diff options
12 files changed, 146 insertions, 729 deletions
diff --git a/ext/DynaLoader/t/XSLoader.t b/ext/DynaLoader/t/XSLoader.t
index e35c4eea4a..dea14cd335 100644
--- a/ext/DynaLoader/t/XSLoader.t
+++ b/ext/DynaLoader/t/XSLoader.t
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ for my $module (sort keys %modules) {
skip "$module not available", 3 if $extensions !~ /\b$module\b/;
eval qq{ package $module; XSLoader::load('$module', "qunckkk"); };
- like( $@, "/^$module object version \\S+ does not match bootstrap parameter (?:qunckkk|0\\.000)/",
+ like( $@, "/^$module object version \\S+ does not match bootstrap parameter (?:qunckkk|0)/",
"calling XSLoader::load() with a XS module and an incorrect version" );
eval qq{ package $module; XSLoader::load('$module'); };
diff --git a/lib/Module/Build/ b/lib/Module/Build/
index 00db2f62ea..2a956ff75c 100644
--- a/lib/Module/Build/
+++ b/lib/Module/Build/
@@ -2,601 +2,5 @@ package Module::Build::Version;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '0.58_01';
-eval "use version 0.70";
-if ($@) { # can't locate version files, use our own
- # Avoid redefined warnings if an old was available
- delete $version::{$_} foreach keys %version::;
- # first we get the stub version module
- my $version;
- while (<DATA>) {
- s/(\$VERSION)\s=\s\d+/\$VERSION = 0/;
- $version .= $_ if $_;
- last if /^1;$/;
- }
- # and now get the current version::vpp code
- my $vpp;
- while (<DATA>) {
- s/(\$VERSION)\s=\s\d+/\$VERSION = 0/;
- $vpp .= $_ if $_;
- last if /^1;$/;
- }
- # but we eval them in reverse order since version depends on
- # version::vpp to already exist
- eval $vpp; die $@ if $@;
- $INC{'version/'} = 'inside Module::Build::Version';
- eval $version; die $@ if $@;
- $INC{''} = 'inside Module::Build::Version';
-# now we can safely subclass version, installed or not
-use vars qw(@ISA);
-@ISA = qw(version);
-use overload (
- '""' => \&stringify,
-sub new {
- my ($class, $value) = @_;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new($value);
- $self->original($value);
- return $self;
-sub original {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{original} = shift if @_;
- return $self->{original};
-sub stringify {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->original;
-# stub version module to make everything else happy
-package version;
-use 5.005_04;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $CLASS *qv);
-$VERSION = 0.000;
-$CLASS = 'version';
-push @ISA, "version::vpp";
-*version::qv = \&version::vpp::qv;
-# Preloaded methods go here.
-sub import {
- my ($class) = @_;
- my $callpkg = caller();
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$callpkg."::qv"} =
- sub {return bless version::qv(shift), $class }
- unless defined(&{"$callpkg\::qv"});
-# replace everything from here to the end with the current version/
-package version::vpp;
-use strict;
-use locale;
-use vars qw ($VERSION @ISA @REGEXS);
-$VERSION = 0.71;
-push @REGEXS, qr/
- ^v? # optional leading 'v'
- (\d*) # major revision not required
- \. # requires at least one decimal
- (?:(\d+)\.?){1,}
- /x;
-use overload (
- '""' => \&stringify,
- '0+' => \&numify,
- 'cmp' => \&vcmp,
- '<=>' => \&vcmp,
- 'bool' => \&vbool,
- 'nomethod' => \&vnoop,
-sub new
- my ($class, $value) = @_;
- my $self = bless ({}, ref ($class) || $class);
- require POSIX;
- my $currlocale = POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL);
- my $radix_comma = ( POSIX::localeconv()->{decimal_point} eq ',' );
- if ( not defined $value or $value =~ /^undef$/ ) {
- # RT #19517 - special case for undef comparison
- # or someone forgot to pass a value
- push @{$self->{version}}, 0;
- return ($self);
- }
- if ( $#_ == 2 ) { # must be CVS-style
- $value = 'v'.$_[2];
- }
- $value = _un_vstring($value);
- # exponential notation
- if ( $value =~ /\d+.?\d*e-?\d+/ ) {
- $value = sprintf("%.9f",$value);
- $value =~ s/(0+)$//;
- }
- # if the original locale used commas for decimal points, we
- # just replace commas with decimal places, rather than changing
- # locales
- if ( $radix_comma ) {
- $value =~ tr/,/./;
- }
- # This is not very efficient, but it is morally equivalent
- # to the XS code (as that is the reference implementation).
- # See vutil/vutil.c for details
- my $qv = 0;
- my $alpha = 0;
- my $width = 3;
- my $saw_period = 0;
- my ($start, $last, $pos, $s);
- $s = 0;
- while ( substr($value,$s,1) =~ /\s/ ) { # leading whitespace is OK
- $s++;
- }
- if (substr($value,$s,1) eq 'v') {
- $s++; # get past 'v'
- $qv = 1; # force quoted version processing
- }
- $start = $last = $pos = $s;
- # pre-scan the input string to check for decimals/underbars
- while ( substr($value,$pos,1) =~ /[._\d]/ ) {
- if ( substr($value,$pos,1) eq '.' ) {
- if ($alpha) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version format ".
- "(underscores before decimal)");
- }
- $saw_period++;
- $last = $pos;
- }
- elsif ( substr($value,$pos,1) eq '_' ) {
- if ($alpha) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version format ".
- "(multiple underscores)");
- }
- $alpha = 1;
- $width = $pos - $last - 1; # natural width of sub-version
- }
- $pos++;
- }
- if ( $alpha && !$saw_period ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version format (alpha without decimal)");
- }
- if ( $alpha && $saw_period && $width == 0 ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version format (misplaced _ in number)");
- }
- if ( $saw_period > 1 ) {
- $qv = 1; # force quoted version processing
- }
- $pos = $s;
- if ( $qv ) {
- $self->{qv} = 1;
- }
- if ( $alpha ) {
- $self->{alpha} = 1;
- }
- if ( !$qv && $width < 3 ) {
- $self->{width} = $width;
- }
- while ( substr($value,$pos,1) =~ /\d/ ) {
- $pos++;
- }
- if ( substr($value,$pos,1) !~ /[a-z]/ ) { ### FIX THIS ###
- my $rev;
- while (1) {
- $rev = 0;
- {
- # this is atoi() that delimits on underscores
- my $end = $pos;
- my $mult = 1;
- my $orev;
- # the following if() will only be true after the decimal
- # point of a version originally created with a bare
- # floating point number, i.e. not quoted in any way
- if ( !$qv && $s > $start && $saw_period == 1 ) {
- $mult *= 100;
- while ( $s < $end ) {
- $orev = $rev;
- $rev += substr($value,$s,1) * $mult;
- $mult /= 10;
- if ( abs($orev) > abs($rev) ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Integer overflow in version");
- }
- $s++;
- if ( substr($value,$s,1) eq '_' ) {
- $s++;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- while (--$end >= $s) {
- $orev = $rev;
- $rev += substr($value,$end,1) * $mult;
- $mult *= 10;
- if ( abs($orev) > abs($rev) ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Integer overflow in version");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Append revision
- push @{$self->{version}}, $rev;
- if ( substr($value,$pos,1) eq '.'
- && substr($value,$pos+1,1) =~ /\d/ ) {
- $s = ++$pos;
- }
- elsif ( substr($value,$pos,1) eq '_'
- && substr($value,$pos+1,1) =~ /\d/ ) {
- $s = ++$pos;
- }
- elsif ( substr($value,$pos,1) =~ /\d/ ) {
- $s = $pos;
- }
- else {
- $s = $pos;
- last;
- }
- if ( $qv ) {
- while ( substr($value,$pos,1) =~ /\d/ ) {
- $pos++;
- }
- }
- else {
- my $digits = 0;
- while (substr($value,$pos,1) =~ /[\d_]/ && $digits < 3) {
- if ( substr($value,$pos,1) ne '_' ) {
- $digits++;
- }
- $pos++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $qv ) { # quoted versions always get at least three terms
- my $len = scalar @{$self->{version}};
- $len = 3 - $len;
- while ($len-- > 0) {
- push @{$self->{version}}, 0;
- }
- }
- if ( substr($value,$pos) ) { # any remaining text
- warn "Version string '$value' contains invalid data; ".
- "ignoring: '".substr($value,$pos)."'";
- }
- return ($self);
-sub numify
- my ($self) = @_;
- unless (_verify($self)) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
- }
- my $width = $self->{width} || 3;
- my $alpha = $self->{alpha} || "";
- my $len = $#{$self->{version}};
- my $digit = $self->{version}[0];
- my $string = sprintf("%d.", $digit );
- for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) {
- $digit = $self->{version}[$i];
- if ( $width < 3 ) {
- my $denom = 10**(3-$width);
- my $quot = int($digit/$denom);
- my $rem = $digit - ($quot * $denom);
- $string .= sprintf("%0".$width."d_%d", $quot, $rem);
- }
- else {
- $string .= sprintf("%03d", $digit);
- }
- }
- if ( $len > 0 ) {
- $digit = $self->{version}[$len];
- if ( $alpha && $width == 3 ) {
- $string .= "_";
- }
- $string .= sprintf("%0".$width."d", $digit);
- }
- else # $len = 0
- {
- $string .= sprintf("000");
- }
- return $string;
-sub normal
- my ($self) = @_;
- unless (_verify($self)) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
- }
- my $alpha = $self->{alpha} || "";
- my $len = $#{$self->{version}};
- my $digit = $self->{version}[0];
- my $string = sprintf("v%d", $digit );
- for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) {
- $digit = $self->{version}[$i];
- $string .= sprintf(".%d", $digit);
- }
- if ( $len > 0 ) {
- $digit = $self->{version}[$len];
- if ( $alpha ) {
- $string .= sprintf("_%0d", $digit);
- }
- else {
- $string .= sprintf(".%0d", $digit);
- }
- }
- if ( $len <= 2 ) {
- for ( $len = 2 - $len; $len != 0; $len-- ) {
- $string .= sprintf(".%0d", 0);
- }
- }
- return $string;
-sub stringify
- my ($self) = @_;
- unless (_verify($self)) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
- }
- if ( exists $self->{qv} ) {
- return $self->normal;
- }
- else {
- return $self->numify;
- }
-sub vcmp
- require UNIVERSAL;
- my ($left,$right,$swap) = @_;
- my $class = ref($left);
- unless ( UNIVERSAL::isa($right, $class) ) {
- $right = $class->new($right);
- }
- if ( $swap ) {
- ($left, $right) = ($right, $left);
- }
- unless (_verify($left)) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
- }
- unless (_verify($right)) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
- }
- my $l = $#{$left->{version}};
- my $r = $#{$right->{version}};
- my $m = $l < $r ? $l : $r;
- my $lalpha = $left->is_alpha;
- my $ralpha = $right->is_alpha;
- my $retval = 0;
- my $i = 0;
- while ( $i <= $m && $retval == 0 ) {
- $retval = $left->{version}[$i] <=> $right->{version}[$i];
- $i++;
- }
- # tiebreaker for alpha with identical terms
- if ( $retval == 0
- && $l == $r
- && $left->{version}[$m] == $right->{version}[$m]
- && ( $lalpha || $ralpha ) ) {
- if ( $lalpha && !$ralpha ) {
- $retval = -1;
- }
- elsif ( $ralpha && !$lalpha) {
- $retval = +1;
- }
- }
- # possible match except for trailing 0's
- if ( $retval == 0 && $l != $r ) {
- if ( $l < $r ) {
- while ( $i <= $r && $retval == 0 ) {
- if ( $right->{version}[$i] != 0 ) {
- $retval = -1; # not a match after all
- }
- $i++;
- }
- }
- else {
- while ( $i <= $l && $retval == 0 ) {
- if ( $left->{version}[$i] != 0 ) {
- $retval = +1; # not a match after all
- }
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- return $retval;
-sub vbool {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return vcmp($self,$self->new("0"),1);
-sub vnoop {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("operation not supported with version object");
-sub is_alpha {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return (exists $self->{alpha});
-sub qv {
- my ($value) = @_;
- $value = _un_vstring($value);
- $value = 'v'.$value unless $value =~ /^v/;
- return version->new($value); # always use base class
-sub is_qv {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return (exists $self->{qv});
-sub _verify {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if ( ref($self)
- && eval { exists $self->{version} }
- && ref($self->{version}) eq 'ARRAY'
- ) {
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
-sub _un_vstring {
- my $value = shift;
- # may be a v-string
- if ( $] >= 5.006_000 && length($value) >= 3 && $value !~ /[._]/ ) {
- my $tvalue = sprintf("%vd",$value);
- if ( $tvalue =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ ) {
- # must be a v-string
- $value = $tvalue;
- }
- }
- return $value;
-# Thanks to Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes for this mode of operation
- local $^W;
- my ($obj, $req) = @_;
- my $class = ref($obj) || $obj;
- no strict 'refs';
- eval "require $class" unless %{"$class\::"}; # already existing
- return undef if $@ =~ /Can't locate/ and not defined $req;
- if ( not %{"$class\::"} and $] >= 5.008) { # file but no package
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak( "$class defines neither package nor VERSION"
- ."--version check failed");
- }
- my $version = eval "\$$class\::VERSION";
- if ( defined $version ) {
- local $^W if $] <= 5.008;
- $version = version::vpp->new($version);
- }
- if ( defined $req ) {
- unless ( defined $version ) {
- require Carp;
- my $msg = $] < 5.006
- ? "$class version $req required--this is only version "
- : "$class does not define \$$class\::VERSION"
- ."--version check failed";
- if ( $ENV{VERSION_DEBUG} ) {
- Carp::confess($msg);
- }
- else {
- Carp::croak($msg);
- }
- }
- $req = version::vpp->new($req);
- if ( $req > $version ) {
- require Carp;
- if ( $req->is_qv ) {
- Carp::croak(
- sprintf ("%s version %s required--".
- "this is only version %s", $class,
- $req->normal, $version->normal)
- );
- }
- else {
- Carp::croak(
- sprintf ("%s version %s required--".
- "this is only version %s", $class,
- $req->numify, $version->numify)
- );
- }
- }
- }
- return defined $version ? $version->numify : undef;
- };
-1; #this line is important and will help the module return a true value
+$VERSION = 0.7203;
+use base qw/version/;
diff --git a/lib/Module/Build/t/metadata.t b/lib/Module/Build/t/metadata.t
index 6dc67a8daf..41660929d9 100644
--- a/lib/Module/Build/t/metadata.t
+++ b/lib/Module/Build/t/metadata.t
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ $VERSION = version->new('0.61.' . (qw$Revision: 129 $)[1]);
my $provides = new_build()->prepare_metadata()->{provides};
- is $provides->{'Simple'}{version}, 'v0.60.128', "Check version";
- is $provides->{'Simple::Simon'}{version}, 'v0.61.129', "Check version";
+ is $provides->{'Simple'}{version}, '0.60.128', "Check version";
+ is $provides->{'Simple::Simon'}{version}, '0.61.129', "Check version";
is ref($provides->{'Simple'}{version}), '', "Versions from prepare_metadata() aren't refs";
is ref($provides->{'Simple::Simon'}{version}), '', "Versions from prepare_metadata() aren't refs";
diff --git a/lib/Module/Build/t/moduleinfo.t b/lib/Module/Build/t/moduleinfo.t
index b08d5a2a9a..a97cac5ee4 100644
--- a/lib/Module/Build/t/moduleinfo.t
+++ b/lib/Module/Build/t/moduleinfo.t
@@ -419,10 +419,10 @@ $VERSION = version->new('0.61.' . (qw$Revision: 129 $)[1]);
$pm_info = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file('lib/');
is( $pm_info->name, 'Simple', 'found default package' );
- is( $pm_info->version, 'v0.60.128', 'version for default package' );
+ is( $pm_info->version, '0.60.128', 'version for default package' );
my @packages = $pm_info->packages_inside;
is_deeply([sort @packages], ['Simple', 'Simple::Simon']);
- is( $pm_info->version('Simple::Simon'), 'v0.61.129', 'version for embedded package' );
+ is( $pm_info->version('Simple::Simon'), '0.61.129', 'version for embedded package' );
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 9fd7208314..3ea5007f27 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $CLASS *qv);
-$VERSION = 0.71;
+$VERSION = 0.7203;
$CLASS = 'version';
diff --git a/lib/version.pod b/lib/version.pod
index b0dcc84970..dee652dbed 100644
--- a/lib/version.pod
+++ b/lib/version.pod
@@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ if required:
$v2 = version->new("1.2.3"); # v1.2.3
In specific, version numbers initialized as L<Numeric Versions> will
-stringify in Numeric form. Version numbers initialized as L<Extended Versions>
+stringify as they were originally created (i.e. the same string that was
+passed to C<new()>. Version numbers initialized as L<Extended Versions>
will be stringified as L<Normal Form>.
=head2 Numeric Versions
@@ -177,11 +178,11 @@ will have trailing zeros added to make up the difference, but only for
purposes of comparison with other version objects. For example:
# Prints Equivalent to
- $v = version->new( 1.2); # 1.200 v1.200.0
- $v = version->new( 1.02); # 1.020 v1.20.0
+ $v = version->new( 1.2); # 1.2 v1.200.0
+ $v = version->new( 1.02); # 1.02 v1.20.0
$v = version->new( 1.002); # 1.002 v1.2.0
- $v = version->new( 1.0023); # 1.002300 v1.2.300
- $v = version->new( 1.00203); # 1.002030 v1.2.30
+ $v = version->new( 1.0023); # 1.0023 v1.2.300
+ $v = version->new( 1.00203); # 1.00203 v1.2.30
$v = version->new( 1.002003); # 1.002003 v1.2.3
All of the preceding examples are true whether or not the input value is
@@ -233,16 +234,15 @@ is quoted. For example Module::Example was released to CPAN with the
following sequence of $VERSION's:
# $VERSION Stringified
- 0.01 0.010
- 0.02 0.020
- 0.02_01 0.02_0100
- 0.02_02 0.02_0200
- 0.03 0.030
+ 0.01 0.01
+ 0.02 0.02
+ 0.02_01 0.02_01
+ 0.02_02 0.02_02
+ 0.03 0.03
-As you can see, the version object created from the values in the first
-column may contain a trailing 0, but will otherwise be both mathematically
-equivalent and sorts alpha-numerically as would be expected.
+The stringified form of numeric versions will always be the same string
+that was used to initialize the version object.
=head2 Object Methods
@@ -387,25 +387,25 @@ trailing zeros to preserve the correct version value.
=item * Stringification
-In order to mirror as much as possible the existing behavior of ordinary
-$VERSION scalars, the stringification operation will display differently,
-depending on whether the version was initialized as a L<Numeric Version>
-or L<Extended Version>.
+The default stringification for version objects returns exactly the same
+string as was used to create it, whether you used C<new()> or C<qv()>,
+with one exception. The sole exception is if the object was created using
+C<qv()> and the initializer did not have two decimal places or a leading
+'v' (both optional), then the stringified form will have a leading 'v'
+prepended, in order to support round-trip processing.
-What this means in practice is that if the normal CPAN and Camel rules are
-followed ($VERSION is a floating point number with no more than 3 decimal
-points), the stringified output will be exactly the same as the numified
-output. There will be no visible difference, although the internal
-representation will be different, and the L<Comparison operators> will
-function using the internal coding.
+For example:
-If a version object is initialized using a L<Extended Version> form, then
-the stringified form will be the L<Normal Form>. The $obj->normal
-operation can always be used to produce the L<Normal Form>, even if the
-version was originally a L<Numeric Version>.
+ Initialized as Stringifies to
+ ============== ==============
+ version->new("1.2") 1.2
+ version->new("v1.2") v1.2
+ qv("1.2.3") 1.2.3
+ qv("v1.3.5") v1.3.5
+ qv("1.2") v1.2 ### exceptional case
- print $ver->stringify; # prints v1.2.3.4
- print $nver->stringify; # prints 1.002
+See also L<UNIVERSAL::VERSION>, as this also returns the stringified form
+when used as a class method.
@@ -538,6 +538,10 @@ version, e.g. 1.2.3 or v1.2.3 in order for this heuristic to be successful.
core to be magical, which means that the code can automatically
determine whether the v-string encoding was used.
+3) In all cases, a version created using v-strings will have a stringified
+form that has a leading 'v' character, for the simple reason that sometimes
+it is impossible to tell whether one was present initially.
=head2 Types of Versions Objects
There are two types of Version Objects:
@@ -573,14 +577,9 @@ obeys the relationship
12.03 < $alphaver < 12.04
Alpha versions with a single decimal point will be treated exactly as if
-they were L<Numeric Versions>, for parsing purposes. The stringification for
-alpha versions with a single decimal point may seem surprising, since any
-trailing zeros will visible. For example, the above $alphaver will print as
- 12.03_0100
-which is mathematically equivalent and ASCII sorts exactly the same as
-without the trailing zeros.
+they were L<Numeric Versions>, for parsing and output purposes. The
+underscore will be output when an alpha version is stringified, in the same
+place as it was when input.
Alpha versions with more than a single decimal point will be treated
exactly as if they were L<Extended Versions>, and will display without any
@@ -595,9 +594,9 @@ trailing (or leading) zeros, in the L<Version Normal> form. For example,
In addition to the version objects, this modules also replaces the core
UNIVERSAL::VERSION function with one that uses version objects for its
-comparisons. The return from this operator is always the numified form,
-and the warning message generated includes both the numified and normal
-forms (for clarity).
+comparisons. The return from this operator is always the stringified form,
+but the warning message generated includes either the stringified form or
+the normal form, depending on how it was called.
For example:
@@ -614,20 +613,29 @@ For example:
print $Bar::VERSION; # prints 1.003005
- eval "use CGI 10"; # some far future release
- print $@; # prints "CGI version 10 (10.0.0) required..."
+ eval "use foo 10";
+ print $@; # prints "foo version 10 required..."
+ eval "use foo 1.3.5; # work in Perl 5.6.1 or better
+ print $@; # prints "foo version 1.3.5 required..."
+ eval "use bar 1.3.6";
+ print $@; # prints "bar version 1.3.6 required..."
+ eval "use bar 1.004"; # note numeric version
+ print $@; # prints "bar version 1.004 required..."
IMPORTANT NOTE: This may mean that code which searches for a specific
string (to determine whether a given module is available) may need to be
+changed. It is always better to use the built-in comparison implicit in
+C<use> or C<require>, rather than manually poking at C<class->VERSION>
+and then doing a comparison yourself.
The replacement UNIVERSAL::VERSION, when used as a function, like this:
print $module->VERSION;
-will also exclusively return the numified form. Technically, the
-$module->VERSION function returns a string (PV) that can be converted to a
-number following the normal Perl rules, when used in a numeric context.
+will also exclusively return the stringified form. See L<Stringification>
+for more details.
diff --git a/lib/version.t b/lib/version.t
index 11a6b07e46..09fecc91f3 100644
--- a/lib/version.t
+++ b/lib/version.t
@@ -73,25 +73,25 @@ sub BaseTests {
# Test bare number processing
diag "tests with bare numbers" if $Verbose;
$version = $CLASS->new(5.005_03);
- is ( "$version" , "5.005030" , '5.005_03 eq 5.5.30' );
+ is ( "$version" , "5.00503" , '5.005_03 eq 5.00503' );
$version = $CLASS->new(1.23);
- is ( "$version" , "1.230" , '1.23 eq "1.230"' );
+ is ( "$version" , "1.23" , '1.23 eq "1.23"' );
# Test quoted number processing
diag "tests with quoted numbers" if $Verbose;
$version = $CLASS->new("5.005_03");
- is ( "$version" , "5.005_030" , '"5.005_03" eq "5.005_030"' );
+ is ( "$version" , "5.005_03" , '"5.005_03" eq "5.005_03"' );
$version = $CLASS->new("v1.23");
- is ( "$version" , "v1.23.0" , '"v1.23" eq "v1.23.0"' );
+ is ( "$version" , "v1.23" , '"v1.23" eq "v1.23"' );
# Test stringify operator
diag "tests with stringify" if $Verbose;
$version = $CLASS->new("5.005");
is ( "$version" , "5.005" , '5.005 eq "5.005"' );
$version = $CLASS->new("5.006.001");
- is ( "$version" , "v5.6.1" , '5.006.001 eq v5.6.1' );
+ is ( "$version" , "5.006.001" , '5.006.001 eq v5.6.1' );
$version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3_4");
- is ( "$version" , "v1.2.3_4" , 'alpha version 1.2.3_4 eq v1.2.3_4' );
+ is ( "$version" , "1.2.3_4" , 'alpha version 1.2.3_4 eq v1.2.3_4' );
# test illegal formats
diag "test illegal formats" if $Verbose;
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ sub BaseTests {
like($warning, qr/$warnregex/,
"Version string contains invalid data; ignoring");
- ok ("$version" eq "99.000", '$version eq "99.000"');
+ is ("$version", "99", '$version eq "99"');
ok ($version->numify == 99.0, '$version->numify == 99.0');
ok ($version->normal eq "v99.0.0", '$version->normal eq v99.0.0');
@@ -146,33 +146,12 @@ sub BaseTests {
# Test comparison operators with self
diag "tests with self" if $Verbose;
- ok ( $version eq $version, '$version eq $version' );
- is ( $version cmp $version, 0, '$version cmp $version == 0' );
+ is ( $version <=> $version, 0, '$version <=> $version == 0' );
ok ( $version == $version, '$version == $version' );
- # test first with non-object
- $version = $CLASS->new("5.006.001");
- $new_version = "5.8.0";
- diag "tests with non-objects" if $Verbose;
- ok ( $version ne $new_version, '$version ne $new_version' );
- ok ( $version lt $new_version, '$version lt $new_version' );
- ok ( $new_version gt $version, '$new_version gt $version' );
- ok ( ref(\$new_version) eq 'SCALAR', 'no auto-upgrade');
- $new_version = "$version";
- ok ( $version eq $new_version, '$version eq $new_version' );
- ok ( $new_version eq $version, '$new_version eq $version' );
- # now test with existing object
- $new_version = $CLASS->new("5.8.0");
- diag "tests with objects" if $Verbose;
- ok ( $version ne $new_version, '$version ne $new_version' );
- ok ( $version lt $new_version, '$version lt $new_version' );
- ok ( $new_version gt $version, '$new_version gt $version' );
- $new_version = $CLASS->new("$version");
- ok ( $version eq $new_version, '$version eq $new_version' );
# Test Numeric Comparison operators
# test first with non-object
+ $version = $CLASS->new("5.006.001");
$new_version = "5.8.0";
diag "numeric tests with non-objects" if $Verbose;
ok ( $version == $version, '$version == $version' );
@@ -197,20 +176,20 @@ sub BaseTests {
# test with long decimals
diag "Tests with extended decimal versions" if $Verbose;
$version = $CLASS->new(1.002003);
- ok ( $version eq "1.2.3", '$version eq "1.2.3"');
+ ok ( $version == "1.2.3", '$version == "1.2.3"');
ok ( $version->numify == 1.002003, '$version->numify == 1.002003');
$version = $CLASS->new("2002.09.30.1");
- ok ( $version eq "2002.9.30.1",'$version eq 2002.9.30.1');
+ ok ( $version == "2002.9.30.1",'$version == 2002.9.30.1');
ok ( $version->numify == 2002.009030001,
'$version->numify == 2002.009030001');
# now test with alpha version form with string
$version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3");
$new_version = "1.2.3_4";
- diag "tests with alpha-style non-objects" if $Verbose;
- ok ( $version lt $new_version, '$version lt $new_version' );
- ok ( $new_version gt $version, '$new_version gt $version' );
- ok ( $version ne $new_version, '$version ne $new_version' );
+ diag "numeric tests with alpha-style non-objects" if $Verbose;
+ ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' );
+ ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' );
+ ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' );
$version = $CLASS->new("1.2.4");
diag "numeric tests with alpha-style non-objects"
@@ -270,9 +249,9 @@ SKIP: {
# test the qv() sub
diag "testing qv" if $Verbose;
$version = qv("1.2");
- cmp_ok ( $version, "eq", "v1.2.0", 'qv("1.2") eq "1.2.0"' );
+ is ( "$version", "v1.2", 'qv("1.2") == "1.2.0"' );
$version = qv(1.2);
- cmp_ok ( $version, "eq", "v1.2.0", 'qv(1.2) eq "1.2.0"' );
+ is ( "$version", "v1.2", 'qv(1.2) == "1.2.0"' );
isa_ok( qv('5.008'), $CLASS );
@@ -283,21 +262,21 @@ SKIP: {
ok ($new_version == $version, "class->new($version) identical");
$new_version = $version->new();
isa_ok ($new_version, $CLASS );
- is ($new_version, "0.000", "version->new() doesn't clone");
+ is ($new_version, "0", "version->new() doesn't clone");
$new_version = $version->new("1.2.3");
- is ($new_version, "v1.2.3" , '$version->new("1.2.3") works too');
+ is ($new_version, "1.2.3" , '$version->new("1.2.3") works too');
# test the CVS revision mode
diag "testing CVS Revision" if $Verbose;
$version = new $CLASS qw$Revision: 1.2$;
- ok ( $version eq "1.2.0", 'qw$Revision: 1.2$ eq 1.2.0' );
+ ok ( $version == "1.2.0", 'qw$Revision: 1.2$ == 1.2.0' );
$version = new $CLASS qw$Revision:$;
- ok ( $version eq "", 'qw$Revision:$ eq' );
+ ok ( $version == "", 'qw$Revision:$ ==' );
# test the CPAN style reduced significant digit form
diag "testing CPAN-style versions" if $Verbose;
$version = $CLASS->new("1.23_01");
- is ( "$version" , "1.23_0100", "CPAN-style alpha version" );
+ is ( "$version" , "1.23_01", "CPAN-style alpha version" );
ok ( $version > 1.23, "1.23_01 > 1.23");
ok ( $version < 1.24, "1.23_01 < 1.24");
@@ -313,14 +292,14 @@ SKIP: {
print F "package aaa;\n\$aaa::VERSION=0.58;\n1;\n";
close F;
- $version = 0.58; $version = sprintf("%.3f",$version);
+ $version = 0.58;
eval "use lib '.'; use aaa $version";
unlike($@, qr/aaa version $version/,
'Replacement eval works with exact version');
# test as class method
$new_version = "aaa"->VERSION;
- cmp_ok($new_version,'eq',$version, "Called as class method");
+ cmp_ok($new_version,'==',$version, "Called as class method");
eval "print Completely::Unknown::Module->VERSION";
if ( $] < 5.008 ) {
@@ -333,7 +312,7 @@ SKIP: {
# this should fail even with old UNIVERSAL::VERSION
- $version += 0.01; $version = sprintf("%.3f",$version);
+ $version += 0.01;
eval "use lib '.'; use aaa $version";
like($@, qr/aaa version $version/,
'Replacement eval works with incremented version');
@@ -345,7 +324,7 @@ SKIP: {
'Replacement eval works with single digit');
# this would fail with old UNIVERSAL::VERSION
- $version += 0.1; $version = sprintf("%.3f",$version);
+ $version += 0.1;
eval "use lib '.'; use aaa $version";
like($@, qr/aaa version $version/,
'Replacement eval works with incremented digit');
@@ -404,15 +383,14 @@ SKIP: {
if $] < 5.006_000;
diag "Tests with v-strings" if $Verbose;
$version = $CLASS->new(1.2.3);
- ok("$version" eq "v1.2.3", '"$version" eq 1.2.3');
+ ok("$version" == "v1.2.3", '"$version" == 1.2.3');
$version = $CLASS->new(1.0.0);
$new_version = $CLASS->new(1);
ok($version == $new_version, '$version == $new_version');
- ok($version eq $new_version, '$version eq $new_version');
skip "version require'd instead of use'd, cannot test qv", 1
if defined $no_qv;
$version = qv(1.2.3);
- ok("$version" eq "v1.2.3", 'v-string initialized qv()');
+ ok("$version" == "v1.2.3", 'v-string initialized qv()');
diag "Tests with real-world (malformed) data" if $Verbose;
@@ -436,8 +414,8 @@ SKIP: {
ok($version->numify eq "1.700", "leading space ignored");
# RT 19517 - deal with undef and 'undef' initialization
- ok($version ne 'undef', "Undef version comparison #1");
- ok($version ne undef, "Undef version comparison #2");
+ ok("$version" ne 'undef', "Undef version comparison #1");
+ ok("$version" ne undef, "Undef version comparison #2");
$version = $CLASS->new('undef');
unlike($warning, qr/^Version string 'undef' contains invalid data/,
"Version string 'undef'");
@@ -445,12 +423,12 @@ SKIP: {
$version = $CLASS->new(undef);
like($warning, qr/^Use of uninitialized value/,
"Version string 'undef'");
- ok($version eq 'undef', "Undef version comparison #3");
- ok($version eq undef, "Undef version comparison #4");
+ ok($version == 'undef', "Undef version comparison #3");
+ ok($version == undef, "Undef version comparison #4");
eval "\$version = \$CLASS->new()"; # no parameter at all
unlike($@, qr/^Bizarre copy of CODE/, "No initializer at all");
- ok($version eq 'undef', "Undef version comparison #5");
- ok($version eq undef, "Undef version comparison #6");
+ ok($version == 'undef', "Undef version comparison #5");
+ ok($version == undef, "Undef version comparison #6");
$version = $CLASS->new(0.000001);
unlike($warning, qr/^Version string '1e-06' contains invalid data/,
@@ -471,10 +449,10 @@ EOF
like ($@, qr/^www version 0.000008 required/,
"Make sure very small versions don't freak");
eval "use lib '.'; use www 1;";
- like ($@, qr/^www version 1.000 required/,
+ like ($@, qr/^www version 1 required/,
"Comparing vs. version with no decimal");
eval "use lib '.'; use www 1.;";
- like ($@, qr/^www version 1.000 required/,
+ like ($@, qr/^www version 1 required/,
"Comparing vs. version with decimal only");
if ( $] < 5.006_000 ) {
@@ -488,7 +466,7 @@ EOF
$regex =~ s/8/4/; # set for second test
eval "use lib '.'; use www v0.0.4;";
unlike($@, qr/$regex/, 'Succeed - required == VERSION');
- cmp_ok ( "www"->VERSION, 'eq', '0.000004', 'No undef warnings' );
+ cmp_ok ( "www"->VERSION, 'eq', '0.0.4', 'No undef warnings' );
unlink '';
@@ -547,7 +525,7 @@ SKIP: {
my $v = $CLASS->new($ver);
unlike($warning,qr/Version string '1,23' contains invalid data/,
"Process locale-dependent floating point");
- is ($v, "1.230", "Locale doesn't apply to version objects");
+ is ($v, "1.23", "Locale doesn't apply to version objects");
ok ($v == $ver, "Comparison to locale floating point");
diff --git a/perl.c b/perl.c
index 8e8c325a17..2ce5b4e1e5 100644
--- a/perl.c
+++ b/perl.c
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ perl_construct(pTHXx)
PL_stashcache = newHV();
- PL_patchlevel = Perl_newSVpvf(aTHX_ "%d.%d.%d", (int)PERL_REVISION,
+ PL_patchlevel = Perl_newSVpvf(aTHX_ "v%d.%d.%d", (int)PERL_REVISION,
#ifdef HAS_MMAP
diff --git a/t/comp/use.t b/t/comp/use.t
index 9df08d25df..e66c4a39b5 100755
--- a/t/comp/use.t
+++ b/t/comp/use.t
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
is ($@, '');
eval "use lib 100.105";
- like ($@, qr/lib version 100.105 required--this is only version 35.360/);
+ like ($@, qr/lib version 100.105 required--this is only version 35.36/);
local $lib::VERSION = '35.36';
eval "use lib v33.55";
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
is ($@, '');
eval "use lib 100.105";
- like ($@, qr/lib version 100.105 required--this is only version 35.360/);
+ like ($@, qr/lib version 100.105 required--this is only version 35.36/);
local $lib::VERSION = v35.36;
eval "use lib v33.55";
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
is ($@, '');
eval "use lib 100.105";
- like ($@, qr/lib version 100.105 required--this is only version 35.036000/);
+ like ($@, qr/lib version 100.105 required--this is only version v35.36/);
diff --git a/t/op/sprintf.t b/t/op/sprintf.t
index 2b9c7bc153..c220946745 100755
--- a/t/op/sprintf.t
+++ b/t/op/sprintf.t
@@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ __END__
>%vd< >"\01\02\03"< >1.2.3<
>%vd< >v1.2.3< >1.2.3<
>%vd< >[version::qv("1.2.3")]< >1.2.3<
->%vd< >[version->new("1.2")]< >1.200<
->%vd< >[version->new("1.02")]< >1.20<
+>%vd< >[version->new("1.2")]< >1.2<
+>%vd< >[version->new("1.02")]< >1.2<
>%vd< >[version->new("1.002")]< >1.2<
->%vd< >[version->new("1048576.5")]< >1048576.500<
->%vd< >[version->new("50")]< >50.0<
+>%vd< >[version->new("1048576.5")]< >1048576.5<
+>%vd< >[version->new("50")]< >50<
>%v.3d< >"\01\02\03"< >001.002.003<
>%0v3d< >"\01\02\03"< >001.002.003<
>%v.3d< >[version::qv("1.2.3")]< >001.002.003<
diff --git a/universal.c b/universal.c
index 6999adce22..354ee618c8 100644
--- a/universal.c
+++ b/universal.c
@@ -449,15 +449,15 @@ XS(XS_UNIVERSAL_VERSION)
} else {
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "%s version %"SVf" required--"
"this is only version %"SVf"", HvNAME_get(pkg),
- SVfARG(vnumify(req)),
- SVfARG(vnumify(sv)));
+ SVfARG(vstringify(req)),
+ SVfARG(vstringify(sv)));
if ( SvOK(sv) && sv_derived_from(sv, "version") ) {
- ST(0) = vnumify(sv);
+ ST(0) = vstringify(sv);
} else {
ST(0) = sv;
diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
index f670bb8baa..6396ed29a6 100644
--- a/util.c
+++ b/util.c
@@ -4134,12 +4134,14 @@ Perl_scan_version(pTHX_ const char *s, SV *rv, bool qv)
while (isSPACE(*s)) /* leading whitespace is OK */
+ start = last = s;
if (*s == 'v') {
s++; /* get past 'v' */
qv = 1; /* force quoted version processing */
- start = last = pos = s;
+ pos = s;
/* pre-scan the input string to check for decimals/underbars */
while ( *pos == '.' || *pos == '_' || isDIGIT(*pos) )
@@ -4260,16 +4262,28 @@ Perl_scan_version(pTHX_ const char *s, SV *rv, bool qv)
av_push(av, newSViv(0));
- if ( av_len(av) == -1 ) /* oops, someone forgot to pass a value */
+ /* need to save off the current version string for later */
+ if ( s > start ) {
+ SV * orig = newSVpvn(start,s-start);
+ if ( qv && saw_period == 1 && *start != 'v' ) {
+ /* need to insert a v to be consistent */
+ sv_insert(orig, 0, 0, "v", 1);
+ }
+ hv_store((HV *)hv, "original", 8, orig, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ hv_store((HV *)hv, "original", 8, newSVpvn("0",1), 0);
av_push(av, newSViv(0));
+ }
+ /* And finally, store the AV in the hash */
+ hv_store((HV *)hv, "version", 7, newRV_noinc((SV *)av), 0);
/* fix RT#19517 - special case 'undef' as string */
if ( *s == 'u' && strEQ(s,"undef") ) {
s += 5;
- /* And finally, store the AV in the hash */
- hv_store((HV *)hv, "version", 7, newRV_noinc((SV *)av), 0);
return s;
@@ -4319,6 +4333,12 @@ Perl_new_version(pTHX_ SV *ver)
hv_store((HV *)hv, "width", 5, newSViv(width), 0);
+ if ( hv_exists((HV*)ver, "original", 8 ) )
+ {
+ SV * pv = *hv_fetchs((HV*)ver, "original", FALSE);
+ hv_store((HV *)hv, "original", 8, newSVsv(pv), 0);
+ }
sav = (AV *)SvRV(*hv_fetchs((HV*)ver, "version", FALSE));
/* This will get reblessed later if a derived class*/
for ( key = 0; key <= av_len(sav); key++ )
@@ -4337,6 +4357,9 @@ Perl_new_version(pTHX_ SV *ver)
const STRLEN len = mg->mg_len;
char * const version = savepvn( (const char*)mg->mg_ptr, len);
+ /* this is for consistency with the pure Perl class */
+ if ( *version != 'v' )
+ sv_insert(rv, 0, 0, "v", 1);
else {
@@ -4382,6 +4405,7 @@ Perl_upg_version(pTHX_ SV *ver, bool qv)
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, loc);
while (tbuf[len-1] == '0' && len > 0) len--;
+ if ( tbuf[len-1] == '.' ) len--; /* eat the trailing decimal */
version = savepvn(tbuf, len);
#ifdef SvVOK
@@ -4403,10 +4427,11 @@ Perl_upg_version(pTHX_ SV *ver, bool qv)
const char *nver;
const char *pos;
int saw_period = 0;
- sv_setpvf(nsv,"%vd",ver);
+ sv_setpvf(nsv,"v%vd",ver);
pos = nver = savepv(SvPV_nolen(nsv));
/* scan the resulting formatted string */
+ pos++; /* skip the leading 'v' */
while ( *pos == '.' || isDIGIT(*pos) ) {
if ( *pos == '.' )
saw_period++ ;
@@ -4627,16 +4652,18 @@ the original version contained 1 or more dots, respectively
SV *
Perl_vstringify(pTHX_ SV *vs)
+ SV *pv;
if ( SvROK(vs) )
vs = SvRV(vs);
if ( !vverify(vs) )
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid version object");
- if ( hv_exists((HV *)vs, "qv", 2) )
- return vnormal(vs);
+ pv = *hv_fetchs((HV*)vs, "original", FALSE);
+ if ( SvPOK(pv) )
+ return newSVsv(pv);
- return vnumify(vs);
+ return &PL_sv_undef;