diff options
2 files changed, 92 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/pp_hot.c b/pp_hot.c
index c625c2c4d4..c4cd739e15 100644
--- a/pp_hot.c
+++ b/pp_hot.c
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ PP(pp_sassign)
if (!got_coderef && gv_type != SVt_PVGV && GIMME_V == G_VOID) {
/* Is the target symbol table currently empty? */
GV *gv = gv_fetchsv(right, GV_NOINIT, SVt_PVGV);
- if (!SvOK(gv)) {
+ if (SvTYPE(gv) != SVt_PVGV && !SvOK(gv)) {
/* Good. Create a new proxy constant subroutine in the target.
The gv becomes a(nother) reference to the constant. */
SV *const value = SvRV(cv);
@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ PP(pp_sassign)
- PerlIO_debug("Unwrap CV\n");
diff --git a/t/op/gv.t b/t/op/gv.t
index ad2db4aa64..aa9383f467 100755
--- a/t/op/gv.t
+++ b/t/op/gv.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ BEGIN {
use warnings;
require './';
-plan( tests => 105 );
+plan( tests => 132 );
# type coersion on assignment
$foo = 'foo';
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ is($j[0], 1);
my $w = '';
- $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
sub abc1 ();
local *abc1 = sub { };
is ($w, '');
@@ -267,7 +267,9 @@ EOPROG
# There are certain space optimisations implemented via promotion rules to
# GVs
-ok(!exists $::{oonk}, "no symbols of any sort to start with");
+foreach (qw (oonk ga_shloip)) {
+ ok(!exists $::{$_}, "no symbols of any sort to start with for $_");
# A string in place of the typeglob is promoted to the function prototype
$::{oonk} = "pie";
@@ -291,6 +293,92 @@ foreach my $value (3, "Perl rules", \42, qr/whatever/, [1,2,3], {1=>2},
is ($got, $value, "Value is correctly set");
+delete $::{oonk};
+$::{oonk} = \"Value";
+*{"ga_shloip"} = \&{"oonk"};
+is (ref $::{ga_shloip}, 'SCALAR', "Export of proxy constant as is");
+is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
+is (eval 'ga_shloip', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref $::{ga_shloip}, 'SCALAR',
+ "Inlining of constant doesn't change represenatation");
+delete $::{ga_shloip};
+eval 'sub ga_shloip (); 1' or die $@;
+is ($::{ga_shloip}, '', "Prototype is stored as an empty string");
+# Check that a prototype expands.
+*{"ga_shloip"} = \&{"oonk"};
+is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
+is (eval 'ga_shloip', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref \$::{ga_shloip}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
+@::zwot = ('Zwot!');
+# Check that assignment to an existing typeglob works
+ my $w = '';
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
+ *{"zwot"} = \&{"oonk"};
+ is($w, '', "Should be no warning");
+is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
+is (eval 'zwot', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref \$::{zwot}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
+is (join ('!', @::zwot), 'Zwot!', "Existing array still in typeglob");
+sub spritsits () {
+ "Traditional";
+# Check that assignment to an existing subroutine works
+ my $w = '';
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
+ *{"spritsits"} = \&{"oonk"};
+ like($w, qr/^Constant subroutine main::spritsits redefined/,
+ "Redefining a constant sub should warn");
+is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
+is (eval 'spritsits', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref \$::{spritsits}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
+my $result;
+# Check that assignment to an existing typeglob works
+ my $w = '';
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
+ $result = *{"plunk"} = \&{"oonk"};
+ is($w, '', "Should be no warning");
+is (ref \$result, 'GLOB',
+ "Non void assignment should still return a typeglob");
+is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
+is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
+my $gr = eval '\*plunk' or die;
+ my $w = '';
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
+ $result = *{$gr} = \&{"oonk"};
+ like($w, qr/^Constant subroutine main::plunk redefined/,
+ "Redefining a constant sub should warn");
+is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
+is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
format =