path: root/t
diff options
authorYves Orton <>2009-09-19 11:16:21 +0200
committerYves Orton <>2009-09-19 18:44:14 +0200
commite425a60b42b7aa18974e696c05c08e6321c20118 (patch)
treec3a68d0a40ff4de3122a513e0113918c0fa0876e /t
parentf54fcafc498511d9a430cf4ef0aca22ac67b9575 (diff)
copy pat.t into five new files
next commit i will mutually gut them all, and this step will allow git to trivially identify that all of these files were copies of pat.t originally, and thus the blame log should show the full history.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
5 files changed, 21955 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/re/pat_advanced.t b/t/re/pat_advanced.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b5bbb3575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/re/pat_advanced.t
@@ -0,0 +1,4391 @@
+# This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into
+# the format supported by re/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
+# that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+sub run_tests;
+$| = 1;
+my $EXPECTED_TESTS = 4066; # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+our $TODO;
+our $Message = "Noname test";
+our $Error;
+our $DiePattern;
+our $WarnPattern;
+our $BugId;
+our $PatchId;
+our $running_as_thread;
+my $ordA = ord ('A'); # This defines ASCII/UTF-8 vs EBCDIC/UTF-EBCDIC
+# This defined the platform.
+my $IS_ASCII = $ordA == 65;
+my $IS_EBCDIC = $ordA == 193;
+use vars '%Config';
+eval 'use Config'; # Defaults assumed if this fails
+my $test = 0;
+print "1..$EXPECTED_TESTS\n";
+run_tests unless caller ();
+END {
+sub pretty {
+ my ($mess) = @_;
+ $mess =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $mess =~ s/([\00-\37\177])/sprintf '\%03o', ord $1/eg;
+ $mess =~ s/#/\\#/g;
+ $mess;
+sub safe_globals {
+ defined($_) and s/#/\\#/g for $BugId, $PatchId, $TODO;
+sub _ok {
+ my ($ok, $mess, $error) = @_;
+ safe_globals();
+ $mess = pretty ($mess // $Message);
+ $mess .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ $mess .= "; Patch $PatchId" if defined $PatchId;
+ $mess .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(1)) [2];
+ printf "%sok %d - %s\n",
+ ($ok ? "" : "not "),
+ ++ $test,
+ "$mess\tLine $line_nr";
+ unless ($ok) {
+ print "# Failed test at line $line_nr\n" unless defined $TODO;
+ if ($error //= $Error) {
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ chomp $error;
+ $error = join "\n#", map {pretty $_} split /\n\h*#/ => $error;
+ $error = "# $error" unless $error =~ /^\h*#/;
+ print $error, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+# Force scalar context on the pattern match
+sub ok ($;$$) {_ok $_ [0], $_ [1], $_ [2]}
+sub nok ($;$$) {_ok !$_ [0], "Failed: " . ($_ [1] // $Message), $_ [2]}
+sub skip {
+ my $why = shift;
+ safe_globals();
+ $why =~ s/\n.*//s;
+ $why .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ # seems like the new harness code doesnt like todo and skip to be mixed.
+ # which seems like a bug in the harness to me. -- dmq
+ #$why .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $n = shift // 1;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(0)) [2];
+ for (1 .. $n) {
+ ++ $test;
+ #print "not " if defined $TODO;
+ print "ok $test # skip $why\tLine $line_nr\n";
+ }
+ no warnings "exiting";
+ last SKIP;
+sub iseq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got eq $expect;
+ my $error = "# expected: $expect\n" .
+ "# result: $got";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub isneq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ my $todo = $TODO ? " # TODO $TODO" : '';
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got ne $expect;
+ my $error = "# results are equal ($got)";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub eval_ok ($;$) {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ local $@;
+ if (ref $code) {
+ _ok eval {&$code} && !$@, $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ _ok eval ($code) && !$@, $name;
+ }
+sub must_die {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $DiePattern;
+ undef $@;
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $@ && $@ =~ /$pattern/;
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "\$\@ =~ /$pattern/";
+sub must_warn {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $WarnPattern;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $w && $w =~ /$pattern/;
+ $w //= "UNDEF";
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "Got warning /$pattern/",
+ "# expected: /$pattern/\n" .
+ "# result: $w";
+sub may_not_warn {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ _ok !$w, $name // ($Message ? "$Message (did not warn)"
+ : "Did not warn"),
+ "Got warning '$w'";
+# Tests start here.
+sub run_tests {
+ {
+ my $x = "abc\ndef\n";
+ ok $x =~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" =~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x !~ /^def/, qq ["$x" !~ /^def/];
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok $x =~ /^def/m, qq ["$x" =~ /^def/m];
+ nok $x =~ /^xxx/, qq ["$x" =~ /^xxx/];
+ nok $x !~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" !~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x =~ /def/, qq ["$x" =~ /def/];
+ nok $x !~ /def/, qq ["$x" !~ /def/];
+ ok $x !~ /.def/, qq ["$x" !~ /.def/];
+ nok $x =~ /.def/, qq ["$x" =~ /.def/];
+ ok $x =~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" =~ /\ndef/];
+ nok $x !~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" !~ /\ndef/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123';
+ ok /^([0-9][0-9]*)/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^([0-9][0-9]*)/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'aaabbbccc';
+ ok /(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc',
+ qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a*b*)(c*)/];
+ ok /(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc', qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a+b+c+)/];
+ nok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ $_ = 'aaabccc';
+ ok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ $_ = 'aaaccc';
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ nok /a*b+c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b+c*/];
+ $_ = 'abcdef';
+ ok /bcd|xyz/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /bcd|xyz/];
+ ok /xyz|bcd/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /xyz|bcd/];
+ ok m|bc/*d|, qq [\$_ = '$_'; m|bc/*d|];
+ ok /^$_$/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^\$_\$/];
+ }
+ {
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok "ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m, qq ["ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m];
+ }
+ {
+ our %XXX = map {($_ => $_)} 123, 234, 345;
+ our @XXX = ('ok 1','not ok 1', 'ok 2','not ok 2','not ok 3');
+ while ($_ = shift(@XXX)) {
+ my $f = index ($_, 'not') >= 0 ? \&nok : \&ok;
+ my $r = ?(.*)?;
+ &$f ($r, "?(.*)?");
+ /not/ && reset;
+ if (/not ok 2/) {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $_ = shift(@XXX);
+ }
+ else {
+ reset 'X';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip "Reset 'X'", 1;
+ }
+ ok !keys %XXX, "%XXX is empty";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test empty pattern";
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ my $cde = 'cde';
+ $cde =~ /[^ab]*/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ my $foo = '[^ab]*';
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ my $null;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $null = "";
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = q !Check $`, $&, $'!;
+ $_ = 'abcdefghi';
+ /def/; # optimized up to cmd
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ no warnings 'void';
+ /cde/ + 0; # optimized only to spat
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'ab:cde:fghi';
+ /[d][e][f]/; # not optimized
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'now is the {time for all} good men to come to.';
+ / {([^}]*)}/;
+ iseq $1, 'time for all', "Match braces";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "{N,M} quantifier";
+ $_ = 'xxx {3,4} yyy zzz';
+ ok /( {3,4})/;
+ iseq $1, ' ';
+ ok !/( {4,})/;
+ ok /( {2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, ' y';
+ ok /(y{2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, 'yyy ';
+ ok !/x {3,4}/;
+ ok !/^xxx {3,4}/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test /g";
+ local $" = ":";
+ $_ = "now is the time for all good men to come to.";
+ my @words = /(\w+)/g;
+ my $exp = "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to";
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ while (/\w+/g) {
+ push (@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ pos = 0;
+ while (/to/g) {
+ push(@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ pos $_ = 0;
+ @words = /to/g;
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "abcdefghi";
+ my $pat1 = 'def';
+ my $pat2 = '^def';
+ my $pat3 = '.def.';
+ my $pat4 = 'abc';
+ my $pat5 = '^abc';
+ my $pat6 = 'abc$';
+ my $pat7 = 'ghi';
+ my $pat8 = '\w*ghi';
+ my $pat9 = 'ghi$';
+ my $t1 = my $t2 = my $t3 = my $t4 = my $t5 =
+ my $t6 = my $t7 = my $t8 = my $t9 = 0;
+ for my $iter (1 .. 5) {
+ $t1++ if /$pat1/o;
+ $t2++ if /$pat2/o;
+ $t3++ if /$pat3/o;
+ $t4++ if /$pat4/o;
+ $t5++ if /$pat5/o;
+ $t6++ if /$pat6/o;
+ $t7++ if /$pat7/o;
+ $t8++ if /$pat8/o;
+ $t9++ if /$pat9/o;
+ }
+ my $x = "$t1$t2$t3$t4$t5$t6$t7$t8$t9";
+ iseq $x, '505550555', "Test /o";
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc$|$xyz/, "| after \$";
+ # perl 4.009 says "unmatched ()"
+ local $Message = '$ inside ()';
+ my $result;
+ eval '"abc" =~ /a(bc$)|$xyz/; $result = "$&:$1"';
+ iseq $@, "" or skip "eval failed", 1;
+ iseq $result, "abc:bc";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ $_ = "abcfooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/abc/g;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /gi";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "";
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/ABC/gi;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "fooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "bar";
+ $_ .= '';
+ my @x = /abc/g;
+ iseq @x, 2, "/g reset after assignment";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '/g, \G and pos';
+ $_ = "abdc";
+ pos $_ = 2;
+ /\Gc/gc;
+ iseq pos $_, 2;
+ /\Gc/g;
+ ok !defined pos $_;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '(?{ })';
+ our $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 2 })b';
+ iseq $out, 2;
+ $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 3 })c';
+ iseq $out, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'foobar1 bar2 foobar3 barfoobar5 foobar6';
+ my @out = /(?<!foo)bar./g;
+ iseq "@out", 'bar2 barf', "Negative lookbehind";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "REG_INFTY tests";
+ # Tests which depend on REG_INFTY
+ $::reg_infty = $Config {reg_infty} // 32767;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty - 1;
+ $::reg_infty_p = $::reg_infty + 1;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty_m; # Surpress warning.
+ # As well as failing if the pattern matches do unexpected things, the
+ # next three tests will fail if you should have picked up a lower-than-
+ # default value for $reg_infty from, but have not.
+ eval_ok q (('aaa' =~ /(a{1,$::reg_infty_m})/)[0] eq 'aaa');
+ eval_ok q (('a' x $::reg_infty_m) =~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval_ok q (('a' x ($::reg_infty_m - 1)) !~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty_p}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ }
+ {
+ # Poke a couple more parse failures
+ my $context = 'x' x 256;
+ eval qq("${context}y" =~ /(?<=$context)y/);
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QLookbehind longer than 255 not/, "Lookbehind limit";
+ }
+ {
+ # Long Monsters
+ local $Message = "Long monster";
+ for my $l (125, 140, 250, 270, 300000, 30) { # Ordered to free memory
+ my $a = 'a' x $l;
+ local $Error = "length = $l";
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ nok "b$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ ok "b$a=" =~ /ba+=/;
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /b(?:a|b)+=/;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # 20000 nodes, each taking 3 words per string, and 1 per branch
+ my $long_constant_len = join '|', 12120 .. 32645;
+ my $long_var_len = join '|', 8120 .. 28645;
+ my %ans = ( 'ax13876y25677lbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677mcb' => 0, # not b.
+ 'ax13876y35677nbc' => 0, # Num too big
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378obc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378zbc' => 0, # Not followed by [k-o]
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kcb' => 0, # Not b.
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378y21378kbc' => 0, # 5 runs
+ );
+ local $Message = "20000 nodes";
+ for (keys %ans) {
+ local $Error = "const-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_constant_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ local $Error = "var-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_var_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Complicated backtracking";
+ $_ = " a (bla()) and x(y b((l)u((e))) and b(l(e)e)e";
+ my $expect = "(bla()) ((l)u((e))) (l(e)e)";
+ use vars '$c';
+ sub matchit {
+ m/
+ (
+ \(
+ (?{ $c = 1 }) # Initialize
+ (?:
+ (?(?{ $c == 0 }) # PREVIOUS iteration was OK, stop the loop
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail: will unwind one iteration back
+ )
+ (?:
+ [^()]+ # Match a big chunk
+ (?=
+ [()]
+ ) # Do not try to match subchunks
+ |
+ \(
+ (?{ ++$c })
+ |
+ \)
+ (?{ --$c })
+ )
+ )+ # This may not match with different subblocks
+ )
+ (?(?{ $c != 0 })
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail
+ ) # Otherwise the chunk 1 may succeed with $c>0
+ /xg;
+ }
+ my @ans = ();
+ my $res;
+ push @ans, $res while $res = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ @ans = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ local $Message = "Recursion with (??{ })";
+ our $matched;
+ $matched = qr/\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$matched}))*\)/;
+ @ans = my @ans1 = ();
+ push (@ans, $res), push (@ans1, $&) while $res = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ iseq "@ans1", $expect;
+ @ans = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ }
+ {
+ ok "abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/, '"abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ans = ('a/b' =~ m%(.*/)?(.*)%); # Stack may be bad
+ iseq "@ans", 'a/ b', "Stack may be bad";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Eval-group not allowed at runtime";
+ my $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ our $blah = 12;
+ eval { /(?$code)/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ for $code ('{$blah = 45}','=xx') {
+ $blah = 12;
+ my $res = eval { "xx" =~ /(?$code)/o };
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ local $Error = "'$@', '$res', '$blah'";
+ if ($code eq '=xx') {
+ ok !$@ && $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ }
+ }
+ $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ $blah = 12;
+ eval "/(?$code)/";
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ $blah = 12;
+ /(?{$blah = 45})/;
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Pos checks";
+ my $x = 'banana';
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ $x =~ /.z/gc;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ sub f {
+ my $p = $_[0];
+ return $p;
+ }
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq f (pos ($x)), 4;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Checking $^R';
+ our $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[t]/;
+ iseq $^R, 75;
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[xy]/;
+ ok $^R eq '67' && $x eq '12';
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{ $^R + 12 })((?{ $x = 12; $^R + 17 })[xy])?/;
+ ok $^R eq '79' && $x eq '12';
+ }
+ {
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/i, '(?i-xsm:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/i';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/s, '(?s-xim:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/s';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/m, '(?m-xis:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/m';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/x, '(?x-ism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/x';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/xism, '(?msix:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/xism';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/, '(?-xism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Look around";
+ $_ = 'xabcx';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'c') {
+ ok /(?<=(?=a)..)((?=c)|.)/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $1, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Empty clause";
+ $_ = 'a';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'a', '') {
+ ok /^|a|$/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $&, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Prefixify";
+ sub prefixify {
+ SKIP: {
+ my ($v, $a, $b, $res) = @_;
+ ok $v =~ s/\Q$a\E/$b/ or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $v, $res;
+ }
+ }
+ prefixify ('/a/b/lib/arch', "/a/b/lib", 'X/lib', 'X/lib/arch');
+ prefixify ('/a/b/man/arch', "/a/b/man", 'X/man', 'X/man/arch');
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'var="foo"';
+ /(\")/;
+ ok $1 && /$1/, "Capture a quote";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Call code from qr //";
+ $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
+ $b = 7;
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '9';
+ $c="$a";
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '11';
+ undef $@;
+ eval {/$c/};
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/;
+ use re "eval";
+ /$a$c$a/;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ our $lex_a = 43;
+ our $lex_b = 17;
+ our $lex_c = 27;
+ my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ no re "eval";
+ undef $@;
+ my $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ $lex_a = 2;
+ $lex_a = 43;
+ $lex_b = 17;
+ $lex_c = 27;
+ $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ local $Message = '(?{ $var } refers to package vars';
+ package aa;
+ our $c = 2;
+ $::c = 3;
+ '' =~ /(?{ $c = 4 })/;
+ main::iseq $c, 4;
+ main::iseq $::c, 3;
+ }
+ {
+ must_die 'q(a:[b]:) =~ /[x[:foo:]]/',
+ 'POSIX class \[:[^:]+:\] unknown in regex',
+ 'POSIX class [: :] must have valid name';
+ for my $d (qw [= .]) {
+ must_die "/[[${d}foo${d}]]/",
+ "\QPOSIX syntax [$d $d] is reserved for future extensions",
+ "POSIX syntax [[$d $d]] is an error";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # test if failure of patterns returns empty list
+ local $Message = "Failed pattern returns empty list";
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ @_ = /bbb/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /bbb/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '@- and @+ tests';
+ /a(?=.$)/;
+ iseq $#+, 0;
+ iseq $#-, 0;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [1] && !defined $- [1] &&
+ !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2];
+ /a(a)(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 2;
+ iseq $+ [0], 3;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [2], 3;
+ iseq $- [2], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)(b)?(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 3;
+ iseq $#-, 3;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [3], 3;
+ iseq $- [3], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 1;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3];
+ /.(a)(ba*)?/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $DiePattern = '^Modification of a read-only value attempted';
+ local $Message = 'Elements of @- and @+ are read-only';
+ must_die '$+[0] = 13';
+ must_die '$-[0] = 13';
+ must_die '@+ = (7, 6, 5)';
+ must_die '@- = qw (foo bar)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G testing';
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ pos = 1;
+ my @a = /\Ga/g;
+ iseq "@a", "a a";
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ pos $str = 2;
+ ok $str !~ /^\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^.\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /^..\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^...\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /\G../ && $& eq 'cd';
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ ok $str =~ /.\G./ && $& eq 'bc';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'pos inside (?{ })';
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ our ($foo, $bar);
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos ($str);
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos $str = undef;
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos ($str), 3;
+ $_ = $str;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos, 3;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos = undef;
+ 1 while /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ ok s/b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/x/g;
+ iseq $foo, 'abcde|abcde';
+ iseq $bar, 8;
+ iseq $_, 'axde|axde';
+ # List context:
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ our @res;
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $1,$2})([ce])(?{push @res, $1,$2})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'a' undef 'a' 'c' 'e' undef 'a' undef 'a' 'c'";
+ @res = ();
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})([ce])(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'' 'ab' 'cde|abcde' " .
+ "'' 'abc' 'de|abcde' " .
+ "'abcd' 'e|' 'abcde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'ab' 'cde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'abc' 'de'" ;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $foo = 'aabbccddeeffgg';
+ pos ($foo) = 1;
+ {
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'ab';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cc';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'de';
+ ok $foo =~ /\Gef/g;
+ }
+ undef pos $foo;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'aa';
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'bb';
+ pos ($foo) = 5;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cd';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123x123';
+ my @res = /(\d*|x)/g;
+ local $" = '|';
+ iseq "@res", "123||x|123|", "0 match in alternation";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Match against temporaries (created via pp_helem())" .
+ " is safe";
+ ok {foo => "bar\n" . $^X} -> {foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
+ iseq $1, "bar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'package $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ our @a = qw [foo bar];
+ our @b = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @b, $1})/,$1,/g for @a;
+ iseq "@b", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@a", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ local $Message = 'lexical $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my @c = qw [foo bar];
+ my @d = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @d, $1})/,$1,/g for @c;
+ iseq "@d", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@c", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Brackets';
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr {
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{{}" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{}";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ m/((??{ $brackets }))/;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "a-a\nxbb";
+ pos = 1;
+ nok m/^-.*bb/mg, '$_ = "a-a\nxbb"; m/^-.*bb/mg';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $text = "aaXbXcc";
+ pos ($text) = 0;
+ ok $text !~ /\GXb*X/g;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "xA\n" x 500;
+ nok /^\s*A/m, '$_ = "xA\n" x 500; /^\s*A/m"';
+ my $text = "abc dbf";
+ my @res = ($text =~ /.*?(b).*?\b/g);
+ iseq "@res", "b b", '\b is not special';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\S, [\S], \s, [\s]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\D, [\D], \d, [\d]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\W, [\W], \w, [\w]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ # see if backtracking optimization works correctly
+ local $Message = 'Backtrack optimization';
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n* $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n*? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n*+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n++ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?+ $ \n/x;
+ }
+ {
+ package S;
+ use overload '""' => sub {'Object S'};
+ sub new {bless []}
+ local $Message = "Ref stringification";
+ ::ok do { \my $v} =~ /^SCALAR/, "Scalar ref stringification";
+ ::ok do {\\my $v} =~ /^REF/, "Ref ref stringification";
+ ::ok [] =~ /^ARRAY/, "Array ref stringification";
+ ::ok {} =~ /^HASH/, "Hash ref stringification";
+ ::ok 'S' -> new =~ /^Object S/, "Object stringification";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test result of match used as match";
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /y/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /t/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '"1" is not \s';
+ may_not_warn sub {ok ("1\n" x 102) !~ /^\s*\n/m};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\s, [[:space:]] and [[:blank:]]';
+ my %space = (spc => " ",
+ tab => "\t",
+ cr => "\r",
+ lf => "\n",
+ ff => "\f",
+ # There's no \v but the vertical tabulator seems miraculously
+ # be 11 both in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ vt => chr(11),
+ false => "space");
+ my @space0 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /\s/ } keys %space;
+ my @space1 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:space:]]/} keys %space;
+ my @space2 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:blank:]]/} keys %space;
+ iseq "@space0", "cr ff lf spc tab";
+ iseq "@space1", "cr ff lf spc tab vt";
+ iseq "@space2", "spc tab";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000731.001';
+ ok "A \x{263a} B z C" =~ /A . B (??{ "z" }) C/,
+ "Match UTF-8 char in presense of (??{ })";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001021.005';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok undef =~ /^([^\/]*)(.*)$/, "Used to cause a SEGV";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "a\x{100}b";
+ ok /(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/ or skip q [\C doesn't match], 4;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ if ($IS_ASCII) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8
+ iseq $2, "\xC4";
+ iseq $3, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC
+ iseq $2, "\x8C";
+ iseq $3, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ SKIP: {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ skip "Unexpected platform";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $4, "b";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "\x{100}";
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match], 2;
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\xC4";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x8C";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match];
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Japhy -- added 03/03/2001
+ () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/;
+ $str = "def";
+ iseq $1, "abc", 'Changing subject does not modify $1';
+ }
+ {
+ # The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should
+ # match (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range
+ # should not match.
+ ok "\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/, '"\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/';
+ ok "\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/, '"\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/';
+ skip "Not an EBCDIC platform", 2 unless ord ('i') == 0x89 &&
+ ord ('J') == 0xd1;
+ # In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not
+ # in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match
+ # 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for
+ # the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there.
+ nok "\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/, '"\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/';
+ nok "\xce" !~ /[I-J]/, '"\xce" !~ /[I-J]/';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/, '"\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/ ';
+ ok "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/, '"\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'bug id 20001008.001';
+ my @x = ("stra\337e 138", "stra\337e 138");
+ for (@x) {
+ ok s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
+ ok my ($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
+ iseq $latin, "stra\337e";
+ ok $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/;
+ #
+ # Previous code follows, but outcommented - there were no tests.
+ #
+ # $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
+ # use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8
+ # $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Test \x escapes';
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001028.003';
+ # Fist half of the bug.
+ local $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA matched by .*';
+ my $X = chr (1448);
+ ok my ($Y) = $X =~ /(.*)/;
+ iseq $Y, v1448;
+ iseq length ($Y), 1;
+ # Second half of the bug.
+ $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA in replacement';
+ $X = '';
+ $X =~ s/^/chr(1488)/e;
+ iseq length $X, 1;
+ iseq ord ($X), 1488;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001108.001';
+ local $Message = 'Repeated s///';
+ my $X = "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ my $Y = $X;
+ $Y =~ s/(B)/$1/ for 0 .. 3;
+ iseq $Y, $X;
+ iseq $X, "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000517.001';
+ local $Message = 's/// on UTF-8 string';
+ my $x = "\x{100}A";
+ $x =~ s/A/B/;
+ iseq $x, "\x{100}B";
+ iseq length $x, 2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001230.002';
+ local $Message = '\C and É';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(.)/ && $1 eq 'c';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(c)/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Match code points > 255';
+ $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg";
+ ok /(.\x{300})./ or skip "No match", 4;
+ ok $` eq "abc\x{100}" && length ($`) == 4;
+ ok $& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length ($&) == 3;
+ ok $' eq "\x{400}defg" && length ($') == 5;
+ ok $1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length ($1) == 2;
+ }
+ {
+ # The original bug report had 'no utf8' here but that was irrelevant.
+ local $BugId = '20010306.008';
+ local $Message = "Don't dump core";
+ my $a = "a\x{1234}";
+ ok $a =~ m/\w/; # used to core dump.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20010410.006';
+ local $Message = '/g in scalar context';
+ for my $rx ('/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/csg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/cg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/sg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/g',
+ '/(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/csg',) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $input = "a{b}c{d}";
+ eval <<" --";
+ while (eval \$input =~ $rx) {
+ \$i ++;
+ }
+ --
+ iseq $i, 2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $x = "\x{10FFFD}";
+ $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g;
+ ok ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1, "From Robin Houston";
+ }
+ {
+ my %d = (
+ "7f" => [0, 0, 0],
+ "80" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "ff" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "100" => [0, 1, 1],
+ );
+ while (my ($code, $match) = each %d) {
+ local $Message = "Properties of \\x$code";
+ my $char = eval qq ["\\x{$code}"];
+ my $i = 0;
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # From Japhy
+ local $Message;
+ must_warn 'qr/(?c)/', '^Useless \(\?c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-c)/', '^Useless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g)/', '^Useless \(\?g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-g)/', '^Useless \(\?-g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o)/', '^Useless \(\?o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-o)/', '^Useless \(\?-o\)';
+ # Now test multi-error regexes
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-o)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-c)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o-cg)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?ogc)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?g\).*\n' .
+ 'Useless \(\?c\)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/x tests";
+ $_ = "foo";
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o\r
+ o
+ \$
+ /x
+ --
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o
+ o
+ \$\r
+ /x
+ --
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/o feature";
+ sub test_o {$_ [0] =~ /$_[1]/o; return $1}
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '(.)..'), 'a';
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '..(.)'), 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20010619.003";
+ # Amazingly vertical tabulator is the same in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ for ("\n", "\t", "\014", "\r") {
+ ok !/[[:print:]]/, "'$_' not in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ for (" ") {
+ ok /[[:print:]]/, "'$_' in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex
+ local $Message = '$^N usage outside of a regex';
+ my $x = "abcdef";
+ ok ($x =~ /cde/ and !defined $^N);
+ ok ($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e");
+ {ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");}
+ ## Test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now
+ ## have the value set in the previous test.
+ iseq $^N, "e", '$^N is automatically localized';
+ # Now test inside (?{ ... })
+ local $Message = '$^N usage inside (?{ ... })';
+ our ($y, $z);
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcd");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcde");
+ }
+ {
+ ## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff,
+ ## but not sure how to guarantee a specific locale......
+ skip "Not an ASCII platform", 2 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ local $Message = 'Test [[:cntrl:]]';
+ my $AllBytes = join "" => map {chr} 0 .. 255;
+ (my $x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7E, 0x80 .. 0xFF;
+ ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F;
+ }
+ {
+ # With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 chars aren't bytes";
+ my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World";
+ my @a = ($a =~ /./gs);
+ iseq $#a, 12;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '. matches \n with /s';
+ my $str1 = "foo\nbar";
+ my $str2 = "foo\n\x{100}bar";
+ my ($a, $b) = map {chr} $IS_ASCII ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41);
+ my @a;
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 6; iseq "@a", "f o o b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 8; iseq "@a", "f o o \n \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010814.004] pos() doesn't work when using =~m// in list context
+ local $BugId = '20010814.004';
+ $_ = "ababacadaea";
+ my $a = join ":", /b./gc;
+ my $b = join ":", /a./gc;
+ my $c = pos;
+ iseq "$a $b $c", 'ba:ba ad:ae 10', "pos() works with () = m//";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from
+ # functions does not work
+ local $BugId = '20010407.006';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 return values from functions';
+ package ID_20010407_006;
+ sub x {"a\x{1234}"}
+ my $x = x;
+ my $y;
+ ::ok $x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ ::ok x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'digit';
+ # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these.
+ my $x;
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # and now again in [] ranges
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these.
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/,
+ "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ }
+ {
+ # High bit bug -- japhy
+ my $x = "ab\200d";
+ ok $x =~ /.*?\200/, "High bit fine";
+ }
+ {
+ # The basic character classes and Unicode
+ ok "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON in /\w/';
+ ok "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/, 'ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO in /\d/';
+ ok "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/, 'OGHAM SPACE MARK in /\s/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Folding matches and Unicode";
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'GREEK LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $PatchId = "13843";
+ local $Message = "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA vs " .
+ may_not_warn sub {ok "_:$char:_" !~ m/_:$SIGMA:_/i};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\X';
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a";
+ ok "\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF";
+ ok "\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}";
+ ok "\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}";
+ ok "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ local $Message = '\C and \X';
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Cc/;
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Xc/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Final Sigma";
+ my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
+ my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
+ my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ local $Message = "More final Sigma";
+ my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma";
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Parlez-Vous " .
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Cais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\C\Cais/;
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ my @f = (
+ ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais", "Francais"],
+ );
+ foreach my $entry (@f) {
+ my ($subject, $match) = @$entry;
+ ok $subject =~ /Fran(?:c\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}?|
+ $& eq $match;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag doesn't mess up /i";
+ my $pat = "ABcde";
+ my $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE";
+ chop $pat;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $pat;
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S " .
+ ok "ss" =~ /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i;
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i;
+ ok "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}" =~ /ss/i;
+ local $Message = "Unoptimized named sequence in class";
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ ok "SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # More whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n";
+ # U+0085, U+00A0 need to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that.
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "EBCDIC platform", 4 if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ # Do \x{0015} and \x{0041} match \s in EBCDIC?
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{0085} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{0085}>" =~ /<\v>/, '\x{0085} in \v';
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{00A0} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\h>/, '\x{00A0} in \h';
+ }
+ my @h = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01680, 0x0180E, 0x02000 .. 0x0200A,
+ 0x0202F, 0x0205F, 0x03000;
+ my @v = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x02028, 0x02029;
+ my @H = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01361, 0x0200B, 0x02408, 0x02420,
+ 0x0303F, 0xE0020;
+ my @V = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x0008A .. 0x0008D, 0x00348, 0x10100,
+ 0xE005F, 0xE007C;
+ for my $hex (@h) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\h";
+ ok $str !~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\v";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@v) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\v";
+ ok $str !~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\h";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@H) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\H>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\H";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@V) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\V>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\V";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes
+ local $Message = ". with /s works on characters, not bytes";
+ my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}";
+ # This is not expected to match: the point is that
+ # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings.
+ may_not_warn sub {$s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs}, "No 'Malformed UTF-8' warning";
+ my @c;
+ push @c => $1 while $s =~ /\G(.)/gs;
+ local $" = "";
+ iseq "@c", $s;
+ # Test only chars < 256
+ my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}";
+ my $r1 = "";
+ while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r1 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # Repeat with a larger char
+ my $r2 = "";
+ while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r2 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//;
+ iseq $r1, $r2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Unicode lookbehind";
+ ok "A\x{100}B" =~ /(?<=A.)B/;
+ ok "A\x{200}\x{300}B" =~ /(?<=A..)B/;
+ ok "\x{400}AB" =~ /(?<=\x{400}.)B/;
+ ok "\x{500}\x{600}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # Original code also contained:
+ # ok "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # but that looks like a typo.
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 hash keys and /$/';
+ #
+ # /2002-01/msg01327.html
+ my $u = "a\x{100}";
+ my $v = substr ($u, 0, 1);
+ my $w = substr ($u, 1, 1);
+ my %u = ($u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w);
+ for (keys %u) {
+ my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ my $m2 = $u {$_} =~ /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ iseq $m1, $m2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020124.005";
+ local $PatchId = "14795";
+ local $Message = "s///eg";
+ for my $char ("a", "\x{df}", "\x{100}") {
+ my $x = "$char b $char";
+ $x =~ s{($char)}{
+ "c" =~ /c/;
+ "x";
+ }ge;
+ iseq substr ($x, 0, 1), substr ($x, -1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "No SEGV in s/// and UTF-8";
+ my $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4;
+ ok $s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g;
+ iseq $s, "s \x{100}" x 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ iseq $s, "s " x 4;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug (maybe already known?)";
+ my $u = "foo";
+ $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}";
+ $u = "foobar";
+ $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r";
+ $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g;
+ iseq $u, "feeber";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug with s///";
+ # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures
+ # try to force all float/anchored check combinations
+ my $c = "\x{100}";
+ my $subst;
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x",
+ "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",) {
+ ok "xxx" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") {
+ ok "xxx" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") {
+ ok "xx$c" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, $c;
+ ok "xy$c" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xy$c") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") {
+ ok "xyz" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "qr /.../x";
+ my $R = qr / A B C # D E/x;
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ $R && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020412.005";
+ local $Message = "Correct pmop flags checked when empty pattern";
+ # Requires reuse of last successful pattern.
+ my $num = 123;
+ $num =~ /\d/;
+ for (0 .. 1) {
+ my $match = ?? + 0;
+ ok $match != $_, $Message,
+ sprintf "'match one' %s on %s iteration" =>
+ $match ? 'succeeded' : 'failed',
+ $_ ? 'second' : 'first';
+ }
+ $num =~ /(\d)/;
+ my $result = join "" => $num =~ //g;
+ iseq $result, $num;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20020630.002';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 regex matches above 32k';
+ for (['byte', "\x{ff}"], ['utf8', "\x{1ff}"]) {
+ my ($type, $char) = @$_;
+ for my $len (32000, 32768, 33000) {
+ my $s = $char . "f" x $len;
+ my $r = $s =~ /$char([f]*)/gc;
+ ok $r, $Message, "<$type x $len>";
+ ok !$r || pos ($s) == $len + 1, $Message,
+ "<$type x $len>; pos = @{[pos $s]}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
+ ok 'goodfood' =~ $a, "Reblessed qr // matches";
+ iseq $a, '(?-xism:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies";
+ my $x = "\x{3fe}";
+ my $z = my $y = "\317\276"; # Byte representation of $x
+ $a = qr /$x/;
+ ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
+ ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
+ "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17776';
+ iseq length qr /##/x, 12, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ $y = $z; # Reset $y after upgrade.
+ ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $PatchId = '18179';
+ my $s = "\x{100}" x 5;
+ my $ok = $s =~ /(\x{100}{4})/;
+ my ($ord, $len) = (ord $1, length $1);
+ ok $ok && $ord == 0x100 && $len == 4, "No panic: end_shift";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15763';
+ our $a = "x\x{100}";
+ chop $a; # Leaves the UTF-8 flag
+ $a .= "y"; # 1 byte before 'y'.
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 1-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\Cy/, 'match \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}y/, 'match \C{1}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\Cy/, q {don't match two \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}y/, q {don't match \C{2}y};
+ $a = "\x{100}y"; # 2 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 2-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C on 2-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\Cy/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}y/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match three \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}\Cy/, q {don't match \C{2}\Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{3}y/, q {don't match \C{3}y};
+ $a = "\x{1000}y"; # 3 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on three-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C\C/, 'match four \C on three-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{4}/, 'match \C{4}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\Cy/, 'match three \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}y/, 'match \C{3}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match four \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{4}y/, q {don't match \C{4}y};
+ }
+ {
+ local $\;
+ $_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa';
+ utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n";
+ ok /[^\s]+/, 'm/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok /[^\d]+/, 'm/[^\d]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15397';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 matching';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /\x{100}/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){1}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){2}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})(\x{100})/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '7471';
+ local $Message = 'Neither ()* nor ()*? sets $1 when matched 0 times';
+ local $_ = 'CD';
+ ok /(AB)*?CD/ && !defined $1;
+ ok /(AB)*CD/ && !defined $1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '3547';
+ local $Message = "Caching shouldn't prevent match";
+ my $pattern = "^(b+?|a){1,2}c";
+ ok "bac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18232';
+ local $Message = '$1 should keep UTF-8 ness';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/;
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is UTF-8';
+ { 'a' =~ /./; }
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is still UTF-8';
+ isneq $1, "\xC4\x80", '$1 is not non-UTF-8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19767';
+ local $Message = "Optimizer doesn't prematurely reject match";
+ use utf8;
+ my $attr = 'Name-1';
+ my $NormalChar = qr /[\p{IsDigit}\p{IsLower}\p{IsUpper}]/;
+ my $NormalWord = qr /${NormalChar}+?/;
+ my $PredNameHyphen = qr /^${NormalWord}(\-${NormalWord})*?$/;
+ $attr =~ /^$/;
+ ok $attr =~ $PredNameHyphen; # Original test.
+ "a" =~ m/[b]/;
+ ok "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/; # Variant.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20683';
+ local $Message = "(??{ }) doesn't return stale values";
+ our $p = 1;
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ $p ++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ {
+ package P;
+ $a = 1;
+ sub TIESCALAR {bless []}
+ sub FETCH {$a ++}
+ }
+ tie $p, "P";
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ }
+ {
+ # Subject: Odd regexp behavior
+ # From: Markus Kuhn <>
+ # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000
+ # Message-Id: <>
+ # To:
+ local $Message = 'Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26';
+ my $x = "\x{2019}\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "\x{2019} k";
+ $x = "b\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "b k";
+ ok "\x{2019}" =~ /\S/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '21411';
+ local $Message = "(??{ .. }) in split doesn't corrupt its stack";
+ our $i;
+ ok '-1-3-5-' eq join '', split /((??{$i++}))/, '-1-3-5-';
+ no warnings 'syntax';
+ @_ = split /(?{'WOW'})/, 'abc';
+ local $" = "|";
+ iseq "@_", "a|b|c";
+ }
+ {
+ # XXX DAPM 13-Apr-06. Recursive split is still broken. It's only luck it
+ # hasn't been crashing. Disable this test until it is fixed properly.
+ # XXX also check what it returns rather than just doing ok(1,...)
+ # split /(?{ split "" })/, "abc";
+ local $TODO = "Recursive split is still broken";
+ ok 0, 'cache_re & "(?{": it dumps core in 5.6.1 & 5.8.0';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF-8 length cache and fbm_compile";
+ }
+ {
+ package Str;
+ use overload q /""/ => sub {${$_ [0]};};
+ sub new {my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c;}
+ package main;
+ $_ = Str -> new ("a\x{100}/\x{100}b");
+ ok join (":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17757';
+ $_ = "code: 'x' { '...' }\n"; study;
+ my @x; push @x, $& while m/'[^\']*'/gx;
+ local $" = ":";
+ iseq "@x", "'x':'...'", "Parse::RecDescent triggered infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ my $re = qq /^([^X]*)X/;
+ utf8::upgrade ($re);
+ ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22354';
+ sub func ($) {
+ ok "a\nb" !~ /^b/, "Propagated modifier; $_[0]";
+ ok "a\nb" =~ /^b/m, "Propagated modifier; $_[0] - with /m";
+ }
+ func "standalone";
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in subst"/e;
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in multiline subst"/em;
+ #
+ # Next two give 'panic: malloc'.
+ # Outcommented, using two TODOs.
+ #
+ local $TODO = 'panic: malloc';
+ local $Message = 'Postponed regexp and propaged modifier';
+ # ok 0 for 1 .. 2;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "panic: malloc", 2;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in regexp"})/;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in multiline regexp"})/m;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049';
+ $_ = "abcdef\n";
+ my @x = m/./g;
+ iseq "abcde", $`, 'Global match sets $`';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/,
+ 'UTF-8 + multiple floating substr';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '<>';
+ ok " \x{101}" =~ qr/\x{100}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}" =~ qr/\x{1E00}/i;
+ ok " \x{10428}" =~ qr/\x{10400}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}x" =~ qr/\x{1E00}X/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #23769] Unicode regex broken on simple example
+ # regrepeat() didn't handle UTF-8 EXACT case right.
+ local $BugId = '23769';
+ my $Mess = 'regrepeat() handles UTF-8 EXACT case right';
+ local $Message = $Mess;
+ my $s = "\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{100}"; chop $s;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}+/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}\x{a0}/;
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy variant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100}" =~ /(a+)/;
+ iseq $1, "aaa";
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy invariant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100} " =~ /(a+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100} " =~ /(\xa0+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat invariant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa0\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard invariant)";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+)/;
+ iseq $1, 'ababab';
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "ab";
+ $Message = "Don't match first byte of UTF-8 representation";
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+?)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}++)/;
+ }
+ {
+ for (120 .. 130) {
+ my $head = 'x' x $_;
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \x{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}', '\x61') {
+ eval_ok qq ["$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \N{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\N{SNOWFLAKE}') {
+ eval_ok qq [use charnames ':full';
+ "$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # perl panic: pp_match start/end pointers
+ local $BugId = '25269';
+ iseq "a-bc", eval {my ($x, $y) = "bca" =~ /^(?=.*(a)).*(bc)/; "$x-$y"},
+ 'Captures can move backwards in string';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940'; # \cA not recognized in character classes
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /\cA/, '\cA in pattern';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA]/, '\cA in character class';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in character class range';
+ ok "abc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cBb" =~ /[\cA-\cC]/, '\cB in character class range';
+ ok "a\cCbc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cC in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /(??{"\cA"})/, '\cA in ??{} pattern';
+ ok "ab" !~ /a\cIb/x, '\cI in pattern';
+ }
+ {
+ # perl #28532: optional zero-width match at end of string is ignored
+ local $BugId = '28532';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)?/ && defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)??/ && !defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ }
+ { # TRIE related
+ our @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got, $1})s$/;
+ iseq @got, 1, "TRIE optimation";
+ @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i;
+ iseq @got, 1,"TRIEF optimisation";
+ my @nums = map {int rand 1000} 1 .. 100;
+ my $re = "(" . (join "|", @nums) . ")";
+ $re = qr/\b$re\b/;
+ foreach (@nums) {
+ ok $_ =~ /$re/, "Trie nums";
+ }
+ $_ = join " ", @nums;
+ @got = ();
+ push @got, $1 while /$re/g;
+ my %count;
+ $count {$_} ++ for @got;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ for (@nums) {
+ $ok = 0 if --$count {$_} < 0;
+ }
+ ok $ok, "Trie min count matches";
+ }
+ {
+ # TRIE related
+ ok "foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{101}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{10428}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo",
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i
+ && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s",
+ }
+ {
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my @normal = qw [the are some normal words];
+ skip "Skipped Psycho", 2 * @normal if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ local $" = "|";
+ my @psycho = (@normal, map chr $_, 255 .. 20000);
+ my $psycho1 = "@psycho";
+ for (my $i = @psycho; -- $i;) {
+ my $j = int rand (1 + $i);
+ @psycho [$i, $j] = @psycho [$j, $i];
+ }
+ my $psycho2 = "@psycho";
+ foreach my $word (@normal) {
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho1)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho2)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ my $utf8 = "\xe9\x{100}"; chop $utf8;
+ my $latin1 = "\xe9";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /\xe9/i, "utf8/latin";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /$latin1/i, "utf8/latin runtime";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|\xe9)/i, "utf8/latin trie";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|$latin1)/i, "utf8/latin trie runtime";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8 runtime";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie runtime";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37038';
+ my $s = "abcd";
+ $s =~ /(..)(..)/g;
+ $s = $1;
+ $s = $2;
+ iseq $2, 'cd',
+ "Assigning to original string does not corrupt match vars";
+ }
+ {
+ {
+ package wooosh;
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ }
+ my $aeek = bless {} => 'wooosh';
+ eval_ok sub {$aeek -> gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "//g match against return value of sub";
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ eval_ok sub {gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "26410 didn't affect sub calls for some reason";
+ }
+ {
+ local $TODO = "See changes 26925-26928, which reverted change 26410";
+ {
+ package lv;
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ }
+ my $o = bless [] => 'lv';
+ my $f = "";
+ my $r = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $f .= $1 if $o -> variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($r) {
+ iseq $f, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ my $g = "";
+ my $s = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $g .= $1 if variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($s) {
+ iseq $g, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37836';
+ skip "In EBCDIC" if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ $_ = pack 'U0C2', 0xa2, 0xf8; # Ill-formed UTF-8
+ my $ret = 0;
+ eval_ok sub {!($ret = s/[\0]+//g)},
+ "Ill-formed UTF-8 doesn't match NUL in class";
+ }
+ {
+ # chr(65535) should be allowed in regexes
+ local $BugId = '38293';
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # To allow non-characters
+ my ($c, $r, $s);
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/$c//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "\\$c";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/[$c]//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed in class";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "[\\$c]";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed in class";
+ $s = "A\x{ffff}B";
+ $s =~ s/\x{ffff}//i;
+ ok $s eq "AB", "U+FFFF, EXACTF";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}A";
+ $s =~ s/\bA//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, BOUND";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}!";
+ $s =~ s/\B!//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, NBOUND";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '39583';
+ # The printing characters
+ my @chars = ("A" .. "Z");
+ my $delim = ",";
+ my $size = 32771 - 4;
+ my $str = '';
+ # Create some random junk. Inefficient, but it works.
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $ i++) {
+ $str .= $chars [rand @chars];
+ }
+ $str .= ($delim x 4);
+ my $res;
+ my $matched;
+ ok $str =~ s/^(.*?)${delim}{4}//s, "Pattern matches";
+ iseq $str, "", "Empty string";
+ ok defined $1 && length ($1) == $size, '$1 is correct size';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940';
+ ok "\0-A" =~ /\c@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "\0\0A" =~ /\c@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@-A" =~ /X@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@\@A" =~ /X@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@?A/, '\c@?';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@*A/, '\c@*';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@(A)/, '\c@(';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X(\c@)A/, '\c@)';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@|ZA/, '\c@|';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@?A/, '@?';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@*A/, '@*';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@(A)/, '@(';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X(@)A/, '@)';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@|ZA/, '@|';
+ local $" = ','; # non-whitespace and non-RE-specific
+ ok 'abc' =~ /(.)(.)(.)/, 'The last successful match is bogus';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/x, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/x';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/x, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/x';
+ }
+ {
+ unshift @INC, 'lib';
+ }
+ use Cname;
+ ok 'fooB' =~ /\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/, "Passthrough charname";
+ my $test = 1233;
+ #
+ # Why doesn't must_warn work here?
+ #
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= "@_"};
+ eval 'q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/';
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring excess chars from/,
+ "Ignoring excess chars warning";
+ undef $w;
+ eval q [ok "\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/,
+ "Zerolength charname in charclass doesn't match \\0"];
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring zero length/,
+ 'Ignoring zero length \N{%} in character class warning';
+ ok 'AB' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A', 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'ABC' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/, 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'xy' =~ /x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ ok '' =~ /\N{EMPTY-STR}/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok 'aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc';
+ ok 'a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc';
+ ok ' A B' =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ }
+ {
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr{
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "Bracket mismatch";
+ SKIP: {
+ our @stack = ();
+ my @expect = qw(
+ stuff1
+ stuff2
+ <stuff1>and<stuff2>
+ right
+ <right>
+ <<right>>
+ <<<right>>>
+ <<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>
+ );
+ local $_ = '<<<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>>';
+ ok /^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/,
+ "Recursion matches";
+ iseq @stack, @expect, "Right amount of matches"
+ or skip "Won't test individual results as count isn't equal",
+ 0 + @expect;
+ my $idx = 0;
+ foreach my $expect (@expect) {
+ iseq $stack [$idx], $expect,
+ "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx";
+ $idx ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?<digits>\d+)\k<digits>/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (angle brackets) s///';
+ $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (single quotes) s///';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ary = (
+ pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde
+ '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde
+ 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla
+ pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla
+ 'a'.pack('U', 0x00B2), # a + superscript two
+ pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _
+ );
+ for my $uni (@ary) {
+ my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq {
+ use utf8;
+ scalar (" foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/),
+ \$+{${uni}},
+ scalar (" bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/),
+ \$+{${uni}};
+ };
+ ok $r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')";
+ ok defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ ok $r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)";
+ ok defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each (%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$1"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$3"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 2) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names[$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz)/";
+ iseq $count, 3, "Got 3 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq 0 + @k, 3, 'Got 3 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@, 'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ #
+ # Almost the same as the block above, except that the capture is nested.
+ #
+ local $BugId = '50496';
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C} $+{D});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$3"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$4"],
+ ["$+{D}", "$1"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 3) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names [$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz))/";
+ iseq $count, 4, "Got 4 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq @k, 4, 'Got 4 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C D", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo foo bar baz", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my @res;
+ if ('1234' =~ /(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
+ foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) {
+ my $ary = $- {$name};
+ foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$ary) {
+ push @res, "$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @expect = qw (A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4);
+ iseq "@res", "@expect", "Check %-";
+ eval'
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $- {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $- {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ # stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
+ #
+ # This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
+ # profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
+ # CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
+ # super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
+ skip "No psycho tests" if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my $r = qr/^
+ (?:
+ ( (?:a|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
+ (
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}?z
+ )?
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:z*){2,}
+ ( (?:z+|d)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:e|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:f|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:z+|g)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:h|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:i|z+)+ )
+ )+
+ ( (?:j|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:k|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:l|z+)+ )
+ $/x;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
+ for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
+ for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
+ my $bs = $a.$b;
+ for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
+ my $cs = $bs.$c;
+ for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
+ my $ds = $cs.$d;
+ for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
+ my $es = $ds.$e;
+ for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
+ my $fs = $es.$f;
+ for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
+ my $gs = $fs.$g;
+ for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
+ my $hs = $gs.$h;
+ for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
+ my $is = $hs.$i;
+ for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
+ my $js = $is.$j;
+ for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
+ my $ks = $js.$k;
+ for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
+ my $ls = $ks.$l;
+ if ($ls =~ $r) {
+ if ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
+ unless ($ls eq $cap) {
+ $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok($ok, $msg);
+ }
+ {
+ # \, breaks {3,4}
+ ok "xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ ok "xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by _
+ ok "x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ ok "x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by other characters
+ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
+ my $targ = "a\034$c";
+ my $reg = "a\\c\\$c";
+ ok eval ("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36046';
+ my $str = 'abc';
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $mval = 0;
+ my $pval = 0;
+ while ($str =~ /b/g) {$mval = $#-; $pval = $#+; $count ++}
+ iseq $mval, 0, '@- should be empty';
+ iseq $pval, 0, '@+ should be empty';
+ iseq $count, 1, 'Should have matched once only';
+ }
+ { # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 9, "Expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)";
+ local $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while
+ /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 5, "Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab b aaab b ",
+ "Adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaabaaab' =~ /a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "/.(*COMMIT)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab", "Adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)', '') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ package Fnorble;
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ ::iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ local $Message = '$REGERROR';
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $word (qw (bar baz bop)) {
+ $REGERROR = "";
+ "aaaaa$word" =~
+ /a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $REGERROR, $word;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '40684';
+ local $Message = '/m in precompiled regexp';
+ my $s = "abc\ndef";
+ my $rex = qr'^abc$'m;
+ ok $s =~ m/$rex/;
+ ok $s =~ m/^abc$/m;
+ }
+ {
+ #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
+ for ("ABC","BAX") {
+ ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x, "Simple (*THEN) test";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Relative Recursion";
+ my $parens = qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/;
+ local $_ = 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ my ($all, $one, $two) = ('', '', '');
+ ok /foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x;
+ iseq $1, '((2*3)+4-3)';
+ iseq $2, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, $_;
+ }
+ {
+ my $spaces=" ";
+ local $_ = join 'bar', $spaces, $spaces;
+ our $count = 0;
+ s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g;
+ iseq $_, $spaces, "SUSPEND final string";
+ iseq $count, 1, "Optimiser should have prevented more than one match";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36909';
+ local $Message = '(?: ... )? should not lose $^R';
+ $^R = 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo) # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (?:foo|bar)+ # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1+ # $^R undefined
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1 # This time without the +
+ (?{"last regexp code result"})
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22395';
+ local $Message = 'Match is linear, not quadratic';
+ our $count;
+ for my $l (10, 100, 1000) {
+ $count = 0;
+ ('a' x $l) =~ /(.*)(?{$count++})[bc]/;
+ local $TODO = "Should be L+1 not L*(L+3)/2 (L=$l)";
+ iseq $count, $l + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22614';
+ local $Message = '@-/@+ should not have undefined values';
+ local $_ = 'ab';
+ our @len = ();
+ /(.){1,}(?{push @len,0+@-})(.){1,}(?{})^/;
+ iseq "@len", "2 2 2";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18209';
+ local $Message = '$& set on s///';
+ my $text = ' word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 ';
+ my @words = ('word1', 'word3', 'word5');
+ my $count;
+ foreach my $word (@words) {
+ $text =~ s/$word\s//gi; # Leave a space to seperate words
+ # in the resultant str.
+ # The following block is not working.
+ if ($&) {
+ $count ++;
+ }
+ # End bad block
+ }
+ iseq $count, 3;
+ iseq $text, ' word2 word4 word6 ';
+ }
+ {
+ # RT#6893
+ local $BugId = '6893';
+ local $_ = qq (A\nB\nC\n);
+ my @res;
+ while (m#(\G|\n)([^\n]*)\n#gsx) {
+ push @res, "$2";
+ last if @res > 3;
+ }
+ iseq "@res", "A B C", "/g pattern shouldn't infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus>
+ my $dow_name = "nada";
+ my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ " .
+ "C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/";
+ my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin";
+ eval $parser;
+ ok !$@, "Test Eval worked";
+ iseq $dow_name, $time_string, "UTF-8 trie common prefix extraction";
+ }
+ {
+ my $v;
+ ($v = 'bar') =~ /(\w+)/g;
+ $v = 'foo';
+ iseq "$1", 'bar', '$1 is safe after /g - may fail due ' .
+ 'to specialized config in pp_hot.c'
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "";
+ my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ $qr_barR1;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '41010';
+ local $Message = 'No optimizer bug';
+ my @tails = ('', '(?(1))', '(|)', '()?');
+ my @quants = ('*','+');
+ my $doit = sub {
+ my $pats = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ for my $pat (@$pats) {
+ for my $quant (@quants) {
+ for my $tail (@tails) {
+ my $re = "($pat$quant\$)$tail";
+ ok /$re/ && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/";
+ ok /$re/m && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/m";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my @dpats = ('\d',
+ '[1234567890]',
+ '(1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(?:1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
+ '(?:1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)');
+ my @spats = ('[ ]', ' ', '( |\t)', '(?: |\t)', '[ \t]', '\s');
+ my @sstrs = (' ');
+ my @dstrs = ('12345');
+ $doit -> (\@spats, @sstrs);
+ $doit -> (\@dpats, @dstrs);
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK';
+ our @r = ();
+ ok 'foofoo' =~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x;
+ iseq "@r","foo";
+ iseq $REGMARK, "foo";
+ ok 'foofoo' !~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x;
+ ok !$REGMARK;
+ iseq $REGERROR, 'foo';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\K test';
+ my $x;
+ $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl";
+ $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//;
+ iseq $x, "abc.def.ghi";
+ $x = "one two three four";
+ $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g;
+ iseq $x, "one two four";
+ $x = "abcde";
+ $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g;
+ iseq $x, "aabbccddee";
+ }
+ {
+ sub kt {
+ return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623';
+ }
+ # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends)
+ my $re;
+ our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x;
+ $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x;
+ my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re;
+ iseq join ("-", @res), "0902862349",
+ 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval';
+ our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x;
+ ok 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1, "PL_curpm, nested eval";
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ":full";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue"
+ }
+ {
+ # requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points
+ # cf.
+ for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) {
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # oops
+ my $c = chr $u;
+ my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u;
+ ok "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "Unicode range - $x";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $res="";
+ if ('1' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1",
+ "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array";
+ $res = "";
+ if ('11' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))(?&digit)/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1", "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside " .
+ "a (?|...) goes to the leftmost";
+ }
+ {
+ use warnings;
+ local $Message = "ASCII pattern that really is UTF-8";
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {push @w, "@_"};
+ my $c = qq (\x{DF});
+ ok $c =~ /${c}|\x{100}/;
+ ok @w == 0;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Corruption of match results of qr// across scopes";
+ my $qr = qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/;
+ 'foobar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ {
+ 'foooooobaaaaar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", 'foooooobaaaaar';
+ }
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "HORIZWS";
+ local $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t" . chr (11) . "\n";
+ utf8::upgrade ($_);
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Various whitespace special patterns";
+ my @h = map {chr $_} 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000,
+ 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006,
+ 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f, 0x205f,
+ 0x3000;
+ my @v = map {chr $_} 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028,
+ 0x2029;
+ my @lb = ("\x0D\x0A", map {chr $_} 0x0A .. 0x0D, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029);
+ foreach my $t ([\@h, qr/\h/, qr/\h+/],
+ [\@v, qr/\v/, qr/\v+/],
+ [\@lb, qr/\R/, qr/\R+/],) {
+ my $ary = shift @$t;
+ foreach my $pat (@$t) {
+ foreach my $str (@$ary) {
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, $pat;
+ iseq $1, $str, $pat;
+ utf8::upgrade ($str);
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ iseq $1, $str, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms";
+ # Test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff,
+ # but its actually needed. The malarky with '-' is to prevent
+ # compilation caching from playing any role in the test.
+ my @df = (chr (0xDF), '-', chr (0xDF));
+ utf8::upgrade ($df [2]);
+ my @strs = ('ss', 'sS', 'Ss', 'SS', chr (0xDF));
+ my @ss = map {("$_", "$_")} @strs;
+ utf8::upgrade ($ss [$_ * 2 + 1]) for 0 .. $#strs;
+ for my $ssi (0 .. $#ss) {
+ for my $dfi (0 .. $#df) {
+ my $pat = $df [$dfi];
+ my $str = $ss [$ssi];
+ my $utf_df = ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ my $utf_ss = ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ (my $sstr = $str) =~ s/\xDF/\\xDF/;
+ if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length ($ss [$ssi]) == 1) {
+ my $ret = $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" =~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ret = $str !~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" !~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte";
+ my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/;
+ my $hyp = "\0\0\0-";
+ my $esc = "\0\0\0\\";
+ my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc";
+ my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g);
+ iseq @a,3;
+ local $" = "=";
+ iseq "@a","$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test for keys in %+ and %-
+ local $Message = 'Test keys in %+ and %-';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $_ = "abcdef";
+ /(?<foo>a)|(?<foo>b)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a ");
+ /(?<bar>a)(?<bar>b)(?<quux>.)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a,c"); # leftmost
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c");
+ /(?<un>a)(?<deux>c)?/; # second buffer won't capture
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a");
+ }
+ {
+ # length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len
+ my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook";
+ /^ \w+ \s (?<eek>\S+)/x;
+ iseq length ($`), 0, q[length $`];
+ iseq length ($'), 4, q[length $'];
+ iseq length ($&), 9, q[length $&];
+ iseq length ($1), 4, q[length $1];
+ iseq length ($+{eek}), 4, q[length $+{eek} == length $1];
+ }
+ {
+ my $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 0, '$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $_;
+ ($_ = 'abc') =~ /(abc)/g;
+ $_ = '123';
+ iseq "$1", 'abc', "/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2>';
+ my $str = "";
+ for (0 .. 5) {
+ my @x;
+ $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string
+ 'a' =~ /(a|)/;
+ push @x, 1;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ $str = "";
+ my @foo = ('a') x 5;
+ for (@foo) {
+ my @bar;
+ $str .= "@bar";
+ s/a|/push @bar, 1/e;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '45605';
+ # [perl #45605] Regexp failure with utf8-flagged and byte-flagged string
+ my $utf_8 = "\xd6schel";
+ utf8::upgrade ($utf_8);
+ $utf_8 =~ m {(\xd6|&Ouml;)schel};
+ iseq $1, "\xd6", "Upgrade error";
+ }
+ {
+# more TRIE/AHOCORASICK problems with mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding
+ for my $chr (160 .. 255) {
+ my $chr_byte = chr($chr);
+ my $chr_utf8 = chr($chr); utf8::upgrade($chr_utf8);
+ my $rx = qr{$chr_byte|X}i;
+ ok($chr_utf8 =~ $rx, "utf8/latin, codepoint $chr");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Regardless of utf8ness any character matches itself when
+ # doing a case insensitive match. See also [perl #36207]
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ for my $o (0 .. 255) {
+ my @ch = (chr ($o), chr ($o));
+ utf8::upgrade ($ch [1]);
+ for my $u_str (0, 1) {
+ for my $u_pat (0, 1) {
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E/i,
+ "\$c =~ /\$c/i : chr ($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E|xyz/i,
+ "\$c=~/\$c|xyz/i : chr($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = 3; "" =~ /(??{ $a })/;
+ our $b = $a;
+ iseq $b, $a, "Copy of scalar used for postponed subexpression";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '49190';
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK in replacement';
+ our $REGMARK;
+ my $_ = "A";
+ ok s/(*:B)A/$REGMARK/;
+ iseq $_, "B";
+ $_ = "CCCCBAA";
+ ok s/(*:X)A+|(*:Y)B+|(*:Z)C+/$REGMARK/g;
+ iseq $_, "ZYX";
+ }
+ {
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ (\w+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n,$^N;
+ push @plus,$+;
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $match = '<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>' =~ m/^$nested_tags$/;
+ ok $match, 'nested construct matches';
+ iseq "@ctl_n", "bla blubb", '$^N inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ iseq "@plus", "bla blubb", '$+ inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '52658';
+ local $Message = 'Substitution evaluation in list context';
+ my $reg = '../xxx/';
+ my @te = ($reg =~ m{^(/?(?:\.\./)*)},
+ $reg =~ s/(x)/'b'/eg > 1 ? '##' : '++');
+ iseq $reg, '../bbb/';
+ iseq $te [0], '../';
+ }
+ # This currently has to come before any "use encoding" in this file.
+ {
+ local $Message;
+ local $BugId = '59342';
+ must_warn 'qr/\400/', '^Use of octal value above 377';
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ # XXX: This set of tests is essentially broken, POSIX character classes
+ # should not have differing definitions under Unicode.
+ # There are property names for that.
+ skip "Tests assume ASCII", 4 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ my @notIsPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ and not /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7f;
+ iseq join ('', @notIsPunct), '$+<=>^`|~',
+ '[:punct:] disagress with IsPunct on Symbols';
+ my @isPrint = grep {not /[[:print:]]/ and /\p{IsPrint}/}
+ map {chr} 0 .. 0x1f, 0x7f .. 0x9f;
+ iseq join ('', @isPrint), "\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x85",
+ 'IsPrint disagrees with [:print:] on control characters';
+ my @isPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunct), "\xa1\xab\xb7\xbb\xbf", # ¡ « · » ¿
+ 'IsPunct disagrees with [:punct:] outside ASCII';
+ my @isPunctLatin1 = eval q {
+ use encoding 'latin1';
+ grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ };
+ skip "Eval failed ($@)", 1 if $@;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunctLatin1), '',
+ 'IsPunct agrees with [:punct:] with explicit Latin1';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60034';
+ my $a = "xyzt" x 8192;
+ ok $a =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string';
+ my $b = $a . chr 256;
+ chop $b;
+ {
+ iseq $a, $b;
+ }
+ ok $b =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string with UTF-8';
+ }
+ #
+ # Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
+ #
+ print "# Tests that follow may crash perl\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049/38869';
+ local $Message = 'Pattern in a loop, failure should not ' .
+ 'affect previous success';
+ my @list = (
+ 'ab cdef', # Matches regex
+ ('e' x 40000 ) .'ab c' # Matches not, but 'ab c' matches part of it
+ );
+ my $y;
+ my $x;
+ foreach (@list) {
+ m/ab(.+)cd/i; # The ignore-case seems to be important
+ $y = $1; # Use $1, which might not be from the last match!
+ $x = substr ($list [0], $- [0], $+ [0] - $- [0]);
+ }
+ iseq $y, ' ';
+ iseq $x, 'ab cd';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '24274';
+ ok (("a" x (2 ** 15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker");
+ ok ((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
+ "Regexp /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/ crashes older perls");
+ }
+ {
+ eval '/\k/';
+ ok $@ =~ /\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/,
+ 'Lone \k not allowed';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Substitution with lookahead (possible segv)";
+ $_ = "ns1ns1ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1ns_1ns_1";
+ $_ = "ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1";
+ $_ = "123";
+ s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g;
+ iseq $_, "!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!";
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #45337] utf8 + "[a]a{2}" + /$.../ = panic: sv_len_utf8 cache
+ local $BugId = '45337';
+ local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
+ local $Message = "Shouldn't panic";
+ my $s = "[a]a{2}";
+ utf8::upgrade $s;
+ ok "aaa" =~ /$s/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '57042';
+ local $Message = "Check if tree logic breaks \$^R";
+ my $cond_re = qr/\s*
+ \s* (?:
+ \( \s* A (?{1})
+ | \( \s* B (?{2})
+ )
+ /x;
+ my @res;
+ for my $line ("(A)","(B)") {
+ if ($line =~ m/$cond_re/) {
+ push @res, $^R ? "#$^R" : "UNDEF";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq "@res","#1 #2";
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my $re = qr/A(??{"1"})/;
+ ok "A1B" =~ m/^((??{ $re }))((??{"B"}))$/;
+ ok $1 eq "A1";
+ ok $2 eq "B";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $Message = 'Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{{})';
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ ((\w)+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
+ [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
+ [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
+ if ($test->[0] != $match) {
+ # unset @ctl_n and @plus
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $BugId = '56194';
+ our $f;
+ local $f;
+ $f = sub {
+ defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";
+ };
+ ok("123" =~ m/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/);
+ our @ctl_n;
+ our @plus;
+ my $re = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ our $re5;
+ local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [
+ # String to match
+ # Regex too match
+ # Expected values of $^N
+ # Expected values of $+
+ # Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
+ # ]
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re)(|a(b)c|def)(??{$^R})$#,
+ "1 2 3 abc",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re2)$#,
+ "1 2 3 123abc3",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re3)$#,
+ "1 2 123abc3",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234",
+ qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
+ "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234556",
+ qr#^(\d+)($re6)($re6)($re6)$re6(($re6)$re6)$#,
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
+ ],
+ [
+ "12345562",
+ qr#^((??{$re8}))($re7)($re7)($re7)$re7($re7)($re7(\2))$#,
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
+ ],
+ ) {
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match, "match $c");
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
+ $str = "";
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ iseq($str, $test->[4], "str $c");
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($] le '5.010') {
+ skip "test segfaults on perl < 5.10", 4;
+ }
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ our $re4;
+ local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match);
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ $str = "";
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq("@plus", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq($str, "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = undef");
+ }
+ }
+ # This only works under -DEBUGGING because it relies on an assert().
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60508';
+ local $Message = "Check capture offset re-entrancy of utf8 code.";
+ sub fswash { $_[0] =~ s/([>X])//g; }
+ my $k1 = "." x 4 . ">>";
+ fswash($k1);
+ my $k2 = "\x{f1}\x{2022}";
+ $k2 =~ s/([\360-\362])/>/g;
+ fswash($k2);
+ iseq($k2, "\x{2022}", "utf8::SWASHNEW doesn't cause capture leaks");
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = 65372; # minimal CURLYM limited to 32767 matches
+ my @pat = (
+ qr{a(x|y)*b}, # CURLYM
+ qr{a(x|y)*?b}, # .. with minmod
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*b}, # .. and without tries
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*?b},
+ );
+ my $len = 32768;
+ my $s = join '', 'a', 'x' x $len, 'b';
+ for my $pat (@pat) {
+ ok($s =~ $pat, $pat);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # This should be the last test.
+ #
+ iseq $test + 1, $EXPECTED_TESTS, "Got the right number of tests!";
+} # End of sub run_tests
diff --git a/t/re/pat_psycho.t b/t/re/pat_psycho.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b5bbb3575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/re/pat_psycho.t
@@ -0,0 +1,4391 @@
+# This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into
+# the format supported by re/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
+# that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+sub run_tests;
+$| = 1;
+my $EXPECTED_TESTS = 4066; # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+our $TODO;
+our $Message = "Noname test";
+our $Error;
+our $DiePattern;
+our $WarnPattern;
+our $BugId;
+our $PatchId;
+our $running_as_thread;
+my $ordA = ord ('A'); # This defines ASCII/UTF-8 vs EBCDIC/UTF-EBCDIC
+# This defined the platform.
+my $IS_ASCII = $ordA == 65;
+my $IS_EBCDIC = $ordA == 193;
+use vars '%Config';
+eval 'use Config'; # Defaults assumed if this fails
+my $test = 0;
+print "1..$EXPECTED_TESTS\n";
+run_tests unless caller ();
+END {
+sub pretty {
+ my ($mess) = @_;
+ $mess =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $mess =~ s/([\00-\37\177])/sprintf '\%03o', ord $1/eg;
+ $mess =~ s/#/\\#/g;
+ $mess;
+sub safe_globals {
+ defined($_) and s/#/\\#/g for $BugId, $PatchId, $TODO;
+sub _ok {
+ my ($ok, $mess, $error) = @_;
+ safe_globals();
+ $mess = pretty ($mess // $Message);
+ $mess .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ $mess .= "; Patch $PatchId" if defined $PatchId;
+ $mess .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(1)) [2];
+ printf "%sok %d - %s\n",
+ ($ok ? "" : "not "),
+ ++ $test,
+ "$mess\tLine $line_nr";
+ unless ($ok) {
+ print "# Failed test at line $line_nr\n" unless defined $TODO;
+ if ($error //= $Error) {
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ chomp $error;
+ $error = join "\n#", map {pretty $_} split /\n\h*#/ => $error;
+ $error = "# $error" unless $error =~ /^\h*#/;
+ print $error, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+# Force scalar context on the pattern match
+sub ok ($;$$) {_ok $_ [0], $_ [1], $_ [2]}
+sub nok ($;$$) {_ok !$_ [0], "Failed: " . ($_ [1] // $Message), $_ [2]}
+sub skip {
+ my $why = shift;
+ safe_globals();
+ $why =~ s/\n.*//s;
+ $why .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ # seems like the new harness code doesnt like todo and skip to be mixed.
+ # which seems like a bug in the harness to me. -- dmq
+ #$why .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $n = shift // 1;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(0)) [2];
+ for (1 .. $n) {
+ ++ $test;
+ #print "not " if defined $TODO;
+ print "ok $test # skip $why\tLine $line_nr\n";
+ }
+ no warnings "exiting";
+ last SKIP;
+sub iseq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got eq $expect;
+ my $error = "# expected: $expect\n" .
+ "# result: $got";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub isneq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ my $todo = $TODO ? " # TODO $TODO" : '';
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got ne $expect;
+ my $error = "# results are equal ($got)";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub eval_ok ($;$) {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ local $@;
+ if (ref $code) {
+ _ok eval {&$code} && !$@, $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ _ok eval ($code) && !$@, $name;
+ }
+sub must_die {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $DiePattern;
+ undef $@;
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $@ && $@ =~ /$pattern/;
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "\$\@ =~ /$pattern/";
+sub must_warn {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $WarnPattern;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $w && $w =~ /$pattern/;
+ $w //= "UNDEF";
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "Got warning /$pattern/",
+ "# expected: /$pattern/\n" .
+ "# result: $w";
+sub may_not_warn {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ _ok !$w, $name // ($Message ? "$Message (did not warn)"
+ : "Did not warn"),
+ "Got warning '$w'";
+# Tests start here.
+sub run_tests {
+ {
+ my $x = "abc\ndef\n";
+ ok $x =~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" =~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x !~ /^def/, qq ["$x" !~ /^def/];
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok $x =~ /^def/m, qq ["$x" =~ /^def/m];
+ nok $x =~ /^xxx/, qq ["$x" =~ /^xxx/];
+ nok $x !~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" !~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x =~ /def/, qq ["$x" =~ /def/];
+ nok $x !~ /def/, qq ["$x" !~ /def/];
+ ok $x !~ /.def/, qq ["$x" !~ /.def/];
+ nok $x =~ /.def/, qq ["$x" =~ /.def/];
+ ok $x =~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" =~ /\ndef/];
+ nok $x !~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" !~ /\ndef/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123';
+ ok /^([0-9][0-9]*)/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^([0-9][0-9]*)/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'aaabbbccc';
+ ok /(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc',
+ qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a*b*)(c*)/];
+ ok /(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc', qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a+b+c+)/];
+ nok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ $_ = 'aaabccc';
+ ok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ $_ = 'aaaccc';
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ nok /a*b+c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b+c*/];
+ $_ = 'abcdef';
+ ok /bcd|xyz/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /bcd|xyz/];
+ ok /xyz|bcd/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /xyz|bcd/];
+ ok m|bc/*d|, qq [\$_ = '$_'; m|bc/*d|];
+ ok /^$_$/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^\$_\$/];
+ }
+ {
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok "ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m, qq ["ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m];
+ }
+ {
+ our %XXX = map {($_ => $_)} 123, 234, 345;
+ our @XXX = ('ok 1','not ok 1', 'ok 2','not ok 2','not ok 3');
+ while ($_ = shift(@XXX)) {
+ my $f = index ($_, 'not') >= 0 ? \&nok : \&ok;
+ my $r = ?(.*)?;
+ &$f ($r, "?(.*)?");
+ /not/ && reset;
+ if (/not ok 2/) {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $_ = shift(@XXX);
+ }
+ else {
+ reset 'X';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip "Reset 'X'", 1;
+ }
+ ok !keys %XXX, "%XXX is empty";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test empty pattern";
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ my $cde = 'cde';
+ $cde =~ /[^ab]*/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ my $foo = '[^ab]*';
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ my $null;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $null = "";
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = q !Check $`, $&, $'!;
+ $_ = 'abcdefghi';
+ /def/; # optimized up to cmd
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ no warnings 'void';
+ /cde/ + 0; # optimized only to spat
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'ab:cde:fghi';
+ /[d][e][f]/; # not optimized
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'now is the {time for all} good men to come to.';
+ / {([^}]*)}/;
+ iseq $1, 'time for all', "Match braces";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "{N,M} quantifier";
+ $_ = 'xxx {3,4} yyy zzz';
+ ok /( {3,4})/;
+ iseq $1, ' ';
+ ok !/( {4,})/;
+ ok /( {2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, ' y';
+ ok /(y{2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, 'yyy ';
+ ok !/x {3,4}/;
+ ok !/^xxx {3,4}/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test /g";
+ local $" = ":";
+ $_ = "now is the time for all good men to come to.";
+ my @words = /(\w+)/g;
+ my $exp = "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to";
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ while (/\w+/g) {
+ push (@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ pos = 0;
+ while (/to/g) {
+ push(@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ pos $_ = 0;
+ @words = /to/g;
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "abcdefghi";
+ my $pat1 = 'def';
+ my $pat2 = '^def';
+ my $pat3 = '.def.';
+ my $pat4 = 'abc';
+ my $pat5 = '^abc';
+ my $pat6 = 'abc$';
+ my $pat7 = 'ghi';
+ my $pat8 = '\w*ghi';
+ my $pat9 = 'ghi$';
+ my $t1 = my $t2 = my $t3 = my $t4 = my $t5 =
+ my $t6 = my $t7 = my $t8 = my $t9 = 0;
+ for my $iter (1 .. 5) {
+ $t1++ if /$pat1/o;
+ $t2++ if /$pat2/o;
+ $t3++ if /$pat3/o;
+ $t4++ if /$pat4/o;
+ $t5++ if /$pat5/o;
+ $t6++ if /$pat6/o;
+ $t7++ if /$pat7/o;
+ $t8++ if /$pat8/o;
+ $t9++ if /$pat9/o;
+ }
+ my $x = "$t1$t2$t3$t4$t5$t6$t7$t8$t9";
+ iseq $x, '505550555', "Test /o";
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc$|$xyz/, "| after \$";
+ # perl 4.009 says "unmatched ()"
+ local $Message = '$ inside ()';
+ my $result;
+ eval '"abc" =~ /a(bc$)|$xyz/; $result = "$&:$1"';
+ iseq $@, "" or skip "eval failed", 1;
+ iseq $result, "abc:bc";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ $_ = "abcfooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/abc/g;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /gi";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "";
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/ABC/gi;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "fooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "bar";
+ $_ .= '';
+ my @x = /abc/g;
+ iseq @x, 2, "/g reset after assignment";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '/g, \G and pos';
+ $_ = "abdc";
+ pos $_ = 2;
+ /\Gc/gc;
+ iseq pos $_, 2;
+ /\Gc/g;
+ ok !defined pos $_;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '(?{ })';
+ our $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 2 })b';
+ iseq $out, 2;
+ $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 3 })c';
+ iseq $out, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'foobar1 bar2 foobar3 barfoobar5 foobar6';
+ my @out = /(?<!foo)bar./g;
+ iseq "@out", 'bar2 barf', "Negative lookbehind";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "REG_INFTY tests";
+ # Tests which depend on REG_INFTY
+ $::reg_infty = $Config {reg_infty} // 32767;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty - 1;
+ $::reg_infty_p = $::reg_infty + 1;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty_m; # Surpress warning.
+ # As well as failing if the pattern matches do unexpected things, the
+ # next three tests will fail if you should have picked up a lower-than-
+ # default value for $reg_infty from, but have not.
+ eval_ok q (('aaa' =~ /(a{1,$::reg_infty_m})/)[0] eq 'aaa');
+ eval_ok q (('a' x $::reg_infty_m) =~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval_ok q (('a' x ($::reg_infty_m - 1)) !~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty_p}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ }
+ {
+ # Poke a couple more parse failures
+ my $context = 'x' x 256;
+ eval qq("${context}y" =~ /(?<=$context)y/);
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QLookbehind longer than 255 not/, "Lookbehind limit";
+ }
+ {
+ # Long Monsters
+ local $Message = "Long monster";
+ for my $l (125, 140, 250, 270, 300000, 30) { # Ordered to free memory
+ my $a = 'a' x $l;
+ local $Error = "length = $l";
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ nok "b$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ ok "b$a=" =~ /ba+=/;
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /b(?:a|b)+=/;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # 20000 nodes, each taking 3 words per string, and 1 per branch
+ my $long_constant_len = join '|', 12120 .. 32645;
+ my $long_var_len = join '|', 8120 .. 28645;
+ my %ans = ( 'ax13876y25677lbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677mcb' => 0, # not b.
+ 'ax13876y35677nbc' => 0, # Num too big
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378obc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378zbc' => 0, # Not followed by [k-o]
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kcb' => 0, # Not b.
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378y21378kbc' => 0, # 5 runs
+ );
+ local $Message = "20000 nodes";
+ for (keys %ans) {
+ local $Error = "const-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_constant_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ local $Error = "var-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_var_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Complicated backtracking";
+ $_ = " a (bla()) and x(y b((l)u((e))) and b(l(e)e)e";
+ my $expect = "(bla()) ((l)u((e))) (l(e)e)";
+ use vars '$c';
+ sub matchit {
+ m/
+ (
+ \(
+ (?{ $c = 1 }) # Initialize
+ (?:
+ (?(?{ $c == 0 }) # PREVIOUS iteration was OK, stop the loop
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail: will unwind one iteration back
+ )
+ (?:
+ [^()]+ # Match a big chunk
+ (?=
+ [()]
+ ) # Do not try to match subchunks
+ |
+ \(
+ (?{ ++$c })
+ |
+ \)
+ (?{ --$c })
+ )
+ )+ # This may not match with different subblocks
+ )
+ (?(?{ $c != 0 })
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail
+ ) # Otherwise the chunk 1 may succeed with $c>0
+ /xg;
+ }
+ my @ans = ();
+ my $res;
+ push @ans, $res while $res = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ @ans = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ local $Message = "Recursion with (??{ })";
+ our $matched;
+ $matched = qr/\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$matched}))*\)/;
+ @ans = my @ans1 = ();
+ push (@ans, $res), push (@ans1, $&) while $res = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ iseq "@ans1", $expect;
+ @ans = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ }
+ {
+ ok "abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/, '"abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ans = ('a/b' =~ m%(.*/)?(.*)%); # Stack may be bad
+ iseq "@ans", 'a/ b', "Stack may be bad";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Eval-group not allowed at runtime";
+ my $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ our $blah = 12;
+ eval { /(?$code)/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ for $code ('{$blah = 45}','=xx') {
+ $blah = 12;
+ my $res = eval { "xx" =~ /(?$code)/o };
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ local $Error = "'$@', '$res', '$blah'";
+ if ($code eq '=xx') {
+ ok !$@ && $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ }
+ }
+ $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ $blah = 12;
+ eval "/(?$code)/";
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ $blah = 12;
+ /(?{$blah = 45})/;
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Pos checks";
+ my $x = 'banana';
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ $x =~ /.z/gc;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ sub f {
+ my $p = $_[0];
+ return $p;
+ }
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq f (pos ($x)), 4;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Checking $^R';
+ our $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[t]/;
+ iseq $^R, 75;
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[xy]/;
+ ok $^R eq '67' && $x eq '12';
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{ $^R + 12 })((?{ $x = 12; $^R + 17 })[xy])?/;
+ ok $^R eq '79' && $x eq '12';
+ }
+ {
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/i, '(?i-xsm:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/i';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/s, '(?s-xim:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/s';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/m, '(?m-xis:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/m';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/x, '(?x-ism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/x';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/xism, '(?msix:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/xism';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/, '(?-xism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Look around";
+ $_ = 'xabcx';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'c') {
+ ok /(?<=(?=a)..)((?=c)|.)/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $1, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Empty clause";
+ $_ = 'a';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'a', '') {
+ ok /^|a|$/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $&, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Prefixify";
+ sub prefixify {
+ SKIP: {
+ my ($v, $a, $b, $res) = @_;
+ ok $v =~ s/\Q$a\E/$b/ or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $v, $res;
+ }
+ }
+ prefixify ('/a/b/lib/arch', "/a/b/lib", 'X/lib', 'X/lib/arch');
+ prefixify ('/a/b/man/arch', "/a/b/man", 'X/man', 'X/man/arch');
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'var="foo"';
+ /(\")/;
+ ok $1 && /$1/, "Capture a quote";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Call code from qr //";
+ $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
+ $b = 7;
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '9';
+ $c="$a";
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '11';
+ undef $@;
+ eval {/$c/};
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/;
+ use re "eval";
+ /$a$c$a/;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ our $lex_a = 43;
+ our $lex_b = 17;
+ our $lex_c = 27;
+ my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ no re "eval";
+ undef $@;
+ my $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ $lex_a = 2;
+ $lex_a = 43;
+ $lex_b = 17;
+ $lex_c = 27;
+ $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ local $Message = '(?{ $var } refers to package vars';
+ package aa;
+ our $c = 2;
+ $::c = 3;
+ '' =~ /(?{ $c = 4 })/;
+ main::iseq $c, 4;
+ main::iseq $::c, 3;
+ }
+ {
+ must_die 'q(a:[b]:) =~ /[x[:foo:]]/',
+ 'POSIX class \[:[^:]+:\] unknown in regex',
+ 'POSIX class [: :] must have valid name';
+ for my $d (qw [= .]) {
+ must_die "/[[${d}foo${d}]]/",
+ "\QPOSIX syntax [$d $d] is reserved for future extensions",
+ "POSIX syntax [[$d $d]] is an error";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # test if failure of patterns returns empty list
+ local $Message = "Failed pattern returns empty list";
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ @_ = /bbb/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /bbb/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '@- and @+ tests';
+ /a(?=.$)/;
+ iseq $#+, 0;
+ iseq $#-, 0;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [1] && !defined $- [1] &&
+ !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2];
+ /a(a)(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 2;
+ iseq $+ [0], 3;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [2], 3;
+ iseq $- [2], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)(b)?(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 3;
+ iseq $#-, 3;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [3], 3;
+ iseq $- [3], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 1;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3];
+ /.(a)(ba*)?/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $DiePattern = '^Modification of a read-only value attempted';
+ local $Message = 'Elements of @- and @+ are read-only';
+ must_die '$+[0] = 13';
+ must_die '$-[0] = 13';
+ must_die '@+ = (7, 6, 5)';
+ must_die '@- = qw (foo bar)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G testing';
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ pos = 1;
+ my @a = /\Ga/g;
+ iseq "@a", "a a";
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ pos $str = 2;
+ ok $str !~ /^\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^.\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /^..\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^...\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /\G../ && $& eq 'cd';
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ ok $str =~ /.\G./ && $& eq 'bc';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'pos inside (?{ })';
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ our ($foo, $bar);
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos ($str);
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos $str = undef;
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos ($str), 3;
+ $_ = $str;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos, 3;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos = undef;
+ 1 while /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ ok s/b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/x/g;
+ iseq $foo, 'abcde|abcde';
+ iseq $bar, 8;
+ iseq $_, 'axde|axde';
+ # List context:
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ our @res;
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $1,$2})([ce])(?{push @res, $1,$2})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'a' undef 'a' 'c' 'e' undef 'a' undef 'a' 'c'";
+ @res = ();
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})([ce])(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'' 'ab' 'cde|abcde' " .
+ "'' 'abc' 'de|abcde' " .
+ "'abcd' 'e|' 'abcde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'ab' 'cde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'abc' 'de'" ;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $foo = 'aabbccddeeffgg';
+ pos ($foo) = 1;
+ {
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'ab';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cc';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'de';
+ ok $foo =~ /\Gef/g;
+ }
+ undef pos $foo;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'aa';
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'bb';
+ pos ($foo) = 5;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cd';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123x123';
+ my @res = /(\d*|x)/g;
+ local $" = '|';
+ iseq "@res", "123||x|123|", "0 match in alternation";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Match against temporaries (created via pp_helem())" .
+ " is safe";
+ ok {foo => "bar\n" . $^X} -> {foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
+ iseq $1, "bar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'package $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ our @a = qw [foo bar];
+ our @b = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @b, $1})/,$1,/g for @a;
+ iseq "@b", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@a", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ local $Message = 'lexical $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my @c = qw [foo bar];
+ my @d = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @d, $1})/,$1,/g for @c;
+ iseq "@d", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@c", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Brackets';
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr {
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{{}" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{}";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ m/((??{ $brackets }))/;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "a-a\nxbb";
+ pos = 1;
+ nok m/^-.*bb/mg, '$_ = "a-a\nxbb"; m/^-.*bb/mg';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $text = "aaXbXcc";
+ pos ($text) = 0;
+ ok $text !~ /\GXb*X/g;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "xA\n" x 500;
+ nok /^\s*A/m, '$_ = "xA\n" x 500; /^\s*A/m"';
+ my $text = "abc dbf";
+ my @res = ($text =~ /.*?(b).*?\b/g);
+ iseq "@res", "b b", '\b is not special';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\S, [\S], \s, [\s]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\D, [\D], \d, [\d]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\W, [\W], \w, [\w]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ # see if backtracking optimization works correctly
+ local $Message = 'Backtrack optimization';
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n* $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n*? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n*+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n++ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?+ $ \n/x;
+ }
+ {
+ package S;
+ use overload '""' => sub {'Object S'};
+ sub new {bless []}
+ local $Message = "Ref stringification";
+ ::ok do { \my $v} =~ /^SCALAR/, "Scalar ref stringification";
+ ::ok do {\\my $v} =~ /^REF/, "Ref ref stringification";
+ ::ok [] =~ /^ARRAY/, "Array ref stringification";
+ ::ok {} =~ /^HASH/, "Hash ref stringification";
+ ::ok 'S' -> new =~ /^Object S/, "Object stringification";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test result of match used as match";
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /y/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /t/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '"1" is not \s';
+ may_not_warn sub {ok ("1\n" x 102) !~ /^\s*\n/m};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\s, [[:space:]] and [[:blank:]]';
+ my %space = (spc => " ",
+ tab => "\t",
+ cr => "\r",
+ lf => "\n",
+ ff => "\f",
+ # There's no \v but the vertical tabulator seems miraculously
+ # be 11 both in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ vt => chr(11),
+ false => "space");
+ my @space0 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /\s/ } keys %space;
+ my @space1 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:space:]]/} keys %space;
+ my @space2 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:blank:]]/} keys %space;
+ iseq "@space0", "cr ff lf spc tab";
+ iseq "@space1", "cr ff lf spc tab vt";
+ iseq "@space2", "spc tab";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000731.001';
+ ok "A \x{263a} B z C" =~ /A . B (??{ "z" }) C/,
+ "Match UTF-8 char in presense of (??{ })";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001021.005';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok undef =~ /^([^\/]*)(.*)$/, "Used to cause a SEGV";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "a\x{100}b";
+ ok /(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/ or skip q [\C doesn't match], 4;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ if ($IS_ASCII) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8
+ iseq $2, "\xC4";
+ iseq $3, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC
+ iseq $2, "\x8C";
+ iseq $3, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ SKIP: {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ skip "Unexpected platform";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $4, "b";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "\x{100}";
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match], 2;
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\xC4";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x8C";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match];
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Japhy -- added 03/03/2001
+ () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/;
+ $str = "def";
+ iseq $1, "abc", 'Changing subject does not modify $1';
+ }
+ {
+ # The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should
+ # match (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range
+ # should not match.
+ ok "\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/, '"\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/';
+ ok "\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/, '"\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/';
+ skip "Not an EBCDIC platform", 2 unless ord ('i') == 0x89 &&
+ ord ('J') == 0xd1;
+ # In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not
+ # in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match
+ # 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for
+ # the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there.
+ nok "\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/, '"\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/';
+ nok "\xce" !~ /[I-J]/, '"\xce" !~ /[I-J]/';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/, '"\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/ ';
+ ok "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/, '"\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'bug id 20001008.001';
+ my @x = ("stra\337e 138", "stra\337e 138");
+ for (@x) {
+ ok s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
+ ok my ($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
+ iseq $latin, "stra\337e";
+ ok $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/;
+ #
+ # Previous code follows, but outcommented - there were no tests.
+ #
+ # $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
+ # use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8
+ # $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Test \x escapes';
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001028.003';
+ # Fist half of the bug.
+ local $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA matched by .*';
+ my $X = chr (1448);
+ ok my ($Y) = $X =~ /(.*)/;
+ iseq $Y, v1448;
+ iseq length ($Y), 1;
+ # Second half of the bug.
+ $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA in replacement';
+ $X = '';
+ $X =~ s/^/chr(1488)/e;
+ iseq length $X, 1;
+ iseq ord ($X), 1488;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001108.001';
+ local $Message = 'Repeated s///';
+ my $X = "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ my $Y = $X;
+ $Y =~ s/(B)/$1/ for 0 .. 3;
+ iseq $Y, $X;
+ iseq $X, "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000517.001';
+ local $Message = 's/// on UTF-8 string';
+ my $x = "\x{100}A";
+ $x =~ s/A/B/;
+ iseq $x, "\x{100}B";
+ iseq length $x, 2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001230.002';
+ local $Message = '\C and É';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(.)/ && $1 eq 'c';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(c)/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Match code points > 255';
+ $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg";
+ ok /(.\x{300})./ or skip "No match", 4;
+ ok $` eq "abc\x{100}" && length ($`) == 4;
+ ok $& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length ($&) == 3;
+ ok $' eq "\x{400}defg" && length ($') == 5;
+ ok $1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length ($1) == 2;
+ }
+ {
+ # The original bug report had 'no utf8' here but that was irrelevant.
+ local $BugId = '20010306.008';
+ local $Message = "Don't dump core";
+ my $a = "a\x{1234}";
+ ok $a =~ m/\w/; # used to core dump.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20010410.006';
+ local $Message = '/g in scalar context';
+ for my $rx ('/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/csg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/cg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/sg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/g',
+ '/(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/csg',) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $input = "a{b}c{d}";
+ eval <<" --";
+ while (eval \$input =~ $rx) {
+ \$i ++;
+ }
+ --
+ iseq $i, 2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $x = "\x{10FFFD}";
+ $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g;
+ ok ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1, "From Robin Houston";
+ }
+ {
+ my %d = (
+ "7f" => [0, 0, 0],
+ "80" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "ff" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "100" => [0, 1, 1],
+ );
+ while (my ($code, $match) = each %d) {
+ local $Message = "Properties of \\x$code";
+ my $char = eval qq ["\\x{$code}"];
+ my $i = 0;
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # From Japhy
+ local $Message;
+ must_warn 'qr/(?c)/', '^Useless \(\?c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-c)/', '^Useless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g)/', '^Useless \(\?g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-g)/', '^Useless \(\?-g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o)/', '^Useless \(\?o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-o)/', '^Useless \(\?-o\)';
+ # Now test multi-error regexes
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-o)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-c)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o-cg)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?ogc)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?g\).*\n' .
+ 'Useless \(\?c\)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/x tests";
+ $_ = "foo";
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o\r
+ o
+ \$
+ /x
+ --
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o
+ o
+ \$\r
+ /x
+ --
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/o feature";
+ sub test_o {$_ [0] =~ /$_[1]/o; return $1}
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '(.)..'), 'a';
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '..(.)'), 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20010619.003";
+ # Amazingly vertical tabulator is the same in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ for ("\n", "\t", "\014", "\r") {
+ ok !/[[:print:]]/, "'$_' not in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ for (" ") {
+ ok /[[:print:]]/, "'$_' in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex
+ local $Message = '$^N usage outside of a regex';
+ my $x = "abcdef";
+ ok ($x =~ /cde/ and !defined $^N);
+ ok ($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e");
+ {ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");}
+ ## Test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now
+ ## have the value set in the previous test.
+ iseq $^N, "e", '$^N is automatically localized';
+ # Now test inside (?{ ... })
+ local $Message = '$^N usage inside (?{ ... })';
+ our ($y, $z);
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcd");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcde");
+ }
+ {
+ ## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff,
+ ## but not sure how to guarantee a specific locale......
+ skip "Not an ASCII platform", 2 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ local $Message = 'Test [[:cntrl:]]';
+ my $AllBytes = join "" => map {chr} 0 .. 255;
+ (my $x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7E, 0x80 .. 0xFF;
+ ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F;
+ }
+ {
+ # With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 chars aren't bytes";
+ my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World";
+ my @a = ($a =~ /./gs);
+ iseq $#a, 12;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '. matches \n with /s';
+ my $str1 = "foo\nbar";
+ my $str2 = "foo\n\x{100}bar";
+ my ($a, $b) = map {chr} $IS_ASCII ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41);
+ my @a;
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 6; iseq "@a", "f o o b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 8; iseq "@a", "f o o \n \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010814.004] pos() doesn't work when using =~m// in list context
+ local $BugId = '20010814.004';
+ $_ = "ababacadaea";
+ my $a = join ":", /b./gc;
+ my $b = join ":", /a./gc;
+ my $c = pos;
+ iseq "$a $b $c", 'ba:ba ad:ae 10', "pos() works with () = m//";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from
+ # functions does not work
+ local $BugId = '20010407.006';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 return values from functions';
+ package ID_20010407_006;
+ sub x {"a\x{1234}"}
+ my $x = x;
+ my $y;
+ ::ok $x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ ::ok x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'digit';
+ # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these.
+ my $x;
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # and now again in [] ranges
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these.
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/,
+ "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ }
+ {
+ # High bit bug -- japhy
+ my $x = "ab\200d";
+ ok $x =~ /.*?\200/, "High bit fine";
+ }
+ {
+ # The basic character classes and Unicode
+ ok "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON in /\w/';
+ ok "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/, 'ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO in /\d/';
+ ok "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/, 'OGHAM SPACE MARK in /\s/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Folding matches and Unicode";
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'GREEK LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $PatchId = "13843";
+ local $Message = "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA vs " .
+ may_not_warn sub {ok "_:$char:_" !~ m/_:$SIGMA:_/i};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\X';
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a";
+ ok "\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF";
+ ok "\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}";
+ ok "\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}";
+ ok "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ local $Message = '\C and \X';
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Cc/;
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Xc/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Final Sigma";
+ my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
+ my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
+ my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ local $Message = "More final Sigma";
+ my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma";
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Parlez-Vous " .
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Cais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\C\Cais/;
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ my @f = (
+ ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais", "Francais"],
+ );
+ foreach my $entry (@f) {
+ my ($subject, $match) = @$entry;
+ ok $subject =~ /Fran(?:c\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}?|
+ $& eq $match;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag doesn't mess up /i";
+ my $pat = "ABcde";
+ my $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE";
+ chop $pat;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $pat;
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S " .
+ ok "ss" =~ /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i;
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i;
+ ok "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}" =~ /ss/i;
+ local $Message = "Unoptimized named sequence in class";
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ ok "SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # More whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n";
+ # U+0085, U+00A0 need to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that.
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "EBCDIC platform", 4 if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ # Do \x{0015} and \x{0041} match \s in EBCDIC?
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{0085} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{0085}>" =~ /<\v>/, '\x{0085} in \v';
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{00A0} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\h>/, '\x{00A0} in \h';
+ }
+ my @h = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01680, 0x0180E, 0x02000 .. 0x0200A,
+ 0x0202F, 0x0205F, 0x03000;
+ my @v = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x02028, 0x02029;
+ my @H = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01361, 0x0200B, 0x02408, 0x02420,
+ 0x0303F, 0xE0020;
+ my @V = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x0008A .. 0x0008D, 0x00348, 0x10100,
+ 0xE005F, 0xE007C;
+ for my $hex (@h) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\h";
+ ok $str !~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\v";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@v) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\v";
+ ok $str !~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\h";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@H) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\H>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\H";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@V) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\V>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\V";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes
+ local $Message = ". with /s works on characters, not bytes";
+ my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}";
+ # This is not expected to match: the point is that
+ # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings.
+ may_not_warn sub {$s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs}, "No 'Malformed UTF-8' warning";
+ my @c;
+ push @c => $1 while $s =~ /\G(.)/gs;
+ local $" = "";
+ iseq "@c", $s;
+ # Test only chars < 256
+ my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}";
+ my $r1 = "";
+ while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r1 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # Repeat with a larger char
+ my $r2 = "";
+ while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r2 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//;
+ iseq $r1, $r2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Unicode lookbehind";
+ ok "A\x{100}B" =~ /(?<=A.)B/;
+ ok "A\x{200}\x{300}B" =~ /(?<=A..)B/;
+ ok "\x{400}AB" =~ /(?<=\x{400}.)B/;
+ ok "\x{500}\x{600}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # Original code also contained:
+ # ok "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # but that looks like a typo.
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 hash keys and /$/';
+ #
+ # /2002-01/msg01327.html
+ my $u = "a\x{100}";
+ my $v = substr ($u, 0, 1);
+ my $w = substr ($u, 1, 1);
+ my %u = ($u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w);
+ for (keys %u) {
+ my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ my $m2 = $u {$_} =~ /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ iseq $m1, $m2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020124.005";
+ local $PatchId = "14795";
+ local $Message = "s///eg";
+ for my $char ("a", "\x{df}", "\x{100}") {
+ my $x = "$char b $char";
+ $x =~ s{($char)}{
+ "c" =~ /c/;
+ "x";
+ }ge;
+ iseq substr ($x, 0, 1), substr ($x, -1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "No SEGV in s/// and UTF-8";
+ my $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4;
+ ok $s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g;
+ iseq $s, "s \x{100}" x 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ iseq $s, "s " x 4;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug (maybe already known?)";
+ my $u = "foo";
+ $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}";
+ $u = "foobar";
+ $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r";
+ $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g;
+ iseq $u, "feeber";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug with s///";
+ # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures
+ # try to force all float/anchored check combinations
+ my $c = "\x{100}";
+ my $subst;
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x",
+ "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",) {
+ ok "xxx" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") {
+ ok "xxx" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") {
+ ok "xx$c" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, $c;
+ ok "xy$c" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xy$c") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") {
+ ok "xyz" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "qr /.../x";
+ my $R = qr / A B C # D E/x;
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ $R && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020412.005";
+ local $Message = "Correct pmop flags checked when empty pattern";
+ # Requires reuse of last successful pattern.
+ my $num = 123;
+ $num =~ /\d/;
+ for (0 .. 1) {
+ my $match = ?? + 0;
+ ok $match != $_, $Message,
+ sprintf "'match one' %s on %s iteration" =>
+ $match ? 'succeeded' : 'failed',
+ $_ ? 'second' : 'first';
+ }
+ $num =~ /(\d)/;
+ my $result = join "" => $num =~ //g;
+ iseq $result, $num;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20020630.002';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 regex matches above 32k';
+ for (['byte', "\x{ff}"], ['utf8', "\x{1ff}"]) {
+ my ($type, $char) = @$_;
+ for my $len (32000, 32768, 33000) {
+ my $s = $char . "f" x $len;
+ my $r = $s =~ /$char([f]*)/gc;
+ ok $r, $Message, "<$type x $len>";
+ ok !$r || pos ($s) == $len + 1, $Message,
+ "<$type x $len>; pos = @{[pos $s]}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
+ ok 'goodfood' =~ $a, "Reblessed qr // matches";
+ iseq $a, '(?-xism:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies";
+ my $x = "\x{3fe}";
+ my $z = my $y = "\317\276"; # Byte representation of $x
+ $a = qr /$x/;
+ ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
+ ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
+ "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17776';
+ iseq length qr /##/x, 12, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ $y = $z; # Reset $y after upgrade.
+ ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $PatchId = '18179';
+ my $s = "\x{100}" x 5;
+ my $ok = $s =~ /(\x{100}{4})/;
+ my ($ord, $len) = (ord $1, length $1);
+ ok $ok && $ord == 0x100 && $len == 4, "No panic: end_shift";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15763';
+ our $a = "x\x{100}";
+ chop $a; # Leaves the UTF-8 flag
+ $a .= "y"; # 1 byte before 'y'.
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 1-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\Cy/, 'match \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}y/, 'match \C{1}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\Cy/, q {don't match two \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}y/, q {don't match \C{2}y};
+ $a = "\x{100}y"; # 2 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 2-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C on 2-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\Cy/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}y/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match three \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}\Cy/, q {don't match \C{2}\Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{3}y/, q {don't match \C{3}y};
+ $a = "\x{1000}y"; # 3 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on three-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C\C/, 'match four \C on three-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{4}/, 'match \C{4}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\Cy/, 'match three \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}y/, 'match \C{3}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match four \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{4}y/, q {don't match \C{4}y};
+ }
+ {
+ local $\;
+ $_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa';
+ utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n";
+ ok /[^\s]+/, 'm/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok /[^\d]+/, 'm/[^\d]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15397';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 matching';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /\x{100}/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){1}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){2}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})(\x{100})/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '7471';
+ local $Message = 'Neither ()* nor ()*? sets $1 when matched 0 times';
+ local $_ = 'CD';
+ ok /(AB)*?CD/ && !defined $1;
+ ok /(AB)*CD/ && !defined $1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '3547';
+ local $Message = "Caching shouldn't prevent match";
+ my $pattern = "^(b+?|a){1,2}c";
+ ok "bac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18232';
+ local $Message = '$1 should keep UTF-8 ness';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/;
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is UTF-8';
+ { 'a' =~ /./; }
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is still UTF-8';
+ isneq $1, "\xC4\x80", '$1 is not non-UTF-8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19767';
+ local $Message = "Optimizer doesn't prematurely reject match";
+ use utf8;
+ my $attr = 'Name-1';
+ my $NormalChar = qr /[\p{IsDigit}\p{IsLower}\p{IsUpper}]/;
+ my $NormalWord = qr /${NormalChar}+?/;
+ my $PredNameHyphen = qr /^${NormalWord}(\-${NormalWord})*?$/;
+ $attr =~ /^$/;
+ ok $attr =~ $PredNameHyphen; # Original test.
+ "a" =~ m/[b]/;
+ ok "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/; # Variant.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20683';
+ local $Message = "(??{ }) doesn't return stale values";
+ our $p = 1;
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ $p ++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ {
+ package P;
+ $a = 1;
+ sub TIESCALAR {bless []}
+ sub FETCH {$a ++}
+ }
+ tie $p, "P";
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ }
+ {
+ # Subject: Odd regexp behavior
+ # From: Markus Kuhn <>
+ # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000
+ # Message-Id: <>
+ # To:
+ local $Message = 'Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26';
+ my $x = "\x{2019}\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "\x{2019} k";
+ $x = "b\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "b k";
+ ok "\x{2019}" =~ /\S/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '21411';
+ local $Message = "(??{ .. }) in split doesn't corrupt its stack";
+ our $i;
+ ok '-1-3-5-' eq join '', split /((??{$i++}))/, '-1-3-5-';
+ no warnings 'syntax';
+ @_ = split /(?{'WOW'})/, 'abc';
+ local $" = "|";
+ iseq "@_", "a|b|c";
+ }
+ {
+ # XXX DAPM 13-Apr-06. Recursive split is still broken. It's only luck it
+ # hasn't been crashing. Disable this test until it is fixed properly.
+ # XXX also check what it returns rather than just doing ok(1,...)
+ # split /(?{ split "" })/, "abc";
+ local $TODO = "Recursive split is still broken";
+ ok 0, 'cache_re & "(?{": it dumps core in 5.6.1 & 5.8.0';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF-8 length cache and fbm_compile";
+ }
+ {
+ package Str;
+ use overload q /""/ => sub {${$_ [0]};};
+ sub new {my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c;}
+ package main;
+ $_ = Str -> new ("a\x{100}/\x{100}b");
+ ok join (":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17757';
+ $_ = "code: 'x' { '...' }\n"; study;
+ my @x; push @x, $& while m/'[^\']*'/gx;
+ local $" = ":";
+ iseq "@x", "'x':'...'", "Parse::RecDescent triggered infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ my $re = qq /^([^X]*)X/;
+ utf8::upgrade ($re);
+ ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22354';
+ sub func ($) {
+ ok "a\nb" !~ /^b/, "Propagated modifier; $_[0]";
+ ok "a\nb" =~ /^b/m, "Propagated modifier; $_[0] - with /m";
+ }
+ func "standalone";
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in subst"/e;
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in multiline subst"/em;
+ #
+ # Next two give 'panic: malloc'.
+ # Outcommented, using two TODOs.
+ #
+ local $TODO = 'panic: malloc';
+ local $Message = 'Postponed regexp and propaged modifier';
+ # ok 0 for 1 .. 2;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "panic: malloc", 2;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in regexp"})/;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in multiline regexp"})/m;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049';
+ $_ = "abcdef\n";
+ my @x = m/./g;
+ iseq "abcde", $`, 'Global match sets $`';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/,
+ 'UTF-8 + multiple floating substr';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '<>';
+ ok " \x{101}" =~ qr/\x{100}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}" =~ qr/\x{1E00}/i;
+ ok " \x{10428}" =~ qr/\x{10400}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}x" =~ qr/\x{1E00}X/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #23769] Unicode regex broken on simple example
+ # regrepeat() didn't handle UTF-8 EXACT case right.
+ local $BugId = '23769';
+ my $Mess = 'regrepeat() handles UTF-8 EXACT case right';
+ local $Message = $Mess;
+ my $s = "\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{100}"; chop $s;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}+/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}\x{a0}/;
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy variant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100}" =~ /(a+)/;
+ iseq $1, "aaa";
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy invariant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100} " =~ /(a+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100} " =~ /(\xa0+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat invariant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa0\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard invariant)";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+)/;
+ iseq $1, 'ababab';
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "ab";
+ $Message = "Don't match first byte of UTF-8 representation";
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+?)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}++)/;
+ }
+ {
+ for (120 .. 130) {
+ my $head = 'x' x $_;
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \x{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}', '\x61') {
+ eval_ok qq ["$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \N{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\N{SNOWFLAKE}') {
+ eval_ok qq [use charnames ':full';
+ "$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # perl panic: pp_match start/end pointers
+ local $BugId = '25269';
+ iseq "a-bc", eval {my ($x, $y) = "bca" =~ /^(?=.*(a)).*(bc)/; "$x-$y"},
+ 'Captures can move backwards in string';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940'; # \cA not recognized in character classes
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /\cA/, '\cA in pattern';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA]/, '\cA in character class';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in character class range';
+ ok "abc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cBb" =~ /[\cA-\cC]/, '\cB in character class range';
+ ok "a\cCbc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cC in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /(??{"\cA"})/, '\cA in ??{} pattern';
+ ok "ab" !~ /a\cIb/x, '\cI in pattern';
+ }
+ {
+ # perl #28532: optional zero-width match at end of string is ignored
+ local $BugId = '28532';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)?/ && defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)??/ && !defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ }
+ { # TRIE related
+ our @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got, $1})s$/;
+ iseq @got, 1, "TRIE optimation";
+ @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i;
+ iseq @got, 1,"TRIEF optimisation";
+ my @nums = map {int rand 1000} 1 .. 100;
+ my $re = "(" . (join "|", @nums) . ")";
+ $re = qr/\b$re\b/;
+ foreach (@nums) {
+ ok $_ =~ /$re/, "Trie nums";
+ }
+ $_ = join " ", @nums;
+ @got = ();
+ push @got, $1 while /$re/g;
+ my %count;
+ $count {$_} ++ for @got;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ for (@nums) {
+ $ok = 0 if --$count {$_} < 0;
+ }
+ ok $ok, "Trie min count matches";
+ }
+ {
+ # TRIE related
+ ok "foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{101}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{10428}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo",
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i
+ && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s",
+ }
+ {
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my @normal = qw [the are some normal words];
+ skip "Skipped Psycho", 2 * @normal if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ local $" = "|";
+ my @psycho = (@normal, map chr $_, 255 .. 20000);
+ my $psycho1 = "@psycho";
+ for (my $i = @psycho; -- $i;) {
+ my $j = int rand (1 + $i);
+ @psycho [$i, $j] = @psycho [$j, $i];
+ }
+ my $psycho2 = "@psycho";
+ foreach my $word (@normal) {
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho1)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho2)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ my $utf8 = "\xe9\x{100}"; chop $utf8;
+ my $latin1 = "\xe9";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /\xe9/i, "utf8/latin";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /$latin1/i, "utf8/latin runtime";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|\xe9)/i, "utf8/latin trie";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|$latin1)/i, "utf8/latin trie runtime";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8 runtime";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie runtime";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37038';
+ my $s = "abcd";
+ $s =~ /(..)(..)/g;
+ $s = $1;
+ $s = $2;
+ iseq $2, 'cd',
+ "Assigning to original string does not corrupt match vars";
+ }
+ {
+ {
+ package wooosh;
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ }
+ my $aeek = bless {} => 'wooosh';
+ eval_ok sub {$aeek -> gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "//g match against return value of sub";
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ eval_ok sub {gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "26410 didn't affect sub calls for some reason";
+ }
+ {
+ local $TODO = "See changes 26925-26928, which reverted change 26410";
+ {
+ package lv;
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ }
+ my $o = bless [] => 'lv';
+ my $f = "";
+ my $r = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $f .= $1 if $o -> variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($r) {
+ iseq $f, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ my $g = "";
+ my $s = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $g .= $1 if variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($s) {
+ iseq $g, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37836';
+ skip "In EBCDIC" if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ $_ = pack 'U0C2', 0xa2, 0xf8; # Ill-formed UTF-8
+ my $ret = 0;
+ eval_ok sub {!($ret = s/[\0]+//g)},
+ "Ill-formed UTF-8 doesn't match NUL in class";
+ }
+ {
+ # chr(65535) should be allowed in regexes
+ local $BugId = '38293';
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # To allow non-characters
+ my ($c, $r, $s);
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/$c//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "\\$c";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/[$c]//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed in class";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "[\\$c]";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed in class";
+ $s = "A\x{ffff}B";
+ $s =~ s/\x{ffff}//i;
+ ok $s eq "AB", "U+FFFF, EXACTF";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}A";
+ $s =~ s/\bA//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, BOUND";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}!";
+ $s =~ s/\B!//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, NBOUND";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '39583';
+ # The printing characters
+ my @chars = ("A" .. "Z");
+ my $delim = ",";
+ my $size = 32771 - 4;
+ my $str = '';
+ # Create some random junk. Inefficient, but it works.
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $ i++) {
+ $str .= $chars [rand @chars];
+ }
+ $str .= ($delim x 4);
+ my $res;
+ my $matched;
+ ok $str =~ s/^(.*?)${delim}{4}//s, "Pattern matches";
+ iseq $str, "", "Empty string";
+ ok defined $1 && length ($1) == $size, '$1 is correct size';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940';
+ ok "\0-A" =~ /\c@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "\0\0A" =~ /\c@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@-A" =~ /X@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@\@A" =~ /X@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@?A/, '\c@?';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@*A/, '\c@*';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@(A)/, '\c@(';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X(\c@)A/, '\c@)';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@|ZA/, '\c@|';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@?A/, '@?';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@*A/, '@*';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@(A)/, '@(';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X(@)A/, '@)';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@|ZA/, '@|';
+ local $" = ','; # non-whitespace and non-RE-specific
+ ok 'abc' =~ /(.)(.)(.)/, 'The last successful match is bogus';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/x, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/x';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/x, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/x';
+ }
+ {
+ unshift @INC, 'lib';
+ }
+ use Cname;
+ ok 'fooB' =~ /\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/, "Passthrough charname";
+ my $test = 1233;
+ #
+ # Why doesn't must_warn work here?
+ #
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= "@_"};
+ eval 'q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/';
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring excess chars from/,
+ "Ignoring excess chars warning";
+ undef $w;
+ eval q [ok "\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/,
+ "Zerolength charname in charclass doesn't match \\0"];
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring zero length/,
+ 'Ignoring zero length \N{%} in character class warning';
+ ok 'AB' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A', 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'ABC' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/, 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'xy' =~ /x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ ok '' =~ /\N{EMPTY-STR}/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok 'aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc';
+ ok 'a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc';
+ ok ' A B' =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ }
+ {
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr{
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "Bracket mismatch";
+ SKIP: {
+ our @stack = ();
+ my @expect = qw(
+ stuff1
+ stuff2
+ <stuff1>and<stuff2>
+ right
+ <right>
+ <<right>>
+ <<<right>>>
+ <<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>
+ );
+ local $_ = '<<<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>>';
+ ok /^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/,
+ "Recursion matches";
+ iseq @stack, @expect, "Right amount of matches"
+ or skip "Won't test individual results as count isn't equal",
+ 0 + @expect;
+ my $idx = 0;
+ foreach my $expect (@expect) {
+ iseq $stack [$idx], $expect,
+ "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx";
+ $idx ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?<digits>\d+)\k<digits>/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (angle brackets) s///';
+ $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (single quotes) s///';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ary = (
+ pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde
+ '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde
+ 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla
+ pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla
+ 'a'.pack('U', 0x00B2), # a + superscript two
+ pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _
+ );
+ for my $uni (@ary) {
+ my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq {
+ use utf8;
+ scalar (" foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/),
+ \$+{${uni}},
+ scalar (" bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/),
+ \$+{${uni}};
+ };
+ ok $r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')";
+ ok defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ ok $r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)";
+ ok defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each (%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$1"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$3"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 2) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names[$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz)/";
+ iseq $count, 3, "Got 3 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq 0 + @k, 3, 'Got 3 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@, 'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ #
+ # Almost the same as the block above, except that the capture is nested.
+ #
+ local $BugId = '50496';
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C} $+{D});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$3"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$4"],
+ ["$+{D}", "$1"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 3) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names [$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz))/";
+ iseq $count, 4, "Got 4 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq @k, 4, 'Got 4 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C D", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo foo bar baz", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my @res;
+ if ('1234' =~ /(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
+ foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) {
+ my $ary = $- {$name};
+ foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$ary) {
+ push @res, "$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @expect = qw (A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4);
+ iseq "@res", "@expect", "Check %-";
+ eval'
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $- {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $- {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ # stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
+ #
+ # This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
+ # profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
+ # CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
+ # super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
+ skip "No psycho tests" if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my $r = qr/^
+ (?:
+ ( (?:a|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
+ (
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}?z
+ )?
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:z*){2,}
+ ( (?:z+|d)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:e|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:f|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:z+|g)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:h|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:i|z+)+ )
+ )+
+ ( (?:j|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:k|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:l|z+)+ )
+ $/x;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
+ for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
+ for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
+ my $bs = $a.$b;
+ for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
+ my $cs = $bs.$c;
+ for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
+ my $ds = $cs.$d;
+ for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
+ my $es = $ds.$e;
+ for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
+ my $fs = $es.$f;
+ for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
+ my $gs = $fs.$g;
+ for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
+ my $hs = $gs.$h;
+ for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
+ my $is = $hs.$i;
+ for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
+ my $js = $is.$j;
+ for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
+ my $ks = $js.$k;
+ for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
+ my $ls = $ks.$l;
+ if ($ls =~ $r) {
+ if ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
+ unless ($ls eq $cap) {
+ $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok($ok, $msg);
+ }
+ {
+ # \, breaks {3,4}
+ ok "xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ ok "xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by _
+ ok "x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ ok "x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by other characters
+ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
+ my $targ = "a\034$c";
+ my $reg = "a\\c\\$c";
+ ok eval ("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36046';
+ my $str = 'abc';
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $mval = 0;
+ my $pval = 0;
+ while ($str =~ /b/g) {$mval = $#-; $pval = $#+; $count ++}
+ iseq $mval, 0, '@- should be empty';
+ iseq $pval, 0, '@+ should be empty';
+ iseq $count, 1, 'Should have matched once only';
+ }
+ { # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 9, "Expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)";
+ local $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while
+ /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 5, "Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab b aaab b ",
+ "Adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaabaaab' =~ /a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "/.(*COMMIT)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab", "Adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)', '') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ package Fnorble;
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ ::iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ local $Message = '$REGERROR';
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $word (qw (bar baz bop)) {
+ $REGERROR = "";
+ "aaaaa$word" =~
+ /a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $REGERROR, $word;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '40684';
+ local $Message = '/m in precompiled regexp';
+ my $s = "abc\ndef";
+ my $rex = qr'^abc$'m;
+ ok $s =~ m/$rex/;
+ ok $s =~ m/^abc$/m;
+ }
+ {
+ #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
+ for ("ABC","BAX") {
+ ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x, "Simple (*THEN) test";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Relative Recursion";
+ my $parens = qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/;
+ local $_ = 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ my ($all, $one, $two) = ('', '', '');
+ ok /foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x;
+ iseq $1, '((2*3)+4-3)';
+ iseq $2, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, $_;
+ }
+ {
+ my $spaces=" ";
+ local $_ = join 'bar', $spaces, $spaces;
+ our $count = 0;
+ s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g;
+ iseq $_, $spaces, "SUSPEND final string";
+ iseq $count, 1, "Optimiser should have prevented more than one match";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36909';
+ local $Message = '(?: ... )? should not lose $^R';
+ $^R = 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo) # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (?:foo|bar)+ # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1+ # $^R undefined
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1 # This time without the +
+ (?{"last regexp code result"})
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22395';
+ local $Message = 'Match is linear, not quadratic';
+ our $count;
+ for my $l (10, 100, 1000) {
+ $count = 0;
+ ('a' x $l) =~ /(.*)(?{$count++})[bc]/;
+ local $TODO = "Should be L+1 not L*(L+3)/2 (L=$l)";
+ iseq $count, $l + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22614';
+ local $Message = '@-/@+ should not have undefined values';
+ local $_ = 'ab';
+ our @len = ();
+ /(.){1,}(?{push @len,0+@-})(.){1,}(?{})^/;
+ iseq "@len", "2 2 2";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18209';
+ local $Message = '$& set on s///';
+ my $text = ' word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 ';
+ my @words = ('word1', 'word3', 'word5');
+ my $count;
+ foreach my $word (@words) {
+ $text =~ s/$word\s//gi; # Leave a space to seperate words
+ # in the resultant str.
+ # The following block is not working.
+ if ($&) {
+ $count ++;
+ }
+ # End bad block
+ }
+ iseq $count, 3;
+ iseq $text, ' word2 word4 word6 ';
+ }
+ {
+ # RT#6893
+ local $BugId = '6893';
+ local $_ = qq (A\nB\nC\n);
+ my @res;
+ while (m#(\G|\n)([^\n]*)\n#gsx) {
+ push @res, "$2";
+ last if @res > 3;
+ }
+ iseq "@res", "A B C", "/g pattern shouldn't infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus>
+ my $dow_name = "nada";
+ my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ " .
+ "C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/";
+ my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin";
+ eval $parser;
+ ok !$@, "Test Eval worked";
+ iseq $dow_name, $time_string, "UTF-8 trie common prefix extraction";
+ }
+ {
+ my $v;
+ ($v = 'bar') =~ /(\w+)/g;
+ $v = 'foo';
+ iseq "$1", 'bar', '$1 is safe after /g - may fail due ' .
+ 'to specialized config in pp_hot.c'
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "";
+ my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ $qr_barR1;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '41010';
+ local $Message = 'No optimizer bug';
+ my @tails = ('', '(?(1))', '(|)', '()?');
+ my @quants = ('*','+');
+ my $doit = sub {
+ my $pats = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ for my $pat (@$pats) {
+ for my $quant (@quants) {
+ for my $tail (@tails) {
+ my $re = "($pat$quant\$)$tail";
+ ok /$re/ && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/";
+ ok /$re/m && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/m";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my @dpats = ('\d',
+ '[1234567890]',
+ '(1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(?:1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
+ '(?:1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)');
+ my @spats = ('[ ]', ' ', '( |\t)', '(?: |\t)', '[ \t]', '\s');
+ my @sstrs = (' ');
+ my @dstrs = ('12345');
+ $doit -> (\@spats, @sstrs);
+ $doit -> (\@dpats, @dstrs);
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK';
+ our @r = ();
+ ok 'foofoo' =~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x;
+ iseq "@r","foo";
+ iseq $REGMARK, "foo";
+ ok 'foofoo' !~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x;
+ ok !$REGMARK;
+ iseq $REGERROR, 'foo';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\K test';
+ my $x;
+ $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl";
+ $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//;
+ iseq $x, "abc.def.ghi";
+ $x = "one two three four";
+ $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g;
+ iseq $x, "one two four";
+ $x = "abcde";
+ $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g;
+ iseq $x, "aabbccddee";
+ }
+ {
+ sub kt {
+ return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623';
+ }
+ # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends)
+ my $re;
+ our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x;
+ $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x;
+ my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re;
+ iseq join ("-", @res), "0902862349",
+ 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval';
+ our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x;
+ ok 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1, "PL_curpm, nested eval";
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ":full";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue"
+ }
+ {
+ # requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points
+ # cf.
+ for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) {
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # oops
+ my $c = chr $u;
+ my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u;
+ ok "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "Unicode range - $x";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $res="";
+ if ('1' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1",
+ "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array";
+ $res = "";
+ if ('11' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))(?&digit)/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1", "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside " .
+ "a (?|...) goes to the leftmost";
+ }
+ {
+ use warnings;
+ local $Message = "ASCII pattern that really is UTF-8";
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {push @w, "@_"};
+ my $c = qq (\x{DF});
+ ok $c =~ /${c}|\x{100}/;
+ ok @w == 0;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Corruption of match results of qr// across scopes";
+ my $qr = qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/;
+ 'foobar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ {
+ 'foooooobaaaaar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", 'foooooobaaaaar';
+ }
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "HORIZWS";
+ local $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t" . chr (11) . "\n";
+ utf8::upgrade ($_);
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Various whitespace special patterns";
+ my @h = map {chr $_} 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000,
+ 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006,
+ 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f, 0x205f,
+ 0x3000;
+ my @v = map {chr $_} 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028,
+ 0x2029;
+ my @lb = ("\x0D\x0A", map {chr $_} 0x0A .. 0x0D, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029);
+ foreach my $t ([\@h, qr/\h/, qr/\h+/],
+ [\@v, qr/\v/, qr/\v+/],
+ [\@lb, qr/\R/, qr/\R+/],) {
+ my $ary = shift @$t;
+ foreach my $pat (@$t) {
+ foreach my $str (@$ary) {
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, $pat;
+ iseq $1, $str, $pat;
+ utf8::upgrade ($str);
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ iseq $1, $str, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms";
+ # Test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff,
+ # but its actually needed. The malarky with '-' is to prevent
+ # compilation caching from playing any role in the test.
+ my @df = (chr (0xDF), '-', chr (0xDF));
+ utf8::upgrade ($df [2]);
+ my @strs = ('ss', 'sS', 'Ss', 'SS', chr (0xDF));
+ my @ss = map {("$_", "$_")} @strs;
+ utf8::upgrade ($ss [$_ * 2 + 1]) for 0 .. $#strs;
+ for my $ssi (0 .. $#ss) {
+ for my $dfi (0 .. $#df) {
+ my $pat = $df [$dfi];
+ my $str = $ss [$ssi];
+ my $utf_df = ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ my $utf_ss = ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ (my $sstr = $str) =~ s/\xDF/\\xDF/;
+ if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length ($ss [$ssi]) == 1) {
+ my $ret = $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" =~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ret = $str !~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" !~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte";
+ my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/;
+ my $hyp = "\0\0\0-";
+ my $esc = "\0\0\0\\";
+ my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc";
+ my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g);
+ iseq @a,3;
+ local $" = "=";
+ iseq "@a","$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test for keys in %+ and %-
+ local $Message = 'Test keys in %+ and %-';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $_ = "abcdef";
+ /(?<foo>a)|(?<foo>b)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a ");
+ /(?<bar>a)(?<bar>b)(?<quux>.)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a,c"); # leftmost
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c");
+ /(?<un>a)(?<deux>c)?/; # second buffer won't capture
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a");
+ }
+ {
+ # length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len
+ my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook";
+ /^ \w+ \s (?<eek>\S+)/x;
+ iseq length ($`), 0, q[length $`];
+ iseq length ($'), 4, q[length $'];
+ iseq length ($&), 9, q[length $&];
+ iseq length ($1), 4, q[length $1];
+ iseq length ($+{eek}), 4, q[length $+{eek} == length $1];
+ }
+ {
+ my $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 0, '$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $_;
+ ($_ = 'abc') =~ /(abc)/g;
+ $_ = '123';
+ iseq "$1", 'abc', "/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2>';
+ my $str = "";
+ for (0 .. 5) {
+ my @x;
+ $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string
+ 'a' =~ /(a|)/;
+ push @x, 1;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ $str = "";
+ my @foo = ('a') x 5;
+ for (@foo) {
+ my @bar;
+ $str .= "@bar";
+ s/a|/push @bar, 1/e;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '45605';
+ # [perl #45605] Regexp failure with utf8-flagged and byte-flagged string
+ my $utf_8 = "\xd6schel";
+ utf8::upgrade ($utf_8);
+ $utf_8 =~ m {(\xd6|&Ouml;)schel};
+ iseq $1, "\xd6", "Upgrade error";
+ }
+ {
+# more TRIE/AHOCORASICK problems with mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding
+ for my $chr (160 .. 255) {
+ my $chr_byte = chr($chr);
+ my $chr_utf8 = chr($chr); utf8::upgrade($chr_utf8);
+ my $rx = qr{$chr_byte|X}i;
+ ok($chr_utf8 =~ $rx, "utf8/latin, codepoint $chr");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Regardless of utf8ness any character matches itself when
+ # doing a case insensitive match. See also [perl #36207]
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ for my $o (0 .. 255) {
+ my @ch = (chr ($o), chr ($o));
+ utf8::upgrade ($ch [1]);
+ for my $u_str (0, 1) {
+ for my $u_pat (0, 1) {
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E/i,
+ "\$c =~ /\$c/i : chr ($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E|xyz/i,
+ "\$c=~/\$c|xyz/i : chr($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = 3; "" =~ /(??{ $a })/;
+ our $b = $a;
+ iseq $b, $a, "Copy of scalar used for postponed subexpression";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '49190';
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK in replacement';
+ our $REGMARK;
+ my $_ = "A";
+ ok s/(*:B)A/$REGMARK/;
+ iseq $_, "B";
+ $_ = "CCCCBAA";
+ ok s/(*:X)A+|(*:Y)B+|(*:Z)C+/$REGMARK/g;
+ iseq $_, "ZYX";
+ }
+ {
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ (\w+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n,$^N;
+ push @plus,$+;
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $match = '<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>' =~ m/^$nested_tags$/;
+ ok $match, 'nested construct matches';
+ iseq "@ctl_n", "bla blubb", '$^N inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ iseq "@plus", "bla blubb", '$+ inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '52658';
+ local $Message = 'Substitution evaluation in list context';
+ my $reg = '../xxx/';
+ my @te = ($reg =~ m{^(/?(?:\.\./)*)},
+ $reg =~ s/(x)/'b'/eg > 1 ? '##' : '++');
+ iseq $reg, '../bbb/';
+ iseq $te [0], '../';
+ }
+ # This currently has to come before any "use encoding" in this file.
+ {
+ local $Message;
+ local $BugId = '59342';
+ must_warn 'qr/\400/', '^Use of octal value above 377';
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ # XXX: This set of tests is essentially broken, POSIX character classes
+ # should not have differing definitions under Unicode.
+ # There are property names for that.
+ skip "Tests assume ASCII", 4 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ my @notIsPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ and not /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7f;
+ iseq join ('', @notIsPunct), '$+<=>^`|~',
+ '[:punct:] disagress with IsPunct on Symbols';
+ my @isPrint = grep {not /[[:print:]]/ and /\p{IsPrint}/}
+ map {chr} 0 .. 0x1f, 0x7f .. 0x9f;
+ iseq join ('', @isPrint), "\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x85",
+ 'IsPrint disagrees with [:print:] on control characters';
+ my @isPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunct), "\xa1\xab\xb7\xbb\xbf", # ¡ « · » ¿
+ 'IsPunct disagrees with [:punct:] outside ASCII';
+ my @isPunctLatin1 = eval q {
+ use encoding 'latin1';
+ grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ };
+ skip "Eval failed ($@)", 1 if $@;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunctLatin1), '',
+ 'IsPunct agrees with [:punct:] with explicit Latin1';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60034';
+ my $a = "xyzt" x 8192;
+ ok $a =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string';
+ my $b = $a . chr 256;
+ chop $b;
+ {
+ iseq $a, $b;
+ }
+ ok $b =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string with UTF-8';
+ }
+ #
+ # Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
+ #
+ print "# Tests that follow may crash perl\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049/38869';
+ local $Message = 'Pattern in a loop, failure should not ' .
+ 'affect previous success';
+ my @list = (
+ 'ab cdef', # Matches regex
+ ('e' x 40000 ) .'ab c' # Matches not, but 'ab c' matches part of it
+ );
+ my $y;
+ my $x;
+ foreach (@list) {
+ m/ab(.+)cd/i; # The ignore-case seems to be important
+ $y = $1; # Use $1, which might not be from the last match!
+ $x = substr ($list [0], $- [0], $+ [0] - $- [0]);
+ }
+ iseq $y, ' ';
+ iseq $x, 'ab cd';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '24274';
+ ok (("a" x (2 ** 15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker");
+ ok ((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
+ "Regexp /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/ crashes older perls");
+ }
+ {
+ eval '/\k/';
+ ok $@ =~ /\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/,
+ 'Lone \k not allowed';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Substitution with lookahead (possible segv)";
+ $_ = "ns1ns1ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1ns_1ns_1";
+ $_ = "ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1";
+ $_ = "123";
+ s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g;
+ iseq $_, "!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!";
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #45337] utf8 + "[a]a{2}" + /$.../ = panic: sv_len_utf8 cache
+ local $BugId = '45337';
+ local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
+ local $Message = "Shouldn't panic";
+ my $s = "[a]a{2}";
+ utf8::upgrade $s;
+ ok "aaa" =~ /$s/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '57042';
+ local $Message = "Check if tree logic breaks \$^R";
+ my $cond_re = qr/\s*
+ \s* (?:
+ \( \s* A (?{1})
+ | \( \s* B (?{2})
+ )
+ /x;
+ my @res;
+ for my $line ("(A)","(B)") {
+ if ($line =~ m/$cond_re/) {
+ push @res, $^R ? "#$^R" : "UNDEF";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq "@res","#1 #2";
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my $re = qr/A(??{"1"})/;
+ ok "A1B" =~ m/^((??{ $re }))((??{"B"}))$/;
+ ok $1 eq "A1";
+ ok $2 eq "B";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $Message = 'Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{{})';
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ ((\w)+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
+ [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
+ [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
+ if ($test->[0] != $match) {
+ # unset @ctl_n and @plus
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $BugId = '56194';
+ our $f;
+ local $f;
+ $f = sub {
+ defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";
+ };
+ ok("123" =~ m/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/);
+ our @ctl_n;
+ our @plus;
+ my $re = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ our $re5;
+ local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [
+ # String to match
+ # Regex too match
+ # Expected values of $^N
+ # Expected values of $+
+ # Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
+ # ]
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re)(|a(b)c|def)(??{$^R})$#,
+ "1 2 3 abc",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re2)$#,
+ "1 2 3 123abc3",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re3)$#,
+ "1 2 123abc3",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234",
+ qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
+ "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234556",
+ qr#^(\d+)($re6)($re6)($re6)$re6(($re6)$re6)$#,
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
+ ],
+ [
+ "12345562",
+ qr#^((??{$re8}))($re7)($re7)($re7)$re7($re7)($re7(\2))$#,
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
+ ],
+ ) {
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match, "match $c");
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
+ $str = "";
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ iseq($str, $test->[4], "str $c");
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($] le '5.010') {
+ skip "test segfaults on perl < 5.10", 4;
+ }
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ our $re4;
+ local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match);
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ $str = "";
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq("@plus", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq($str, "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = undef");
+ }
+ }
+ # This only works under -DEBUGGING because it relies on an assert().
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60508';
+ local $Message = "Check capture offset re-entrancy of utf8 code.";
+ sub fswash { $_[0] =~ s/([>X])//g; }
+ my $k1 = "." x 4 . ">>";
+ fswash($k1);
+ my $k2 = "\x{f1}\x{2022}";
+ $k2 =~ s/([\360-\362])/>/g;
+ fswash($k2);
+ iseq($k2, "\x{2022}", "utf8::SWASHNEW doesn't cause capture leaks");
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = 65372; # minimal CURLYM limited to 32767 matches
+ my @pat = (
+ qr{a(x|y)*b}, # CURLYM
+ qr{a(x|y)*?b}, # .. with minmod
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*b}, # .. and without tries
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*?b},
+ );
+ my $len = 32768;
+ my $s = join '', 'a', 'x' x $len, 'b';
+ for my $pat (@pat) {
+ ok($s =~ $pat, $pat);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # This should be the last test.
+ #
+ iseq $test + 1, $EXPECTED_TESTS, "Got the right number of tests!";
+} # End of sub run_tests
diff --git a/t/re/pat_re_eval.t b/t/re/pat_re_eval.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b5bbb3575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/re/pat_re_eval.t
@@ -0,0 +1,4391 @@
+# This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into
+# the format supported by re/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
+# that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+sub run_tests;
+$| = 1;
+my $EXPECTED_TESTS = 4066; # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+our $TODO;
+our $Message = "Noname test";
+our $Error;
+our $DiePattern;
+our $WarnPattern;
+our $BugId;
+our $PatchId;
+our $running_as_thread;
+my $ordA = ord ('A'); # This defines ASCII/UTF-8 vs EBCDIC/UTF-EBCDIC
+# This defined the platform.
+my $IS_ASCII = $ordA == 65;
+my $IS_EBCDIC = $ordA == 193;
+use vars '%Config';
+eval 'use Config'; # Defaults assumed if this fails
+my $test = 0;
+print "1..$EXPECTED_TESTS\n";
+run_tests unless caller ();
+END {
+sub pretty {
+ my ($mess) = @_;
+ $mess =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $mess =~ s/([\00-\37\177])/sprintf '\%03o', ord $1/eg;
+ $mess =~ s/#/\\#/g;
+ $mess;
+sub safe_globals {
+ defined($_) and s/#/\\#/g for $BugId, $PatchId, $TODO;
+sub _ok {
+ my ($ok, $mess, $error) = @_;
+ safe_globals();
+ $mess = pretty ($mess // $Message);
+ $mess .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ $mess .= "; Patch $PatchId" if defined $PatchId;
+ $mess .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(1)) [2];
+ printf "%sok %d - %s\n",
+ ($ok ? "" : "not "),
+ ++ $test,
+ "$mess\tLine $line_nr";
+ unless ($ok) {
+ print "# Failed test at line $line_nr\n" unless defined $TODO;
+ if ($error //= $Error) {
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ chomp $error;
+ $error = join "\n#", map {pretty $_} split /\n\h*#/ => $error;
+ $error = "# $error" unless $error =~ /^\h*#/;
+ print $error, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+# Force scalar context on the pattern match
+sub ok ($;$$) {_ok $_ [0], $_ [1], $_ [2]}
+sub nok ($;$$) {_ok !$_ [0], "Failed: " . ($_ [1] // $Message), $_ [2]}
+sub skip {
+ my $why = shift;
+ safe_globals();
+ $why =~ s/\n.*//s;
+ $why .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ # seems like the new harness code doesnt like todo and skip to be mixed.
+ # which seems like a bug in the harness to me. -- dmq
+ #$why .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $n = shift // 1;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(0)) [2];
+ for (1 .. $n) {
+ ++ $test;
+ #print "not " if defined $TODO;
+ print "ok $test # skip $why\tLine $line_nr\n";
+ }
+ no warnings "exiting";
+ last SKIP;
+sub iseq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got eq $expect;
+ my $error = "# expected: $expect\n" .
+ "# result: $got";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub isneq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ my $todo = $TODO ? " # TODO $TODO" : '';
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got ne $expect;
+ my $error = "# results are equal ($got)";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub eval_ok ($;$) {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ local $@;
+ if (ref $code) {
+ _ok eval {&$code} && !$@, $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ _ok eval ($code) && !$@, $name;
+ }
+sub must_die {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $DiePattern;
+ undef $@;
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $@ && $@ =~ /$pattern/;
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "\$\@ =~ /$pattern/";
+sub must_warn {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $WarnPattern;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $w && $w =~ /$pattern/;
+ $w //= "UNDEF";
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "Got warning /$pattern/",
+ "# expected: /$pattern/\n" .
+ "# result: $w";
+sub may_not_warn {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ _ok !$w, $name // ($Message ? "$Message (did not warn)"
+ : "Did not warn"),
+ "Got warning '$w'";
+# Tests start here.
+sub run_tests {
+ {
+ my $x = "abc\ndef\n";
+ ok $x =~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" =~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x !~ /^def/, qq ["$x" !~ /^def/];
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok $x =~ /^def/m, qq ["$x" =~ /^def/m];
+ nok $x =~ /^xxx/, qq ["$x" =~ /^xxx/];
+ nok $x !~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" !~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x =~ /def/, qq ["$x" =~ /def/];
+ nok $x !~ /def/, qq ["$x" !~ /def/];
+ ok $x !~ /.def/, qq ["$x" !~ /.def/];
+ nok $x =~ /.def/, qq ["$x" =~ /.def/];
+ ok $x =~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" =~ /\ndef/];
+ nok $x !~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" !~ /\ndef/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123';
+ ok /^([0-9][0-9]*)/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^([0-9][0-9]*)/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'aaabbbccc';
+ ok /(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc',
+ qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a*b*)(c*)/];
+ ok /(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc', qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a+b+c+)/];
+ nok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ $_ = 'aaabccc';
+ ok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ $_ = 'aaaccc';
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ nok /a*b+c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b+c*/];
+ $_ = 'abcdef';
+ ok /bcd|xyz/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /bcd|xyz/];
+ ok /xyz|bcd/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /xyz|bcd/];
+ ok m|bc/*d|, qq [\$_ = '$_'; m|bc/*d|];
+ ok /^$_$/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^\$_\$/];
+ }
+ {
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok "ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m, qq ["ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m];
+ }
+ {
+ our %XXX = map {($_ => $_)} 123, 234, 345;
+ our @XXX = ('ok 1','not ok 1', 'ok 2','not ok 2','not ok 3');
+ while ($_ = shift(@XXX)) {
+ my $f = index ($_, 'not') >= 0 ? \&nok : \&ok;
+ my $r = ?(.*)?;
+ &$f ($r, "?(.*)?");
+ /not/ && reset;
+ if (/not ok 2/) {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $_ = shift(@XXX);
+ }
+ else {
+ reset 'X';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip "Reset 'X'", 1;
+ }
+ ok !keys %XXX, "%XXX is empty";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test empty pattern";
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ my $cde = 'cde';
+ $cde =~ /[^ab]*/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ my $foo = '[^ab]*';
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ my $null;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $null = "";
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = q !Check $`, $&, $'!;
+ $_ = 'abcdefghi';
+ /def/; # optimized up to cmd
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ no warnings 'void';
+ /cde/ + 0; # optimized only to spat
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'ab:cde:fghi';
+ /[d][e][f]/; # not optimized
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'now is the {time for all} good men to come to.';
+ / {([^}]*)}/;
+ iseq $1, 'time for all', "Match braces";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "{N,M} quantifier";
+ $_ = 'xxx {3,4} yyy zzz';
+ ok /( {3,4})/;
+ iseq $1, ' ';
+ ok !/( {4,})/;
+ ok /( {2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, ' y';
+ ok /(y{2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, 'yyy ';
+ ok !/x {3,4}/;
+ ok !/^xxx {3,4}/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test /g";
+ local $" = ":";
+ $_ = "now is the time for all good men to come to.";
+ my @words = /(\w+)/g;
+ my $exp = "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to";
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ while (/\w+/g) {
+ push (@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ pos = 0;
+ while (/to/g) {
+ push(@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ pos $_ = 0;
+ @words = /to/g;
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "abcdefghi";
+ my $pat1 = 'def';
+ my $pat2 = '^def';
+ my $pat3 = '.def.';
+ my $pat4 = 'abc';
+ my $pat5 = '^abc';
+ my $pat6 = 'abc$';
+ my $pat7 = 'ghi';
+ my $pat8 = '\w*ghi';
+ my $pat9 = 'ghi$';
+ my $t1 = my $t2 = my $t3 = my $t4 = my $t5 =
+ my $t6 = my $t7 = my $t8 = my $t9 = 0;
+ for my $iter (1 .. 5) {
+ $t1++ if /$pat1/o;
+ $t2++ if /$pat2/o;
+ $t3++ if /$pat3/o;
+ $t4++ if /$pat4/o;
+ $t5++ if /$pat5/o;
+ $t6++ if /$pat6/o;
+ $t7++ if /$pat7/o;
+ $t8++ if /$pat8/o;
+ $t9++ if /$pat9/o;
+ }
+ my $x = "$t1$t2$t3$t4$t5$t6$t7$t8$t9";
+ iseq $x, '505550555', "Test /o";
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc$|$xyz/, "| after \$";
+ # perl 4.009 says "unmatched ()"
+ local $Message = '$ inside ()';
+ my $result;
+ eval '"abc" =~ /a(bc$)|$xyz/; $result = "$&:$1"';
+ iseq $@, "" or skip "eval failed", 1;
+ iseq $result, "abc:bc";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ $_ = "abcfooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/abc/g;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /gi";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "";
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/ABC/gi;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "fooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "bar";
+ $_ .= '';
+ my @x = /abc/g;
+ iseq @x, 2, "/g reset after assignment";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '/g, \G and pos';
+ $_ = "abdc";
+ pos $_ = 2;
+ /\Gc/gc;
+ iseq pos $_, 2;
+ /\Gc/g;
+ ok !defined pos $_;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '(?{ })';
+ our $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 2 })b';
+ iseq $out, 2;
+ $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 3 })c';
+ iseq $out, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'foobar1 bar2 foobar3 barfoobar5 foobar6';
+ my @out = /(?<!foo)bar./g;
+ iseq "@out", 'bar2 barf', "Negative lookbehind";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "REG_INFTY tests";
+ # Tests which depend on REG_INFTY
+ $::reg_infty = $Config {reg_infty} // 32767;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty - 1;
+ $::reg_infty_p = $::reg_infty + 1;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty_m; # Surpress warning.
+ # As well as failing if the pattern matches do unexpected things, the
+ # next three tests will fail if you should have picked up a lower-than-
+ # default value for $reg_infty from, but have not.
+ eval_ok q (('aaa' =~ /(a{1,$::reg_infty_m})/)[0] eq 'aaa');
+ eval_ok q (('a' x $::reg_infty_m) =~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval_ok q (('a' x ($::reg_infty_m - 1)) !~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty_p}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ }
+ {
+ # Poke a couple more parse failures
+ my $context = 'x' x 256;
+ eval qq("${context}y" =~ /(?<=$context)y/);
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QLookbehind longer than 255 not/, "Lookbehind limit";
+ }
+ {
+ # Long Monsters
+ local $Message = "Long monster";
+ for my $l (125, 140, 250, 270, 300000, 30) { # Ordered to free memory
+ my $a = 'a' x $l;
+ local $Error = "length = $l";
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ nok "b$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ ok "b$a=" =~ /ba+=/;
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /b(?:a|b)+=/;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # 20000 nodes, each taking 3 words per string, and 1 per branch
+ my $long_constant_len = join '|', 12120 .. 32645;
+ my $long_var_len = join '|', 8120 .. 28645;
+ my %ans = ( 'ax13876y25677lbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677mcb' => 0, # not b.
+ 'ax13876y35677nbc' => 0, # Num too big
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378obc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378zbc' => 0, # Not followed by [k-o]
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kcb' => 0, # Not b.
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378y21378kbc' => 0, # 5 runs
+ );
+ local $Message = "20000 nodes";
+ for (keys %ans) {
+ local $Error = "const-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_constant_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ local $Error = "var-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_var_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Complicated backtracking";
+ $_ = " a (bla()) and x(y b((l)u((e))) and b(l(e)e)e";
+ my $expect = "(bla()) ((l)u((e))) (l(e)e)";
+ use vars '$c';
+ sub matchit {
+ m/
+ (
+ \(
+ (?{ $c = 1 }) # Initialize
+ (?:
+ (?(?{ $c == 0 }) # PREVIOUS iteration was OK, stop the loop
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail: will unwind one iteration back
+ )
+ (?:
+ [^()]+ # Match a big chunk
+ (?=
+ [()]
+ ) # Do not try to match subchunks
+ |
+ \(
+ (?{ ++$c })
+ |
+ \)
+ (?{ --$c })
+ )
+ )+ # This may not match with different subblocks
+ )
+ (?(?{ $c != 0 })
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail
+ ) # Otherwise the chunk 1 may succeed with $c>0
+ /xg;
+ }
+ my @ans = ();
+ my $res;
+ push @ans, $res while $res = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ @ans = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ local $Message = "Recursion with (??{ })";
+ our $matched;
+ $matched = qr/\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$matched}))*\)/;
+ @ans = my @ans1 = ();
+ push (@ans, $res), push (@ans1, $&) while $res = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ iseq "@ans1", $expect;
+ @ans = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ }
+ {
+ ok "abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/, '"abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ans = ('a/b' =~ m%(.*/)?(.*)%); # Stack may be bad
+ iseq "@ans", 'a/ b', "Stack may be bad";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Eval-group not allowed at runtime";
+ my $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ our $blah = 12;
+ eval { /(?$code)/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ for $code ('{$blah = 45}','=xx') {
+ $blah = 12;
+ my $res = eval { "xx" =~ /(?$code)/o };
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ local $Error = "'$@', '$res', '$blah'";
+ if ($code eq '=xx') {
+ ok !$@ && $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ }
+ }
+ $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ $blah = 12;
+ eval "/(?$code)/";
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ $blah = 12;
+ /(?{$blah = 45})/;
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Pos checks";
+ my $x = 'banana';
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ $x =~ /.z/gc;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ sub f {
+ my $p = $_[0];
+ return $p;
+ }
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq f (pos ($x)), 4;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Checking $^R';
+ our $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[t]/;
+ iseq $^R, 75;
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[xy]/;
+ ok $^R eq '67' && $x eq '12';
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{ $^R + 12 })((?{ $x = 12; $^R + 17 })[xy])?/;
+ ok $^R eq '79' && $x eq '12';
+ }
+ {
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/i, '(?i-xsm:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/i';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/s, '(?s-xim:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/s';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/m, '(?m-xis:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/m';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/x, '(?x-ism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/x';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/xism, '(?msix:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/xism';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/, '(?-xism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Look around";
+ $_ = 'xabcx';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'c') {
+ ok /(?<=(?=a)..)((?=c)|.)/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $1, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Empty clause";
+ $_ = 'a';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'a', '') {
+ ok /^|a|$/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $&, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Prefixify";
+ sub prefixify {
+ SKIP: {
+ my ($v, $a, $b, $res) = @_;
+ ok $v =~ s/\Q$a\E/$b/ or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $v, $res;
+ }
+ }
+ prefixify ('/a/b/lib/arch', "/a/b/lib", 'X/lib', 'X/lib/arch');
+ prefixify ('/a/b/man/arch', "/a/b/man", 'X/man', 'X/man/arch');
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'var="foo"';
+ /(\")/;
+ ok $1 && /$1/, "Capture a quote";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Call code from qr //";
+ $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
+ $b = 7;
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '9';
+ $c="$a";
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '11';
+ undef $@;
+ eval {/$c/};
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/;
+ use re "eval";
+ /$a$c$a/;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ our $lex_a = 43;
+ our $lex_b = 17;
+ our $lex_c = 27;
+ my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ no re "eval";
+ undef $@;
+ my $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ $lex_a = 2;
+ $lex_a = 43;
+ $lex_b = 17;
+ $lex_c = 27;
+ $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ local $Message = '(?{ $var } refers to package vars';
+ package aa;
+ our $c = 2;
+ $::c = 3;
+ '' =~ /(?{ $c = 4 })/;
+ main::iseq $c, 4;
+ main::iseq $::c, 3;
+ }
+ {
+ must_die 'q(a:[b]:) =~ /[x[:foo:]]/',
+ 'POSIX class \[:[^:]+:\] unknown in regex',
+ 'POSIX class [: :] must have valid name';
+ for my $d (qw [= .]) {
+ must_die "/[[${d}foo${d}]]/",
+ "\QPOSIX syntax [$d $d] is reserved for future extensions",
+ "POSIX syntax [[$d $d]] is an error";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # test if failure of patterns returns empty list
+ local $Message = "Failed pattern returns empty list";
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ @_ = /bbb/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /bbb/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '@- and @+ tests';
+ /a(?=.$)/;
+ iseq $#+, 0;
+ iseq $#-, 0;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [1] && !defined $- [1] &&
+ !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2];
+ /a(a)(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 2;
+ iseq $+ [0], 3;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [2], 3;
+ iseq $- [2], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)(b)?(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 3;
+ iseq $#-, 3;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [3], 3;
+ iseq $- [3], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 1;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3];
+ /.(a)(ba*)?/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $DiePattern = '^Modification of a read-only value attempted';
+ local $Message = 'Elements of @- and @+ are read-only';
+ must_die '$+[0] = 13';
+ must_die '$-[0] = 13';
+ must_die '@+ = (7, 6, 5)';
+ must_die '@- = qw (foo bar)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G testing';
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ pos = 1;
+ my @a = /\Ga/g;
+ iseq "@a", "a a";
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ pos $str = 2;
+ ok $str !~ /^\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^.\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /^..\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^...\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /\G../ && $& eq 'cd';
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ ok $str =~ /.\G./ && $& eq 'bc';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'pos inside (?{ })';
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ our ($foo, $bar);
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos ($str);
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos $str = undef;
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos ($str), 3;
+ $_ = $str;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos, 3;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos = undef;
+ 1 while /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ ok s/b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/x/g;
+ iseq $foo, 'abcde|abcde';
+ iseq $bar, 8;
+ iseq $_, 'axde|axde';
+ # List context:
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ our @res;
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $1,$2})([ce])(?{push @res, $1,$2})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'a' undef 'a' 'c' 'e' undef 'a' undef 'a' 'c'";
+ @res = ();
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})([ce])(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'' 'ab' 'cde|abcde' " .
+ "'' 'abc' 'de|abcde' " .
+ "'abcd' 'e|' 'abcde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'ab' 'cde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'abc' 'de'" ;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $foo = 'aabbccddeeffgg';
+ pos ($foo) = 1;
+ {
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'ab';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cc';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'de';
+ ok $foo =~ /\Gef/g;
+ }
+ undef pos $foo;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'aa';
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'bb';
+ pos ($foo) = 5;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cd';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123x123';
+ my @res = /(\d*|x)/g;
+ local $" = '|';
+ iseq "@res", "123||x|123|", "0 match in alternation";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Match against temporaries (created via pp_helem())" .
+ " is safe";
+ ok {foo => "bar\n" . $^X} -> {foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
+ iseq $1, "bar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'package $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ our @a = qw [foo bar];
+ our @b = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @b, $1})/,$1,/g for @a;
+ iseq "@b", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@a", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ local $Message = 'lexical $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my @c = qw [foo bar];
+ my @d = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @d, $1})/,$1,/g for @c;
+ iseq "@d", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@c", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Brackets';
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr {
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{{}" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{}";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ m/((??{ $brackets }))/;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "a-a\nxbb";
+ pos = 1;
+ nok m/^-.*bb/mg, '$_ = "a-a\nxbb"; m/^-.*bb/mg';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $text = "aaXbXcc";
+ pos ($text) = 0;
+ ok $text !~ /\GXb*X/g;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "xA\n" x 500;
+ nok /^\s*A/m, '$_ = "xA\n" x 500; /^\s*A/m"';
+ my $text = "abc dbf";
+ my @res = ($text =~ /.*?(b).*?\b/g);
+ iseq "@res", "b b", '\b is not special';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\S, [\S], \s, [\s]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\D, [\D], \d, [\d]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\W, [\W], \w, [\w]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ # see if backtracking optimization works correctly
+ local $Message = 'Backtrack optimization';
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n* $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n*? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n*+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n++ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?+ $ \n/x;
+ }
+ {
+ package S;
+ use overload '""' => sub {'Object S'};
+ sub new {bless []}
+ local $Message = "Ref stringification";
+ ::ok do { \my $v} =~ /^SCALAR/, "Scalar ref stringification";
+ ::ok do {\\my $v} =~ /^REF/, "Ref ref stringification";
+ ::ok [] =~ /^ARRAY/, "Array ref stringification";
+ ::ok {} =~ /^HASH/, "Hash ref stringification";
+ ::ok 'S' -> new =~ /^Object S/, "Object stringification";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test result of match used as match";
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /y/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /t/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '"1" is not \s';
+ may_not_warn sub {ok ("1\n" x 102) !~ /^\s*\n/m};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\s, [[:space:]] and [[:blank:]]';
+ my %space = (spc => " ",
+ tab => "\t",
+ cr => "\r",
+ lf => "\n",
+ ff => "\f",
+ # There's no \v but the vertical tabulator seems miraculously
+ # be 11 both in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ vt => chr(11),
+ false => "space");
+ my @space0 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /\s/ } keys %space;
+ my @space1 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:space:]]/} keys %space;
+ my @space2 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:blank:]]/} keys %space;
+ iseq "@space0", "cr ff lf spc tab";
+ iseq "@space1", "cr ff lf spc tab vt";
+ iseq "@space2", "spc tab";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000731.001';
+ ok "A \x{263a} B z C" =~ /A . B (??{ "z" }) C/,
+ "Match UTF-8 char in presense of (??{ })";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001021.005';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok undef =~ /^([^\/]*)(.*)$/, "Used to cause a SEGV";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "a\x{100}b";
+ ok /(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/ or skip q [\C doesn't match], 4;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ if ($IS_ASCII) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8
+ iseq $2, "\xC4";
+ iseq $3, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC
+ iseq $2, "\x8C";
+ iseq $3, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ SKIP: {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ skip "Unexpected platform";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $4, "b";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "\x{100}";
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match], 2;
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\xC4";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x8C";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match];
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Japhy -- added 03/03/2001
+ () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/;
+ $str = "def";
+ iseq $1, "abc", 'Changing subject does not modify $1';
+ }
+ {
+ # The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should
+ # match (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range
+ # should not match.
+ ok "\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/, '"\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/';
+ ok "\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/, '"\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/';
+ skip "Not an EBCDIC platform", 2 unless ord ('i') == 0x89 &&
+ ord ('J') == 0xd1;
+ # In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not
+ # in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match
+ # 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for
+ # the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there.
+ nok "\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/, '"\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/';
+ nok "\xce" !~ /[I-J]/, '"\xce" !~ /[I-J]/';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/, '"\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/ ';
+ ok "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/, '"\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'bug id 20001008.001';
+ my @x = ("stra\337e 138", "stra\337e 138");
+ for (@x) {
+ ok s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
+ ok my ($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
+ iseq $latin, "stra\337e";
+ ok $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/;
+ #
+ # Previous code follows, but outcommented - there were no tests.
+ #
+ # $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
+ # use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8
+ # $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Test \x escapes';
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001028.003';
+ # Fist half of the bug.
+ local $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA matched by .*';
+ my $X = chr (1448);
+ ok my ($Y) = $X =~ /(.*)/;
+ iseq $Y, v1448;
+ iseq length ($Y), 1;
+ # Second half of the bug.
+ $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA in replacement';
+ $X = '';
+ $X =~ s/^/chr(1488)/e;
+ iseq length $X, 1;
+ iseq ord ($X), 1488;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001108.001';
+ local $Message = 'Repeated s///';
+ my $X = "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ my $Y = $X;
+ $Y =~ s/(B)/$1/ for 0 .. 3;
+ iseq $Y, $X;
+ iseq $X, "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000517.001';
+ local $Message = 's/// on UTF-8 string';
+ my $x = "\x{100}A";
+ $x =~ s/A/B/;
+ iseq $x, "\x{100}B";
+ iseq length $x, 2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001230.002';
+ local $Message = '\C and É';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(.)/ && $1 eq 'c';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(c)/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Match code points > 255';
+ $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg";
+ ok /(.\x{300})./ or skip "No match", 4;
+ ok $` eq "abc\x{100}" && length ($`) == 4;
+ ok $& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length ($&) == 3;
+ ok $' eq "\x{400}defg" && length ($') == 5;
+ ok $1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length ($1) == 2;
+ }
+ {
+ # The original bug report had 'no utf8' here but that was irrelevant.
+ local $BugId = '20010306.008';
+ local $Message = "Don't dump core";
+ my $a = "a\x{1234}";
+ ok $a =~ m/\w/; # used to core dump.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20010410.006';
+ local $Message = '/g in scalar context';
+ for my $rx ('/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/csg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/cg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/sg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/g',
+ '/(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/csg',) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $input = "a{b}c{d}";
+ eval <<" --";
+ while (eval \$input =~ $rx) {
+ \$i ++;
+ }
+ --
+ iseq $i, 2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $x = "\x{10FFFD}";
+ $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g;
+ ok ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1, "From Robin Houston";
+ }
+ {
+ my %d = (
+ "7f" => [0, 0, 0],
+ "80" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "ff" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "100" => [0, 1, 1],
+ );
+ while (my ($code, $match) = each %d) {
+ local $Message = "Properties of \\x$code";
+ my $char = eval qq ["\\x{$code}"];
+ my $i = 0;
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # From Japhy
+ local $Message;
+ must_warn 'qr/(?c)/', '^Useless \(\?c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-c)/', '^Useless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g)/', '^Useless \(\?g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-g)/', '^Useless \(\?-g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o)/', '^Useless \(\?o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-o)/', '^Useless \(\?-o\)';
+ # Now test multi-error regexes
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-o)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-c)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o-cg)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?ogc)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?g\).*\n' .
+ 'Useless \(\?c\)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/x tests";
+ $_ = "foo";
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o\r
+ o
+ \$
+ /x
+ --
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o
+ o
+ \$\r
+ /x
+ --
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/o feature";
+ sub test_o {$_ [0] =~ /$_[1]/o; return $1}
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '(.)..'), 'a';
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '..(.)'), 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20010619.003";
+ # Amazingly vertical tabulator is the same in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ for ("\n", "\t", "\014", "\r") {
+ ok !/[[:print:]]/, "'$_' not in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ for (" ") {
+ ok /[[:print:]]/, "'$_' in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex
+ local $Message = '$^N usage outside of a regex';
+ my $x = "abcdef";
+ ok ($x =~ /cde/ and !defined $^N);
+ ok ($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e");
+ {ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");}
+ ## Test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now
+ ## have the value set in the previous test.
+ iseq $^N, "e", '$^N is automatically localized';
+ # Now test inside (?{ ... })
+ local $Message = '$^N usage inside (?{ ... })';
+ our ($y, $z);
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcd");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcde");
+ }
+ {
+ ## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff,
+ ## but not sure how to guarantee a specific locale......
+ skip "Not an ASCII platform", 2 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ local $Message = 'Test [[:cntrl:]]';
+ my $AllBytes = join "" => map {chr} 0 .. 255;
+ (my $x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7E, 0x80 .. 0xFF;
+ ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F;
+ }
+ {
+ # With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 chars aren't bytes";
+ my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World";
+ my @a = ($a =~ /./gs);
+ iseq $#a, 12;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '. matches \n with /s';
+ my $str1 = "foo\nbar";
+ my $str2 = "foo\n\x{100}bar";
+ my ($a, $b) = map {chr} $IS_ASCII ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41);
+ my @a;
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 6; iseq "@a", "f o o b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 8; iseq "@a", "f o o \n \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010814.004] pos() doesn't work when using =~m// in list context
+ local $BugId = '20010814.004';
+ $_ = "ababacadaea";
+ my $a = join ":", /b./gc;
+ my $b = join ":", /a./gc;
+ my $c = pos;
+ iseq "$a $b $c", 'ba:ba ad:ae 10', "pos() works with () = m//";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from
+ # functions does not work
+ local $BugId = '20010407.006';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 return values from functions';
+ package ID_20010407_006;
+ sub x {"a\x{1234}"}
+ my $x = x;
+ my $y;
+ ::ok $x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ ::ok x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'digit';
+ # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these.
+ my $x;
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # and now again in [] ranges
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these.
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/,
+ "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ }
+ {
+ # High bit bug -- japhy
+ my $x = "ab\200d";
+ ok $x =~ /.*?\200/, "High bit fine";
+ }
+ {
+ # The basic character classes and Unicode
+ ok "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON in /\w/';
+ ok "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/, 'ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO in /\d/';
+ ok "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/, 'OGHAM SPACE MARK in /\s/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Folding matches and Unicode";
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'GREEK LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $PatchId = "13843";
+ local $Message = "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA vs " .
+ may_not_warn sub {ok "_:$char:_" !~ m/_:$SIGMA:_/i};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\X';
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a";
+ ok "\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF";
+ ok "\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}";
+ ok "\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}";
+ ok "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ local $Message = '\C and \X';
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Cc/;
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Xc/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Final Sigma";
+ my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
+ my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
+ my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ local $Message = "More final Sigma";
+ my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma";
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Parlez-Vous " .
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Cais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\C\Cais/;
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ my @f = (
+ ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais", "Francais"],
+ );
+ foreach my $entry (@f) {
+ my ($subject, $match) = @$entry;
+ ok $subject =~ /Fran(?:c\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}?|
+ $& eq $match;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag doesn't mess up /i";
+ my $pat = "ABcde";
+ my $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE";
+ chop $pat;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $pat;
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S " .
+ ok "ss" =~ /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i;
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i;
+ ok "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}" =~ /ss/i;
+ local $Message = "Unoptimized named sequence in class";
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ ok "SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # More whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n";
+ # U+0085, U+00A0 need to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that.
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "EBCDIC platform", 4 if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ # Do \x{0015} and \x{0041} match \s in EBCDIC?
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{0085} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{0085}>" =~ /<\v>/, '\x{0085} in \v';
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{00A0} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\h>/, '\x{00A0} in \h';
+ }
+ my @h = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01680, 0x0180E, 0x02000 .. 0x0200A,
+ 0x0202F, 0x0205F, 0x03000;
+ my @v = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x02028, 0x02029;
+ my @H = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01361, 0x0200B, 0x02408, 0x02420,
+ 0x0303F, 0xE0020;
+ my @V = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x0008A .. 0x0008D, 0x00348, 0x10100,
+ 0xE005F, 0xE007C;
+ for my $hex (@h) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\h";
+ ok $str !~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\v";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@v) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\v";
+ ok $str !~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\h";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@H) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\H>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\H";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@V) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\V>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\V";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes
+ local $Message = ". with /s works on characters, not bytes";
+ my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}";
+ # This is not expected to match: the point is that
+ # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings.
+ may_not_warn sub {$s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs}, "No 'Malformed UTF-8' warning";
+ my @c;
+ push @c => $1 while $s =~ /\G(.)/gs;
+ local $" = "";
+ iseq "@c", $s;
+ # Test only chars < 256
+ my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}";
+ my $r1 = "";
+ while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r1 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # Repeat with a larger char
+ my $r2 = "";
+ while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r2 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//;
+ iseq $r1, $r2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Unicode lookbehind";
+ ok "A\x{100}B" =~ /(?<=A.)B/;
+ ok "A\x{200}\x{300}B" =~ /(?<=A..)B/;
+ ok "\x{400}AB" =~ /(?<=\x{400}.)B/;
+ ok "\x{500}\x{600}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # Original code also contained:
+ # ok "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # but that looks like a typo.
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 hash keys and /$/';
+ #
+ # /2002-01/msg01327.html
+ my $u = "a\x{100}";
+ my $v = substr ($u, 0, 1);
+ my $w = substr ($u, 1, 1);
+ my %u = ($u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w);
+ for (keys %u) {
+ my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ my $m2 = $u {$_} =~ /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ iseq $m1, $m2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020124.005";
+ local $PatchId = "14795";
+ local $Message = "s///eg";
+ for my $char ("a", "\x{df}", "\x{100}") {
+ my $x = "$char b $char";
+ $x =~ s{($char)}{
+ "c" =~ /c/;
+ "x";
+ }ge;
+ iseq substr ($x, 0, 1), substr ($x, -1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "No SEGV in s/// and UTF-8";
+ my $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4;
+ ok $s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g;
+ iseq $s, "s \x{100}" x 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ iseq $s, "s " x 4;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug (maybe already known?)";
+ my $u = "foo";
+ $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}";
+ $u = "foobar";
+ $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r";
+ $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g;
+ iseq $u, "feeber";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug with s///";
+ # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures
+ # try to force all float/anchored check combinations
+ my $c = "\x{100}";
+ my $subst;
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x",
+ "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",) {
+ ok "xxx" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") {
+ ok "xxx" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") {
+ ok "xx$c" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, $c;
+ ok "xy$c" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xy$c") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") {
+ ok "xyz" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "qr /.../x";
+ my $R = qr / A B C # D E/x;
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ $R && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020412.005";
+ local $Message = "Correct pmop flags checked when empty pattern";
+ # Requires reuse of last successful pattern.
+ my $num = 123;
+ $num =~ /\d/;
+ for (0 .. 1) {
+ my $match = ?? + 0;
+ ok $match != $_, $Message,
+ sprintf "'match one' %s on %s iteration" =>
+ $match ? 'succeeded' : 'failed',
+ $_ ? 'second' : 'first';
+ }
+ $num =~ /(\d)/;
+ my $result = join "" => $num =~ //g;
+ iseq $result, $num;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20020630.002';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 regex matches above 32k';
+ for (['byte', "\x{ff}"], ['utf8', "\x{1ff}"]) {
+ my ($type, $char) = @$_;
+ for my $len (32000, 32768, 33000) {
+ my $s = $char . "f" x $len;
+ my $r = $s =~ /$char([f]*)/gc;
+ ok $r, $Message, "<$type x $len>";
+ ok !$r || pos ($s) == $len + 1, $Message,
+ "<$type x $len>; pos = @{[pos $s]}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
+ ok 'goodfood' =~ $a, "Reblessed qr // matches";
+ iseq $a, '(?-xism:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies";
+ my $x = "\x{3fe}";
+ my $z = my $y = "\317\276"; # Byte representation of $x
+ $a = qr /$x/;
+ ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
+ ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
+ "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17776';
+ iseq length qr /##/x, 12, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ $y = $z; # Reset $y after upgrade.
+ ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $PatchId = '18179';
+ my $s = "\x{100}" x 5;
+ my $ok = $s =~ /(\x{100}{4})/;
+ my ($ord, $len) = (ord $1, length $1);
+ ok $ok && $ord == 0x100 && $len == 4, "No panic: end_shift";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15763';
+ our $a = "x\x{100}";
+ chop $a; # Leaves the UTF-8 flag
+ $a .= "y"; # 1 byte before 'y'.
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 1-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\Cy/, 'match \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}y/, 'match \C{1}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\Cy/, q {don't match two \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}y/, q {don't match \C{2}y};
+ $a = "\x{100}y"; # 2 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 2-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C on 2-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\Cy/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}y/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match three \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}\Cy/, q {don't match \C{2}\Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{3}y/, q {don't match \C{3}y};
+ $a = "\x{1000}y"; # 3 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on three-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C\C/, 'match four \C on three-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{4}/, 'match \C{4}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\Cy/, 'match three \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}y/, 'match \C{3}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match four \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{4}y/, q {don't match \C{4}y};
+ }
+ {
+ local $\;
+ $_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa';
+ utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n";
+ ok /[^\s]+/, 'm/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok /[^\d]+/, 'm/[^\d]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15397';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 matching';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /\x{100}/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){1}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){2}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})(\x{100})/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '7471';
+ local $Message = 'Neither ()* nor ()*? sets $1 when matched 0 times';
+ local $_ = 'CD';
+ ok /(AB)*?CD/ && !defined $1;
+ ok /(AB)*CD/ && !defined $1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '3547';
+ local $Message = "Caching shouldn't prevent match";
+ my $pattern = "^(b+?|a){1,2}c";
+ ok "bac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18232';
+ local $Message = '$1 should keep UTF-8 ness';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/;
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is UTF-8';
+ { 'a' =~ /./; }
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is still UTF-8';
+ isneq $1, "\xC4\x80", '$1 is not non-UTF-8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19767';
+ local $Message = "Optimizer doesn't prematurely reject match";
+ use utf8;
+ my $attr = 'Name-1';
+ my $NormalChar = qr /[\p{IsDigit}\p{IsLower}\p{IsUpper}]/;
+ my $NormalWord = qr /${NormalChar}+?/;
+ my $PredNameHyphen = qr /^${NormalWord}(\-${NormalWord})*?$/;
+ $attr =~ /^$/;
+ ok $attr =~ $PredNameHyphen; # Original test.
+ "a" =~ m/[b]/;
+ ok "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/; # Variant.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20683';
+ local $Message = "(??{ }) doesn't return stale values";
+ our $p = 1;
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ $p ++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ {
+ package P;
+ $a = 1;
+ sub TIESCALAR {bless []}
+ sub FETCH {$a ++}
+ }
+ tie $p, "P";
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ }
+ {
+ # Subject: Odd regexp behavior
+ # From: Markus Kuhn <>
+ # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000
+ # Message-Id: <>
+ # To:
+ local $Message = 'Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26';
+ my $x = "\x{2019}\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "\x{2019} k";
+ $x = "b\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "b k";
+ ok "\x{2019}" =~ /\S/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '21411';
+ local $Message = "(??{ .. }) in split doesn't corrupt its stack";
+ our $i;
+ ok '-1-3-5-' eq join '', split /((??{$i++}))/, '-1-3-5-';
+ no warnings 'syntax';
+ @_ = split /(?{'WOW'})/, 'abc';
+ local $" = "|";
+ iseq "@_", "a|b|c";
+ }
+ {
+ # XXX DAPM 13-Apr-06. Recursive split is still broken. It's only luck it
+ # hasn't been crashing. Disable this test until it is fixed properly.
+ # XXX also check what it returns rather than just doing ok(1,...)
+ # split /(?{ split "" })/, "abc";
+ local $TODO = "Recursive split is still broken";
+ ok 0, 'cache_re & "(?{": it dumps core in 5.6.1 & 5.8.0';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF-8 length cache and fbm_compile";
+ }
+ {
+ package Str;
+ use overload q /""/ => sub {${$_ [0]};};
+ sub new {my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c;}
+ package main;
+ $_ = Str -> new ("a\x{100}/\x{100}b");
+ ok join (":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17757';
+ $_ = "code: 'x' { '...' }\n"; study;
+ my @x; push @x, $& while m/'[^\']*'/gx;
+ local $" = ":";
+ iseq "@x", "'x':'...'", "Parse::RecDescent triggered infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ my $re = qq /^([^X]*)X/;
+ utf8::upgrade ($re);
+ ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22354';
+ sub func ($) {
+ ok "a\nb" !~ /^b/, "Propagated modifier; $_[0]";
+ ok "a\nb" =~ /^b/m, "Propagated modifier; $_[0] - with /m";
+ }
+ func "standalone";
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in subst"/e;
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in multiline subst"/em;
+ #
+ # Next two give 'panic: malloc'.
+ # Outcommented, using two TODOs.
+ #
+ local $TODO = 'panic: malloc';
+ local $Message = 'Postponed regexp and propaged modifier';
+ # ok 0 for 1 .. 2;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "panic: malloc", 2;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in regexp"})/;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in multiline regexp"})/m;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049';
+ $_ = "abcdef\n";
+ my @x = m/./g;
+ iseq "abcde", $`, 'Global match sets $`';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/,
+ 'UTF-8 + multiple floating substr';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '<>';
+ ok " \x{101}" =~ qr/\x{100}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}" =~ qr/\x{1E00}/i;
+ ok " \x{10428}" =~ qr/\x{10400}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}x" =~ qr/\x{1E00}X/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #23769] Unicode regex broken on simple example
+ # regrepeat() didn't handle UTF-8 EXACT case right.
+ local $BugId = '23769';
+ my $Mess = 'regrepeat() handles UTF-8 EXACT case right';
+ local $Message = $Mess;
+ my $s = "\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{100}"; chop $s;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}+/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}\x{a0}/;
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy variant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100}" =~ /(a+)/;
+ iseq $1, "aaa";
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy invariant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100} " =~ /(a+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100} " =~ /(\xa0+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat invariant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa0\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard invariant)";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+)/;
+ iseq $1, 'ababab';
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "ab";
+ $Message = "Don't match first byte of UTF-8 representation";
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+?)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}++)/;
+ }
+ {
+ for (120 .. 130) {
+ my $head = 'x' x $_;
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \x{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}', '\x61') {
+ eval_ok qq ["$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \N{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\N{SNOWFLAKE}') {
+ eval_ok qq [use charnames ':full';
+ "$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # perl panic: pp_match start/end pointers
+ local $BugId = '25269';
+ iseq "a-bc", eval {my ($x, $y) = "bca" =~ /^(?=.*(a)).*(bc)/; "$x-$y"},
+ 'Captures can move backwards in string';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940'; # \cA not recognized in character classes
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /\cA/, '\cA in pattern';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA]/, '\cA in character class';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in character class range';
+ ok "abc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cBb" =~ /[\cA-\cC]/, '\cB in character class range';
+ ok "a\cCbc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cC in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /(??{"\cA"})/, '\cA in ??{} pattern';
+ ok "ab" !~ /a\cIb/x, '\cI in pattern';
+ }
+ {
+ # perl #28532: optional zero-width match at end of string is ignored
+ local $BugId = '28532';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)?/ && defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)??/ && !defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ }
+ { # TRIE related
+ our @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got, $1})s$/;
+ iseq @got, 1, "TRIE optimation";
+ @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i;
+ iseq @got, 1,"TRIEF optimisation";
+ my @nums = map {int rand 1000} 1 .. 100;
+ my $re = "(" . (join "|", @nums) . ")";
+ $re = qr/\b$re\b/;
+ foreach (@nums) {
+ ok $_ =~ /$re/, "Trie nums";
+ }
+ $_ = join " ", @nums;
+ @got = ();
+ push @got, $1 while /$re/g;
+ my %count;
+ $count {$_} ++ for @got;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ for (@nums) {
+ $ok = 0 if --$count {$_} < 0;
+ }
+ ok $ok, "Trie min count matches";
+ }
+ {
+ # TRIE related
+ ok "foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{101}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{10428}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo",
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i
+ && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s",
+ }
+ {
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my @normal = qw [the are some normal words];
+ skip "Skipped Psycho", 2 * @normal if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ local $" = "|";
+ my @psycho = (@normal, map chr $_, 255 .. 20000);
+ my $psycho1 = "@psycho";
+ for (my $i = @psycho; -- $i;) {
+ my $j = int rand (1 + $i);
+ @psycho [$i, $j] = @psycho [$j, $i];
+ }
+ my $psycho2 = "@psycho";
+ foreach my $word (@normal) {
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho1)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho2)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ my $utf8 = "\xe9\x{100}"; chop $utf8;
+ my $latin1 = "\xe9";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /\xe9/i, "utf8/latin";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /$latin1/i, "utf8/latin runtime";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|\xe9)/i, "utf8/latin trie";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|$latin1)/i, "utf8/latin trie runtime";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8 runtime";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie runtime";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37038';
+ my $s = "abcd";
+ $s =~ /(..)(..)/g;
+ $s = $1;
+ $s = $2;
+ iseq $2, 'cd',
+ "Assigning to original string does not corrupt match vars";
+ }
+ {
+ {
+ package wooosh;
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ }
+ my $aeek = bless {} => 'wooosh';
+ eval_ok sub {$aeek -> gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "//g match against return value of sub";
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ eval_ok sub {gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "26410 didn't affect sub calls for some reason";
+ }
+ {
+ local $TODO = "See changes 26925-26928, which reverted change 26410";
+ {
+ package lv;
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ }
+ my $o = bless [] => 'lv';
+ my $f = "";
+ my $r = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $f .= $1 if $o -> variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($r) {
+ iseq $f, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ my $g = "";
+ my $s = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $g .= $1 if variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($s) {
+ iseq $g, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37836';
+ skip "In EBCDIC" if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ $_ = pack 'U0C2', 0xa2, 0xf8; # Ill-formed UTF-8
+ my $ret = 0;
+ eval_ok sub {!($ret = s/[\0]+//g)},
+ "Ill-formed UTF-8 doesn't match NUL in class";
+ }
+ {
+ # chr(65535) should be allowed in regexes
+ local $BugId = '38293';
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # To allow non-characters
+ my ($c, $r, $s);
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/$c//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "\\$c";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/[$c]//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed in class";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "[\\$c]";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed in class";
+ $s = "A\x{ffff}B";
+ $s =~ s/\x{ffff}//i;
+ ok $s eq "AB", "U+FFFF, EXACTF";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}A";
+ $s =~ s/\bA//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, BOUND";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}!";
+ $s =~ s/\B!//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, NBOUND";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '39583';
+ # The printing characters
+ my @chars = ("A" .. "Z");
+ my $delim = ",";
+ my $size = 32771 - 4;
+ my $str = '';
+ # Create some random junk. Inefficient, but it works.
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $ i++) {
+ $str .= $chars [rand @chars];
+ }
+ $str .= ($delim x 4);
+ my $res;
+ my $matched;
+ ok $str =~ s/^(.*?)${delim}{4}//s, "Pattern matches";
+ iseq $str, "", "Empty string";
+ ok defined $1 && length ($1) == $size, '$1 is correct size';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940';
+ ok "\0-A" =~ /\c@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "\0\0A" =~ /\c@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@-A" =~ /X@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@\@A" =~ /X@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@?A/, '\c@?';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@*A/, '\c@*';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@(A)/, '\c@(';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X(\c@)A/, '\c@)';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@|ZA/, '\c@|';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@?A/, '@?';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@*A/, '@*';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@(A)/, '@(';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X(@)A/, '@)';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@|ZA/, '@|';
+ local $" = ','; # non-whitespace and non-RE-specific
+ ok 'abc' =~ /(.)(.)(.)/, 'The last successful match is bogus';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/x, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/x';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/x, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/x';
+ }
+ {
+ unshift @INC, 'lib';
+ }
+ use Cname;
+ ok 'fooB' =~ /\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/, "Passthrough charname";
+ my $test = 1233;
+ #
+ # Why doesn't must_warn work here?
+ #
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= "@_"};
+ eval 'q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/';
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring excess chars from/,
+ "Ignoring excess chars warning";
+ undef $w;
+ eval q [ok "\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/,
+ "Zerolength charname in charclass doesn't match \\0"];
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring zero length/,
+ 'Ignoring zero length \N{%} in character class warning';
+ ok 'AB' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A', 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'ABC' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/, 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'xy' =~ /x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ ok '' =~ /\N{EMPTY-STR}/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok 'aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc';
+ ok 'a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc';
+ ok ' A B' =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ }
+ {
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr{
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "Bracket mismatch";
+ SKIP: {
+ our @stack = ();
+ my @expect = qw(
+ stuff1
+ stuff2
+ <stuff1>and<stuff2>
+ right
+ <right>
+ <<right>>
+ <<<right>>>
+ <<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>
+ );
+ local $_ = '<<<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>>';
+ ok /^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/,
+ "Recursion matches";
+ iseq @stack, @expect, "Right amount of matches"
+ or skip "Won't test individual results as count isn't equal",
+ 0 + @expect;
+ my $idx = 0;
+ foreach my $expect (@expect) {
+ iseq $stack [$idx], $expect,
+ "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx";
+ $idx ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?<digits>\d+)\k<digits>/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (angle brackets) s///';
+ $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (single quotes) s///';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ary = (
+ pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde
+ '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde
+ 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla
+ pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla
+ 'a'.pack('U', 0x00B2), # a + superscript two
+ pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _
+ );
+ for my $uni (@ary) {
+ my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq {
+ use utf8;
+ scalar (" foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/),
+ \$+{${uni}},
+ scalar (" bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/),
+ \$+{${uni}};
+ };
+ ok $r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')";
+ ok defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ ok $r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)";
+ ok defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each (%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$1"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$3"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 2) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names[$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz)/";
+ iseq $count, 3, "Got 3 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq 0 + @k, 3, 'Got 3 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@, 'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ #
+ # Almost the same as the block above, except that the capture is nested.
+ #
+ local $BugId = '50496';
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C} $+{D});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$3"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$4"],
+ ["$+{D}", "$1"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 3) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names [$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz))/";
+ iseq $count, 4, "Got 4 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq @k, 4, 'Got 4 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C D", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo foo bar baz", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my @res;
+ if ('1234' =~ /(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
+ foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) {
+ my $ary = $- {$name};
+ foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$ary) {
+ push @res, "$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @expect = qw (A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4);
+ iseq "@res", "@expect", "Check %-";
+ eval'
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $- {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $- {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ # stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
+ #
+ # This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
+ # profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
+ # CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
+ # super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
+ skip "No psycho tests" if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my $r = qr/^
+ (?:
+ ( (?:a|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
+ (
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}?z
+ )?
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:z*){2,}
+ ( (?:z+|d)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:e|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:f|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:z+|g)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:h|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:i|z+)+ )
+ )+
+ ( (?:j|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:k|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:l|z+)+ )
+ $/x;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
+ for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
+ for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
+ my $bs = $a.$b;
+ for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
+ my $cs = $bs.$c;
+ for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
+ my $ds = $cs.$d;
+ for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
+ my $es = $ds.$e;
+ for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
+ my $fs = $es.$f;
+ for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
+ my $gs = $fs.$g;
+ for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
+ my $hs = $gs.$h;
+ for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
+ my $is = $hs.$i;
+ for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
+ my $js = $is.$j;
+ for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
+ my $ks = $js.$k;
+ for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
+ my $ls = $ks.$l;
+ if ($ls =~ $r) {
+ if ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
+ unless ($ls eq $cap) {
+ $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok($ok, $msg);
+ }
+ {
+ # \, breaks {3,4}
+ ok "xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ ok "xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by _
+ ok "x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ ok "x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by other characters
+ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
+ my $targ = "a\034$c";
+ my $reg = "a\\c\\$c";
+ ok eval ("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36046';
+ my $str = 'abc';
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $mval = 0;
+ my $pval = 0;
+ while ($str =~ /b/g) {$mval = $#-; $pval = $#+; $count ++}
+ iseq $mval, 0, '@- should be empty';
+ iseq $pval, 0, '@+ should be empty';
+ iseq $count, 1, 'Should have matched once only';
+ }
+ { # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 9, "Expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)";
+ local $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while
+ /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 5, "Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab b aaab b ",
+ "Adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaabaaab' =~ /a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "/.(*COMMIT)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab", "Adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)', '') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ package Fnorble;
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ ::iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ local $Message = '$REGERROR';
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $word (qw (bar baz bop)) {
+ $REGERROR = "";
+ "aaaaa$word" =~
+ /a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $REGERROR, $word;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '40684';
+ local $Message = '/m in precompiled regexp';
+ my $s = "abc\ndef";
+ my $rex = qr'^abc$'m;
+ ok $s =~ m/$rex/;
+ ok $s =~ m/^abc$/m;
+ }
+ {
+ #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
+ for ("ABC","BAX") {
+ ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x, "Simple (*THEN) test";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Relative Recursion";
+ my $parens = qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/;
+ local $_ = 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ my ($all, $one, $two) = ('', '', '');
+ ok /foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x;
+ iseq $1, '((2*3)+4-3)';
+ iseq $2, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, $_;
+ }
+ {
+ my $spaces=" ";
+ local $_ = join 'bar', $spaces, $spaces;
+ our $count = 0;
+ s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g;
+ iseq $_, $spaces, "SUSPEND final string";
+ iseq $count, 1, "Optimiser should have prevented more than one match";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36909';
+ local $Message = '(?: ... )? should not lose $^R';
+ $^R = 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo) # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (?:foo|bar)+ # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1+ # $^R undefined
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1 # This time without the +
+ (?{"last regexp code result"})
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22395';
+ local $Message = 'Match is linear, not quadratic';
+ our $count;
+ for my $l (10, 100, 1000) {
+ $count = 0;
+ ('a' x $l) =~ /(.*)(?{$count++})[bc]/;
+ local $TODO = "Should be L+1 not L*(L+3)/2 (L=$l)";
+ iseq $count, $l + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22614';
+ local $Message = '@-/@+ should not have undefined values';
+ local $_ = 'ab';
+ our @len = ();
+ /(.){1,}(?{push @len,0+@-})(.){1,}(?{})^/;
+ iseq "@len", "2 2 2";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18209';
+ local $Message = '$& set on s///';
+ my $text = ' word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 ';
+ my @words = ('word1', 'word3', 'word5');
+ my $count;
+ foreach my $word (@words) {
+ $text =~ s/$word\s//gi; # Leave a space to seperate words
+ # in the resultant str.
+ # The following block is not working.
+ if ($&) {
+ $count ++;
+ }
+ # End bad block
+ }
+ iseq $count, 3;
+ iseq $text, ' word2 word4 word6 ';
+ }
+ {
+ # RT#6893
+ local $BugId = '6893';
+ local $_ = qq (A\nB\nC\n);
+ my @res;
+ while (m#(\G|\n)([^\n]*)\n#gsx) {
+ push @res, "$2";
+ last if @res > 3;
+ }
+ iseq "@res", "A B C", "/g pattern shouldn't infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus>
+ my $dow_name = "nada";
+ my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ " .
+ "C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/";
+ my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin";
+ eval $parser;
+ ok !$@, "Test Eval worked";
+ iseq $dow_name, $time_string, "UTF-8 trie common prefix extraction";
+ }
+ {
+ my $v;
+ ($v = 'bar') =~ /(\w+)/g;
+ $v = 'foo';
+ iseq "$1", 'bar', '$1 is safe after /g - may fail due ' .
+ 'to specialized config in pp_hot.c'
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "";
+ my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ $qr_barR1;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '41010';
+ local $Message = 'No optimizer bug';
+ my @tails = ('', '(?(1))', '(|)', '()?');
+ my @quants = ('*','+');
+ my $doit = sub {
+ my $pats = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ for my $pat (@$pats) {
+ for my $quant (@quants) {
+ for my $tail (@tails) {
+ my $re = "($pat$quant\$)$tail";
+ ok /$re/ && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/";
+ ok /$re/m && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/m";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my @dpats = ('\d',
+ '[1234567890]',
+ '(1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(?:1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
+ '(?:1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)');
+ my @spats = ('[ ]', ' ', '( |\t)', '(?: |\t)', '[ \t]', '\s');
+ my @sstrs = (' ');
+ my @dstrs = ('12345');
+ $doit -> (\@spats, @sstrs);
+ $doit -> (\@dpats, @dstrs);
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK';
+ our @r = ();
+ ok 'foofoo' =~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x;
+ iseq "@r","foo";
+ iseq $REGMARK, "foo";
+ ok 'foofoo' !~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x;
+ ok !$REGMARK;
+ iseq $REGERROR, 'foo';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\K test';
+ my $x;
+ $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl";
+ $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//;
+ iseq $x, "abc.def.ghi";
+ $x = "one two three four";
+ $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g;
+ iseq $x, "one two four";
+ $x = "abcde";
+ $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g;
+ iseq $x, "aabbccddee";
+ }
+ {
+ sub kt {
+ return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623';
+ }
+ # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends)
+ my $re;
+ our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x;
+ $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x;
+ my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re;
+ iseq join ("-", @res), "0902862349",
+ 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval';
+ our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x;
+ ok 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1, "PL_curpm, nested eval";
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ":full";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue"
+ }
+ {
+ # requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points
+ # cf.
+ for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) {
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # oops
+ my $c = chr $u;
+ my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u;
+ ok "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "Unicode range - $x";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $res="";
+ if ('1' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1",
+ "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array";
+ $res = "";
+ if ('11' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))(?&digit)/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1", "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside " .
+ "a (?|...) goes to the leftmost";
+ }
+ {
+ use warnings;
+ local $Message = "ASCII pattern that really is UTF-8";
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {push @w, "@_"};
+ my $c = qq (\x{DF});
+ ok $c =~ /${c}|\x{100}/;
+ ok @w == 0;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Corruption of match results of qr// across scopes";
+ my $qr = qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/;
+ 'foobar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ {
+ 'foooooobaaaaar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", 'foooooobaaaaar';
+ }
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "HORIZWS";
+ local $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t" . chr (11) . "\n";
+ utf8::upgrade ($_);
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Various whitespace special patterns";
+ my @h = map {chr $_} 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000,
+ 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006,
+ 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f, 0x205f,
+ 0x3000;
+ my @v = map {chr $_} 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028,
+ 0x2029;
+ my @lb = ("\x0D\x0A", map {chr $_} 0x0A .. 0x0D, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029);
+ foreach my $t ([\@h, qr/\h/, qr/\h+/],
+ [\@v, qr/\v/, qr/\v+/],
+ [\@lb, qr/\R/, qr/\R+/],) {
+ my $ary = shift @$t;
+ foreach my $pat (@$t) {
+ foreach my $str (@$ary) {
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, $pat;
+ iseq $1, $str, $pat;
+ utf8::upgrade ($str);
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ iseq $1, $str, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms";
+ # Test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff,
+ # but its actually needed. The malarky with '-' is to prevent
+ # compilation caching from playing any role in the test.
+ my @df = (chr (0xDF), '-', chr (0xDF));
+ utf8::upgrade ($df [2]);
+ my @strs = ('ss', 'sS', 'Ss', 'SS', chr (0xDF));
+ my @ss = map {("$_", "$_")} @strs;
+ utf8::upgrade ($ss [$_ * 2 + 1]) for 0 .. $#strs;
+ for my $ssi (0 .. $#ss) {
+ for my $dfi (0 .. $#df) {
+ my $pat = $df [$dfi];
+ my $str = $ss [$ssi];
+ my $utf_df = ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ my $utf_ss = ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ (my $sstr = $str) =~ s/\xDF/\\xDF/;
+ if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length ($ss [$ssi]) == 1) {
+ my $ret = $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" =~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ret = $str !~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" !~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte";
+ my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/;
+ my $hyp = "\0\0\0-";
+ my $esc = "\0\0\0\\";
+ my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc";
+ my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g);
+ iseq @a,3;
+ local $" = "=";
+ iseq "@a","$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test for keys in %+ and %-
+ local $Message = 'Test keys in %+ and %-';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $_ = "abcdef";
+ /(?<foo>a)|(?<foo>b)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a ");
+ /(?<bar>a)(?<bar>b)(?<quux>.)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a,c"); # leftmost
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c");
+ /(?<un>a)(?<deux>c)?/; # second buffer won't capture
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a");
+ }
+ {
+ # length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len
+ my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook";
+ /^ \w+ \s (?<eek>\S+)/x;
+ iseq length ($`), 0, q[length $`];
+ iseq length ($'), 4, q[length $'];
+ iseq length ($&), 9, q[length $&];
+ iseq length ($1), 4, q[length $1];
+ iseq length ($+{eek}), 4, q[length $+{eek} == length $1];
+ }
+ {
+ my $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 0, '$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $_;
+ ($_ = 'abc') =~ /(abc)/g;
+ $_ = '123';
+ iseq "$1", 'abc', "/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2>';
+ my $str = "";
+ for (0 .. 5) {
+ my @x;
+ $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string
+ 'a' =~ /(a|)/;
+ push @x, 1;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ $str = "";
+ my @foo = ('a') x 5;
+ for (@foo) {
+ my @bar;
+ $str .= "@bar";
+ s/a|/push @bar, 1/e;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '45605';
+ # [perl #45605] Regexp failure with utf8-flagged and byte-flagged string
+ my $utf_8 = "\xd6schel";
+ utf8::upgrade ($utf_8);
+ $utf_8 =~ m {(\xd6|&Ouml;)schel};
+ iseq $1, "\xd6", "Upgrade error";
+ }
+ {
+# more TRIE/AHOCORASICK problems with mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding
+ for my $chr (160 .. 255) {
+ my $chr_byte = chr($chr);
+ my $chr_utf8 = chr($chr); utf8::upgrade($chr_utf8);
+ my $rx = qr{$chr_byte|X}i;
+ ok($chr_utf8 =~ $rx, "utf8/latin, codepoint $chr");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Regardless of utf8ness any character matches itself when
+ # doing a case insensitive match. See also [perl #36207]
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ for my $o (0 .. 255) {
+ my @ch = (chr ($o), chr ($o));
+ utf8::upgrade ($ch [1]);
+ for my $u_str (0, 1) {
+ for my $u_pat (0, 1) {
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E/i,
+ "\$c =~ /\$c/i : chr ($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E|xyz/i,
+ "\$c=~/\$c|xyz/i : chr($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = 3; "" =~ /(??{ $a })/;
+ our $b = $a;
+ iseq $b, $a, "Copy of scalar used for postponed subexpression";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '49190';
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK in replacement';
+ our $REGMARK;
+ my $_ = "A";
+ ok s/(*:B)A/$REGMARK/;
+ iseq $_, "B";
+ $_ = "CCCCBAA";
+ ok s/(*:X)A+|(*:Y)B+|(*:Z)C+/$REGMARK/g;
+ iseq $_, "ZYX";
+ }
+ {
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ (\w+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n,$^N;
+ push @plus,$+;
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $match = '<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>' =~ m/^$nested_tags$/;
+ ok $match, 'nested construct matches';
+ iseq "@ctl_n", "bla blubb", '$^N inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ iseq "@plus", "bla blubb", '$+ inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '52658';
+ local $Message = 'Substitution evaluation in list context';
+ my $reg = '../xxx/';
+ my @te = ($reg =~ m{^(/?(?:\.\./)*)},
+ $reg =~ s/(x)/'b'/eg > 1 ? '##' : '++');
+ iseq $reg, '../bbb/';
+ iseq $te [0], '../';
+ }
+ # This currently has to come before any "use encoding" in this file.
+ {
+ local $Message;
+ local $BugId = '59342';
+ must_warn 'qr/\400/', '^Use of octal value above 377';
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ # XXX: This set of tests is essentially broken, POSIX character classes
+ # should not have differing definitions under Unicode.
+ # There are property names for that.
+ skip "Tests assume ASCII", 4 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ my @notIsPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ and not /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7f;
+ iseq join ('', @notIsPunct), '$+<=>^`|~',
+ '[:punct:] disagress with IsPunct on Symbols';
+ my @isPrint = grep {not /[[:print:]]/ and /\p{IsPrint}/}
+ map {chr} 0 .. 0x1f, 0x7f .. 0x9f;
+ iseq join ('', @isPrint), "\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x85",
+ 'IsPrint disagrees with [:print:] on control characters';
+ my @isPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunct), "\xa1\xab\xb7\xbb\xbf", # ¡ « · » ¿
+ 'IsPunct disagrees with [:punct:] outside ASCII';
+ my @isPunctLatin1 = eval q {
+ use encoding 'latin1';
+ grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ };
+ skip "Eval failed ($@)", 1 if $@;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunctLatin1), '',
+ 'IsPunct agrees with [:punct:] with explicit Latin1';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60034';
+ my $a = "xyzt" x 8192;
+ ok $a =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string';
+ my $b = $a . chr 256;
+ chop $b;
+ {
+ iseq $a, $b;
+ }
+ ok $b =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string with UTF-8';
+ }
+ #
+ # Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
+ #
+ print "# Tests that follow may crash perl\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049/38869';
+ local $Message = 'Pattern in a loop, failure should not ' .
+ 'affect previous success';
+ my @list = (
+ 'ab cdef', # Matches regex
+ ('e' x 40000 ) .'ab c' # Matches not, but 'ab c' matches part of it
+ );
+ my $y;
+ my $x;
+ foreach (@list) {
+ m/ab(.+)cd/i; # The ignore-case seems to be important
+ $y = $1; # Use $1, which might not be from the last match!
+ $x = substr ($list [0], $- [0], $+ [0] - $- [0]);
+ }
+ iseq $y, ' ';
+ iseq $x, 'ab cd';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '24274';
+ ok (("a" x (2 ** 15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker");
+ ok ((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
+ "Regexp /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/ crashes older perls");
+ }
+ {
+ eval '/\k/';
+ ok $@ =~ /\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/,
+ 'Lone \k not allowed';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Substitution with lookahead (possible segv)";
+ $_ = "ns1ns1ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1ns_1ns_1";
+ $_ = "ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1";
+ $_ = "123";
+ s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g;
+ iseq $_, "!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!";
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #45337] utf8 + "[a]a{2}" + /$.../ = panic: sv_len_utf8 cache
+ local $BugId = '45337';
+ local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
+ local $Message = "Shouldn't panic";
+ my $s = "[a]a{2}";
+ utf8::upgrade $s;
+ ok "aaa" =~ /$s/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '57042';
+ local $Message = "Check if tree logic breaks \$^R";
+ my $cond_re = qr/\s*
+ \s* (?:
+ \( \s* A (?{1})
+ | \( \s* B (?{2})
+ )
+ /x;
+ my @res;
+ for my $line ("(A)","(B)") {
+ if ($line =~ m/$cond_re/) {
+ push @res, $^R ? "#$^R" : "UNDEF";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq "@res","#1 #2";
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my $re = qr/A(??{"1"})/;
+ ok "A1B" =~ m/^((??{ $re }))((??{"B"}))$/;
+ ok $1 eq "A1";
+ ok $2 eq "B";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $Message = 'Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{{})';
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ ((\w)+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
+ [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
+ [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
+ if ($test->[0] != $match) {
+ # unset @ctl_n and @plus
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $BugId = '56194';
+ our $f;
+ local $f;
+ $f = sub {
+ defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";
+ };
+ ok("123" =~ m/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/);
+ our @ctl_n;
+ our @plus;
+ my $re = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ our $re5;
+ local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [
+ # String to match
+ # Regex too match
+ # Expected values of $^N
+ # Expected values of $+
+ # Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
+ # ]
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re)(|a(b)c|def)(??{$^R})$#,
+ "1 2 3 abc",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re2)$#,
+ "1 2 3 123abc3",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re3)$#,
+ "1 2 123abc3",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234",
+ qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
+ "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234556",
+ qr#^(\d+)($re6)($re6)($re6)$re6(($re6)$re6)$#,
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
+ ],
+ [
+ "12345562",
+ qr#^((??{$re8}))($re7)($re7)($re7)$re7($re7)($re7(\2))$#,
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
+ ],
+ ) {
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match, "match $c");
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
+ $str = "";
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ iseq($str, $test->[4], "str $c");
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($] le '5.010') {
+ skip "test segfaults on perl < 5.10", 4;
+ }
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ our $re4;
+ local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match);
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ $str = "";
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq("@plus", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq($str, "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = undef");
+ }
+ }
+ # This only works under -DEBUGGING because it relies on an assert().
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60508';
+ local $Message = "Check capture offset re-entrancy of utf8 code.";
+ sub fswash { $_[0] =~ s/([>X])//g; }
+ my $k1 = "." x 4 . ">>";
+ fswash($k1);
+ my $k2 = "\x{f1}\x{2022}";
+ $k2 =~ s/([\360-\362])/>/g;
+ fswash($k2);
+ iseq($k2, "\x{2022}", "utf8::SWASHNEW doesn't cause capture leaks");
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = 65372; # minimal CURLYM limited to 32767 matches
+ my @pat = (
+ qr{a(x|y)*b}, # CURLYM
+ qr{a(x|y)*?b}, # .. with minmod
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*b}, # .. and without tries
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*?b},
+ );
+ my $len = 32768;
+ my $s = join '', 'a', 'x' x $len, 'b';
+ for my $pat (@pat) {
+ ok($s =~ $pat, $pat);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # This should be the last test.
+ #
+ iseq $test + 1, $EXPECTED_TESTS, "Got the right number of tests!";
+} # End of sub run_tests
diff --git a/t/re/pat_rt_report.t b/t/re/pat_rt_report.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b5bbb3575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/re/pat_rt_report.t
@@ -0,0 +1,4391 @@
+# This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into
+# the format supported by re/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
+# that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+sub run_tests;
+$| = 1;
+my $EXPECTED_TESTS = 4066; # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+our $TODO;
+our $Message = "Noname test";
+our $Error;
+our $DiePattern;
+our $WarnPattern;
+our $BugId;
+our $PatchId;
+our $running_as_thread;
+my $ordA = ord ('A'); # This defines ASCII/UTF-8 vs EBCDIC/UTF-EBCDIC
+# This defined the platform.
+my $IS_ASCII = $ordA == 65;
+my $IS_EBCDIC = $ordA == 193;
+use vars '%Config';
+eval 'use Config'; # Defaults assumed if this fails
+my $test = 0;
+print "1..$EXPECTED_TESTS\n";
+run_tests unless caller ();
+END {
+sub pretty {
+ my ($mess) = @_;
+ $mess =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $mess =~ s/([\00-\37\177])/sprintf '\%03o', ord $1/eg;
+ $mess =~ s/#/\\#/g;
+ $mess;
+sub safe_globals {
+ defined($_) and s/#/\\#/g for $BugId, $PatchId, $TODO;
+sub _ok {
+ my ($ok, $mess, $error) = @_;
+ safe_globals();
+ $mess = pretty ($mess // $Message);
+ $mess .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ $mess .= "; Patch $PatchId" if defined $PatchId;
+ $mess .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(1)) [2];
+ printf "%sok %d - %s\n",
+ ($ok ? "" : "not "),
+ ++ $test,
+ "$mess\tLine $line_nr";
+ unless ($ok) {
+ print "# Failed test at line $line_nr\n" unless defined $TODO;
+ if ($error //= $Error) {
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ chomp $error;
+ $error = join "\n#", map {pretty $_} split /\n\h*#/ => $error;
+ $error = "# $error" unless $error =~ /^\h*#/;
+ print $error, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+# Force scalar context on the pattern match
+sub ok ($;$$) {_ok $_ [0], $_ [1], $_ [2]}
+sub nok ($;$$) {_ok !$_ [0], "Failed: " . ($_ [1] // $Message), $_ [2]}
+sub skip {
+ my $why = shift;
+ safe_globals();
+ $why =~ s/\n.*//s;
+ $why .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ # seems like the new harness code doesnt like todo and skip to be mixed.
+ # which seems like a bug in the harness to me. -- dmq
+ #$why .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $n = shift // 1;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(0)) [2];
+ for (1 .. $n) {
+ ++ $test;
+ #print "not " if defined $TODO;
+ print "ok $test # skip $why\tLine $line_nr\n";
+ }
+ no warnings "exiting";
+ last SKIP;
+sub iseq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got eq $expect;
+ my $error = "# expected: $expect\n" .
+ "# result: $got";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub isneq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ my $todo = $TODO ? " # TODO $TODO" : '';
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got ne $expect;
+ my $error = "# results are equal ($got)";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub eval_ok ($;$) {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ local $@;
+ if (ref $code) {
+ _ok eval {&$code} && !$@, $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ _ok eval ($code) && !$@, $name;
+ }
+sub must_die {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $DiePattern;
+ undef $@;
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $@ && $@ =~ /$pattern/;
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "\$\@ =~ /$pattern/";
+sub must_warn {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $WarnPattern;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $w && $w =~ /$pattern/;
+ $w //= "UNDEF";
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "Got warning /$pattern/",
+ "# expected: /$pattern/\n" .
+ "# result: $w";
+sub may_not_warn {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ _ok !$w, $name // ($Message ? "$Message (did not warn)"
+ : "Did not warn"),
+ "Got warning '$w'";
+# Tests start here.
+sub run_tests {
+ {
+ my $x = "abc\ndef\n";
+ ok $x =~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" =~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x !~ /^def/, qq ["$x" !~ /^def/];
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok $x =~ /^def/m, qq ["$x" =~ /^def/m];
+ nok $x =~ /^xxx/, qq ["$x" =~ /^xxx/];
+ nok $x !~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" !~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x =~ /def/, qq ["$x" =~ /def/];
+ nok $x !~ /def/, qq ["$x" !~ /def/];
+ ok $x !~ /.def/, qq ["$x" !~ /.def/];
+ nok $x =~ /.def/, qq ["$x" =~ /.def/];
+ ok $x =~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" =~ /\ndef/];
+ nok $x !~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" !~ /\ndef/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123';
+ ok /^([0-9][0-9]*)/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^([0-9][0-9]*)/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'aaabbbccc';
+ ok /(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc',
+ qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a*b*)(c*)/];
+ ok /(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc', qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a+b+c+)/];
+ nok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ $_ = 'aaabccc';
+ ok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ $_ = 'aaaccc';
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ nok /a*b+c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b+c*/];
+ $_ = 'abcdef';
+ ok /bcd|xyz/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /bcd|xyz/];
+ ok /xyz|bcd/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /xyz|bcd/];
+ ok m|bc/*d|, qq [\$_ = '$_'; m|bc/*d|];
+ ok /^$_$/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^\$_\$/];
+ }
+ {
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok "ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m, qq ["ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m];
+ }
+ {
+ our %XXX = map {($_ => $_)} 123, 234, 345;
+ our @XXX = ('ok 1','not ok 1', 'ok 2','not ok 2','not ok 3');
+ while ($_ = shift(@XXX)) {
+ my $f = index ($_, 'not') >= 0 ? \&nok : \&ok;
+ my $r = ?(.*)?;
+ &$f ($r, "?(.*)?");
+ /not/ && reset;
+ if (/not ok 2/) {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $_ = shift(@XXX);
+ }
+ else {
+ reset 'X';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip "Reset 'X'", 1;
+ }
+ ok !keys %XXX, "%XXX is empty";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test empty pattern";
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ my $cde = 'cde';
+ $cde =~ /[^ab]*/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ my $foo = '[^ab]*';
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ my $null;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $null = "";
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = q !Check $`, $&, $'!;
+ $_ = 'abcdefghi';
+ /def/; # optimized up to cmd
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ no warnings 'void';
+ /cde/ + 0; # optimized only to spat
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'ab:cde:fghi';
+ /[d][e][f]/; # not optimized
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'now is the {time for all} good men to come to.';
+ / {([^}]*)}/;
+ iseq $1, 'time for all', "Match braces";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "{N,M} quantifier";
+ $_ = 'xxx {3,4} yyy zzz';
+ ok /( {3,4})/;
+ iseq $1, ' ';
+ ok !/( {4,})/;
+ ok /( {2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, ' y';
+ ok /(y{2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, 'yyy ';
+ ok !/x {3,4}/;
+ ok !/^xxx {3,4}/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test /g";
+ local $" = ":";
+ $_ = "now is the time for all good men to come to.";
+ my @words = /(\w+)/g;
+ my $exp = "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to";
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ while (/\w+/g) {
+ push (@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ pos = 0;
+ while (/to/g) {
+ push(@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ pos $_ = 0;
+ @words = /to/g;
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "abcdefghi";
+ my $pat1 = 'def';
+ my $pat2 = '^def';
+ my $pat3 = '.def.';
+ my $pat4 = 'abc';
+ my $pat5 = '^abc';
+ my $pat6 = 'abc$';
+ my $pat7 = 'ghi';
+ my $pat8 = '\w*ghi';
+ my $pat9 = 'ghi$';
+ my $t1 = my $t2 = my $t3 = my $t4 = my $t5 =
+ my $t6 = my $t7 = my $t8 = my $t9 = 0;
+ for my $iter (1 .. 5) {
+ $t1++ if /$pat1/o;
+ $t2++ if /$pat2/o;
+ $t3++ if /$pat3/o;
+ $t4++ if /$pat4/o;
+ $t5++ if /$pat5/o;
+ $t6++ if /$pat6/o;
+ $t7++ if /$pat7/o;
+ $t8++ if /$pat8/o;
+ $t9++ if /$pat9/o;
+ }
+ my $x = "$t1$t2$t3$t4$t5$t6$t7$t8$t9";
+ iseq $x, '505550555', "Test /o";
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc$|$xyz/, "| after \$";
+ # perl 4.009 says "unmatched ()"
+ local $Message = '$ inside ()';
+ my $result;
+ eval '"abc" =~ /a(bc$)|$xyz/; $result = "$&:$1"';
+ iseq $@, "" or skip "eval failed", 1;
+ iseq $result, "abc:bc";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ $_ = "abcfooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/abc/g;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /gi";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "";
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/ABC/gi;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "fooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "bar";
+ $_ .= '';
+ my @x = /abc/g;
+ iseq @x, 2, "/g reset after assignment";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '/g, \G and pos';
+ $_ = "abdc";
+ pos $_ = 2;
+ /\Gc/gc;
+ iseq pos $_, 2;
+ /\Gc/g;
+ ok !defined pos $_;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '(?{ })';
+ our $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 2 })b';
+ iseq $out, 2;
+ $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 3 })c';
+ iseq $out, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'foobar1 bar2 foobar3 barfoobar5 foobar6';
+ my @out = /(?<!foo)bar./g;
+ iseq "@out", 'bar2 barf', "Negative lookbehind";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "REG_INFTY tests";
+ # Tests which depend on REG_INFTY
+ $::reg_infty = $Config {reg_infty} // 32767;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty - 1;
+ $::reg_infty_p = $::reg_infty + 1;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty_m; # Surpress warning.
+ # As well as failing if the pattern matches do unexpected things, the
+ # next three tests will fail if you should have picked up a lower-than-
+ # default value for $reg_infty from, but have not.
+ eval_ok q (('aaa' =~ /(a{1,$::reg_infty_m})/)[0] eq 'aaa');
+ eval_ok q (('a' x $::reg_infty_m) =~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval_ok q (('a' x ($::reg_infty_m - 1)) !~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty_p}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ }
+ {
+ # Poke a couple more parse failures
+ my $context = 'x' x 256;
+ eval qq("${context}y" =~ /(?<=$context)y/);
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QLookbehind longer than 255 not/, "Lookbehind limit";
+ }
+ {
+ # Long Monsters
+ local $Message = "Long monster";
+ for my $l (125, 140, 250, 270, 300000, 30) { # Ordered to free memory
+ my $a = 'a' x $l;
+ local $Error = "length = $l";
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ nok "b$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ ok "b$a=" =~ /ba+=/;
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /b(?:a|b)+=/;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # 20000 nodes, each taking 3 words per string, and 1 per branch
+ my $long_constant_len = join '|', 12120 .. 32645;
+ my $long_var_len = join '|', 8120 .. 28645;
+ my %ans = ( 'ax13876y25677lbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677mcb' => 0, # not b.
+ 'ax13876y35677nbc' => 0, # Num too big
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378obc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378zbc' => 0, # Not followed by [k-o]
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kcb' => 0, # Not b.
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378y21378kbc' => 0, # 5 runs
+ );
+ local $Message = "20000 nodes";
+ for (keys %ans) {
+ local $Error = "const-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_constant_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ local $Error = "var-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_var_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Complicated backtracking";
+ $_ = " a (bla()) and x(y b((l)u((e))) and b(l(e)e)e";
+ my $expect = "(bla()) ((l)u((e))) (l(e)e)";
+ use vars '$c';
+ sub matchit {
+ m/
+ (
+ \(
+ (?{ $c = 1 }) # Initialize
+ (?:
+ (?(?{ $c == 0 }) # PREVIOUS iteration was OK, stop the loop
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail: will unwind one iteration back
+ )
+ (?:
+ [^()]+ # Match a big chunk
+ (?=
+ [()]
+ ) # Do not try to match subchunks
+ |
+ \(
+ (?{ ++$c })
+ |
+ \)
+ (?{ --$c })
+ )
+ )+ # This may not match with different subblocks
+ )
+ (?(?{ $c != 0 })
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail
+ ) # Otherwise the chunk 1 may succeed with $c>0
+ /xg;
+ }
+ my @ans = ();
+ my $res;
+ push @ans, $res while $res = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ @ans = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ local $Message = "Recursion with (??{ })";
+ our $matched;
+ $matched = qr/\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$matched}))*\)/;
+ @ans = my @ans1 = ();
+ push (@ans, $res), push (@ans1, $&) while $res = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ iseq "@ans1", $expect;
+ @ans = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ }
+ {
+ ok "abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/, '"abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ans = ('a/b' =~ m%(.*/)?(.*)%); # Stack may be bad
+ iseq "@ans", 'a/ b', "Stack may be bad";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Eval-group not allowed at runtime";
+ my $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ our $blah = 12;
+ eval { /(?$code)/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ for $code ('{$blah = 45}','=xx') {
+ $blah = 12;
+ my $res = eval { "xx" =~ /(?$code)/o };
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ local $Error = "'$@', '$res', '$blah'";
+ if ($code eq '=xx') {
+ ok !$@ && $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ }
+ }
+ $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ $blah = 12;
+ eval "/(?$code)/";
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ $blah = 12;
+ /(?{$blah = 45})/;
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Pos checks";
+ my $x = 'banana';
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ $x =~ /.z/gc;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ sub f {
+ my $p = $_[0];
+ return $p;
+ }
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq f (pos ($x)), 4;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Checking $^R';
+ our $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[t]/;
+ iseq $^R, 75;
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[xy]/;
+ ok $^R eq '67' && $x eq '12';
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{ $^R + 12 })((?{ $x = 12; $^R + 17 })[xy])?/;
+ ok $^R eq '79' && $x eq '12';
+ }
+ {
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/i, '(?i-xsm:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/i';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/s, '(?s-xim:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/s';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/m, '(?m-xis:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/m';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/x, '(?x-ism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/x';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/xism, '(?msix:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/xism';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/, '(?-xism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Look around";
+ $_ = 'xabcx';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'c') {
+ ok /(?<=(?=a)..)((?=c)|.)/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $1, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Empty clause";
+ $_ = 'a';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'a', '') {
+ ok /^|a|$/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $&, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Prefixify";
+ sub prefixify {
+ SKIP: {
+ my ($v, $a, $b, $res) = @_;
+ ok $v =~ s/\Q$a\E/$b/ or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $v, $res;
+ }
+ }
+ prefixify ('/a/b/lib/arch', "/a/b/lib", 'X/lib', 'X/lib/arch');
+ prefixify ('/a/b/man/arch', "/a/b/man", 'X/man', 'X/man/arch');
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'var="foo"';
+ /(\")/;
+ ok $1 && /$1/, "Capture a quote";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Call code from qr //";
+ $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
+ $b = 7;
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '9';
+ $c="$a";
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '11';
+ undef $@;
+ eval {/$c/};
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/;
+ use re "eval";
+ /$a$c$a/;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ our $lex_a = 43;
+ our $lex_b = 17;
+ our $lex_c = 27;
+ my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ no re "eval";
+ undef $@;
+ my $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ $lex_a = 2;
+ $lex_a = 43;
+ $lex_b = 17;
+ $lex_c = 27;
+ $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ local $Message = '(?{ $var } refers to package vars';
+ package aa;
+ our $c = 2;
+ $::c = 3;
+ '' =~ /(?{ $c = 4 })/;
+ main::iseq $c, 4;
+ main::iseq $::c, 3;
+ }
+ {
+ must_die 'q(a:[b]:) =~ /[x[:foo:]]/',
+ 'POSIX class \[:[^:]+:\] unknown in regex',
+ 'POSIX class [: :] must have valid name';
+ for my $d (qw [= .]) {
+ must_die "/[[${d}foo${d}]]/",
+ "\QPOSIX syntax [$d $d] is reserved for future extensions",
+ "POSIX syntax [[$d $d]] is an error";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # test if failure of patterns returns empty list
+ local $Message = "Failed pattern returns empty list";
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ @_ = /bbb/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /bbb/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '@- and @+ tests';
+ /a(?=.$)/;
+ iseq $#+, 0;
+ iseq $#-, 0;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [1] && !defined $- [1] &&
+ !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2];
+ /a(a)(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 2;
+ iseq $+ [0], 3;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [2], 3;
+ iseq $- [2], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)(b)?(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 3;
+ iseq $#-, 3;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [3], 3;
+ iseq $- [3], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 1;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3];
+ /.(a)(ba*)?/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $DiePattern = '^Modification of a read-only value attempted';
+ local $Message = 'Elements of @- and @+ are read-only';
+ must_die '$+[0] = 13';
+ must_die '$-[0] = 13';
+ must_die '@+ = (7, 6, 5)';
+ must_die '@- = qw (foo bar)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G testing';
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ pos = 1;
+ my @a = /\Ga/g;
+ iseq "@a", "a a";
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ pos $str = 2;
+ ok $str !~ /^\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^.\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /^..\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^...\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /\G../ && $& eq 'cd';
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ ok $str =~ /.\G./ && $& eq 'bc';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'pos inside (?{ })';
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ our ($foo, $bar);
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos ($str);
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos $str = undef;
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos ($str), 3;
+ $_ = $str;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos, 3;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos = undef;
+ 1 while /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ ok s/b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/x/g;
+ iseq $foo, 'abcde|abcde';
+ iseq $bar, 8;
+ iseq $_, 'axde|axde';
+ # List context:
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ our @res;
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $1,$2})([ce])(?{push @res, $1,$2})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'a' undef 'a' 'c' 'e' undef 'a' undef 'a' 'c'";
+ @res = ();
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})([ce])(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'' 'ab' 'cde|abcde' " .
+ "'' 'abc' 'de|abcde' " .
+ "'abcd' 'e|' 'abcde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'ab' 'cde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'abc' 'de'" ;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $foo = 'aabbccddeeffgg';
+ pos ($foo) = 1;
+ {
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'ab';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cc';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'de';
+ ok $foo =~ /\Gef/g;
+ }
+ undef pos $foo;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'aa';
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'bb';
+ pos ($foo) = 5;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cd';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123x123';
+ my @res = /(\d*|x)/g;
+ local $" = '|';
+ iseq "@res", "123||x|123|", "0 match in alternation";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Match against temporaries (created via pp_helem())" .
+ " is safe";
+ ok {foo => "bar\n" . $^X} -> {foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
+ iseq $1, "bar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'package $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ our @a = qw [foo bar];
+ our @b = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @b, $1})/,$1,/g for @a;
+ iseq "@b", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@a", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ local $Message = 'lexical $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my @c = qw [foo bar];
+ my @d = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @d, $1})/,$1,/g for @c;
+ iseq "@d", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@c", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Brackets';
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr {
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{{}" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{}";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ m/((??{ $brackets }))/;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "a-a\nxbb";
+ pos = 1;
+ nok m/^-.*bb/mg, '$_ = "a-a\nxbb"; m/^-.*bb/mg';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $text = "aaXbXcc";
+ pos ($text) = 0;
+ ok $text !~ /\GXb*X/g;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "xA\n" x 500;
+ nok /^\s*A/m, '$_ = "xA\n" x 500; /^\s*A/m"';
+ my $text = "abc dbf";
+ my @res = ($text =~ /.*?(b).*?\b/g);
+ iseq "@res", "b b", '\b is not special';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\S, [\S], \s, [\s]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\D, [\D], \d, [\d]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\W, [\W], \w, [\w]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ # see if backtracking optimization works correctly
+ local $Message = 'Backtrack optimization';
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n* $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n*? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n*+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n++ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?+ $ \n/x;
+ }
+ {
+ package S;
+ use overload '""' => sub {'Object S'};
+ sub new {bless []}
+ local $Message = "Ref stringification";
+ ::ok do { \my $v} =~ /^SCALAR/, "Scalar ref stringification";
+ ::ok do {\\my $v} =~ /^REF/, "Ref ref stringification";
+ ::ok [] =~ /^ARRAY/, "Array ref stringification";
+ ::ok {} =~ /^HASH/, "Hash ref stringification";
+ ::ok 'S' -> new =~ /^Object S/, "Object stringification";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test result of match used as match";
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /y/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /t/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '"1" is not \s';
+ may_not_warn sub {ok ("1\n" x 102) !~ /^\s*\n/m};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\s, [[:space:]] and [[:blank:]]';
+ my %space = (spc => " ",
+ tab => "\t",
+ cr => "\r",
+ lf => "\n",
+ ff => "\f",
+ # There's no \v but the vertical tabulator seems miraculously
+ # be 11 both in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ vt => chr(11),
+ false => "space");
+ my @space0 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /\s/ } keys %space;
+ my @space1 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:space:]]/} keys %space;
+ my @space2 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:blank:]]/} keys %space;
+ iseq "@space0", "cr ff lf spc tab";
+ iseq "@space1", "cr ff lf spc tab vt";
+ iseq "@space2", "spc tab";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000731.001';
+ ok "A \x{263a} B z C" =~ /A . B (??{ "z" }) C/,
+ "Match UTF-8 char in presense of (??{ })";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001021.005';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok undef =~ /^([^\/]*)(.*)$/, "Used to cause a SEGV";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "a\x{100}b";
+ ok /(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/ or skip q [\C doesn't match], 4;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ if ($IS_ASCII) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8
+ iseq $2, "\xC4";
+ iseq $3, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC
+ iseq $2, "\x8C";
+ iseq $3, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ SKIP: {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ skip "Unexpected platform";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $4, "b";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "\x{100}";
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match], 2;
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\xC4";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x8C";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match];
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Japhy -- added 03/03/2001
+ () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/;
+ $str = "def";
+ iseq $1, "abc", 'Changing subject does not modify $1';
+ }
+ {
+ # The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should
+ # match (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range
+ # should not match.
+ ok "\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/, '"\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/';
+ ok "\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/, '"\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/';
+ skip "Not an EBCDIC platform", 2 unless ord ('i') == 0x89 &&
+ ord ('J') == 0xd1;
+ # In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not
+ # in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match
+ # 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for
+ # the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there.
+ nok "\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/, '"\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/';
+ nok "\xce" !~ /[I-J]/, '"\xce" !~ /[I-J]/';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/, '"\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/ ';
+ ok "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/, '"\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'bug id 20001008.001';
+ my @x = ("stra\337e 138", "stra\337e 138");
+ for (@x) {
+ ok s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
+ ok my ($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
+ iseq $latin, "stra\337e";
+ ok $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/;
+ #
+ # Previous code follows, but outcommented - there were no tests.
+ #
+ # $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
+ # use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8
+ # $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Test \x escapes';
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001028.003';
+ # Fist half of the bug.
+ local $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA matched by .*';
+ my $X = chr (1448);
+ ok my ($Y) = $X =~ /(.*)/;
+ iseq $Y, v1448;
+ iseq length ($Y), 1;
+ # Second half of the bug.
+ $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA in replacement';
+ $X = '';
+ $X =~ s/^/chr(1488)/e;
+ iseq length $X, 1;
+ iseq ord ($X), 1488;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001108.001';
+ local $Message = 'Repeated s///';
+ my $X = "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ my $Y = $X;
+ $Y =~ s/(B)/$1/ for 0 .. 3;
+ iseq $Y, $X;
+ iseq $X, "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000517.001';
+ local $Message = 's/// on UTF-8 string';
+ my $x = "\x{100}A";
+ $x =~ s/A/B/;
+ iseq $x, "\x{100}B";
+ iseq length $x, 2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001230.002';
+ local $Message = '\C and É';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(.)/ && $1 eq 'c';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(c)/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Match code points > 255';
+ $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg";
+ ok /(.\x{300})./ or skip "No match", 4;
+ ok $` eq "abc\x{100}" && length ($`) == 4;
+ ok $& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length ($&) == 3;
+ ok $' eq "\x{400}defg" && length ($') == 5;
+ ok $1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length ($1) == 2;
+ }
+ {
+ # The original bug report had 'no utf8' here but that was irrelevant.
+ local $BugId = '20010306.008';
+ local $Message = "Don't dump core";
+ my $a = "a\x{1234}";
+ ok $a =~ m/\w/; # used to core dump.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20010410.006';
+ local $Message = '/g in scalar context';
+ for my $rx ('/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/csg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/cg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/sg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/g',
+ '/(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/csg',) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $input = "a{b}c{d}";
+ eval <<" --";
+ while (eval \$input =~ $rx) {
+ \$i ++;
+ }
+ --
+ iseq $i, 2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $x = "\x{10FFFD}";
+ $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g;
+ ok ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1, "From Robin Houston";
+ }
+ {
+ my %d = (
+ "7f" => [0, 0, 0],
+ "80" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "ff" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "100" => [0, 1, 1],
+ );
+ while (my ($code, $match) = each %d) {
+ local $Message = "Properties of \\x$code";
+ my $char = eval qq ["\\x{$code}"];
+ my $i = 0;
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # From Japhy
+ local $Message;
+ must_warn 'qr/(?c)/', '^Useless \(\?c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-c)/', '^Useless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g)/', '^Useless \(\?g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-g)/', '^Useless \(\?-g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o)/', '^Useless \(\?o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-o)/', '^Useless \(\?-o\)';
+ # Now test multi-error regexes
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-o)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-c)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o-cg)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?ogc)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?g\).*\n' .
+ 'Useless \(\?c\)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/x tests";
+ $_ = "foo";
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o\r
+ o
+ \$
+ /x
+ --
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o
+ o
+ \$\r
+ /x
+ --
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/o feature";
+ sub test_o {$_ [0] =~ /$_[1]/o; return $1}
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '(.)..'), 'a';
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '..(.)'), 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20010619.003";
+ # Amazingly vertical tabulator is the same in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ for ("\n", "\t", "\014", "\r") {
+ ok !/[[:print:]]/, "'$_' not in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ for (" ") {
+ ok /[[:print:]]/, "'$_' in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex
+ local $Message = '$^N usage outside of a regex';
+ my $x = "abcdef";
+ ok ($x =~ /cde/ and !defined $^N);
+ ok ($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e");
+ {ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");}
+ ## Test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now
+ ## have the value set in the previous test.
+ iseq $^N, "e", '$^N is automatically localized';
+ # Now test inside (?{ ... })
+ local $Message = '$^N usage inside (?{ ... })';
+ our ($y, $z);
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcd");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcde");
+ }
+ {
+ ## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff,
+ ## but not sure how to guarantee a specific locale......
+ skip "Not an ASCII platform", 2 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ local $Message = 'Test [[:cntrl:]]';
+ my $AllBytes = join "" => map {chr} 0 .. 255;
+ (my $x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7E, 0x80 .. 0xFF;
+ ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F;
+ }
+ {
+ # With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 chars aren't bytes";
+ my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World";
+ my @a = ($a =~ /./gs);
+ iseq $#a, 12;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '. matches \n with /s';
+ my $str1 = "foo\nbar";
+ my $str2 = "foo\n\x{100}bar";
+ my ($a, $b) = map {chr} $IS_ASCII ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41);
+ my @a;
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 6; iseq "@a", "f o o b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 8; iseq "@a", "f o o \n \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010814.004] pos() doesn't work when using =~m// in list context
+ local $BugId = '20010814.004';
+ $_ = "ababacadaea";
+ my $a = join ":", /b./gc;
+ my $b = join ":", /a./gc;
+ my $c = pos;
+ iseq "$a $b $c", 'ba:ba ad:ae 10', "pos() works with () = m//";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from
+ # functions does not work
+ local $BugId = '20010407.006';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 return values from functions';
+ package ID_20010407_006;
+ sub x {"a\x{1234}"}
+ my $x = x;
+ my $y;
+ ::ok $x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ ::ok x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'digit';
+ # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these.
+ my $x;
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # and now again in [] ranges
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these.
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/,
+ "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ }
+ {
+ # High bit bug -- japhy
+ my $x = "ab\200d";
+ ok $x =~ /.*?\200/, "High bit fine";
+ }
+ {
+ # The basic character classes and Unicode
+ ok "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON in /\w/';
+ ok "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/, 'ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO in /\d/';
+ ok "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/, 'OGHAM SPACE MARK in /\s/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Folding matches and Unicode";
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'GREEK LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $PatchId = "13843";
+ local $Message = "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA vs " .
+ may_not_warn sub {ok "_:$char:_" !~ m/_:$SIGMA:_/i};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\X';
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a";
+ ok "\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF";
+ ok "\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}";
+ ok "\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}";
+ ok "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ local $Message = '\C and \X';
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Cc/;
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Xc/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Final Sigma";
+ my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
+ my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
+ my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ local $Message = "More final Sigma";
+ my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma";
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Parlez-Vous " .
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Cais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\C\Cais/;
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ my @f = (
+ ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais", "Francais"],
+ );
+ foreach my $entry (@f) {
+ my ($subject, $match) = @$entry;
+ ok $subject =~ /Fran(?:c\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}?|
+ $& eq $match;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag doesn't mess up /i";
+ my $pat = "ABcde";
+ my $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE";
+ chop $pat;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $pat;
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S " .
+ ok "ss" =~ /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i;
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i;
+ ok "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}" =~ /ss/i;
+ local $Message = "Unoptimized named sequence in class";
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ ok "SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # More whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n";
+ # U+0085, U+00A0 need to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that.
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "EBCDIC platform", 4 if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ # Do \x{0015} and \x{0041} match \s in EBCDIC?
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{0085} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{0085}>" =~ /<\v>/, '\x{0085} in \v';
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{00A0} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\h>/, '\x{00A0} in \h';
+ }
+ my @h = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01680, 0x0180E, 0x02000 .. 0x0200A,
+ 0x0202F, 0x0205F, 0x03000;
+ my @v = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x02028, 0x02029;
+ my @H = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01361, 0x0200B, 0x02408, 0x02420,
+ 0x0303F, 0xE0020;
+ my @V = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x0008A .. 0x0008D, 0x00348, 0x10100,
+ 0xE005F, 0xE007C;
+ for my $hex (@h) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\h";
+ ok $str !~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\v";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@v) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\v";
+ ok $str !~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\h";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@H) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\H>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\H";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@V) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\V>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\V";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes
+ local $Message = ". with /s works on characters, not bytes";
+ my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}";
+ # This is not expected to match: the point is that
+ # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings.
+ may_not_warn sub {$s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs}, "No 'Malformed UTF-8' warning";
+ my @c;
+ push @c => $1 while $s =~ /\G(.)/gs;
+ local $" = "";
+ iseq "@c", $s;
+ # Test only chars < 256
+ my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}";
+ my $r1 = "";
+ while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r1 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # Repeat with a larger char
+ my $r2 = "";
+ while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r2 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//;
+ iseq $r1, $r2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Unicode lookbehind";
+ ok "A\x{100}B" =~ /(?<=A.)B/;
+ ok "A\x{200}\x{300}B" =~ /(?<=A..)B/;
+ ok "\x{400}AB" =~ /(?<=\x{400}.)B/;
+ ok "\x{500}\x{600}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # Original code also contained:
+ # ok "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # but that looks like a typo.
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 hash keys and /$/';
+ #
+ # /2002-01/msg01327.html
+ my $u = "a\x{100}";
+ my $v = substr ($u, 0, 1);
+ my $w = substr ($u, 1, 1);
+ my %u = ($u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w);
+ for (keys %u) {
+ my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ my $m2 = $u {$_} =~ /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ iseq $m1, $m2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020124.005";
+ local $PatchId = "14795";
+ local $Message = "s///eg";
+ for my $char ("a", "\x{df}", "\x{100}") {
+ my $x = "$char b $char";
+ $x =~ s{($char)}{
+ "c" =~ /c/;
+ "x";
+ }ge;
+ iseq substr ($x, 0, 1), substr ($x, -1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "No SEGV in s/// and UTF-8";
+ my $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4;
+ ok $s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g;
+ iseq $s, "s \x{100}" x 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ iseq $s, "s " x 4;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug (maybe already known?)";
+ my $u = "foo";
+ $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}";
+ $u = "foobar";
+ $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r";
+ $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g;
+ iseq $u, "feeber";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug with s///";
+ # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures
+ # try to force all float/anchored check combinations
+ my $c = "\x{100}";
+ my $subst;
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x",
+ "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",) {
+ ok "xxx" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") {
+ ok "xxx" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") {
+ ok "xx$c" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, $c;
+ ok "xy$c" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xy$c") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") {
+ ok "xyz" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "qr /.../x";
+ my $R = qr / A B C # D E/x;
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ $R && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020412.005";
+ local $Message = "Correct pmop flags checked when empty pattern";
+ # Requires reuse of last successful pattern.
+ my $num = 123;
+ $num =~ /\d/;
+ for (0 .. 1) {
+ my $match = ?? + 0;
+ ok $match != $_, $Message,
+ sprintf "'match one' %s on %s iteration" =>
+ $match ? 'succeeded' : 'failed',
+ $_ ? 'second' : 'first';
+ }
+ $num =~ /(\d)/;
+ my $result = join "" => $num =~ //g;
+ iseq $result, $num;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20020630.002';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 regex matches above 32k';
+ for (['byte', "\x{ff}"], ['utf8', "\x{1ff}"]) {
+ my ($type, $char) = @$_;
+ for my $len (32000, 32768, 33000) {
+ my $s = $char . "f" x $len;
+ my $r = $s =~ /$char([f]*)/gc;
+ ok $r, $Message, "<$type x $len>";
+ ok !$r || pos ($s) == $len + 1, $Message,
+ "<$type x $len>; pos = @{[pos $s]}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
+ ok 'goodfood' =~ $a, "Reblessed qr // matches";
+ iseq $a, '(?-xism:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies";
+ my $x = "\x{3fe}";
+ my $z = my $y = "\317\276"; # Byte representation of $x
+ $a = qr /$x/;
+ ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
+ ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
+ "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17776';
+ iseq length qr /##/x, 12, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ $y = $z; # Reset $y after upgrade.
+ ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $PatchId = '18179';
+ my $s = "\x{100}" x 5;
+ my $ok = $s =~ /(\x{100}{4})/;
+ my ($ord, $len) = (ord $1, length $1);
+ ok $ok && $ord == 0x100 && $len == 4, "No panic: end_shift";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15763';
+ our $a = "x\x{100}";
+ chop $a; # Leaves the UTF-8 flag
+ $a .= "y"; # 1 byte before 'y'.
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 1-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\Cy/, 'match \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}y/, 'match \C{1}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\Cy/, q {don't match two \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}y/, q {don't match \C{2}y};
+ $a = "\x{100}y"; # 2 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 2-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C on 2-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\Cy/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}y/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match three \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}\Cy/, q {don't match \C{2}\Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{3}y/, q {don't match \C{3}y};
+ $a = "\x{1000}y"; # 3 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on three-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C\C/, 'match four \C on three-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{4}/, 'match \C{4}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\Cy/, 'match three \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}y/, 'match \C{3}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match four \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{4}y/, q {don't match \C{4}y};
+ }
+ {
+ local $\;
+ $_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa';
+ utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n";
+ ok /[^\s]+/, 'm/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok /[^\d]+/, 'm/[^\d]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15397';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 matching';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /\x{100}/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){1}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){2}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})(\x{100})/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '7471';
+ local $Message = 'Neither ()* nor ()*? sets $1 when matched 0 times';
+ local $_ = 'CD';
+ ok /(AB)*?CD/ && !defined $1;
+ ok /(AB)*CD/ && !defined $1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '3547';
+ local $Message = "Caching shouldn't prevent match";
+ my $pattern = "^(b+?|a){1,2}c";
+ ok "bac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18232';
+ local $Message = '$1 should keep UTF-8 ness';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/;
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is UTF-8';
+ { 'a' =~ /./; }
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is still UTF-8';
+ isneq $1, "\xC4\x80", '$1 is not non-UTF-8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19767';
+ local $Message = "Optimizer doesn't prematurely reject match";
+ use utf8;
+ my $attr = 'Name-1';
+ my $NormalChar = qr /[\p{IsDigit}\p{IsLower}\p{IsUpper}]/;
+ my $NormalWord = qr /${NormalChar}+?/;
+ my $PredNameHyphen = qr /^${NormalWord}(\-${NormalWord})*?$/;
+ $attr =~ /^$/;
+ ok $attr =~ $PredNameHyphen; # Original test.
+ "a" =~ m/[b]/;
+ ok "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/; # Variant.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20683';
+ local $Message = "(??{ }) doesn't return stale values";
+ our $p = 1;
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ $p ++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ {
+ package P;
+ $a = 1;
+ sub TIESCALAR {bless []}
+ sub FETCH {$a ++}
+ }
+ tie $p, "P";
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ }
+ {
+ # Subject: Odd regexp behavior
+ # From: Markus Kuhn <>
+ # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000
+ # Message-Id: <>
+ # To:
+ local $Message = 'Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26';
+ my $x = "\x{2019}\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "\x{2019} k";
+ $x = "b\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "b k";
+ ok "\x{2019}" =~ /\S/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '21411';
+ local $Message = "(??{ .. }) in split doesn't corrupt its stack";
+ our $i;
+ ok '-1-3-5-' eq join '', split /((??{$i++}))/, '-1-3-5-';
+ no warnings 'syntax';
+ @_ = split /(?{'WOW'})/, 'abc';
+ local $" = "|";
+ iseq "@_", "a|b|c";
+ }
+ {
+ # XXX DAPM 13-Apr-06. Recursive split is still broken. It's only luck it
+ # hasn't been crashing. Disable this test until it is fixed properly.
+ # XXX also check what it returns rather than just doing ok(1,...)
+ # split /(?{ split "" })/, "abc";
+ local $TODO = "Recursive split is still broken";
+ ok 0, 'cache_re & "(?{": it dumps core in 5.6.1 & 5.8.0';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF-8 length cache and fbm_compile";
+ }
+ {
+ package Str;
+ use overload q /""/ => sub {${$_ [0]};};
+ sub new {my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c;}
+ package main;
+ $_ = Str -> new ("a\x{100}/\x{100}b");
+ ok join (":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17757';
+ $_ = "code: 'x' { '...' }\n"; study;
+ my @x; push @x, $& while m/'[^\']*'/gx;
+ local $" = ":";
+ iseq "@x", "'x':'...'", "Parse::RecDescent triggered infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ my $re = qq /^([^X]*)X/;
+ utf8::upgrade ($re);
+ ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22354';
+ sub func ($) {
+ ok "a\nb" !~ /^b/, "Propagated modifier; $_[0]";
+ ok "a\nb" =~ /^b/m, "Propagated modifier; $_[0] - with /m";
+ }
+ func "standalone";
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in subst"/e;
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in multiline subst"/em;
+ #
+ # Next two give 'panic: malloc'.
+ # Outcommented, using two TODOs.
+ #
+ local $TODO = 'panic: malloc';
+ local $Message = 'Postponed regexp and propaged modifier';
+ # ok 0 for 1 .. 2;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "panic: malloc", 2;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in regexp"})/;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in multiline regexp"})/m;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049';
+ $_ = "abcdef\n";
+ my @x = m/./g;
+ iseq "abcde", $`, 'Global match sets $`';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/,
+ 'UTF-8 + multiple floating substr';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '<>';
+ ok " \x{101}" =~ qr/\x{100}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}" =~ qr/\x{1E00}/i;
+ ok " \x{10428}" =~ qr/\x{10400}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}x" =~ qr/\x{1E00}X/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #23769] Unicode regex broken on simple example
+ # regrepeat() didn't handle UTF-8 EXACT case right.
+ local $BugId = '23769';
+ my $Mess = 'regrepeat() handles UTF-8 EXACT case right';
+ local $Message = $Mess;
+ my $s = "\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{100}"; chop $s;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}+/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}\x{a0}/;
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy variant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100}" =~ /(a+)/;
+ iseq $1, "aaa";
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy invariant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100} " =~ /(a+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100} " =~ /(\xa0+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat invariant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa0\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard invariant)";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+)/;
+ iseq $1, 'ababab';
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "ab";
+ $Message = "Don't match first byte of UTF-8 representation";
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+?)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}++)/;
+ }
+ {
+ for (120 .. 130) {
+ my $head = 'x' x $_;
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \x{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}', '\x61') {
+ eval_ok qq ["$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \N{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\N{SNOWFLAKE}') {
+ eval_ok qq [use charnames ':full';
+ "$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # perl panic: pp_match start/end pointers
+ local $BugId = '25269';
+ iseq "a-bc", eval {my ($x, $y) = "bca" =~ /^(?=.*(a)).*(bc)/; "$x-$y"},
+ 'Captures can move backwards in string';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940'; # \cA not recognized in character classes
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /\cA/, '\cA in pattern';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA]/, '\cA in character class';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in character class range';
+ ok "abc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cBb" =~ /[\cA-\cC]/, '\cB in character class range';
+ ok "a\cCbc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cC in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /(??{"\cA"})/, '\cA in ??{} pattern';
+ ok "ab" !~ /a\cIb/x, '\cI in pattern';
+ }
+ {
+ # perl #28532: optional zero-width match at end of string is ignored
+ local $BugId = '28532';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)?/ && defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)??/ && !defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ }
+ { # TRIE related
+ our @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got, $1})s$/;
+ iseq @got, 1, "TRIE optimation";
+ @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i;
+ iseq @got, 1,"TRIEF optimisation";
+ my @nums = map {int rand 1000} 1 .. 100;
+ my $re = "(" . (join "|", @nums) . ")";
+ $re = qr/\b$re\b/;
+ foreach (@nums) {
+ ok $_ =~ /$re/, "Trie nums";
+ }
+ $_ = join " ", @nums;
+ @got = ();
+ push @got, $1 while /$re/g;
+ my %count;
+ $count {$_} ++ for @got;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ for (@nums) {
+ $ok = 0 if --$count {$_} < 0;
+ }
+ ok $ok, "Trie min count matches";
+ }
+ {
+ # TRIE related
+ ok "foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{101}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{10428}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo",
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i
+ && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s",
+ }
+ {
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my @normal = qw [the are some normal words];
+ skip "Skipped Psycho", 2 * @normal if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ local $" = "|";
+ my @psycho = (@normal, map chr $_, 255 .. 20000);
+ my $psycho1 = "@psycho";
+ for (my $i = @psycho; -- $i;) {
+ my $j = int rand (1 + $i);
+ @psycho [$i, $j] = @psycho [$j, $i];
+ }
+ my $psycho2 = "@psycho";
+ foreach my $word (@normal) {
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho1)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho2)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ my $utf8 = "\xe9\x{100}"; chop $utf8;
+ my $latin1 = "\xe9";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /\xe9/i, "utf8/latin";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /$latin1/i, "utf8/latin runtime";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|\xe9)/i, "utf8/latin trie";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|$latin1)/i, "utf8/latin trie runtime";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8 runtime";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie runtime";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37038';
+ my $s = "abcd";
+ $s =~ /(..)(..)/g;
+ $s = $1;
+ $s = $2;
+ iseq $2, 'cd',
+ "Assigning to original string does not corrupt match vars";
+ }
+ {
+ {
+ package wooosh;
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ }
+ my $aeek = bless {} => 'wooosh';
+ eval_ok sub {$aeek -> gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "//g match against return value of sub";
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ eval_ok sub {gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "26410 didn't affect sub calls for some reason";
+ }
+ {
+ local $TODO = "See changes 26925-26928, which reverted change 26410";
+ {
+ package lv;
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ }
+ my $o = bless [] => 'lv';
+ my $f = "";
+ my $r = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $f .= $1 if $o -> variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($r) {
+ iseq $f, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ my $g = "";
+ my $s = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $g .= $1 if variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($s) {
+ iseq $g, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37836';
+ skip "In EBCDIC" if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ $_ = pack 'U0C2', 0xa2, 0xf8; # Ill-formed UTF-8
+ my $ret = 0;
+ eval_ok sub {!($ret = s/[\0]+//g)},
+ "Ill-formed UTF-8 doesn't match NUL in class";
+ }
+ {
+ # chr(65535) should be allowed in regexes
+ local $BugId = '38293';
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # To allow non-characters
+ my ($c, $r, $s);
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/$c//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "\\$c";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/[$c]//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed in class";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "[\\$c]";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed in class";
+ $s = "A\x{ffff}B";
+ $s =~ s/\x{ffff}//i;
+ ok $s eq "AB", "U+FFFF, EXACTF";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}A";
+ $s =~ s/\bA//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, BOUND";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}!";
+ $s =~ s/\B!//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, NBOUND";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '39583';
+ # The printing characters
+ my @chars = ("A" .. "Z");
+ my $delim = ",";
+ my $size = 32771 - 4;
+ my $str = '';
+ # Create some random junk. Inefficient, but it works.
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $ i++) {
+ $str .= $chars [rand @chars];
+ }
+ $str .= ($delim x 4);
+ my $res;
+ my $matched;
+ ok $str =~ s/^(.*?)${delim}{4}//s, "Pattern matches";
+ iseq $str, "", "Empty string";
+ ok defined $1 && length ($1) == $size, '$1 is correct size';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940';
+ ok "\0-A" =~ /\c@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "\0\0A" =~ /\c@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@-A" =~ /X@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@\@A" =~ /X@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@?A/, '\c@?';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@*A/, '\c@*';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@(A)/, '\c@(';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X(\c@)A/, '\c@)';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@|ZA/, '\c@|';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@?A/, '@?';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@*A/, '@*';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@(A)/, '@(';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X(@)A/, '@)';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@|ZA/, '@|';
+ local $" = ','; # non-whitespace and non-RE-specific
+ ok 'abc' =~ /(.)(.)(.)/, 'The last successful match is bogus';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/x, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/x';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/x, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/x';
+ }
+ {
+ unshift @INC, 'lib';
+ }
+ use Cname;
+ ok 'fooB' =~ /\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/, "Passthrough charname";
+ my $test = 1233;
+ #
+ # Why doesn't must_warn work here?
+ #
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= "@_"};
+ eval 'q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/';
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring excess chars from/,
+ "Ignoring excess chars warning";
+ undef $w;
+ eval q [ok "\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/,
+ "Zerolength charname in charclass doesn't match \\0"];
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring zero length/,
+ 'Ignoring zero length \N{%} in character class warning';
+ ok 'AB' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A', 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'ABC' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/, 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'xy' =~ /x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ ok '' =~ /\N{EMPTY-STR}/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok 'aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc';
+ ok 'a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc';
+ ok ' A B' =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ }
+ {
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr{
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "Bracket mismatch";
+ SKIP: {
+ our @stack = ();
+ my @expect = qw(
+ stuff1
+ stuff2
+ <stuff1>and<stuff2>
+ right
+ <right>
+ <<right>>
+ <<<right>>>
+ <<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>
+ );
+ local $_ = '<<<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>>';
+ ok /^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/,
+ "Recursion matches";
+ iseq @stack, @expect, "Right amount of matches"
+ or skip "Won't test individual results as count isn't equal",
+ 0 + @expect;
+ my $idx = 0;
+ foreach my $expect (@expect) {
+ iseq $stack [$idx], $expect,
+ "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx";
+ $idx ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?<digits>\d+)\k<digits>/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (angle brackets) s///';
+ $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (single quotes) s///';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ary = (
+ pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde
+ '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde
+ 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla
+ pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla
+ 'a'.pack('U', 0x00B2), # a + superscript two
+ pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _
+ );
+ for my $uni (@ary) {
+ my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq {
+ use utf8;
+ scalar (" foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/),
+ \$+{${uni}},
+ scalar (" bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/),
+ \$+{${uni}};
+ };
+ ok $r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')";
+ ok defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ ok $r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)";
+ ok defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each (%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$1"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$3"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 2) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names[$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz)/";
+ iseq $count, 3, "Got 3 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq 0 + @k, 3, 'Got 3 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@, 'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ #
+ # Almost the same as the block above, except that the capture is nested.
+ #
+ local $BugId = '50496';
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C} $+{D});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$3"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$4"],
+ ["$+{D}", "$1"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 3) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names [$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz))/";
+ iseq $count, 4, "Got 4 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq @k, 4, 'Got 4 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C D", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo foo bar baz", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my @res;
+ if ('1234' =~ /(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
+ foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) {
+ my $ary = $- {$name};
+ foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$ary) {
+ push @res, "$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @expect = qw (A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4);
+ iseq "@res", "@expect", "Check %-";
+ eval'
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $- {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $- {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ # stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
+ #
+ # This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
+ # profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
+ # CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
+ # super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
+ skip "No psycho tests" if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my $r = qr/^
+ (?:
+ ( (?:a|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
+ (
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}?z
+ )?
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:z*){2,}
+ ( (?:z+|d)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:e|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:f|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:z+|g)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:h|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:i|z+)+ )
+ )+
+ ( (?:j|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:k|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:l|z+)+ )
+ $/x;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
+ for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
+ for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
+ my $bs = $a.$b;
+ for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
+ my $cs = $bs.$c;
+ for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
+ my $ds = $cs.$d;
+ for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
+ my $es = $ds.$e;
+ for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
+ my $fs = $es.$f;
+ for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
+ my $gs = $fs.$g;
+ for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
+ my $hs = $gs.$h;
+ for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
+ my $is = $hs.$i;
+ for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
+ my $js = $is.$j;
+ for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
+ my $ks = $js.$k;
+ for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
+ my $ls = $ks.$l;
+ if ($ls =~ $r) {
+ if ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
+ unless ($ls eq $cap) {
+ $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok($ok, $msg);
+ }
+ {
+ # \, breaks {3,4}
+ ok "xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ ok "xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by _
+ ok "x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ ok "x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by other characters
+ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
+ my $targ = "a\034$c";
+ my $reg = "a\\c\\$c";
+ ok eval ("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36046';
+ my $str = 'abc';
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $mval = 0;
+ my $pval = 0;
+ while ($str =~ /b/g) {$mval = $#-; $pval = $#+; $count ++}
+ iseq $mval, 0, '@- should be empty';
+ iseq $pval, 0, '@+ should be empty';
+ iseq $count, 1, 'Should have matched once only';
+ }
+ { # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 9, "Expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)";
+ local $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while
+ /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 5, "Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab b aaab b ",
+ "Adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaabaaab' =~ /a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "/.(*COMMIT)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab", "Adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)', '') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ package Fnorble;
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ ::iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ local $Message = '$REGERROR';
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $word (qw (bar baz bop)) {
+ $REGERROR = "";
+ "aaaaa$word" =~
+ /a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $REGERROR, $word;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '40684';
+ local $Message = '/m in precompiled regexp';
+ my $s = "abc\ndef";
+ my $rex = qr'^abc$'m;
+ ok $s =~ m/$rex/;
+ ok $s =~ m/^abc$/m;
+ }
+ {
+ #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
+ for ("ABC","BAX") {
+ ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x, "Simple (*THEN) test";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Relative Recursion";
+ my $parens = qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/;
+ local $_ = 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ my ($all, $one, $two) = ('', '', '');
+ ok /foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x;
+ iseq $1, '((2*3)+4-3)';
+ iseq $2, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, $_;
+ }
+ {
+ my $spaces=" ";
+ local $_ = join 'bar', $spaces, $spaces;
+ our $count = 0;
+ s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g;
+ iseq $_, $spaces, "SUSPEND final string";
+ iseq $count, 1, "Optimiser should have prevented more than one match";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36909';
+ local $Message = '(?: ... )? should not lose $^R';
+ $^R = 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo) # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (?:foo|bar)+ # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1+ # $^R undefined
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1 # This time without the +
+ (?{"last regexp code result"})
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22395';
+ local $Message = 'Match is linear, not quadratic';
+ our $count;
+ for my $l (10, 100, 1000) {
+ $count = 0;
+ ('a' x $l) =~ /(.*)(?{$count++})[bc]/;
+ local $TODO = "Should be L+1 not L*(L+3)/2 (L=$l)";
+ iseq $count, $l + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22614';
+ local $Message = '@-/@+ should not have undefined values';
+ local $_ = 'ab';
+ our @len = ();
+ /(.){1,}(?{push @len,0+@-})(.){1,}(?{})^/;
+ iseq "@len", "2 2 2";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18209';
+ local $Message = '$& set on s///';
+ my $text = ' word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 ';
+ my @words = ('word1', 'word3', 'word5');
+ my $count;
+ foreach my $word (@words) {
+ $text =~ s/$word\s//gi; # Leave a space to seperate words
+ # in the resultant str.
+ # The following block is not working.
+ if ($&) {
+ $count ++;
+ }
+ # End bad block
+ }
+ iseq $count, 3;
+ iseq $text, ' word2 word4 word6 ';
+ }
+ {
+ # RT#6893
+ local $BugId = '6893';
+ local $_ = qq (A\nB\nC\n);
+ my @res;
+ while (m#(\G|\n)([^\n]*)\n#gsx) {
+ push @res, "$2";
+ last if @res > 3;
+ }
+ iseq "@res", "A B C", "/g pattern shouldn't infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus>
+ my $dow_name = "nada";
+ my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ " .
+ "C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/";
+ my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin";
+ eval $parser;
+ ok !$@, "Test Eval worked";
+ iseq $dow_name, $time_string, "UTF-8 trie common prefix extraction";
+ }
+ {
+ my $v;
+ ($v = 'bar') =~ /(\w+)/g;
+ $v = 'foo';
+ iseq "$1", 'bar', '$1 is safe after /g - may fail due ' .
+ 'to specialized config in pp_hot.c'
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "";
+ my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ $qr_barR1;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '41010';
+ local $Message = 'No optimizer bug';
+ my @tails = ('', '(?(1))', '(|)', '()?');
+ my @quants = ('*','+');
+ my $doit = sub {
+ my $pats = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ for my $pat (@$pats) {
+ for my $quant (@quants) {
+ for my $tail (@tails) {
+ my $re = "($pat$quant\$)$tail";
+ ok /$re/ && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/";
+ ok /$re/m && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/m";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my @dpats = ('\d',
+ '[1234567890]',
+ '(1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(?:1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
+ '(?:1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)');
+ my @spats = ('[ ]', ' ', '( |\t)', '(?: |\t)', '[ \t]', '\s');
+ my @sstrs = (' ');
+ my @dstrs = ('12345');
+ $doit -> (\@spats, @sstrs);
+ $doit -> (\@dpats, @dstrs);
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK';
+ our @r = ();
+ ok 'foofoo' =~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x;
+ iseq "@r","foo";
+ iseq $REGMARK, "foo";
+ ok 'foofoo' !~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x;
+ ok !$REGMARK;
+ iseq $REGERROR, 'foo';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\K test';
+ my $x;
+ $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl";
+ $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//;
+ iseq $x, "abc.def.ghi";
+ $x = "one two three four";
+ $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g;
+ iseq $x, "one two four";
+ $x = "abcde";
+ $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g;
+ iseq $x, "aabbccddee";
+ }
+ {
+ sub kt {
+ return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623';
+ }
+ # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends)
+ my $re;
+ our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x;
+ $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x;
+ my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re;
+ iseq join ("-", @res), "0902862349",
+ 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval';
+ our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x;
+ ok 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1, "PL_curpm, nested eval";
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ":full";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue"
+ }
+ {
+ # requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points
+ # cf.
+ for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) {
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # oops
+ my $c = chr $u;
+ my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u;
+ ok "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "Unicode range - $x";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $res="";
+ if ('1' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1",
+ "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array";
+ $res = "";
+ if ('11' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))(?&digit)/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1", "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside " .
+ "a (?|...) goes to the leftmost";
+ }
+ {
+ use warnings;
+ local $Message = "ASCII pattern that really is UTF-8";
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {push @w, "@_"};
+ my $c = qq (\x{DF});
+ ok $c =~ /${c}|\x{100}/;
+ ok @w == 0;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Corruption of match results of qr// across scopes";
+ my $qr = qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/;
+ 'foobar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ {
+ 'foooooobaaaaar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", 'foooooobaaaaar';
+ }
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "HORIZWS";
+ local $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t" . chr (11) . "\n";
+ utf8::upgrade ($_);
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Various whitespace special patterns";
+ my @h = map {chr $_} 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000,
+ 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006,
+ 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f, 0x205f,
+ 0x3000;
+ my @v = map {chr $_} 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028,
+ 0x2029;
+ my @lb = ("\x0D\x0A", map {chr $_} 0x0A .. 0x0D, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029);
+ foreach my $t ([\@h, qr/\h/, qr/\h+/],
+ [\@v, qr/\v/, qr/\v+/],
+ [\@lb, qr/\R/, qr/\R+/],) {
+ my $ary = shift @$t;
+ foreach my $pat (@$t) {
+ foreach my $str (@$ary) {
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, $pat;
+ iseq $1, $str, $pat;
+ utf8::upgrade ($str);
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ iseq $1, $str, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms";
+ # Test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff,
+ # but its actually needed. The malarky with '-' is to prevent
+ # compilation caching from playing any role in the test.
+ my @df = (chr (0xDF), '-', chr (0xDF));
+ utf8::upgrade ($df [2]);
+ my @strs = ('ss', 'sS', 'Ss', 'SS', chr (0xDF));
+ my @ss = map {("$_", "$_")} @strs;
+ utf8::upgrade ($ss [$_ * 2 + 1]) for 0 .. $#strs;
+ for my $ssi (0 .. $#ss) {
+ for my $dfi (0 .. $#df) {
+ my $pat = $df [$dfi];
+ my $str = $ss [$ssi];
+ my $utf_df = ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ my $utf_ss = ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ (my $sstr = $str) =~ s/\xDF/\\xDF/;
+ if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length ($ss [$ssi]) == 1) {
+ my $ret = $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" =~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ret = $str !~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" !~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte";
+ my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/;
+ my $hyp = "\0\0\0-";
+ my $esc = "\0\0\0\\";
+ my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc";
+ my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g);
+ iseq @a,3;
+ local $" = "=";
+ iseq "@a","$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test for keys in %+ and %-
+ local $Message = 'Test keys in %+ and %-';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $_ = "abcdef";
+ /(?<foo>a)|(?<foo>b)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a ");
+ /(?<bar>a)(?<bar>b)(?<quux>.)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a,c"); # leftmost
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c");
+ /(?<un>a)(?<deux>c)?/; # second buffer won't capture
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a");
+ }
+ {
+ # length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len
+ my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook";
+ /^ \w+ \s (?<eek>\S+)/x;
+ iseq length ($`), 0, q[length $`];
+ iseq length ($'), 4, q[length $'];
+ iseq length ($&), 9, q[length $&];
+ iseq length ($1), 4, q[length $1];
+ iseq length ($+{eek}), 4, q[length $+{eek} == length $1];
+ }
+ {
+ my $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 0, '$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $_;
+ ($_ = 'abc') =~ /(abc)/g;
+ $_ = '123';
+ iseq "$1", 'abc', "/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2>';
+ my $str = "";
+ for (0 .. 5) {
+ my @x;
+ $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string
+ 'a' =~ /(a|)/;
+ push @x, 1;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ $str = "";
+ my @foo = ('a') x 5;
+ for (@foo) {
+ my @bar;
+ $str .= "@bar";
+ s/a|/push @bar, 1/e;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '45605';
+ # [perl #45605] Regexp failure with utf8-flagged and byte-flagged string
+ my $utf_8 = "\xd6schel";
+ utf8::upgrade ($utf_8);
+ $utf_8 =~ m {(\xd6|&Ouml;)schel};
+ iseq $1, "\xd6", "Upgrade error";
+ }
+ {
+# more TRIE/AHOCORASICK problems with mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding
+ for my $chr (160 .. 255) {
+ my $chr_byte = chr($chr);
+ my $chr_utf8 = chr($chr); utf8::upgrade($chr_utf8);
+ my $rx = qr{$chr_byte|X}i;
+ ok($chr_utf8 =~ $rx, "utf8/latin, codepoint $chr");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Regardless of utf8ness any character matches itself when
+ # doing a case insensitive match. See also [perl #36207]
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ for my $o (0 .. 255) {
+ my @ch = (chr ($o), chr ($o));
+ utf8::upgrade ($ch [1]);
+ for my $u_str (0, 1) {
+ for my $u_pat (0, 1) {
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E/i,
+ "\$c =~ /\$c/i : chr ($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E|xyz/i,
+ "\$c=~/\$c|xyz/i : chr($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = 3; "" =~ /(??{ $a })/;
+ our $b = $a;
+ iseq $b, $a, "Copy of scalar used for postponed subexpression";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '49190';
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK in replacement';
+ our $REGMARK;
+ my $_ = "A";
+ ok s/(*:B)A/$REGMARK/;
+ iseq $_, "B";
+ $_ = "CCCCBAA";
+ ok s/(*:X)A+|(*:Y)B+|(*:Z)C+/$REGMARK/g;
+ iseq $_, "ZYX";
+ }
+ {
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ (\w+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n,$^N;
+ push @plus,$+;
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $match = '<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>' =~ m/^$nested_tags$/;
+ ok $match, 'nested construct matches';
+ iseq "@ctl_n", "bla blubb", '$^N inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ iseq "@plus", "bla blubb", '$+ inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '52658';
+ local $Message = 'Substitution evaluation in list context';
+ my $reg = '../xxx/';
+ my @te = ($reg =~ m{^(/?(?:\.\./)*)},
+ $reg =~ s/(x)/'b'/eg > 1 ? '##' : '++');
+ iseq $reg, '../bbb/';
+ iseq $te [0], '../';
+ }
+ # This currently has to come before any "use encoding" in this file.
+ {
+ local $Message;
+ local $BugId = '59342';
+ must_warn 'qr/\400/', '^Use of octal value above 377';
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ # XXX: This set of tests is essentially broken, POSIX character classes
+ # should not have differing definitions under Unicode.
+ # There are property names for that.
+ skip "Tests assume ASCII", 4 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ my @notIsPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ and not /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7f;
+ iseq join ('', @notIsPunct), '$+<=>^`|~',
+ '[:punct:] disagress with IsPunct on Symbols';
+ my @isPrint = grep {not /[[:print:]]/ and /\p{IsPrint}/}
+ map {chr} 0 .. 0x1f, 0x7f .. 0x9f;
+ iseq join ('', @isPrint), "\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x85",
+ 'IsPrint disagrees with [:print:] on control characters';
+ my @isPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunct), "\xa1\xab\xb7\xbb\xbf", # ¡ « · » ¿
+ 'IsPunct disagrees with [:punct:] outside ASCII';
+ my @isPunctLatin1 = eval q {
+ use encoding 'latin1';
+ grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ };
+ skip "Eval failed ($@)", 1 if $@;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunctLatin1), '',
+ 'IsPunct agrees with [:punct:] with explicit Latin1';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60034';
+ my $a = "xyzt" x 8192;
+ ok $a =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string';
+ my $b = $a . chr 256;
+ chop $b;
+ {
+ iseq $a, $b;
+ }
+ ok $b =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string with UTF-8';
+ }
+ #
+ # Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
+ #
+ print "# Tests that follow may crash perl\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049/38869';
+ local $Message = 'Pattern in a loop, failure should not ' .
+ 'affect previous success';
+ my @list = (
+ 'ab cdef', # Matches regex
+ ('e' x 40000 ) .'ab c' # Matches not, but 'ab c' matches part of it
+ );
+ my $y;
+ my $x;
+ foreach (@list) {
+ m/ab(.+)cd/i; # The ignore-case seems to be important
+ $y = $1; # Use $1, which might not be from the last match!
+ $x = substr ($list [0], $- [0], $+ [0] - $- [0]);
+ }
+ iseq $y, ' ';
+ iseq $x, 'ab cd';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '24274';
+ ok (("a" x (2 ** 15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker");
+ ok ((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
+ "Regexp /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/ crashes older perls");
+ }
+ {
+ eval '/\k/';
+ ok $@ =~ /\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/,
+ 'Lone \k not allowed';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Substitution with lookahead (possible segv)";
+ $_ = "ns1ns1ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1ns_1ns_1";
+ $_ = "ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1";
+ $_ = "123";
+ s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g;
+ iseq $_, "!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!";
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #45337] utf8 + "[a]a{2}" + /$.../ = panic: sv_len_utf8 cache
+ local $BugId = '45337';
+ local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
+ local $Message = "Shouldn't panic";
+ my $s = "[a]a{2}";
+ utf8::upgrade $s;
+ ok "aaa" =~ /$s/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '57042';
+ local $Message = "Check if tree logic breaks \$^R";
+ my $cond_re = qr/\s*
+ \s* (?:
+ \( \s* A (?{1})
+ | \( \s* B (?{2})
+ )
+ /x;
+ my @res;
+ for my $line ("(A)","(B)") {
+ if ($line =~ m/$cond_re/) {
+ push @res, $^R ? "#$^R" : "UNDEF";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq "@res","#1 #2";
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my $re = qr/A(??{"1"})/;
+ ok "A1B" =~ m/^((??{ $re }))((??{"B"}))$/;
+ ok $1 eq "A1";
+ ok $2 eq "B";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $Message = 'Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{{})';
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ ((\w)+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
+ [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
+ [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
+ if ($test->[0] != $match) {
+ # unset @ctl_n and @plus
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $BugId = '56194';
+ our $f;
+ local $f;
+ $f = sub {
+ defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";
+ };
+ ok("123" =~ m/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/);
+ our @ctl_n;
+ our @plus;
+ my $re = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ our $re5;
+ local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [
+ # String to match
+ # Regex too match
+ # Expected values of $^N
+ # Expected values of $+
+ # Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
+ # ]
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re)(|a(b)c|def)(??{$^R})$#,
+ "1 2 3 abc",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re2)$#,
+ "1 2 3 123abc3",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re3)$#,
+ "1 2 123abc3",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234",
+ qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
+ "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234556",
+ qr#^(\d+)($re6)($re6)($re6)$re6(($re6)$re6)$#,
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
+ ],
+ [
+ "12345562",
+ qr#^((??{$re8}))($re7)($re7)($re7)$re7($re7)($re7(\2))$#,
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
+ ],
+ ) {
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match, "match $c");
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
+ $str = "";
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ iseq($str, $test->[4], "str $c");
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($] le '5.010') {
+ skip "test segfaults on perl < 5.10", 4;
+ }
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ our $re4;
+ local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match);
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ $str = "";
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq("@plus", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq($str, "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = undef");
+ }
+ }
+ # This only works under -DEBUGGING because it relies on an assert().
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60508';
+ local $Message = "Check capture offset re-entrancy of utf8 code.";
+ sub fswash { $_[0] =~ s/([>X])//g; }
+ my $k1 = "." x 4 . ">>";
+ fswash($k1);
+ my $k2 = "\x{f1}\x{2022}";
+ $k2 =~ s/([\360-\362])/>/g;
+ fswash($k2);
+ iseq($k2, "\x{2022}", "utf8::SWASHNEW doesn't cause capture leaks");
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = 65372; # minimal CURLYM limited to 32767 matches
+ my @pat = (
+ qr{a(x|y)*b}, # CURLYM
+ qr{a(x|y)*?b}, # .. with minmod
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*b}, # .. and without tries
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*?b},
+ );
+ my $len = 32768;
+ my $s = join '', 'a', 'x' x $len, 'b';
+ for my $pat (@pat) {
+ ok($s =~ $pat, $pat);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # This should be the last test.
+ #
+ iseq $test + 1, $EXPECTED_TESTS, "Got the right number of tests!";
+} # End of sub run_tests
diff --git a/t/re/ b/t/re/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b5bbb3575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/re/
@@ -0,0 +1,4391 @@
+# This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into
+# the format supported by re/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
+# that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+sub run_tests;
+$| = 1;
+my $EXPECTED_TESTS = 4066; # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+our $TODO;
+our $Message = "Noname test";
+our $Error;
+our $DiePattern;
+our $WarnPattern;
+our $BugId;
+our $PatchId;
+our $running_as_thread;
+my $ordA = ord ('A'); # This defines ASCII/UTF-8 vs EBCDIC/UTF-EBCDIC
+# This defined the platform.
+my $IS_ASCII = $ordA == 65;
+my $IS_EBCDIC = $ordA == 193;
+use vars '%Config';
+eval 'use Config'; # Defaults assumed if this fails
+my $test = 0;
+print "1..$EXPECTED_TESTS\n";
+run_tests unless caller ();
+END {
+sub pretty {
+ my ($mess) = @_;
+ $mess =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $mess =~ s/([\00-\37\177])/sprintf '\%03o', ord $1/eg;
+ $mess =~ s/#/\\#/g;
+ $mess;
+sub safe_globals {
+ defined($_) and s/#/\\#/g for $BugId, $PatchId, $TODO;
+sub _ok {
+ my ($ok, $mess, $error) = @_;
+ safe_globals();
+ $mess = pretty ($mess // $Message);
+ $mess .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ $mess .= "; Patch $PatchId" if defined $PatchId;
+ $mess .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(1)) [2];
+ printf "%sok %d - %s\n",
+ ($ok ? "" : "not "),
+ ++ $test,
+ "$mess\tLine $line_nr";
+ unless ($ok) {
+ print "# Failed test at line $line_nr\n" unless defined $TODO;
+ if ($error //= $Error) {
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ chomp $error;
+ $error = join "\n#", map {pretty $_} split /\n\h*#/ => $error;
+ $error = "# $error" unless $error =~ /^\h*#/;
+ print $error, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+# Force scalar context on the pattern match
+sub ok ($;$$) {_ok $_ [0], $_ [1], $_ [2]}
+sub nok ($;$$) {_ok !$_ [0], "Failed: " . ($_ [1] // $Message), $_ [2]}
+sub skip {
+ my $why = shift;
+ safe_globals();
+ $why =~ s/\n.*//s;
+ $why .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ # seems like the new harness code doesnt like todo and skip to be mixed.
+ # which seems like a bug in the harness to me. -- dmq
+ #$why .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $n = shift // 1;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(0)) [2];
+ for (1 .. $n) {
+ ++ $test;
+ #print "not " if defined $TODO;
+ print "ok $test # skip $why\tLine $line_nr\n";
+ }
+ no warnings "exiting";
+ last SKIP;
+sub iseq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got eq $expect;
+ my $error = "# expected: $expect\n" .
+ "# result: $got";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub isneq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ my $todo = $TODO ? " # TODO $TODO" : '';
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got ne $expect;
+ my $error = "# results are equal ($got)";
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
+sub eval_ok ($;$) {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ local $@;
+ if (ref $code) {
+ _ok eval {&$code} && !$@, $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ _ok eval ($code) && !$@, $name;
+ }
+sub must_die {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $DiePattern;
+ undef $@;
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $@ && $@ =~ /$pattern/;
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "\$\@ =~ /$pattern/";
+sub must_warn {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $WarnPattern;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $w && $w =~ /$pattern/;
+ $w //= "UNDEF";
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "Got warning /$pattern/",
+ "# expected: /$pattern/\n" .
+ "# result: $w";
+sub may_not_warn {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ _ok !$w, $name // ($Message ? "$Message (did not warn)"
+ : "Did not warn"),
+ "Got warning '$w'";
+# Tests start here.
+sub run_tests {
+ {
+ my $x = "abc\ndef\n";
+ ok $x =~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" =~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x !~ /^def/, qq ["$x" !~ /^def/];
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok $x =~ /^def/m, qq ["$x" =~ /^def/m];
+ nok $x =~ /^xxx/, qq ["$x" =~ /^xxx/];
+ nok $x !~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" !~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x =~ /def/, qq ["$x" =~ /def/];
+ nok $x !~ /def/, qq ["$x" !~ /def/];
+ ok $x !~ /.def/, qq ["$x" !~ /.def/];
+ nok $x =~ /.def/, qq ["$x" =~ /.def/];
+ ok $x =~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" =~ /\ndef/];
+ nok $x !~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" !~ /\ndef/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123';
+ ok /^([0-9][0-9]*)/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^([0-9][0-9]*)/];
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'aaabbbccc';
+ ok /(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc',
+ qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a*b*)(c*)/];
+ ok /(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc', qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a+b+c+)/];
+ nok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ $_ = 'aaabccc';
+ ok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ $_ = 'aaaccc';
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ nok /a*b+c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b+c*/];
+ $_ = 'abcdef';
+ ok /bcd|xyz/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /bcd|xyz/];
+ ok /xyz|bcd/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /xyz|bcd/];
+ ok m|bc/*d|, qq [\$_ = '$_'; m|bc/*d|];
+ ok /^$_$/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^\$_\$/];
+ }
+ {
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok "ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m, qq ["ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m];
+ }
+ {
+ our %XXX = map {($_ => $_)} 123, 234, 345;
+ our @XXX = ('ok 1','not ok 1', 'ok 2','not ok 2','not ok 3');
+ while ($_ = shift(@XXX)) {
+ my $f = index ($_, 'not') >= 0 ? \&nok : \&ok;
+ my $r = ?(.*)?;
+ &$f ($r, "?(.*)?");
+ /not/ && reset;
+ if (/not ok 2/) {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $_ = shift(@XXX);
+ }
+ else {
+ reset 'X';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip "Reset 'X'", 1;
+ }
+ ok !keys %XXX, "%XXX is empty";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test empty pattern";
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ my $cde = 'cde';
+ $cde =~ /[^ab]*/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ my $foo = '[^ab]*';
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ my $null;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $null = "";
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = q !Check $`, $&, $'!;
+ $_ = 'abcdefghi';
+ /def/; # optimized up to cmd
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ no warnings 'void';
+ /cde/ + 0; # optimized only to spat
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'ab:cde:fghi';
+ /[d][e][f]/; # not optimized
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'now is the {time for all} good men to come to.';
+ / {([^}]*)}/;
+ iseq $1, 'time for all', "Match braces";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "{N,M} quantifier";
+ $_ = 'xxx {3,4} yyy zzz';
+ ok /( {3,4})/;
+ iseq $1, ' ';
+ ok !/( {4,})/;
+ ok /( {2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, ' y';
+ ok /(y{2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, 'yyy ';
+ ok !/x {3,4}/;
+ ok !/^xxx {3,4}/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test /g";
+ local $" = ":";
+ $_ = "now is the time for all good men to come to.";
+ my @words = /(\w+)/g;
+ my $exp = "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to";
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ while (/\w+/g) {
+ push (@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
+ @words = ();
+ pos = 0;
+ while (/to/g) {
+ push(@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ pos $_ = 0;
+ @words = /to/g;
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "abcdefghi";
+ my $pat1 = 'def';
+ my $pat2 = '^def';
+ my $pat3 = '.def.';
+ my $pat4 = 'abc';
+ my $pat5 = '^abc';
+ my $pat6 = 'abc$';
+ my $pat7 = 'ghi';
+ my $pat8 = '\w*ghi';
+ my $pat9 = 'ghi$';
+ my $t1 = my $t2 = my $t3 = my $t4 = my $t5 =
+ my $t6 = my $t7 = my $t8 = my $t9 = 0;
+ for my $iter (1 .. 5) {
+ $t1++ if /$pat1/o;
+ $t2++ if /$pat2/o;
+ $t3++ if /$pat3/o;
+ $t4++ if /$pat4/o;
+ $t5++ if /$pat5/o;
+ $t6++ if /$pat6/o;
+ $t7++ if /$pat7/o;
+ $t8++ if /$pat8/o;
+ $t9++ if /$pat9/o;
+ }
+ my $x = "$t1$t2$t3$t4$t5$t6$t7$t8$t9";
+ iseq $x, '505550555', "Test /o";
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc$|$xyz/, "| after \$";
+ # perl 4.009 says "unmatched ()"
+ local $Message = '$ inside ()';
+ my $result;
+ eval '"abc" =~ /a(bc$)|$xyz/; $result = "$&:$1"';
+ iseq $@, "" or skip "eval failed", 1;
+ iseq $result, "abc:bc";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ $_ = "abcfooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/abc/g;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /gi";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "";
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/ABC/gi;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "fooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "bar";
+ $_ .= '';
+ my @x = /abc/g;
+ iseq @x, 2, "/g reset after assignment";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '/g, \G and pos';
+ $_ = "abdc";
+ pos $_ = 2;
+ /\Gc/gc;
+ iseq pos $_, 2;
+ /\Gc/g;
+ ok !defined pos $_;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '(?{ })';
+ our $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 2 })b';
+ iseq $out, 2;
+ $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 3 })c';
+ iseq $out, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'foobar1 bar2 foobar3 barfoobar5 foobar6';
+ my @out = /(?<!foo)bar./g;
+ iseq "@out", 'bar2 barf', "Negative lookbehind";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "REG_INFTY tests";
+ # Tests which depend on REG_INFTY
+ $::reg_infty = $Config {reg_infty} // 32767;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty - 1;
+ $::reg_infty_p = $::reg_infty + 1;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty_m; # Surpress warning.
+ # As well as failing if the pattern matches do unexpected things, the
+ # next three tests will fail if you should have picked up a lower-than-
+ # default value for $reg_infty from, but have not.
+ eval_ok q (('aaa' =~ /(a{1,$::reg_infty_m})/)[0] eq 'aaa');
+ eval_ok q (('a' x $::reg_infty_m) =~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval_ok q (('a' x ($::reg_infty_m - 1)) !~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty_p}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ }
+ {
+ # Poke a couple more parse failures
+ my $context = 'x' x 256;
+ eval qq("${context}y" =~ /(?<=$context)y/);
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QLookbehind longer than 255 not/, "Lookbehind limit";
+ }
+ {
+ # Long Monsters
+ local $Message = "Long monster";
+ for my $l (125, 140, 250, 270, 300000, 30) { # Ordered to free memory
+ my $a = 'a' x $l;
+ local $Error = "length = $l";
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ nok "b$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ ok "b$a=" =~ /ba+=/;
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /b(?:a|b)+=/;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # 20000 nodes, each taking 3 words per string, and 1 per branch
+ my $long_constant_len = join '|', 12120 .. 32645;
+ my $long_var_len = join '|', 8120 .. 28645;
+ my %ans = ( 'ax13876y25677lbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677mcb' => 0, # not b.
+ 'ax13876y35677nbc' => 0, # Num too big
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378obc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378zbc' => 0, # Not followed by [k-o]
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kcb' => 0, # Not b.
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378y21378kbc' => 0, # 5 runs
+ );
+ local $Message = "20000 nodes";
+ for (keys %ans) {
+ local $Error = "const-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_constant_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ local $Error = "var-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_var_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Complicated backtracking";
+ $_ = " a (bla()) and x(y b((l)u((e))) and b(l(e)e)e";
+ my $expect = "(bla()) ((l)u((e))) (l(e)e)";
+ use vars '$c';
+ sub matchit {
+ m/
+ (
+ \(
+ (?{ $c = 1 }) # Initialize
+ (?:
+ (?(?{ $c == 0 }) # PREVIOUS iteration was OK, stop the loop
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail: will unwind one iteration back
+ )
+ (?:
+ [^()]+ # Match a big chunk
+ (?=
+ [()]
+ ) # Do not try to match subchunks
+ |
+ \(
+ (?{ ++$c })
+ |
+ \)
+ (?{ --$c })
+ )
+ )+ # This may not match with different subblocks
+ )
+ (?(?{ $c != 0 })
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail
+ ) # Otherwise the chunk 1 may succeed with $c>0
+ /xg;
+ }
+ my @ans = ();
+ my $res;
+ push @ans, $res while $res = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ @ans = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ local $Message = "Recursion with (??{ })";
+ our $matched;
+ $matched = qr/\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$matched}))*\)/;
+ @ans = my @ans1 = ();
+ push (@ans, $res), push (@ans1, $&) while $res = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ iseq "@ans1", $expect;
+ @ans = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
+ }
+ {
+ ok "abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/, '"abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ans = ('a/b' =~ m%(.*/)?(.*)%); # Stack may be bad
+ iseq "@ans", 'a/ b', "Stack may be bad";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Eval-group not allowed at runtime";
+ my $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ our $blah = 12;
+ eval { /(?$code)/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ for $code ('{$blah = 45}','=xx') {
+ $blah = 12;
+ my $res = eval { "xx" =~ /(?$code)/o };
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ local $Error = "'$@', '$res', '$blah'";
+ if ($code eq '=xx') {
+ ok !$@ && $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ }
+ }
+ $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ $blah = 12;
+ eval "/(?$code)/";
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ $blah = 12;
+ /(?{$blah = 45})/;
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Pos checks";
+ my $x = 'banana';
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ $x =~ /.z/gc;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ sub f {
+ my $p = $_[0];
+ return $p;
+ }
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq f (pos ($x)), 4;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Checking $^R';
+ our $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[t]/;
+ iseq $^R, 75;
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[xy]/;
+ ok $^R eq '67' && $x eq '12';
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{ $^R + 12 })((?{ $x = 12; $^R + 17 })[xy])?/;
+ ok $^R eq '79' && $x eq '12';
+ }
+ {
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/i, '(?i-xsm:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/i';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/s, '(?s-xim:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/s';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/m, '(?m-xis:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/m';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/x, '(?x-ism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/x';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/xism, '(?msix:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/xism';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/, '(?-xism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Look around";
+ $_ = 'xabcx';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'c') {
+ ok /(?<=(?=a)..)((?=c)|.)/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $1, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Empty clause";
+ $_ = 'a';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'a', '') {
+ ok /^|a|$/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $&, $ans;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Prefixify";
+ sub prefixify {
+ SKIP: {
+ my ($v, $a, $b, $res) = @_;
+ ok $v =~ s/\Q$a\E/$b/ or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $v, $res;
+ }
+ }
+ prefixify ('/a/b/lib/arch', "/a/b/lib", 'X/lib', 'X/lib/arch');
+ prefixify ('/a/b/man/arch', "/a/b/man", 'X/man', 'X/man/arch');
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = 'var="foo"';
+ /(\")/;
+ ok $1 && /$1/, "Capture a quote";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Call code from qr //";
+ $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
+ $b = 7;
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '9';
+ $c="$a";
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '11';
+ undef $@;
+ eval {/$c/};
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/;
+ use re "eval";
+ /$a$c$a/;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ our $lex_a = 43;
+ our $lex_b = 17;
+ our $lex_c = 27;
+ my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ no re "eval";
+ undef $@;
+ my $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ $lex_a = 2;
+ $lex_a = 43;
+ $lex_b = 17;
+ $lex_c = 27;
+ $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ local $Message = '(?{ $var } refers to package vars';
+ package aa;
+ our $c = 2;
+ $::c = 3;
+ '' =~ /(?{ $c = 4 })/;
+ main::iseq $c, 4;
+ main::iseq $::c, 3;
+ }
+ {
+ must_die 'q(a:[b]:) =~ /[x[:foo:]]/',
+ 'POSIX class \[:[^:]+:\] unknown in regex',
+ 'POSIX class [: :] must have valid name';
+ for my $d (qw [= .]) {
+ must_die "/[[${d}foo${d}]]/",
+ "\QPOSIX syntax [$d $d] is reserved for future extensions",
+ "POSIX syntax [[$d $d]] is an error";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # test if failure of patterns returns empty list
+ local $Message = "Failed pattern returns empty list";
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ @_ = /bbb/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /bbb/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '@- and @+ tests';
+ /a(?=.$)/;
+ iseq $#+, 0;
+ iseq $#-, 0;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [1] && !defined $- [1] &&
+ !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2];
+ /a(a)(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 2;
+ iseq $+ [0], 3;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [2], 3;
+ iseq $- [2], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)(b)?(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 3;
+ iseq $#-, 3;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [3], 3;
+ iseq $- [3], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 1;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3];
+ /.(a)(ba*)?/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $DiePattern = '^Modification of a read-only value attempted';
+ local $Message = 'Elements of @- and @+ are read-only';
+ must_die '$+[0] = 13';
+ must_die '$-[0] = 13';
+ must_die '@+ = (7, 6, 5)';
+ must_die '@- = qw (foo bar)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G testing';
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ pos = 1;
+ my @a = /\Ga/g;
+ iseq "@a", "a a";
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ pos $str = 2;
+ ok $str !~ /^\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^.\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /^..\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^...\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /\G../ && $& eq 'cd';
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ ok $str =~ /.\G./ && $& eq 'bc';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'pos inside (?{ })';
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ our ($foo, $bar);
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos ($str);
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos $str = undef;
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos ($str), 3;
+ $_ = $str;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos, 3;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos = undef;
+ 1 while /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ ok s/b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/x/g;
+ iseq $foo, 'abcde|abcde';
+ iseq $bar, 8;
+ iseq $_, 'axde|axde';
+ # List context:
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ our @res;
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $1,$2})([ce])(?{push @res, $1,$2})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'a' undef 'a' 'c' 'e' undef 'a' undef 'a' 'c'";
+ @res = ();
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})([ce])(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'' 'ab' 'cde|abcde' " .
+ "'' 'abc' 'de|abcde' " .
+ "'abcd' 'e|' 'abcde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'ab' 'cde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'abc' 'de'" ;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $foo = 'aabbccddeeffgg';
+ pos ($foo) = 1;
+ {
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'ab';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cc';
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'de';
+ ok $foo =~ /\Gef/g;
+ }
+ undef pos $foo;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'aa';
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'bb';
+ pos ($foo) = 5;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cd';
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = '123x123';
+ my @res = /(\d*|x)/g;
+ local $" = '|';
+ iseq "@res", "123||x|123|", "0 match in alternation";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Match against temporaries (created via pp_helem())" .
+ " is safe";
+ ok {foo => "bar\n" . $^X} -> {foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
+ iseq $1, "bar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'package $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ our @a = qw [foo bar];
+ our @b = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @b, $1})/,$1,/g for @a;
+ iseq "@b", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@a", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ local $Message = 'lexical $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my @c = qw [foo bar];
+ my @d = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @d, $1})/,$1,/g for @c;
+ iseq "@d", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@c", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Brackets';
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr {
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{{}" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{}";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ m/((??{ $brackets }))/;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "a-a\nxbb";
+ pos = 1;
+ nok m/^-.*bb/mg, '$_ = "a-a\nxbb"; m/^-.*bb/mg';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $text = "aaXbXcc";
+ pos ($text) = 0;
+ ok $text !~ /\GXb*X/g;
+ }
+ {
+ $_ = "xA\n" x 500;
+ nok /^\s*A/m, '$_ = "xA\n" x 500; /^\s*A/m"';
+ my $text = "abc dbf";
+ my @res = ($text =~ /.*?(b).*?\b/g);
+ iseq "@res", "b b", '\b is not special';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\S, [\S], \s, [\s]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\D, [\D], \d, [\d]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\W, [\W], \w, [\w]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ # see if backtracking optimization works correctly
+ local $Message = 'Backtrack optimization';
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n* $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n*? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n*+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n++ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?+ $ \n/x;
+ }
+ {
+ package S;
+ use overload '""' => sub {'Object S'};
+ sub new {bless []}
+ local $Message = "Ref stringification";
+ ::ok do { \my $v} =~ /^SCALAR/, "Scalar ref stringification";
+ ::ok do {\\my $v} =~ /^REF/, "Ref ref stringification";
+ ::ok [] =~ /^ARRAY/, "Array ref stringification";
+ ::ok {} =~ /^HASH/, "Hash ref stringification";
+ ::ok 'S' -> new =~ /^Object S/, "Object stringification";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test result of match used as match";
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /y/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /t/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '"1" is not \s';
+ may_not_warn sub {ok ("1\n" x 102) !~ /^\s*\n/m};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\s, [[:space:]] and [[:blank:]]';
+ my %space = (spc => " ",
+ tab => "\t",
+ cr => "\r",
+ lf => "\n",
+ ff => "\f",
+ # There's no \v but the vertical tabulator seems miraculously
+ # be 11 both in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ vt => chr(11),
+ false => "space");
+ my @space0 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /\s/ } keys %space;
+ my @space1 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:space:]]/} keys %space;
+ my @space2 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:blank:]]/} keys %space;
+ iseq "@space0", "cr ff lf spc tab";
+ iseq "@space1", "cr ff lf spc tab vt";
+ iseq "@space2", "spc tab";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000731.001';
+ ok "A \x{263a} B z C" =~ /A . B (??{ "z" }) C/,
+ "Match UTF-8 char in presense of (??{ })";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001021.005';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok undef =~ /^([^\/]*)(.*)$/, "Used to cause a SEGV";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "a\x{100}b";
+ ok /(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/ or skip q [\C doesn't match], 4;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ if ($IS_ASCII) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8
+ iseq $2, "\xC4";
+ iseq $3, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC
+ iseq $2, "\x8C";
+ iseq $3, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ SKIP: {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ skip "Unexpected platform";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $4, "b";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "\x{100}";
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match], 2;
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\xC4";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x8C";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match];
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Japhy -- added 03/03/2001
+ () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/;
+ $str = "def";
+ iseq $1, "abc", 'Changing subject does not modify $1';
+ }
+ {
+ # The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should
+ # match (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range
+ # should not match.
+ ok "\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/, '"\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/';
+ ok "\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/, '"\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/';
+ skip "Not an EBCDIC platform", 2 unless ord ('i') == 0x89 &&
+ ord ('J') == 0xd1;
+ # In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not
+ # in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match
+ # 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for
+ # the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there.
+ nok "\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/, '"\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/';
+ nok "\xce" !~ /[I-J]/, '"\xce" !~ /[I-J]/';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/, '"\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/ ';
+ ok "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/, '"\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'bug id 20001008.001';
+ my @x = ("stra\337e 138", "stra\337e 138");
+ for (@x) {
+ ok s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
+ ok my ($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
+ iseq $latin, "stra\337e";
+ ok $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/;
+ #
+ # Previous code follows, but outcommented - there were no tests.
+ #
+ # $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
+ # use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8
+ # $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Test \x escapes';
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001028.003';
+ # Fist half of the bug.
+ local $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA matched by .*';
+ my $X = chr (1448);
+ ok my ($Y) = $X =~ /(.*)/;
+ iseq $Y, v1448;
+ iseq length ($Y), 1;
+ # Second half of the bug.
+ $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA in replacement';
+ $X = '';
+ $X =~ s/^/chr(1488)/e;
+ iseq length $X, 1;
+ iseq ord ($X), 1488;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001108.001';
+ local $Message = 'Repeated s///';
+ my $X = "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ my $Y = $X;
+ $Y =~ s/(B)/$1/ for 0 .. 3;
+ iseq $Y, $X;
+ iseq $X, "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000517.001';
+ local $Message = 's/// on UTF-8 string';
+ my $x = "\x{100}A";
+ $x =~ s/A/B/;
+ iseq $x, "\x{100}B";
+ iseq length $x, 2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001230.002';
+ local $Message = '\C and É';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(.)/ && $1 eq 'c';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(c)/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Match code points > 255';
+ $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg";
+ ok /(.\x{300})./ or skip "No match", 4;
+ ok $` eq "abc\x{100}" && length ($`) == 4;
+ ok $& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length ($&) == 3;
+ ok $' eq "\x{400}defg" && length ($') == 5;
+ ok $1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length ($1) == 2;
+ }
+ {
+ # The original bug report had 'no utf8' here but that was irrelevant.
+ local $BugId = '20010306.008';
+ local $Message = "Don't dump core";
+ my $a = "a\x{1234}";
+ ok $a =~ m/\w/; # used to core dump.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20010410.006';
+ local $Message = '/g in scalar context';
+ for my $rx ('/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/csg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/cg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/sg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/g',
+ '/(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/csg',) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $input = "a{b}c{d}";
+ eval <<" --";
+ while (eval \$input =~ $rx) {
+ \$i ++;
+ }
+ --
+ iseq $i, 2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $x = "\x{10FFFD}";
+ $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g;
+ ok ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1, "From Robin Houston";
+ }
+ {
+ my %d = (
+ "7f" => [0, 0, 0],
+ "80" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "ff" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "100" => [0, 1, 1],
+ );
+ while (my ($code, $match) = each %d) {
+ local $Message = "Properties of \\x$code";
+ my $char = eval qq ["\\x{$code}"];
+ my $i = 0;
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # From Japhy
+ local $Message;
+ must_warn 'qr/(?c)/', '^Useless \(\?c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-c)/', '^Useless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g)/', '^Useless \(\?g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-g)/', '^Useless \(\?-g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o)/', '^Useless \(\?o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-o)/', '^Useless \(\?-o\)';
+ # Now test multi-error regexes
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-o)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-c)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o-cg)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?ogc)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?g\).*\n' .
+ 'Useless \(\?c\)';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/x tests";
+ $_ = "foo";
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o\r
+ o
+ \$
+ /x
+ --
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o
+ o
+ \$\r
+ /x
+ --
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "/o feature";
+ sub test_o {$_ [0] =~ /$_[1]/o; return $1}
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '(.)..'), 'a';
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '..(.)'), 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20010619.003";
+ # Amazingly vertical tabulator is the same in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ for ("\n", "\t", "\014", "\r") {
+ ok !/[[:print:]]/, "'$_' not in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ for (" ") {
+ ok /[[:print:]]/, "'$_' in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex
+ local $Message = '$^N usage outside of a regex';
+ my $x = "abcdef";
+ ok ($x =~ /cde/ and !defined $^N);
+ ok ($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e");
+ {ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");}
+ ## Test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now
+ ## have the value set in the previous test.
+ iseq $^N, "e", '$^N is automatically localized';
+ # Now test inside (?{ ... })
+ local $Message = '$^N usage inside (?{ ... })';
+ our ($y, $z);
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcd");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcde");
+ }
+ {
+ ## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff,
+ ## but not sure how to guarantee a specific locale......
+ skip "Not an ASCII platform", 2 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ local $Message = 'Test [[:cntrl:]]';
+ my $AllBytes = join "" => map {chr} 0 .. 255;
+ (my $x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7E, 0x80 .. 0xFF;
+ ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F;
+ }
+ {
+ # With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 chars aren't bytes";
+ my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World";
+ my @a = ($a =~ /./gs);
+ iseq $#a, 12;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '. matches \n with /s';
+ my $str1 = "foo\nbar";
+ my $str2 = "foo\n\x{100}bar";
+ my ($a, $b) = map {chr} $IS_ASCII ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41);
+ my @a;
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 6; iseq "@a", "f o o b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 8; iseq "@a", "f o o \n \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010814.004] pos() doesn't work when using =~m// in list context
+ local $BugId = '20010814.004';
+ $_ = "ababacadaea";
+ my $a = join ":", /b./gc;
+ my $b = join ":", /a./gc;
+ my $c = pos;
+ iseq "$a $b $c", 'ba:ba ad:ae 10', "pos() works with () = m//";
+ }
+ {
+ # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from
+ # functions does not work
+ local $BugId = '20010407.006';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 return values from functions';
+ package ID_20010407_006;
+ sub x {"a\x{1234}"}
+ my $x = x;
+ my $y;
+ ::ok $x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ ::ok x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'digit';
+ # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these.
+ my $x;
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # and now again in [] ranges
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these.
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/,
+ "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ }
+ {
+ # High bit bug -- japhy
+ my $x = "ab\200d";
+ ok $x =~ /.*?\200/, "High bit fine";
+ }
+ {
+ # The basic character classes and Unicode
+ ok "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON in /\w/';
+ ok "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/, 'ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO in /\d/';
+ ok "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/, 'OGHAM SPACE MARK in /\s/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Folding matches and Unicode";
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'GREEK LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS'";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $PatchId = "13843";
+ local $Message = "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA vs " .
+ may_not_warn sub {ok "_:$char:_" !~ m/_:$SIGMA:_/i};
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\X';
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a";
+ ok "\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF";
+ ok "\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}";
+ ok "\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}";
+ ok "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ local $Message = '\C and \X';
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Cc/;
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Xc/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Final Sigma";
+ my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
+ my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
+ my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
+ local $Message = "More final Sigma";
+ my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma";
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Parlez-Vous " .
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Cais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\C\Cais/;
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ my @f = (
+ ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais", "Francais"],
+ );
+ foreach my $entry (@f) {
+ my ($subject, $match) = @$entry;
+ ok $subject =~ /Fran(?:c\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}?|
+ $& eq $match;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag doesn't mess up /i";
+ my $pat = "ABcde";
+ my $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE";
+ chop $pat;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $pat;
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S " .
+ ok "ss" =~ /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i;
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i;
+ ok "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}" =~ /ss/i;
+ local $Message = "Unoptimized named sequence in class";
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ ok "SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # More whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n";
+ # U+0085, U+00A0 need to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that.
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "EBCDIC platform", 4 if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ # Do \x{0015} and \x{0041} match \s in EBCDIC?
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{0085} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{0085}>" =~ /<\v>/, '\x{0085} in \v';
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{00A0} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\h>/, '\x{00A0} in \h';
+ }
+ my @h = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01680, 0x0180E, 0x02000 .. 0x0200A,
+ 0x0202F, 0x0205F, 0x03000;
+ my @v = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x02028, 0x02029;
+ my @H = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01361, 0x0200B, 0x02408, 0x02420,
+ 0x0303F, 0xE0020;
+ my @V = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x0008A .. 0x0008D, 0x00348, 0x10100,
+ 0xE005F, 0xE007C;
+ for my $hex (@h) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\h";
+ ok $str !~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\v";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@v) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\v";
+ ok $str !~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\h";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@H) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\H>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\H";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@V) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\V>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\V";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes
+ local $Message = ". with /s works on characters, not bytes";
+ my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}";
+ # This is not expected to match: the point is that
+ # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings.
+ may_not_warn sub {$s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs}, "No 'Malformed UTF-8' warning";
+ my @c;
+ push @c => $1 while $s =~ /\G(.)/gs;
+ local $" = "";
+ iseq "@c", $s;
+ # Test only chars < 256
+ my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}";
+ my $r1 = "";
+ while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r1 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # Repeat with a larger char
+ my $r2 = "";
+ while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r2 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//;
+ iseq $r1, $r2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Unicode lookbehind";
+ ok "A\x{100}B" =~ /(?<=A.)B/;
+ ok "A\x{200}\x{300}B" =~ /(?<=A..)B/;
+ ok "\x{400}AB" =~ /(?<=\x{400}.)B/;
+ ok "\x{500}\x{600}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # Original code also contained:
+ # ok "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # but that looks like a typo.
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 hash keys and /$/';
+ #
+ # /2002-01/msg01327.html
+ my $u = "a\x{100}";
+ my $v = substr ($u, 0, 1);
+ my $w = substr ($u, 1, 1);
+ my %u = ($u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w);
+ for (keys %u) {
+ my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ my $m2 = $u {$_} =~ /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ iseq $m1, $m2;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020124.005";
+ local $PatchId = "14795";
+ local $Message = "s///eg";
+ for my $char ("a", "\x{df}", "\x{100}") {
+ my $x = "$char b $char";
+ $x =~ s{($char)}{
+ "c" =~ /c/;
+ "x";
+ }ge;
+ iseq substr ($x, 0, 1), substr ($x, -1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "No SEGV in s/// and UTF-8";
+ my $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4;
+ ok $s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g;
+ iseq $s, "s \x{100}" x 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ iseq $s, "s " x 4;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug (maybe already known?)";
+ my $u = "foo";
+ $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}";
+ $u = "foobar";
+ $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r";
+ $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g;
+ iseq $u, "feeber";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug with s///";
+ # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures
+ # try to force all float/anchored check combinations
+ my $c = "\x{100}";
+ my $subst;
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x",
+ "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",) {
+ ok "xxx" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") {
+ ok "xxx" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") {
+ ok "xx$c" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, $c;
+ ok "xy$c" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xy$c") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") {
+ ok "xyz" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "qr /.../x";
+ my $R = qr / A B C # D E/x;
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ $R && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020412.005";
+ local $Message = "Correct pmop flags checked when empty pattern";
+ # Requires reuse of last successful pattern.
+ my $num = 123;
+ $num =~ /\d/;
+ for (0 .. 1) {
+ my $match = ?? + 0;
+ ok $match != $_, $Message,
+ sprintf "'match one' %s on %s iteration" =>
+ $match ? 'succeeded' : 'failed',
+ $_ ? 'second' : 'first';
+ }
+ $num =~ /(\d)/;
+ my $result = join "" => $num =~ //g;
+ iseq $result, $num;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20020630.002';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 regex matches above 32k';
+ for (['byte', "\x{ff}"], ['utf8', "\x{1ff}"]) {
+ my ($type, $char) = @$_;
+ for my $len (32000, 32768, 33000) {
+ my $s = $char . "f" x $len;
+ my $r = $s =~ /$char([f]*)/gc;
+ ok $r, $Message, "<$type x $len>";
+ ok !$r || pos ($s) == $len + 1, $Message,
+ "<$type x $len>; pos = @{[pos $s]}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
+ ok 'goodfood' =~ $a, "Reblessed qr // matches";
+ iseq $a, '(?-xism:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies";
+ my $x = "\x{3fe}";
+ my $z = my $y = "\317\276"; # Byte representation of $x
+ $a = qr /$x/;
+ ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
+ ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
+ "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17776';
+ iseq length qr /##/x, 12, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ $y = $z; # Reset $y after upgrade.
+ ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $PatchId = '18179';
+ my $s = "\x{100}" x 5;
+ my $ok = $s =~ /(\x{100}{4})/;
+ my ($ord, $len) = (ord $1, length $1);
+ ok $ok && $ord == 0x100 && $len == 4, "No panic: end_shift";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15763';
+ our $a = "x\x{100}";
+ chop $a; # Leaves the UTF-8 flag
+ $a .= "y"; # 1 byte before 'y'.
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 1-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\Cy/, 'match \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}y/, 'match \C{1}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\Cy/, q {don't match two \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}y/, q {don't match \C{2}y};
+ $a = "\x{100}y"; # 2 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 2-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C on 2-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\Cy/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}y/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match three \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}\Cy/, q {don't match \C{2}\Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{3}y/, q {don't match \C{3}y};
+ $a = "\x{1000}y"; # 3 bytes before "y"
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on three-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C\C/, 'match four \C on three-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{4}/, 'match \C{4}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\Cy/, 'match three \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}y/, 'match \C{3}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match four \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{4}y/, q {don't match \C{4}y};
+ }
+ {
+ local $\;
+ $_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa';
+ utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n";
+ ok /[^\s]+/, 'm/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok /[^\d]+/, 'm/[^\d]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15397';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 matching';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /\x{100}/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){1}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){2}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})(\x{100})/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '7471';
+ local $Message = 'Neither ()* nor ()*? sets $1 when matched 0 times';
+ local $_ = 'CD';
+ ok /(AB)*?CD/ && !defined $1;
+ ok /(AB)*CD/ && !defined $1;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '3547';
+ local $Message = "Caching shouldn't prevent match";
+ my $pattern = "^(b+?|a){1,2}c";
+ ok "bac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18232';
+ local $Message = '$1 should keep UTF-8 ness';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/;
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is UTF-8';
+ { 'a' =~ /./; }
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is still UTF-8';
+ isneq $1, "\xC4\x80", '$1 is not non-UTF-8';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19767';
+ local $Message = "Optimizer doesn't prematurely reject match";
+ use utf8;
+ my $attr = 'Name-1';
+ my $NormalChar = qr /[\p{IsDigit}\p{IsLower}\p{IsUpper}]/;
+ my $NormalWord = qr /${NormalChar}+?/;
+ my $PredNameHyphen = qr /^${NormalWord}(\-${NormalWord})*?$/;
+ $attr =~ /^$/;
+ ok $attr =~ $PredNameHyphen; # Original test.
+ "a" =~ m/[b]/;
+ ok "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/; # Variant.
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20683';
+ local $Message = "(??{ }) doesn't return stale values";
+ our $p = 1;
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ $p ++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ {
+ package P;
+ $a = 1;
+ sub TIESCALAR {bless []}
+ sub FETCH {$a ++}
+ }
+ tie $p, "P";
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ }
+ {
+ # Subject: Odd regexp behavior
+ # From: Markus Kuhn <>
+ # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000
+ # Message-Id: <>
+ # To:
+ local $Message = 'Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26';
+ my $x = "\x{2019}\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "\x{2019} k";
+ $x = "b\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "b k";
+ ok "\x{2019}" =~ /\S/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '21411';
+ local $Message = "(??{ .. }) in split doesn't corrupt its stack";
+ our $i;
+ ok '-1-3-5-' eq join '', split /((??{$i++}))/, '-1-3-5-';
+ no warnings 'syntax';
+ @_ = split /(?{'WOW'})/, 'abc';
+ local $" = "|";
+ iseq "@_", "a|b|c";
+ }
+ {
+ # XXX DAPM 13-Apr-06. Recursive split is still broken. It's only luck it
+ # hasn't been crashing. Disable this test until it is fixed properly.
+ # XXX also check what it returns rather than just doing ok(1,...)
+ # split /(?{ split "" })/, "abc";
+ local $TODO = "Recursive split is still broken";
+ ok 0, 'cache_re & "(?{": it dumps core in 5.6.1 & 5.8.0';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF-8 length cache and fbm_compile";
+ }
+ {
+ package Str;
+ use overload q /""/ => sub {${$_ [0]};};
+ sub new {my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c;}
+ package main;
+ $_ = Str -> new ("a\x{100}/\x{100}b");
+ ok join (":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17757';
+ $_ = "code: 'x' { '...' }\n"; study;
+ my @x; push @x, $& while m/'[^\']*'/gx;
+ local $" = ":";
+ iseq "@x", "'x':'...'", "Parse::RecDescent triggered infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ my $re = qq /^([^X]*)X/;
+ utf8::upgrade ($re);
+ ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22354';
+ sub func ($) {
+ ok "a\nb" !~ /^b/, "Propagated modifier; $_[0]";
+ ok "a\nb" =~ /^b/m, "Propagated modifier; $_[0] - with /m";
+ }
+ func "standalone";
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in subst"/e;
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in multiline subst"/em;
+ #
+ # Next two give 'panic: malloc'.
+ # Outcommented, using two TODOs.
+ #
+ local $TODO = 'panic: malloc';
+ local $Message = 'Postponed regexp and propaged modifier';
+ # ok 0 for 1 .. 2;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "panic: malloc", 2;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in regexp"})/;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in multiline regexp"})/m;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049';
+ $_ = "abcdef\n";
+ my @x = m/./g;
+ iseq "abcde", $`, 'Global match sets $`';
+ }
+ {
+ ok "123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/,
+ 'UTF-8 + multiple floating substr';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '<>';
+ ok " \x{101}" =~ qr/\x{100}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}" =~ qr/\x{1E00}/i;
+ ok " \x{10428}" =~ qr/\x{10400}/i;
+ ok " \x{1E01}x" =~ qr/\x{1E00}X/i;
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #23769] Unicode regex broken on simple example
+ # regrepeat() didn't handle UTF-8 EXACT case right.
+ local $BugId = '23769';
+ my $Mess = 'regrepeat() handles UTF-8 EXACT case right';
+ local $Message = $Mess;
+ my $s = "\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{100}"; chop $s;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}+/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}\x{a0}/;
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy variant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100}" =~ /(a+)/;
+ iseq $1, "aaa";
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy invariant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100} " =~ /(a+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100} " =~ /(\xa0+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat invariant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa0\xa0";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1";
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard invariant)";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+)/;
+ iseq $1, 'ababab';
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "ab";
+ $Message = "Don't match first byte of UTF-8 representation";
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+?)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}++)/;
+ }
+ {
+ for (120 .. 130) {
+ my $head = 'x' x $_;
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \x{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}', '\x61') {
+ eval_ok qq ["$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \N{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\N{SNOWFLAKE}') {
+ eval_ok qq [use charnames ':full';
+ "$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # perl panic: pp_match start/end pointers
+ local $BugId = '25269';
+ iseq "a-bc", eval {my ($x, $y) = "bca" =~ /^(?=.*(a)).*(bc)/; "$x-$y"},
+ 'Captures can move backwards in string';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940'; # \cA not recognized in character classes
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /\cA/, '\cA in pattern';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA]/, '\cA in character class';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in character class range';
+ ok "abc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cBb" =~ /[\cA-\cC]/, '\cB in character class range';
+ ok "a\cCbc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cC in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /(??{"\cA"})/, '\cA in ??{} pattern';
+ ok "ab" !~ /a\cIb/x, '\cI in pattern';
+ }
+ {
+ # perl #28532: optional zero-width match at end of string is ignored
+ local $BugId = '28532';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)?/ && defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)??/ && !defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ }
+ { # TRIE related
+ our @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got, $1})s$/;
+ iseq @got, 1, "TRIE optimation";
+ @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i;
+ iseq @got, 1,"TRIEF optimisation";
+ my @nums = map {int rand 1000} 1 .. 100;
+ my $re = "(" . (join "|", @nums) . ")";
+ $re = qr/\b$re\b/;
+ foreach (@nums) {
+ ok $_ =~ /$re/, "Trie nums";
+ }
+ $_ = join " ", @nums;
+ @got = ();
+ push @got, $1 while /$re/g;
+ my %count;
+ $count {$_} ++ for @got;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ for (@nums) {
+ $ok = 0 if --$count {$_} < 0;
+ }
+ ok $ok, "Trie min count matches";
+ }
+ {
+ # TRIE related
+ ok "foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{101}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{10428}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo",
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i
+ && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s",
+ }
+ {
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my @normal = qw [the are some normal words];
+ skip "Skipped Psycho", 2 * @normal if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ local $" = "|";
+ my @psycho = (@normal, map chr $_, 255 .. 20000);
+ my $psycho1 = "@psycho";
+ for (my $i = @psycho; -- $i;) {
+ my $j = int rand (1 + $i);
+ @psycho [$i, $j] = @psycho [$j, $i];
+ }
+ my $psycho2 = "@psycho";
+ foreach my $word (@normal) {
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho1)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho2)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ my $utf8 = "\xe9\x{100}"; chop $utf8;
+ my $latin1 = "\xe9";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /\xe9/i, "utf8/latin";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /$latin1/i, "utf8/latin runtime";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|\xe9)/i, "utf8/latin trie";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|$latin1)/i, "utf8/latin trie runtime";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8 runtime";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie runtime";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37038';
+ my $s = "abcd";
+ $s =~ /(..)(..)/g;
+ $s = $1;
+ $s = $2;
+ iseq $2, 'cd',
+ "Assigning to original string does not corrupt match vars";
+ }
+ {
+ {
+ package wooosh;
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ }
+ my $aeek = bless {} => 'wooosh';
+ eval_ok sub {$aeek -> gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "//g match against return value of sub";
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ eval_ok sub {gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "26410 didn't affect sub calls for some reason";
+ }
+ {
+ local $TODO = "See changes 26925-26928, which reverted change 26410";
+ {
+ package lv;
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ }
+ my $o = bless [] => 'lv';
+ my $f = "";
+ my $r = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $f .= $1 if $o -> variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($r) {
+ iseq $f, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ my $g = "";
+ my $s = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $g .= $1 if variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($s) {
+ iseq $g, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37836';
+ skip "In EBCDIC" if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ $_ = pack 'U0C2', 0xa2, 0xf8; # Ill-formed UTF-8
+ my $ret = 0;
+ eval_ok sub {!($ret = s/[\0]+//g)},
+ "Ill-formed UTF-8 doesn't match NUL in class";
+ }
+ {
+ # chr(65535) should be allowed in regexes
+ local $BugId = '38293';
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # To allow non-characters
+ my ($c, $r, $s);
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/$c//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "\\$c";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/[$c]//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed in class";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "[\\$c]";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed in class";
+ $s = "A\x{ffff}B";
+ $s =~ s/\x{ffff}//i;
+ ok $s eq "AB", "U+FFFF, EXACTF";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}A";
+ $s =~ s/\bA//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, BOUND";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}!";
+ $s =~ s/\B!//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, NBOUND";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '39583';
+ # The printing characters
+ my @chars = ("A" .. "Z");
+ my $delim = ",";
+ my $size = 32771 - 4;
+ my $str = '';
+ # Create some random junk. Inefficient, but it works.
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $ i++) {
+ $str .= $chars [rand @chars];
+ }
+ $str .= ($delim x 4);
+ my $res;
+ my $matched;
+ ok $str =~ s/^(.*?)${delim}{4}//s, "Pattern matches";
+ iseq $str, "", "Empty string";
+ ok defined $1 && length ($1) == $size, '$1 is correct size';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940';
+ ok "\0-A" =~ /\c@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "\0\0A" =~ /\c@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@-A" =~ /X@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@\@A" =~ /X@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@?A/, '\c@?';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@*A/, '\c@*';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@(A)/, '\c@(';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X(\c@)A/, '\c@)';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@|ZA/, '\c@|';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@?A/, '@?';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@*A/, '@*';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@(A)/, '@(';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X(@)A/, '@)';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@|ZA/, '@|';
+ local $" = ','; # non-whitespace and non-RE-specific
+ ok 'abc' =~ /(.)(.)(.)/, 'The last successful match is bogus';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/x, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/x';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/x, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/x';
+ }
+ {
+ unshift @INC, 'lib';
+ }
+ use Cname;
+ ok 'fooB' =~ /\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/, "Passthrough charname";
+ my $test = 1233;
+ #
+ # Why doesn't must_warn work here?
+ #
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= "@_"};
+ eval 'q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/';
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring excess chars from/,
+ "Ignoring excess chars warning";
+ undef $w;
+ eval q [ok "\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/,
+ "Zerolength charname in charclass doesn't match \\0"];
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring zero length/,
+ 'Ignoring zero length \N{%} in character class warning';
+ ok 'AB' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A', 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'ABC' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/, 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'xy' =~ /x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ ok '' =~ /\N{EMPTY-STR}/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok 'aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc';
+ ok 'a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc';
+ ok ' A B' =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ }
+ {
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr{
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "Bracket mismatch";
+ SKIP: {
+ our @stack = ();
+ my @expect = qw(
+ stuff1
+ stuff2
+ <stuff1>and<stuff2>
+ right
+ <right>
+ <<right>>
+ <<<right>>>
+ <<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>
+ );
+ local $_ = '<<<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>>';
+ ok /^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/,
+ "Recursion matches";
+ iseq @stack, @expect, "Right amount of matches"
+ or skip "Won't test individual results as count isn't equal",
+ 0 + @expect;
+ my $idx = 0;
+ foreach my $expect (@expect) {
+ iseq $stack [$idx], $expect,
+ "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx";
+ $idx ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?<digits>\d+)\k<digits>/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (angle brackets) s///';
+ $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (single quotes) s///';
+ }
+ {
+ my @ary = (
+ pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde
+ '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde
+ 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla
+ pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla
+ 'a'.pack('U', 0x00B2), # a + superscript two
+ pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _
+ );
+ for my $uni (@ary) {
+ my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq {
+ use utf8;
+ scalar (" foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/),
+ \$+{${uni}},
+ scalar (" bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/),
+ \$+{${uni}};
+ };
+ ok $r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')";
+ ok defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ ok $r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)";
+ ok defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each (%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$1"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$3"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 2) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names[$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz)/";
+ iseq $count, 3, "Got 3 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq 0 + @k, 3, 'Got 3 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@, 'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ #
+ # Almost the same as the block above, except that the capture is nested.
+ #
+ local $BugId = '50496';
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C} $+{D});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$3"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$4"],
+ ["$+{D}", "$1"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 3) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names [$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz))/";
+ iseq $count, 4, "Got 4 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq @k, 4, 'Got 4 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C D", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo foo bar baz", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my @res;
+ if ('1234' =~ /(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
+ foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) {
+ my $ary = $- {$name};
+ foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$ary) {
+ push @res, "$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @expect = qw (A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4);
+ iseq "@res", "@expect", "Check %-";
+ eval'
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $- {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $- {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
+ {
+ # stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
+ #
+ # This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
+ # profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
+ # CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
+ # super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
+ skip "No psycho tests" if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my $r = qr/^
+ (?:
+ ( (?:a|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
+ (
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}?z
+ )?
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:z*){2,}
+ ( (?:z+|d)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:e|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:f|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:z+|g)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:h|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:i|z+)+ )
+ )+
+ ( (?:j|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:k|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:l|z+)+ )
+ $/x;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
+ for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
+ for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
+ my $bs = $a.$b;
+ for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
+ my $cs = $bs.$c;
+ for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
+ my $ds = $cs.$d;
+ for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
+ my $es = $ds.$e;
+ for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
+ my $fs = $es.$f;
+ for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
+ my $gs = $fs.$g;
+ for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
+ my $hs = $gs.$h;
+ for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
+ my $is = $hs.$i;
+ for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
+ my $js = $is.$j;
+ for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
+ my $ks = $js.$k;
+ for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
+ my $ls = $ks.$l;
+ if ($ls =~ $r) {
+ if ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
+ unless ($ls eq $cap) {
+ $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok($ok, $msg);
+ }
+ {
+ # \, breaks {3,4}
+ ok "xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ ok "xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by _
+ ok "x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ ok "x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by other characters
+ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
+ my $targ = "a\034$c";
+ my $reg = "a\\c\\$c";
+ ok eval ("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36046';
+ my $str = 'abc';
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $mval = 0;
+ my $pval = 0;
+ while ($str =~ /b/g) {$mval = $#-; $pval = $#+; $count ++}
+ iseq $mval, 0, '@- should be empty';
+ iseq $pval, 0, '@+ should be empty';
+ iseq $count, 1, 'Should have matched once only';
+ }
+ { # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 9, "Expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)";
+ local $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while
+ /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 5, "Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab b aaab b ",
+ "Adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected";
+ }
+ { # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaabaaab' =~ /a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "/.(*COMMIT)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab", "Adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)', '') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ package Fnorble;
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ ::iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ local $Message = '$REGERROR';
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $word (qw (bar baz bop)) {
+ $REGERROR = "";
+ "aaaaa$word" =~
+ /a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $REGERROR, $word;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '40684';
+ local $Message = '/m in precompiled regexp';
+ my $s = "abc\ndef";
+ my $rex = qr'^abc$'m;
+ ok $s =~ m/$rex/;
+ ok $s =~ m/^abc$/m;
+ }
+ {
+ #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
+ for ("ABC","BAX") {
+ ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x, "Simple (*THEN) test";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Relative Recursion";
+ my $parens = qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/;
+ local $_ = 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ my ($all, $one, $two) = ('', '', '');
+ ok /foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x;
+ iseq $1, '((2*3)+4-3)';
+ iseq $2, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, $_;
+ }
+ {
+ my $spaces=" ";
+ local $_ = join 'bar', $spaces, $spaces;
+ our $count = 0;
+ s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g;
+ iseq $_, $spaces, "SUSPEND final string";
+ iseq $count, 1, "Optimiser should have prevented more than one match";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36909';
+ local $Message = '(?: ... )? should not lose $^R';
+ $^R = 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo) # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (?:foo|bar)+ # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1+ # $^R undefined
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1 # This time without the +
+ (?{"last regexp code result"})
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22395';
+ local $Message = 'Match is linear, not quadratic';
+ our $count;
+ for my $l (10, 100, 1000) {
+ $count = 0;
+ ('a' x $l) =~ /(.*)(?{$count++})[bc]/;
+ local $TODO = "Should be L+1 not L*(L+3)/2 (L=$l)";
+ iseq $count, $l + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22614';
+ local $Message = '@-/@+ should not have undefined values';
+ local $_ = 'ab';
+ our @len = ();
+ /(.){1,}(?{push @len,0+@-})(.){1,}(?{})^/;
+ iseq "@len", "2 2 2";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18209';
+ local $Message = '$& set on s///';
+ my $text = ' word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 ';
+ my @words = ('word1', 'word3', 'word5');
+ my $count;
+ foreach my $word (@words) {
+ $text =~ s/$word\s//gi; # Leave a space to seperate words
+ # in the resultant str.
+ # The following block is not working.
+ if ($&) {
+ $count ++;
+ }
+ # End bad block
+ }
+ iseq $count, 3;
+ iseq $text, ' word2 word4 word6 ';
+ }
+ {
+ # RT#6893
+ local $BugId = '6893';
+ local $_ = qq (A\nB\nC\n);
+ my @res;
+ while (m#(\G|\n)([^\n]*)\n#gsx) {
+ push @res, "$2";
+ last if @res > 3;
+ }
+ iseq "@res", "A B C", "/g pattern shouldn't infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus>
+ my $dow_name = "nada";
+ my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ " .
+ "C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/";
+ my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin";
+ eval $parser;
+ ok !$@, "Test Eval worked";
+ iseq $dow_name, $time_string, "UTF-8 trie common prefix extraction";
+ }
+ {
+ my $v;
+ ($v = 'bar') =~ /(\w+)/g;
+ $v = 'foo';
+ iseq "$1", 'bar', '$1 is safe after /g - may fail due ' .
+ 'to specialized config in pp_hot.c'
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "";
+ my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ $qr_barR1;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '41010';
+ local $Message = 'No optimizer bug';
+ my @tails = ('', '(?(1))', '(|)', '()?');
+ my @quants = ('*','+');
+ my $doit = sub {
+ my $pats = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ for my $pat (@$pats) {
+ for my $quant (@quants) {
+ for my $tail (@tails) {
+ my $re = "($pat$quant\$)$tail";
+ ok /$re/ && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/";
+ ok /$re/m && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/m";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my @dpats = ('\d',
+ '[1234567890]',
+ '(1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(?:1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
+ '(?:1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)');
+ my @spats = ('[ ]', ' ', '( |\t)', '(?: |\t)', '[ \t]', '\s');
+ my @sstrs = (' ');
+ my @dstrs = ('12345');
+ $doit -> (\@spats, @sstrs);
+ $doit -> (\@dpats, @dstrs);
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK';
+ our @r = ();
+ ok 'foofoo' =~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x;
+ iseq "@r","foo";
+ iseq $REGMARK, "foo";
+ ok 'foofoo' !~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x;
+ ok !$REGMARK;
+ iseq $REGERROR, 'foo';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\K test';
+ my $x;
+ $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl";
+ $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//;
+ iseq $x, "abc.def.ghi";
+ $x = "one two three four";
+ $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g;
+ iseq $x, "one two four";
+ $x = "abcde";
+ $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g;
+ iseq $x, "aabbccddee";
+ }
+ {
+ sub kt {
+ return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623';
+ }
+ # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends)
+ my $re;
+ our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x;
+ $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x;
+ my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re;
+ iseq join ("-", @res), "0902862349",
+ 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval';
+ our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x;
+ ok 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1, "PL_curpm, nested eval";
+ }
+ {
+ use charnames ":full";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue"
+ }
+ {
+ # requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points
+ # cf.
+ for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) {
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # oops
+ my $c = chr $u;
+ my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u;
+ ok "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "Unicode range - $x";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $res="";
+ if ('1' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1",
+ "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array";
+ $res = "";
+ if ('11' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))(?&digit)/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ }
+ iseq $res, "1", "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside " .
+ "a (?|...) goes to the leftmost";
+ }
+ {
+ use warnings;
+ local $Message = "ASCII pattern that really is UTF-8";
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {push @w, "@_"};
+ my $c = qq (\x{DF});
+ ok $c =~ /${c}|\x{100}/;
+ ok @w == 0;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Corruption of match results of qr// across scopes";
+ my $qr = qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/;
+ 'foobar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ {
+ 'foooooobaaaaar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", 'foooooobaaaaar';
+ }
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "HORIZWS";
+ local $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t" . chr (11) . "\n";
+ utf8::upgrade ($_);
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Various whitespace special patterns";
+ my @h = map {chr $_} 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000,
+ 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006,
+ 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f, 0x205f,
+ 0x3000;
+ my @v = map {chr $_} 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028,
+ 0x2029;
+ my @lb = ("\x0D\x0A", map {chr $_} 0x0A .. 0x0D, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029);
+ foreach my $t ([\@h, qr/\h/, qr/\h+/],
+ [\@v, qr/\v/, qr/\v+/],
+ [\@lb, qr/\R/, qr/\R+/],) {
+ my $ary = shift @$t;
+ foreach my $pat (@$t) {
+ foreach my $str (@$ary) {
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, $pat;
+ iseq $1, $str, $pat;
+ utf8::upgrade ($str);
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ iseq $1, $str, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms";
+ # Test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff,
+ # but its actually needed. The malarky with '-' is to prevent
+ # compilation caching from playing any role in the test.
+ my @df = (chr (0xDF), '-', chr (0xDF));
+ utf8::upgrade ($df [2]);
+ my @strs = ('ss', 'sS', 'Ss', 'SS', chr (0xDF));
+ my @ss = map {("$_", "$_")} @strs;
+ utf8::upgrade ($ss [$_ * 2 + 1]) for 0 .. $#strs;
+ for my $ssi (0 .. $#ss) {
+ for my $dfi (0 .. $#df) {
+ my $pat = $df [$dfi];
+ my $str = $ss [$ssi];
+ my $utf_df = ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ my $utf_ss = ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ (my $sstr = $str) =~ s/\xDF/\\xDF/;
+ if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length ($ss [$ssi]) == 1) {
+ my $ret = $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" =~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ret = $str !~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" !~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte";
+ my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/;
+ my $hyp = "\0\0\0-";
+ my $esc = "\0\0\0\\";
+ my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc";
+ my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g);
+ iseq @a,3;
+ local $" = "=";
+ iseq "@a","$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc";
+ }
+ {
+ # Test for keys in %+ and %-
+ local $Message = 'Test keys in %+ and %-';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $_ = "abcdef";
+ /(?<foo>a)|(?<foo>b)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a ");
+ /(?<bar>a)(?<bar>b)(?<quux>.)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a,c"); # leftmost
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c");
+ /(?<un>a)(?<deux>c)?/; # second buffer won't capture
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a");
+ }
+ {
+ # length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len
+ my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook";
+ /^ \w+ \s (?<eek>\S+)/x;
+ iseq length ($`), 0, q[length $`];
+ iseq length ($'), 4, q[length $'];
+ iseq length ($&), 9, q[length $&];
+ iseq length ($1), 4, q[length $1];
+ iseq length ($+{eek}), 4, q[length $+{eek} == length $1];
+ }
+ {
+ my $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 0, '$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ }
+ {
+ local $_;
+ ($_ = 'abc') =~ /(abc)/g;
+ $_ = '123';
+ iseq "$1", 'abc', "/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2>';
+ my $str = "";
+ for (0 .. 5) {
+ my @x;
+ $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string
+ 'a' =~ /(a|)/;
+ push @x, 1;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ $str = "";
+ my @foo = ('a') x 5;
+ for (@foo) {
+ my @bar;
+ $str .= "@bar";
+ s/a|/push @bar, 1/e;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '45605';
+ # [perl #45605] Regexp failure with utf8-flagged and byte-flagged string
+ my $utf_8 = "\xd6schel";
+ utf8::upgrade ($utf_8);
+ $utf_8 =~ m {(\xd6|&Ouml;)schel};
+ iseq $1, "\xd6", "Upgrade error";
+ }
+ {
+# more TRIE/AHOCORASICK problems with mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding
+ for my $chr (160 .. 255) {
+ my $chr_byte = chr($chr);
+ my $chr_utf8 = chr($chr); utf8::upgrade($chr_utf8);
+ my $rx = qr{$chr_byte|X}i;
+ ok($chr_utf8 =~ $rx, "utf8/latin, codepoint $chr");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Regardless of utf8ness any character matches itself when
+ # doing a case insensitive match. See also [perl #36207]
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ for my $o (0 .. 255) {
+ my @ch = (chr ($o), chr ($o));
+ utf8::upgrade ($ch [1]);
+ for my $u_str (0, 1) {
+ for my $u_pat (0, 1) {
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E/i,
+ "\$c =~ /\$c/i : chr ($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E|xyz/i,
+ "\$c=~/\$c|xyz/i : chr($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ our $a = 3; "" =~ /(??{ $a })/;
+ our $b = $a;
+ iseq $b, $a, "Copy of scalar used for postponed subexpression";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '49190';
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK in replacement';
+ our $REGMARK;
+ my $_ = "A";
+ ok s/(*:B)A/$REGMARK/;
+ iseq $_, "B";
+ $_ = "CCCCBAA";
+ ok s/(*:X)A+|(*:Y)B+|(*:Z)C+/$REGMARK/g;
+ iseq $_, "ZYX";
+ }
+ {
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ (\w+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n,$^N;
+ push @plus,$+;
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $match = '<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>' =~ m/^$nested_tags$/;
+ ok $match, 'nested construct matches';
+ iseq "@ctl_n", "bla blubb", '$^N inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ iseq "@plus", "bla blubb", '$+ inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '52658';
+ local $Message = 'Substitution evaluation in list context';
+ my $reg = '../xxx/';
+ my @te = ($reg =~ m{^(/?(?:\.\./)*)},
+ $reg =~ s/(x)/'b'/eg > 1 ? '##' : '++');
+ iseq $reg, '../bbb/';
+ iseq $te [0], '../';
+ }
+ # This currently has to come before any "use encoding" in this file.
+ {
+ local $Message;
+ local $BugId = '59342';
+ must_warn 'qr/\400/', '^Use of octal value above 377';
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ # XXX: This set of tests is essentially broken, POSIX character classes
+ # should not have differing definitions under Unicode.
+ # There are property names for that.
+ skip "Tests assume ASCII", 4 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ my @notIsPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ and not /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7f;
+ iseq join ('', @notIsPunct), '$+<=>^`|~',
+ '[:punct:] disagress with IsPunct on Symbols';
+ my @isPrint = grep {not /[[:print:]]/ and /\p{IsPrint}/}
+ map {chr} 0 .. 0x1f, 0x7f .. 0x9f;
+ iseq join ('', @isPrint), "\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x85",
+ 'IsPrint disagrees with [:print:] on control characters';
+ my @isPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunct), "\xa1\xab\xb7\xbb\xbf", # ¡ « · » ¿
+ 'IsPunct disagrees with [:punct:] outside ASCII';
+ my @isPunctLatin1 = eval q {
+ use encoding 'latin1';
+ grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ };
+ skip "Eval failed ($@)", 1 if $@;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunctLatin1), '',
+ 'IsPunct agrees with [:punct:] with explicit Latin1';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60034';
+ my $a = "xyzt" x 8192;
+ ok $a =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string';
+ my $b = $a . chr 256;
+ chop $b;
+ {
+ iseq $a, $b;
+ }
+ ok $b =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string with UTF-8';
+ }
+ #
+ # Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
+ #
+ print "# Tests that follow may crash perl\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049/38869';
+ local $Message = 'Pattern in a loop, failure should not ' .
+ 'affect previous success';
+ my @list = (
+ 'ab cdef', # Matches regex
+ ('e' x 40000 ) .'ab c' # Matches not, but 'ab c' matches part of it
+ );
+ my $y;
+ my $x;
+ foreach (@list) {
+ m/ab(.+)cd/i; # The ignore-case seems to be important
+ $y = $1; # Use $1, which might not be from the last match!
+ $x = substr ($list [0], $- [0], $+ [0] - $- [0]);
+ }
+ iseq $y, ' ';
+ iseq $x, 'ab cd';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '24274';
+ ok (("a" x (2 ** 15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker");
+ ok ((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
+ "Regexp /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/ crashes older perls");
+ }
+ {
+ eval '/\k/';
+ ok $@ =~ /\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/,
+ 'Lone \k not allowed';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Substitution with lookahead (possible segv)";
+ $_ = "ns1ns1ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1ns_1ns_1";
+ $_ = "ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1";
+ $_ = "123";
+ s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g;
+ iseq $_, "!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!";
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #45337] utf8 + "[a]a{2}" + /$.../ = panic: sv_len_utf8 cache
+ local $BugId = '45337';
+ local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
+ local $Message = "Shouldn't panic";
+ my $s = "[a]a{2}";
+ utf8::upgrade $s;
+ ok "aaa" =~ /$s/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '57042';
+ local $Message = "Check if tree logic breaks \$^R";
+ my $cond_re = qr/\s*
+ \s* (?:
+ \( \s* A (?{1})
+ | \( \s* B (?{2})
+ )
+ /x;
+ my @res;
+ for my $line ("(A)","(B)") {
+ if ($line =~ m/$cond_re/) {
+ push @res, $^R ? "#$^R" : "UNDEF";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq "@res","#1 #2";
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my $re = qr/A(??{"1"})/;
+ ok "A1B" =~ m/^((??{ $re }))((??{"B"}))$/;
+ ok $1 eq "A1";
+ ok $2 eq "B";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $Message = 'Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{{})';
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ ((\w)+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
+ [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
+ [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
+ if ($test->[0] != $match) {
+ # unset @ctl_n and @plus
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $BugId = '56194';
+ our $f;
+ local $f;
+ $f = sub {
+ defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";
+ };
+ ok("123" =~ m/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/);
+ our @ctl_n;
+ our @plus;
+ my $re = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ our $re5;
+ local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [
+ # String to match
+ # Regex too match
+ # Expected values of $^N
+ # Expected values of $+
+ # Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
+ # ]
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re)(|a(b)c|def)(??{$^R})$#,
+ "1 2 3 abc",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re2)$#,
+ "1 2 3 123abc3",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re3)$#,
+ "1 2 123abc3",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234",
+ qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
+ "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234556",
+ qr#^(\d+)($re6)($re6)($re6)$re6(($re6)$re6)$#,
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
+ ],
+ [
+ "12345562",
+ qr#^((??{$re8}))($re7)($re7)($re7)$re7($re7)($re7(\2))$#,
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
+ ],
+ ) {
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match, "match $c");
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
+ $str = "";
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ iseq($str, $test->[4], "str $c");
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($] le '5.010') {
+ skip "test segfaults on perl < 5.10", 4;
+ }
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ our $re4;
+ local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match);
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ $str = "";
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq("@plus", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq($str, "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = undef");
+ }
+ }
+ # This only works under -DEBUGGING because it relies on an assert().
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60508';
+ local $Message = "Check capture offset re-entrancy of utf8 code.";
+ sub fswash { $_[0] =~ s/([>X])//g; }
+ my $k1 = "." x 4 . ">>";
+ fswash($k1);
+ my $k2 = "\x{f1}\x{2022}";
+ $k2 =~ s/([\360-\362])/>/g;
+ fswash($k2);
+ iseq($k2, "\x{2022}", "utf8::SWASHNEW doesn't cause capture leaks");
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = 65372; # minimal CURLYM limited to 32767 matches
+ my @pat = (
+ qr{a(x|y)*b}, # CURLYM
+ qr{a(x|y)*?b}, # .. with minmod
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*b}, # .. and without tries
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*?b},
+ );
+ my $len = 32768;
+ my $s = join '', 'a', 'x' x $len, 'b';
+ for my $pat (@pat) {
+ ok($s =~ $pat, $pat);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # This should be the last test.
+ #
+ iseq $test + 1, $EXPECTED_TESTS, "Got the right number of tests!";
+} # End of sub run_tests