path: root/utils
diff options
authorGurusamy Sarathy <>1998-05-14 23:34:26 +0000
committerGurusamy Sarathy <>1998-05-14 23:34:26 +0000
commitee580363108be8ac33155650c6c18d2e5cf051f3 (patch)
tree624481ea9b43b14435199892029f54adfa629ab2 /utils
parent7b8d334a971230040a212bc5038097b3f600a094 (diff)
[win32] merge change#904 from maintbranch
p4raw-link: @904 on //depot/maint-5.004/perl: 0af7994b889ad0dfcacb011f16f9e3c77a9292b9 p4raw-id: //depot/win32/perl@975
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/utils/h2ph.PL b/utils/h2ph.PL
index dc2207cc4d..2c685e0383 100644
--- a/utils/h2ph.PL
+++ b/utils/h2ph.PL
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use Config;
-use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);
+use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
# List explicitly here the variables you want Configure to
# generate. Metaconfig only looks for shell variables, so you
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ use Config;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Getopt::Std;
my $Exit = 0;
@@ -76,8 +75,7 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
if ($file eq '-') {
open(IN, "-");
open(OUT, ">-");
- }
- else {
+ } else {
($outfile = $file) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/ || next;
print "$file -> $outfile\n";
if ($file =~ m|^(.*)/|) {
@@ -94,6 +92,7 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
$_ .= <IN>;
+ print OUT "# $_\n" if $opt_D;
if (s:/\*:\200:g) {
s/\200[^\201]*\201//g; # delete single line comments
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
- if (s/^#\s*//) {
+ if (s/^\s*#\s*//) {
if (s/^define\s+(\w+)//) {
$name = $1;
$new = '';
@@ -122,86 +121,121 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
- $new =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
+ $new =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; #"]);
+ $new = reindent($new);
+ $args = reindent($args);
if ($t ne '') {
- $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
+ $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; #']);
if ($opt_h) {
print OUT $t,
- "eval \"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval \"$new\";\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
+ "eval \"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
} else {
print OUT $t,
- "eval 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval \"$new\";\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
+ "eval 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
- }
- else {
- print OUT "unless (defined(\&$name)) {\nsub $name $proto\{\n ${args}eval \"$new\";\n}\n}\n";
+ } else {
+ print OUT "unless(defined(\&$name)) {\n sub $name $proto\{\n\t${args}eval q($new);\n }\n}\n";
%curargs = ();
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$new = 1 if $new eq '';
+ $new = reindent($new);
+ $args = reindent($args);
if ($t ne '') {
- $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
+ $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; #']);
if ($opt_h) {
print OUT $t,"eval \"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . 'sub $name () {",$new,";}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
} else {
print OUT $t,"eval 'sub $name () {",$new,";}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
- }
- else {
- print OUT $t,"unless(defined(\&$name)) {\nsub $name () {",$new,";}\n}\n";
+ } else {
+ print OUT $t,"unless(defined(\&$name)) {\n sub $name () {\t",$new,";}\n}\n";
- }
- elsif (/^include\s*<(.*)>/) {
- ($incl = $1) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
+ } elsif (/^(include|import)\s*[<"](.*)[>"]/) {
+ ($incl = $2) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
print OUT $t,"require '$incl';\n";
- }
- elsif (/^ifdef\s+(\w+)/) {
- print OUT $t,"if (defined &$1) {\n";
+ } elsif(/^include_next\s*[<"](.*)[>"]/) {
+ ($incl = $1) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
+ # should've read up on #include_next properly before attempting
+ # to implement it...
+ #
+ #print OUT $t, "{\n";
+ #$tab += 4;
+ #$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
+ #print OUT $t, "my(\$INC) = shift(\@INC);\n";
+ #print OUT $t, "require '$incl';\n";
+ #print OUT $t, "unshift(\@INC, \$INC);}\n";
+ #$tab -= 4;
+ #$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
+ #print OUT $t, "}\n";
+ #
+ # try this instead:
+ print OUT ($t, "my(\$i) = 0;\n");
+ print OUT ($t, "if(exists(\$INC{$incl})) {\n");
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- }
- elsif (/^ifndef\s+(\w+)/) {
- print OUT $t,"if (!defined &$1) {\n";
+ print OUT ($t, "++\$i while (\$i <= \$#INC",
+ " and \$INC[\$i].'/$incl' ne \$INC{'$incl'});\n");
+ print OUT ($t, "\$i = 0 if \$INC[\$i].'/$incl' ne",
+ " \$INC{'$incl'};\n");
+ $tab -= 4;
+ $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
+ print OUT ($t, "}\n");
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "eval(\"require '\" . ",
+ "(\$i ? \$INC[\$i].'/' : '') . \"\$incl';\");");
+ # any better? require is smart enough not to try and include a
+ # file twice, i believe, so require-ing the same actual file
+ # should end up just being a null operation...
+ } elsif (/^ifdef\s+(\w+)/) {
+ print OUT $t,"if(defined(&$1)) {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- }
- elsif (s/^if\s+//) {
+ } elsif (/^ifndef\s+(\w+)/) {
+ print OUT $t,"unless(defined(&$1)) {\n";
+ $tab += 4;
+ $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
+ } elsif (s/^if\s+//) {
$new = '';
$inif = 1;
$inif = 0;
- print OUT $t,"if ($new) {\n";
+ print OUT $t,"if($new) {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- }
- elsif (s/^elif\s+//) {
+ } elsif (s/^elif\s+//) {
$new = '';
$inif = 1;
$inif = 0;
$tab -= 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- print OUT $t,"}\n${t}elsif ($new) {\n";
+ print OUT $t,"}\n elsif($new) {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- }
- elsif (/^else/) {
+ } elsif (/^else/) {
$tab -= 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- print OUT $t,"}\n${t}else {\n";
+ print OUT $t,"} else {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- }
- elsif (/^endif/) {
+ } elsif (/^endif/) {
$tab -= 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
print OUT $t,"}\n";
+ } elsif(/^undef\s+(\w+)/) {
+ print OUT $t, "undef(&$1) if defined(&$1);\n";
+ } elsif(/^error\s+(.*)/) {
+ print OUT $t, "die(\"$1\");\n";
+ } elsif(/^warning\s+(.*)/) {
+ print OUT $t, "warn(\"$1\");\n";
+ } elsif(/^ident\s+(.*)/) {
+ print OUT $t, "# $1\n";
@@ -210,10 +244,20 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
exit $Exit;
+sub reindent($) {
+ my($text) = shift;
+ $text =~ s/\n/\n /g;
+ $text =~ s/ /\t/g;
+ $text;
sub expr {
+ if(keys(%curargs)) {
+ my($joined_args) = join('|', keys(%curargs));
+ }
while ($_ ne '') {
- s/^\&\&// && do { $new .= "&&"; next;}; # handle && operator
- s/^\&//; # hack for things that take the address of
+ s/^\&\&// && do { $new .= " &&"; next;}; # handle && operator
+ s/^\&([\(a-z\)]+)/$1/i; # hack for things that take the address of
s/^(\s+)// && do {$new .= ' '; next;};
s/^(0X[0-9A-F]+)[UL]*//i && do {$new .= lc($1); next;};
s/^(-?\d+\.\d+E[-+]\d+)F?//i && do {$new .= $1; next;};
@@ -222,8 +266,7 @@ sub expr {
s/^'((\\"|[^"])*)'// && do {
if ($curargs{$1}) {
$new .= "ord('\$$1')";
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$new .= "ord('$1')";
@@ -260,11 +303,22 @@ sub expr {
s/\([\w\s]+[\*\s]*\)// && next; # then eliminate them.
- # struct/union member:
- s/^([_A-Z]\w*((\.|->)[_A-Z]\w*)+)//i && do {
+ # struct/union member, including arrays:
+ s/^([_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?((\.|->)[_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?)+)//i && do {
$id = $1;
- $id =~ s/(\.|(->))([^\.-]*)/->\{$3\}/g;
- $new .= ' ($' . $id . ')';
+ $id =~ s/(\.|(->))([^\.\-]*)/->\{$3\}/g;
+ $id =~ s/\b([^\$])($joined_args)/$1\$$2/g if length($joined_args);
+ while($id =~ /\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/) {
+ my($index) = $1;
+ $index =~ s/\s//g;
+ if(exists($curargs{$index})) {
+ $index = "\$$index";
+ } else {
+ $index = "&$index";
+ }
+ $id =~ s/\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/[$index]/;
+ }
+ $new .= " (\$$id)";
s/^([_a-zA-Z]\w*)// && do {
$id = $1;
@@ -272,41 +326,33 @@ sub expr {
$id .= ' ' . $1;
$isatype{$id} = 1;
- }
- elsif ($id =~ /^((un)?signed)|(long)|(short)$/) {
+ } elsif ($id =~ /^((un)?signed)|(long)|(short)$/) {
while (s/^\s+(\w+)//) { $id .= ' ' . $1; }
$isatype{$id} = 1;
if ($curargs{$id}) {
- $new .= '$' . $id;
- }
- elsif ($id eq 'defined') {
+ $new .= "\$$id";
+ $new .= '->' if /^[\[\{]/;
+ } elsif ($id eq 'defined') {
$new .= 'defined';
- }
- elsif (/^\(/) {
+ } elsif (/^\(/) {
s/^\((\w),/("$1",/ if $id =~ /^_IO[WR]*$/i; # cheat
$new .= " &$id";
- }
- elsif ($isatype{$id}) {
+ } elsif ($isatype{$id}) {
if ($new =~ /{\s*$/) {
$new .= "'$id'";
- }
- elsif ($new =~ /\(\s*$/ && /^[\s*]*\)/) {
+ } elsif ($new =~ /\(\s*$/ && /^[\s*]*\)/) {
$new =~ s/\(\s*$//;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$new .= q(').$id.q(');
- }
- else {
+ } else {
if ($inif && $new !~ /defined\s*\($/) {
$new .= '(defined(&' . $id . ') ? &' . $id . ' : 0)';
- }
- elsif (/^\[/) {
- $new .= ' $' . $id;
- }
- else {
+ } elsif (/^\[/) {
+ $new .= " \$$id";
+ } else {
$new .= ' &' . $id;
@@ -334,7 +380,7 @@ sub next_file
} else {
print STDERR "Skipping directory `$file'\n";
- } else {
+ } else {
print STDERR "Skipping `$file': not a file or directory\n";
@@ -356,8 +402,11 @@ sub expand_glob
# expand_glob() is going to be called until $ARGV[0] isn't a
# directory; so push directories, and unshift everything else.
- if (-d "$directory/$_") { push @ARGV, "$directory/$_" }
- else { unshift @ARGV, "$directory/$_" }
+ if (-d "$directory/$_") {
+ push @ARGV, "$directory/$_";
+ } else {
+ unshift @ARGV, "$directory/$_";
+ }
closedir DIR;
@@ -382,7 +431,6 @@ sub link_if_possible
unlink "$Dest_dir/$dirlink" or
print STDERR "Could not remove link $Dest_dir/$dirlink: $!\n";
if (eval 'symlink($target, "$Dest_dir/$dirlink")') {
print "Linking $target -> $Dest_dir/$dirlink\n";