path: root/t
diff options
authorNick Ing-Simmons <>2001-09-03 06:20:06 +0000
committerNick Ing-Simmons <>2001-09-03 06:20:06 +0000
commite9c5ca9205c44a223c1bf0632cde03b38166cbc2 (patch)
tree833b366976759e0cb591d958e4cc96da8ba3a1b2 /t
parent7027b5917e2cc53d3a5a5cd777a5e20a46b9034d (diff)
parent86876e467424d8479015024738d4b873cf8cd086 (diff)
Integrate mainline
p4raw-id: //depot/perlio@11835
Diffstat (limited to 't')
-rw-r--r--[-rwxr-xr-x]t/run/kill_perl.t (renamed from t/op/misc.t)111
12 files changed, 351 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/t/TEST b/t/TEST
index 0a63f0e5f0..64da39ca4b 100755
--- a/t/TEST
+++ b/t/TEST
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ $| = 1;
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
foreach my $idx (0..$#ARGV) {
next unless $ARGV[$idx] =~ /^-(\S+)$/;
+ $core = 1 if $1 eq 'core';
$verbose = 1 if $1 eq 'v';
$with_utf= 1 if $1 eq 'utf8';
if ($1 =~ /^deparse(,.+)?$/) {
@@ -64,15 +65,20 @@ sub _find_tests {
unless (@ARGV) {
- foreach my $dir (qw(base comp cmd run io op lib)) {
+ foreach my $dir (qw(base comp cmd run io op)) {
+ _find_tests("lib") unless $core;
my $mani = File::Spec->catdir($updir, "MANIFEST");
if (open(MANI, $mani)) {
while (<MANI>) { # similar code in t/harness
if (m!^(ext/\S+/([^/]+\.t|test\.pl)|lib/\S+?(\.t|test\.pl))\s!) {
- push @ARGV, $1;
- $OVER{$1} = File::Spec->catdir($updir, $1);
+ $t = $1;
+ if (!$core || $t =~ m!^lib/[a-z]!)
+ {
+ push @ARGV, $t;
+ $OVER{$t} = File::Spec->catdir($updir, $t);
+ }
} else {
diff --git a/t/base/term.t b/t/base/term.t
index 1d688b8f5b..000bff1b15 100755
--- a/t/base/term.t
+++ b/t/base/term.t
@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@ if (($x | 1) == 101) {print "ok 5\n";} else {print "not ok 5\n";}
# check <> pseudoliteral
-open(try, "/dev/null") || open(try,"Dev:Null") || open(try,"nla0:") || (die "Can't open /dev/null.");
+if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
+ open(try,"Dev:Null") || (die "Can't open /dev/null.");
+} else {
+ open(try, "/dev/null") || open(try,"nla0:") || (die "Can't open /dev/null.");
if (<try> eq '') {
print "ok 6\n";
diff --git a/t/io/binmode.t b/t/io/binmode.t
index 76fd5a7779..34a462d9f9 100644
--- a/t/io/binmode.t
+++ b/t/io/binmode.t
@@ -5,16 +5,24 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = '../lib';
use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Config;
ok( binmode(STDERR), 'STDERR made binary' );
-ok( binmode(STDERR, ":unix"), ' with unix discipline' );
+if ($Config{useperlio}) {
+ ok( binmode(STDERR, ":unix"), ' with unix discipline' );
+} else {
+ ok(1, ' skip unix discipline for -Uuseperlio' );
ok( binmode(STDERR, ":raw"), ' raw' );
ok( binmode(STDERR, ":crlf"), ' and crlf' );
# If this one fails, we're in trouble. So we just bail out.
ok( binmode(STDOUT), 'STDOUT made binary' ) || exit(1);
-ok( binmode(STDOUT, ":unix"), ' with unix discipline' );
-ok( binmode(STDERR, ":raw"), ' raw' );
-ok( binmode(STDERR, ":crlf"), ' and crlf' );
+if ($Config{useperlio}) {
+ ok( binmode(STDOUT, ":unix"), ' with unix discipline' );
+} else {
+ ok(1, ' skip unix discipline for -Uuseperlio' );
+ok( binmode(STDOUT, ":raw"), ' raw' );
+ok( binmode(STDOUT, ":crlf"), ' and crlf' );
diff --git a/t/op/64bitint.t b/t/op/64bitint.t
index e5ff95bf16..5ea1f2dbdc 100644
--- a/t/op/64bitint.t
+++ b/t/op/64bitint.t
@@ -14,9 +14,25 @@ BEGIN {
# so that using > 0xfffffff constants and
# 32+ bit integers don't cause noise
+use warnings;
no warnings qw(overflow portable);
-print "1..59\n";
+print "1..63\n";
+# as 6 * 6 = 36, the last digit of 6**n will always be six. Hence the last
+# digit of 16**n will always be six. Hence 16**n - 1 will always end in 5.
+# Assumption is that UVs will always be a multiple of 4 bits long.
+my $UV_max = ~0;
+die "UV_max eq '$UV_max', doesn't end in 5; your UV isn't 4n bits long :-(."
+ unless $UV_max =~ /5$/;
+my $UV_max_less3 = $UV_max - 3;
+my $maths_preserves_UVs = $UV_max_less3 =~ /^\d+2$/; # 5 - 3 is 2.
+if ($maths_preserves_UVs) {
+ print "# This perl's maths preserves all bits of a UV.\n";
+} else {
+ print "# This perl's maths does not preserve all bits of a UV.\n";
my $q = 12345678901;
my $r = 23456789012;
@@ -327,11 +343,40 @@ print "ok 58\n";
# 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF == 1 * 3 * 5 * 17 * 257 * 641 * 65537 * 6700417'
-if ($q == 0x5555555555555555 and $q != 0x5555555555555556) {
+if ($q == 0x5555555555555555 and ($q != 0x5555555555555556
+ or !$maths_preserves_UVs)) {
print "ok 59\n";
} else {
print "not ok 59 # 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF / 3 = $q\n";
print "# Should not be floating point\n" if $q =~ tr/e.//;
+$q = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF % 0x5555555555555555;
+if ($q == 0) {
+ print "ok 60\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 60 # 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF % 0x5555555555555555 => $q\n";
+if ($q == 0xF) {
+ print "ok 61\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 61 # 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF % 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 => $q\n";
+$q = 0x8000000000000000 % 9223372036854775807;
+if ($q == 1) {
+ print "ok 62\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 62 # 0x8000000000000000 % 9223372036854775807 => $q\n";
+$q = 0x8000000000000000 % -9223372036854775807;
+if ($q == -9223372036854775806) {
+ print "ok 63\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 63 # 0x8000000000000000 % -9223372036854775807 => $q\n";
# eof
diff --git a/t/op/concat.t b/t/op/concat.t
index 5ae7da51b9..4813690d6b 100644
--- a/t/op/concat.t
+++ b/t/op/concat.t
@@ -5,22 +5,28 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = '../lib';
-print "1..11\n";
+# This ok() function is specially written to avoid any concatenation.
+my $test = 1;
+sub ok {
+ my($ok, $name) = @_;
-($a, $b, $c) = qw(foo bar);
+ printf "%sok %d - %s\n", ($ok ? "" : "not "), $test, $name;
-print "not " unless "$a" eq "foo";
-print "ok 1\n";
+ printf "# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2] unless $ok;
-print "not " unless "$a$b" eq "foobar";
-print "ok 2\n";
+ $test++;
+ return $ok;
-print "not " unless "$c$a$c" eq "foo";
-print "ok 3\n";
+print "1..12\n";
-# Okay, so that wasn't very challenging. Let's go Unicode.
+($a, $b, $c) = qw(foo bar);
+ok("$a" eq "foo", "verifying assign");
+ok("$a$b" eq "foobar", "basic concatenation");
+ok("$c$a$c" eq "foo", "concatenate undef, fore and aft");
-my $test = 4;
+# Okay, so that wasn't very challenging. Let's go Unicode.
# bug id 20000819.004
@@ -28,26 +34,20 @@ my $test = 4;
$_ = $dx = "\x{10f2}";
- print "not " unless $_ eq "$dx$dx";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok($_ eq "$dx$dx","bug id 20000819.004, back");
$_ = $dx = "\x{10f2}";
- print "not " unless $_ eq "$dx$dx";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok($_ eq "$dx$dx","bug id 20000819.004, front");
$dx = "\x{10f2}";
$_ = "\x{10f2}\x{10f2}";
- print "not " unless $_ eq "$dx$dx";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok($_ eq "$dx$dx","bug id 20000819.004, front and back");
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ my $test = 4;
my $a;
$a .= "\x{1ff}";
- print "not " unless $a eq "\x{1ff}";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok($a eq "\x{1ff}", "bug id 20000901.092, undef left");
+ $a .= undef;
+ ok($a eq "\x{1ff}", "bug id 20000901.092, undef right");
@@ -69,29 +69,21 @@ my $test = 4;
# Without the fix this 5.7.0 would croak:
# Modification of a read-only value attempted at ...
- "$2\x{1234}";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ eval {"$2\x{1234}"};
+ ok(!$@, "bug id 20001020.006, left");
# For symmetry with the above.
- "\x{1234}$2";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ eval {"\x{1234}$2"};
+ ok(!$@, "bug id 20001020.006, right");
*pi = \undef;
# This bug existed earlier than the $2 bug, but is fixed with the same
# patch. Without the fix this 5.7.0 would also croak:
# Modification of a read-only value attempted at ...
- "$pi\x{1234}";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ eval{"$pi\x{1234}"};
+ ok(!$@, "bug id 20001020.006, constant left");
# For symmetry with the above.
- "\x{1234}$pi";
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ eval{"\x{1234}$pi"};
+ ok(!$@, "bug id 20001020.006, constant right");
diff --git a/t/op/inccode.t b/t/op/inccode.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85a235d6de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/op/inccode.t
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#!./perl -wT
+# Tests for the coderef-in-@INC feature
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Config;
+ require Test::More;
+ # This test relies on perlio, but the feature being tested does not.
+ # The dependency should eventually be purged and use something like
+ # Tie::Handle instead.
+ if( $Config{useperlio} ) {
+ Test::More->import(tests => 21);
+ }
+ else {
+ Test::More->import('skip_all');
+ }
+sub fooinc {
+ my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+ if (substr($filename,0,3) eq 'Foo') {
+ open my $fh, '<', \("package ".substr($filename,0,-3)."; 1;");
+ return $fh;
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+push @INC, \&fooinc;
+ok( !eval { require Bar; 1 }, 'Trying non-magic package' );
+ok( eval { require Foo; 1 }, 'require() magic via code ref' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+ok( eval "use Foo1; 1;", 'use()' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+ok( eval { do ''; 1 }, 'do()' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+pop @INC;
+sub fooinc2 {
+ my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+ if (substr($filename, 0, length($self->[1])) eq $self->[1]) {
+ open my $fh, '<', \("package ".substr($filename,0,-3)."; 1;");
+ return $fh;
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+push @INC, [ \&fooinc2, 'Bar' ];
+ok( eval { require Foo; 1; }, 'Originally loaded packages preserved' );
+ok( !eval { require Foo3; 1; }, 'Original magic INC purged' );
+ok( eval { require Bar; 1 }, 'require() magic via array ref' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+ok( eval "use Bar1; 1;", 'use()' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+ok( eval { do ''; 1 }, 'do()' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+pop @INC;
+sub FooLoader::INC {
+ my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+ if (substr($filename,0,4) eq 'Quux') {
+ open my $fh, '<', \("package ".substr($filename,0,-3)."; 1;");
+ return $fh;
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+push @INC, bless( {}, 'FooLoader' );
+ok( eval { require Quux; 1 }, 'require() magic via hash object' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+pop @INC;
+push @INC, bless( [], 'FooLoader' );
+ok( eval { require Quux1; 1 }, 'require() magic via array object' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+pop @INC;
+push @INC, bless( \(my $x = 1), 'FooLoader' );
+ok( eval { require Quux2; 1 }, 'require() magic via scalar object' );
+ok( exists $INC{''}, ' %INC sees it' );
+pop @INC;
diff --git a/t/op/numconvert.t b/t/op/numconvert.t
index 084092e534..fedef70d40 100755
--- a/t/op/numconvert.t
+++ b/t/op/numconvert.t
@@ -48,9 +48,11 @@ my $max_chain = $ENV{PERL_TEST_NUMCONVERTS} || 2;
my $max_uv1 = ~0;
my $max_uv2 = sprintf "%u", $max_uv1 ** 6; # 6 is an arbitrary number here
my $big_iv = do {use integer; $max_uv1 * 16}; # 16 is an arbitrary number here
+my $max_uv_less3 = $max_uv1 - 3;
print "# max_uv1 = $max_uv1, max_uv2 = $max_uv2, big_iv = $big_iv\n";
-if ($max_uv1 ne $max_uv2 or $big_iv > $max_uv1) {
+print "# max_uv_less3 = $max_uv_less3\n";
+if ($max_uv1 ne $max_uv2 or $big_iv > $max_uv1 or $max_uv1 == $max_uv_less3) {
print "1..0 # skipped: unsigned perl arithmetic is not sane";
eval { require Config; import Config };
use vars qw(%Config);
@@ -60,6 +62,10 @@ if ($max_uv1 ne $max_uv2 or $big_iv > $max_uv1) {
print "\n";
exit 0;
+if ($max_uv_less3 =~ tr/0-9//c) {
+ print "1..0 # skipped: this perl stringifies large unsigned integers using E notation\n";
+ exit 0;
my $st_t = 4*4; # We try 4 initializers and 4 reporters
diff --git a/t/op/pack.t b/t/op/pack.t
index dfecc6e573..1c6222efe7 100755
--- a/t/op/pack.t
+++ b/t/op/pack.t
@@ -1,12 +1,33 @@
+#!./perl -Tw
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
- require Config; import Config;
+use Config;
+$Is_EBCDIC = (defined $Config{ebcdic} && $Config{ebcdic} eq 'define');
+my $test = 1;
+sub ok {
+ my($ok) = @_;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ my $out = '';
+ $out = "not " unless $ok;
+ $out .= "ok $test\n";
+ print $out;
+ printf "# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2] unless $ok;
+ $test++;
+ return $ok;
print "1..161\n";
# Note: All test numbers in comments are off by 1 after the comment below..
$format = "c2 x5 C C x s d i l a6";
@@ -16,33 +37,29 @@ $format = "c2 x5 C C x s d i l a6";
$foo = pack($format,@ary);
@ary2 = unpack($format,$foo);
-print ($#ary == $#ary2 ? "ok 1\n" : "not ok 1\n");
+ok($#ary == $#ary2);
# Using long double NVs may introduce greater accuracy than wanted.
$out1 =~ s/:9\.87654321097999\d*:/:9.87654321098:/;
$out2 =~ s/:9\.87654321097999\d*:/:9.87654321098:/;
-print ($out1 eq $out2? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n");
+ok($out1 eq $out2);
-print ($foo =~ /def/ ? "ok 3\n" : "not ok 3\n");
+ok($foo =~ /def/);
# How about counting bits?
-print +($x = unpack("%32B*", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\377")) == 16
- ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4 $x\n";
+ok( ($x = unpack("%32B*", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\377")) == 16 );
-print +($x = unpack("%32b69", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\017")) == 12
- ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5 $x\n";
+ok( ($x = unpack("%32b69", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\017")) == 12 );
-print +($x = unpack("%32B69", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\017")) == 9
- ? "ok 6\n" : "not ok 6 $x\n";
+ok( ($x = unpack("%32B69", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\017")) == 9 );
my $sum = 129; # ASCII
-$sum = 103 if ($Config{ebcdic} eq 'define');
+$sum = 103 if $Is_EBCDIC;
-print +($x = unpack("%32B*", "Now is the time for all good blurfl")) == $sum
- ? "ok 7\n" : "not ok 7 $x\n";
+ok( ($x = unpack("%32B*", "Now is the time for all good blurfl")) == $sum );
open(BIN, "./perl") || open(BIN, "./perl.exe") || open(BIN, $^X)
|| die "Can't open ../perl or ../perl.exe: $!\n";
@@ -51,13 +68,11 @@ close BIN;
$sum = unpack("%32b*", $foo);
$longway = unpack("b*", $foo);
-print $sum == $longway =~ tr/1/1/ ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n";
+ok( $sum == $longway =~ tr/1/1/ );
-print +($x = unpack("I",pack("I", 0xFFFFFFFF))) == 0xFFFFFFFF
- ? "ok 9\n" : "not ok 9 $x\n";
+ok( ($x = unpack("I",pack("I", 0xFFFFFFFF))) == 0xFFFFFFFF );
# check 'w'
-my $test=10;
my @x = (5,130,256,560,32000,3097152,268435455,1073741844, 2**33,
my $x = pack('w*', @x);
@@ -411,7 +426,7 @@ $test++;
eval { ($x) = unpack 'a/a*/b*', '212ab' };
my $expected_x = '100001100100';
-if ($Config{ebcdic} eq 'define') { $expected_x = '100000010100'; }
+if ($Is_EBCDIC) { $expected_x = '100000010100'; }
print $@ eq '' && $x eq $expected_x ? "ok $test\n" : "#$x,$@\nnot ok $test\n";
diff --git a/t/op/pat.t b/t/op/pat.t
index 478e2994f0..2e8922523c 100755
--- a/t/op/pat.t
+++ b/t/op/pat.t
@@ -1989,6 +1989,8 @@ print "ok 683\n" if @a == 9 && "@a" eq "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from functions does not work
package ID_20010407_006;
sub x {
@@ -2000,7 +2002,7 @@ print "ok 683\n" if @a == 9 && "@a" eq "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
$x =~ /(..)/; $y = $1;
print "not " unless length($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
- print "ok 685\n" if length($y) == 2;
+ print "ok 685\n";
x =~ /(..)/; $y = $1;
print "not " unless length($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
diff --git a/t/op/sub_lval.t b/t/op/sub_lval.t
index 350cb65e1a..4654118fa1 100755
--- a/t/op/sub_lval.t
+++ b/t/op/sub_lval.t
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ eval <<'EOE' or $_ = $@;
print "# '$_'.\nnot "
- unless /Can\'t return a readonly value from lvalue subroutine/;
+ unless /Empty array returned from lvalue subroutine in scalar context/;
print "ok 31\n";
sub lv10 : lvalue {}
diff --git a/t/op/universal.t b/t/op/universal.t
index 23c616c2b1..efda2a59be 100755
--- a/t/op/universal.t
+++ b/t/op/universal.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN {
$| = 1;
-print "1..84\n";
+print "1..87\n";
$a = {};
bless $a, "Bob";
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ package Female;
package Alice;
@ISA=qw(Bob Female);
-sub drink {}
+sub sing;
+sub drink { return "drinking " . $_[1] }
sub new { bless {} }
$Alice::VERSION = 2.718;
@@ -44,8 +45,9 @@ $Alice::VERSION = 2.718;
package main;
-my $i = 2;
-sub test { print "not " unless shift; print "ok $i\n"; $i++; }
+{ my $i = 2;
+ sub test { print "not " unless shift; print "ok $i\n"; $i++; }
$a = new Alice;
@@ -61,11 +63,13 @@ test ! $a->isa("Male");
test ! $a->isa('Programmer');
-test $a->can("drink");
test $a->can("eat");
test ! $a->can("sleep");
+test my $ref = $a->can("drink"); # returns a coderef
+test $a->$ref("tea") eq "drinking tea"; # ... which works
+test $ref = $a->can("sing");
+eval { $a->$ref() };
+test $@; # ... but not if no actual subroutine
test (!Cedric->isa('Programmer'));
diff --git a/t/op/misc.t b/t/run/kill_perl.t
index 3cfb667ec8..aa7a4a9d45 100755..100644
--- a/t/op/misc.t
+++ b/t/run/kill_perl.t
@@ -1,66 +1,110 @@
-# NOTE: Please don't add tests to this file unless they *need* to be run in
-# separate executable and can't simply use eval.
+# This is for tests that will normally cause segfaults, and other nasty
+# errors that might kill the interpreter and for some reason you can't
+# use an eval().
+# New tests are added to the bottom. For example.
+# ######## perlbug ID 20020831.001
+# ($a, b) = (1,2)
+# Can't modify constant item in list assignment - at line 1
+# to test that the code "($a, b) = (1,2)" causes the appropriate syntax
+# error, rather than just segfaulting as reported in perlbug ID
+# 20020831.001
+# NOTE: Please don't add tests to this file unless they *need* to be
+# run in separate executable and can't simply use eval.
-chdir 't' if -d 't';
-@INC = '../lib';
-$ENV{PERL5LIB} = "../lib";
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use strict;
-undef $/;
-@prgs = split "\n########\n", <DATA>;
+my @prgs = ();
+while(<DATA>) {
+ if(m/^#{8,}\s*(.*)/) {
+ push @prgs, ['', $1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $prgs[-1][0] .= $_;
+ }
print "1..", scalar @prgs, "\n";
-$tmpfile = "misctmp000";
+my $tmpfile = "misctmp000";
1 while -f ++$tmpfile;
END { while($tmpfile && unlink $tmpfile){} }
-$CAT = (($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? '.\perl -e "print <>"' : (($^O eq 'NetWare') ? 'perl -e "print <>"' : 'cat'));
+my $test = 1;
+foreach my $prog (@prgs) {
+ my($raw_prog, $name) = @$prog;
-for (@prgs){
my $switch;
- if (s/^\s*(-\w.*)//){
+ if ($raw_prog =~ s/^\s*(-\w.*)//){
$switch = $1;
- my($prog,$expected) = split(/\nEXPECT\n/, $_);
+ my($prog,$expected) = split(/\nEXPECT\n/, $raw_prog);
open TEST, ">$tmpfile" or die "Cannot open $tmpfile: $!";
- $prog =~ s#/dev/null#NL:# if $^O eq 'VMS';
- $prog =~ s#if \(-e _ and -f _ and -r _\)#if (-e _ and -f _)# if $^O eq 'VMS'; # VMS file locking
+ # VMS adjustments
+ if( $^O eq 'VMS' ) {
+ $prog =~ s#/dev/null#NL:#;
+ # VMS file locking
+ $prog =~ s{if \(-e _ and -f _ and -r _\)}
+ {if (-e _ and -f _)}
+ }
print TEST $prog, "\n";
close TEST or die "Cannot close $tmpfile: $!";
+ my $results;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- $results = `.\\perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
+ $results = `.\\perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
- elsif ($^O eq 'NetWare') {
- $results = `perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
+ elsif ($^O eq 'NetWare') {
+ $results = `perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
else {
- $results = `./perl $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
+ $results = `./perl -I../lib $switch $tmpfile 2>&1`;
- $status = $?;
+ my $status = $?;
+ # Clean up the results into something a bit more predictable.
$results =~ s/\n+$//;
$results =~ s/at\s+misctmp\d+\s+line/at - line/g;
$results =~ s/of\s+misctmp\d+\s+aborted/of - aborted/g;
-# bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error',
-# various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'.
+ # bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error',
+ # various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'.
$results =~ s/^(syntax|parse) error/syntax error/mig;
$results =~ s/\n\n/\n/ if $^O eq 'VMS'; # pipes double these sometimes
$expected =~ s/\n+$//;
- if ( $results ne $expected ) {
- print STDERR "PROG: $switch\n$prog\n";
- print STDERR "EXPECTED:\n$expected\n";
- print STDERR "GOT:\n$results\n";
- print "not ";
+ my $ok = $results eq $expected;
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ print STDERR "# PROG: $switch\n$prog\n";
+ print STDERR "# EXPECTED:\n$expected\n";
+ print STDERR "# GOT:\n$results\n";
- print "ok ", ++$i, "\n";
+ printf "%sok %d%s\n", ($ok ? '' : "not "), $test,
+ length $name ? " - $name" : $name;
+ $test++;
$a = ":="; split /($a)/o, "a:=b:=c"; print "@_"
@@ -285,7 +329,7 @@ print "ok\n" if ("\0" lt "\xFF");
-open(H,'op/misc.t'); # must be in the 't' directory
+open(H,'run/kill_perl.t'); # must be in the 't' directory
print "ok\n" if (-e _ and -f _ and -r _);
@@ -735,7 +779,12 @@ EXPECT
1234 1
5678 1
1234 5678 2
-# keep this last - doesn't seem to work otherwise?
+######## found by Markov chain stress testing
eval "a.b.c.d.e.f;sub"
+######## perlbug ID 20010831.001
+($a, b) = (1, 2);
+Can't modify constant item in list assignment at - line 1, near ");"
+Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.