diff options
4 files changed, 162 insertions, 1155 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 2eea63bb27..282e486da7 100644
@@ -548,7 +548,6 @@ lib/File/ Emulation of cp command
lib/File/ Win32 DOS-globbing module
lib/File/ Routines to do a find
lib/File/ Do things like `mkdir -p' and `rm -r'
-lib/File/ converting between file names
lib/File/ portable operations on file names
lib/File/Spec/ portable operations on Mac file names
lib/File/Spec/ portable operations on OS2 file names
diff --git a/installhtml b/installhtml
index ad7e66e70a..db1e612865 100755
--- a/installhtml
+++ b/installhtml
@@ -236,7 +236,12 @@ foreach $dir (@splithead) {
@data = ();
while (<H>) {
last if /NAME=/;
- s,HREF="#(.*)">,HREF="$file/$1.html">,g;
+ $_ =~ s{HREF="#(.*)">}{
+ my $url = "$file/$1.html" ;
+ $url = Pod::Html::relativize_url( $url, "$file.html" )
+ if ( ! defined $opt_htmlroot || $opt_htmlroot eq '' ) ;
+ "HREF=\"$url\">" ;
+ }eg;
push @data, $_;
@@ -320,9 +325,14 @@ sub create_index {
if (defined $lcp1 and $lcp1 eq '<P>') { # Uninteresting. Try again.
($lcp1,$lcp2) = ($name =~ m,/H1>\s<P>\s(\S+)\s[\s-]*(.*?)\s*$,sm);
- print HTML qq(<A HREF="$dir/$file">);
+ my $url= "$dir/$file" ;
+ if ( ! defined $opt_htmlroot || $opt_htmlroot eq '' ) {
+ $url = Pod::Html::relativize_url( "$dir/$file", $html ) ;
+ }
+ print HTML qq(<A HREF="$url">);
print HTML "<DT>$lcp1</A><DD>$lcp2\n" if defined $lcp1;
-# print HTML qq(<A HREF="$dir/$file">$lcp1</A><BR>\n") if defined $lcp1;
+# print HTML qq(<A HREF="$url">$lcp1</A><BR>\n") if defined $lcp1;
diff --git a/lib/File/ b/lib/File/
deleted file mode 100644
index a709601d5b..0000000000
--- a/lib/File/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1119 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 Shigio Yamaguchi. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-package File::PathConvert;
-require 5.002;
-use strict ;
- use Exporter ();
- use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK);
- $VERSION = 0.85;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(setfstype splitpath joinpath splitdirs joindirs realpat
- abs2rel rel2abs $maxsymlinks $verbose $SL $resolved );
-use vars qw( $maxsymlinks $verbose $SL $resolved ) ;
-use Cwd;
-# Initialize @EXPORT_OK vars
-$maxsymlinks = 32; # allowed symlink number in a path
-$verbose = 0; # 1: verbose on, 0: verbose off
-$SL = '' ; # Separator char export
-$resolved = '' ; # realpath() intermediate value export
-# Package Globals
-my $fstype ; # A name indicating the type of filesystem currently in us
-my $sep ; # separator
-my $sepRE ; # RE to match spearator
-my $notsepRE ; # RE to match anything else
-my $volumeRE ; # RE to match the volume name
-my $directoryRE ; # RE to match the directory name
-my $isrootRE ; # RE to match root path: applied to directory portion only
-my $thisDir ; # Name of this directory
-my $thisDirRE ; # Name of this directory
-my $parentDir ; # Name of parent directory
-my $parentDirRE ; # RE to match parent dir name
-my $casesensitive ; # Set to non-zero for case sensitive name comprisions. On
- # affects names, not any other REs, so $isrootRE for Win32
- # must be case insensitive
-my $idempotent ; # Set to non-zero if '//' is equivalent to '/'. This
- # does not affect leading '//' and '\\' under Win32,
- # but will fold '///' and '////', etc, in to '//' on this
- # Win32
-# The following globals are regexs used in the indicated routines. These
-# are initialized by setfstype, so they don't need to be rebuilt each time
-# the routine that uses them is called.
-my $basenamesplitRE ; # Used in realpath() to split filenames.
-# This RE matches (and saves) the portion of the string that is just before
-# the beginning of a name
-my $beginning_of_name ;
-# This whopper of an RE looks for the pattern "name/.." if it occurs
-# after the beginning of the string or after the root RE, or after a separator
-# We don't assume that the isrootRE has a trailing separator.
-# It also makes sure that we aren't eliminating '../..' and './..' patterns
-# by using the negative lookahead assertion '(?!' ... ')' construct. It also
-# ignores 'name/'.
-my $name_sep_parentRE ;
-# Matches '..$', '../' after a root
-my $leading_parentRE ;
-# Matches things like '/(./)+' and '^(./)+'
-my $dot_sep_etcRE ;
-# Matches trailing '/' or '/.'
-my $trailing_sepRE ;
-# Functions
-# setfstype: takes the name of an operating system and sets up globals that
-# allow the other functions to operate on multiple OSs. See
-# %fsconfig for the sets of settings.
-# This is run once on module load to configure for the OS named
-# in $^O.
-# Interface:
-# i) $osname, as in $^O or plain english: "MacOS", "DOS, etc.
-# This is _not_ usually case sensitive.
-# r) Name of recognized name on success else undef. Note that, as
-# shipped, 'unix' is the default is nothing else matches.
-# go) $fstype and lots of internal parameters and regexs.
-# x) Dies if a parameter required in @fsconfig is missing.
-# There are some things I couldn't figure a way to parameterize by setting
-# globals. $fstype is checked for filesystem type-specific logic, like
-# VMS directory syntax.
-# Setting up for a particular OS type takes two steps: identify the OS and
-# set all of the 'atomic' global variables, then take some of the atomic
-# globals which are regexps and build composite values from them.
-# The atomic regexp terms are generally used to build the larger composite
-# regexps that recognize and break apart paths. This leads to
-# two important rules for the atomic regexp terms:
-# (1) Do not use '(' ... ')' in the regex terms, since they are used to build
-# regexs that use '(' ... ')' to parse paths.
-# (2) They must be built so that a '?' or other quantifier may be appended.
-# This generally means using the '(?:' ... ')' or '[' ... ']' to group
-# multicharacter patterns. Other '(?' ... ')' may also do.
-# The routines herein strive to preserve the
-# original separator and root settings, and, it turns out, never need to
-# prepend root to a string (although they do need to insert separators on
-# occasion). This is good, since the Win32 root expressions can be like
-# '/', '\', 'A:/', 'a:/', or even '\\' or '//' for UNC style names.
-# Note that the default root and default notsep are not used, and so are
-# undefined.
-# For DOS, MacOS, and VMS, we assume that all paths handed in are on the same
-# volume. This is not a significant limitation except for abs2rel, since the
-# absolute path is assumed to be on the same volume as the base path.
-sub setfstype($;) {
- my( $osname ) = @_ ;
- # Find the best match for OS and set up our atomic globals accordingly
- if ( $osname =~ /^(?:(ms)?(dos|win(32|nt)?))/i )
- {
- $fstype = 'Win32' ;
- $sep = '/' ;
- $sepRE = '[\\\\/]' ;
- $notsepRE = '[^\\\\/]' ;
- $volumeRE = '(?:^(?:[a-zA-Z]:|(?:\\\\\\\\|//)[^\\\\/]+[\\\\/][^\
-\\/]+)?)' ;
- $directoryRE = '(?:(?:.*[\\\\/](?:\.\.?$)?)?)' ;
- $isrootRE = '(?:^[\\\\/])' ;
- $thisDir = '.' ;
- $thisDirRE = '\.' ;
- $parentDir = '..' ;
- $parentDirRE = '(?:\.\.)' ;
- $casesensitive = 0 ;
- $idempotent = 1 ;
- }
- elsif ( $osname =~ /^MacOS$/i )
- {
- $fstype = 'MacOS' ;
- $sep = ':' ;
- $sepRE = '\:' ;
- $notsepRE = '[^:]' ;
- $volumeRE = '(?:^(?:.*::)?)' ;
- $directoryRE = '(?:(?:.*:)?)' ;
- $isrootRE = '(?:^:)' ;
- $thisDir = '.' ;
- $thisDirRE = '\.' ;
- $parentDir = '..' ;
- $parentDirRE = '(?:\.\.)' ;
- $casesensitive = 0 ;
- $idempotent = 1 ;
- }
- elsif ( $osname =~ /^VMS$/i )
- {
- $fstype = 'VMS' ;
- $sep = '.' ;
- $sepRE = '[\.\]]' ;
- $notsepRE = '[^\.\]]' ;
- # volume is node::volume:, where node:: and volume: are optional
- # and node:: cannot be present without volume. node can include
- # an access control string in double quotes.
- # Not supported:
- # quoted full node names
- # embedding a double quote in a string ("" to put " in)
- # support ':' in node names
- # foreign file specifications
- # task specifications
- # UIC Directory format (use the 6 digit name for it, instead)
- $volumeRE = '(?:^(?:(?:[\w\$-]+(?:"[^"]*")?::)?[\w\$-]+:)?)' ;
- $directoryRE = '(?:(?:\[.*\])?)' ;
- # Root is the lack of a leading '.', unless string is empty, which
- # means 'cwd', which is relative.
- $isrootRE = '(?:^[^\.])' ;
- $thisDir = '' ;
- $thisDirRE = '\[\]' ;
- $parentDir = '-' ;
- $parentDirRE = '-' ;
- $casesensitive = 0 ;
- $idempotent = 0 ;
- }
- elsif ( $osname =~ /^URL$/i )
- {
- # URL spec based on RFC2396 (
- $fstype = 'URL' ;
- $sep = '/' ;
- $sepRE = '/' ;
- $notsepRE = '[^/]' ;
- # Volume= scheme + authority, both optional
- $volumeRE = '(?:^(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-.]*:)?(?://[^/?]*)?)' ;
- # Directories do _not_ include the query component: we pretend that
- # anything after a "?" is the filename or part of it. So a '/'
- # terminates and is part of the directory spec, while a '?' or '#'
- # terminate and are not part of the directory spec.
- #
- # We pretend that ";param" syntax does not exist
- #
- $directoryRE = '(?:(?:[^?#]*/(?:\.\.?(?:$|(?=[?#])))?)?)' ;
- $isrootRE = '(?:^/)' ;
- $thisDir = '.' ;
- $thisDirRE = '\.' ;
- $parentDir = '..' ;
- $parentDirRE = '(?:\.\.)' ;
- # Assume case sensitive, since many (most?) are. The user can override
- # this if they so desire.
- $casesensitive = 1 ;
- $idempotent = 1 ;
- }
- else
- {
- $fstype = 'Unix' ;
- $sep = '/' ;
- $sepRE = '/' ;
- $notsepRE = '[^/]' ;
- $volumeRE = '' ;
- $directoryRE = '(?:(?:.*/(?:\.\.?$)?)?)' ;
- $isrootRE = '(?:^/)' ;
- $thisDir = '.' ;
- $thisDirRE = '\.' ;
- $parentDir = '..' ;
- $parentDirRE = '(?:\.\.)' ;
- $casesensitive = 1 ;
- $idempotent = 1 ;
- }
- # Now set our composite regexps.
- # Maintain old name for backward compatibility
- $SL= $sep ;
- # Build lots of REs used below, so they don't need to be built every time
- # the routines that use them are called.
- $basenamesplitRE = '^(.*)' . $sepRE . '(' . $notsepRE . '*)$' ;
- $leading_parentRE = '(' . $isrootRE . '?)(?:' . $parentDirRE . $sepRE . ')
-(?:' . $parentDirRE . '$)?' ;
- $trailing_sepRE = '(.)' . $sepRE . $thisDirRE . '?$' ;
- $beginning_of_name = '(?:^|' . $isrootRE . '|' . $sepRE . ')' ;
- $dot_sep_etcRE =
- '(' . $beginning_of_name . ')(?:' . $thisDirRE . $sepRE . ')+';
- $name_sep_parentRE =
- '(' . $beginning_of_name . ')'
- . '(?!(?:' . $thisDirRE . '|' . $parentDirRE . ')' . $sepRE . ')'
- . $notsepRE . '+'
- . $sepRE . $parentDirRE
- . '(?:' . $sepRE . '|$)'
- ;
- if ( $verbose ) {
- print( <<TOHERE ) ;
-fstype = "$fstype"
-sep = "$sep"
-sepRE = /$sepRE/
-notsepRE = /$notsepRE/
-volumeRE = /$volumeRE/
-directoryRE = /$directoryRE/
-isrootRE = /$isrootRE/
-thisDir = "$thisDir"
-thisDirRE = /$thisDirRE/
-parentDir = "$parentDir"
-parentDirRE = /$parentDirRE/
-casesensitive = "$casesensitive"
- }
- return $fstype ;
-setfstype( $^O ) ;
-# splitpath: Splits a path into component parts: volume, dirpath, and filename
-# Very much like File::Basename::fileparse(), but doesn't concern
-# itself with extensions and knows about volume names.
-# Returns ($volume, $directory, $filename ).
-# The contents of the returned list varies by operating system.
-# Unix:
-# $volume: always ''
-# $directory: up to, and including, final '/'
-# $filename: after final '/'
-# Win32:
-# $volume: drive letter and ':', if present
-# $directory and $filename are like on Unix, but '\' and '/' are
-# equivalent and the $volume is not in $directory..
-# VMS:
-# $volume: up to and including first ":"
-# $directory: "[...]" component
-# $filename: the rest.
-# $nofile is ignored
-# URL:
-# $volume: up to ':', then '//stuff/morestuff'. No trailing '/'.
-# $directory: after $volume, up to last '/'
-# $filename: the rest.
-# $nofile is ignored
-# Interface:
-# i) $path
-# i) $nofile: if true, then any trailing filename is assumed to
-# belong to the directory for non-VMS systems.
-# r) list of ( $volume, $directory, $filename ).
-sub splitpath {
- my( $path, $nofile )= @_ ;
- my( $volume, $directory, $file ) ;
- if ( $fstype ne 'VMS' && $fstype ne 'URL' && $nofile ) {
- $path =~ m/($volumeRE)(.*)$/ ;
- $volume = $1 ;
- $directory= $2 ;
- $file = '' ;
- }
- else {
- $path =~ m/($volumeRE)($directoryRE)(.*)$/ ;
- $volume = $1 ;
- $directory= $2 ;
- $file = $3 ;
- }
- # For Win32 UNC, force the directory portion to be non-empty. This is
- # because all UNC names are absolute, even if there's no trailing separator
- # after the sharename.
- #
- # This is a bit of a hack, necesitated by the implementation of $isrootRE,
- # which is only applied to the directory portion.
- #
- # A better long term solution might be to make the isroot test a member
- # function in the future, object-oriented version of this.
- #
- $directory = $1
- if ( $fstype eq 'Win32' && $volume =~ /^($sepRE)$sepRE/ && $directory eq
-' ) ;
- return ( $volume, $directory, $file ) ;
-# joinpath: joins the results of splitpath(). Not really necessary now, but
-# good to have:
-# - API completeness
-# - Self documenting code
-# - Future handling of other filesystems
-# For instance, if you leave the ':' or the '[' and ']' out of VMS $volume
-# and $directory strings, this patches it up. If you leave out the '['
-# and provide the ']', or vice versa, it is not cleaned up. This is
-# because it's useful to automatically insert both '[' and ']', but if you
-# leave off only one, it's likely that there's a bug elsewhere that needs
-# looking in to.
-# Automatically inserts a separator between directory and filename if needed
-# for non-VMS OSs.
-# Automatically inserts a separator between volume and directory or file
-# if needed for Win32 UNC names.
-sub joinpath($;$;$;) {
- my( $volume, $directory, $filename )= @_ ;
- # Fix up delimiters for $volume and $directory as needed for various OSs
- if ( $fstype eq 'VMS' ) {
- $volume .= ':'
- if ( $volume ne '' && $volume !~ m/:$/ ) ;
- $directory = join( '', ( '[', $directory, ']' ) )
- if ( $directory ne '' && $directory !~ m/^\[.*\]$/ ) ;
- }
- else {
- # Add trailing separator to directory names that require it and
- # need it. URLs always require it if there are any directory
- # components.
- $directory .= $sep
- if ( $directory ne ''
- && ( $fstype eq 'URL' || $filename ne '' )
- && $directory !~ m/$sepRE$/
- ) ;
- # Add trailing separator to volume for UNC and HTML volume
- # names that lack it and need it.
- # Note that if a URL volume is a scheme only (ends in ':'),
- # we don't require a separator: it's a relative URL.
- $volume .= $sep
- if ( ( ( $fstype eq 'Win32' && $volume =~ m#^$sepRE{2}# )
- || ( $fstype eq 'URL' && $volume =~ m#[^:/]$# )
- )
- && $volume !~ m#$sepRE$#
- && $directory !~ m#^$sepRE#
- && ( $directory ne '' || $filename ne '' )
- ) ;
- }
- return join( '', $volume, $directory, $filename ) ;
-# splitdirs: Splits a string containing directory portion of a path
-# in to component parts. Preserves trailing null entries, unlike split().
-# "a/b" should get you [ 'a', 'b' ]
-# "a/b/" should get you [ 'a', 'b', '' ]
-# "/a/b/" should get you [ '', 'a', 'b', '' ]
-# "a/b" returns the same array as 'a/////b' for those OSs where
-# the seperator is idempotent (Unix and DOS, at least, but not VMS).
-# Interface:
-# i) directory path string
-sub splitdirs($;) {
- my( $directorypath )= @_ ;
- $directorypath =~ s/^\[(.*)\]$/$1/
- if ( $fstype eq 'VMS' ) ;
- #
- # split() likes to forget about trailing null fields, so here we
- # check to be sure that there will not be any before handling the
- # simple case.
- #
- return split( $sepRE, $directorypath )
- if ( $directorypath !~ m/$sepRE$/ ) ;
- #
- # since there was a trailing separator, add a file name to the end, then
- # do the split, then replace it with ''.
- #
- $directorypath.= "file" ;
- my( @directories )= split( $sepRE, $directorypath ) ;
- $directories[ $#directories ]= '' ;
- return @directories ;
-# joindirs: Joins an array of directory names in to a string, adding
-# OS-specific delimiters, like '[' and ']' for VMS.
-# Note that empty strings '' are no different then non-empty strings,
-# but that undefined strings are skipped by this algorithm.
-# This is done the hard way to preserve separators that are already
-# present in any of the directory names.
-# Could this be made faster by using a join() followed
-# by s/($sepRE)$sepRE+/$1/g?
-# Interface:
-# i) array of directory names
-# o) string representation of directory path
-sub joindirs {
- my $directory_path ;
- $directory_path = shift
- while ( ! defined( $directory_path ) && @_ ) ;
- if ( ! defined( $directory_path ) ) {
- $directory_path = '' ;
- }
- else {
- local $_ ;
- for ( @_ ) {
- next if ( ! defined( $_ ) ) ;
- $directory_path .= $sep
- if ( $directory_path !~ /$sepRE$/ && ! /^$sepRE/ ) ;
- $directory_path .= $_ ;
- }
- }
- $directory_path = join( '', '[', $directory_path, ']' )
- if ( $fstype eq 'VMS' ) ;
- return $directory_path ;
-# realpath: returns the canonicalized absolute path name
-# Interface:
-# i) $path path
-# r) resolved name on success else undef
-# go) $resolved
-# resolved name on success else the path name which
-# caused the problem.
-$resolved = '';
-# Note: this implementation is based 4.4BSD version realpath(3).
-# TODO: Speed up by using Cwd::abs_path()?
-sub realpath($;) {
- ($resolved) = @_;
- my($backdir) = cwd();
- my($dirname, $basename, $links, $reg);
- $resolved = regularize($resolved);
- {
- #
- # Find the dirname and basename.
- # Change directory to the dirname component.
- #
- if ($resolved =~ /$sepRE/) {
- ($dirname, $basename) = $resolved =~ /$basenamesplitRE/ ;
- $dirname = $sep if ( $dirname eq '' );
- $resolved = $dirname;
- unless (chdir($dirname)) {
- warn("realpath: chdir($dirname) failed: $! (in ${\cwd()}).") i
- $verbose;
- chdir($backdir);
- return undef;
- }
- } else {
- $dirname = '';
- $basename = $resolved;
- }
- #
- # If it is a symlink, read in the value and loop.
- # If it is a directory, then change to that directory.
- #
- if ( $basename ne '' ) {
- if (-l $basename) {
- unless ($resolved = readlink($basename)) {
- warn("realpath: readlink($basename) failed: $! (in ${\cwd(
-}).") if $verbose;
- chdir($backdir);
- return undef;
- }
- $basename = '';
- if (++$links > $maxsymlinks) {
- warn("realpath: too many symbolic links: $links.") if $ver
- chdir($backdir);
- return undef;
- }
- redo LOOP;
- } elsif (-d _) {
- unless (chdir($basename)) {
- warn("realpath: chdir($basename) failed: $! (in ${\cwd()})
-") if $verbose;
- chdir($backdir);
- return undef;
- }
- $basename = '';
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Get the current directory name and append the basename.
- #
- $resolved = cwd();
- if ( $basename ne '' ) {
- $resolved .= $sep if ($resolved ne $sep);
- $resolved .= $basename
- }
- chdir($backdir);
- return $resolved;
-} # end sub realpath
-# abs2rel: make a relative pathname from an absolute pathname
-# Interface:
-# i) $path absolute path(needed)
-# i) $base base directory(optional)
-# r) relative path of $path
-# Note: abs2rel doesn't check whether the specified path exist or not.
-sub abs2rel($;$;) {
- my($path, $base) = @_;
- my($reg );
- my( $path_volume, $path_directory, $path_file )= splitpath( $path,'nofile'
- if ( $path_directory !~ /$isrootRE/ ) {
- warn("abs2rel: nothing to do: '$path' is relative.") if $verbose;
- return $path;
- }
- $base = cwd()
- if ( $base eq '' ) ;
- my( $base_volume, $base_directory, $base_file )= splitpath( $base,'nofile'
- # check for a filename, since the nofile parameter does not work for OSs
- # like VMS that have explicit delimiters between the dir and file portions
- warn( "abs2rel: filename '$base_file' passed in \$base" )
- if ( $base_file ne '' && $verbose ) ;
- if ( $base_directory !~ /$isrootRE/ ) {
- # Make $base absolute
- my( $cw_volume, $cw_directory, $dummy ) = splitpath( cwd(), 'nofile' )
- # maybe we should warn if $cw_volume ne $base_volume and both are not
- $base_volume= $cw_volume
- if ( $base_volume eq '' && $cw_volume ne '' ) ;
- $base_directory = join( '', $cw_directory, $sep, $base_directory ) ;
- }
-#print( "[$path_directory,$base_directory]\n" ) ;
- $path_directory = regularize( $path_directory );
- $base_directory = regularize( $base_directory );
-#print( "[$path_directory,$base_directory]\n" ) ;
- # Now, remove all leading components that are the same, so 'name/a'
- # 'name/b' become 'a' and 'b'.
- my @pathchunks = split($sepRE, $path_directory);
- my @basechunks = split($sepRE, $base_directory);
- if ( $casesensitive )
- {
- while (@pathchunks && @basechunks && $pathchunks[0] eq $basechunks[0])
-+ {
- shift @pathchunks ;
- shift @basechunks ;
- }
- }
- else {
- while ( @pathchunks
- && @basechunks
- && lc( $pathchunks[0] ) eq lc( $basechunks[0] )
- )
- {
- shift @pathchunks ;
- shift @basechunks ;
- }
- }
- # No need to use joindirs() here, since we know that the arrays
- # are well formed.
- $path_directory= join( $sep, @pathchunks );
- $base_directory= join( $sep, @basechunks );
-#print( "[$path_directory,$base_directory]\n" ) ;
- # Convert $base_directory from absolute to relative
- if ( $fstype eq 'VMS' ) {
- $base_directory= $sep . $base_directory
- if ( $base_directory ne '' ) ;
- }
- else {
- $base_directory=~ s/^$sepRE// ;
- }
-#print( "[$base_directory]\n" ) ;
- # $base_directory now contains the directories the resulting relative path
-+ # must ascend out of before it can descend to $path_directory. So,
- # replace all names with $parentDir
- $base_directory =~ s/$notsepRE+/$parentDir/g ;
-#print( "[$base_directory]\n" ) ;
- # Glue the two together, using a separator if necessary, and preventing an
- # empty result.
- if ( $path_directory ne '' && $base_directory ne '' ) {
- $path_directory = "$base_directory$sep$path_directory" ;
- } else {
- $path_directory = "$base_directory$path_directory" ;
- }
- $path_directory = regularize( $path_directory ) ;
- # relative URLs should have no name in the volume, only a scheme.
- $path_volume=~ s#/.*##
- if ( $fstype eq 'URL' ) ;
- return joinpath( $path_volume, $path_directory, $path_file ) ;
-# rel2abs: make an absolute pathname from a relative pathname
-# Assumes no trailing file name on $base. Ignores it if present on an OS
-# like $VMS.
-# Interface:
-# i) $path relative path (needed)
-# i) $base base directory (optional)
-# r) absolute path of $path
-# Note: rel2abs doesn't check if the paths exist.
-sub rel2abs($;$;) {
- my( $path, $base ) = @_;
- my( $reg );
- my( $path_volume, $path_directory, $path_file )= splitpath( $path, 'nofile
- ) ;
- if ( $path_directory =~ /$isrootRE/ ) {
- warn( "rel2abs: nothing to do: '$path' is absolute" )
- if $verbose;
- return $path;
- }
- warn( "rel2abs: volume '$path_volume' passed in relative path: \$path" )
- if ( $path_volume ne '' && $verbose ) ;
- $base = cwd()
- if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) ;
- my( $base_volume, $base_directory, $base_file )= splitpath( $base, 'nofile
- ) ;
- # check for a filename, since the nofile parameter does not work for OSs
- # like VMS that have explicit delimiters between the dir and file portions
- warn( "rel2abs: filename '$base_file' passed in \$base" )
- if ( $base_file ne '' && $verbose ) ;
- if ( $base_directory !~ /$isrootRE/ ) {
- # Make $base absolute
- my( $cw_volume, $cw_directory, $dummy ) = splitpath( cwd(), 'nofile' )
- # maybe we should warn if $cw_volume ne $base_volume and both are not
- $base_volume= $cw_volume
- if ( $base_volume eq '' && $cw_volume ne '' ) ;
- $base_directory = join( '', $cw_directory, $sep, $base_directory ) ;
- }
- $path_directory = regularize( $path_directory );
- $base_directory = regularize( $base_directory );
- my $result_directory ;
- # Avoid using a separator if either directory component is empty.
- if ( $base_directory ne '' && $path_directory ne '' ) {
- $result_directory= joindirs( $base_directory, $path_directory ) ;
- }
- else {
- $result_directory= "$base_directory$path_directory" ;
- }
- $result_directory = regularize( $result_directory );
- return joinpath( $base_volume, $result_directory, $path_file ) ;
-# regularize a path.
-# Removes dubious and redundant information.
-# should only be called on directory portion on OSs
-# with volumes and with delimeters that separate dir names from file names,
-# since the separators can take on different semantics, like "\\" for UNC
-# under Win32, or '.' in filenames under VMS.
-sub regularize {
- my( $in )= $_[ 0 ] ;
- # Combine idempotent separators. Do this first so all other REs only
- # need to match one separator. Use the first sep found instead of
- # sepRE to preserve slashes on Win32.
- $in =~ s/($sepRE)$sepRE+/$1/g
- if ( $idempotent ) ;
- # We do this after deleting redundant separators in order to be consistent
- # If a Win32 path ended in \/, we want to be sure that the \ is returned,
- # no the /.
- $in =~ /($sepRE)$sepRE*$/ ;
- my $trailing_sep = defined( $1 ) ? $1 : '' ;
- # Delete all occurences of 'name/..(/|$)'. This is done with a while
- # loop to get rid of things like 'name1/name2/../..'. We chose the pattern
- # name/../ as the target instead of /name/.. so as to preserve 'rootness'.
- while ($in =~ s/$name_sep_parentRE/$1/g) {}
- # Get rid of ./ in '^./' and '/./'
- $in =~ s/$dot_sep_etcRE/$1/g ;
- # Get rid of trailing '/' and '/.' unless it would leave an empty string
- $in =~ s/$trailing_sepRE/$1/ ;
- # Get rid of '../' constructs from absolute paths
- $in =~ s/$leading_parentRE/$1/
- if ( $in =~ /$isrootRE/ ) ;
-# # Default to current directory if it's now empty.
-# $in = $thisDir if $_[0] eq '' ;
- # Restore trailing separator if it was lost. We do this to preserve
- # the 'dir-ness' of the path: paths that ended in a separator on entry
- # should leave with one in case the caller is using trailing slashes to
- # indicate paths to directories.
- $in .= $trailing_sep
- if ( $trailing_sep ne '' && $in !~ /$sepRE$/ ) ;
- return $in ;
-=head1 NAME
-abs2rel - convert an absolute path to a relative path
-rel2abs - convert a relative path to an absolute path
-realpath - convert a logical path to a physical path (resolve symlinks)
-splitpath - split a path in to volume, directory and filename components
-joinpath - join volume, directory, and filename components to form a path
-splitdirs - split directory specification in to component names
-joindirs - join component names in to a directory specification
-setfstype - set the file system type
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use File::PathConvert qw(realpath abs2rel rel2abs setfstype splitpath
- joinpath splitdirs joindirs $resolved);
- $relpath = abs2rel($abspath);
- $abspath = abs2rel($abspath, $base);
- $abspath = rel2abs($relpath);
- $abspath = rel2abs($relpath, $base);
- $path = realpath($logpath) || die "resolution stopped at $resolved";
- ( $volume, $directory, $filename )= splitpath( $path ) ;
- ( $volume, $directory, $filename )= splitpath( $path, 'nofile' ) ;
- $path= joinpath( $volume, $directory, $filename ) ;
- @directories= splitdirs( $directory ) ;
- $directory= joindirs( @directories ) ;
-File::PathConvert provides functions to convert between absolute and
-relative paths, and from logical paths to physical paths on a variety of
-filesystems, including the URL 'filesystem'.
-Paths are decomposed internally in to volume, directory, and, sometimes
-filename portions as appropriate to the operation and filesystem, then
-recombined. This preserves the volume and filename portions so that they may
-be returned, and prevents them from interfering with the path conversions.
-Here are some examples of path decomposition. A '****' in a column indicates
-the column is not used in C<abs2rel> and C<rel2abs> functions for that
-filesystem type.
- FS VOLUME Directory filename
- ======= ======================= =============== =============
- URL http: /a/b/ c?query
- /a/b/ c?query
- // /a/b/c/ ?query
- VMS Server::Volume: [a.b] c
- Server"access spec":: [a.b] c
- Volume: [a.b] c
- Win32 A: \a\b\c ****
- \\server\Volume \a\b\c ****
- \\server\Volume \a/b/c ****
- Unix **** \a\b\c ****
- MacOS Volume:: a:b:c ****
-Many more examples abound in the included with this module.
-Only the VMS and URL filesystems indicate if the last name in a path is a
-directory or file. For other filesystems, all non-volume names are assumed to
-be directory names. For URLs, the last name in a path is assumed to be a
-filename unless it ends in '/', '/.', or '/..'.
-Other assumptions are made as well, especially MacOS and VMS. THESE MAY CHANGE
-The conversion routines C<abs2rel>, C<rel2abs>, and C<realpath> are the
-main focus of this package. C<splitpath> and C<joinpath> are provided to
-allow volume oriented filesystems (almost anything non-unixian, actually)
-to be accomodated. C<splitdirs> and C<joindirs> provide directory path
-grammar parsing and encoding, which is especially useful for VMS.
-=over 4
-=item setfstype
-This is called automatically on module load to set the filesystem type
-according to $^O. The user can call this later set the filesystem type
-manually. If the name is not recognized, unix defaults are used. Names
-matching /^URL$/i, /^VMS$/i, /^MacOS$/i, or /^(ms)?(win|dos)/32|nt)?$/i yield
-the appropriate (hopefully) filesystem settings. These strings may be
-generalized in the future.
- File::PathConvert::setfstype( 'url' ) ;
- File::PathConvert::setfstype( 'Win32' ) ;
- File::PathConvert::setfstype( 'HAL9000' ) ; # Results in Unix default
-=item abs2rel
-C<abs2rel> converts an absolute path name to a relative path:
-converting /1/2/3/a/b/c relative to /1/2/3 returns a/b/c
- $relpath= abs2rel( $abspath ) ;
- $relpath= abs2rel( $abspath, $base ) ;
-If $abspath is already relative, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise the
-relative path from $base to $abspath is returned. If $base is undefined the
-current directory is used.
-The volume and filename portions of $base are ignored if present.
-If $abspath and $base are on different volumes, the volume from $abspath is
-No filesystem calls are made except for getting the current working directory
-if $base is undefined, so symbolic links are not checked for or resolved, and
-no check is done for existance.
- # Unix
- 'a/b/c' == abs2rel( 'a/b/c', $anything )
- 'a/b/c' == abs2rel( '/1/2/3/a/b/c', '/1/2/3' )
- # DOS
- 'a\\b/c' == abs2rel( 'a\\b/c', $anything )
- 'a\\b/c' == abs2rel( '/1\\2/3/a\\b/c', '/1/2/3' )
- # URL
- 'http:a/b/c' == abs2rel( 'http:a/b/c', $anything )
- 'http:a/b/c' == abs2rel( 'http:/1/2/3/a/b/c',
- '' )
- 'http:a/b/c?q' == abs2rel( 'http:/1/2/3/a/b/c/?q',
- '' )
- '' == abs2rel( '',
- '')
-=item rel2abs
-C<rel2abs> makes converts a relative path name to an absolute path:
-converting a/b/c relative to /1/2/3 returns /1/2/3/a/b/c.
- $abspath= rel2abs( $relpath ) ;
- $abspath= rel2abs( $relpath, $base ) ;
-If $relpath is already absolute, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise $relpath
-is taken to be relative to $base and the resulting absolute path is returned.
-If $base is not supplied, the current working directory is used.
-The volume portion of $relpath is ignored. The filename portion of $base is
-also ignored. The volume from $base is returned if present. The filename
-portion of $abspath is returned if present.
-No filesystem calls are made except for getting the current working directory
-if $base is undefined, so symbolic links are not checked for or resolved, and
-no check is done for existance.
-C<rel2abs> will not return a path of the form "./file".
- # Unix
- '/a/b/c' == rel2abs( '/a/b/c', $anything )
- '/1/2/3/a/b/c' == rel2abs( 'a/b/c', '/1/2/3' )
- # DOS
- '\\a\\b/c' == rel2abs( '\\a\\b/c', $anything )
- '/1\\2/3\\a\\b/c' == rel2abs( 'a\\b/c', '/1\\2/3' )
- 'C:/1\\2/3\\a\\b/c' == rel2abs( 'D:a\\b/c', 'C:/1\\2/3' )
- '\\\\s\\v/1\\2/3\\a\\b/c' == rel2abs( 'D:a\\b/c', '\\\\s\\v/1\\2/3' )
- # URL
- 'http:/a/b/c?q' == rel2abs( 'http:/a/b/c?q', $anything )
- ''== rel2abs( 'http:a/b/c?q',
- '' )
-=item realpath
-C<realpath> makes a canonicalized absolute pathname and
-resolves all symbolic links, extra ``/'' characters, and references
-to /./ and /../ in the path.
-C<realpath> resolves both absolute and relative paths.
-It returns the resolved name on success, otherwise it returns undef
-and sets the valiable C<$File::PathConvert::resolved> to the pathname
-that caused the problem.
-All but the last component of the path must exist.
-This implementation is based on 4.4BSD realpath(3). It is not tested under
-other operating systems at this time.
-If '/sys' is a symbolic link to '/usr/src/sys':
- chdir('/usr');
- '/usr/src/sys/kern' == realpath('../sys/kern');
- '/usr/src/sys/kern' == realpath('/sys/kern');
-=item splitpath
-To be written...
-=item joinpath
-To be written...
-Note that joinpath( splitpath( $path ) ) usually yields path. URLs
-with directory components ending in '/.' or '/..' will be fixed
-up to end in '/./' and '/../'.
-=item splitdirs
-To be written...
-=item joindirs
-=head1 BUGS
-C<realpath> is not fully multiplatform.
-=over 4
-=item *
-In URLs, paths not ending in '/' are split such that the last name in the
-path is a filename. This is not intuitive: many people use such URLs for
-directories, and most servers send a redirect. This may cause programers
-using this package to code in bugs, it may be more pragmatic to always assume
-all names are directory names. (Note that the query portion is always part
-of the filename).
-=item *
-If the relative and base paths are on different volumes, no error is
-returned. A silent, hopefully reasonable assumption is made.
-=item *
-No detection of unix style paths is done when other filesystems are
-selected, like File::Basename does.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Barrie Slaymaker <>
-Shigio Yamaguchi <>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/ b/lib/Pod/
index 3176e4fdcd..9245315dbd 100644
--- a/lib/Pod/
+++ b/lib/Pod/
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package Pod::Html;
use Pod::Functions;
use Getopt::Long; # package for handling command-line parameters
-use File::PathConvert 0.84 ; # Used to do relative URLs
+use File::Spec::Unix;
require Exporter;
use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.01;
+$VERSION = 1.02;
@ISA = Exporter;
@EXPORT = qw(pod2html htmlify);
use Cwd;
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ Displays the usage message.
Sets the directory in which the resulting HTML file is placed. This
-is used to generate relative links to other files.
+is used to generate relative links to other files. Not passing this
+causes all links to be absolute, since this is the value that tells
+Pod::Html the root of the documentation tree.
=item htmlroot
@@ -177,13 +179,13 @@ my $itemcache = "pod2html-itemcache";
my @begin_stack = (); # begin/end stack
-my @libpods = (); # files to search for links from C<> directives
-my $htmlroot = "/"; # http-server base directory from which all
+my @libpods = (); # files to search for links from C<> directives
+my $htmlroot = "/"; # http-server base directory from which all
# relative paths in $podpath stem.
my $htmldir = ""; # The directory to which the html pages
# will (eventually) be written.
my $htmlfile = ""; # write to stdout by default
-my $htmlfileurl = ""; # The url that other files would use to
+my $htmlfileurl = "" ; # The url that other files would use to
# refer to this file. This is only used
# to make relative urls that point to
# other files.
@@ -297,14 +299,19 @@ sub pod2html {
$htmlfile = "-" unless $htmlfile; # stdout
$htmlroot = "" if $htmlroot eq "/"; # so we don't get a //
- $htmldir =~ s#/$## ; # so we don't get a //
- if ( $htmldir ne ''
- && substr( $htmlfile, 0, length( $htmldir ) ) eq $htmldir
- )
+ $htmldir =~ s#/$## ; # so we don't get a //
+ if ( $htmlroot eq ''
+ && defined( $htmldir )
+ && $htmldir ne ''
+ && substr( $htmlfile, 0, length( $htmldir ) ) eq $htmldir
+ )
- $htmlfileurl= "$htmlroot/" . substr( $htmlfile, length( $htmldir ) + 1 );
+ # Set the 'base' url for this file, so that we can use it
+ # as the location from which to calculate relative links
+ # to other files. If this is '', then absolute links will
+ # be used throughout.
+ $htmlfileurl= "$htmldir/" . substr( $htmlfile, length( $htmldir ) + 1);
- File::PathConvert::setfstype( 'URL' ) ;
# read the pod a paragraph at a time
warn "Scanning for sections in input file(s)\n" if $verbose;
@@ -487,15 +494,13 @@ Usage: $0 --help --htmlroot=<name> --infile=<name> --outfile=<name>
sub parse_command_line {
- my ($opt_flush,$opt_help,$opt_htmldir,$opt_htmlroot,$opt_index,$opt_infile
+ my ($opt_flush,$opt_help,$opt_htmldir,$opt_htmlroot,$opt_index,$opt_infile,$opt_libpods,$opt_netscape,$opt_outfile,$opt_podpath,$opt_podroot,$opt_norecurse,$opt_recurse,$opt_title,$opt_verbose);
my $result = GetOptions(
- 'flush' => \$opt_flush,
- 'help' => \$opt_help,
- 'htmldir=s' => \$opt_htmldir,
+ 'flush' => \$opt_flush,
+ 'help' => \$opt_help,
+ 'htmldir=s' => \$opt_htmldir,
'htmlroot=s' => \$opt_htmlroot,
- 'index!' => \$opt_index,
+ 'index!' => \$opt_index,
'infile=s' => \$opt_infile,
'libpods=s' => \$opt_libpods,
'netscape!' => \$opt_netscape,
@@ -568,7 +573,7 @@ sub get_cache {
sub cache_key {
my($dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot, $recurse) = @_;
return join('!', $dircache, $itemcache, $recurse,
- @$podpath, $podroot, stat($dircache), stat($itemcache));
+ @$podpath, $podroot, stat($dircache), stat($itemcache));
@@ -674,7 +679,9 @@ sub scan_podpath {
next unless defined $pages{$libpod} && $pages{$libpod};
# if there is a directory then use the .pod and .pm files within it.
- if ($pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) {
+ # NOTE: Only finds the first so-named directory in the tree.
+# if ($pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) {
+ if ($pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*(?<!\.pod)(?<!\.pm)):/) {
# find all the .pod and .pm files within the directory
$dirname = $1;
opendir(DIR, $dirname) ||
@@ -1126,11 +1133,25 @@ sub process_text {
# $rest =~ s/(<A HREF=)([^>:]*:)?([^>:]*)\.pod:([^>:]*:)?/$1$3.html/g;
$rest =~ s{
- (<A\ HREF="?)([^>:]*:)?([^>:]*)\.pod:([^>:]*:)?
- }{
- my $url=
- File::PathConvert::abs2rel( "$3.html", $htmlfileurl );
-# print( " $htmlfileurl $3.html [$url]\n" ) ;
+ (<A\ HREF="?) ([^>:]*:)? ([^>:]*) \.pod: ([^>:]*:)?
+ }{
+ my $url ;
+ if ( $htmlfileurl ne '' ) {
+ # Here, we take advantage of the knowledge
+ # that $htmlfileurl ne '' implies $htmlroot eq ''.
+ # Since $htmlroot eq '', we need to prepend $htmldir
+ # on the fron of the link to get the absolute path
+ # of the link's target. We check for a leading '/'
+ # to avoid corrupting links that are #, file:, etc.
+ my $old_url = $3 ;
+ $old_url = "$htmldir$old_url"
+ if ( $old_url =~ m{^\/} ) ;
+ $url = relativize_url( "$old_url.html", $htmlfileurl );
+# print( " a: [$old_url.html,$htmlfileurl,$url]\n" ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $url = "$3.html" ;
+ }
"$1$url" ;
@@ -1156,7 +1177,8 @@ sub process_text {
$rest =~ s{
\b # start at word boundary
( # begin $1 {
- $urls :[^:] # need resource and a colon
+ $urls : # need resource and a colon
+ (?!:) # Ignore File::, among others.
[$any] +? # followed by on or more
# of any valid character, but
# be conservative and take only
@@ -1428,6 +1450,9 @@ sub process_L {
$section = $page;
$page = "";
+ # remove trailing punctuation, like ()
+ $section =~ s/\W*$// ;
@@ -1438,6 +1463,29 @@ sub process_L {
} elsif ( $page =~ /::/ ) {
$linktext = ($section ? "$section" : "$page");
$page =~ s,::,/,g;
+ # Search page cache for an entry keyed under the html page name,
+ # then look to see what directory that page might be in. NOTE:
+ # this will only find one page. A better solution might be to produce
+ # an intermediate page that is an index to all such pages.
+ my $page_name = $page ;
+ $page_name =~ s,^.*/,, ;
+ if ( defined( $pages{ $page_name } ) &&
+ $pages{ $page_name } =~ /([^:]*$page)\.(?:pod|pm):/
+ ) {
+ $page = $1 ;
+ }
+ else {
+ # NOTE: This branch assumes that all A::B pages are located in
+ # $htmlroot/A/B.html . This is often incorrect, since they are
+ # often in $htmlroot/lib/A/B.html or such like. Perhaps we could
+ # analyze the contents of %pages and figure out where any
+ # cousins of A::B are, then assume that. So, if A::B isn't found,
+ # but A::C is found in lib/A/, then A::B is assumed to be in
+ # lib/A/ This is also limited, but it's an improvement.
+ # Maybe a hints file so that the links point to the correct places
+ # non-theless?
+ # Also, maybe put a warn "$0: cannot resolve..." here.
+ }
$link = "$htmlroot/$page.html";
$link .= "#" . htmlify(0,$section) if ($section);
} elsif (!defined $pages{$page}) {
@@ -1450,7 +1498,8 @@ sub process_L {
# if there is a directory by the name of the page, then assume that an
# appropriate section will exist in the subdirectory
- if ($section ne "" && $pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) {
+# if ($section ne "" && $pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) {
+ if ($section ne "" && $pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*(?<!\.pod)(?<!\.pm)):/) {
$link = "$htmlroot/$1/$section.html";
# since there is no directory by the name of the page, the section will
@@ -1474,8 +1523,23 @@ sub process_L {
process_text(\$linktext, 0);
if ($link) {
- my $url= File::PathConvert::abs2rel( $link, $htmlfileurl ) ;
-# print( " $htmlfileurl $link [$url]\n" ) ;
+ # Here, we take advantage of the knowledge that $htmlfileurl ne ''
+ # implies $htmlroot eq ''. This means that the link in question
+ # needs a prefix of $htmldir if it begins with '/'. The test for
+ # the initial '/' is done to avoid '#'-only links, and to allow
+ # for other kinds of links, like file:, ftp:, etc.
+ my $url ;
+ if ( $htmlfileurl ne '' ) {
+ $link = "$htmldir$link"
+ if ( $link =~ m{^/} ) ;
+ $url = relativize_url( $link, $htmlfileurl ) ;
+# print( " b: [$link,$htmlfileurl,$url]\n" ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $url = $link ;
+ }
$s1 = "<A HREF=\"$url\">$linktext</A>";
} else {
$s1 = "<EM>$linktext</EM>";
@@ -1484,6 +1548,39 @@ sub process_L {
+# relativize_url - convert an absolute URL to one relative to a base URL.
+# Assumes both end in a filename.
+sub relativize_url {
+ my ($dest,$source) = @_ ;
+ my ($dest_volume,$dest_directory,$dest_file) =
+ File::Spec::Unix->splitpath( $dest ) ;
+ $dest = File::Spec::Unix->catpath( $dest_volume, $dest_directory, '' ) ;
+ my ($source_volume,$source_directory,$source_file) =
+ File::Spec::Unix->splitpath( $source ) ;
+ $source = File::Spec::Unix->catpath( $source_volume, $source_directory, '' ) ;
+ my $rel_path = '' ;
+ if ( $dest ne '' ) {
+ $rel_path = File::Spec::Unix->abs2rel( $dest, $source ) ;
+ }
+ if ( $rel_path ne '' &&
+ substr( $rel_path, -1 ) ne '/' &&
+ substr( $dest_file, 0, 1 ) ne '#'
+ ) {
+ $rel_path .= "/$dest_file" ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $rel_path .= "$dest_file" ;
+ }
+ return $rel_path ;
# process_BFI - process any of the B<>, F<>, or I<> pod-escapes and
# convert them to corresponding HTML directives.
@@ -1517,8 +1614,16 @@ sub process_C {
if ($doref && defined $items{$s1}) {
if ( $items{$s1} ) {
my $link = "$htmlroot/$items{$s1}#item_" . htmlify(0,$s2) ;
- my $url = File::PathConvert::abs2rel( $link, $htmlfileurl ) ;
-# print( " $htmlfileurl $link [$url]\n" ) ;
+ # Here, we take advantage of the knowledge that $htmlfileurl ne ''
+ # implies $htmlroot eq ''.
+ my $url ;
+ if ( $htmlfileurl ne '' ) {
+ $link = "$htmldir$link" ;
+ $url = relativize_url( $link, $htmlfileurl ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $url = $link ;
+ }
$s1 = "<A HREF=\"$url\">$str</A>" ;
else {
@@ -1582,6 +1687,18 @@ sub process_X {
+# Adapted from Nick Ing-Simmons' PodToHtml package.
+sub relative_url {
+ my $source_file = shift ;
+ my $destination_file = shift;
+ my $source = URI::file->new_abs($source_file);
+ my $uo = URI::file->new($destination_file,$source)->abs;
+ return $uo->rel->as_string;
# finish_list - finish off any pending HTML lists. this should be called
# after the entire pod file has been read and converted.