path: root/Porting/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Porting/')
1 files changed, 415 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
index 4e21622c4e..de761497af 100755
--- a/Porting/
+++ b/Porting/
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ use Getopt::Long;
# generate the module changes for the Perl you are currently building
./perl -Ilib Porting/
+ # update the module changes for the Perl you are currently building
+ perl Porting/ --mode=update Porting/perldelta.pod
# generate a diff between the corelist sections of two perldelta* files:
perl Porting/ --mode=check 5.017001 5.017002 <perl5172delta.pod
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ sub run {
my %opt = (mode => 'generate');
- 'mode|m:s', # 'generate', 'check'
+ 'mode|m:s', # 'generate', 'check', 'update'
# by default, compare latest two version in CoreList;
@@ -106,6 +109,9 @@ sub run {
elsif ( $opt{mode} eq 'check' ) {
do_check(\*ARGV, $old => $new);
+ elsif ( $opt{mode} eq 'update' ) {
+ do_update_existing(shift @ARGV, $old => $new);
+ }
else {
die "Unrecognized mode '$opt{mode}'\n";
@@ -274,6 +280,28 @@ sub corelist_delta {
+# currently does not update the Removed Module section
+sub do_update_existing {
+ my ( $existing, $old, $new ) = @_;
+ my ( $added, $removed, $updated, $manuallyCheck ) = corelist_delta( $old => $new );
+ if ($manuallyCheck) {
+ say "Please check whether the following distributions have been modified and list accordingly";
+ say "\t* $_" for sort @{$manuallyCheck};
+ }
+ my $data = {
+ new => $added,
+ updated => $updated,
+ #removed => $removed, ignore removed for now
+ };
+ my $text = DeltaUpdater::transform_pod( $existing, $data );
+ open my $out, '>', $existing or die "can't open perldelta file $existing: $!";
+ print $out $text;
+ close $out;
sub do_generate {
my ($old, $new) = @_;
my ($added, $removed, $updated, $manuallyCheck) = corelist_delta($old => $new);
@@ -330,6 +358,391 @@ sub do_check {
+ package DeltaUpdater;
+ use List::Util 'reduce';
+ sub get_section_name_from_heading {
+ my $heading = shift;
+ while (my ($key, $expression) = each %sections) {
+ if ($heading =~ $expression) {
+ return $titles{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ die "$heading did not match any section";
+ }
+ sub is_desired_section_name {
+ for (values %sections) {
+ return 1 if $_[0] =~ $_;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # verify the module and pragmata in the section, changing the stated version if necessary
+ # this subroutine warns if the module name cannot be parsed or if it is not listed in
+ # the results returned from corelist_delta()
+ #
+ # a side-effect of calling this function is that modules present in the section are
+ # removed from $data, resulting in $data containing only those modules and pragmata
+ # that were not listed in the perldelta file. This means we can then pass $data to
+ # add_to_section() without worrying about filtering out duplicates
+ sub update_section {
+ my ( $section, $data, $title ) = @_;
+ my @items = @{ $section->{items} };
+ for my $item (@items) {
+ my $content = $item->{text};
+ my $module = $item->{name};
+ say "Could not parse module name; line is:\n\t$content" and next unless $module;
+ say "$module is not in Module::CoreList; check to see that it is not covered by another section" and next
+ unless $data->{$title}{$module};
+ if ( $title eq 'new' ) {
+ my ($new) = $content =~ /(\d[^\s]+)\s+has\s+been.*$/m;
+ say "Could not parse new version for $module; line is:\n\t$content" and next unless $new;
+ if ( $data->{$title}{$module}[2] ne $new ) {
+ say "$module: new version differs; version in pod: $new; version in corelist: " . $data->{$title}{$module}[2];
+ }
+ $content =~ s/\d[^\s]+(\s+has\s+been.*$)/$data->{$title}{$module}[2].$1/me;
+ }
+ elsif ( $title eq 'updated' ) {
+ my ( $prev, $new ) = $content =~ /from\s+(?:version\s+)?(\d[^\s]+)\s+to\s+(?:version\s+)?(\d[^\s,]+?)(?=[\s,]|\.\s|\.$|$).*/s;
+ say "Could not parse old and new version for $module; line is:\n\t$content" and next
+ unless $prev and $new;
+ if ( $data->{$title}{$module}[1] ne $prev ) {
+ say "$module: previous version differs; version in pod: $prev; version in corelist: " . $data->{$title}{$module}[1];
+ }
+ if ( $data->{$title}{$module}[2] ne $new ) {
+ say "$module: new version differs; version in pod: $new; version in corelist: " . $data->{$title}{$module}[2];
+ }
+ $content =~
+ s/(from\s+(?:version\s+)?)\d[^\s]+(\s+to\s+(?:version\s+)?)\d[^\s,]+?(?=[\s,]|\.\s|\.$|$)(.*)/$1.$data->{$title}{$module}[1].$2.$data->{$title}{$module}[2].$3/se;
+ }
+ elsif ( $title eq 'removed' ) {
+ my ($prev) = $content =~ /^.*?was\s+(\d[^\s]+?)/m;
+ say "Could not parse old version for $module; line is:\n\t$content" and next unless $prev;
+ if ( $data->{$title}{$module}[1] ne $prev ) {
+ say "$module: previous version differs; $prev " . $data->{$title}{$module}[1];
+ }
+ $content =~ s/(^.*?was\s+)\d[^\s]+?/$1.$data->{$title}{$module}[1]/me;
+ }
+ delete $data->{$title}{$module};
+ $item->{text} = $content;
+ }
+ return $section;
+ }
+ # add modules and pragmata present in $data to the section
+ sub add_to_section {
+ my ( $section, $data, $title ) = @_;
+ #undef is a valid version name in Module::CoreList so supress warnings about concatenating undef values
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ for ( values %{ $data->{$title} } ) {
+ my ( $mod, $old_v, $new_v ) = @{$_};
+ my ( $item, $text );
+ $item = { name => $mod, text => "=item *\n" };
+ if ( $title eq 'new' ) {
+ $text = "L<$mod> $new_v has been added to the Perl core.\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $title eq 'updated' ) {
+ $text = "L<$mod> has been upgraded from version $old_v to $new_v.\n";
+ if ( $deprecated->{$mod} ) {
+ $text .= "NOTE: L<$mod> is deprecated and may be removed from a future version of Perl.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $title eq 'removed' ) {
+ $text = "C<$mod> has been removed from the Perl core. Prior version was $old_v.\n";
+ }
+ $item->{text} .= "\n$text\n";
+ push @{ $section->{items} }, $item;
+ }
+ return $section;
+ }
+ sub sort_items_in_section {
+ my ($section) = @_;
+ # if we could not parse the module name, it will be uninitalized
+ # in sort. This is not a problem as it will just result in these
+ # sections being placed near the begining of the section
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $section->{items} =
+ [ sort { lc $a->{name} cmp lc $b->{name} } @{ $section->{items} } ];
+ return $section;
+ }
+ # given a hashref of the form returned by corelist_delta()
+ # and a hash structured as documented in transform_pod(), it returns
+ # a pod string representation of the sections, creating sections
+ # if necessary
+ sub sections_to_pod {
+ my ( $data, %sections ) = @_;
+ my $out = '';
+ for (
+ (
+ [ 'New Modules and Pragmata', 'new' ],
+ [ 'Updated Modules and Pragmata', 'updated' ],
+ [ 'Removed Modules and Pragmata', 'removed' ]
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ my ( $section_name, $title ) = @{$_};
+ my $section = $sections{$section_name} // {
+ name => $section_name,
+ preceeding_text => "=head2 $_->[0]\n=over 4\n",
+ following_text => "=back\n",
+ items => [],
+ manual => 1
+ };
+ $section = update_section( $section, $data, $title );
+ $section = add_to_section( $section, $data, $title );
+ $section = sort_items_in_section( $section );
+ next if $section->{manual} and scalar @{ $section->{items} } == 0;
+ my $items = reduce { no warnings 'once'; $a . $b->{text} }
+ ( '', @{ $section->{items} } );
+ $out .=
+ ( $section->{preceeding_text} // '' )
+ . $items
+ . ( $section->{following_text} // '' );
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ # given a filename corresponding to an existing perldelta file
+ # and a hashref of the form returned by corelist_delta(), it
+ # returns a string of the resulting file after the module
+ # information has been added.
+ sub transform_pod {
+ my ( $existing, $data ) = @_;
+ # will contain hashrefs corresponding to new, updated and removed
+ # modules and pragmata keyed by section name
+ # each section is hashref of the structure
+ # preceeding_text => Text occuring before and including the over
+ # region containing the list of modules,
+ # items => [Arrayref of hashrefs corresponding to a module
+ # entry],
+ # an entry has the form:
+ # name => Module name or undef if the name could not be determined
+ # text => The text of the entry, including the item heading
+ #
+ # following_text => Any text not corresponding to a module
+ # that occurs after the first module
+ #
+ # the sections are converted to a pod string by calling sections_to_pod()
+ my %sections;
+ # we are in the Modules_and_Pragmata's section
+ my $in_Modules_and_Pragmata;
+ # we are the Modules_and_Pragmata's section but have not
+ # encountered any of the desired sections. We use this
+ # flag to determine whether we should append the text to $out
+ # or we need to delay appending until the module listings are
+ # processed and instead append to $append_to_out
+ my $in_Modules_and_Pragmata_preamble;
+ my $done_processing_Modules_and_Pragmata;
+ my $current_section;
+ # $nested_element_level == 0 : not in an over region, treat lines as text
+ # $nested_element_level == 1 : presumably in the top over region that
+ # corresponds to the module listing. Treat
+ # each item as a module
+ # $nested_element_level > 1 : we only consider these values when we are in an item
+ # We treat lines as the text of the current item.
+ my $nested_element_level = 0;
+ my $current_item;
+ my $need_to_parse_module_name;
+ my $out = '';
+ my $append_to_out = '';
+ open my $fh, '<', $existing or die "can't open perldelta file $existing: $!";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ # treat the rest of the file as plain text
+ if ($done_processing_Modules_and_Pragmata) {
+ $out .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ( !$in_Modules_and_Pragmata ) {
+ # entering Modules and Pragmata
+ if (/^=head1 Modules and Pragmata/) {
+ $in_Modules_and_Pragmata = 1;
+ $in_Modules_and_Pragmata_preamble = 1;
+ }
+ $out .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ # leaving Modules and Pragmata
+ elsif (/^=head1/) {
+ if ($current_section) {
+ push @{ $current_section->{items} }, $current_item
+ if $current_item;
+ $sections{ $current_section->{name} } = $current_section;
+ }
+ $done_processing_Modules_and_Pragmata = 1;
+ $out .=
+ sections_to_pod( $data, %sections ) . $append_to_out . $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ # new section in Modules and Pragmata
+ elsif (/^=head2 (.*?)$/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ if ($current_section) {
+ push @{ $current_section->{items} }, $current_item
+ if $current_item;
+ $sections{ $current_section->{name} } = $current_section;
+ undef $current_section;
+ }
+ if ( is_desired_section_name($name) ) {
+ undef $in_Modules_and_Pragmata_preamble;
+ if ( $nested_element_level > 0 ) {
+ die "Unexpected head2 at line no. $.";
+ }
+ my $title = get_section_name_from_heading($name);
+ if ( exists $sections{$title} ) {
+ die "$name occured twice at line no. $.";
+ }
+ $current_section = {};
+ $current_section->{name} = $title;
+ $current_section->{preceeding_text} = $_;
+ $current_section->{items} = [];
+ $nested_element_level = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ # otherwise treat section as plain text
+ else {
+ if ($in_Modules_and_Pragmata_preamble) {
+ $out .= $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $append_to_out .= $_;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($current_section) {
+ # not in an over region
+ if ( $nested_element_level == 0 ) {
+ if (/^=over/) {
+ $nested_element_level++;
+ }
+ if ( scalar @{ $current_section->{items} } > 0 ) {
+ $current_section->{following_text} .= $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $current_section->{preceeding_text} .= $_;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($current_item) {
+ if ($need_to_parse_module_name) {
+ # the item may not have a parsable module name, which means that
+ # $current_item->{name} will never be defined.
+ if (/^(?:L|C)<(.+?)>/) {
+ $current_item->{name} = $1;
+ undef $need_to_parse_module_name;
+ }
+ # =item or =back signals the end of an item
+ # block, which we handle below
+ if ( !/^=(?:item|back)/ ) {
+ $current_item->{text} .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # currently in an over region
+ # treat text inside region as plain text
+ if ( $nested_element_level > 1 ) {
+ if (/^=back/) {
+ $nested_element_level--;
+ }
+ elsif (/^=over/) {
+ $nested_element_level++;
+ }
+ $current_item->{text} .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ # entering over region
+ if (/^=over/) {
+ $nested_element_level++;
+ $current_item->{text} .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ # =item or =back signals the end of an item
+ # block, which we handle below
+ if ( !/^=(?:item|back)/ ) {
+ $current_item->{text} .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^=item \*/) {
+ push @{ $current_section->{items} }, $current_item
+ if $current_item;
+ $current_item = { text => $_ };
+ $need_to_parse_module_name = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^=back/) {
+ push @{ $current_section->{items} }, $current_item
+ if $current_item;
+ undef $current_item;
+ $nested_element_level--;
+ }
+ if ( scalar @{ $current_section->{items} } == 0 ) {
+ $current_section->{preceeding_text} .= $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $current_section->{following_text} .= $_;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # text in Modules and Pragmata not in a head2 region
+ else {
+ if ($in_Modules_and_Pragmata_preamble) {
+ $out .= $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $append_to_out .= $_;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ close $fh;
+ die 'Never saw Modules and Pragmata section' unless $in_Modules_and_Pragmata;
+ return $out;
+ }
package DeltaParser;
use Pod::Simple::SimpleTree;