path: root/t
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authorTon Hospel <>2005-03-06 18:29:38 +0000
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2005-03-08 17:53:50 +0000
commitf337b084e4f053c4222a0b9a773a9e12c0232e6d (patch)
tree1292203ca74046d2df21ce05bb8f8289ea14bc8d /t
parentc478aefb95db58c5f937ab7c70bba552d23df9b2 (diff)
Encoding neutral unpack
Message-Id: <d0fi6i$k06$1@post.home.lunix> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@24010
Diffstat (limited to 't')
2 files changed, 252 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/pack.t b/t/op/pack.t
index 28aece7be6..7f6bbed31b 100755
--- a/t/op/pack.t
+++ b/t/op/pack.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ my $no_endianness = $] > 5.009 ? '' :
my $no_signedness = $] > 5.009 ? '' :
"Signed/unsigned pack modifiers not available on this perl";
-plan tests => 13864;
+plan tests => 14604;
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -422,11 +422,11 @@ while (my ($base, $expect) = splice @lengths, 0, 2) {
print "# test unpack-pack lengths\n";
-my @templates = qw(c C i I s S l L n N v V f d q Q);
+my @templates = qw(c C W i I s S l L n N v V f d q Q);
foreach my $base (@templates) {
my @tmpl = ($base);
- $base =~ /^[cnv]/i or push @tmpl, "$base>", "$base<";
+ $base =~ /^[cwnv]/i or push @tmpl, "$base>", "$base<";
foreach my $t (@tmpl) {
my @t = eval { unpack("$t*", pack("$t*", 12, 34)) };
@@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ sub numbers_with_total {
numbers ('c', -128, -1, 0, 1, 127);
numbers ('C', 0, 1, 127, 128, 255);
+numbers ('W', 0, 1, 127, 128, 255, 256, 0x7ff, 0x800, 0xfffd);
numbers ('s', -32768, -1, 0, 1, 32767);
numbers ('S', 0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535);
numbers ('i', -2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647);
@@ -1303,7 +1304,7 @@ SKIP: {
{ # Repeat count [SUBEXPR]
- my @codes = qw( x A Z a c C B b H h s v n S i I l V N L p P f F d
+ my @codes = qw( x A Z a c C W B b H h s v n S i I l V N L p P f F d
s! S! i! I! l! L! j J);
my $G;
if (eval { pack 'q', 1 } ) {
@@ -1323,6 +1324,7 @@ SKIP: {
@val{@codes} = map { / [Xx] (?{ undef })
| [AZa] (?{ 'something' })
| C (?{ 214 })
+ | W (?{ 8188 })
| c (?{ 114 })
| [Bb] (?{ '101' })
| [Hh] (?{ 'b8' })
@@ -1509,6 +1511,8 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
my (@x) = unpack("a(U0)U", "b\341\277\274");
is($x[0], 'b', 'before scope');
is($x[1], 8188, 'after scope');
+ is(pack("a(U0)U", "b", 8188), "b\341\277\274");
@@ -1525,3 +1529,244 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
my (@x) = unpack("C*", pack("CZ0", 1, "b"));
is(join(',', @x), '1', 'pack Z0 doesn\'t destroy the character before');
+ # Encoding neutrality
+ # String we will pull apart and rebuild in several ways:
+ my $down = "\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff\x05\x06";
+ my $up = $down;
+ utf8::upgrade($up);
+ my %expect =
+ # [expected result,
+ # how many chars it should progress,
+ # (optional) expected result of pack]
+ (a5 => ["\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc", 5],
+ A5 => ["\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc", 5],
+ Z5 => ["\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc", 5, "\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\x00\xfd"],
+ b21 => ["000111111001111101011", 3, "\xf8\xf9\x1a\xfb"],
+ B21 => ["111110001111100111111", 3, "\xf8\xf9\xf8\xfb"],
+ H5 => ["f8f9f", 3, "\xf8\xf9\xf0\xfb"],
+ h5 => ["8f9fa", 3, "\xf8\xf9\x0a\xfb"],
+ "s<" => [-1544, 2],
+ "s>" => [-1799, 2],
+ "S<" => [0xf9f8, 2],
+ "S>" => [0xf8f9, 2],
+ "l<" => [-67438088, 4],
+ "l>" => [-117835013, 4],
+ "L>" => [0xf8f9fafb, 4],
+ "L<" => [0xfbfaf9f8, 4],
+ n => [0xf8f9, 2],
+ N => [0xf8f9fafb, 4],
+ v => [63992, 2],
+ V => [0xfbfaf9f8, 4],
+ c => [-8, 1],
+ U0U => [0xf8, 1],
+ w => ["8715569050387726213", 9],
+ q => ["-283686952306184", 8],
+ Q => ["18446460386757245432", 8],
+ );
+ for my $string ($down, $up) {
+ for my $format (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b) || $a cmp $b } keys %expect) {
+ SKIP: {
+ my $expect = $expect{$format};
+ # unpack upgraded and downgraded string
+ my @result = eval { unpack("$format C0 W", $string) };
+ skip "cannot pack/unpack '$format C0 W' on this perl", 5 if
+ $@ && is_valid_error($@);
+ is(@result, 2, "Two results from unpack $format C0 W");
+ # pack to downgraded
+ my $new = pack("$format C0 W", @result);
+ is(length($new), $expect->[1]+1,
+ "pack $format C0 W should give $expect->[1]+1 chars");
+ is($new, $expect->[2] || substr($string, 0, length $new),
+ "pack $format C0 W returns expected value");
+ # pack to upgraded
+ $new = pack("a0 $format C0 W", chr(256), @result);
+ is(length($new), $expect->[1]+1,
+ "pack a0 $format C0 W should give $expect->[1]+1 chars");
+ is($new, $expect->[2] || substr($string, 0, length $new),
+ "pack a0 $format C0 W returns expected value");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Encoding neutrality, numbers
+ my $val = -2.68;
+ for my $format (qw(s S i I l L j J f d F D q Q
+ s! S! i! I! l! L! n! N! v! V!)) {
+ SKIP: {
+ my $down = eval { pack($format, $val) };
+ skip "cannot pack/unpack $format on this perl", 9 if
+ $@ && is_valid_error($@);
+ ok(!utf8::is_utf8($down), "Simple $format pack doesn't get upgraded");
+ my $up = pack("a0 $format", chr(256), $val);
+ ok(utf8::is_utf8($up), "a0 $format with high char leads to upgrade");
+ is($down, $up, "$format generated strings are equal though");
+ my @down_expanded = unpack("$format W", $down . chr(0xce));
+ is(@down_expanded, 2, "Expand to two values");
+ is($down_expanded[1], 0xce,
+ "unpack $format left us at the expected position");
+ my @up_expanded = unpack("$format W", $up . chr(0xce));
+ is(@up_expanded, 2, "Expand to two values");
+ is($up_expanded[1], 0xce,
+ "unpack $format left us at the expected position");
+ is($down_expanded[0], $up_expanded[0], "$format unpack was neutral");
+ is(pack($format, $down_expanded[0]), $down, "Pack $format undoes unpack $format");
+ }
+ }
+ # C is *not* neutral
+ my $down = "\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff\x05\x06";
+ my $up = $down;
+ utf8::upgrade($up);
+ my @down = unpack("C*", $down);
+ my @expect_down = (0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, 0x05, 0x06);
+ is("@down", "@expect_down", "byte expand");
+ is(pack("C*", @down), $down, "byte join");
+ my @up = unpack("C*", $up);
+ my @expect_up = (0xc3, 0xb8, 0xc3, 0xb9, 0xc3, 0xba, 0xc3, 0xbb, 0xc3, 0xbc, 0xc3, 0xbd, 0xc3, 0xbe, 0xc3, 0xbf, 0x05, 0x06);
+ is("@up", "@expect_up", "UTF-8 expand");
+ is(pack("U0C0C*", @up), $up, "UTF-8 join");
+ # Harder cases for the neutrality test
+ # u format
+ my $down = "\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff\x05\x06";
+ my $up = $down;
+ utf8::upgrade($up);
+ is(pack("u", $down), pack("u", $up), "u pack is neutral");
+ is(unpack("u", pack("u", $down)), $down, "u unpack to downgraded works");
+ is(unpack("U0C0u", pack("u", $down)), $up, "u unpack to upgraded works");
+ # p/P format
+ # This actually only tests something if the address contains a byte >= 0x80
+ my $str = "abc\xa5\x00\xfede";
+ $down = pack("p", $str);
+ is(pack("P", $str), $down);
+ is(pack("U0C0p", $str), $down);
+ is(pack("U0C0P", $str), $down);
+ is(unpack("p", $down), "abc\xa5", "unpack p downgraded");
+ $up = $down;
+ utf8::upgrade($up);
+ is(unpack("p", $up), "abc\xa5", "unpack p upgraded");
+ is(unpack("P7", $down), "abc\xa5\x00\xfed", "unpack P downgraded");
+ is(unpack("P7", $up), "abc\xa5\x00\xfed", "unpack P upgraded");
+ # x, X and @
+ $down = "\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff\x05\x06";
+ $up = $down;
+ utf8::upgrade($up);
+ is(unpack('@4W', $down), 0xfc, "\@positioning on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4W', $up), 0xfc, "\@positioning on upgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4x2W', $down), 0xfe, "x moving on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4x2W', $up), 0xfe, "x moving on upgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4x!4W', $down), 0xfc, "x! moving on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4x!4W', $up), 0xfc, "x! moving on upgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@5x!4W', $down), 0x05, "x! moving on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@5x!4W', $up), 0x05, "x! moving on upgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4X2W', $down), 0xfa, "X moving on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4X2W', $up), 0xfa, "X moving on upgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4X!4W', $down), 0xfc, "X! moving on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@4X!4W', $up), 0xfc, "X! moving on upgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@5X!4W', $down), 0xfc, "X! moving on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@5X!4W', $up), 0xfc, "X! moving on upgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@5X!8W', $down), 0xf8, "X! moving on downgraded string");
+ is(unpack('@5X!8W', $up), 0xf8, "X! moving on upgraded string");
+ is(pack("W2x", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00", "x on downgraded string");
+ is(pack("W2x!4", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00\x00",
+ "x! on downgraded string");
+ is(pack("W2x!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "x! on downgraded string");
+ is(pack("U0C0W2x", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00", "x on upgraded string");
+ is(pack("U0C0W2x!4", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3\x00\x00",
+ "x! on upgraded string");
+ is(pack("U0C0W2x!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "x! on upgraded string");
+ is(pack("W2X", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa", "X on downgraded string");
+ is(pack("U0C0W2X", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa", "X on upgraded string");
+ is(pack("W2X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "X! on downgraded string");
+ is(pack("U0C0W2X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3), "\xfa\xe3", "X! on upgraded string");
+ is(pack("W3X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3, 0xa6), "\xfa\xe3", "X! on downgraded string");
+ is(pack("U0C0W3X!2", 0xfa, 0xe3, 0xa6), "\xfa\xe3",
+ "X! on upgraded string");
+ # backward eating through a ( moves the group starting point backwards
+ is(pack("a*(Xa)", "abc", "q"), "abq",
+ "eating before strbeg moves it back");
+ is(pack("a*(Xa)", "ab" . chr(512), "q"), "abq",
+ "eating before strbeg moves it back");
+ # Check marked_upgrade
+ is(pack('W(W(Wa@3W)@6W)@9W', 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, "a", 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6),
+ "\xa1\xa2\xa3a\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6");
+ $up = "a";
+ utf8::upgrade($up);
+ is(pack('W(W(Wa@3W)@6W)@9W', 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, $up, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6),
+ "\xa1\xa2\xa3a\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6", "marked upgrade caused by a");
+ is(pack('W(W(WW@3W)@6W)@9W', 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 256, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6),
+ "\xa1\xa2\xa3\x{100}\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6",
+ "marked upgrade caused by W");
+ is(pack('W(W(WU0aC0@3W)@6W)@9W', 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, "a", 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6),
+ "\xa1\xa2\xa3a\x00\xa4\x00\xa5\x00\xa6", "marked upgrade caused by U0");
+ # a, A and Z
+ $down = "\xa4\xa6\xa7";
+ $up = $down;
+ utf8::upgrade($up);
+ utf8::upgrade(my $high = "\xfeb");
+ for my $format ("a0", "A0", "Z0", "U0a0C0", "U0A0C0", "U0Z0C0") {
+ is(pack("a* $format a*", "ab", $down, "cd"), "abcd",
+ "$format format on plain string");
+ is(pack("a* $format a*", "ab", $up, "cd"), "abcd",
+ "$format format on upgraded string");
+ is(pack("a* $format a*", $high, $down, "cd"), "\xfebcd",
+ "$format format on plain string");
+ is(pack("a* $format a*", $high, $up, "cd"), "\xfebcd",
+ "$format format on upgraded string");
+ my @down = unpack("a1 $format a*", "\xfeb");
+ is("@down", "\xfe b", "unpack $format");
+ my @up = unpack("a1 $format a*", $high);
+ is("@up", "\xfe b", "unpack $format");
+ }
+ is(pack("a1", $high), "\xfe");
+ is(pack("A1", $high), "\xfe");
+ is(pack("Z1", $high), "\x00");
+ is(pack("a2", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("A2", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("Z2", $high), "\xfe\x00");
+ is(pack("a5", $high), "\xfeb\x00\x00\x00");
+ is(pack("A5", $high), "\xfeb ");
+ is(pack("Z5", $high), "\xfeb\x00\x00\x00");
+ is(pack("a*", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("A*", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("Z*", $high), "\xfeb\x00");
+ utf8::upgrade($high = "\xc3\xbeb");
+ is(pack("U0a2", $high), "\xfe");
+ is(pack("U0A2", $high), "\xfe");
+ is(pack("U0Z1", $high), "\x00");
+ is(pack("U0a3", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("U0A3", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("U0Z3", $high), "\xfe\x00");
+ is(pack("U0a6", $high), "\xfeb\x00\x00\x00");
+ is(pack("U0A6", $high), "\xfeb ");
+ is(pack("U0Z6", $high), "\xfeb\x00\x00\x00");
+ is(pack("U0a*", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("U0A*", $high), "\xfeb");
+ is(pack("U0Z*", $high), "\xfeb\x00");
diff --git a/t/op/utftaint.t b/t/op/utftaint.t
index cd44503e74..0edb2f2e85 100644
--- a/t/op/utftaint.t
+++ b/t/op/utftaint.t
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ use constant UTF8 => "\x{1234}";
sub is_utf8 {
my $s = shift;
- return 0xB6 != ord pack('a*', chr(0xB6).$s);
+ return 0xB6 != unpack('C', chr(0xB6).$s);
for my $ary ([ascii => 'perl'], [latin1 => "\xB6"], [utf8 => "\x{100}"]) {
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ for my $ary ([ascii => 'perl'], [latin1 => "\xB6"], [utf8 => "\x{100}"]) {
my $encode = $ary->[0];
my $utf8 = pack('U*') . $ary->[1];
- my $byte = pack('C0a*', $utf8);
+ my $byte = unpack('U0a*', $utf8);
my $taint = $arg; substr($taint, 0) = $utf8;
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ for my $ary ([ascii => 'perl'], [latin1 => "\xB6"]) {
my $encode = $ary->[0];
my $up = pack('U*') . $ary->[1];
- my $down = pack('C0a*', $ary->[1]);
+ my $down = pack("a*", $ary->[1]);
my $taint = $arg; substr($taint, 0) = $up;