path: root/t
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2005-11-09 20:23:28 +0000
committerNicholas Clark <>2005-11-09 20:23:28 +0000
commit0fb301d74c9343e92304f46af06b6eeb8be34864 (patch)
tree2e81fcf8474159a4fcc71f93b6b1d3518c5472c7 /t
parente1f6360abe530a1c45783befa26b356d0a4edb63 (diff)
Better diagnostics from io/utf8.t
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@26064
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/t/io/utf8.t b/t/io/utf8.t
index 721d7dbd1f..acfb239703 100755
--- a/t/io/utf8.t
+++ b/t/io/utf8.t
@@ -13,42 +13,42 @@ no utf8; # needed for use utf8 not griping about the raw octets
require "./";
-plan(tests => 53);
+plan(tests => 55);
$| = 1;
print F chr(0x100).'£';
-ok( tell(F) == 4, tell(F) );
+cmp_ok( tell(F), '==', 4, tell(F) );
print F "\n";
-ok( tell(F) >= 5, tell(F) );
+cmp_ok( tell(F), '>=', 5, tell(F) );
-ok( getc(F) eq chr(0x100) );
-ok( getc(F) eq "£" );
-ok( getc(F) eq "\n" );
+is( getc(F), chr(0x100) );
+is( getc(F), "£" );
+is( getc(F), "\n" );
my $chr = chr(0xc4);
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x8c); } # EBCDIC
-ok( getc(F) eq $chr );
+is( getc(F), $chr );
$chr = chr(0x80);
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x41); } # EBCDIC
-ok( getc(F) eq $chr );
+is( getc(F), $chr );
$chr = chr(0xc2);
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x80); } # EBCDIC
-ok( getc(F) eq $chr );
+is( getc(F), $chr );
$chr = chr(0xa3);
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x44); } # EBCDIC
-ok( getc(F) eq $chr );
-ok( getc(F) eq "\n" );
+is( getc(F), $chr );
+is( getc(F), "\n" );
-ok( scalar(<F>) eq "\x{100}£\n" );
+is( scalar(<F>), "\x{100}£\n" );
$buf = chr(0x200);
$count = read(F,$buf,2,1);
-ok( $count == 2 );
-ok( $buf eq "\x{200}\x{100}£" );
+cmp_ok( $count, '==', 2 );
+is( $buf, "\x{200}\x{100}£" );
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ close(F);
open F, "<:utf8", 'a' or die $!;
$x = <F>;
- ok( $x eq chr(300) );
+ is( $x, chr(300) );
open F, "a" or die $!; # Not UTF
binmode(F, ":bytes");
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ close(F);
$chr = chr(196).chr(172);
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(141).chr(83); } # EBCDIC
- ok( $x eq $chr );
+ is( $x, $chr );
close F;
open F, ">:utf8", 'a' or die $!;
@@ -80,25 +80,25 @@ close(F);
my $y;
{ my $x = tell(F);
{ use bytes; $y = length($a);}
- ok( $x == $y );
+ cmp_ok( $x, '==', $y );
{ # Check byte length of $b
use bytes; my $y = length($b);
- ok( $y == 1 );
+ cmp_ok( $y, '==', 1 );
print F $b,"\n"; # Don't upgrades $b
{ # Check byte length of $b
use bytes; my $y = length($b);
- ok( $y == 1 );
+ cmp_ok( $y, '==', 1 );
my $x = tell(F);
{ use bytes; if (ord('A')==193){$y += 2;}else{$y += 3;}} # EBCDIC ASCII
- ok( $x == $y );
+ cmp_ok( $x, '==', $y );
close F;
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ close(F);
$chr = v196.172.194.130;
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = v141.83.130; } # EBCDIC
- ok( $x eq $chr, sprintf('(%vd)', $x) );
+ is( $x, $chr, sprintf('(%vd)', $x) );
open F, "<:utf8", "a" or die $!;
$x = <F>;
close F;
- ok( $x eq chr(300).chr(130), sprintf('(%vd)', $x) );
+ is( $x, chr(300).chr(130), sprintf('(%vd)', $x) );
open F, ">", "a" or die $!;
if (${^OPEN} =~ /:utf8/) {
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ close(F);
use warnings 'utf8';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
print F $a;
- ok( !($@ || $w !~ /Wide character in print/i) );
+ ok( (!$@));
+ like($w, qr/Wide character in print/i );
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ binmode(F, ":bytes");
$x = <F>; chomp $x;
$chr = v196.172.130;
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = v141.83.130; } # EBCDIC
-ok( $x eq $chr );
+is( $x, $chr );
# Right.
open F, ">:utf8", "a" or die $!;
@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ close F;
open F, "<", "a" or die $!;
$x = <F>; chomp $x;
-ok( $x eq $chr );
+is( $x, $chr );
# Now we have a deformed file.
@@ -164,10 +165,13 @@ SKIP: {
if (ord('A') == 193) {
skip( "EBCDIC doesn't complain" );
} else {
+ my @warnings;
open F, "<:utf8", "a" or die $!;
$x = <F>; chomp $x;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ok( 1 ) };
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, $_[0]; };
eval { sprintf "%vd\n", $x };
+ is (scalar @warnings, 1);
+ like ($warnings[0], qr/Malformed UTF-8 character \(unexpected continuation byte 0x82, with no preceding start byte/);
@@ -185,6 +189,7 @@ my $c;
# read() should work on characters, not bytes
open F, "<:utf8", "a";
$a = 0;
+my $failed;
for (@a) {
unless (($c = read(F, $b, 1) == 1) &&
length($b) == 1 &&
@@ -197,12 +202,12 @@ for (@a) {
print '# tell(F) == ', tell(F), "\n";
print '# $a == ', $a, "\n";
print '# $c == ', $c, "\n";
- print "not ";
+ $failed++;
close F;
-ok( 1 );
+is($failed, undef);
# Check that warnings are on on I/O, and that they can be muffled.
@@ -258,7 +263,7 @@ ok( 1 );
open F, "<:bytes", "a";
my $b = chr 0x100;
$b .= <F>;
- ok( $b eq chr(0x100).chr(0xde), "21395 '.= <>' utf8 vs. bytes" );
+ is( $b, chr(0x100).chr(0xde), "21395 '.= <>' utf8 vs. bytes" );
close F;
@@ -268,7 +273,7 @@ ok( 1 );
open F, "<:utf8", "a";
my $b = "\xde";
$b .= <F>;
- ok( $b eq chr(0xde).chr(0x100), "21395 '.= <>' bytes vs. utf8" );
+ is( $b, chr(0xde).chr(0x100), "21395 '.= <>' bytes vs. utf8" );
close F;
@@ -293,7 +298,7 @@ ok( 1 );
utf8::upgrade($s) if $v->[1] eq "utf8";
$s .= <F>;
- ok( $s eq chr($v->[0]) . chr($u->[0]), 'rcatline utf8' );
+ is( $s, chr($v->[0]) . chr($u->[0]), 'rcatline utf8' );
close F;