path: root/t
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2000-12-05 20:13:34 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2000-12-05 20:13:34 +0000
commita9917092f55cf6287a909590dc9356b9393a59e0 (patch)
tree482c9ae717516b1e52157f0c6b7a554e87a796c0 /t
parent9dc04555a4dee089737beb20cff84a725f3a5696 (diff)
Split off the UTF-8 decoder tests, make them to check also
the error message. p4raw-id: //depot/perl@7996
Diffstat (limited to 't')
2 files changed, 182 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/utf8decode.t b/t/op/utf8decode.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c631c0a7a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/op/utf8decode.t
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+print "1..78\n";
+my $test = 1;
+# This table is based on Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 Decode Stress Tester,
+# version dated 2000-09-02.
+# Note the \0 instead of a raw zero byte in 2.1.1: for example
+# GNU patch v2.1 has "issues" with raw zero bytes.
+my @MK = split(/\n/, <<__EOMK__);
+1 Correct UTF-8
+1.1.1 y "κόσμε" - 11 ce:ba:e1:bd:b9:cf:83:ce:bc:ce:b5 5
+2 Boundary conditions
+2.1 First possible sequence of certain length
+2.1.1 y "\0" 0 1 00 1
+2.1.2 y "€" 80 2 c2:80 1
+2.1.3 y "ࠀ" 800 3 e0:a0:80 1
+2.1.4 y "𐀀" 10000 4 f0:90:80:80 1
+2.1.5 y "" 200000 5 f8:88:80:80:80 1
+2.1.6 y "" 4000000 6 fc:84:80:80:80:80 1
+2.2 Last possible sequence of certain length
+2.2.1 y "" 7f 1 7f 1
+2.2.2 y "߿" 7ff 2 df:bf 1
+# The ffff is illegal unless UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF
+2.2.3 n "￿" ffff 3 ef:bf:bf 1 character 0xffff
+2.2.4 y "" 1fffff 4 f7:bf:bf:bf 1
+2.2.5 y "" 3ffffff 5 fb:bf:bf:bf:bf 1
+2.2.6 y "" 7fffffff 6 fd:bf:bf:bf:bf:bf 1
+2.3 Other boundary conditions
+2.3.1 y "퟿" d7ff 3 ed:9f:bf 1
+2.3.2 y "" e000 3 ee:80:80 1
+2.3.3 y "�" fffd 3 ef:bf:bd 1
+2.3.4 y "􏿿" 10ffff 4 f4:8f:bf:bf 1
+2.3.5 y "" 110000 4 f4:90:80:80 1
+3 Malformed sequences
+3.1 Unexpected continuation bytes
+3.1.1 n "" - 1 80 - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.1.2 n "" - 1 bf - unexpected continuation byte 0xbf
+3.1.3 n "" - 2 80:bf - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.1.4 n "" - 3 80:bf:80 - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.1.5 n "" - 4 80:bf:80:bf - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.1.6 n "" - 5 80:bf:80:bf:80 - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.1.7 n "" - 6 80:bf:80:bf:80:bf - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.1.8 n "" - 7 80:bf:80:bf:80:bf:80 - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.1.9 n "" - 64 80:81:82:83:84:85:86:87:88:89:8a:8b:8c:8d:8e:8f:90:91:92:93:94:95:96:97:98:99:9a:9b:9c:9d:9e:9f:a0:a1:a2:a3:a4:a5:a6:a7:a8:a9:aa:ab:ac:ad:ae:af:b0:b1:b2:b3:b4:b5:b6:b7:b8:b9:ba:bb:bc:bd:be:bf - unexpected continuation byte 0x80
+3.2 Lonely start characters
+3.2.1 n " " - 64 c0:20:c1:20:c2:20:c3:20:c4:20:c5:20:c6:20:c7:20:c8:20:c9:20:ca:20:cb:20:cc:20:cd:20:ce:20:cf:20:d0:20:d1:20:d2:20:d3:20:d4:20:d5:20:d6:20:d7:20:d8:20:d9:20:da:20:db:20:dc:20:dd:20:de:20:df:20 - unexpected non-continuation byte 0x20 after byte 0xc0
+3.2.2 n " " - 32 e0:20:e1:20:e2:20:e3:20:e4:20:e5:20:e6:20:e7:20:e8:20:e9:20:ea:20:eb:20:ec:20:ed:20:ee:20:ef:20 - unexpected non-continuation byte 0x20 after byte 0xe0
+3.2.3 n " " - 16 f0:20:f1:20:f2:20:f3:20:f4:20:f5:20:f6:20:f7:20 - unexpected non-continuation byte 0x20 after byte 0xf0
+3.2.4 n " " - 8 f8:20:f9:20:fa:20:fb:20 - unexpected non-continuation byte 0x20 after byte 0xf8
+3.2.5 n " " - 4 fc:20:fd:20 - unexpected non-continuation byte 0x20 after byte 0xfc
+3.3 Sequences with last continuation byte missing
+3.3.1 n "" - 1 c0 - 1 byte, need 2
+3.3.2 n "" - 2 e0:80 - 2 bytes, need 3
+3.3.3 n "" - 3 f0:80:80 - 3 bytes, need 4
+3.3.4 n "" - 4 f8:80:80:80 - 4 bytes, need 5
+3.3.5 n "" - 5 fc:80:80:80:80 - 5 bytes, need 6
+3.3.6 n "" - 1 df - 1 byte, need 2
+3.3.7 n "" - 2 ef:bf - 2 bytes, need 3
+3.3.8 n "" - 3 f7:bf:bf - 3 bytes, need 4
+3.3.9 n "" - 4 fb:bf:bf:bf - 4 bytes, need 5
+3.3.10 n "" - 5 fd:bf:bf:bf:bf - 5 bytes, need 6
+3.4 Concatenation of incomplete sequences
+3.4.1 n "" - 30 c0:e0:80:f0:80:80:f8:80:80:80:fc:80:80:80:80:df:ef:bf:f7:bf:bf:fb:bf:bf:bf:fd:bf:bf:bf:bf - unexpected continuation byte 0xe0
+3.5 Impossible bytes
+3.5.1 n "" - 1 fe - byte 0xfe
+3.5.2 n "" - 1 ff - byte 0xff
+3.5.3 n "" - 4 fe:fe:ff:ff - byte 0xfe
+4 Overlong sequences
+4.1 Examples of an overlong ASCII character
+4.1.1 n "" - 2 c0:af - 2 bytes, need 1
+4.1.2 n "" - 3 e0:80:af - 3 bytes, need 1
+4.1.3 n "" - 4 f0:80:80:af - 4 bytes, need 1
+4.1.4 n "" - 5 f8:80:80:80:af - 5 bytes, need 1
+4.1.5 n "" - 6 fc:80:80:80:80:af - 6 bytes, need 1
+4.2 Maximum overlong sequences
+4.2.1 n "" - 2 c1:bf - 2 bytes, need 1
+4.2.2 n "" - 3 e0:9f:bf - 3 bytes, need 2
+4.2.3 n "" - 4 f0:8f:bf:bf - 4 bytes, need 3
+4.2.4 n "" - 5 f8:87:bf:bf:bf - 5 bytes, need 4
+4.2.5 n "" - 6 fc:83:bf:bf:bf:bf - 6 bytes, need 5
+4.3 Overlong representation of the NUL character
+4.3.1 n "" - 2 c0:80 - 2 bytes, need 1
+4.3.2 n "" - 3 e0:80:80 - 3 bytes, need 1
+4.3.3 n "" - 4 f0:80:80:80 - 4 bytes, need 1
+4.3.4 n "" - 5 f8:80:80:80:80 - 5 bytes, need 1
+4.3.5 n "" - 6 fc:80:80:80:80:80 - 6 bytes, need 1
+5 Illegal code positions
+5.1 Single UTF-16 surrogates
+5.1.1 n "" - 3 ed:a0:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800
+5.1.2 n "" - 3 ed:ad:bf - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdb7f
+5.1.3 n "" - 3 ed:ae:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdb80
+5.1.4 n "" - 3 ed:af:bf - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdbff
+5.1.5 n "" - 3 ed:b0:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdc00
+5.1.6 n "" - 3 ed:be:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdf80
+5.1.7 n "" - 3 ed:bf:bf - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdfff
+5.2 Paired UTF-16 surrogates
+5.2.1 n "" - 6 ed:a0:80:ed:b0:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800
+5.2.2 n "" - 6 ed:a0:80:ed:bf:bf - UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800
+5.2.3 n "" - 6 ed:ad:bf:ed:b0:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdb7f
+5.2.4 n "" - 6 ed:ad:bf:ed:bf:bf - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdb7f
+5.2.5 n "" - 6 ed:ae:80:ed:b0:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdb80
+5.2.6 n "" - 6 ed:ae:80:ed:bf:bf - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdb80
+5.2.7 n "" - 6 ed:af:bf:ed:b0:80 - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdbff
+5.2.8 n "" - 6 ed:af:bf:ed:bf:bf - UTF-16 surrogate 0xdbff
+5.3 Other illegal code positions
+5.3.1 n "￾" - 3 ef:bf:be - byte order mark 0xfffe
+# The ffff is illegal unless UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF
+5.3.2 n "￿" - 3 ef:bf:bf - character 0xffff
+# 104..181
+ my $WARNCNT;
+ my $id;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} =
+ sub {
+ # print "# $id: @_";
+ $WARNMSG = "@_";
+ };
+ sub moan {
+ print "$id: @_";
+ }
+ sub test_unpack_U {
+ $WARNCNT = 0;
+ $WARNMSG = "";
+ unpack('U*', $_[0]);
+ }
+ for (@MK) {
+ if (/^(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s/ || /^#/) {
+ # print "# $_\n";
+ } elsif (/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+[bu]?)\s+([yn])\s+"(.+)"\s+([0-9a-f]{1,8}|-)\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9a-f]{2}(?::[0-9a-f]{2})*)(?:\s+((?:\d+|-)(?:\s+(.+))?))?$/) {
+ $id = $1;
+ my ($okay, $bytes, $Unicode, $byteslen, $hex, $charslen, $error) =
+ ($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);
+ my @hex = split(/:/, $hex);
+ unless (@hex == $byteslen) {
+ my $nhex = @hex;
+ moan "amount of hex ($nhex) not equal to byteslen ($byteslen)\n";
+ }
+ {
+ use bytes;
+ my $bytesbyteslen = length($bytes);
+ unless ($bytesbyteslen == $byteslen) {
+ moan "bytes length() ($bytesbyteslen) not equal to $byteslen\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($okay eq 'y') {
+ test_unpack_U($bytes);
+ if ($WARNCNT) {
+ moan "unpack('U*') false negative\n";
+ print "not ";
+ }
+ } elsif ($okay eq 'n') {
+ test_unpack_U($bytes);
+ if ($WARNCNT == 0 || ($error ne '' && $WARNMSG !~ /$error/)) {
+ moan "unpack('U*') false positive\n";
+ print "not ";
+ }
+ }
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ $test++;
+ } else {
+ moan "unknown format\n";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/t/pragma/utf8.t b/t/pragma/utf8.t
index 3d8693efc0..827be5a2ab 100755
--- a/t/pragma/utf8.t
+++ b/t/pragma/utf8.t
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BEGIN {
-print "1..181\n";
+print "1..103\n";
my $test = 1;
@@ -564,173 +564,3 @@ sub nok_bytes {
print "ok $test\n";
-# This table is based on Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 Decode Stress Tester,
-# version dated 2000-09-02.
-# Note the \0 instead of a raw zero byte in 2.1.1: for example
-# GNU patch v2.1 has "issues" with raw zero bytes.
-my @MK = split(/\n/, <<__EOMK__);
-1 Correct UTF-8
-1.1.1 y "κόσμε" - 11 ce:ba:e1:bd:b9:cf:83:ce:bc:ce:b5 5
-2 Boundary conditions
-2.1 First possible sequence of certain length
-2.1.1 y "\0" 0 1 00 1
-2.1.2 y "€" 80 2 c2:80 1
-2.1.3 y "ࠀ" 800 3 e0:a0:80 1
-2.1.4 y "𐀀" 10000 4 f0:90:80:80 1
-2.1.5 y "" 200000 5 f8:88:80:80:80 1
-2.1.6 y "" 4000000 6 fc:84:80:80:80:80 1
-2.2 Last possible sequence of certain length
-2.2.1 y "" 7f 1 7f 1
-2.2.2 y "߿" 7ff 2 df:bf 1
-# The ffff is illegal unless UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF
-2.2.3 n "￿" ffff 3 ef:bf:bf 1
-2.2.4 y "" 1fffff 4 f7:bf:bf:bf 1
-2.2.5 y "" 3ffffff 5 fb:bf:bf:bf:bf 1
-2.2.6 y "" 7fffffff 6 fd:bf:bf:bf:bf:bf 1
-2.3 Other boundary conditions
-2.3.1 y "퟿" d7ff 3 ed:9f:bf 1
-2.3.2 y "" e000 3 ee:80:80 1
-2.3.3 y "�" fffd 3 ef:bf:bd 1
-2.3.4 y "􏿿" 10ffff 4 f4:8f:bf:bf 1
-2.3.5 y "" 110000 4 f4:90:80:80 1
-3 Malformed sequences
-3.1 Unexpected continuation bytes
-3.1.1 n "" - 1 80
-3.1.2 n "" - 1 bf
-3.1.3 n "" - 2 80:bf
-3.1.4 n "" - 3 80:bf:80
-3.1.5 n "" - 4 80:bf:80:bf
-3.1.6 n "" - 5 80:bf:80:bf:80
-3.1.7 n "" - 6 80:bf:80:bf:80:bf
-3.1.8 n "" - 7 80:bf:80:bf:80:bf:80
-3.1.9 n "" - 64 80:81:82:83:84:85:86:87:88:89:8a:8b:8c:8d:8e:8f:90:91:92:93:94:95:96:97:98:99:9a:9b:9c:9d:9e:9f:a0:a1:a2:a3:a4:a5:a6:a7:a8:a9:aa:ab:ac:ad:ae:af:b0:b1:b2:b3:b4:b5:b6:b7:b8:b9:ba:bb:bc:bd:be:bf
-3.2 Lonely start characters
-3.2.1 n " " - 64 c0:20:c1:20:c2:20:c3:20:c4:20:c5:20:c6:20:c7:20:c8:20:c9:20:ca:20:cb:20:cc:20:cd:20:ce:20:cf:20:d0:20:d1:20:d2:20:d3:20:d4:20:d5:20:d6:20:d7:20:d8:20:d9:20:da:20:db:20:dc:20:dd:20:de:20:df:20
-3.2.2 n " " - 32 e0:20:e1:20:e2:20:e3:20:e4:20:e5:20:e6:20:e7:20:e8:20:e9:20:ea:20:eb:20:ec:20:ed:20:ee:20:ef:20
-3.2.3 n " " - 16 f0:20:f1:20:f2:20:f3:20:f4:20:f5:20:f6:20:f7:20
-3.2.4 n " " - 8 f8:20:f9:20:fa:20:fb:20
-3.2.5 n " " - 4 fc:20:fd:20
-3.3 Sequences with last continuation byte missing
-3.3.1 n "" - 1 c0
-3.3.2 n "" - 2 e0:80
-3.3.3 n "" - 3 f0:80:80
-3.3.4 n "" - 4 f8:80:80:80
-3.3.5 n "" - 5 fc:80:80:80:80
-3.3.6 n "" - 1 df
-3.3.7 n "" - 2 ef:bf
-3.3.8 n "" - 3 f7:bf:bf
-3.3.9 n "" - 4 fb:bf:bf:bf
-3.3.10 n "" - 5 fd:bf:bf:bf:bf
-3.4 Concatenation of incomplete sequences
-3.4.1 n "" - 30 c0:e0:80:f0:80:80:f8:80:80:80:fc:80:80:80:80:df:ef:bf:f7:bf:bf:fb:bf:bf:bf:fd:bf:bf:bf:bf
-3.5 Impossible bytes
-3.5.1 n "" - 1 fe
-3.5.2 n "" - 1 ff
-3.5.3 n "" - 4 fe:fe:ff:ff
-4 Overlong sequences
-4.1 Examples of an overlong ASCII character
-4.1.1 n "" - 2 c0:af
-4.1.2 n "" - 3 e0:80:af
-4.1.3 n "" - 4 f0:80:80:af
-4.1.4 n "" - 5 f8:80:80:80:af
-4.1.5 n "" - 6 fc:80:80:80:80:af
-4.2 Maximum overlong sequences
-4.2.1 n "" - 2 c1:bf
-4.2.2 n "" - 3 e0:9f:bf
-4.2.3 n "" - 4 f0:8f:bf:bf
-4.2.4 n "" - 5 f8:87:bf:bf:bf
-4.2.5 n "" - 6 fc:83:bf:bf:bf:bf
-4.3 Overlong representation of the NUL character
-4.3.1 n "" - 2 c0:80
-4.3.2 n "" - 3 e0:80:80
-4.3.3 n "" - 4 f0:80:80:80
-4.3.4 n "" - 5 f8:80:80:80:80
-4.3.5 n "" - 6 fc:80:80:80:80:80
-5 Illegal code positions
-5.1 Single UTF-16 surrogates
-5.1.1 n "" - 3 ed:a0:80
-5.1.2 n "" - 3 ed:ad:bf
-5.1.3 n "" - 3 ed:ae:80
-5.1.4 n "" - 3 ed:af:bf
-5.1.5 n "" - 3 ed:b0:80
-5.1.6 n "" - 3 ed:be:80
-5.1.7 n "" - 3 ed:bf:bf
-5.2 Paired UTF-16 surrogates
-5.2.1 n "" - 6 ed:a0:80:ed:b0:80
-5.2.2 n "" - 6 ed:a0:80:ed:bf:bf
-5.2.3 n "" - 6 ed:ad:bf:ed:b0:80
-5.2.4 n "" - 6 ed:ad:bf:ed:bf:bf
-5.2.5 n "" - 6 ed:ae:80:ed:b0:80
-5.2.6 n "" - 6 ed:ae:80:ed:bf:bf
-5.2.7 n "" - 6 ed:af:bf:ed:b0:80
-5.2.8 n "" - 6 ed:af:bf:ed:bf:bf
-5.3 Other illegal code positions
-5.3.1 n "￾" - 3 ef:bf:be
-# The ffff is illegal unless UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF
-5.3.2 n "￿" - 3 ef:bf:bf
-# 104..181
- my $WARN;
- my $id;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} =
- sub {
- # print "# $id: @_";
- $WARN++;
- };
- sub moan {
- print "$id: @_";
- }
- sub test_unpack_U {
- $WARN = 0;
- unpack('U*', $_[0]);
- }
- for (@MK) {
- if (/^(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s/ || /^#/) {
- # print "# $_\n";
- } elsif (/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+[bu]?)\s+([yn])\s+"(.+)"\s+([0-9a-f]{1,8}|-)\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9a-f]{2}(?::[0-9a-f]{2})*)(?:\s+(\d+))?$/) {
- $id = $1;
- my ($okay, $bytes, $Unicode, $byteslen, $hex, $charslen) =
- ($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
- my @hex = split(/:/, $hex);
- unless (@hex == $byteslen) {
- my $nhex = @hex;
- moan "amount of hex ($nhex) not equal to byteslen ($byteslen)\n";
- }
- {
- use bytes;
- my $bytesbyteslen = length($bytes);
- unless ($bytesbyteslen == $byteslen) {
- moan "bytes length() ($bytesbyteslen) not equal to $byteslen\n";
- }
- }
- if ($okay eq 'y') {
- test_unpack_U($bytes);
- unless ($WARN == 0) {
- moan "unpack('U*') false negative\n";
- print "not ";
- }
- } elsif ($okay eq 'n') {
- test_unpack_U($bytes);
- unless ($WARN) {
- moan "unpack('U*') false positive\n";
- print "not ";
- }
- }
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- } else {
- moan "unknown format\n";
- }
- }