path: root/NetWare/bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'NetWare/bat')
9 files changed, 86 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/BldNWExt-Exist.bat b/NetWare/bat/BldNWExt-Exist.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index bdeddbbe56..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/BldNWExt-Exist.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem AUTHOR: sgp
-@rem CREATED: Sat Apr 14 13:05:44 2001
-@rem LAST REVISED: Sat Apr 14 2001
-@rem Batch file to toggle b/n building and not building NetWare
-@rem specific extns - cgi2perl & perl2ucs.
-if "%1" == "" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/now" goto now
-if "%1" == "on" goto yes
-if "%1" == "off" goto no
-if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
-if "%1" == "/h" goto usage
-goto dontknow
-if not "%NW_EXTNS%" == "yes" echo NW_EXTNS is removed, doesn't build NetWare specific extensions
-if "%NW_EXTNS%" == "yes" echo NW_EXTNS is set, builds NetWare specific extensions
-goto exit
-Set NW_EXTNS=yes
-echo ....NW_EXTNS is set, builds NetWare specific extensions
-goto exit
-echo ....NW_EXTNS is removed, doesn't build NetWare specific extensions
-goto exit
-goto Usage
- @echo on
- @echo "Usage: BldNWExt [on|off]"
- @echo "Usage: BldNWExt /now" - To display current setting
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/BldNWExt.bat b/NetWare/bat/BldNWExt.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index c3598c03c9..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/BldNWExt.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem AUTHOR: sgp
-@rem CREATED: Sat Apr 14 13:05:44 2001
-@rem LAST REVISED: Sat Apr 14 2001
-@rem Batch file to toggle b/n building and not building NetWare
-@rem specific extns - cgi2perl, perl2ucs & ucsext.
-if "%1" == "" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/now" goto now
-if "%1" == "on" goto yes
-if "%1" == "off" goto no
-if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
-if "%1" == "/h" goto usage
-goto dontknow
-if not "%NW_EXTNS%" == "yes" echo NW_EXTNS is removed, doesn't build NetWare specific extensions
-if "%NW_EXTNS%" == "yes" echo NW_EXTNS is set, builds NetWare specific extensions
-goto exit
-Set NW_EXTNS=yes
-echo ....NW_EXTNS is set, builds NetWare specific extensions
-goto exit
-echo ....NW_EXTNS is removed, doesn't build NetWare specific extensions
-goto exit
-goto Usage
- @echo on
- @echo "Usage: BldNWExt [on|off]"
- @echo "Usage: BldNWExt /now" - To display current setting
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/CWbuild.bat b/NetWare/bat/CWbuild.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f72bf9da..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/CWbuild.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-call buildtype r
-call setsecsdk p:\apps\script\sw\nwsec
-call setnwbld p:\apps\ndk\nwsdk p:\apps\script\sw\cw p:\apps\mpk
-call mpkbuild on
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/MPKBuild.bat b/NetWare/bat/MPKBuild.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 0740906d1a..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/MPKBuild.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem AUTHOR: sgp
-@rem CREATED: 22nd May 2000
-@rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001
-@rem Batch file to set MPK/Non-MPK builds and toggle XDC flag setting
-@rem This file calls ToggleXDC.bat
-if "%1" == "" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/now" goto now
-if "%1" == "on" goto yes
-if "%1" == "off" goto no
-if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
-goto dontknow
-if "%USE_MPK%" == "" echo USE_MPK is removed, doesn't use MPK APIs
-if not "%USE_MPK%" == "" echo USE_MPK is set, uses MPK APIs, MPKBASE set to %MPKBASE%
-call ToggleXDC %1
-goto exit
-Set USE_MPK=1
-echo ....USE_MPK is set, uses MPK APIs
-if "%2" == "" goto setdef
-if "%2" == "default" goto setdef
-call ToggleXDC on %3 %4
-echo ....MPKBASE set to %MPKBASE%
-goto exit
-if not "%2" == "" goto xdc_u
-call ToggleXDC off
-echo ....USE_MPK is removed. doesn't use MPK APIs
-goto exit
-goto Usage
-SET MPKBASE=p:\apps\mpk
-goto yescon1
-call ToggleXDC on %2 %3
-goto nocon1
- @echo on
- @echo "Usage: MPKBuild [on][off] [[path][default]] [[flag1] [flag2]]"
- @echo "Usage: MPKBuild /now" - To display current setting
- @echo Scenarios...
- @echo ...Use MPK, path set to default and XDC set to -u :MPKBuild on
- @echo ...Use MPK, path set to default and XDC set to -u :MPKBuild on default -n
- @echo ...Use MPK, path set to "path" and XDC set to -n :MPKBuild on "path" -n
- @echo ...Use MPK, path set to default and XDC set to -n, -u :MPKBuild on default -n -u
- @echo ...No MPK, No XDC :MPKBuild off
- @echo ...No MPK, Use XDC with -u flag :MPKBuild off -u
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/SetCodeWar.bat b/NetWare/bat/SetCodeWar.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c70ff02839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NetWare/bat/SetCodeWar.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+@echo off
+@rem AUTHOR: sgp & apc
+@rem CREATED: 24th July 2000
+@rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001
+@rem LAST REVISED: 22nd May 2002
+@rem AUTHOR: apc
+@rem Batch file to set the path to CodeWarrior directories
+@rem This file is called from SetNWBld.bat.
+if "%1" == "/now" goto now
+if "%1" == "" goto Usage
+if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
+if "%1" == "/h" goto usage
+set CODEWAR=%1
+call buildtype r
+@echo Buildtype set to Release type
+set MWCIncludes=%1\include
+@echo MWCIncludes=%1\include
+set MWLibraries=%1\lib
+@echo MWLibraries=%1\lib
+set MWLibraryFiles=%1\lib\nwpre.obj;%1\lib\mwcrtld.lib
+@echo MWLibraryFiles=%1\lib\nwpre.obj;%1\lib\mwcrtld.lib
+set PATH=%PATH%;%1\bin;
+@echo PATH=%PATH%;%1\bin;
+goto exit
+goto exit
+ @echo on
+ @echo "Usage: setCodeWar <Path to CodeWarrior binaries>"
+ @echo "Usage: setCodeWar /now" - To display current setting
+ @echo Ex. setCodeWar d:\CodeWar
+@echo off
+@rem AUTHOR: sgp & apc
+@rem CREATED: 24th July 2000
+@rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001
+@rem LAST REVISED: 22nd May 2002
+@rem AUTHOR: apc
+@rem Batch file to set the path to CodeWarrior directories
+@rem This file is called from SetNWBld.bat.
+if "%1" == "/now" goto now
+if "%1" == "" goto Usage
+if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
+if "%1" == "/h" goto usage
+set CODEWAR=%1
+call buildtype r
+@echo Buildtype set to Release type
+set MWCIncludes=%1\include
+@echo MWCIncludes=%1\include
+set MWLibraries=%1\lib
+@echo MWLibraries=%1\lib
+set MWLibraryFiles=%1\lib\nwpre.obj;%1\lib\mwcrtld.lib
+@echo MWLibraryFiles=%1\lib\nwpre.obj;%1\lib\mwcrtld.lib
+set PATH=%PATH%;%1\bin;
+@echo PATH=%PATH%;%1\bin;
+goto exit
+goto exit
+ @echo on
+ @echo "Usage: setCodeWar <Path to CodeWarrior binaries>"
+ @echo "Usage: setCodeWar /now" - To display current setting
+ @echo Ex. setCodeWar d:\CodeWar
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/SetNWDef.bat b/NetWare/bat/SetNWDef.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b53cfdf7e..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/SetNWDef.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem AUTHOR: apc
-@rem CREATED: Thu 18th Jan 2001 09:18:08
-@rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001
-@rem LAST REVISED: 6th May 2002
-@rem Batch file to set the path to Default Buildtype,NetWare SDK, CodeWarrior directories & MPK SDK and MPKbuild options
-@rem This file calls buildtype with release as defualt,setnlmsdk.bat, setcw.bat & setmpksdk.bat and MpkBuild with off as default
-REM If no parameters are passed, display usage
-if "%1" == "" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/?" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/h" goto Usage
-REM Display the current settings
-if "%1" == "/now" goto now
-REM If na is passed, don't set that parameter
-if "%1" == "na" goto skip_nlmsdk_msg
-call setnlmsdk %1
-goto skip_nlmsdk_nomsg
-if "%2" == "" goto err_exit
-if "%2" == "na" goto skip_cw_msg
-call setcw %2
-goto skip_cw_nomsg
-@echo Retaining CODEWAR=%CODEWAR%
-if "%3" == "" goto exit
-if "%3" == "na" goto skip_mpksdk_msg
-call setmpksdk %3
-goto exit
-call mpkbuild off
-@echo mpkbuild off
-goto exit
-@echo Retaining MPKBASE=%MPKBASE%
-goto exit
-@echo cw=%cw%
-goto exit
-goto exit
-@echo Not Enough Parameters
-goto Usage
- @echo on
- @echo "Usage: setnwbld <path to NetWare SDK> [<path to CodeWarrior dir>] "
- @echo "Usage: setnwbld /now" - To display current setting
- @echo Pass na if you don't want to change a setting
- @echo Ex. setnwbld d:\ndk\nwsdk na
- @echo Ex. setnwbld d:\ndk\
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/Setcw.bat b/NetWare/bat/Setcw.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c2f804af..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/Setcw.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem AUTHOR: sgp
-@rem CREATED: 24th July 2000
-@rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001
-@rem LAST REVISED: 6th Mayl 2002
-@rem AUTHOR: apc
-@rem Batch file to set the path to CodeWarrior directories
-@rem This file is called from SetNWBld.bat.
-if "%1" == "/now" goto now
-if "%1" == "" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
-if "%1" == "/h" goto usage
-set CODEWAR=%1
-call buildtype r
-@echo Buildtype set to Release type
-set MWCIncludes=%1\include
-set MWLibraries=%1\lib
-set MWLibraryFiles=%1\lib\nwpre.obj;p:\apps\script\sw\cw\lib\mwcrtld.lib
-set PATH=%PATH%;p:\apps\script\sw\cw\bin;
-goto exit
-goto exit
- @echo on
- @echo "Usage: setcw <path to CodeWarrior>"
- @echo "Usage: setcw /now" - To display current setting
- @echo Ex. setcw d:\CodeWar
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/Setmpksdk.bat b/NetWare/bat/Setmpksdk.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 3404fa4fd9..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/Setmpksdk.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem AUTHOR: sgp
-@rem CREATED: 24th July 2000
-@rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001
-@rem Batch file to set the path to MPK SDK
-@rem This file is called from SetNWBld.bat.
-if "%1" == "/now" goto now
-if "%1" == "" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
-if "%1" == "/h" goto usage
-echo MPKBASE set to %1
-goto exit
-goto exit
- @echo on
- @echo "Usage: setmpksdk <path to MPK sdk>"
- @echo "Usage: setmpksdk /now" - To display current setting
- @echo Ex. setmpksdk p:\sw\mpk
diff --git a/NetWare/bat/ToggleXDC.bat b/NetWare/bat/ToggleXDC.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index eafe4ed2a0..0000000000
--- a/NetWare/bat/ToggleXDC.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem AUTHOR: sgp
-@rem CREATED: 2nd November 1999
-@rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001
-@rem Batch file to toggle XDC flag setting, to link with XDC or not
-@rem This file is called from MPKBuild.bat.
-if "%1" == "" goto Usage
-if "%1" == "/now" goto now
-if "%1" == "on" goto yes
-if "%1" == "off" goto no
-if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
-goto dontknow
-if "%USE_XDC%" == "" echo USE_XDC is removed, doesn't link with XDCDATA
-if not "%USE_XDC%" == "" echo USE_XDC is set, links with XDCDATA, XDCFLAGS = %XDCFLAGS%
-goto exit
-Set USE_XDC=1
-echo ....USE_XDC is set, links with XDCDATA
-if "%2" == "" SET XDCFLAGS=-n
-if not "%2" == "" SET XDCFLAGS=%2
-if not "%3" == "" SET XDCFLAGS=%XDCFLAGS% %3
-echo ....XDCFLAGS set to %XDCFLAGS%
-goto exit
-echo ....USE_XDC is removed. doesn't link with XDCDATA
-goto exit
-goto Usage
- @echo on
- @echo "Usage: ToggleXDC [on|off] [[flag1] [flag2]]"
- @echo "Usage: ToggleD2 /now" - To display current setting