path: root/utils/h2xs.PL
diff options
authorIlya Zakharevich <>2000-10-04 13:37:46 -0400
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2000-10-04 22:08:21 +0000
commitb68ece06e2cf4b8e1f7a860c1625cd5817c8c80b (patch)
tree79e9a697baee5a61ebf8196a337ecf7a561cbaef /utils/h2xs.PL
parent3bbcc830de5b39568997aa65d260ed9901f3098a (diff)
Re: [PATCH 5.7.0] h2xs not documenting the created module
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@7145
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/h2xs.PL')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/utils/h2xs.PL b/utils/h2xs.PL
index a5aa72476f..44b9ac888f 100644
--- a/utils/h2xs.PL
+++ b/utils/h2xs.PL
@@ -260,6 +260,68 @@ are using to run h2xs will have no effect.
# Same but treat SV* etc as "opaque" types
h2xs -o '^[S]V \*$' -M '^av_' -xAn perl2 perl.h,proto.h
+=head2 Extension based on F<.h> and F<.c> files
+Suppose that you have some C files implementing some functionality,
+and the corresponding header files. How to create an extension which
+makes this functionality accessable in Perl? The example below
+assumes that the header files are F<interface_simple.h> and
+I<interface_hairy.h>, and you want the perl module be named as
+C<Ext::Ension>. If you need some preprocessor directives and/or
+linking with external libraries, see the flags C<-F>, C<-L> and C<-l>
+in L<"OPTIONS">.
+=item Find the directory name
+Start with a dummy run of h2xs:
+ h2xs -Afn Ext::Ension
+The only purpose of this step is to create the needed directories, and
+let you know the names of these directories. From the output you can
+see that the directory for the extension is F<Ext/Ension>.
+=item Copy C files
+Copy your header files and C files to this directory F<Ext/Ension>.
+=item Create the extension
+Run h2xs, overwriting older autogenerated files:
+ h2xs -Oxan Ext::Ension interface_simple.h interface_hairy.h
+h2xs looks for header files I<after> changing to the extension
+directory, so it will find your header files OK.
+=item Archive and test
+As usual, run
+ cd Ext/Ension
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make dist
+ make
+ make test
+=item Hints
+It is important to do C<make dist> as early as possible. This way you
+can easily merge(1) your changes to autogenerated files if you decide
+to edit your C<.h> files and rerun h2xs.
+Do not forget to edit the documentation in the generated F<.pm> file.
+Consider the autogenerated files as skeletons only, you may invent
+better interfaces than what h2xs could guess.
+Consider this section as a guideline only, some other options of h2xs
+may better suit your needs.
No environment variables are used.
@@ -1438,47 +1500,49 @@ sub accessor_docs {
push @list, $item->[2];
- my $methods = (join '(...)>, C<', @list), '(...)';
- return <<"EOF";
-=head2 Object and class methods for C<$name>/C<$ptrname>
-The principal Perl representation of a C object of type C<$name> is an
-object of class C<$ptrname> which is a reference to an integer
-representation of a C pointer. To create such an object, one may use
-a combination
- my $buffer = $name->new();
- my $obj = $buf->_to_ptr();
-This exersizes the following two methods, and an additional class
-C<$name>, the internal representation of which is a reference to a
-packed string with the C structure. Keep in mind that $buffer should
-better survive longer than $obj.
-=item C<\$object_of_type_$name->_to_ptr()>
-Converts an object of type C<$name> to an object of type C<$ptrname>.
-=item C<$name->new()>
-Creates an empty object of type C<$name>. The corresponding packed
-string is zeroed out.
-=item C<$methods>
-return the current value of the corresponding element if called
-without additional arguments. Set the element to the supplied value
-(and return the new value) if called with an additional argument.
-Applicable to objects of type C<$ptrname>.
+ my $methods = (join '(...)>, C<', @list) . '(...)';
+ my $pod = <<"EOF";
+#=head2 Object and class methods for C<$name>/C<$ptrname>
+#The principal Perl representation of a C object of type C<$name> is an
+#object of class C<$ptrname> which is a reference to an integer
+#representation of a C pointer. To create such an object, one may use
+#a combination
+# my \$buffer = $name->new();
+# my \$obj = \$buffer->_to_ptr();
+#This exersizes the following two methods, and an additional class
+#C<$name>, the internal representation of which is a reference to a
+#packed string with the C structure. Keep in mind that \$buffer should
+#better survive longer than \$obj.
+#=item C<\$object_of_type_$name-E<gt>_to_ptr()>
+#Converts an object of type C<$name> to an object of type C<$ptrname>.
+#=item C<$name-E<gt>new()>
+#Creates an empty object of type C<$name>. The corresponding packed
+#string is zeroed out.
+#=item C<$methods>
+#return the current value of the corresponding element if called
+#without additional arguments. Set the element to the supplied value
+#(and return the new value) if called with an additional argument.
+#Applicable to objects of type C<$ptrname>.
+ $pod =~ s/^\#//gm;
+ return $pod;
# Should be called before any actual call to normalize_type().
@@ -1636,10 +1700,26 @@ WriteMakefile(
if (!$opt_X) { # print C stuff, unless XS is disabled
$opt_F = '' unless defined $opt_F;
+ my $I = (((glob '*.h') || (glob '*.hh')) ? '-I.' : '');
+ my $Ihelp = ($I ? '-I. ' : '');
+ my $Icomment = ($I ? '' : <<EOC);
+ # Insert -I. if you add *.h files later:
print PL <<END;
'LIBS' => ['$extralibs'], # e.g., '-lm'
'DEFINE' => '$opt_F', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
- 'INC' => '', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
+$Icomment 'INC' => '$I', # e.g., '$Ihelp-I/usr/include/other'
+ my $C = grep $_ ne "$modfname.c", (glob '*.c'), (glob '*.cc'), (glob '*.C');
+ my $Cpre = ($C ? '' : '# ');
+ my $Ccomment = ($C ? '' : <<EOC);
+ # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later:
+ print PL <<END;
+$Ccomment $Cpre\'OBJECT' => '\$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too
print PL ");\n";