path: root/usub
diff options
authorLarry Wall <>1990-08-08 17:06:03 +0000
committerLarry Wall <>1990-08-08 17:06:03 +0000
commit450a55e4ae4b31d34735cf512c9f6c2f3a39ddad (patch)
tree752aeabe6e76da59a339e47582e399d4e5c184fe /usub
parent154e51a4a1b0258759b5e901183403af515a35b9 (diff)
perl 3.0 patch #23 patch #19, continued
See patch #19.
Diffstat (limited to 'usub')
2 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usub/mus b/usub/mus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..490f0082a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usub/mus
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+while (<>) {
+ if (s/^CASE\s+//) {
+ @fields = split;
+ $funcname = pop(@fields);
+ $rettype = "@fields";
+ @modes = ();
+ @types = ();
+ @names = ();
+ @outies = ();
+ @callnames = ();
+ $pre = "\n";
+ $post = '';
+ while (<>) {
+ last unless /^[IO]+\s/;
+ @fields = split(' ');
+ push(@modes, shift(@fields));
+ push(@names, pop(@fields));
+ push(@types, "@fields");
+ }
+ while (s/^<\s//) {
+ $pre .= "\t $_";
+ $_ = <>;
+ }
+ while (s/^>\s//) {
+ $post .= "\t $_";
+ $_ = <>;
+ }
+ $items = @names;
+ $namelist = '$' . join(', $', @names);
+ $namelist = '' if $namelist eq '$';
+ print <<EOF;
+ case US_$funcname:
+ if (items != $items)
+ fatal("Usage: &$funcname($namelist)");
+ else {
+ if ($rettype eq 'void') {
+ print <<EOF;
+ int retval = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+ $rettype retval;
+ }
+ foreach $i (1..@names) {
+ $mode = $modes[$i-1];
+ $type = $types[$i-1];
+ $name = $names[$i-1];
+ if ($type =~ /^[A-Z]+\*$/) {
+ $cast = "*($type*)";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cast = "($type)";
+ }
+ $what = ($type =~ /^(struct\s+\w+|char|[A-Z]+)\s*\*$/ ? "get" : "gnum");
+ $type .= "\t" if length($type) < 4;
+ $cast .= "\t" if length($cast) < 8;
+ $x = "\t" x (length($name) < 6);
+ if ($mode =~ /O/) {
+ if ($what eq 'gnum') {
+ push(@outies, "\t str_numset(st[$i], (double) $name);\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@outies, "\t str_set(st[$i], (char*) $name);\n");
+ }
+ push(@callnames, "&$name");
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@callnames, $name);
+ }
+ if ($mode =~ /I/) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ $type $name =$x $cast str_$what(st[$i]);
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+ $type $name;
+ }
+ }
+ $callnames = join(', ', @callnames);
+ $outies = join("\n",@outies);
+ if ($rettype eq 'void') {
+ print <<EOF;
+$pre (void)$funcname($callnames);
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+$pre retval = $funcname($callnames);
+ }
+ if ($rettype =~ /^(struct\s+\w+|char)\s*\*$/) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ str_set(st[0], (char*) retval);
+ }
+ elsif ($rettype =~ /^[A-Z]+\s*\*$/) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ str_set(st[0], (char*) &retval, sizeof retval);
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ }
+ print $outies if $outies;
+ print $post if $post;
+ if (/^END/) {
+ print "\t}\n\treturn sp;\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ redo;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^END/) {
+ print "\t}\n\treturn sp;\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print;
+ }
diff --git a/usub/pager b/usub/pager
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79e70b92f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usub/pager
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+eval <<'EndOfMain'; $evaloffset = 3; # line number of this line
+ $| = 1; # command buffering on stdout
+ &initterm;
+ &inithelp;
+ &slurpfile && &pagearray;
+if ($@) {
+ print ""; # force flush of stdout
+ $@ =~ s/\(eval\)/$0/ && $@ =~ s/line (\d+)/'line ' . ($1 + $evaloffset)/e;
+ die $@;
+sub initterm {
+ &initscr; &cbreak; &noecho; &scrollok($stdscr, 1);
+ &defbell unless defined &bell;
+ $lines = $LINES; $lines1 = $lines - 1; $lines2 = $lines - 2;
+ $cols = $COLS; $cols1 = $cols - 1; $cols2 = $cols - 2;;
+ $dl = &getcap('dl');
+ $al = &getcap('al');
+ $ho = &getcap('ho');
+ $ce = &getcap('ce');
+sub slurpfile {
+ while (<>) {
+ s/^(\t+)/' ' x length($1)/e;
+ &expand($_) if /\t/;
+ if (length($_) < $cols) {
+ push(@lines, $_);
+ }
+ else {
+ while ($_ && $_ ne "\n") {
+ push(@lines, substr($_,0,$cols));
+ substr($_,0,$cols) = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+sub drawscreen {
+ &move(0,0);
+ for ($line .. $line + $lines2) {
+ &addstr($lines[$_]);
+ }
+ &clrtobot;
+ &percent;
+ &refresh;
+sub expand {
+ while (($off = index($_[0],"\t")) >= 0) {
+ substr($_[0], $off, 1) = ' ' x (8 - $off % 8);
+ }
+sub pagearray {
+ $line = 0;
+ $| = 1;
+ for (&drawscreen;;&drawscreen) {
+ $ch = &getch;
+ $ch = "j" if $ch eq "\n";
+ if ($ch eq ' ') {
+ last if $percent >= 100;
+ &move(0,0);
+ $line += $lines1;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq 'b') {
+ $line -= $lines1;
+ &move(0,0);
+ $line = 0 if $line < 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq "j") {
+ $line += 1;
+ if ($dl) {
+ print $ho, $dl;
+ &mvcur(0,0,$lines2,0);
+ print $ce,$lines[$line+$lines2],$ce;
+ &wmove($curscr,0,0);
+ &wdeleteln($curscr);
+ &wmove($curscr,$lines2,0);
+ &waddstr($curscr,$lines[$line+$lines2]);
+ }
+ &wmove($stdscr,0,0);
+ &wdeleteln($stdscr);
+ &wmove($stdscr,$lines2,0);
+ &waddstr($stdscr,$lines[$line+$lines2]);
+ &percent;
+ &refresh;
+ redo;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq "k") {
+ next if $line <= 0;
+ $line -= 1;
+ if ($al) {
+ print $ho, $al, $ce, $lines[$line];
+ &wmove($curscr,0,0);
+ &winsertln($curscr);
+ &waddstr($curscr,$lines[$line]);
+ }
+ &wmove($stdscr,0,0);
+ &winsertln($stdscr);
+ &waddstr($stdscr,$lines[$line]);
+ &percent;
+ &refresh;
+ redo;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq "\f") {
+ &clear;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq "q") {
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq "h") {
+ &clear;
+ &help;
+ &clear;
+ }
+ else {
+ &bell;
+ }
+ }
+sub defbell {
+ eval q#
+ sub bell {
+ print "\007";
+ }
+ #;
+sub help {
+ local(*lines) = *helplines;
+ local($line);
+ &pagearray;
+sub inithelp {
+ @helplines = split(/\n/,<<'EOT');
+ Commands marked with * may be preceeded by a number, N.
+ h Display this help.
+ q Exit.
+ f, SPACE * Forward N lines, default one screen.
+ b * Backward N lines, default one screen.
+ e, j, CR * Forward N lines, default 1 line.
+ y, k * Backward N lines, default 1 line.
+ d * Forward N lines, default 10 or last N to d or u command.
+ u * Backward N lines, default 10 or last N to d or u command.
+ r Repaint screen.
+ R Repaint screen, discarding buffered input.
+ /pattern * Search forward for N-th line containing the pattern.
+ ?pattern * Search backward for N-th line containing the pattern.
+ n * Repeat previous search (for N-th occurence).
+ g * Go to line N, default 1.
+ G * Like g, but default is last line in file.
+ p, % * Position to N percent into the file.
+ m<letter> Mark the current position with <letter>.
+ '<letter> Return to a previously marked position.
+ '' Return to previous position.
+ E [file] Examine a new file.
+ N * Examine the next file (from the command line).
+ P * Examine the previous file (from the command line).
+ = Print current file name.
+ V Print version number of "less".
+ -<flag> Toggle a command line flag.
+ +cmd Execute the less cmd each time a new file is examined.
+ !command Passes the command to a shell to be executed.
+ v Edit the current file with $EDITOR.
+ for (@helplines) {
+ s/$/\n/;
+ }
+sub percent {
+ &standout;
+ $percent = int(($line + $lines1) * 100 / @lines);
+ &move($lines1,0);
+ &addstr("($percent%)");
+ &standend;
+ &clrtoeol;