path: root/win32
diff options
authorDaniel Dragan <>2013-08-22 14:11:17 -0400
committerTony Cook <>2013-08-23 16:30:55 +1000
commit58ff4bd059d6ce9e478ad12c8132ee7025c0c2ed (patch)
treefc824bceb84197633fd6f1bf8e1378854d28220f /win32
parenta24e431812b3fe550745f08f0a6093014a73dde1 (diff)
restore XS module building for WinCE
configpm - when debugging configpm, is already loaded, so the alternate for CE isn't loaded, warn about the problem and delete the native to allow the cross to be loaded win32/ - better build product cleanup, copy from the win32 makefile - disable a bunch of module that dont/dont yet build on CE - debugging configpm required a shortcut to make it easier to run in isolation - fix the defines that wind up in the cross - add -GS- to disable the MS Security Cookie feature on MSVC for ARM >=14 compilers, this stops a .lib linking error, security cookie overhead isnt needed for a very space limited device sdsdkenv.bat is the file I use to set env vars to compile for WM since starting in SmartDevices SDK, there is no equivelent of vcvarsall.bat for makefile building, there was a vcvarsall.bat equivelent in EVC4 tho MSVC for non Intel CPUs sometimes isn't named cl.exe, fix config_sh.PL to deal with it how to compile CE Perl, some steps involving celib and MS SDKs not included and 2 patches to CPAN modules, Socket and MakeMaker, are not in this commit but they are required to build CE Perl -in a Win32 x86/x64 command prompt do a "nmake all" to make a Desktop Perl -then in a WinCE build env command prompt do a "nmake -f makefile.ce all" -/xlib will have all your XS DLLs and PM files, /win32/$(MACHINE) will have perl519.dll and perl.exe Tony Cook: update MANIFEST
Diffstat (limited to 'win32')
3 files changed, 53 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/win32/Makefile.ce b/win32/Makefile.ce
index 2f2f4b4d42..311f219f38 100644
--- a/win32/Makefile.ce
+++ b/win32/Makefile.ce
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ INST_TOP=$(INSTALL_ROOT)
# PERLCEDIR shoud be set to current directory
-PERLCEDIR = H:\src\wince\perl\win32
# WCEROOT is a directory where Windows CE Tools was installed
WCEROOT = D:\Windows CE Tools
@@ -33,12 +33,6 @@ CCHOME = $(MSVCDIR)
CCINCDIR = $(CCHOME)\include
-# Only for WIN2000
-#YES = /y
-COPY = copy $(YES)
-XCOPY = xcopy $(YES) /f /r /i /d
-RCOPY = xcopy $(YES) /f /r /i /e /d
# cecopy program. Make shure it is in your path, as well as cemkdir, cedel
CECOPY = cecopy
@@ -358,7 +352,7 @@ STARTOBJS = $(CECONSOLEDIR)/$(MACHINE)/wmain.obj \
# common section
CEDEFS = -D_WINDOWS -D_WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) -DUNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) \
@@ -384,8 +378,8 @@ PATH=$(CEPATH);$(PATH)
# attention, for eVC 4, these paths are not generated correctly since the
# WinCE SDK is organized differently from eVC 3, replace the next 2 macros
# with absolute paths to the correct directories on your system
@@ -470,6 +464,8 @@ XCOREDIR = ..\xlib\$(CROSS_NAME)\CORE
AUTODIR = ..\lib\auto
LIBDIR = ..\lib
EXTDIR = ..\ext
+DISTDIR = ..\dist
+CPANDIR = ..\cpan
PODDIR = ..\pod
@@ -507,7 +503,7 @@ LIBBASEFILES = $(CRYPT_LIB) $(CELIBS)
-CFLAGS = -nologo -Gf -W3 $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) $(LOCDEFS) \
LINK_FLAGS = -nologo -opt:ref,icf -machine:$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)
@@ -583,10 +579,18 @@ UNIDATADIR2 = ..\lib\unicore\lib
PERLDEP = perldll.def
MAKE = nmake -nologo
+MAKE_BARE = nmake
CFGSH_TMPL = config.ce
CFGH_TMPL = config_H.ce
+XCOPY = xcopy /f /r /i /d /y
+RCOPY = xcopy /f /r /i /e /d /y
+NOOP = @rem
+DEL = del
..\av.c \
..\deb.c \
@@ -701,26 +705,31 @@ CFG_VARS = \
"archname=$(ARCHNAME)" \
- "CC=$(CC)" \
+ "cc=$(CC)" \
+ "ld=$(LINK32)" \
"ccflags=$(OPTIMIZE) $(DEFINES) $(BUILDOPT)" \
"cppflags=$(OPTIMIZE) $(DEFINES) $(BUILDOPT)" \
"cf_by=vkon" \
"cf_email=$(EMAIL)" \
- "d_crypt=$(D_CRYPT)" \
"d_mymalloc=$(PERL_MALLOC)" \
"libs=$(LIBFILES)" \
"incpath=$(CCINCDIR)" \
"libperl=$(PERLIMPLIB_EXP)" \
"libpth=$(LIBPATH)" \
"libc=$(LIBC)" \
- "make=nmake" \
+ "make=$(MAKE_BARE)" \
"static_ext=$(STATIC_EXT)" \
"dynamic_ext=$(DYNAMIC_EXT)" \
+ "usethreads=$(USE_ITHREADS)" \
"useithreads=$(USE_ITHREADS)" \
"usemultiplicity=$(USE_MULTI)" \
"useperlio=$(USE_PERLIO)" \
+ "use64bitint=undef" \
+ "uselargefiles=undef" \
- "optimize=$(OPTIMIZE)"
+ "optimize=$(OPTIMIZE)" \
+ "WIN64=$(WIN64)"
ICWD = -I..\dist\Cwd -I..\dist\Cwd\lib
ICWD1 = -I..\..\dist\Cwd -I..\..\dist\Cwd\lib
@@ -740,11 +749,13 @@ all: hostminiperl $(MINIMOD) $(CONFIGPM) $(UNIDATAFILES) $(PERLEXE) MakePPPort E
$(DYNALOADER)$(o) : $(DYNALOADER).c xconfig.h $(EXTDIR)\DynaLoader\dlutils.c
+#convenience target
+configpm_targ : $(CONFIGPM)
$(CONFIGPM) : $(HPERL) ..\Cross\config-$(MACHINE).sh config_h.PL ..\
cd .. && $(HPERL) -Ilib configpm --cross=$(CROSS_NAME) --no-glossary
-mkdir $(XCOREDIR)
$(XCOPY) ..\*.h $(XCOREDIR)\*.*
- $(XCOPY) ..\*.inc $(XCOREDIR)\*.*
$(XCOPY) *.h $(XCOREDIR)\*.*
$(XCOPY) ..\ext\re\ $(LIBDIR)\*.*
$(RCOPY) include $(XCOREDIR)\*.*
@@ -776,12 +787,12 @@ NOT_COMPILE_EXT = $(NOT_COMPILE_EXT) !XS/Typemap
-Extensions: ..\ $(PERLDEP) $(CONFIGPM)
- $(HPERL) -I..\lib -I. -MCross=$(CROSS_NAME) ..\ "MAKE=$(MAKE)" --dir=$(EXTDIR) --all \
+Extensions: ..\ $(CONFIGPM)
+ $(HPERL) -I..\lib -I. -MCross=$(CROSS_NAME) ..\ "MAKE=$(MAKE)" --dir=$(CPANDIR) --dir=$(DISTDIR) --dir=$(EXTDIR) --all \
+ !POSIX !Errno !Win32 !Win32API/File !Socket !Time/HiRes !Time/Piece !re $(NOT_COMPILE_EXT)
- -if exist $(MINIPERL) $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib ..\ "MAKE=$(MAKE)" --dir=$(EXTDIR) --all --target=clean
+ -if exist $(MINIPERL) $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib ..\ "MAKE=$(MAKE)" --all --target=clean
@@ -789,14 +800,17 @@ $(PERLEXE_RES): perlexe.rc perl.rc $(PERLEXE_MANIFEST) $(PERLEXE_ICO)
rc $(RCDEFS) perlexe.rc
- -rm -f $(MACHINE)/dll/*
- -rm -f $(MACHINE)/*.obj
- -rm -f $(MACHINE)/*.exe
- -rm -f $(MACHINE)/*.dll
- -rm -f $(MACHINE)/*.lib
- -rm -f ..\Cross\config-$(MACHINE).sh ../lib/
- -rm -f config.h xconfig.h perl.res
- -rm -f ../t/test_state
+ -if exist .\$(MACHINE)\dll rmdir /s /q .\$(MACHINE)\dll
+ -@$(DEL) .\$(MACHINE)\*.obj
+ -@$(DEL) .\$(MACHINE)\*.exe
+ -@$(DEL) .\$(MACHINE)\*.dll
+ -@$(DEL) .\$(MACHINE)\*.lib
+ -@$(DEL) .\$(MACHINE)\*.exp
+ -@$(DEL) .\$(MACHINE)\*.pdb
+ -@$(DEL) ..\Cross\config-$(MACHINE).sh ..\lib\
+ -if exist ..\xlib rmdir /s /q ..\xlib
+ -@$(DEL) config.h xconfig.h perl.res
+ -@$(DEL) ..\t\test_state
$(DLLDIR)\av.obj \
@@ -882,6 +896,9 @@ $(PERLDLL) : $(DLLDIR) perldll.def $(XDLLOBJS) $(PERLDLL_RES)
if not exist "$(DLLDIR)" mkdir "$(DLLDIR)"
+$(EXTDIR)\DynaLoader\DynaLoader.c :
+ $(HPERL) -I..\lib -I. -MCross=$(CROSS_NAME) ..\ "MAKE=$(MAKE)" --dir=$(EXTDIR) --dynaloader
$(DLLDIR)\DynaLoader.obj: $(EXTDIR)\DynaLoader\DynaLoader.c
@@ -921,7 +938,7 @@ makedist: all dlls
cp registry.bat $(MACHINE)
cp ../lib/ $(MACHINE)/lib
- rm -f perl-$(MACHINE).tar.gz
+ -@$(DEL) perl-$(MACHINE).tar.gz
sh -c "tar cf perl-$(MACHINE).tar *.exe *.dll *.txt *.bat lib"
gzip -9 perl-$(MACHINE).tar
mv perl-$(MACHINE).tar.gz h:/freenet/new
diff --git a/win32/ce-helpers/sdsdkenv.bat b/win32/ce-helpers/sdsdkenv.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe72309a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/ce-helpers/sdsdkenv.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set INCLUDE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\include;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SmartDevices\SDK\PocketPC2003\Include
+set LIB=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\lib\armv4;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SmartDevices\SDK\PocketPC2003\Lib\armv4
+set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\bin\x86_arm;%PATH%
diff --git a/win32/config_sh.PL b/win32/config_sh.PL
index d866f7624e..f3fdf075d8 100644
--- a/win32/config_sh.PL
+++ b/win32/config_sh.PL
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ else {
if (exists $opt{cc}) {
# cl version detection borrowed from Test::Smoke's
- if ($opt{cc} eq 'cl') {
- my $output = `cl --version 2>&1`;
+ if ($opt{cc} =~ /\bcl/) { #MSVC can come as clarm.exe
+ my $output = `$opt{cc} --version 2>&1`;
$opt{ccversion} = $output =~ /^.*Version\s+([\d.]+)/ ? $1 : '?';
elsif ($opt{cc} =~ /\bgcc\b/) {
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ $opt{libpth} = mungepath($opt{libpth}) if exists $opt{libpth};
$opt{incpath} = mungepath($opt{incpath}) if exists $opt{incpath};
my($int64, $int64f);
-if ($opt{cc} eq 'cl') {
+if ($opt{cc} =~ /\bcl/) {
$int64 = '__int64';
$int64f = 'I64';
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ else {
# change the s{GM|LOCAL}TIME_{min|max} for VS2005 (aka VC 8) and
# VS2008 (aka VC 9) or higher (presuming that later versions will have
# at least the range of that).
-if ($opt{cc} eq 'cl' and $opt{ccversion} =~ /^(\d+)/) {
+if ($opt{cc} =~ /\bcl/ and $opt{ccversion} =~ /^(\d+)/) {
my $ccversion = $1;
if ($ccversion >= 14) {
$opt{sGMTIME_max} = 32535291599;