diff options
7 files changed, 1118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index a2398497ba..8d4d7e070a 100644
@@ -647,6 +647,12 @@ ext/List/Util/t/sum.t List::Util
ext/List/Util/t/tainted.t Scalar::Util
ext/List/Util/t/weak.t Scalar::Util
ext/List/Util/Util.xs Util extension
+ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/FastCalc.xs Math::BigInt::FastCalc extension
+ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/ Math::BigInt::FastCalc extension
+ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL Math::BigInt::FastCalc extension
+ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t Math::BigInt::FastCalc extension
+ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bootstrap.t Math::BigInt::FastCalc extension
+ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/mbi_rand.t Math::BigInt::FastCalc extension
ext/MIME/Base64/ MIME::Base64 extension
ext/MIME/Base64/Base64.xs MIME::Base64 extension
ext/MIME/Base64/Changes MIME::Base64 extension
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e904e04033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package Math::BigInt::FastCalc;
+use 5.005;
+use strict;
+# use warnings; # dont use warnings for older Perls
+use DynaLoader;
+use Math::BigInt::Calc;
+use vars qw/@ISA $VERSION $BASE $BASE_LEN/;
+@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
+$VERSION = '0.10';
+bootstrap Math::BigInt::FastCalc $VERSION;
+# global constants, flags and accessory
+# announce that we are compatible with MBI v1.70 and up
+sub api_version () { 1; }
+ {
+ # use Calc to override the methods that we do not provide in XS
+ for my $method (qw/
+ new str
+ add sub mul div
+ rsft lsft
+ mod modpow modinv
+ gcd
+ pow root sqrt log_int fac
+ digit check
+ from_hex from_bin as_hex as_bin
+ zeros length base_len
+ xor or and
+ /)
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{'Math::BigInt::FastCalc::_' . $method} = \&{'Math::BigInt::Calc::_' . $method};
+ }
+ # store BASE_LEN and BASE to later pass it to XS code
+ Math::BigInt::Calc::_base_len();
+ }
+sub import
+ {
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Math::BigInt::FastCalc - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Provides support for big integer calculations. Not intended to be used by
+other modules. Other modules which sport the same functions can also be used
+to support Math::BigInt, like L<Math::BigInt::GMP> or L<Math::BigInt::Pari>.
+In order to allow for multiple big integer libraries, Math::BigInt was
+rewritten to use library modules for core math routines. Any module which
+follows the same API as this can be used instead by using the following:
+ use Math::BigInt lib => 'libname';
+'libname' is either the long name ('Math::BigInt::Pari'), or only the short
+version like 'Pari'. To use this library:
+ use Math::BigInt lib => 'FastCalc';
+Note that from L<Math::BigInt> v1.76 onwards, FastCalc will be loaded
+automatically, if possible.
+=head1 STORAGE
+FastCalc works exactly like Calc, in stores the numbers in decimal form,
+chopped into parts.
+=head1 METHODS
+The following functions are now implemented in FastCalc.xs:
+ _is_odd _is_even _is_one _is_zero
+ _is_two _is_ten
+ _zero _one _two _ten
+ _acmp _len _num
+ _inc _dec
+ __strip_zeros _copy
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Original math code by Mark Biggar, rewritten by Tels L<>
+in late 2000.
+Seperated from BigInt and shaped API with the help of John Peacock.
+Fixed, sped-up and enhanced by Tels 2001-2003.
+Further streamlining (api_version 1 etc) by Tels 2004-2005.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Math::BigInt>, L<Math::BigFloat>, L<Math::BigInt::BitVect>,
+L<Math::BigInt::GMP>, L<Math::BigInt::FastCalc> and L<Math::BigInt::Pari>.
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/FastCalc.xs b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/FastCalc.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..658996279a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/FastCalc.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+double XS_BASE = 0;
+double XS_BASE_LEN = 0;
+MODULE = Math::BigInt::FastCalc PACKAGE = Math::BigInt::FastCalc
+ #############################################################################
+ # 2002-08-12 0.03 Tels unreleased
+ # * is_zero/is_one/is_odd/is_even/len work now (pass v1.61 tests)
+ # 2002-08-13 0.04 Tels unreleased
+ # * returns no/yes for is_foo() methods to be faster
+ # 2002-08-18 0.06alpha
+ # * added _num(), _inc() and _dec()
+ # 2002-08-25 0.06 Tels
+ # * added __strip_zeros(), _copy()
+ # 2004-08-13 0.07 Tels
+ # * added _is_two(), _is_ten(), _ten()
+# _copy
+_copy(class, x)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ AV* a2;
+ I32 elems;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ elems = av_len(a); /* number of elems in array */
+ a2 = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV());
+ av_extend (a2, elems); /* prepadd */
+ while (elems >= 0)
+ {
+ /* av_store( a2, elems, newSVsv( (SV*)*av_fetch(a, elems, 0) ) ); */
+ /* looking and trying to preserve IV is actually slower when copying */
+ /* temp = (SV*)*av_fetch(a, elems, 0);
+ if (SvIOK(temp))
+ {
+ av_store( a2, elems, newSViv( SvIV( (SV*)*av_fetch(a, elems, 0) )));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ av_store( a2, elems, newSVnv( SvNV( (SV*)*av_fetch(a, elems, 0) )));
+ }
+ */
+ av_store( a2, elems, newSVnv( SvNV( (SV*)*av_fetch(a, elems, 0) )));
+ elems--;
+ }
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal( newRV_inc((SV*) a2) );
+# __strip_zeros (also check for empty arrays from div)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ I32 elems;
+ I32 index;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ elems = av_len(a); /* number of elems in array */
+ ST(0) = x; /* we return x */
+ if (elems == -1)
+ {
+ av_push (a, newSViv(0)); /* correct empty arrays */
+ }
+ if (elems == 0)
+ {
+ XSRETURN(1); /* nothing to do since only one elem */
+ }
+ index = elems;
+ while (index > 0)
+ {
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, index, 0); /* fetch ptr to current element */
+ if (SvNV(temp) != 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ index--;
+ }
+ if (index < elems)
+ {
+ index = elems - index;
+ while (index-- > 0)
+ {
+ av_pop (a);
+ }
+ }
+# decrement (subtract one)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ I32 elems;
+ I32 index;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ elems = av_len(a); /* number of elems in array */
+ ST(0) = x; /* we return x */
+ MAX = XS_BASE - 1;
+ index = 0;
+ while (index <= elems)
+ {
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, index, 0); /* fetch ptr to current element */
+ sv_setnv (temp, SvNV(temp)-1);
+ if (SvNV(temp) >= 0)
+ {
+ break; /* early out */
+ }
+ sv_setnv (temp, MAX); /* overflow, so set this to $MAX */
+ index++;
+ }
+ /* do have more than one element? */
+ /* (more than one because [0] should be kept as single-element) */
+ if (elems > 0)
+ {
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, elems, 0); /* fetch last element */
+ if (SvIV(temp) == 0) /* did last elem overflow? */
+ {
+ av_pop(a); /* yes, so shrink array */
+ /* aka remove leading zeros */
+ }
+ }
+ XSRETURN(1); /* return x */
+# increment (add one)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ I32 elems;
+ I32 index;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ elems = av_len(a); /* number of elems in array */
+ ST(0) = x; /* we return x */
+ index = 0;
+ while (index <= elems)
+ {
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, index, 0); /* fetch ptr to current element */
+ sv_setnv (temp, SvNV(temp)+1);
+ if (SvNV(temp) < BASE)
+ {
+ XSRETURN(1); /* return (early out) */
+ }
+ sv_setiv (temp, 0); /* overflow, so set this elem to 0 */
+ index++;
+ }
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, elems, 0); /* fetch last element */
+ if (SvIV(temp) == 0) /* did last elem overflow? */
+ {
+ av_push(a, newSViv(1)); /* yes, so extend array by 1 */
+ }
+ XSRETURN(1); /* return x */
+# Make a number (scalar int/float) from a BigInt object
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ NV fac;
+ SV* temp;
+ NV num;
+ I32 elems;
+ I32 index;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ elems = av_len(a); /* number of elems in array */
+ if (elems == 0) /* only one element? */
+ {
+ ST(0) = *av_fetch(a, 0, 0); /* fetch first (only) element */
+ XSRETURN(1); /* return it */
+ }
+ fac = 1.0; /* factor */
+ index = 0;
+ num = 0.0;
+ while (index <= elems)
+ {
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, index, 0); /* fetch current element */
+ num += fac * SvNV(temp);
+ fac *= BASE;
+ index++;
+ }
+ ST(0) = newSVnv(num);
+ AV* a;
+ a = newAV();
+ av_push (a, newSViv( 0 )); /* zero */
+ ST(0) = newRV_noinc((SV*) a);
+ AV* a;
+ a = newAV();
+ av_push (a, newSViv( 1 )); /* one */
+ ST(0) = newRV_noinc((SV*) a);
+ AV* a;
+ a = newAV();
+ av_push (a, newSViv( 2 )); /* two */
+ ST(0) = newRV_noinc((SV*) a);
+ AV* a;
+ a = newAV();
+ av_push (a, newSViv( 10 )); /* ten */
+ ST(0) = newRV_noinc((SV*) a);
+_is_even(class, x)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, 0, 0); /* fetch first element */
+ ST(0) = boolSV((SvIV(temp) & 1) == 0);
+_is_odd(class, x)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, 0, 0); /* fetch first element */
+ ST(0) = boolSV((SvIV(temp) & 1) != 0);
+_is_one(class, x)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ if ( av_len(a) != 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_no;
+ XSRETURN(1); /* len != 1, can't be '1' */
+ }
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, 0, 0); /* fetch first element */
+ ST(0) = boolSV((SvIV(temp) == 1));
+_is_two(class, x)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ if ( av_len(a) != 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_no;
+ XSRETURN(1); /* len != 1, can't be '2' */
+ }
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, 0, 0); /* fetch first element */
+ ST(0) = boolSV((SvIV(temp) == 2));
+_is_ten(class, x)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ if ( av_len(a) != 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_no;
+ XSRETURN(1); /* len != 1, can't be '10' */
+ }
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, 0, 0); /* fetch first element */
+ ST(0) = boolSV((SvIV(temp) == 10));
+_is_zero(class, x)
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ if ( av_len(a) != 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_no;
+ XSRETURN(1); /* len != 1, can't be '0' */
+ }
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, 0, 0); /* fetch first element */
+ ST(0) = boolSV((SvIV(temp) == 0));
+ SV* x
+ AV* a;
+ SV* temp;
+ NV elems;
+ STRLEN len;
+ a = (AV*)SvRV(x); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ elems = (NV) av_len(a); /* number of elems in array */
+ temp = *av_fetch(a, elems, 0); /* fetch last element */
+ SvPV(temp, len); /* convert to string & store length */
+ len += XS_BASE_LEN * elems;
+ ST(0) = newSViv(len);
+_acmp(class, cx, cy);
+ SV* cx
+ SV* cy
+ AV* array_x;
+ AV* array_y;
+ I32 elemsx, elemsy, diff;
+ SV* tempx;
+ SV* tempy;
+ STRLEN lenx;
+ STRLEN leny;
+ NV diff_nv;
+ I32 diff_str;
+ array_x = (AV*)SvRV(cx); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ array_y = (AV*)SvRV(cy); /* ref to aray, don't check ref */
+ elemsx = av_len(array_x);
+ elemsy = av_len(array_y);
+ diff = elemsx - elemsy; /* difference */
+ if (diff > 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = newSViv(1); /* len differs: X > Y */
+ }
+ if (diff < 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = newSViv(-1); /* len differs: X < Y */
+ }
+ /* both have same number of elements, so check length of last element
+ and see if it differes */
+ tempx = *av_fetch(array_x, elemsx, 0); /* fetch last element */
+ tempy = *av_fetch(array_y, elemsx, 0); /* fetch last element */
+ SvPV(tempx, lenx); /* convert to string & store length */
+ SvPV(tempy, leny); /* convert to string & store length */
+ diff_str = (I32)lenx - (I32)leny;
+ if (diff_str > 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = newSViv(1); /* same len, but first elems differs in len */
+ }
+ if (diff_str < 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = newSViv(-1); /* same len, but first elems differs in len */
+ }
+ /* same number of digits, so need to make a full compare */
+ diff_nv = 0;
+ while (elemsx >= 0)
+ {
+ tempx = *av_fetch(array_x, elemsx, 0); /* fetch curr x element */
+ tempy = *av_fetch(array_y, elemsx, 0); /* fetch curr y element */
+ diff_nv = SvNV(tempx) - SvNV(tempy);
+ if (diff_nv != 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ elemsx--;
+ }
+ if (diff_nv > 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = newSViv(1);
+ }
+ if (diff_nv < 0)
+ {
+ ST(0) = newSViv(-1);
+ }
+ ST(0) = newSViv(0); /* equal */
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa7e1731be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ 'NAME' => 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => {
+ Math::BigInt => 1.76,
+ },
+ 'LIBS' => [''], # e.g., '-lm'
+ 'DEFINE' => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
+ # Insert -I. if you add *.h files later:
+ 'INC' => '', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
+ # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later:
+ # 'OBJECT' => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43ec195c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test;
+ {
+ $| = 1;
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
+ unshift @INC, '../blib/arch'; # for running manually
+ plan tests => 308;
+ }
+use Math::BigInt::FastCalc;
+ Math::BigInt::FastCalc->_base_len();
+print "# BASE_LEN = $BASE_LEN\n";
+print "# MAX_VAL = $MAX_VAL\n";
+print "# AND_BITS = $AND_BITS\n";
+print "# XOR_BITS = $XOR_BITS\n";
+print "# IOR_BITS = $OR_BITS\n";
+# testing of Math::BigInt::FastCalc
+my $C = 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'; # pass classname to sub's
+# _new and _str
+my $x = $C->_new("123"); my $y = $C->_new("321");
+ok (ref($x),'ARRAY'); ok ($C->_str($x),123); ok ($C->_str($y),321);
+# _add, _sub, _mul, _div
+ok ($C->_str($C->_add($x,$y)),444);
+ok ($C->_str($C->_sub($x,$y)),123);
+ok ($C->_str($C->_mul($x,$y)),39483);
+ok ($C->_str($C->_div($x,$y)),123);
+# check that mul/div doesn't change $y
+# and returns the same reference, not something new
+ok ($C->_str($C->_mul($x,$y)),39483);
+ok ($C->_str($x),39483); ok ($C->_str($y),321);
+ok ($C->_str($C->_div($x,$y)),123);
+ok ($C->_str($x),123); ok ($C->_str($y),321);
+$x = $C->_new("39483");
+my ($x1,$r1) = $C->_div($x,$y);
+ok ("$x1","$x");
+ok ("$x1","$x");
+ok ($C->_str($r1),'0');
+$x = $C->_new("39483"); # reset
+my $z = $C->_new("2");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_add($x,$z)),39485);
+my ($re,$rr) = $C->_div($x,$y);
+ok ($C->_str($re),123); ok ($C->_str($rr),2);
+# is_zero, _is_one, _one, _zero
+ok ($C->_is_zero($x)||0,0);
+ok ($C->_is_one($x)||0,0);
+ok ($C->_str($C->_zero()),"0");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_one()),"1");
+# _two() and _ten()
+ok ($C->_str($C->_two()),"2");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_ten()),"10");
+ok ($C->_is_ten($C->_two())||0,0);
+ok ($C->_is_two($C->_two()),1);
+ok ($C->_is_ten($C->_ten()),1);
+ok ($C->_is_two($C->_ten())||0,0);
+ok ($C->_is_one($C->_one()),1);
+ok ($C->_is_one($C->_two()) || 0,0);
+ok ($C->_is_one($C->_ten()) || 0,0);
+ok ($C->_is_one($C->_zero()) || 0,0);
+ok ($C->_is_zero($C->_zero()),1);
+ok ($C->_is_zero($C->_one()) || 0,0);
+# is_odd, is_even
+ok ($C->_is_odd($C->_one()),1); ok ($C->_is_odd($C->_zero())||0,0);
+ok ($C->_is_even($C->_one()) || 0,0); ok ($C->_is_even($C->_zero()),1);
+# _len
+$x = $C->_new("1"); ok ($C->_len($x),1);
+$x = $C->_new("12"); ok ($C->_len($x),2);
+$x = $C->_new("123"); ok ($C->_len($x),3);
+$x = $C->_new("1234"); ok ($C->_len($x),4);
+$x = $C->_new("12345"); ok ($C->_len($x),5);
+$x = $C->_new("123456"); ok ($C->_len($x),6);
+$x = $C->_new("1234567"); ok ($C->_len($x),7);
+$x = $C->_new("12345678"); ok ($C->_len($x),8);
+$x = $C->_new("123456789"); ok ($C->_len($x),9);
+$x = $C->_new("8"); ok ($C->_len($x),1);
+$x = $C->_new("21"); ok ($C->_len($x),2);
+$x = $C->_new("321"); ok ($C->_len($x),3);
+$x = $C->_new("4321"); ok ($C->_len($x),4);
+$x = $C->_new("54321"); ok ($C->_len($x),5);
+$x = $C->_new("654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),6);
+$x = $C->_new("7654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),7);
+$x = $C->_new("87654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),8);
+$x = $C->_new("987654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),9);
+for (my $i = 1; $i < 9; $i++)
+ {
+ my $a = "$i" . '0' x ($i-1);
+ $x = $C->_new($a);
+ print "# Tried len '$a'\n" unless ok ($C->_len($x),$i);
+ }
+# _digit
+$x = $C->_new("123456789");
+ok ($C->_digit($x,0),9);
+ok ($C->_digit($x,1),8);
+ok ($C->_digit($x,2),7);
+ok ($C->_digit($x,-1),1);
+ok ($C->_digit($x,-2),2);
+ok ($C->_digit($x,-3),3);
+# _copy
+foreach (qw/ 1 12 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567 12345678 123456789/)
+ {
+ $x = $C->_new("$_");
+ ok ($C->_str($C->_copy($x)),"$_");
+ ok ($C->_str($x),"$_"); # did _copy destroy original x?
+ }
+# _zeros
+$x = $C->_new("1256000000"); ok ($C->_zeros($x),6);
+$x = $C->_new("152"); ok ($C->_zeros($x),0);
+$x = $C->_new("123000"); ok ($C->_zeros($x),3);
+$x = $C->_new("0"); ok ($C->_zeros($x),0);
+# _lsft, _rsft
+$x = $C->_new("10"); $y = $C->_new("3");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_lsft($x,$y,10)),10000);
+$x = $C->_new("20"); $y = $C->_new("3");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_lsft($x,$y,10)),20000);
+$x = $C->_new("128"); $y = $C->_new("4");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_lsft($x,$y,2)), 128 << 4);
+$x = $C->_new("1000"); $y = $C->_new("3");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_rsft($x,$y,10)),1);
+$x = $C->_new("20000"); $y = $C->_new("3");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_rsft($x,$y,10)),20);
+$x = $C->_new("256"); $y = $C->_new("4");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_rsft($x,$y,2)),256 >> 4);
+$x = $C->_new("6411906467305339182857313397200584952398");
+$y = $C->_new("45");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_rsft($x,$y,10)),0);
+# _acmp
+$x = $C->_new("123456789");
+$y = $C->_new("987654321");
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),-1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$x),1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$x),0);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$y),0);
+$x = $C->_new("12");
+$y = $C->_new("12");
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),0);
+$x = $C->_new("21");
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$x),-1);
+$x = $C->_new("123456789");
+$y = $C->_new("1987654321");
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),-1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$x),+1);
+$x = $C->_new("1234567890123456789");
+$y = $C->_new("987654321012345678");
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$x),-1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$x),0);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$y),0);
+$x = $C->_new("1234");
+$y = $C->_new("987654321012345678");
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),-1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$x),1);
+ok ($C->_acmp($x,$x),0);
+ok ($C->_acmp($y,$y),0);
+# _modinv
+$x = $C->_new("8");
+$y = $C->_new("5033");
+my ($xmod,$sign) = $C->_modinv($x,$y);
+ok ($C->_str($xmod),'629'); # -629 % 5033 == 4404
+ok ($sign, '-');
+# _div
+$x = $C->_new("3333"); $y = $C->_new("1111");
+ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_div($x,$y)),3);
+$x = $C->_new("33333"); $y = $C->_new("1111"); ($x,$y) = $C->_div($x,$y);
+ok ($C->_str($x),30); ok ($C->_str($y),3);
+$x = $C->_new("123"); $y = $C->_new("1111");
+($x,$y) = $C->_div($x,$y); ok ($C->_str($x),0); ok ($C->_str($y),123);
+# _num
+foreach (qw/1 12 123 1234 12345 1234567 12345678 123456789 1234567890/)
+ {
+ $x = $C->_new("$_");
+ ok (ref($x)||'','ARRAY'); ok ($C->_str($x),"$_");
+ $x = $C->_num($x); ok (ref($x)||'',''); ok ($x,$_);
+ }
+# _sqrt
+$x = $C->_new("144"); ok ($C->_str($C->_sqrt($x)),'12');
+$x = $C->_new("144000000000000"); ok ($C->_str($C->_sqrt($x)),'12000000');
+# _root
+$x = $C->_new("81"); my $n = $C->_new("3"); # 4*4*4 = 64, 5*5*5 = 125
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'4'); # 4.xx => 4.0
+$x = $C->_new("81"); $n = $C->_new("4"); # 3*3*3*3 == 81
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'3');
+# _pow (and _root)
+$x = $C->_new("0"); $n = $C->_new("3"); # 0 ** y => 0
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)), 0);
+$x = $C->_new("3"); $n = $C->_new("0"); # x ** 0 => 1
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)), 1);
+$x = $C->_new("1"); $n = $C->_new("3"); # 1 ** y => 1
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)), 1);
+$x = $C->_new("5"); $n = $C->_new("1"); # x ** 1 => x
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)), 5);
+$x = $C->_new("81"); $n = $C->_new("3"); # 81 ** 3 == 531441
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)),81 ** 3);
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),81);
+$x = $C->_new("81");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)),81 ** 3);
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)),'150094635296999121'); # 531441 ** 3 ==
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'531441');
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'81');
+$x = $C->_new("81"); $n = $C->_new("14");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)),'523347633027360537213511521');
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'81');
+$x = $C->_new("523347633027360537213511520");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'80');
+$x = $C->_new("523347633027360537213511522");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'81');
+my $res = [ qw/ 9 31 99 316 999 3162 9999/ ];
+# 99 ** 2 = 9801, 999 ** 2 = 998001 etc
+for my $i (2 .. 9)
+ {
+ $x = '9' x $i; $x = $C->_new($x);
+ $n = $C->_new("2");
+ my $rc = '9' x ($i-1). '8' . '0' x ($i-1) . '1';
+ print "# _pow( ", '9' x $i, ", 2) \n" unless
+ ok ($C->_str($C->_pow($x,$n)),$rc);
+ if ($i <= 7)
+ {
+ $x = '9' x $i; $x = $C->_new($x);
+ $n = '9' x $i; $n = $C->_new($n);
+ print "# _root( ", '9' x $i, ", ", 9 x $i, ") \n" unless
+ ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)),'1');
+ $x = '9' x $i; $x = $C->_new($x);
+ $n = $C->_new("2");
+ print "# _root( ", '9' x $i, ", ", 9 x $i, ") \n" unless
+ ok ($C->_str($C->_root($x,$n)), $res->[$i-2]);
+ }
+ }
+# _fac
+$x = $C->_new("0"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'1');
+$x = $C->_new("1"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'1');
+$x = $C->_new("2"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'2');
+$x = $C->_new("3"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'6');
+$x = $C->_new("4"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'24');
+$x = $C->_new("5"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'120');
+$x = $C->_new("10"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'3628800');
+$x = $C->_new("11"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'39916800');
+$x = $C->_new("12"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'479001600');
+$x = $C->_new("13"); ok ($C->_str($C->_fac($x)),'6227020800');
+# test that _fac modifes $x in place for small arguments
+$x = $C->_new("3"); $C->_fac($x); ok ($C->_str($x),'6');
+$x = $C->_new("13"); $C->_fac($x); ok ($C->_str($x),'6227020800');
+# _inc and _dec
+foreach (qw/1 11 121 1231 12341 1234561 12345671 123456781 1234567891/)
+ {
+ $x = $C->_new("$_"); $C->_inc($x);
+ print "# \$x = ",$C->_str($x),"\n"
+ unless ok ($C->_str($x),substr($_,0,length($_)-1) . '2');
+ $C->_dec($x); ok ($C->_str($x),$_);
+ }
+foreach (qw/19 119 1219 12319 1234519 12345619 123456719 1234567819/)
+ {
+ $x = $C->_new("$_"); $C->_inc($x);
+ print "# \$x = ",$C->_str($x),"\n"
+ unless ok ($C->_str($x),substr($_,0,length($_)-2) . '20');
+ $C->_dec($x); ok ($C->_str($x),$_);
+ }
+foreach (qw/999 9999 99999 9999999 99999999 999999999 9999999999 99999999999/)
+ {
+ $x = $C->_new("$_"); $C->_inc($x);
+ print "# \$x = ",$C->_str($x),"\n"
+ unless ok ($C->_str($x), '1' . '0' x (length($_)));
+ $C->_dec($x); ok ($C->_str($x),$_);
+ }
+$x = $C->_new("1000"); $C->_inc($x); ok ($C->_str($x),'1001');
+$C->_dec($x); ok ($C->_str($x),'1000');
+my $BL;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $BL = &{"$C"."::_base_len"}();
+$x = '1' . '0' x $BL;
+$z = '1' . '0' x ($BL-1); $z .= '1';
+$x = $C->_new($x); $C->_inc($x); ok ($C->_str($x),$z);
+$x = '1' . '0' x $BL; $z = '9' x $BL;
+$x = $C->_new($x); $C->_dec($x); ok ($C->_str($x),$z);
+# should not happen:
+# $x = $C->_new("-2"); $y = $C->_new("4"); ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),-1);
+# _mod
+$x = $C->_new("1000"); $y = $C->_new("3");
+ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_mod($x,$y)),1);
+$x = $C->_new("1000"); $y = $C->_new("2");
+ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_mod($x,$y)),0);
+# _and, _or, _xor
+$x = $C->_new("5"); $y = $C->_new("2");
+ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_xor($x,$y)),7);
+$x = $C->_new("5"); $y = $C->_new("2");
+ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_or($x,$y)),7);
+$x = $C->_new("5"); $y = $C->_new("3");
+ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_and($x,$y)),1);
+# _from_hex, _from_bin
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_hex("0xFf")),255);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_bin("0b10101011")),160+11);
+# _as_hex, _as_bin
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_hex( $C->_as_hex( $C->_new("128")))), 128);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_bin( $C->_as_bin( $C->_new("128")))), 128);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_hex( $C->_as_hex( $C->_new("0")))), 0);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_bin( $C->_as_bin( $C->_new("0")))), 0);
+ok ($C->_as_hex( $C->_new("0")), '0x0');
+ok ($C->_as_bin( $C->_new("0")), '0b0');
+ok ($C->_as_hex( $C->_new("12")), '0xc');
+ok ($C->_as_bin( $C->_new("12")), '0b1100');
+# _check
+$x = $C->_new("123456789");
+ok ($C->_check($x),0);
+ok ($C->_check(123),'123 is not a reference');
+# __strip_zeros
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # correct empty arrays
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([]); ok (@$x,1); ok ($x->[0],0);
+ # don't strip single elements
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([0]); ok (@$x,1); ok ($x->[0],0);
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([1]); ok (@$x,1); ok ($x->[0],1);
+ # don't strip non-zero elements
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([0,1]);
+ ok (@$x,2); ok ($x->[0],0); ok ($x->[1],1);
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([0,1,2]);
+ ok (@$x,3); ok ($x->[0],0); ok ($x->[1],1); ok ($x->[2],2);
+ # but strip leading zeros
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([0,1,2,0]);
+ ok (@$x,3); ok ($x->[0],0); ok ($x->[1],1); ok ($x->[2],2);
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([0,1,2,0,0]);
+ ok (@$x,3); ok ($x->[0],0); ok ($x->[1],1); ok ($x->[2],2);
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([0,1,2,0,0,0]);
+ ok (@$x,3); ok ($x->[0],0); ok ($x->[1],1); ok ($x->[2],2);
+ # collapse multiple zeros
+ $x = &{$C."::__strip_zeros"}([0,0,0,0]);
+ ok (@$x,1); ok ($x->[0],0);
+# done
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bootstrap.t b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bootstrap.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dd429ce18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bootstrap.t
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test;
+ {
+ $| = 1;
+ unshift @INC, '../blib/lib';
+ unshift @INC, '../blib/arch';
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ plan tests => 1;
+ };
+use Math::BigInt::FastCalc;
+ok(1); # could load it?
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/mbi_rand.t b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/mbi_rand.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0172b25fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/mbi_rand.t
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test::More;
+use strict;
+my $count;
+ {
+ $| = 1;
+ if ($^O eq 'os390') { print "1..0\n"; exit(0) } # test takes too long there
+ unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
+ unshift @INC, '../blib/arch';
+ my $location = $0; $location =~ s/mbi_rand.t//;
+ unshift @INC, $location; # to locate the testing files
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ $count = 128;
+ plan tests => $count*2;
+ }
+use Math::BigInt lib => 'FastCalc';
+my $c = 'Math::BigInt';
+my $length = 128;
+# If you get a failure here, please re-run the test with the printed seed
+# value as input: perl t/mbi_rand.t seed
+my $seed = ($#ARGV == 0) ? $ARGV[0] : int(rand(65537));
+print "# seed: $seed\n"; srand($seed);
+my ($A,$B,$As,$Bs,$ADB,$AMB,$la,$lb);
+my $two = Math::BigInt->new(2);
+for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
+ {
+ # length of A and B
+ $la = int(rand($length)+1); $lb = int(rand($length)+1);
+ $As = ''; $Bs = '';
+ # we create the numbers from "patterns", e.g. get a random number and a
+ # random count and string them together. This means things like
+ # "100000999999999999911122222222" are much more likely. If we just strung
+ # together digits, we would end up with "1272398823211223" etc.
+ while (length($As) < $la) { $As .= int(rand(100)) x int(rand(16)); }
+ while (length($Bs) < $lb) { $Bs .= int(rand(100)) x int(rand(16)); }
+ $As =~ s/^0+//; $Bs =~ s/^0+//;
+ $As = $As || '0'; $Bs = $Bs || '0';
+ # print "# As $As\n# Bs $Bs\n";
+ $A = $c->new($As); $B = $c->new($Bs);
+ # print "# A $A\n# B $B\n";
+ if ($A->is_zero() || $B->is_zero())
+ {
+ is (1,1); is (1,1); next;
+ }
+ # check that int(A/B)*B + A % B == A holds for all inputs
+ # $X = ($A/$B)*$B + 2 * ($A % $B) - ($A % $B);
+ ($ADB,$AMB) = $A->copy()->bdiv($B);
+ print "# ". join(' ',Math::BigInt::Calc->_base_len()),"\n"
+ unless is ($ADB*$B+$two*$AMB-$AMB,$As);
+ # swap 'em and try this, too
+ # $X = ($B/$A)*$A + $B % $A;
+ ($ADB,$AMB) = $B->copy()->bdiv($A);
+ print "# ". join(' ',Math::BigInt::Calc->_base_len()),"\n"
+ unless is ($ADB*$A+$two*$AMB-$AMB,$Bs);
+ }