diff options
5 files changed, 121 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ext/B/t/deparse.t b/ext/B/t/deparse.t
index a8cb3560d0..f28c68821a 100644
--- a/ext/B/t/deparse.t
+++ b/ext/B/t/deparse.t
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ BEGIN {
require feature;
-use Test::More tests => 64;
+use Test::More tests => 66;
use B::Deparse;
my $deparse = B::Deparse->new();
@@ -432,3 +432,29 @@ use constant H => { "#" => 1 }; H->{"#"}
# SKIP ?$B::Deparse::VERSION <= 0.87 && "TODO optimized away 0 not yet fixed"
# 57 (cpan-bug #33708)
foreach my $i (@_) { 0 }
+# 58 tests with not, not optimized
+x() unless $a;
+x() if not $a and $b;
+x() if $a and not $b;
+x() unless not $a and $b;
+x() unless $a and not $b;
+x() if not $a or $b;
+x() if $a or not $b;
+x() unless not $a or $b;
+x() unless $a or not $b;
+# 59 tests with not, optimized
+x() if not $a;
+x() unless not $a;
+x() if not $a and not $b;
+x() unless not $a and not $b;
+x() if not $a or not $b;
+x() unless not $a or not $b;
+x() unless $a;
+x() if $a;
+x() unless $a or $b;
+x() if $a or $b;
+x() unless $a and $b;
+x() unless not $a && $b;
diff --git a/lib/overload.t b/lib/overload.t
index 7c2476cc8c..f10e09255c 100644
--- a/lib/overload.t
+++ b/lib/overload.t
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ sub numify { 0 + "${$_[0]}" } # Not needed, additional overhead
package main;
$| = 1;
-use Test::More tests => 558;
+use Test::More tests => 574;
$a = new Oscalar "087";
@@ -1225,6 +1225,46 @@ foreach my $op (qw(<=> == != < <= > >=)) {
ok(!$b, "Expect overloaded boolean");
ok(!$a, "Expect overloaded boolean");
+ package Flrbbbbb;
+ use overload
+ bool => sub { shift->{truth} eq 'yes' },
+ '0+' => sub { shift->{truth} eq 'yes' ? '1' : '0' },
+ '!' => sub { shift->{truth} eq 'no' },
+ fallback => 1;
+ sub new { my $class = shift; bless { truth => shift }, $class }
+ package main;
+ my $yes = Flrbbbbb->new('yes');
+ my $x;
+ $x = 1 if $yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 2 unless $yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 3 if !$yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 4 unless !$yes; is($x, 4);
+ my $no = Flrbbbbb->new('no');
+ $x = 0;
+ $x = 1 if $no; is($x, 0);
+ $x = 2 unless $no; is($x, 2);
+ $x = 3 if !$no; is($x, 3);
+ $x = 4 unless !$no; is($x, 3);
+ $x = 0;
+ $x = 1 if !$no && $yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 2 unless !$no && $yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 3 if $no || !$yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 4 unless $no || !$yes; is($x, 4);
+ $x = 0;
+ $x = 1 if !$no || !$yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 2 unless !$no || !$yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 3 if !$no && !$yes; is($x, 1);
+ $x = 4 unless !$no && !$yes; is($x, 4);
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
diff --git a/op.c b/op.c
index 728be109fc..ef8fc1a3c7 100644
--- a/op.c
+++ b/op.c
@@ -1138,6 +1138,20 @@ Perl_scalarvoid(pTHX_ OP *o)
case OP_OR:
case OP_AND:
+ kid = cLOGOPo->op_first;
+ if (kid->op_type == OP_NOT
+ && (kid->op_flags & OPf_KIDS)
+ && !PL_madskills) {
+ if (o->op_type == OP_AND) {
+ o->op_type = OP_OR;
+ o->op_ppaddr = PL_ppaddr[OP_OR];
+ } else {
+ o->op_type = OP_AND;
+ o->op_ppaddr = PL_ppaddr[OP_AND];
+ }
+ op_null(kid);
+ }
case OP_DOR:
@@ -4442,7 +4456,8 @@ S_new_logop(pTHX_ I32 type, I32 flags, OP** firstp, OP** otherp)
LOGOP *logop;
OP *o;
OP *first = *firstp;
- OP * const other = *otherp;
+ OP *other = *otherp;
+ int prepend_not = 0;
@@ -4450,10 +4465,11 @@ S_new_logop(pTHX_ I32 type, I32 flags, OP** firstp, OP** otherp)
return newBINOP(type, flags, scalar(first), scalar(other));
- /* optimize "!a && b" to "a || b", and "!a || b" to "a && b" */
+ /* optimize AND and OR ops that have NOTs as children */
if (first->op_type == OP_NOT
- && (first->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL)
&& (first->op_flags & OPf_KIDS)
+ && ((first->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL) /* unless ($x) { } */
+ || (other->op_type == OP_NOT)) /* if (!$x && !$y) { } */
&& !PL_madskills) {
if (type == OP_AND || type == OP_OR) {
if (type == OP_AND)
@@ -4466,6 +4482,15 @@ S_new_logop(pTHX_ I32 type, I32 flags, OP** firstp, OP** otherp)
first->op_next = o->op_next;
cUNOPo->op_first = NULL;
+ if (other->op_type == OP_NOT) { /* !a AND|OR !b => !(a OR|AND b) */
+ o = other;
+ other = *otherp = cUNOPo->op_first;
+ if (o->op_next)
+ other->op_next = o->op_next;
+ cUNOPo->op_first = NULL;
+ op_free(o);
+ prepend_not = 1; /* prepend a NOT op later */
+ }
if (first->op_type == OP_CONST) {
@@ -4582,7 +4607,7 @@ S_new_logop(pTHX_ I32 type, I32 flags, OP** firstp, OP** otherp)
- o = newUNOP(OP_NULL, 0, (OP*)logop);
+ o = newUNOP(prepend_not ? OP_NOT : OP_NULL, 0, (OP*)logop);
other->op_next = o;
return o;
diff --git a/t/op/do.t b/t/op/do.t
index 76d94c485a..4fd79909c8 100755
--- a/t/op/do.t
+++ b/t/op/do.t
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ sub ok {
return $ok;
-print "1..22\n";
+print "1..26\n";
# Test do &sub and proper @_ handling.
$_[0] = 0;
@@ -92,6 +92,18 @@ ok( (!defined do 6) && $!, "'do 6' : $!" );
push @t, ($u = (do {} . "This should be pushed."));
ok( $#t == 0, "empty do result value" );
+$zok = '';
+$owww = do { 1 if $zok };
+ok( $owww eq '', 'last is unless' );
+$owww = do { 2 unless not $zok };
+ok( $owww == 1, 'last is if not' );
+$zok = 'swish';
+$owww = do { 3 unless $zok };
+ok( $owww eq 'swish', 'last is unless' );
+$owww = do { 4 if not $zok };
+ok( $owww eq '', 'last is if not' );
1 while unlink("$$.16", "$$.17", "$$.18");
diff --git a/t/op/lop.t b/t/op/lop.t
index d57271abd6..a78ac728ae 100755
--- a/t/op/lop.t
+++ b/t/op/lop.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = '../lib';
-print "1..7\n";
+print "1..9\n";
my $test = 0;
for my $i (undef, 0 .. 2, "", "0 but true") {
@@ -42,3 +42,13 @@ my $i = 0;
(($i ||= 1) &&= 3) += 4;
print "not " unless $i == 7;
print "ok ", ++$test, "\n";
+my ($x, $y) = (1, 8);
+$i = !$x || $y;
+print "not " unless $i == 8;
+print "ok ", ++$test, "\n";
+($x, $y) = (0, 9);
+$i = !$x && $y;
+print "not " unless $i == 9;
+print "ok ", ++$test, "\n";