path: root/t/uni
diff options
authorBrian Fraser <>2011-10-05 17:57:20 -0700
committerFather Chrysostomos <>2011-10-06 13:01:14 -0700
commit2a0f5ef01a402461f9ced6933ebf587f84a75691 (patch)
tree4d09dce62fbdcf64e43730675c12b5ea7af516db /t/uni
parent812df045b04bae646407fcb5794e129676975394 (diff)
sv.c: Make most warnings utf8-clean
Diffstat (limited to 't/uni')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/t/uni/method.t b/t/uni/method.t
index 5009a1c924..7c458b84f5 100644
--- a/t/uni/method.t
+++ b/t/uni/method.t
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use utf8;
use open qw( :utf8 :std );
no warnings 'once';
-plan(tests => 16);
+plan(tests => 25);
#Can't use bless yet, as it might not be clean
@@ -40,3 +40,59 @@ ok $@, "Even if both stash and method are in UTF-8, lookup is nul-clean";
eval { my $ref = \my $var; $ref->method };
like $@, qr/Can't call method "method" on unblessed reference /u;
+ use utf8;
+ use open qw( :utf8 :std );
+ my $e;
+ eval '$e = bless {}, "E::A"; E::A->foo()';
+ like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::A" at/u);
+ eval '$e = bless {}, "E::B"; $e->foo()';
+ like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::B" at/u);
+ eval 'E::C->foo()';
+ like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::C" (perhaps /u);
+ eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::D::foo()';
+ like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::D" (perhaps /u);
+ eval 'my $e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::E::foo()';
+ like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::E" (perhaps /u);
+ $e = bless {}, "E::F"; # force package to exist
+ eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::F::foo()';
+ like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/u);
+ eval '$e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::F::foo()';
+ like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/u);
+is(do { use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); eval 'Foo->boogie()';
+ $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "boogie" via package "Foo" (perhaps /u ? 1 : $@}, 1);
+#This reimplements a bit of _fresh_perl() from, as we want to decode
+#the output of that program before using it.
+SKIP: {
+ skip_if_miniperl('no dynamic loading on miniperl, no Encode');
+ my $prog = q!use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); sub T::DESTROY { $x = $_[0]; } bless [], "T";!;
+ utf8::decode($prog);
+ my $tmpfile = tempfile();
+ my $runperl_args = {};
+ $runperl_args->{progfile} = $tmpfile;
+ $runperl_args->{stderr} = 1;
+ open TEST, '>', $tmpfile or die "Cannot open $tmpfile: $!";
+ print TEST $prog;
+ close TEST or die "Cannot close $tmpfile: $!";
+ my $results = runperl(%$runperl_args);
+ require Encode;
+ $results = Encode::decode("UTF-8", $results);
+ like($results,
+ qr/DESTROY created new reference to dead object 'T' during global destruction./u,
+ "DESTROY creating a new reference to the object generates a warning in UTF-8.");