diff options
2 files changed, 28 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 15335b7cf9..d320195dd5 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ sub import {
my $closure_import_func = $func; # Full name
my $closure_func = $func; # Name inside package
- my $index = index($func, '::');
+ my $index = rindex($func, '::');
if ($index == -1) {
$closure_import_func = "${callpkg}::$func";
} else {
@@ -96,21 +96,33 @@ autouse - postpone load of modules until a function is used
If the module C<Module> is already loaded, then the declaration
- use autouse 'Module' => qw(func1 func2($;$) Module::func3);
+ use autouse 'Module' => qw(func1 func2($;$));
is equivalent to
use Module qw(func1 func2);
-if C<Module> defines func2() with prototype C<($;$)>, and func1() and
-func3() have no prototypes. (At least if C<Module> uses C<Exporter>'s
-C<import>, otherwise it is a fatal error.)
+if C<Module> defines func2() with prototype C<($;$)>, and func1() has
+no prototypes. (At least if C<Module> uses C<Exporter>'s C<import>,
+otherwise it is a fatal error.)
If the module C<Module> is not loaded yet, then the above declaration
-declares functions func1() and func2() in the current package, and
-declares a function Module::func3(). When these functions are called,
-they load the package C<Module> if needed, and substitute themselves
-with the correct definitions.
+declares functions func1() and func2() in the current package. When
+these functions are called, they load the package C<Module> if needed,
+and substitute themselves with the correct definitions.
+=begin _deprecated
+ use Module qw(Module::func3);
+will work and is the equivalent to:
+ use Module qw(func3);
+Its not a very useful feature and has been deprecated.
+=end _deprecated
=head1 WARNING
diff --git a/t/pragma/autouse.t b/t/pragma/autouse.t
index 3dc5483017..ecc1289167 100644
--- a/t/pragma/autouse.t
+++ b/t/pragma/autouse.t
@@ -6,12 +6,17 @@ BEGIN {
use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 9; }
+BEGIN { plan tests => 10; }
require autouse;
eval {
- "autouse"->import('List::Util' => 'List::Util::first');
+ "autouse"->import('List::Util' => 'List::Util::first(&@)');
+ };
+ ok( !$@ );
+ eval {
+ "autouse"->import('List::Util' => 'Foo::min');
ok( $@, qr/^autouse into different package attempted/ );