path: root/universal.c
diff options
authorSADAHIRO Tomoyuki <>2005-11-28 02:02:02 +0900
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2005-11-30 14:29:23 +0000
commit979f29225180f8c09f4adec52f850ae45694fd81 (patch)
tree2a19e5d269deb62b035de4c272f457862d7574f8 /universal.c
parent8f7f721921e56db1ab4fa5e3365e8f86077b2518 (diff)
Re: XS-assisted SWASHGET (esp. for t/uni/class.t speedup)
Message-Id: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@26229
Diffstat (limited to 'universal.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/universal.c b/universal.c
index b3a742b384..10dddb5efe 100644
--- a/universal.c
+++ b/universal.c
@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ XS(XS_Regexp_DESTROY);
@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@ Perl_boot_core_UNIVERSAL(pTHX)
newXSproto("Internals::hash_seed",XS_Internals_hash_seed, file, "");
newXSproto("Internals::rehash_seed",XS_Internals_rehash_seed, file, "");
newXSproto("Internals::HvREHASH", XS_Internals_HvREHASH, file, "\\%");
- newXS("utf8::SWASHGET_heavy", XS_utf8_SWASHGET_heavy, file);
@@ -951,417 +949,6 @@ XS(XS_Internals_HvREHASH) /* Subject to change */
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Internals::HvREHASH $hashref");
- if (items != 4) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_
- "Usage: utf8::SWASHGET_heavy($self, $start, $len, DEBUG)");
- }
- {
- SV* self = ST(0);
- const I32 i_start = (I32)SvIV(ST(1));
- const I32 i_len = (I32)SvIV(ST(2));
- const I32 debug = (I32)SvIV(ST(3));
- U32 start = (U32)i_start;
- U32 len = (U32)i_len;
- HV *hv;
- SV **listsvp, **typesvp, **bitssvp, **nonesvp, **extssvp, *swatch;
- U8 *l, *lend, *x, *xend, *s, *nextline;
- STRLEN lcur, xcur, scur;
- U8* typestr;
- int typeto;
- U32 bits, none, end, octets;
- if (SvROK(self) && SvTYPE(SvRV(self))==SVt_PVHV)
- hv = (HV*)SvRV(self);
- else
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "hv is not a hash reference");
- if (i_start < 0)
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "SWASHGET negative start");
- if (i_len < 0)
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "SWASHGET negative len");
- listsvp = hv_fetch(hv, "LIST", 4, FALSE);
- typesvp = hv_fetch(hv, "TYPE", 4, FALSE);
- bitssvp = hv_fetch(hv, "BITS", 4, FALSE);
- nonesvp = hv_fetch(hv, "NONE", 4, FALSE);
- extssvp = hv_fetch(hv, "EXTRAS", 6, FALSE);
- typestr = (U8*)SvPV_nolen(*typesvp);
- typeto = typestr[0] == 'T' && typestr[1] == 'o';
- bits = (U32)SvUV(*bitssvp);
- none = (U32)SvUV(*nonesvp);
- end = start + len;
- octets = bits >> 3; /* if bits == 1, then octets == 0 */
- if (bits != 1 && bits != 8 && bits != 16 && bits != 32) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "SWASHGET unknown bits %"UVuf, (UV)bits);
- }
- if (debug) {
- char* selfstr = SvPV_nolen(self);
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log, "SWASHGET ");
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log, "%s %"UVuf" %"UVuf" ",
- selfstr, (UV)start, (UV)len);
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log, "[%s/%"UVuf"/%"UVuf"]\n",
- typestr, (UV)bits, (UV)none);
- }
- /* initialize $swatch */
- swatch = newSVpvn("",0);
- scur = octets ? (len * octets) : (len + 7) / 8;
- SvGROW(swatch, scur + 1);
- s = (U8*)SvPVX(swatch);
- if (octets && none) {
- const U8* e = s + scur;
- while (s < e) {
- if (bits == 8)
- *s++ = (U8)(none & 0xff);
- else if (bits == 16) {
- *s++ = (U8)((none >> 8) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)( none & 0xff);
- }
- else if (bits == 32) {
- *s++ = (U8)((none >> 24) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)((none >> 16) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)((none >> 8) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)( none & 0xff);
- }
- }
- *s = '\0';
- }
- else {
- (void)memzero((U8*)s, scur + 1);
- }
- SvCUR_set(swatch, scur);
- s = (U8*)SvPVX(swatch);
- /* read $self->{LIST} */
- l = (U8*)SvPV(*listsvp, lcur);
- lend = l + lcur;
- while (l < lend) {
- U32 min, max, val, key;
- STRLEN numlen;
- nextline = (U8*)memchr(l, '\n', lend - l);
- numlen = lend - l;
- min = (U32)grok_hex((char *)l, &numlen, &flags, NULL);
- if (numlen)
- l += numlen;
- else if (nextline) {
- l = nextline + 1; /* 1 is length of "\n" */
- continue;
- }
- else {
- l = lend; /* to the end of LIST, at which no \n */
- break;
- }
- if (isBLANK(*l)) {
- ++l;
- numlen = lend - l;
- max = (U32)grok_hex((char *)l, &numlen, &flags, NULL);
- if (numlen)
- l += numlen;
- else
- max = min;
- if (octets) {
- if (isBLANK(*l)) {
- ++l;
- numlen = lend - l;
- val = (U32)grok_hex((char *)l, &numlen, &flags, NULL);
- if (numlen)
- l += numlen;
- else
- val = 0;
- }
- else {
- val = 0;
- if (typeto) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "%s: illegal mapping '%s'",
- typestr, l);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- max = min;
- if (octets) {
- val = 0;
- if (typeto) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "%s: illegal mapping '%s'",
- typestr, l);
- }
- }
- }
- if (nextline)
- l = nextline + 1;
- else
- l = lend;
- if (max < start)
- continue;
- if (octets) {
- if (debug) {
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log,
- "%"UVuf" %"UVuf" %"UVuf"\n",
- (UV)min, (UV)max, (UV)val);
- }
- if (min < start) {
- if (!none || val < none) {
- val += start - min;
- }
- min = start;
- }
- for (key = min; key <= max; key++) {
- U32 offset;
- if (key >= end)
- goto go_out_list;
- if (debug) {
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log,
- "%"UVuf" => %"UVuf"\n",
- (UV)key, (UV)val);
- }
- /* offset must be non-negative (start <= min <= key < end) */
- offset = (key - start) * octets;
- if (bits == 8)
- s[offset] = (U8)(val & 0xff);
- else if (bits == 16) {
- s[offset ] = (U8)((val >> 8) & 0xff);
- s[offset + 1] = (U8)( val & 0xff);
- }
- else if (bits == 32) {
- s[offset ] = (U8)((val >> 24) & 0xff);
- s[offset + 1] = (U8)((val >> 16) & 0xff);
- s[offset + 2] = (U8)((val >> 8) & 0xff);
- s[offset + 3] = (U8)( val & 0xff);
- }
- if (!none || val < none)
- ++val;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (min < start)
- min = start;
- for (key = min; key <= max; key++) {
- U32 offset = key - start;
- if (key >= end)
- goto go_out_list;
- if (debug) {
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log,
- "%"UVuf" => 1\n", (UV)key);
- }
- s[offset >> 3] |= 1 << (offset & 7);
- }
- }
- }
- go_out_list:
- /* read $self->{EXTRAS} */
- x = (U8*)SvPV(*extssvp, xcur);
- xend = x + xcur;
- while (x < xend) {
- STRLEN namelen;
- U8 *namestr;
- SV** othersvp;
- U32 otherbits;
- U8 opc = *x++;
- if (opc == '\n')
- continue;
- nextline = (U8*)memchr(x, '\n', xend - x);
- if (opc != '-' && opc != '+' && opc != '!' && opc != '&') {
- if (nextline) {
- x = nextline + 1;
- continue;
- }
- else {
- x = xend;
- break;
- }
- }
- namestr = x;
- if (nextline) {
- namelen = nextline - namestr;
- x = nextline + 1;
- }
- else {
- namelen = xend - namestr;
- x = xend;
- }
- if (debug) {
- U8* tmpstr;
- Newx(tmpstr, namelen + 1, U8);
- Move(namestr, tmpstr, namelen, U8);
- tmpstr[namelen] = '\0';
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log,
- "INDIRECT %c %s\n", opc, tmpstr);
- Safefree(tmpstr);
- }
- {
- HV* otherhv;
- SV **otherbitssvp;
- othersvp = hv_fetch(hv, (char *)namestr, namelen, FALSE);
- if (*othersvp && SvROK(*othersvp) &&
- SvTYPE(SvRV(*othersvp))==SVt_PVHV)
- otherhv = (HV*)SvRV(*othersvp);
- else
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "otherhv is not a hash reference");
- otherbitssvp = hv_fetch(otherhv, "BITS", 4, FALSE);
- otherbits = (U32)SvUV(*otherbitssvp);
- if (bits < otherbits)
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "SWASHGET size mismatch");
- }
- {
- dSP;
- PUSHs(*othersvp);
- PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(start)));
- PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(len)));
- if (call_method("SWASHGET", G_SCALAR)) {
- U8 *s, *o;
- STRLEN slen, olen;
- SV* tmpsv = *PL_stack_sp--;
- o = (U8*)SvPV(tmpsv, olen);
- if (!olen)
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "SWASHGET didn't return valid swatch");
- s = (U8*)SvPV(swatch, slen);
- if (bits == 1 && otherbits == 1) {
- if (slen != olen)
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "SWASHGET length mismatch");
- switch (opc) {
- case '+':
- while (slen--)
- *s++ |= *o++;
- break;
- case '!':
- while (slen--)
- *s++ |= ~*o++;
- break;
- case '-':
- while (slen--)
- *s++ &= ~*o++;
- break;
- case '&':
- while (slen--)
- *s++ &= *o++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- U32 otheroctets = otherbits / 8;
- U32 offset = 0;
- U8* send = s + slen;
- while (s < send) {
- U32 val = 0;
- if (otherbits == 1) {
- val = (o[offset >> 3] >> (offset & 7)) & 1;
- ++offset;
- }
- else {
- U32 vlen = otheroctets;
- val = *o++;
- while (--vlen) {
- val <<= 8;
- val |= *o++;
- }
- }
- if (opc == '+' && val)
- val = 1;
- else if (opc == '!' && !val)
- val = 1;
- else if (opc == '-' && val)
- val = 0;
- else if (opc == '&' && !val)
- val = 0;
- else {
- s += octets;
- continue;
- }
- if (bits == 8)
- *s++ = (U8)( val & 0xff);
- else if (bits == 16) {
- *s++ = (U8)((val >> 8) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)( val & 0xff);
- }
- else if (bits == 32) {
- *s++ = (U8)((val >> 24) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)((val >> 16) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)((val >> 8) & 0xff);
- *s++ = (U8)( val & 0xff);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (debug) {
- U8* s = (U8*)SvPVX(swatch);
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log, "CELLS ");
- if (bits == 1) {
- U32 key;
- for (key = 0; key < len; key++) {
- int val = (s[key >> 3] >> (key & 7)) & 1;
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log, val ? "1 " : "0 ");
- }
- }
- else {
- U8* send = s + len * octets;
- while (s < send) {
- U32 vlen = octets;
- U32 val = *s++;
- while (--vlen) {
- val <<= 8;
- val |= *s++;
- }
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log, "%"UVuf" ", (UV)val);
- }
- }
- PerlIO_printf(Perl_error_log, "\n");
- }
- ST(0) = swatch;
- sv_2mortal(ST(0));
- }
* Local variables:
* c-indentation-style: bsd