path: root/t
diff options
authorBen Morrow <>2008-06-28 18:00:17 +0100
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2008-06-28 21:06:57 +0000
commit6e592b3a92f7ee35c9a857bd9a43297ab1693599 (patch)
tree262d198509e9c5efd2b2af3fcebb6daa6456c827 /t
parent087986a76c08e8dfaaee54f8f476bfa315216671 (diff)
Some more missing isGV_with_GP()s
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@34092
Diffstat (limited to 't')
7 files changed, 211 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/t/io/pvbm.t b/t/io/pvbm.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c97edf4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/io/pvbm.t
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Test that various IO functions don't try to treat PVBMs as
+# filehandles. Most of these will segfault perl if they fail.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = qw(. ../lib);
+ require "./";
+BEGIN { $| = 1 }
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+ my $which;
+ {
+ package Tie;
+ sub TIEHANDLE { $which = 'TIEHANDLE' }
+ sub TIESCALAR { $which = 'TIESCALAR' }
+ }
+ my $pvbm = PVBM;
+ tie $pvbm, 'Tie';
+ is ($which, 'TIESCALAR', 'PVBM gets TIESCALAR');
+ my $pvbm = PVBM;
+ ok (scalar eval { untie $pvbm; 1 }, 'untie(PVBM) doesn\'t segfault');
+ ok (scalar eval { tied $pvbm; 1 }, 'tied(PVBM) doesn\'t segfault');
+ my $pvbm = PVBM;
+ ok (scalar eval { pipe $pvbm, PIPE; }, 'pipe(PVBM, ) succeeds');
+ close foo;
+ close PIPE;
+ ok (scalar eval { pipe PIPE, $pvbm; }, 'pipe(, PVBM) succeeds');
+ close foo;
+ close PIPE;
+ ok (!eval { pipe \$pvbm, PIPE; }, 'pipe(PVBM ref, ) fails');
+ ok (!eval { pipe PIPE, \$pvbm; }, 'pipe(, PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { truncate $pvbm, 0 }, 'truncate(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { truncate \$pvbm, 0}, 'truncate(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { stat $pvbm }, 'stat(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { stat \$pvbm }, 'stat(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { lstat $pvbm }, 'lstat(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { lstat \$pvbm }, 'lstat(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { chdir $pvbm }, 'chdir(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { chdir \$pvbm }, 'chdir(pvbm ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { close $pvbm }, 'close(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { close $pvbm }, 'close(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { chmod 0600, $pvbm }, 'chmod(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { chmod 0600, \$pvbm }, 'chmod(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { chown 0, 0, $pvbm }, 'chown(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { chown 0, 0, \$pvbm }, 'chown(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { utime 0, 0, $pvbm }, 'utime(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { utime 0, 0, \$pvbm }, 'utime(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { <$pvbm> }, '<PVBM> fails');
+ ok (!eval { readline $pvbm }, 'readline(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { readline \$pvbm }, 'readline(PVBM ref) fails');
+ ok (!eval { open $pvbm, '<', 'none.such' }, 'open(PVBM) fails');
+ ok (!eval { open \$pvbm, '<', 'none.such', }, 'open(PVBM ref) fails');
diff --git a/t/op/attrs.t b/t/op/attrs.t
index 04e4517520..a27b61e580 100644
--- a/t/op/attrs.t
+++ b/t/op/attrs.t
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BEGIN {
require './';
-plan 'no_plan';
+plan 90;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_ };
@@ -185,3 +185,10 @@ foreach my $value (\&foo, \$scalar, \@array, \%hash) {
+# this will segfault if it fails
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+ok !defined(attributes::get(\PVBM)),
+ 'PVBMs don\'t segfault attributes::get';
diff --git a/t/op/inc.t b/t/op/inc.t
index f722336d5b..99123c79d6 100755
--- a/t/op/inc.t
+++ b/t/op/inc.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# use strict;
-print "1..50\n";
+print "1..54\n";
my $test = 1;
@@ -270,3 +270,14 @@ for my $n (47..113) {
die "Could not find a value which overflows the mantissa" unless $found;
+# these will segfault if they fail
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; $pvbm++ });
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; $pvbm-- });
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; ++$pvbm });
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; --$pvbm });
diff --git a/t/op/inccode.t b/t/op/inccode.t
index 9457226b59..45022fff6d 100644
--- a/t/op/inccode.t
+++ b/t/op/inccode.t
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use strict;
use File::Spec;
require "";
-plan(tests => 45 + !$minitest * (3 + 14 * $can_fork));
+plan(tests => 49 + !$minitest * (3 + 14 * $can_fork));
my @tempfiles = ();
@@ -211,6 +211,29 @@ is( $ret, 'abc', 'do "" sees return value' );
@INC = @old_INC;
+# this will segfault if it fails
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+# I don't know whether these requires should succeed or fail. 5.8 failed
+# all of them; 5.10 with an ordinary constant in place of PVBM lets the
+# latter two succeed. For now I don't care, as long as they don't
+# segfault :).
+unshift @INC, sub { PVBM };
+eval 'require foo';
+ok( 1, 'returning PVBM doesn\'t segfault require' );
+eval 'use foo';
+ok( 1, 'returning PVBM doesn\'t segfault use' );
+shift @INC;
+unshift @INC, sub { \PVBM };
+eval 'require foo';
+ok( 1, 'returning PVBM ref doesn\'t segfault require' );
+eval 'use foo';
+ok( 1, 'returning PVBM ref doesn\'t segfault use' );
+shift @INC;
exit if $minitest;
diff --git a/t/op/magic.t b/t/op/magic.t
index 799c7178ac..d852e834f0 100755
--- a/t/op/magic.t
+++ b/t/op/magic.t
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ sub skip {
return 1;
-print "1..58\n";
+print "1..59\n";
$Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
$Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare';
@@ -131,7 +131,23 @@ END
my $todo = ($^O eq 'os2' ? ' # TODO: EMX v0.9d_fix4 bug: wrong nibble? ' : '');
print $? & 0xFF ? "ok 6$todo\n" : "not ok 6$todo\n";
- $test += 4;
+ open(CMDPIPE, "| $PERL");
+ print CMDPIPE <<'END';
+ sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+ index 'foo', PVBM;
+ my $pvbm = PVBM;
+ sub foo { exit 0 }
+ $SIG{"INT"} = $pvbm;
+ kill "INT", $$; sleep 1;
+ close CMDPIPE;
+ $? >>= 8 if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ print $? ? "not ok 7\n" : "ok 7\n";
+ $test += 5;
# can we slice ENV?
diff --git a/t/op/ref.t b/t/op/ref.t
index 3fdc833388..e3d66dc1c2 100755
--- a/t/op/ref.t
+++ b/t/op/ref.t
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ BEGIN {
require '';
use strict qw(refs subs);
# Test glob operations.
@@ -54,11 +54,6 @@ $BAR = \$BAZ;
$BAZ = "hit";
is ($$$FOO, 'hit');
-# test that ref(vstring) makes sense
-my $vstref = \v1;
-is (ref($vstref), "VSTRING", "ref(vstr) eq VSTRING");
-like ( $vstref, qr/VSTRING\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)/, '\vstr is also VSTRING');
# Test references to real arrays.
my $test = curr_test();
@@ -131,9 +126,49 @@ sub mysub2 { lc shift }
# Test the ref operator.
-is (ref $subref, 'CODE');
-is (ref $ref, 'ARRAY');
-is (ref $refref, 'HASH');
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+my $pviv = 1; "$pviv";
+my $pvnv = 1.0; "$pvnv";
+my $x;
+# we don't test
+# tied lvalue => SCALAR, as we haven't tested tie yet
+# BIND, 'cos we can't create them yet
+# REGEXP, 'cos that requires overload or Scalar::Util
+# LVALUE ref, 'cos I can't work out how to create one :)
+for (
+ [ 'undef', SCALAR => \undef ],
+ [ 'constant IV', SCALAR => \1 ],
+ [ 'constant NV', SCALAR => \1.0 ],
+ [ 'constant PV', SCALAR => \'f' ],
+ [ 'scalar', SCALAR => \$x ],
+ [ 'PVIV', SCALAR => \$pviv ],
+ [ 'PVNV', SCALAR => \$pvnv ],
+ [ 'PVMG', SCALAR => \$0 ],
+ [ 'PVBM', SCALAR => \PVBM ],
+ [ 'vstring', VSTRING => \v1 ],
+ [ 'ref', REF => \\1 ],
+ [ 'lvalue', LVALUE => \substr($x, 0, 0) ],
+ [ 'named array', ARRAY => \@ary ],
+ [ 'anon array', ARRAY => [ 1 ] ],
+ [ 'named hash', HASH => \%whatever ],
+ [ 'anon hash', HASH => { a => 1 } ],
+ [ 'named sub', CODE => \&mysub, ],
+ [ 'anon sub', CODE => sub { 1; } ],
+ [ 'glob', GLOB => \*foo ],
+ [ 'format', FORMAT => *STDERR{FORMAT} ],
+) {
+ my ($desc, $type, $ref) = @$_;
+ is (ref $ref, $type, "ref() for ref to $desc");
+ like ("$ref", qr/^$type\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)$/, "stringify for ref to $desc");
+is (ref *STDOUT{IO}, 'IO::Handle', 'IO refs are blessed into IO::Handle');
+like (*STDOUT{IO}, qr/^IO::Handle=IO\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)$/,
+ 'stringify for IO refs');
# Test anonymous hash syntax.
@@ -536,6 +571,19 @@ is ( (sub {"bar"})[0]->(), "bar", 'code deref from list slice w/ ->' );
is($ref, *{$ref}{IO}, "IO slot of the temporary glob is set correctly");
+# these will segfault if they fail
+my $pvbm = PVBM;
+my $rpvbm = \$pvbm;
+ok (!eval { *$rpvbm }, 'PVBM ref is not a GLOB ref');
+ok (!eval { *$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a GLOB ref');
+ok (!eval { $$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a SCALAR ref');
+ok (!eval { @$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not an ARRAY ref');
+ok (!eval { %$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a HASH ref');
+ok (!eval { $pvbm->() }, 'PVBM is not a CODE ref');
+ok (!eval { $rpvbm->foo }, 'PVBM is not an object');
# Bit of a hack to make happy. There are 3 more tests after it leaves.
$test = curr_test();
curr_test($test + 3);
diff --git a/t/op/undef.t b/t/op/undef.t
index 04cac52fd6..2262e755ce 100755
--- a/t/op/undef.t
+++ b/t/op/undef.t
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = '../lib';
-print "1..36\n";
+print "1..37\n";
print defined($a) ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
@@ -102,3 +102,13 @@ sub X::DESTROY {
print "not " if each %hash; print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
print "not " if defined delete $hash{'key2'}; print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
+# this will segfault if it fails
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+my $pvbm = PVBM;
+undef $pvbm;
+print 'not ' if defined $pvbm;
+print "ok $test\n"; $test++;