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1 files changed, 160 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/overload.t b/lib/overload.t
index b684c4ca33..e6b2f32ed5 100644
--- a/lib/overload.t
+++ b/lib/overload.t
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ package main;
$| = 1;
BEGIN { require './'; require './' }
-plan tests => 5217;
+plan tests => 5326;
use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
@@ -2836,4 +2836,162 @@ print length $o, "\n";
-# EOF
+# test various aspects of string concat overloading, especially where
+# multiple concats etc are optimised into a single multiconcat op
+package Concat {
+ my $id;
+ # append a brief description of @_ to $id
+ sub id {
+ my @a = map ref $_ ? "[" . $_->[0] . "]" :
+ !defined $_ ? "u" :
+ $_,
+ @_;
+ $id .= '(' . join (',', @a) . ')';
+ }
+ use overload
+ '.' => sub {
+ id('.', @_);
+ my ($l, $r, $rev) = @_;
+ ($l, $r) = map ref $_ ? $_->[0] : $_, $l, $r;
+ ($l,$r) = ($r, $l) if $rev;
+ bless [ $l . $r ];
+ },
+ '.=' => sub {
+ id('.=', @_);
+ my ($l, $r, $rev) = @_;
+ my ($ll, $rr) = map ref $_ ? $_->[0] : $_, $l, $r;
+ die "Unexpected reverse in .=" if $rev;
+ $l->[0] .= ref $r ? $r->[0] : $r;
+ $l;
+ },
+ '=' => sub {
+ id('=', @_);
+ bless [ $_[0][0] ];
+ },
+ '""' => sub {
+ id('""', @_);
+ $_[0][0];
+ },
+ ;
+ my $a = 'a';
+ my $b = 'b';
+ my $c = 'c';
+ my $A = bless [ 'A' ];
+ my $B = bless [ 'B' ];
+ my $C = bless [ 'C' ];
+ my ($r, $R);
+ # like c, but with $is_ref set to 1
+ sub c {
+ my ($expr, $expect, $exp_id) = @_;
+ cc($expr, $expect, 1, $exp_id);
+ }
+ # eval $expr, and see if it returns $expect, and whether
+ # the returned value is a ref ($is_ref). Finally, check that
+ # $id, which has accumulated info from all overload method calls,
+ # matches $exp_id.
+ sub cc {
+ my ($expr, $expect, $is_ref, $exp_id) = @_;
+ $id = '';
+ $r = 'r';
+ $R = bless ['R'];
+ my $got = eval $expr;
+ die "eval failed: $@" if $@;
+ ::is "$got", $expect, "expect: $expr";
+ ::is $id, $exp_id, "id: $expr";
+ ::is ref($got), ($is_ref ? 'Concat' : ''), "is_ref: $expr";
+ }
+ # single concats
+ c '$r=$A.$b', 'Ab', '(.,[A],b,)("",[Ab],u,)';
+ c '$r=$a.$B', 'aB', '(.,[B],a,1)("",[aB],u,)';
+ c '$r=$A.$B', 'AB', '(.,[A],[B],)("",[AB],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$a', 'Ra', '(.=,[R],a,u)("",[Ra],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$A', 'RA', '(.=,[R],[A],u)("",[RA],u,)';
+ # two concats
+ c '$r=$A.$b.$c', 'Abc', '(.,[A],b,)(.=,[Ab],c,u)("",[Abc],u,)';
+ c '$r=$A.($b.$c)', 'Abc', '(.,[A],bc,)("",[Abc],u,)';
+ c '$r=$a.$B.$c', 'aBc', '(.,[B],a,1)(.=,[aB],c,u)("",[aBc],u,)';
+ c '$r=$a.($B.$c)', 'aBc', '(.,[B],c,)(.,[Bc],a,1)("",[aBc],u,)';
+ c '$r=$a.$b.$C', 'abC', '(.,[C],ab,1)("",[abC],u,)';
+ c '$r=$a.($b.$C)', 'abC', '(.,[C],b,1)(.,[bC],a,1)("",[abC],u,)';
+ # two concats plus mutator
+ c '$r.=$A.$b.$c', 'rAbc', '(.,[A],b,)(.=,[Ab],c,u)(.,[Abc],r,1)'
+ .'("",[rAbc],u,)';
+ c '$r.=$A.($b.$c)', 'rAbc', '(.,[A],bc,)(.,[Abc],r,1)("",[rAbc],u,)';
+ c '$r.=$a.$B.$c', 'raBc', '(.,[B],a,1)(.=,[aB],c,u)(.,[aBc],r,1)'
+ .'("",[raBc],u,)';
+ c '$r.=$a.($B.$c)', 'raBc', '(.,[B],c,)(.,[Bc],a,1)(.,[aBc],r,1)'
+ .'("",[raBc],u,)';
+ c '$r.=$a.$b.$C', 'rabC', '(.,[C],ab,1)(.,[abC],r,1)("",[rabC],u,)';
+ c '$r.=$a.($b.$C)', 'rabC', '(.,[C],b,1)(.,[bC],a,1)(.,[abC],r,1)'
+ .'("",[rabC],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$A.$b.$c', 'RAbc', '(.,[A],b,)(.=,[Ab],c,u)(.=,[R],[Abc],u)'
+ .'("",[RAbc],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$A.($b.$c)', 'RAbc', '(.,[A],bc,)(.=,[R],[Abc],u)("",[RAbc],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$a.$B.$c', 'RaBc', '(.,[B],a,1)(.=,[aB],c,u)(.=,[R],[aBc],u)'
+ .'("",[RaBc],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$a.($B.$c)', 'RaBc', '(.,[B],c,)(.,[Bc],a,1)(.=,[R],[aBc],u)'
+ .'("",[RaBc],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$a.$b.$C', 'RabC', '(.,[C],ab,1)(.=,[R],[abC],u)("",[RabC],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$a.($b.$C)', 'RabC', '(.,[C],b,1)(.,[bC],a,1)(.=,[R],[abC],u)'
+ .'("",[RabC],u,)';
+ # concat over assign
+ c '($R.=$a).$B.$c', 'RaBc', '(.=,[R],a,u)(.,[Ra],[B],)(.=,[RaB],c,u)'
+ .'("",[RaBc],u,)';
+ ::is "$R", "Ra", 'R in concat over assign';
+ # nested mutators
+ c '(($R.=$a).=$b).=$c', 'Rabc', '(.=,[R],a,u)(=,[Ra],u,)(.=,[Ra],b,u)'
+ . '(=,[Rab],u,)(.=,[Rab],c,u)("",[Rabc],u,)';
+ c '(($R.=$a).=$B).=$c', 'RaBc', '(.=,[R],a,u)(=,[Ra],u,)(.=,[Ra],[B],u)'
+ . '(=,[RaB],u,)(.=,[RaB],c,u)("",[RaBc],u,)';
+ # plain SV on both LHS and RHS with RHS object
+ c '$r=$r.$A.$r', 'rAr', '(.,[A],r,1)(.=,[rA],r,u)("",[rAr],u,)';
+ c '$r.=$r.$A.$r', 'rrAr', '(.,[A],r,1)(.=,[rA],r,u)(.,[rAr],r,1)'
+ .'("",[rrAr],u,)';
+ # object on both LHS and RHS
+ c '$R.=$R', 'RR', '(.=,[R],[R],u)("",[RR],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$R.$b.$c', 'RRbc', '(.,[R],b,)(.=,[Rb],c,u)(.=,[R],[Rbc],u)'
+ .'("",[RRbc],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$a.$R.$c', 'RaRc', '(.,[R],a,1)(.=,[aR],c,u)(.=,[R],[aRc],u)'
+ .'("",[RaRc],u,)';
+ c '$R.=$a.$b.$R', 'RabR', '(.,[R],ab,1)(.=,[R],[abR],u)("",[RabR],u,)';
+ # sprintf shouldn't do concat overloading
+ cc '$r=sprintf("%s%s%s",$a,$B,$c)', 'aBc', 0, '("",[B],u,)';
+ cc '$R=sprintf("%s%s%s",$a,$B,$c)', 'aBc', 0, '("",[B],u,)';
+ cc '$r.=sprintf("%s%s%s",$a,$B,$c)', 'raBc', 0, '("",[B],u,)';
+ cc '$R.=sprintf("%s%s%s",$a,$B,$c)', 'RaBc', 1, '("",[B],u,)(.=,[R],aBc,u)'
+ .'("",[RaBc],u,)';