path: root/Porting
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Porting')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Porting/check-cpan-pollution b/Porting/check-cpan-pollution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb2d50e8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Porting/check-cpan-pollution
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptions/;
+use Term::ANSIColor qw/color/;
+use constant GITCMD => 'git';
+sub usage {
+ print <<HERE;
+Usage: $0 [options] [<start-commit> [<end-commit>]]
+Scans the commit logs for commits that are potentially, illegitimately
+touching modules that are primarily maintained outside of the perl core.
+Also checks for commits that span multiple distributions in cpan/ or dist/.
+Ignores MANIFEST and Porting/
+Skip the <start-commit> to go back indefinitely. <end-commit> defaults to
+ -h/--help shows this help
+ -v/--verbose shows the output of "git show --stat <commit>" for each commit
+ -c/--color uses colored output
+ exit(1);
+our $Verbose = 0;
+our $Color = 0;
+ 'h|help' => \&usage,
+ 'v|verbose' => \$Verbose,
+ 'c|color|colour' => \$Color,
+my $start_commit = shift;
+my $end_commit = shift;
+$end_commit = 'HEAD' if not defined $end_commit;
+my $commit_range_cmd = defined($start_commit) ? " $start_commit..$end_commit" : "";
+# format: hash\0author\0committer\0short_msg
+our $LogCmd = GITCMD() . q{ log --no-color -M -C --name-only '--pretty=format:%h%x00%an%x00%cn%x00%s'} . $commit_range_cmd;
+our @ColumnSpec = qw(hash author committer commit_msg);
+open my $fh, '-|', $LogCmd
+ or die "Can't run '$LogCmd' to get the commit log: $!";
+my ($safe_commits, $unsafe_commits) = parse_log($fh);
+if (@$unsafe_commits) {
+ my $header = "Potentially unsafe commits:";
+ print color("red") if $Color;
+ print $header, "\n";
+ print("=" x length($header), "\n\n") if $Verbose;
+ print color("reset") if $Color;
+ print_commit_info($_) foreach reverse @$unsafe_commits;
+ print "\n";
+if (@$safe_commits) {
+ my $header = "Presumably safe commits:";
+ print color("green") if $Color;
+ print $header, "\n";
+ print("=" x length($header), "\n") if $Verbose;
+ print color("reset") if $Color;
+ print_commit_info($_) foreach reverse @$safe_commits;
+ print "\n";
+# single-line info about the commit at hand
+sub print_commit_info {
+ my $commit = shift;
+ my $author_info = "by $commit->{author}"
+ . ($commit->{author} eq $commit->{committer}
+ ? ''
+ : " committed by $commit->{committer}");
+ if ($Verbose) {
+ print color("yellow") if $Color;
+ my $header = "$commit->{hash} $author_info: $commit->{msg}";
+ print "$header\n", ("-" x length($header)), "\n";
+ print color("reset") if $Color;
+ my $cmd = GITCMD() . ' show --stat ' . ($Color?'--color ':'')
+ . $commit->{hash};
+ print `$cmd`; # make sure git knows this isn't a terminal
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print color("yellow") if $Color;
+ print " $commit->{hash} $author_info: $commit->{msg}\n";
+ print color("reset") if $Color;
+ }
+# check whether the commit at hand is safe, unsafe or uninteresting
+sub check_commit {
+ my $commit = shift;
+ my $safe = shift;
+ my $unsafe = shift;
+ my @files = grep {$_ ne 'MANIFEST' and $_ ne 'Porting/'}
+ @{$commit->{files}};
+ my @touching_cpan = grep {/^cpan\//} @files;
+ return if not @touching_cpan;
+ # check for unsafe commits to cpan/
+ my %touched_cpan_dirs;
+ $touched_cpan_dirs{$_}++ for grep {defined $_}
+ map {s/^cpan\/([^\/]*).*$/$1/; $_}
+ @touching_cpan;
+ my $touches_multiple_cpan_dists = (keys(%touched_cpan_dirs) > 1);
+ my $touches_others = @files - @touching_cpan;
+ if (@touching_cpan) {
+ if ($touches_others) {
+ $commit->{msg} = 'Touched files under cpan/ and other locations';
+ push @$unsafe, $commit;
+ }
+ elsif ($touches_multiple_cpan_dists) {
+ $commit->{msg} = 'Touched multiple directories under cpan/';
+ push @$unsafe, $commit;
+ }
+ elsif ($commit->{commit_msg} =~ /(?:up(?:grad|dat)|import)(?:ed?|ing)/i) {
+ $commit->{msg} = 'Touched files under cpan/ with '
+ . '"upgrading"-like commit message';
+ push @$safe, $commit;
+ }
+ else {
+ $commit->{msg} = 'Touched files under cpan/ without '
+ . '"upgrading"-like commit message';
+ push @$unsafe, $commit;
+ }
+ }
+ # check for unsafe commits to dist/
+ my @touching_dist = grep {/^dist\//} @files;
+ my %touched_dist_dirs;
+ $touched_dist_dirs{$_}++ for grep {defined $_}
+ map {s/^dist\/([^\/]*).*$/$1/; $_}
+ @touching_dist;
+ $touches_others = @files - @touching_dist;
+ my $touches_multiple_dists = (keys(%touched_dist_dirs) > 1);
+ if (@touching_dist) {
+ if ($touches_others) {
+ $commit->{msg} = 'Touched files under dist/ and other locations';
+ push @$unsafe, $commit;
+ }
+ elsif ($touches_multiple_dists) {
+ $commit->{msg} = 'Touched multiple directories under cpan/';
+ push @$unsafe, $commit;
+ }
+ }
+# given file handle, parse the git log output and put the resulting commit
+# structure into safe/unsafe compartments
+sub parse_log {
+ my $fh = shift;
+ my @safe_commits;
+ my @unsafe_commits;
+ my $commit;
+ while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if (not $commit) {
+ next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
+ my @cols = split /\0/, $line;
+ @cols == @ColumnSpec && !grep {!defined($_)} @cols
+ or die "Malformed commit header line: '$line'";
+ $commit = {
+ files => [],
+ map {$ColumnSpec[$_] => $cols[$_]} (0..$#cols)
+ };
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # within commit, blank line
+ check_commit($commit, \@safe_commits, \@unsafe_commits);
+ $commit = undef;
+ }
+ else { # within commit, non-blank (file) line
+ push @{$commit->{files}}, $line;
+ }
+ }
+ return(\@safe_commits, \@unsafe_commits);