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3 files changed, 161 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index cb91066c9b..8777e08db0 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ package DB;
use IO::Handle;
# Debugger for Perl 5.00x; patch level:
-$VERSION = 1.27;
+$VERSION = 1.28;
$header = " version $VERSION";
@@ -679,8 +679,6 @@ sub eval {
# Note that no subroutine call is possible until &DB::sub is defined
# (for subroutines defined outside of the package DB). In fact the same is
# true if $deep is not defined.
-# $Log:,v $
# Enhanced by (Ilya Zakharevich)
@@ -919,6 +917,8 @@ sub eval {
# + removed windowid restriction for forking into an xterm.
# + more whitespace again.
# + wrapped restart and enabled rerun [-n] (go back n steps) command.
+# Changes: 1.28: Oct 12, 2004 Richard Foley <>
+# + Added threads support (inc. e and E commands)
@@ -956,12 +956,57 @@ BEGIN {
local ($^W) = 0; # Switch run-time warnings off during init.
+If we are running under a threaded Perl, we require threads and threads::shared
+if the environment variable C<PERL5DB_THREADED> is set, to enable proper
+threaded debugger control. C<-dt> can also be used to set this.
+Each new thread will be announced and the debugger prompt will always inform
+you of each new thread created. It will also indicate the thread id in which
+we are currently running within the prompt like this:
+ [tid] DB<$i>
+Where C<[tid]> is an integer thread id and C<$i> is the familiar debugger
+command prompt. The prompt will show: C<[0]> when running under threads, but
+not actually in a thread. C<[tid]> is consistent with C<gdb> usage.
+While running under threads, when you set or delete a breakpoint (etc.), this
+will apply to all threads, not just the currently running one. When you are
+in a currently executing thread, you will stay there until it completes. With
+the current implementation it is not currently possible to hop from one thread
+to another.
+The C<e> and C<E> commands are currently fairly minimal - see C<h e> and C<h E>.
+Note that threading support was built into the debugger as of Perl version
+C<5.8.6> and debugger version C<1.2.8>.
+ # ensure we can share our non-threaded variables or no-op
+ require threads;
+ require threads::shared;
+ import threads::shared qw(share);
+ $DBGR;
+ share(\$DBGR);
+ lock($DBGR);
+ print "Threads support enabled\n";
+ } else {
+ *lock = sub(*) {};
+ *share = sub(*) {};
+ }
# This would probably be better done with "use vars", but that wasn't around
# when this code was originally written. (Neither was "use strict".) And on
# the principle of not fiddling with something that was working, this was
# left alone.
warn( # Do not ;-)
- # These variables control the execution of ''.
+ # These variables control the execution of ''.
@@ -987,6 +1032,10 @@ warn( # Do not ;-)
if 0;
+foreach my $k (keys (%INC)) {
+ &share(\$main::{'_<'.$filename});
# Command-line + PERLLIB:
# Save the contents of @INC before they are modified elsewhere.
@ini_INC = @INC;
@@ -1154,6 +1203,17 @@ $pretype = [] unless defined $pretype;
$CreateTTY = 3 unless defined $CreateTTY;
$CommandSet = '580' unless defined $CommandSet;
The default C<die>, C<warn>, and C<signal> handlers are set up.
@@ -1429,6 +1489,11 @@ if ( exists $ENV{PERLDB_RESTART} ) {
%break_on_load = get_list("PERLDB_ON_LOAD");
%postponed = get_list("PERLDB_POSTPONE");
+ share(@hist);
+ share(@truehist);
+ share(%break_on_load);
+ share(%postponed);
# restore breakpoints/actions
my @had_breakpoints = get_list("PERLDB_VISITED");
for ( 0 .. $#had_breakpoints ) {
@@ -1465,6 +1530,7 @@ to be anyone there to enter commands.
if ($notty) {
$runnonstop = 1;
+ share($runnonstop);
@@ -1678,6 +1744,8 @@ and if we can.
# and a I/O description to keep track of.
$LINEINFO = $OUT unless defined $LINEINFO;
$lineinfo = $console unless defined $lineinfo;
+ # share($LINEINFO); # <- unable to share globs
+ share($lineinfo); #
@@ -1746,6 +1814,13 @@ see what's happening in any given command.
sub DB {
+ # lock the debugger and get the thread id for the prompt
+ lock($DBGR);
+ my $tid;
+ $tid = eval { "[".threads->self->tid."]" };
+ }
# Check for whether we should be running continuously or not.
# _After_ the perl program is compiled, $single is set to 1:
if ( $single and not $second_time++ ) {
@@ -2114,7 +2189,7 @@ the new command. This is faster, but perhaps a bit more convoluted.
# ... and we got a line of command input ...
$cmd = &readline(
- "$pidprompt DB"
+ "$pidprompt $tid DB"
. ( '<' x $level )
. ( $#hist + 1 )
. ( '>' x $level ) . " "
@@ -2123,6 +2198,7 @@ the new command. This is faster, but perhaps a bit more convoluted.
+ share($cmd);
# ... try to execute the input as debugger commands.
# Don't stop running.
@@ -2153,6 +2229,8 @@ it up.
chomp($cmd); # get rid of the annoying extra newline
push( @hist, $cmd ) if length($cmd) > 1;
push( @truehist, $cmd );
+ share(@hist);
+ share(@truehist);
# This is a restart point for commands that didn't arrive
# via direct user input. It allows us to 'redo PIPE' to
@@ -2461,7 +2539,7 @@ deal with them instead of processing them in-line.
# All of these commands were remapped in perl 5.8.0;
# we send them off to the secondary dispatcher (see below).
- $cmd =~ /^([aAbBhilLMoOPvwW]\b|[<>\{]{1,2})\s*(.*)/so && do {
+ $cmd =~ /^([aAbBeEhilLMoOPvwW]\b|[<>\{]{1,2})\s*(.*)/so && do {
&cmd_wrapper( $1, $2, $line );
next CMD;
@@ -3500,10 +3578,16 @@ arguments with which the subroutine was invoked
sub sub {
+ # lock ourselves under threads
+ lock($DBGR);
# Whether or not the autoloader was running, a scalar to put the
# sub's return value in (if needed), and an array to put the sub's
# return value in (if needed).
my ( $al, $ret, @ret ) = "";
+ if ($sub =~ /^threads::new$/ && $ENV{PERL5DB_THREADED}) {
+ print "creating new thread\n";
+ }
# If the last ten characters are C'::AUTOLOAD', note we've traced
# into AUTOLOAD for $sub.
@@ -4506,6 +4590,53 @@ sub cmd_stop { # As on ^C, but not signal-safy.
$signal = 1;
+=head3 C<cmd_e> - threads
+Display the current thread id:
+ e
+This could be how (when implemented) to send commands to this thread id (e cmd)
+or that thread id (e tid cmd).
+sub cmd_e {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $line = shift;
+ unless (exists($INC{''})) {
+ print "threads not loaded($ENV{PERL5DB_THREADED})
+ please run the debugger with PERL5DB_THREADED=1 set in the environment\n";
+ } else {
+ my $tid = threads->self->tid;
+ print "thread id: $tid\n";
+ }
+} ## end sub cmd_e
+=head3 C<cmd_E> - list of thread ids
+Display the list of available thread ids:
+ E
+This could be used (when implemented) to send commands to all threads (E cmd).
+sub cmd_E {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $line = shift;
+ unless (exists($INC{''})) {
+ print "threads not loaded($ENV{PERL5DB_THREADED})
+ please run the debugger with PERL5DB_THREADED=1 set in the environment\n";
+ } else {
+ my $tid = threads->self->tid;
+ print "thread ids: ".join(', ',
+ map { ($tid == $_->tid ? '<'.$_->tid.'>' : $_->tid) } threads->list
+ )."\n";
+ }
+} ## end sub cmd_E
=head3 C<cmd_h> - help command (command)
Does the work of either
@@ -6959,6 +7090,8 @@ B<m> I<expr> Evals expression in list context, prints methods callable
B<m> I<class> Prints methods callable via the given class.
B<M> Show versions of loaded modules.
B<i> I<class> Prints nested parents of given class.
+B<e> Display current thread id.
+B<E> Display all thread ids the current one will be identified: <n>.
B<y> [I<n> [I<Vars>]] List lexicals in higher scope <n>. Vars same as B<V>.
B<P> Something to do with assertions...
@@ -7076,6 +7209,7 @@ I<Data Examination:> B<expr> Execute perl code, also see: B<s>,B<n>,B<t>
B<V> [I<Pk> [I<Vars>]] List Variables in Package. Vars can be ~pattern or !pattern.
B<X> [I<Vars>] Same as \"B<V> I<current_package> [I<Vars>]\". B<i> I<class> inheritance tree.
B<y> [I<n> [I<Vars>]] List lexicals in higher scope <n>. Vars same as B<V>.
+ B<e> Display thread id B<E> Display all thread ids.
For more help, type B<h> I<cmd_letter>, or run B<$doccmd perldebug> for all docs.
diff --git a/perl.c b/perl.c
index 5321758f6a..dba06b29a1 100644
--- a/perl.c
+++ b/perl.c
@@ -2504,6 +2504,13 @@ Perl_moreswitches(pTHX_ char *s)
case 'd':
+ /* -dt indicates to the debugger that threads will be used */
+ if (*s == 't' && !isALNUM(s[1])) {
+ ++s;
+ my_setenv("PERL5DB_THREADED", "1");
+ }
/* The following permits -d:Mod to accepts arguments following an =
in the fashion that -MSome::Mod does. */
if (*s == ':' || *s == '=') {
diff --git a/pod/perlrun.pod b/pod/perlrun.pod
index 3cc8d3daea..1d0d55b335 100644
--- a/pod/perlrun.pod
+++ b/pod/perlrun.pod
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ perlrun - how to execute the Perl interpreter
B<perl> S<[ B<-sTtuUWX> ]>
S<[ B<-hv> ] [ B<-V>[:I<configvar>] ]>
- S<[ B<-cw> ] [ B<-d>[:I<debugger>] ] [ B<-D>[I<number/list>] ]>
+ S<[ B<-cw> ] [ B<-d>[B<t>][:I<debugger>] ] [ B<-D>[I<number/list>] ]>
S<[ B<-pna> ] [ B<-F>I<pattern> ] [ B<-l>[I<octal>] ] [ B<-0>[I<octal/hexadecimal>] ]>
S<[ B<-I>I<dir> ] [ B<-m>[B<->]I<module> ] [ B<-M>[B<->]I<'module...'> ]>
S<[ B<-P> ]>
@@ -342,16 +342,24 @@ be skipped.
=item B<-d>
+=item B<-dt>
runs the program under the Perl debugger. See L<perldebug>.
+If B<t> is specified, it indicates to the debugger that threads
+will be used in the code being debugged.
=item B<-d:>I<foo[=bar,baz]>
+=item B<-dt:>I<foo[=bar,baz]>
runs the program under the control of a debugging, profiling, or
tracing module installed as Devel::foo. E.g., B<-d:DProf> executes
the program using the Devel::DProf profiler. As with the B<-M>
flag, options may be passed to the Devel::foo package where they
will be received and interpreted by the Devel::foo::import routine.
The comma-separated list of options must follow a C<=> character.
+If B<t> is specified, it indicates to the debugger that threads
+will be used in the code being debugged.
See L<perldebug>.
=item B<-D>I<letters>
@@ -1095,6 +1103,11 @@ The command used to load the debugger code. The default is:
BEGIN { require '' }
+If set to a true value, indicates to the debugger that the code being
+debugged uses threads.
=item PERL5SHELL (specific to the Win32 port)
May be set to an alternative shell that perl must use internally for