIN ; $a = <STDIN> ;
-opendir STDIN, "." ; $a = <STDIN> ;
-closedir STDIN;
-no warnings 'closed' ;
-opendir STDIN, "." ; $a = <STDIN> ;
-$a = <STDIN> ;
-readline() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 3.
-readline() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
- (Are you trying to call readline() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-# pp_hot.c [Perl_do_readline]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-my $file = "./xcv" ; unlink $file ;
-open (FH, ">./xcv") ;
-my $a = <FH> ;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-$a = <FH> ;
-close (FH) ;
-unlink $file ;
-Filehandle FH opened only for output at - line 5.
-# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
-use warnings 'recursion' ;
-sub fred
- fred() if $a++ < 200
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- die "ok\n" if $_[0] =~ /^Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred"/
- };
- fred();
-# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
-no warnings 'recursion' ;
-sub fred
- fred() if $a++ < 200
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- die "ok\n" if $_[0] =~ /^Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred"/
- };
- fred();
-# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
-use warnings 'recursion' ;
-$b = sub
- &$b if $a++ < 200
-} ;
-&$b ;
-Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at - line 5.
-# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
-no warnings 'recursion' ;
-$b = sub
- &$b if $a++ < 200
-} ;
-&$b ;
-# pp_hot.c [pp_concat]
-use warnings 'uninitialized';
-my($x, $y);
-sub a { shift }
-a($x . "x"); # should warn once
-a($x . $y); # should warn twice
-$x .= $y; # should warn once
-$y .= $y; # should warn once
-Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 5.
-Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 6.
-Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 6.
-Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 7.
-Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 8.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_concat]
-use warnings 'y2k';
-use Config;
- unless ($Config{ccflags} =~ /Y2KWARN/) {
- print "SKIPPED\n# perl not built with -DPERL_Y2KWARN";
- exit 0;
- }
-my $x;
-my $yy = 78;
-$x = "19$yy\n";
-$x = "19" . $yy . "\n";
-$x = "319$yy\n";
-$x = "319" . $yy . "\n";
-$yy = 19;
-$x = "ok $yy\n";
-$yy = 9;
-$x = 1 . $yy;
-no warnings 'y2k';
-$x = "19$yy\n";
-$x = "19" . $yy . "\n";
-Possible Y2K bug: about to append an integer to '19' at - line 12.
-Possible Y2K bug: about to append an integer to '19' at - line 13.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_aelem]
-use warnings 'misc';
-print $x[\1];
-no warnings 'misc';
-print $x[\1];
-OPTION regex
-Use of reference ".*" as array index at - line 4.
-# pp_hot.c [pp_aelem]
-package Foo;use overload q("") => sub {};package main;$a = bless {}, "Foo";
-$b = {};
-use warnings 'misc';
-print $x[$a];
-print $x[$b];
-no warnings 'misc';
-print $x[$a];
-print $x[$b];
-OPTION regex
-Use of reference ".*" as array index at - line 7.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/pp_sys b/t/pragma/warn/pp_sys
deleted file mode 100644
index e30637b0d4..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/pp_sys
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
- pp_sys.c AOK
- untie attempted while %d inner references still exist [pp_untie]
- sub TIESCALAR { bless [] } ; tie $a, 'main'; untie $a ;
- fileno() on unopened filehandle abc [pp_fileno]
- $a = "abc"; fileno($a)
- binmode() on unopened filehandle abc [pp_binmode]
- $a = "abc"; fileno($a)
- printf() on unopened filehandle abc [pp_prtf]
- $a = "abc"; printf $a "fred"
- Filehandle %s opened only for input [pp_leavewrite]
- format STDIN =
- .
- write STDIN;
- write() on closed filehandle %s [pp_leavewrite]
- format STDIN =
- .
- close STDIN;
- write STDIN ;
- page overflow [pp_leavewrite]
- printf() on unopened filehandle abc [pp_prtf]
- $a = "abc"; printf $a "fred"
- Filehandle %s opened only for input [pp_prtf]
- $a = "abc";
- printf $a "fred"
- printf() on closed filehandle %s [pp_prtf]
- close STDIN ;
- printf STDIN "fred"
- syswrite() on closed filehandle %s [pp_send]
- close STDIN;
- syswrite STDIN, "fred", 1;
- send() on closed socket %s [pp_send]
- close STDIN;
- send STDIN, "fred", 1
- bind() on closed socket %s [pp_bind]
- close STDIN;
- bind STDIN, "fred" ;
- connect() on closed socket %s [pp_connect]
- close STDIN;
- connect STDIN, "fred" ;
- listen() on closed socket %s [pp_listen]
- close STDIN;
- listen STDIN, 2;
- accept() on closed socket %s [pp_accept]
- close STDIN;
- accept "fred", STDIN ;
- shutdown() on closed socket %s [pp_shutdown]
- close STDIN;
- shutdown STDIN, 0;
- setsockopt() on closed socket %s [pp_ssockopt]
- getsockopt() on closed socket %s [pp_ssockopt]
- close STDIN;
- setsockopt STDIN, 1,2,3;
- getsockopt STDIN, 1,2;
- getsockname() on closed socket %s [pp_getpeername]
- getpeername() on closed socket %s [pp_getpeername]
- close STDIN;
- getsockname STDIN;
- getpeername STDIN;
- flock() on closed socket %s [pp_flock]
- flock() on closed socket [pp_flock]
- close STDIN;
- flock STDIN, 8;
- flock $a, 8;
- The stat preceding lstat() wasn't an lstat %s [pp_stat]
- lstat(STDIN);
- warn(warn_nl, "stat"); [pp_stat]
- -T on closed filehandle %s
- stat() on closed filehandle %s
- close STDIN ; -T STDIN ; stat(STDIN) ;
- warn(warn_nl, "open"); [pp_fttext]
- -T "abc\ndef" ;
- Filehandle %s opened only for output [pp_sysread]
- my $file = "./xcv" ;
- open(F, ">$file") ;
- my $a = sysread(F, $a,10) ;
-# pp_sys.c [pp_untie]
-use warnings 'untie' ;
-sub TIESCALAR { bless [] } ;
-$b = tie $a, 'main';
-untie $a ;
-no warnings 'untie' ;
-$c = tie $d, 'main';
-untie $d ;
-untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist at - line 5.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_leavewrite]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-format STDIN =
-write STDIN;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-write STDIN;
-Filehandle STDIN opened only for input at - line 5.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_leavewrite]
-use warnings 'closed' ;
-format STDIN =
-close STDIN;
-write STDIN;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-write STDIN;
-closedir STDIN;
-no warnings 'closed' ;
-write STDIN;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-write STDIN;
-write() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
-write() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 8.
- (Are you trying to call write() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-# pp_sys.c [pp_leavewrite]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-format STDOUT_TOP =
-format STDOUT =
-$= = 1 ;
-$- =1 ;
-open STDOUT, ">".($^O eq 'VMS'? 'NL:' : '/dev/null') ;
-write ;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-write ;
-page overflow at - line 13.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_prtf]
-use warnings 'unopened' ;
-$a = "abc";
-printf $a "fred";
-no warnings 'unopened' ;
-printf $a "fred";
-printf() on unopened filehandle abc at - line 4.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_prtf]
-use warnings 'closed' ;
-close STDIN ;
-printf STDIN "fred";
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-printf STDIN "fred";
-closedir STDIN;
-no warnings 'closed' ;
-printf STDIN "fred";
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-printf STDIN "fred";
-printf() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
-printf() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
- (Are you trying to call printf() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-# pp_sys.c [pp_prtf]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-printf STDIN "fred";
-no warnings 'io' ;
-printf STDIN "fred";
-Filehandle STDIN opened only for input at - line 3.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_send]
-use warnings 'closed' ;
-close STDIN;
-syswrite STDIN, "fred", 1;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-syswrite STDIN, "fred", 1;
-closedir STDIN;
-no warnings 'closed' ;
-syswrite STDIN, "fred", 1;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-syswrite STDIN, "fred", 1;
-syswrite() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
-syswrite() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
- (Are you trying to call syswrite() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-# pp_sys.c [pp_flock]
-use Config;
- if ( !$Config{d_flock} &&
- !$Config{d_fcntl_can_lock} &&
- !$Config{d_lockf} ) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# flock not present
- exit ;
- }
-use warnings qw(unopened closed);
-close STDIN;
-flock STDIN, 8;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-flock STDIN, 8;
-flock FOO, 8;
-flock $a, 8;
-no warnings qw(unopened closed);
-flock STDIN, 8;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-flock STDIN, 8;
-flock FOO, 8;
-flock $a, 8;
-flock() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 16.
-flock() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 18.
- (Are you trying to call flock() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-flock() on unopened filehandle FOO at - line 19.
-flock() on unopened filehandle at - line 20.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_prtf pp_send pp_bind pp_connect pp_listen pp_accept pp_shutdown pp_ssockopt ppp_getpeername]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-use Config;
- if ( $^O ne 'VMS' and ! $Config{d_socket}) {
- print <<EOM ;
-# send not present
-# bind not present
-# connect not present
-# accept not present
-# shutdown not present
-# setsockopt not present
-# getsockopt not present
-# getsockname not present
-# getpeername not present
- exit ;
- }
-close STDIN;
-send STDIN, "fred", 1;
-bind STDIN, "fred" ;
-connect STDIN, "fred" ;
-listen STDIN, 2;
-accept "fred", STDIN;
-shutdown STDIN, 0;
-setsockopt STDIN, 1,2,3;
-getsockopt STDIN, 1,2;
-getsockname STDIN;
-getpeername STDIN;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-send STDIN, "fred", 1;
-bind STDIN, "fred" ;
-connect STDIN, "fred" ;
-listen STDIN, 2;
-accept "fred", STDIN;
-shutdown STDIN, 0;
-setsockopt STDIN, 1,2,3;
-getsockopt STDIN, 1,2;
-getsockname STDIN;
-getpeername STDIN;
-closedir STDIN;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-send STDIN, "fred", 1;
-bind STDIN, "fred" ;
-connect STDIN, "fred" ;
-listen STDIN, 2;
-accept STDIN, "fred" ;
-shutdown STDIN, 0;
-setsockopt STDIN, 1,2,3;
-getsockopt STDIN, 1,2;
-getsockname STDIN;
-getpeername STDIN;
-opendir STDIN, ".";
-send STDIN, "fred", 1;
-bind STDIN, "fred" ;
-connect STDIN, "fred" ;
-listen STDIN, 2;
-accept "fred", STDIN;
-shutdown STDIN, 0;
-setsockopt STDIN, 1,2,3;
-getsockopt STDIN, 1,2;
-getsockname STDIN;
-getpeername STDIN;
-send() on closed socket STDIN at - line 22.
-bind() on closed socket STDIN at - line 23.
-connect() on closed socket STDIN at - line 24.
-listen() on closed socket STDIN at - line 25.
-accept() on closed socket STDIN at - line 26.
-shutdown() on closed socket STDIN at - line 27.
-setsockopt() on closed socket STDIN at - line 28.
-getsockopt() on closed socket STDIN at - line 29.
-getsockname() on closed socket STDIN at - line 30.
-getpeername() on closed socket STDIN at - line 31.
-send() on closed socket STDIN at - line 33.
- (Are you trying to call send() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-bind() on closed socket STDIN at - line 34.
- (Are you trying to call bind() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-connect() on closed socket STDIN at - line 35.
- (Are you trying to call connect() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-listen() on closed socket STDIN at - line 36.
- (Are you trying to call listen() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-accept() on closed socket STDIN at - line 37.
- (Are you trying to call accept() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-shutdown() on closed socket STDIN at - line 38.
- (Are you trying to call shutdown() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-setsockopt() on closed socket STDIN at - line 39.
- (Are you trying to call setsockopt() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-getsockopt() on closed socket STDIN at - line 40.
- (Are you trying to call getsockopt() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-getsockname() on closed socket STDIN at - line 41.
- (Are you trying to call getsockname() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-getpeername() on closed socket STDIN at - line 42.
- (Are you trying to call getpeername() on dirhandle STDIN?)
-# pp_sys.c [pp_stat]
-use warnings 'newline' ;
-stat "abc\ndef";
-no warnings 'newline' ;
-stat "abc\ndef";
-Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at - line 3.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_stat]
-use Config;
- if ($^O eq 'd_lstat') {
- print <<EOM ;
-# lstat not present
- exit ;
- }
-use warnings 'io' ;
-lstat(STDIN) ;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-lstat(STDIN) ;
-The stat preceding lstat() wasn't an lstat at - line 13.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_fttext]
-use warnings qw(unopened closed) ;
-close STDIN ;
-stat(STDIN) ;
-no warnings qw(unopened closed) ;
--T on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
-stat() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 5.
--T on unopened filehandle HOCUS at - line 6.
-stat() on unopened filehandle POCUS at - line 7.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_fttext]
-use warnings 'newline' ;
--T "abc\ndef" ;
-no warnings 'newline' ;
--T "abc\ndef" ;
-Unsuccessful open on filename containing newline at - line 3.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_sysread]
-use warnings 'io' ;
-if ($^O eq 'dos') {
- print <<EOM ;
-# skipped on dos
- exit ;
-my $file = "./xcv" ;
-open(F, ">$file") ;
-my $a = sysread(F, $a,10) ;
-no warnings 'io' ;
-my $a = sysread(F, $a,10) ;
-close F ;
-unlink $file ;
-Filehandle F opened only for output at - line 12.
-# pp_sys.c [pp_binmode]
-use warnings 'unopened' ;
-$a = "BLERG";binmode($a);
-binmode() on unopened filehandle BLARG at - line 3.
-binmode() on unopened filehandle at - line 4.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/regcomp b/t/pragma/warn/regcomp
deleted file mode 100644
index ceca4410d6..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/regcomp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
- regcomp.c AOK
- Quantifier unexpected on zero-length expression [S_study_chunk]
- (?p{}) is deprecated - use (??{}) [S_reg]
- $a =~ /(?p{'x'})/ ;
- Useless (%s%c) - %suse /%c modifier [S_reg]
- Useless (%sc) - %suse /gc modifier [S_reg]
- Strange *+?{} on zero-length expression [S_study_chunk]
- /(?=a)?/
- %.*s matches null string many times [S_regpiece]
- $a = "ABC123" ; $a =~ /(?=a)*/'
- /%.127s/: Unrecognized escape \\%c passed through [S_regatom]
- $x = '\m' ; /$x/
- POSIX syntax [%c %c] is reserved for future extensions [S_checkposixcc]
- Character class [:%.*s:] unknown [S_regpposixcc]
- Character class syntax [%c %c] belongs inside character classes [S_checkposixcc]
- /%.127s/: false [] range \"%*.*s\" in regexp [S_regclass]
- /%.127s/: false [] range \"%*.*s\" in regexp [S_regclassutf8]
- /%.127s/: Unrecognized escape \\%c in character class passed through" [S_regclass]
- /%.127s/: Unrecognized escape \\%c in character class passed through" [S_regclassutf8]
- False [] range \"%*.*s\" [S_regclass]
-# regcomp.c [S_regpiece]
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-my $a = "ABC123" ;
-$a =~ /(?=a)*/ ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a =~ /(?=a)*/ ;
-(?=a)* matches null string many times in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?=a)* <-- HERE / at - line 4.
-# regcomp.c [S_study_chunk]
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$_ = "" ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-Quantifier unexpected on zero-length expression in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?=a)? <-- HERE / at - line 4.
-# regcomp.c [S_regatom]
-$x = '\m' ;
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a =~ /a$x/ ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a =~ /a$x/ ;
-Unrecognized escape \m passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/a\m <-- HERE / at - line 4.
-# regcomp.c [S_regpposixcc S_checkposixcc]
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$_ = "" ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-POSIX syntax [: :] belongs inside character classes in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[:alpha:] <-- HERE / at - line 5.
-POSIX syntax [: :] belongs inside character classes in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[:zog:] <-- HERE / at - line 6.
-POSIX class [:zog:] unknown in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:zog:] <-- HERE ]/
-# regcomp.c [S_checkposixcc]
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$_ = "" ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-POSIX syntax [. .] belongs inside character classes in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[.zog.] <-- HERE / at - line 5.
-POSIX syntax [. .] is reserved for future extensions in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[.zog.] <-- HERE /
-# regcomp.c [S_checkposixcc]
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$_ = "" ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-POSIX syntax [. .] is reserved for future extensions in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[.zog.] <-- HERE ]/
-# regcomp.c [S_regclass]
-$_ = "";
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-False [] range "a-\d" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a-\d <-- HERE ]/ at - line 5.
-False [] range "\d-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[\d- <-- HERE b]/ at - line 6.
-False [] range "\s-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[\s- <-- HERE \d]/ at - line 7.
-False [] range "\d-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[\d- <-- HERE \s]/ at - line 8.
-False [] range "a-[:digit:]" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a-[:digit:] <-- HERE ]/ at - line 9.
-False [] range "[:digit:]-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:digit:]- <-- HERE b]/ at - line 10.
-False [] range "[:alpha:]-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:alpha:]- <-- HERE [:digit:]]/ at - line 11.
-False [] range "[:digit:]-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:digit:]- <-- HERE [:alpha:]]/ at - line 12.
-# regcomp.c [S_regclassutf8]
- if (ord("\t") == 5) {
- print "SKIPPED\n# ebcdic regular expression ranges differ.";
- exit 0;
- }
-use utf8;
-$_ = "";
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-False [] range "a-\d" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a-\d <-- HERE ]/ at - line 12.
-False [] range "\d-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[\d- <-- HERE b]/ at - line 13.
-False [] range "\s-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[\s- <-- HERE \d]/ at - line 14.
-False [] range "\d-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[\d- <-- HERE \s]/ at - line 15.
-False [] range "a-[:digit:]" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a-[:digit:] <-- HERE ]/ at - line 16.
-False [] range "[:digit:]-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:digit:]- <-- HERE b]/ at - line 17.
-False [] range "[:alpha:]-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:alpha:]- <-- HERE [:digit:]]/ at - line 18.
-False [] range "[:digit:]-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:digit:]- <-- HERE [:alpha:]]/ at - line 19.
-# regcomp.c [S_regclass S_regclassutf8]
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a =~ /[a\zb]/ ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a =~ /[a\zb]/ ;
-Unrecognized escape \z in character class passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a\z <-- HERE b]/ at - line 3.
-# regcomp.c [S_study_chunk]
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-$a = "xx" ;
-$a =~ /(?p{'x'})/ ;
-no warnings ;
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a =~ /(?p{'x'})/ ;
-use warnings;
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a =~ /(?p{'x'})/ ;
-(?p{}) is deprecated - use (??{}) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?p <-- HERE {'x'})/ at - line 4.
-(?p{}) is deprecated - use (??{}) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?p <-- HERE {'x'})/ at - line 7.
-# regcomp.c [S_reg]
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a = qr/(?c)/;
-$a = qr/(?-c)/;
-$a = qr/(?g)/;
-$a = qr/(?-g)/;
-$a = qr/(?o)/;
-$a = qr/(?-o)/;
-$a = qr/(?g-o)/;
-$a = qr/(?g-c)/;
-$a = qr/(?o-cg)/; # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
-$a = qr/(?ogc)/;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-$a = qr/(?c)/;
-$a = qr/(?-c)/;
-$a = qr/(?g)/;
-$a = qr/(?-g)/;
-$a = qr/(?o)/;
-$a = qr/(?-o)/;
-$a = qr/(?g-o)/;
-$a = qr/(?g-c)/;
-$a = qr/(?o-cg)/; # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
-$a = qr/(?ogc)/;
-Useless (?c) - use /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?c <-- HERE )/ at - line 3.
-Useless (?-c) - don't use /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?-c <-- HERE )/ at - line 4.
-Useless (?g) - use /g modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?g <-- HERE )/ at - line 5.
-Useless (?-g) - don't use /g modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?-g <-- HERE )/ at - line 6.
-Useless (?o) - use /o modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?o <-- HERE )/ at - line 7.
-Useless (?-o) - don't use /o modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?-o <-- HERE )/ at - line 8.
-Useless (?g) - use /g modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?g <-- HERE -o)/ at - line 9.
-Useless (?-o) - don't use /o modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?g-o <-- HERE )/ at - line 9.
-Useless (?g) - use /g modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?g <-- HERE -c)/ at - line 10.
-Useless (?-c) - don't use /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?g-c <-- HERE )/ at - line 10.
-Useless (?o) - use /o modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?o <-- HERE -cg)/ at - line 11.
-Useless (?-c) - don't use /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?o-c <-- HERE g)/ at - line 11.
-Useless (?o) - use /o modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?o <-- HERE gc)/ at - line 12.
-Useless (?g) - use /g modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?og <-- HERE c)/ at - line 12.
-Useless (?c) - use /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?ogc <-- HERE )/ at - line 12.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/regexec b/t/pragma/warn/regexec
deleted file mode 100644
index 73696dfb1d..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/regexec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- regexec.c
- This test generates "bad free" warnings when run under
- PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL. This file merely serves as a placeholder
- for investigation.
- Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (%d) exceeded
- $_ = 'a' x (2**15+1); /^()(a\1)*$/ ;
- Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (%d) exceeded
- $_ = 'a' x (2**15+1); /^()(a\1)*?$/ ;
- (The actual value substituted for %d is masked in the tests so that
- REG_INFTY configuration variable value does not affect outcome.)
-# regexec.c
-print("SKIPPED\n# most systems run into stacksize limits\n"),exit;
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub{local ($m) = shift;
- $m =~ s/\(\d+\)/(*MASKED*)/;
- print STDERR $m};
-$_ = 'a' x (2**15+1);
-/^()(a\1)*$/ ;
-# If this test fails with a segmentation violation or similar,
-# you may have to increase the default stacksize limit in your
-# shell. You may need superuser privileges.
-# Under the sh, ksh, zsh:
-# $ ulimit -s
-# 8192
-# $ ulimit -s 16000
-# Under the csh:
-# % limit stacksize
-# stacksize 8192 kbytes
-# % limit stacksize 16000
-Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (*MASKED*) exceeded at - line 9.
-# regexec.c
-print("SKIPPED\n# most systems run into stacksize limits\n"),exit;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub{local ($m) = shift;
- $m =~ s/\(\d+\)/(*MASKED*)/;
- print STDERR $m};
-$_ = 'a' x (2**15+1);
-/^()(a\1)*$/ ;
-# If this test fails with a segmentation violation or similar,
-# you may have to increase the default stacksize limit in your
-# shell. You may need superuser privileges.
-# Under the sh, ksh, zsh:
-# $ ulimit -s
-# 8192
-# $ ulimit -s 16000
-# Under the csh:
-# % limit stacksize
-# stacksize 8192 kbytes
-# % limit stacksize 16000
-# regexec.c
-print("SKIPPED\n# most systems run into stacksize limits\n"),exit;
-use warnings 'regexp' ;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub{local ($m) = shift;
- $m =~ s/\(\d+\)/(*MASKED*)/;
- print STDERR $m};
-$_ = 'a' x (2**15+1);
-/^()(a\1)*?$/ ;
-# If this test fails with a segmentation violation or similar,
-# you may have to increase the default stacksize limit in your
-# shell. You may need superuser privileges.
-# Under the sh, ksh, zsh:
-# $ ulimit -s
-# 8192
-# $ ulimit -s 16000
-# Under the csh:
-# % limit stacksize
-# stacksize 8192 kbytes
-# % limit stacksize 16000
-Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (*MASKED*) exceeded at - line 9.
-# regexec.c
-print("SKIPPED\n# most systems run into stacksize limits\n"),exit;
-no warnings 'regexp' ;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub{local ($m) = shift;
- $m =~ s/\(\d+\)/(*MASKED*)/;
- print STDERR $m};
-$_ = 'a' x (2**15+1);
-/^()(a\1)*?$/ ;
-# If this test fails with a segmentation violation or similar,
-# you may have to increase the default stacksize limit in your
-# shell. You may need superuser privileges.
-# Under the sh, ksh, zsh:
-# $ ulimit -s
-# 8192
-# $ ulimit -s 16000
-# Under the csh:
-# % limit stacksize
-# stacksize 8192 kbytes
-# % limit stacksize 16000
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/run b/t/pragma/warn/run
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a4be20e70..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/run
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- run.c
- Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO
- ------------------
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/sv b/t/pragma/warn/sv
deleted file mode 100644
index b3929e2210..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/sv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
- sv.c
- warn(warn_uninit);
- warn(warn_uninit);
- warn(warn_uninit);
- warn(warn_uninit);
- not_a_number(sv);
- not_a_number(sv);
- warn(warn_uninit);
- not_a_number(sv);
- warn(warn_uninit);
- not_a_number(sv);
- not_a_number(sv);
- warn(warn_uninit);
- warn(warn_uninit);
- Subroutine %s redefined
- Invalid conversion in %s:
- Undefined value assigned to typeglob
- Possible Y2K bug: %d format string following '19'
- Reference is already weak [Perl_sv_rvweaken] <<TODO
- Mandatory Warnings
- ------------------
- Malformed UTF-8 character [sv_pos_b2u] (not tested: difficult to produce
- with perl now)
- Mandatory Warnings TODO
- ------------------
- Attempt to free non-arena SV: 0x%lx [del_sv]
- Reference miscount in sv_replace() [sv_replace]
- Attempt to free unreferenced scalar [sv_free]
- Attempt to free temp prematurely: SV 0x%lx [sv_free]
- semi-panic: attempt to dup freed string [newSVsv]
-# sv.c
-use integer ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = 1 + $a[0] ; # a
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = 1 + $b[0] ; # a
-Use of uninitialized value in integer addition (+) at - line 4.
-# sv.c (sv_2iv)
-package fred ;
-sub TIESCALAR { my $x ; bless \$x}
-sub FETCH { return undef }
-sub STORE { return 1 }
-package main ;
-tie $A, 'fred' ;
-use integer ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$A *= 2 ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$A *= 2 ;
-Use of uninitialized value in integer multiplication (*) at - line 10.
-# sv.c
-use integer ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $x *= 2 ; #b
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $y *= 2 ; #b
-Use of uninitialized value in integer multiplication (*) at - line 4.
-# sv.c (sv_2uv)
-package fred ;
-sub TIESCALAR { my $x ; bless \$x}
-sub FETCH { return undef }
-sub STORE { return 1 }
-package main ;
-tie $A, 'fred' ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$B = 0 ;
-$B |= $A ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$B = 0 ;
-$B |= $A ;
-Use of uninitialized value in bitwise or (|) at - line 10.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $Y = 1 ;
-my $x = 1 | $a[$Y] ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $Y = 1 ;
-$x = 1 | $b[$Y] ;
-Use of uninitialized value in bitwise or (|) at - line 4.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $x *= 1 ; # d
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-my $y *= 1 ; # d
-Use of uninitialized value in multiplication (*) at - line 3.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = 1 + $a[0] ; # e
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = 1 + $b[0] ; # e
-Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at - line 3.
-# sv.c (sv_2nv)
-package fred ;
-sub TIESCALAR { my $x ; bless \$x}
-sub FETCH { return undef }
-sub STORE { return 1 }
-package main ;
-tie $A, 'fred' ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$A *= 2 ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$A *= 2 ;
-Use of uninitialized value in multiplication (*) at - line 9.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = $y + 1 ; # f
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = $z + 1 ; # f
-Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at - line 3.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = chop undef ; # g
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = chop undef ; # g
-Modification of a read-only value attempted at - line 3.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = chop $y ; # h
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$x = chop $z ; # h
-Use of uninitialized value in scalar chop at - line 3.
-# sv.c (sv_2pv)
-package fred ;
-sub TIESCALAR { my $x ; bless \$x}
-sub FETCH { return undef }
-sub STORE { return 1 }
-package main ;
-tie $A, 'fred' ;
-use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$B = "" ;
-$B .= $A ;
-no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
-$C = "" ;
-$C .= $A ;
-Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 10.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'numeric' ;
-sub TIESCALAR{bless[]} ;
-sub FETCH {"def"} ;
-tie $a,"main" ;
-my $b = 1 + $a;
-no warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $c = 1 + $a;
-Argument "def" isn't numeric in addition (+) at - line 6.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $x = 1 + "def" ;
-no warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $z = 1 + "def" ;
-Argument "def" isn't numeric in addition (+) at - line 3.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $a = "def" ;
-my $x = 1 + $a ;
-no warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $y = 1 + $a ;
-Argument "def" isn't numeric in addition (+) at - line 4.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'numeric' ; use integer ;
-my $a = "def" ;
-my $x = 1 + $a ;
-no warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $z = 1 + $a ;
-Argument "def" isn't numeric in integer addition (+) at - line 4.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $x = 1 & "def" ;
-no warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $z = 1 & "def" ;
-Argument "def" isn't numeric in bitwise and (&) at - line 3.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $x = pack i => "def" ;
-no warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $z = pack i => "def" ;
-Argument "def" isn't numeric in pack at - line 3.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $a = "d\0f" ;
-my $x = 1 + $a ;
-no warnings 'numeric' ;
-my $z = 1 + $a ;
-Argument "d\0f" isn't numeric in addition (+) at - line 4.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub fred {}
-sub joe {}
-*fred = \&joe ;
-no warnings 'redefine' ;
-sub jim {}
-*jim = \&joe ;
-Subroutine fred redefined at - line 5.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'printf' ;
-open F, ">".($^O eq 'VMS'? 'NL:' : '/dev/null') ;
-printf F "%z\n" ;
-my $a = sprintf "%z" ;
-printf F "%" ;
-$a = sprintf "%" ;
-printf F "%\x02" ;
-$a = sprintf "%\x02" ;
-no warnings 'printf' ;
-printf F "%z\n" ;
-$a = sprintf "%z" ;
-printf F "%" ;
-$a = sprintf "%" ;
-printf F "%\x02" ;
-$a = sprintf "%\x02" ;
-Invalid conversion in sprintf: "%z" at - line 5.
-Invalid conversion in sprintf: end of string at - line 7.
-Invalid conversion in sprintf: "%\002" at - line 9.
-Invalid conversion in printf: "%z" at - line 4.
-Invalid conversion in printf: end of string at - line 6.
-Invalid conversion in printf: "%\002" at - line 8.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-*a = undef ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-*b = undef ;
-Undefined value assigned to typeglob at - line 3.
-# sv.c
-use warnings 'y2k';
-use Config;
- unless ($Config{ccflags} =~ /Y2KWARN/) {
- print "SKIPPED\n# perl not built with -DPERL_Y2KWARN";
- exit 0;
- }
- $|=1;
-my $x;
-my $yy = 78;
-$x = printf "19%02d\n", $yy;
-$x = sprintf "#19%02d\n", $yy;
-$x = printf " 19%02d\n", 78;
-$x = sprintf "19%02d\n", 78;
-$x = printf "319%02d\n", $yy;
-$x = sprintf "319%02d\n", $yy;
-no warnings 'y2k';
-$x = printf "19%02d\n", $yy;
-$x = sprintf "19%02d\n", $yy;
-$x = printf "19%02d\n", 78;
-$x = sprintf "19%02d\n", 78;
-Possible Y2K bug: %d format string following '19' at - line 16.
-Possible Y2K bug: %d format string following '19' at - line 13.
-Possible Y2K bug: %d format string following '19' at - line 14.
-Possible Y2K bug: %d format string following '19' at - line 15.
- 1978
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/taint b/t/pragma/warn/taint
deleted file mode 100644
index fd6deed60f..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/taint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- taint.c AOK
- Insecure %s%s while running with -T switch
---FILE-- abc
-# taint.c
-open(FH, "<abc") ;
-$a = <FH> ;
-close FH ;
-chdir $a ;
-print "xxx\n" ;
-Insecure dependency in chdir while running with -T switch at - line 5.
---FILE-- abc
-# taint.c
-open(FH, "<abc") ;
-$a = <FH> ;
-close FH ;
-chdir $a ;
-print "xxx\n" ;
---FILE-- abc
-# taint.c
-open(FH, "<abc") ;
-$a = <FH> ;
-close FH ;
-use warnings 'taint' ;
-chdir $a ;
-print "xxx\n" ;
-no warnings 'taint' ;
-chdir $a ;
-print "yyy\n" ;
-Insecure dependency in chdir while running with -T switch at - line 6.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/toke b/t/pragma/warn/toke
deleted file mode 100644
index 242b0059fb..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/toke
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-toke.c AOK
- we seem to have lost a few ambiguous warnings!!
- $a = <<;
- Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated
- (called 3 times via depcom)
- \1 better written as $1
- use warnings 'syntax' ;
- s/(abc)/\1/;
- warn(warn_nosemi)
- Semicolon seems to be missing
- $a = 1
- &time ;
- Reversed %c= operator
- my $a =+ 2 ;
- $a =- 2 ;
- $a =* 2 ;
- $a =% 2 ;
- $a =& 2 ;
- $a =. 2 ;
- $a =^ 2 ;
- $a =| 2 ;
- $a =< 2 ;
- $a =/ 2 ;
- Multidimensional syntax %.*s not supported
- my $a = $a[1,2] ;
- You need to quote \"%s\""
- sub fred {} ; $SIG{TERM} = fred;
- Scalar value %.*s better written as $%.*s"
- @a[3] = 2;
- @a{3} = 2;
- Can't use \\%c to mean $%c in expression
- $_ = "ab" ; s/(ab)/\1/e;
- Unquoted string "abc" may clash with future reserved word at - line 3.
- warn(warn_reserved
- $a = abc;
- chmod() mode argument is missing initial 0
- chmod 3;
- Possible attempt to separate words with commas
- @a = qw(a, b, c) ;
- Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list
- @a = qw(a b # c) ;
- umask: argument is missing initial 0
- umask 3;
- %s (...) interpreted as function
- print ("")
- printf ("")
- sort ("")
- Ambiguous use of %c{%s%s} resolved to %c%s%s
- $a = ${time[2]}
- $a = ${time{2}}
- Ambiguous use of %c{%s} resolved to %c%s
- $a = ${time}
- sub fred {} $a = ${fred}
- Misplaced _ in number
- $a = 1_2;
- $a = 1_2345_6;
- Bareword \"%s\" refers to nonexistent package
- $a = FRED:: ;
- Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::%s(), qualify as such or use &
- sub time {}
- my $a = time()
- Unrecognized escape \\%c passed through
- $a = "\m" ;
- %s number > %s non-portable
- my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0x0fffffffe ;
- $a = 0x0ffffffff ;
- $a = 0x1ffffffff ;
- $a = 0037777777776 ;
- $a = 0037777777777 ;
- $a = 0047777777777 ;
- Integer overflow in binary number
- my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0x0fffffffe ;
- $a = 0x0ffffffff ;
- $a = 0x1ffffffff ;
- $a = 0037777777776 ;
- $a = 0037777777777 ;
- $a = 0047777777777 ;
- Mandatory Warnings
- ------------------
- Use of "%s" without parentheses is ambiguous [check_uni]
- rand + 4
- Ambiguous use of -%s resolved as -&%s() [yylex]
- sub fred {} ; - fred ;
- Precedence problem: open %.*s should be open(%.*s) [yylex]
- open FOO || die;
- Operator or semicolon missing before %c%s [yylex]
- Ambiguous use of %c resolved as operator %c
- *foo *foo
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-format STDOUT =
-@<<< @||| @>>> @>>>
-$a $b "abc" 'def'
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-format STDOUT =
-@<<< @||| @>>> @>>>
-$a $b "abc" 'def'
-Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5.
-Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5.
-Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'deprecated' ;
-$a = <<;
-no warnings 'deprecated' ;
-$a = <<;
-Use of bare << to mean <<"" is deprecated at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-\1 better written as $1 at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'semicolon' ;
-$a = 1
-&time ;
-no warnings 'semicolon' ;
-$a = 1
-&time ;
-Semicolon seems to be missing at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a =+ 2 ;
-$a =- 2 ;
-$a =* 2 ;
-$a =% 2 ;
-$a =& 2 ;
-$a =. 2 ;
-$a =^ 2 ;
-$a =| 2 ;
-$a =< 2 ;
-$a =/ 2 ;
-Reversed += operator at - line 3.
-Reversed -= operator at - line 4.
-Reversed *= operator at - line 5.
-Reversed %= operator at - line 6.
-Reversed &= operator at - line 7.
-Reversed .= operator at - line 8.
-Reversed ^= operator at - line 9.
-Reversed |= operator at - line 10.
-Reversed <= operator at - line 11.
-syntax error at - line 8, near "=."
-syntax error at - line 9, near "=^"
-syntax error at - line 10, near "=|"
-Unterminated <> operator at - line 11.
-# toke.c
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a =+ 2 ;
-$a =- 2 ;
-$a =* 2 ;
-$a =% 2 ;
-$a =& 2 ;
-$a =. 2 ;
-$a =^ 2 ;
-$a =| 2 ;
-$a =< 2 ;
-$a =/ 2 ;
-syntax error at - line 8, near "=."
-syntax error at - line 9, near "=^"
-syntax error at - line 10, near "=|"
-Unterminated <> operator at - line 11.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a = $a[1,2] ;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-my $a = $a[1,2] ;
-Multidimensional syntax $a[1,2] not supported at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-sub fred {} ; $SIG{TERM} = fred;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-$SIG{TERM} = fred;
-You need to quote "fred" at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-@a[3] = 2;
-@a{3} = 2;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-@a[3] = 2;
-@a{3} = 2;
-Scalar value @a[3] better written as $a[3] at - line 3.
-Scalar value @a{3} better written as $a{3} at - line 4.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-$_ = "ab" ;
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-$_ = "ab" ;
-Can't use \1 to mean $1 in expression at - line 4.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'reserved' ;
-$a = abc;
-$a = { def
-=> 1 };
-no warnings 'reserved' ;
-$a = abc;
-Unquoted string "abc" may clash with future reserved word at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'chmod' ;
-chmod 3;
-no warnings 'chmod' ;
-chmod 3;
-chmod() mode argument is missing initial 0 at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'qw' ;
-@a = qw(a, b, c) ;
-no warnings 'qw' ;
-@a = qw(a, b, c) ;
-Possible attempt to separate words with commas at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'qw' ;
-@a = qw(a b #) ;
-no warnings 'qw' ;
-@a = qw(a b #) ;
-Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'umask' ;
-umask 3;
-no warnings 'umask' ;
-umask 3;
-umask: argument is missing initial 0 at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-print ("")
-print (...) interpreted as function at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-print ("")
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-printf ("")
-printf (...) interpreted as function at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-printf ("")
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-sort ("")
-sort (...) interpreted as function at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-sort ("")
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-$a = ${time[2]};
-no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-$a = ${time[2]};
-Ambiguous use of ${time[...]} resolved to $time[...] at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-$a = ${time{2}};
-Ambiguous use of ${time{...}} resolved to $time{...} at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-$a = ${time{2}};
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-$a = ${time} ;
-no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-$a = ${time} ;
-Ambiguous use of ${time} resolved to $time at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-sub fred {}
-$a = ${fred} ;
-no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-$a = ${fred} ;
-Ambiguous use of ${fred} resolved to $fred at - line 4.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'syntax' ;
-$a = _123; print "$a\n"; #( 3 string)
-$a = 1_23; print "$a\n";
-$a = 12_3; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123_; print "$a\n"; # 6
-$a = _+123; print "$a\n"; # 7 string)
-$a = +_123; print "$a\n"; #( 8 string)
-$a = +1_23; print "$a\n";
-$a = +12_3; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123_; print "$a\n"; # 11
-$a = _-123; print "$a\n"; #(12 string)
-$a = -_123; print "$a\n"; #(13 string)
-$a = -1_23; print "$a\n";
-$a = -12_3; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123_; print "$a\n"; # 16
-$a = 123._456; print "$a\n"; # 17
-$a = 123.4_56; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.45_6; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456_; print "$a\n"; # 20
-$a = +123._456; print "$a\n"; # 21
-$a = +123.4_56; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123.45_6; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123.456_; print "$a\n"; # 24
-$a = -123._456; print "$a\n"; # 25
-$a = -123.4_56; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123.45_6; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123.456_; print "$a\n"; # 28
-$a = 123.456E_12; print "$a\n"; # 29
-$a = 123.456E1_2; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E12_; print "$a\n"; # 31
-$a = 123.456E_+12; print "$a\n"; # 32
-$a = 123.456E+_12; print "$a\n"; # 33
-$a = 123.456E+1_2; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E+12_; print "$a\n"; # 35
-$a = 123.456E_-12; print "$a\n"; # 36
-$a = 123.456E-_12; print "$a\n"; # 37
-$a = 123.456E-1_2; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E-12_; print "$a\n"; # 39
-$a = 1__23; print "$a\n"; # 40
-$a = 12.3__4; print "$a\n"; # 41
-$a = 12.34e1__2; print "$a\n"; # 42
-no warnings 'syntax' ;
-$a = _123; print "$a\n";
-$a = 1_23; print "$a\n";
-$a = 12_3; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123_; print "$a\n";
-$a = _+123; print "$a\n";
-$a = +_123; print "$a\n";
-$a = +1_23; print "$a\n";
-$a = +12_3; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123_; print "$a\n";
-$a = _-123; print "$a\n";
-$a = -_123; print "$a\n";
-$a = -1_23; print "$a\n";
-$a = -12_3; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123_; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123._456; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.4_56; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.45_6; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456_; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123._456; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123.4_56; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123.45_6; print "$a\n";
-$a = +123.456_; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123._456; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123.4_56; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123.45_6; print "$a\n";
-$a = -123.456_; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E_12; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E1_2; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E12_; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E_+12; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E+_12; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E+1_2; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E+12_; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E_-12; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E-_12; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E-1_2; print "$a\n";
-$a = 123.456E-12_; print "$a\n";
-$a = 1__23; print "$a\n";
-$a = 12.3__4; print "$a\n";
-$a = 12.34e1__2; print "$a\n";
-OPTIONS regex
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 6.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 11.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 16.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 17.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 20.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 21.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 24.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 25.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 28.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 29.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 31.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 32.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 33.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 35.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 36.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 37.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 39.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 40.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 41.
-Misplaced _ in number at - line 42.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'bareword' ;
-#line 25 "bar"
-$a = FRED:: ;
-no warnings 'bareword' ;
-#line 25 "bar"
-$a = FRED:: ;
-Bareword "FRED::" refers to nonexistent package at bar line 25.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-sub time {}
-my $a = time() ;
-no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
-my $b = time() ;
-Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::time(), qualify as such or use & at - line 4.
-# toke.c
-use warnings ;
-eval <<'EOE';
-# line 30 "foo"
-warn "yelp";
- $_ = " \x{123} " ;
-yelp at foo line 30.
-# toke.c
-my $a = rand + 4 ;
-Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 2.
-# toke.c
-$^W = 0 ;
-my $a = rand + 4 ;
- no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
- $a = rand + 4 ;
- use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
- $a = rand + 4 ;
-$a = rand + 4 ;
-Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 3.
-Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 8.
-Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 10.
-# toke.c
-sub fred {};
--fred ;
-Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-$^W = 0 ;
-sub fred {} ;
--fred ;
- no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
- -fred ;
- use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
- -fred ;
--fred ;
-Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 4.
-Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 9.
-Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 11.
-# toke.c
-open FOO || time;
-Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 2.
-# toke.c
-$^W = 0 ;
-open FOO || time;
- no warnings 'precedence' ;
- open FOO || time;
- use warnings 'precedence' ;
- open FOO || time;
-open FOO || time;
-Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 3.
-Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 8.
-Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 10.
-# toke.c
-$^W = 0 ;
-*foo *foo ;
- no warnings 'ambiguous' ;
- *foo *foo ;
- use warnings 'ambiguous' ;
- *foo *foo ;
-*foo *foo ;
-Operator or semicolon missing before *foo at - line 3.
-Ambiguous use of * resolved as operator * at - line 3.
-Operator or semicolon missing before *foo at - line 8.
-Ambiguous use of * resolved as operator * at - line 8.
-Operator or semicolon missing before *foo at - line 10.
-Ambiguous use of * resolved as operator * at - line 10.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-my $a = "\m" ;
-no warnings 'misc' ;
-$a = "\m" ;
-Unrecognized escape \m passed through at - line 3.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'portable' ;
-my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0x0fffffffe ;
- $a = 0x0ffffffff ;
- $a = 0x1ffffffff ;
- $a = 0037777777776 ;
- $a = 0037777777777 ;
- $a = 0047777777777 ;
-no warnings 'portable' ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0x0fffffffe ;
- $a = 0x0ffffffff ;
- $a = 0x1ffffffff ;
- $a = 0037777777776 ;
- $a = 0037777777777 ;
- $a = 0047777777777 ;
-Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable at - line 5.
-Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at - line 8.
-Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable at - line 11.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'overflow' ;
-my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ;
- $a = 0x0fffffffe ;
- $a = 0x0ffffffff ;
- $a = 0x10000000000000000 ;
- $a = 0037777777776 ;
- $a = 0037777777777 ;
- $a = 002000000000000000000000;
-no warnings 'overflow' ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ;
- $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ;
- $a = 0b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ;
- $a = 0x0fffffffe ;
- $a = 0x0ffffffff ;
- $a = 0x10000000000000000 ;
- $a = 0037777777776 ;
- $a = 0037777777777 ;
- $a = 002000000000000000000000;
-Integer overflow in binary number at - line 5.
-Integer overflow in hexadecimal number at - line 8.
-Integer overflow in octal number at - line 11.
-# toke.c
-use warnings 'ambiguous';
-no warnings 'ambiguous';
-Possible unintended interpolation of @mjd_previously_unused_array in string at - line 3.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/universal b/t/pragma/warn/universal
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b1883532..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/universal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- universal.c AOK
- Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA [S_isa_lookup]
-# universal.c [S_isa_lookup]
-use warnings 'misc' ;
-@ISA = qw(Joe) ;
-my $a = bless [] ;
-UNIVERSAL::isa $a, Jim ;
-Can't locate package Joe for @main::ISA at - line 5.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/utf8 b/t/pragma/warn/utf8
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a7dbafdee..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/utf8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- utf8.c AOK
- [utf8_to_uv]
- Malformed UTF-8 character
- my $a = ord "\x80" ;
- Malformed UTF-8 character
- my $a = ord "\xf080" ;
- <<<<<< this warning can't be easily triggered from perl anymore
- [utf16_to_utf8]
- Malformed UTF-16 surrogate
- <<<<<< Add a test when somethig actually calls utf16_to_utf8
-# utf8.c [utf8_to_uv] -W
- if (ord('A') == 193) {
- print "SKIPPED\n# ebcdic platforms do not generate Malformed UTF-8 warnings.";
- exit 0;
- }
-use utf8 ;
-my $a = "snstorm" ;
- no warnings 'utf8' ;
- my $a = "snstorm";
- use warnings 'utf8' ;
- my $a = "snstorm";
-Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected non-continuation byte 0x73 after start byte 0xf8) at - line 9.
-Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected non-continuation byte 0x73 after start byte 0xf8) at - line 14.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warn/util b/t/pragma/warn/util
deleted file mode 100644
index e82d6a6617..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warn/util
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- util.c AOK
- Illegal octal digit ignored
- my $a = oct "029" ;
- Illegal hex digit ignored
- my $a = hex "0xv9" ;
- Illegal binary digit ignored
- my $a = oct "0b9" ;
- Integer overflow in binary number
- my $a = oct "0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" ;
- Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable
- $a = oct "0b111111111111111111111111111111111" ;
- Integer overflow in octal number
- my $a = oct "077777777777777777777777777777" ;
- Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable
- $a = oct "0047777777777" ;
- Integer overflow in hexadecimal number
- my $a = hex "0xffffffffffffffffffff" ;
- Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable
- $a = hex "0x1ffffffff" ;
-# util.c
-use warnings 'digit' ;
-my $a = oct "029" ;
-no warnings 'digit' ;
-$a = oct "029" ;
-Illegal octal digit '9' ignored at - line 3.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'digit' ;
-my $a = hex "0xv9" ;
-no warnings 'digit' ;
-$a = hex "0xv9" ;
-Illegal hexadecimal digit 'v' ignored at - line 3.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'digit' ;
-my $a = oct "0b9" ;
-no warnings 'digit' ;
-$a = oct "0b9" ;
-Illegal binary digit '9' ignored at - line 3.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'overflow' ;
-my $a = oct "0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
-no warnings 'overflow' ;
-$a = oct "0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
-Integer overflow in binary number at - line 3.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'overflow' ;
-my $a = hex "0xffffffffffffffffffff" ;
-no warnings 'overflow' ;
-$a = hex "0xffffffffffffffffffff" ;
-Integer overflow in hexadecimal number at - line 3.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'overflow' ;
-my $a = oct "077777777777777777777777777777" ;
-no warnings 'overflow' ;
-$a = oct "077777777777777777777777777777" ;
-Integer overflow in octal number at - line 3.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'portable' ;
-my $a = oct "0b011111111111111111111111111111110" ;
- $a = oct "0b011111111111111111111111111111111" ;
- $a = oct "0b111111111111111111111111111111111" ;
-no warnings 'portable' ;
- $a = oct "0b011111111111111111111111111111110" ;
- $a = oct "0b011111111111111111111111111111111" ;
- $a = oct "0b111111111111111111111111111111111" ;
-Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable at - line 5.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'portable' ;
-my $a = hex "0x0fffffffe" ;
- $a = hex "0x0ffffffff" ;
- $a = hex "0x1ffffffff" ;
-no warnings 'portable' ;
- $a = hex "0x0fffffffe" ;
- $a = hex "0x0ffffffff" ;
- $a = hex "0x1ffffffff" ;
-Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at - line 5.
-# util.c
-use warnings 'portable' ;
-my $a = oct "0037777777776" ;
- $a = oct "0037777777777" ;
- $a = oct "0047777777777" ;
-no warnings 'portable' ;
- $a = oct "0037777777776" ;
- $a = oct "0037777777777" ;
- $a = oct "0047777777777" ;
-Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable at - line 5.
diff --git a/t/pragma/warnings.t b/t/pragma/warnings.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b41fbd64..0000000000
--- a/t/pragma/warnings.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '../lib';
- require Config; import Config;
-$| = 1;
-my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-my $Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-my $Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare';
-my $tmpfile = "tmp0000";
-my $i = 0 ;
-1 while -f ++$tmpfile;
-END { if ($tmpfile) { 1 while unlink $tmpfile} }
-my @prgs = () ;
-my @w_files = () ;
-if (@ARGV)
- { print "ARGV = [@ARGV]\n" ; @w_files = map { s#^#./pragma/warn/#; $_ } @ARGV }
- { @w_files = sort glob("pragma/warn/*") }
-my $files = 0;
-foreach my $file (@w_files) {
- next if $file =~ /(~|\.orig|,v)$/;
- open F, "<$file" or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n" ;
- my $line = 0;
- while (<F>) {
- $line++;
- last if /^__END__/ ;
- }
- {
- local $/ = undef;
- $files++;
- @prgs = (@prgs, $file, split "\n########\n", <F>) ;
- }
- close F ;
-undef $/;
-print "1..", scalar(@prgs)-$files, "\n";
-for (@prgs){
- unless (/\n/)
- {
- print "# From $_\n";
- next;
- }
- my $switch = "";
- my @temps = () ;
- if (s/^\s*-\w+//){
- $switch = $&;
- $switch =~ s/(-\S*[A-Z]\S*)/"$1"/ if $Is_VMS; # protect uc switches
- }
- my($prog,$expected) = split(/\nEXPECT\n/, $_);
- if ( $prog =~ /--FILE--/) {
- my(@files) = split(/\n--FILE--\s*([^\s\n]*)\s*\n/, $prog) ;
- shift @files ;
- die "Internal error test $i didn't split into pairs, got " .
- scalar(@files) . "[" . join("%%%%", @files) ."]\n"
- if @files % 2 ;
- while (@files > 2) {
- my $filename = shift @files ;
- my $code = shift @files ;
- push @temps, $filename ;
- open F, ">$filename" or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
- print F $code ;
- close F ;
- }
- shift @files ;
- $prog = shift @files ;
- }
- open TEST, ">$tmpfile";
- print TEST $prog,"\n";
- close TEST;
- my $results = $Is_VMS ?
- `./perl "-I../lib" $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- $Is_MSWin32 ?
- `.\\perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- $Is_NetWare ?
- `perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1` :
- `./perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
- my $status = $?;
- $results =~ s/\n+$//;
- # allow expected output to be written as if $prog is on STDIN
- $results =~ s/tmp\d+/-/g;
- $results =~ s/\n%[A-Z]+-[SIWEF]-.*$// if $Is_VMS; # clip off DCL status msg
-# bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error',
-# various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'.
- $results =~ s/^(syntax|parse) error/syntax error/mig;
- # allow all tests to run when there are leaks
- $results =~ s/Scalars leaked: \d+\n//g;
- $expected =~ s/\n+$//;
- my $prefix = ($results =~ s#^PREFIX(\n|$)##) ;
- # any special options? (OPTIONS foo bar zap)
- my $option_regex = 0;
- if ($expected =~ s/^OPTIONS? (.+)\n//) {
- foreach my $option (split(' ', $1)) {
- if ($option eq 'regex') { # allow regular expressions
- $option_regex = 1;
- } else {
- die "$0: Unknown OPTION '$option'\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $results =~ s/^SKIPPED\n//) {
- print "$results\n" ;
- }
- elsif (($prefix && (( $option_regex && $results !~ /^$expected/) ||
- (!$option_regex && $results !~ /^\Q$expected/))) or
- (!$prefix && (( $option_regex && $results !~ /^$expected/) ||
- (!$option_regex && $results ne $expected)))) {
- print STDERR "PROG: $switch\n$prog\n";
- print STDERR "EXPECTED:\n$expected\n";
- print STDERR "GOT:\n$results\n";
- print "not ";
- }
- print "ok ", ++$i, "\n";
- foreach (@temps)
- { unlink $_ if $_ }