diff options
4 files changed, 862 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index e2a1fdc864..f338082ebd 100644
@@ -720,6 +720,7 @@ lib/ Map environment into ordinary variables
lib/ Exporter base class
lib/Exporter/ Complicated routines for Exporter
lib/ExtUtils/ Utilities for Make on non-UNIX platforms
+lib/ExtUtils/ generate XS code to import C header constants
lib/ExtUtils/ Utilities for embedding Perl in C programs
lib/ExtUtils/ Handles 'make install' on extensions
lib/ExtUtils/ Information on installed extensions
@@ -1504,6 +1505,7 @@ t/lib/env-array.t See if Env works for arrays
t/lib/env.t See if Env works
t/lib/errno.t See if Errno works
t/lib/exporter.t See if Exporter works
+t/lib/extutils.t See if extutils work
t/lib/fatal.t See if Fatal works
t/lib/fcntl.t See if Fcntl works
t/lib/fields.t See if base/fields works
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ b/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59a3126e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+package ExtUtils::Constant;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Constant - generate XS code to import C header constants
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::Constant qw (constant_types C_constant XS_constant);
+ print constant_types(); # macro defs
+ foreach (C_constant (undef, "IV", undef, undef, undef, @names) ) {
+ print $_, "\n"; # C constant subs
+ }
+ print "MODULE = Foo PACKAGE = Foo\n";
+ print XS_constant ("Foo", {NV => 1, IV => 1}); # XS for Foo::constant
+ExtUtils::Constant facilitates generating C and XS wrapper code to allow
+perl modules to AUTOLOAD constants defined in C library header files.
+It is principally used by the C<h2xs> utility, on which this code is based.
+It doesn't contain the routines to scan header files to extract these
+=head1 USAGE
+Generally one only needs to call the 3 functions shown in the synopsis,
+C<constant_types()>, C<C_constant> and C<XS_constant>.
+Currently this module understands the following types. h2xs may only know
+a subset. The sizes of the numeric types are chosen by the C<Configure>
+script at compile time.
+=over 4
+=item IV
+signed integer, at least 32 bits.
+=item UV
+unsigned integer, the same size as I<IV>
+=item NV
+floating point type, probably C<double>, possibly C<long double>
+=item PV
+NUL terminated string, length will be determined with C<strlen>
+=item PVN
+A fixed length thing, given as a [pointer, length] pair. If you know the
+length of a string at compile time you may use this instead of I<PV>
+=over 4
+require 5.006; # I think, for [:cntrl:] in REGEXP
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Exporter;
+use vars qw (@ISA $VERSION %XS_Constant %XS_TypeSet @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);
+use Text::Wrap;
+$Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
+@ISA = 'Exporter';
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
+ XS_constant constant_types return_clause memEQ_clause C_stringify
+ C_constant autoload
+) ] );
+@EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
+%XS_Constant = (
+ IV => 'PUSHi(iv)',
+ UV => 'PUSHu((UV)iv)',
+ NV => 'PUSHn(nv)',
+ PV => 'PUSHp(pv, strlen(pv))',
+ PVN => 'PUSHp(pv, iv)'
+%XS_TypeSet = (
+ IV => '*iv_return =',
+ UV => '*iv_return = (IV)',
+ NV => '*nv_return =',
+ PV => '*pv_return =',
+ PVN => ['*pv_return =', '*iv_return = (IV)']
+=item C_stringify NAME
+A function which returns a correctly \ escaped version of the string passed
+suitable for C's "" or ''
+# Hopefully make a happy C identifier.
+sub C_stringify {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ s/([\"\'])/\\$1/g; # Grr. fix perl mode.
+ s/([[:cntrl:]])/sprintf "\\%03o", ord $1/ge;
+ s/\177/\\177/g; # DEL doesn't seem to be a [:cntrl:]
+ $_;
+=item constant_types
+A function returning a single scalar with C<#define> definitions for the
+constants used internally between the generated C and XS functions.
+sub constant_types () {
+ my $start = 1;
+ my @lines;
+ push @lines, "#define PERL_constant_NOTFOUND\t$start\n"; $start++;
+ push @lines, "#define PERL_constant_NOTDEF\t$start\n"; $start++;
+ foreach (sort keys %XS_Constant) {
+ push @lines, "#define PERL_constant_IS$_\t$start\n"; $start++;
+ }
+ push @lines, << 'EOT';
+#ifndef NVTYPE
+typedef double NV; /* 5.6 and later define NVTYPE, and typedef NV to it. */
+ return join '', @lines;
+=item memEQ_clause NAME, CHECKED_AT, INDENT
+A function to return a suitable C C<if> statement to check whether I<NAME>
+is equal to the C variable C<name>. If I<CHECKED_AT> is defined, then it
+is used to avoid C<memEQ> for short names, or to generate a comment to
+highlight the position of the character in the C<switch> statement.
+sub memEQ_clause {
+# if (memEQ(name, "thingy", 6)) {
+ # Which could actually be a character comparison or even ""
+ my ($name, $checked_at, $indent) = @_;
+ $indent = ' ' x ($indent || 4);
+ my $len = length $name;
+ if ($len < 2) {
+ return $indent . "{\n" if (defined $checked_at and $checked_at == 0);
+ # We didn't switch, drop through to the code for the 2 character string
+ $checked_at = 1;
+ }
+ if ($len < 3 and defined $checked_at) {
+ my $check;
+ if ($checked_at == 1) {
+ $check = 0;
+ } elsif ($checked_at == 0) {
+ $check = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined $check) {
+ my $char = C_stringify (substr $name, $check, 1);
+ return $indent . "if (name[$check] == '$char') {\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Could optimise a memEQ on 3 to 2 single character checks here
+ $name = C_stringify ($name);
+ my $body = $indent . "if (memEQ(name, \"$name\", $len)) {\n";
+ $body .= $indent . "/* ". (' ' x $checked_at) . '^'
+ . (' ' x ($len - $checked_at + length $len)) . " */\n"
+ if defined $checked_at;
+ return $body;
+=item return_clause VALUE, TYPE, INDENT, MACRO
+A function to return a suitable C<#ifdef> clause. I<MACRO> defaults to
+I<VALUE> when not defined. If I<TYPE> is aggregate (eg I<PVN> expects both
+pointer and length) then I<VALUE> should be a reference to an array of
+values in the order expected by the type.
+sub return_clause {
+##ifdef thingy
+# *iv_return = thingy;
+# return PERL_constant_ISIV;
+# return PERL_constant_NOTDEF;
+ my ($value, $type, $indent, $macro) = @_;
+ $macro = $value unless defined $macro;
+ $indent = ' ' x ($indent || 6);
+ die "Macro must not be a reference" if ref $macro;
+ my $clause = "#ifdef $macro\n";
+ my $typeset = $XS_TypeSet{$type};
+ die "Can't generate code for type $type" unless defined $typeset;
+ if (ref $typeset) {
+ die "Type $type is aggregate, but only single value given"
+ unless ref $value;
+ foreach (0 .. $#$typeset) {
+ $clause .= $indent . "$typeset->[$_] $value->[$_];\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "Aggregate value given for type $type"
+ if ref $value;
+ $clause .= $indent . "$typeset $value;\n";
+ }
+ return $clause . <<"EOT";
+${indent}return PERL_constant_IS$type;
+${indent}return PERL_constant_NOTDEF;
+=item params WHAT
+An internal function. I<WHAT> should be a hashref of types the constant
+function will return. I<params> returns the list of flags C<$use_iv, $use_nv,
+$use_pv> to show which combination of pointers will be needed in the C
+argument list.
+sub params {
+ my $what = shift;
+ foreach (sort keys %$what) {
+ warn "ExtUtils::Constant doesn't know how to handle values of type $_" unless defined $XS_Constant{$_};
+ }
+ my $use_iv = $what->{IV} || $what->{UV} || $what->{PVN};
+ my $use_nv = $what->{NV};
+ my $use_pv = $what->{PV} || $what->{PVN};
+ return ($use_iv, $use_nv, $use_pv);
+A function that returns a B<list> of C subroutine definitions that return
+the value and type of constants when passed the name by the XS wrapper.
+I<ITEM...> gives a list of constant names. Each can either be a string,
+which is taken as a C macro name, or a reference to a hash with the following
+=over 8
+=item name
+The name of the constant, as seen by the perl code.
+=item type
+The type of the constant (I<IV>, I<NV> etc)
+=item value
+A C expression for the value of the constant, or a list of C expressions if
+the type is aggregate. This defaults to the I<name> if not given.
+=item macro
+The C pre-processor macro to use in the C<#ifdef>. This defaults to the
+I<name>, and is mainly used if I<value> is an C<enum>.
+The first 5 argument can safely be given as C<undef>, and are mainly used
+for recursion. I<SUBNAME> defaults to C<constant> if undefined.
+I<DEFAULT_TYPE> is the type returned by C<ITEM>s that don't specify their
+type. In turn it defaults to I<IV>. I<TYPES> should be given either as a comma
+separated list of types that the C subroutine C<constant> will generate or as
+a reference to a hash. I<DEFAULT_TYPE> will be added to the list if not
+present, as will any types given in the list of I<ITEM>s. The resultant list
+should be the same list of types that C<XS_constant> is given. [Otherwise
+C<XS_constant> and C<C_constant> may differ in the number of parameters to the
+constant function. I<INDENT> is currently unused and ignored. In future it may
+be used to pass in information used to change the C indentation style used.]
+The best way to maintain consistency is to pass in a hash reference and let
+this function update it.
+I<NAMELEN> if defined signals that all the I<name>s of the I<ITEM>s are of
+this length, and that the constant name passed in by perl is checked and
+also of this length. It is used during recursion, and should be C<undef>
+unless the caller has checked all the lengths during code generation, and
+the generated subroutine is only to be called with a name of this length.
+sub C_constant {
+ my ($subname, $default_type, $what, $indent, $namelen, @items) = @_;
+ $subname ||= 'constant';
+ # I'm not using this. But a hashref could be used for full formatting without
+ # breaking this API
+ $indent ||= 0;
+ $default_type ||= 'IV';
+ if (!ref $what) {
+ # Convert line of the form IV,UV,NV to hash
+ $what = {map {$_ => 1} split /,\s*/, ($what || '')};
+ # Figure out what types we're dealing with, and assign all unknowns to the
+ # default type
+ }
+ my %items;
+ foreach (@items) {
+ my $name;
+ if (ref $_) {
+ $name = $_->{name};
+ $what->{$_->{type} ||= $default_type} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $name = $_;
+ $_ = {name=>$_, type=>$default_type};
+ $what->{$default_type} = 1;
+ }
+ warn "ExtUtils::Constant doesn't know how to handle values of type $_ used in macro $name" unless defined $XS_Constant{$_->{type}};
+ if (exists $items{$name}) {
+ die "Multiple definitions for macro $name";
+ }
+ $items{$name} = $_;
+ }
+ my ($use_iv, $use_nv, $use_pv) = params ($what);
+ my ($body, @subs) = "static int\n$subname (const char *name";
+ $body .= ", STRLEN len" unless defined $namelen;
+ $body .= ", IV *iv_return" if $use_iv;
+ $body .= ", NV *nv_return" if $use_nv;
+ $body .= ", const char **pv_return" if $use_pv;
+ $body .= ") {\n";
+ my @names = sort map {$_->{name}} @items;
+ my $names = << 'EOT'
+ /* When generated this function returned values for the list of names given
+ here. However, subsequent manual editing may have added or removed some.
+ . wrap (" ", " ", join (" ", @names) . " */") . "\n";
+ if (defined $namelen) {
+ # We are a child subroutine.
+ # Figure out what to switch on.
+ # (RMS, Spread of jump table, Position, Hashref)
+ my @best = (1e38, ~0);
+ foreach my $i (0 .. ($namelen - 1)) {
+ my ($min, $max) = (~0, 0);
+ my %spread;
+ foreach (@names) {
+ my $char = substr $_, $i, 1;
+ my $ord = ord $char;
+ $max = $ord if $ord > $max;
+ $min = $ord if $ord < $min;
+ push @{$spread{$char}}, $_;
+ # warn "$_ $char";
+ }
+ # I'm going to pick the character to split on that minimises the root
+ # mean square of the number of names in each case. Normally this should
+ # be the one with the most keys, but it may pick a 7 where the 8 has
+ # one long linear search. I'm not sure if RMS or just sum of squares is
+ # actually better.
+ # $max and $min are for the tie-breaker if the root mean squares match.
+ # Assuming that the compiler may be building a jump table for the
+ # switch() then try to minimise the size of that jump table.
+ # Finally use < not <= so that if it still ties the earliest part of
+ # the string wins. Because if that passes but the memEQ fails, it may
+ # only need the start of the string to bin the choice.
+ # I think. But I'm micro-optimising. :-)
+ my $ss;
+ $ss += @$_ * @$_ foreach values %spread;
+ my $rms = sqrt ($ss / keys %spread);
+ if ($rms < $best[0] || ($rms == $best[0] && ($max - $min) < $best[1])) {
+ @best = ($rms, $max - $min, $i, \%spread);
+ }
+ }
+ die "Internal error. Failed to pick a switch point for @names"
+ unless defined $best[2];
+ # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper (@best);
+ my ($offset, $best) = @best[2,3];
+ $body .= " /* Names all of length $namelen. */\n";
+ $body .= $names;
+ $body .= " /* Offset $offset gives the best switch position. */\n";
+ $body .= " switch (name[$offset]) {\n";
+ foreach my $char (sort keys %$best) {
+ $body .= " case '" . C_stringify ($char) . "':\n";
+ foreach my $name (sort @{$best->{$char}}) {
+ my $thisone = $items{$name};
+ my ($value, $macro) = (@$thisone{qw (value macro)});
+ $value = $name unless defined $value;
+ $macro = $name unless defined $macro;
+ $body .= memEQ_clause ($name, $offset); # We have checked this offset.
+ $body .= return_clause ($value, $thisone->{type}, undef, $macro);
+ $body .= " }\n";
+ }
+ $body .= " break;\n";
+ }
+ $body .= " }\n";
+ } else {
+ # We are the top level.
+ $body .= " /* Initially switch on the length of the name. */\n";
+ $body .= $names;
+ $body .= " switch (len) {\n";
+ # Need to group names of the same length
+ my @by_length;
+ foreach (@items) {
+ push @{$by_length[length $_->{name}]}, $_;
+ }
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#by_length) {
+ next unless $by_length[$i]; # None of this length
+ $body .= " case $i:\n";
+ if (@{$by_length[$i]} == 1) {
+ my $thisone = $by_length[$i]->[0];
+ my ($name, $value, $macro) = (@$thisone{qw (name value macro)});
+ $value = $name unless defined $value;
+ $macro = $name unless defined $macro;
+ $body .= memEQ_clause ($name);
+ $body .= return_clause ($value, $thisone->{type}, undef, $macro);
+ $body .= " }\n";
+ } else {
+ push @subs, C_constant ("${subname}_$i", $default_type, $what, $indent,
+ $i, @{$by_length[$i]});
+ $body .= " return ${subname}_$i (name";
+ $body .= ", iv_return" if $use_iv;
+ $body .= ", nv_return" if $use_nv;
+ $body .= ", pv_return" if $use_pv;
+ $body .= ");\n";
+ }
+ $body .= " break;\n";
+ }
+ $body .= " }\n";
+ }
+ $body .= " return PERL_constant_NOTFOUND;\n}\n";
+ return (@subs, $body);
+A function to generate the XS code to implement the perl subroutine
+I<PACKAGE>::constant used by I<PACKAGE>::AUTOLOAD to load constants.
+This XS code is a wrapper around a C subroutine usually generated by
+C<C_constant>, and usually named C<constant>.
+I<TYPES> should be given either as a comma separated list of types that the
+C subroutine C<constant> will generate or as a reference to a hash. It should
+be the same list of types as C<C_constant> was given.
+[Otherwise C<XS_constant> and C<C_constant> may have different ideas about
+the number of parameters passed to the C function C<constant>]
+You can call the perl visible subroutine something other than C<constant> if
+you give the parameter I<SUBNAME>. The C subroutine it calls defaults to the
+the name of the perl visible subroutine, unless you give the parameter
+sub XS_constant {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $what = shift;
+ my $subname = shift;
+ my $C_subname = shift;
+ $subname ||= 'constant';
+ $C_subname ||= $subname;
+ if (!ref $what) {
+ # Convert line of the form IV,UV,NV to hash
+ $what = {map {$_ => 1} split /,\s*/, ($what)};
+ }
+ my ($use_iv, $use_nv, $use_pv) = params ($what);
+ my $type;
+ my $xs = <<"EOT";
+#ifdef dXSTARG
+ dXSTARG; /* Faster if we have it. */
+ STRLEN len;
+ int type;
+ if ($use_iv) {
+ $xs .= " IV iv;\n";
+ } else {
+ $xs .= " /* IV\t\tiv;\tUncomment this if you need to return IVs */\n";
+ }
+ if ($use_nv) {
+ $xs .= " NV nv;\n";
+ } else {
+ $xs .= " /* NV\t\tnv;\tUncomment this if you need to return NVs */\n";
+ }
+ if ($use_pv) {
+ $xs .= " const char *pv;\n";
+ } else {
+ $xs .=
+ " /* const char\t*pv;\tUncomment this if you need to return PVs */\n";
+ }
+ $xs .= << 'EOT';
+ SV * sv;
+ const char * s = SvPV(sv, len);
+ if ($use_iv xor $use_nv) {
+ $xs .= << "EOT";
+ /* Change this to $C_subname(s, len, &iv, &nv);
+ if you need to return both NVs and IVs */
+ }
+ $xs .= " type = $C_subname(s, len";
+ $xs .= ', &iv' if $use_iv;
+ $xs .= ', &nv' if $use_nv;
+ $xs .= ', &pv' if $use_pv;
+ $xs .= ");\n";
+ $xs .= << "EOT";
+ /* Return 1 or 2 items. First is error message, or undef if no error.
+ Second, if present, is found value */
+ switch (type) {
+ case PERL_constant_NOTFOUND:
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf("%s is not a valid $package macro", s));
+ break;
+ case PERL_constant_NOTDEF:
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf(
+ "Your vendor has not defined $package macro %s used", s));
+ break;
+ foreach $type (sort keys %XS_Constant) {
+ $xs .= "\t/* Uncomment this if you need to return ${type}s\n"
+ unless $what->{$type};
+ $xs .= << "EOT";
+ case PERL_constant_IS$type:
+ EXTEND(SP, 1);
+ PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+ $XS_Constant{$type};
+ break;
+ unless ($what->{$type}) {
+ chop $xs; # Yes, another need for chop not chomp.
+ $xs .= " */\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $xs .= << "EOT";
+ default:
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf(
+ "Unexpected return type %d while processing $package macro %s used",
+ type, s));
+ }
+ return $xs;
+=item autoload PACKAGE, VERSION
+A function to generate the AUTOLOAD subroutine for the module I<PACKAGE>
+I<VERSION> is the perl version the code should be backwards compatible with.
+It defaults to the version of perl running the subroutine.
+sub autoload {
+ my ($module, $compat_version) = @_;
+ $compat_version ||= $];
+ croak "Can't maintain compatibility back as far as version $compat_version"
+ if $compat_version < 5;
+ my $tmp = ( $compat_version < 5.006 ? "" : "our \$AUTOLOAD;" );
+ return <<"END";
+ # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
+ # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
+ # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
+ my \$constname;
+ $tmp
+ (\$constname = \$AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
+ croak "&${module}::constant not defined" if \$constname eq 'constant';
+ my (\$error, \$val) = constant(\$constname);
+ if (\$error) {
+ if (\$error =~ /is not a valid/) {
+ \$AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = \$AUTOLOAD;
+ goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
+ } else {
+ croak \$error;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # Fixed between 5.005_53 and 5.005_61
+#XXX if (\$] >= 5.00561) {
+#XXX *\$AUTOLOAD = sub () { \$val };
+#XXX }
+#XXX else {
+ *\$AUTOLOAD = sub { \$val };
+#XXX }
+ }
+ goto &\$AUTOLOAD;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Nicholas Clark <> based on the code in C<h2xs> by Larry Wall and
diff --git a/t/lib/extutils.t b/t/lib/extutils.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f285a3467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/extutils.t
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!./perl -w
+print "1..8\n";
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+use ExtUtils::Constant qw (constant_types C_constant XS_constant autoload);
+use Config;
+my $runperl = $^X;
+my $tobitbucket = ">/dev/null";
+# my @cleanup;
+$| = 1;
+my $dir = "ext-$$";
+mkdir $dir, 0777 or die $!;
+END {
+ system "$Config{rm} -rf $dir";
+# push @cleanup, $dir;
+my @names = ("THREE", {name=>"OK4", type=>"PV",},
+ {name=>"OK5", type=>"PVN",
+ value=>['"not ok 5\\n\\0ok 5\\n"', 15]},
+ {name => "FARTHING", type=>"NV"},
+ {name => "NOT_ZERO", type=>"UV", value=>~0 . "u"});
+my @names_only = map {(ref $_) ? $_->{name} : $_} @names;
+my $package = "ExtTest";
+################ Header
+my $header = "$dir/test.h";
+open FH, ">$header" or die $!;
+print FH <<'EOT';
+#define THREE 3
+#define OK4 "ok 4\n"
+#define OK5 1
+#define FARTHING 0.25
+#define NOT_ZERO 1
+close FH or die $!;
+# push @cleanup, $header;
+################ XS
+my $xs = "$dir/$package.xs";
+open FH, ">$xs" or die $!;
+print FH <<'EOT';
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+print FH "#include \"test.h\"\n\n";
+print FH constant_types(); # macro defs
+my $types = {};
+foreach (C_constant (undef, "IV", $types, undef, undef, @names) ) {
+ print FH $_, "\n"; # C constant subs
+print FH "MODULE = $package PACKAGE = $package\n";
+print FH XS_constant ($package, $types); # XS for ExtTest::constant
+close FH or die $!;
+# push @cleanup, $xs;
+################ PM
+my $pm = "$dir/$";
+open FH, ">$pm" or die $!;
+print FH "package $package;\n";
+print FH "use $];\n";
+print FH <<'EOT';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+require Exporter;
+require DynaLoader;
+use AutoLoader;
+use vars qw ($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(
+print FH "\t$_\n" foreach (@names_only);
+print FH ");\n";
+print FH autoload ($package, $]);
+print FH "bootstrap $package \$VERSION;\n1;\n__END__\n";
+close FH or die $!;
+# push @cleanup, $pm;
+my $testpl = "$dir/";
+open FH, ">$testpl" or die $!;
+print FH "use $package qw(@names_only);\n";
+print FH <<'EOT';
+my $three = THREE;
+if ($three == 3) {
+ print "ok 3\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 3 # $three\n";
+print OK4;
+$_ = OK5;
+my $farthing = FARTHING;
+if ($farthing == 0.25) {
+ print "ok 6\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 6 # $farthing\n";
+my $not_zero = NOT_ZERO;
+if ($not_zero > 0 && $not_zero == ~0) {
+ print "ok 7\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 7 # \$not_zero=$not_zero ~0=" . (~0) . "\n";
+close FH or die $!;
+# push @cleanup, $testpl;
+################ dummy Makefile.PL
+# Keep the dependancy in the Makefile happy
+my $makefilePL = "$dir/Makefile.PL";
+open FH, ">$makefilePL" or die $!;
+close FH or die $!;
+# push @cleanup, $makefilePL;
+chdir $dir or die $!; push @INC, '../../lib';
+END {chdir ".." or warn $!};
+print "# "; # Grr. MakeMaker hardwired to write its message to STDOUT
+ 'NAME' => $package,
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => "$", # finds $VERSION
+ ($] >= 5.005 ?
+ (#ABSTRACT_FROM => "$", # XXX add this
+ AUTHOR => $0) : ())
+ );
+if (-f "Makefile") {
+ print "ok 1\n";
+} else {
+ print "not ok 1\n";
+my $make = $Config{make};
+$make = $ENV{MAKE} if exists $ENV{MAKE};
+print "# make = '$make'\n";
+if (system "$make $tobitbucket") {
+ print "not ok 2 # $make failed\n";
+ # Bail out?
+} else {
+ print "ok 2\n";
+$make .= ' test';
+# This hack to get a # in front of "PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 ..." isn't going to work
+# on VMS mailboxes.
+print "# make = '$make'\n# ";
+if (system $make) {
+ print "not ok 8 # $make failed\n";
+} else {
+ print "ok 8\n";
diff --git a/utils/h2xs.PL b/utils/h2xs.PL
index 4333c0fd88..ef31a2e8a9 100644
--- a/utils/h2xs.PL
+++ b/utils/h2xs.PL
@@ -116,6 +116,18 @@ two methods are constructed for the structure type itself, C<_to_ptr>
which returns a Ptr type pointing to the same structure, and a C<new>
method to construct and return a new structure, initialised to zeroes.
+=item B<-b> I<version>
+Generates a .pm file which is backwards compatible with the specified
+perl version.
+For versions < 5.6.0, the changes are.
+ - no use of 'our' (uses 'use vars' instead)
+ - no 'use warnings'
+Specifying a compatibility version higher than the version of perl you
+are using to run h2xs will have no effect.
=item B<-c>
Omit C<constant()> from the .xs file and corresponding specialised
@@ -178,6 +190,13 @@ with the constant() subroutine. These macros are assumed to have a
return type of B<char *>, e.g.,
S<-s sec_rgy_wildcard_name,sec_rgy_wildcard_sid>.
+=item B<-t> I<type>
+Specify the internal type that the constant() mechanism uses for macros.
+The default is IV (signed integer). Currently all macros found during the
+header scanning process will be assumed to have this type. Future versions
+of C<h2xs> may gain the ability to make educated guesses.
=item B<-v> I<version>
Specify a version number for this extension. This version number is added
@@ -198,18 +217,6 @@ hand-editing. Such may be objects which cannot be converted from/to a
pointer (like C<long long>), pointers to functions, or arrays. See
also the section on L<LIMITATIONS of B<-x>>.
-=item B<-b> I<version>
-Generates a .pm file which is backwards compatible with the specified
-perl version.
-For versions < 5.6.0, the changes are.
- - no use of 'our' (uses 'use vars' instead)
- - no 'use warnings'
-Specifying a compatibility version higher than the version of perl you
-are using to run h2xs will have no effect.
@@ -417,6 +424,10 @@ my $compat_version = $];
use Getopt::Std;
use Config;
+use Text::Wrap;
+$Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
+use ExtUtils::Constant qw (constant_types C_constant XS_constant autoload);
sub usage {
warn "@_\n" if @_;
@@ -444,6 +455,7 @@ version: $H2XS_VERSION
-v Specify a version number for this extension.
-x Autogenerate XSUBs using C::Scan.
-b Specify a perl version to be backwards compatibile with
+ -t Default type for autoloaded constants
are any libraries that might be needed for loading the
extension, e.g. -lm would try to link in the math library.
@@ -451,10 +463,10 @@ EOFUSAGE
-getopts("ACF:M:OPXacdfhkmn:o:p:s:v:xb:") || usage;
-use vars qw($opt_A $opt_C $opt_F $opt_M $opt_O $opt_P $opt_X $opt_a $opt_c $opt_d
- $opt_f $opt_h $opt_k $opt_m $opt_n $opt_o $opt_p $opt_s $opt_v $opt_x
- $opt_b);
+getopts("ACF:M:OPXacdfhkmn:o:p:s:v:xb:t:") || usage;
+use vars qw($opt_A $opt_C $opt_F $opt_M $opt_O $opt_P $opt_X $opt_a $opt_c
+ $opt_d $opt_f $opt_h $opt_k $opt_m $opt_n $opt_o $opt_p $opt_s
+ $opt_v $opt_x $opt_b $opt_t);
usage if $opt_h;
@@ -896,41 +908,7 @@ if (@vdecls) {
-$tmp = ( $compat_version < 5.006 ? "" : "our \$AUTOLOAD;" );
-print PM <<"END" unless $opt_c or $opt_X;
- # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
- # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
- # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
- my \$constname;
- $tmp
- (\$constname = \$AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- croak "&${module}::constant not defined" if \$constname eq 'constant';
- my \$val = constant(\$constname, \@_ ? \$_[0] : 0);
- if (\$! != 0) {
- if (\$! =~ /Invalid/ || \$!{EINVAL}) {
- \$AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = \$AUTOLOAD;
- goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
- }
- else {
- croak "Your vendor has not defined $module macro \$constname";
- }
- }
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- # Fixed between 5.005_53 and 5.005_61
- if (\$] >= 5.00561) {
- *\$AUTOLOAD = sub () { \$val };
- }
- else {
- *\$AUTOLOAD = sub { \$val };
- }
- }
- goto &\$AUTOLOAD;
+print PM autoload ($module, $compat_version) unless $opt_c or $opt_X;
if( ! $opt_X ){ # print bootstrap, unless XS is disabled
print PM <<"END";
@@ -1152,186 +1130,15 @@ sub td_is_struct {
return ($struct_typedefs{$otype} = $out);
-# Some macros will bomb if you try to return them from a double-returning func.
-# Say, ((char *)0), or strlen (if somebody #define STRLEN strlen).
-# Fortunately, we can detect both these cases...
-sub protect_convert_to_double {
- my $in = shift;
- my $val;
- return '' unless defined ($val = $seen_define{$in});
- return '(IV)' if $known_fnames{$val};
- # OUT_t of ((OUT_t)-1):
- return '' unless $val =~ /^\s*(\(\s*)?\(\s*([^()]*?)\s*\)/;
- td_is_pointer($2) ? '(IV)' : '';
-# For each of the generated functions, length($pref) leading
-# letters are already checked. Moreover, it is recommended that
-# the generated functions uses switch on letter at offset at least
-# $off + length($pref).
-# The given list has length($pref) chars removed at front, it is
-# guarantied that $off leading chars in the rest are the same for all
-# elts of the list.
-# Returns: how at which offset it was decided to make a switch, or -1 if none.
-sub write_const;
-sub write_const {
- my ($fh, $pref, $off, $list) = (shift,shift,shift,shift);
- my %leading;
- my $offarg = length $pref;
- if (@$list == 0) { # Can happen on the initial iteration only
- print $fh <<"END";
-static NV
-constant(char *name, int len, int arg)
- errno = EINVAL;
- return 0;
- return -1;
- }
- if (@$list == 1) { # Can happen on the initial iteration only
- my $protect = protect_convert_to_double("$pref$list->[0]");
- print $fh <<"END";
-static NV
-constant(char *name, int len, int arg)
- errno = 0;
- if (strEQ(name + $offarg, "$list->[0]")) { /* \"$pref\" removed */
-#ifdef $pref$list->[0]
- return $protect$pref$list->[0];
- errno = ENOENT;
- return 0;
- }
- errno = EINVAL;
- return 0;
- return -1;
- }
- for my $n (@$list) {
- my $c = substr $n, $off, 1;
- $leading{$c} = [] unless exists $leading{$c};
- push @{$leading{$c}}, $off < length $n ? substr $n, $off + 1 : $n
- }
- if (keys(%leading) == 1) {
- return 1 + write_const $fh, $pref, $off + 1, $list;
- }
- my $leader = substr $list->[0], 0, $off;
- foreach my $letter (keys %leading) {
- write_const $fh, "$pref$leader$letter", 0, $leading{$letter}
- if @{$leading{$letter}} > 1;
- }
- my $npref = "_$pref";
- $npref = '' if $pref eq '';
- print $fh <<"END";
-static NV
-constant$npref(char *name, int len, int arg)
- print $fh <<"END" if $npref eq '';
- errno = 0;
- if ($off) {
- my $null = 0;
- foreach my $letter (keys %leading) {
- if ($letter eq '') {
- $null = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- my $cmp = $null ? '>' : '>=';
- print $fh <<"END"
- if ($offarg + $off $cmp len ) {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- print $fh <<"END";
- switch (name[$offarg + $off]) {
- foreach my $letter (sort keys %leading) {
- my $let = $letter;
- $let = '\0' if $letter eq '';
- print $fh <<EOP;
- case '$let':
- if (@{$leading{$letter}} > 1) {
- # It makes sense to call a function
- if ($off) {
- print $fh <<EOP;
- if (!strnEQ(name + $offarg,"$leader", $off))
- break;
- }
- print $fh <<EOP;
- return constant_$pref$leader$letter(name, len, arg);
- }
- else {
- # Do it ourselves
- my $protect
- = protect_convert_to_double("$pref$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0]");
- print $fh <<EOP;
- if (strEQ(name + $offarg, "$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0]")) { /* \"$pref\" removed */
-#ifdef $pref$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0]
- return $protect$pref$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0];
- goto not_there;
- }
- }
- }
- print $fh <<"END";
- }
- errno = EINVAL;
- return 0;
- errno = ENOENT;
- return 0;
+my $types = {};
+# Important. Passing an undef scalar doesn't cause the
+# autovivified hashref to appear back out in this scope.
if( ! $opt_c ) {
- print XS <<"END";
-static int
-not_here(char *s)
- croak("${module}::%s not implemented on this architecture", s);
- return -1;
- write_const(\*XS, '', 0, \@const_names);
+ print XS constant_types(), "\n";
+ foreach (C_constant (undef, $opt_t, $types, undef, undef, @const_names)) {
+ print XS $_, "\n";
+ }
print_tievar_subs(\*XS, $_, $vdecl_hash{$_}) for @vdecls;
@@ -1365,22 +1172,8 @@ END
# If a constant() function was written then output a corresponding
# XS declaration:
-print XS <<"END" unless $opt_c;
- STRLEN len;
- SV * sv
- char * s = SvPV(sv, len);
- int arg
- RETVAL = constant(s,len,arg);
+# XXX IVs
+print XS XS_constant ($module, $types) unless $opt_c;
my %seen_decl;
my %typemap;
@@ -1872,10 +1665,14 @@ ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok.
if (@const_names) {
my $const_names = join " ", @const_names;
- print EX <<_END_;
+ print EX <<'_END_';
-my \$fail;
-foreach my \$constname qw($const_names) {
+my $fail;
+foreach my $constname (qw(
+ print EX wrap ("\t", "\t", $const_names);
+ print EX (")) {\n");
+ print EX <<_END_;
next if (eval "my \\\$a = \$constname; 1");
if (\$\@ =~ /^Your vendor has not defined $module macro \$constname/) {
print "# pass: \$\@";